Super Giraffe Chocolate Cake: Fast and without messing around with the dough. Super chocolate cake "Giraffe": quickly and without fiddling with dough Making a cake with marshmallows

Giraffe cake with marshmallows got its name from the original decoration.

To decorate and give a match to the name, pieces of marshmallow marshmallows are laid out on the surface of the cake, imitating the coloring of a giraffe's skin after a short firing. Also, this cake is the most chocolate cake I know, because it consists entirely of chocolate mixed with beaten eggs, poured into a shortbread base and baked in the oven. Incredibly bright, very chocolatey, with appetizingly stretching chewing marshmallows - this is how the well-known giraffe cake turns out. Its preparation will not take you much time, and the recipe itself is the simplest. So it's worth a try: and it will become your signature dish for any occasion!

Products composition

  • 300 grams of shortbread cookies;
  • 110 grams of butter;
  • 150 milliliters of milk;
  • 150 milliliters of cream with a fat content of 20-30%;
  • 300 grams of dark chocolate;
  • two fresh chicken eggs;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • 150 grams of marshmallows.

Step by step cooking process

  1. I recommend you see the link. Such marshmallows are much healthier and more economical than the store counterpart. It can be used not only for making desserts, but also simply with a cup of tea or coffee.
  2. We grind any (your favorite) shortbread cookies. We do this in the simplest way: put the cookies in a bag and go over it with a rolling pin.
  3. Pour the sand crumbs into a bowl and add the pre-melted butter (you can do this in any usual way). Mix everything with a spoon until smooth.
  4. We spread the sand mass in a split form (I have a diameter of 20 centimeters). We level it, form the sides and tamp it with a spoon.
  5. We send the form to the oven, preheated to 170 degrees, for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Pour milk and cream (according to the recipe) into a saucepan, put on fire and heat, stirring constantly. It is not necessary to bring to a boil.
  7. We remove the pan from the heat and send dark chocolate into the milk mixture, which must be broken into small pieces in advance.
  8. Stir the contents until all the chocolate has melted. Then add a drop of vanillin.
  9. Drive the eggs into a separate bowl and mix with a whisk until smooth.
  10. Pour the eggs in a thin stream into the milk-chocolate mixture and stir with a whisk until smooth.
  11. Pour the filling onto the cake that was taken out of the oven.
  12. We send the cake mold back to the oven (at a temperature of 170 degrees). We bake for another 20-30 minutes. Look at your stove: if the filling has stopped wiggling, then it is ready.
  13. Then we take out the cake from the oven, spread the marshmallow marshmallow around the perimeter.
  14. We send the form back to the oven and bake until marshmallow is golden brown.
  15. Let the cake cool completely and send it to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Enjoy tea with your family.

Prepare the base for the cake. Fold the cookies into a bag and, using a rolling pin, crush them into small crumbs. Transfer the crumb to a bowl.

Melt the butter. Combine cookie crumbs and melted butter, rub with your hands. You should get an oily cookie crumb.

Lubricate the detachable form (20 cm) well with butter, lay the bottom with parchment and also grease with oil. Put the butter crumbs into the prepared form. Carefully forming the sides and bottom, at first it will seem that this is impossible, but as we already know, for sure: the impossible is possible. :) Good tamp. Send the form to a preheated 180 ° C oven. Bake for about 10 - 15 minutes.

At this time, prepare the chocolate ganache. Break the milk chocolate into crumbs.

Pour milk and cream into a saucepan. Put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Then remove from heat and add chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

Beat eggs until light foam. Put the eggs into the chocolate, mix quickly and beat gently with a mixer until smooth.

Pour the ganache onto the cake. And, again, send to the oven for 20 minutes, or bake until the ganache stops shaking.

Cut large cubes of marshmallows in half.

Remove the tart mold from the oven and place the marshmallows on the hot chocolate ganache.

It should look like this. Set the oven to the "grill" mode and set the temperature to 180 ° С. Send the form to the oven. Bake until the marshmallows are just slightly browned, about 1-2 minutes.

Remove the finished cake from the oven and let it cool right in the form, do not open the form until it has cooled completely, otherwise everything will collapse. Then, gently, with a sharp knife, draw along the side of the form and only then open it.

In our article we want to talk about how to make a wonderful Giraffe cake. It is also known under the name "Burenka Cow". The cake is significantly different from other desserts, striking in its lightness and tenderness. There are several recipes for making such a dessert.

Marshmallow cake: ingredients

This recipe is based on marshmallows, a sweet confectionery.

Ingredients for the cake:

  1. Fat cream (at least 35%) - ¾ glass.
  2. Milk - ¾ glass.
  3. ½ pack of oil.
  4. Cookies - 0.6 kg.
  5. Milk chocolate - 0.3 kg.
  6. Marshmallows (about 40 pieces) - 120 grams.
  7. Two chicken eggs.
  8. Vanilla essence - ½ teaspoon.

Making a marshmallow cake

To make the Giraffe cake, grind all the cookies with a blender and add ghee. Next, mix the entire mass until smooth. We need a cake mold. It is best to use a split one, since it will be much easier to remove baked goods from it. It is imperative to grease the mold with oil, and then put our mass into it, forming the sides. The dough must be tamped well. Next, we send the mold to the oven for ten minutes. The cake should be well browned.

Meanwhile, in a saucepan, you can mix the cream and milk and heat the mixture, but you do not need to bring it to a boil. After removing from the heat, add the crushed chocolate and stir the mass until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

Next, beat the eggs in a separate bowl, and then add them to the chocolate. Now all this needs to be beaten well with a mixer to get a homogeneous chocolate mass. As soon as it is ready, pour it onto the cake and send the form back to the oven for twenty minutes. The mass should thicken.

Next, we spread our mashmello (chewing marshmallow) on the finished cake, having previously cut it into equal halves. Pieces should be laid out in a circle. The Giraffe chocolate cake is almost ready. It remains only to bake it for three minutes under the grill (temperature 180 degrees). Our task is to get a beautiful drawing. The marshmallow should only lightly brown.

In the finished form, the Giraffe cake is fully consistent with its name. It has a beautiful mottled surface.

Curd cake: ingredients

Delicate chocolate dough and light curd filling - all this is Giraffe cake with curd. The original design of such a dessert will certainly win the hearts of not only young sweet tooths, but also adults, because it is always interesting to try something new and unusual. And the Giraffe cake is exactly the delicacy that delights all generations.

Ingredients for making the dough:

  1. One egg.
  2. One hundred grams of sugar.
  3. ½ pack of oil.
  4. ¼ kilogram of flour.
  5. Baking powder.
  6. Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Ingredients for the filling:

  1. Sour cream - 200 grams.
  2. Cottage cheese - 400 grams.
  3. Two eggs.
  4. Sugar - 150 grams.
  5. Vanillin.
  6. Starch - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking curd cake

This recipe for the Giraffe cake is completely uncomplicated, so it will suit even inexperienced chefs.

So, let's start preparing the dough. To do this, grind the softened butter with sugar, then add the egg and mix. Then add cocoa, baking powder, flour and knead the dough. Let's form it into a ball, from which we separate the fourth part and move it to the side. Next, we need a cake mold, put the remaining dough into it, flatten it along the bottom with our hands and form fairly high sides (five centimeters). Let's send the dough with the mold for half an hour in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, we will start preparing the filling. Put sugar, sour cream, cottage cheese, eggs, vanillin, starch in a deep bowl. Beat all ingredients well with a mixer, resulting in a homogeneous mass. This completes the preparation of the filling. Then we pour it into a mold with dough. Let us remind you that we still have a piece of chocolate dough. Take it out of the refrigerator and divide it into small pieces. And then we begin to decorate our cake. You can make thin strips from a portion of the dough to decorate the baked goods in diameter. And roll the rest of the pieces into flat cakes and put them on the surface of the cake.

We send the form with the dough to bake in the oven for an hour. Cool the finished cake.

Cake "Giraffe" in a slow cooker: ingredients

"Giraffe" is equally good both cooked in the oven and in a slow cooker. Each hostess can choose a more convenient option for herself.


  1. Sugar - 320 grams.
  2. Three eggs.
  3. Flour - 2.5 cups.
  4. Pack of butter.
  5. Baking powder.
  6. Cottage cheese - 320 grams.
  7. Starch - a few tablespoons.
  8. Cocoa - three tablespoons.
  9. Sour cream - 200 grams.
  10. Vanilla.

"Giraffe" in a multicooker

Cooking the Giraffe cake is generally a simple matter, and even more so in a slow cooker. First, grind the butter and sugar. Next, beat down one egg, adding baking soda and cocoa. Mix everything thoroughly. Gradually introduce the sifted flour, knead the dough, and then send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.

While we have free time, we can start preparing the filling. To do this, mix the sour cream with sugar, adding cottage cheese (you can, if you wish, wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve). Then add the beaten eggs and starch. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

We take out the cooled dough from the refrigerator and put it in the multicooker bowl, which must be greased with oil in advance (or you can use parchment). It is imperative to form the sides. A small portion of the dough should be left to decorate the cake. Pour the filling onto our cake. On it we spread small pieces of dough left during the preparation of the cake. That's all the preparation. Now all that remains is to set the "Baking" mode on the oven. The cake will take from one hundred to one hundred and twenty minutes to cook. In the finished form, the dessert should be cooled, and only then cut into portions and treat the guests.

Chocolate joy

Giraffe marshmallow cake is a real chocolate delight. It will certainly appeal to all lovers. In fact, the whole cake consists of only one filling and a small crust. By using eggs, the chocolate thickens and does not spread the moment you cut the cake. More precisely, it can spread right after cooking.

But if you let it cool down a little after baking and infuse, then after a couple of hours the filling will remotely resemble pudding. You should definitely try such a cake both hot and cold. Oddly enough, but he has completely different tastes, as if they are different desserts. When warm, you will be amazed by the wonderful taste of viscous chocolate, and when cold, the filling resembles, rather, the most delicate soufflé.

Chocolate lovers are guaranteed to have tons of fun.

Another recipe

Children always like Giraffe cake. This is understandable, such an original design will conquer any little sweet tooth. It is good to cook it for children's parties. A light, delicate dessert will be appreciated by all guests, young and old.


  1. Milk - ¾ glass.
  2. Three eggs.
  3. Vanilla essence - a teaspoon.
  4. Shortbread or biscuit biscuits - 0.4-0.5 kg.
  5. Soft butter - half a pack.
  6. Milk chocolate - 300 grams.
  7. Marshmallows - 100 grams.
  8. Heavy cream - ¾ cup.

Grind the cookies or biscuit cake with a blender until fine crumbs are obtained, add the melted butter and mix. Next, grease the form or cover it with parchment. We spread the mass on the bottom and tamp it. It is imperative to remember that it is necessary to form high sides at the cake. Next, we send the workpiece to be baked in the oven.

While the cake is being prepared, we will make the filling. To do this, mix the cream with milk and heat it, but do not let it boil. Throw chocolate into the hot mixture and stir until it melts.

As soon as our cake is ready, fill it with the filling and send it to bake. Then we spread the marshmallows on the finished dessert, after which the cake should be baked for another couple of minutes, so that the marshmallow turns brown and takes on the desired shade. Externally, the surface of the cake is really very similar to the skin of a giraffe. This is due to the fact that under the influence of temperature, the marshmallow begins to melt and changes its color. In addition, it becomes viscous inside.

Instead of an afterword

Giraffe cake is a great option for a festive table. Firstly, it is simple and fast enough to prepare, and secondly, the most ordinary products are taken. In addition, do not forget that such an unusual dessert delights all guests, and there is no need to talk about children. The cake is low-fat and light enough, so even people on a diet can afford to enjoy the taste of gooey chocolate. Try to cook it according to one of our suggested recipes and appreciate the taste of the best dessert.

This cake is the most chocolate cake I have ever known because it consists entirely of chocolate mixed with beaten eggs, poured into a shortbread base and baked in the oven. The eggs set the chocolate and does not spread when you cut the cake. More precisely, it does not spread if the cake has cooled down well and stood for two to three hours. If you cut the cake warm, you will get the impression that you are eating a completely different cake, since the chocolate filling, while not frozen, will resemble a delicate chocolate pudding. I advise you to try this unique two-in-one cake first warm, and the rest - three hours later, when it is completely cool, and compare. I guarantee that chocolate lovers will love it.
The Giraffe cake with marshmallows got its name from the original decoration. To decorate and give a match to the name, pieces of marshmallow marshmallows are laid out on the surface of the cake, imitating the coloring of a giraffe's skin after a short firing.


  • for sand base:
  • flour - 300 g,
  • zest of half a lemon,
  • icing sugar - 100 g,
  • butter - 200 g,
  • salt - a pinch
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • for chocolate filling:
  • milk or cream 10% - 200 g,
  • bitter chocolate - 200 g,
  • vanilla sugar - 30 g (1 sachet),
  • eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • for decoration:
  • marshmallows - 150 g (1 pack).


First you need to make a shortbread dough for the base. For shortcrust pastry, the oil must be chilled, but not from the freezer, but simply from the refrigerator compartment.
Sift flour (300 g), mix it with powdered sugar (100 g). On top, directly on the flour and powder, grate the lemon zest (from half a lemon).

Beat in one egg and spread out the diced butter (200 g), chop with a knife.

Then knead the shortbread dough with your hands, collect it into a lump and remove for 30 minutes. in the cold, wrapped in cling film.

After half an hour, roll out the dough 5-7 mm thick and place it in the mold. Try to make the sides the same height so that the chocolate filling doesn't get higher than them and doesn't leak out when baking.

To prevent the dough from puffing up during baking, place baking paper or ordinary tracing paper on top of it, which is at hand and add a kilogram of peas or beans. The dough cannot rise under their weight. This method of baking a sand mold is called “blind” by confectioners. Send this whole structure to the oven.

The mold should be in the oven for 25 minutes. at a temperature of 200 degrees.

While the shortbread cake pan is baking, we have time to prepare the chocolate filling.
Dissolve over low heat, without bringing to a boil 200 g of dark chocolate (I have special confectionery chocolate granules) in 200 g of milk.

Add vanilla sugar (30 g, 1 sachet). Wait for the sugar to dissolve and remove the mixture from the stove.

The result is a beautiful, shiny chocolate coating. Now it needs to be completely cooled.

When the frosting is well cooled, break 2 eggs, add 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Whisk until white foam with a mixer.

Reduce the speed of the mixer and gradually add the chocolate icing (already cooled down) to obtain the chocolate filling.

Place the filling in the sand base, which has probably cooled down by this time.

Put the cake back in the oven for another 25 minutes. the filling should be covered with a thin crust on top.

Cut each cylinder of marshmallows in half (it is convenient to do this with scissors) and lay on the surface of the cake. Switch the oven to a mode when only the upper part heats up (grill mode), but do not raise the temperature, still the same 200 degrees. If the oven does not have such an opportunity, it's okay.

Let the cake sit in the oven for just 1 minute. As soon as the marshmallows begin to brown, remove quickly. You can spoil the cake in a couple of seconds, the marshmallows melt very quickly.

As mentioned, the Giraffe cake can be eaten both warm and cold. I would be glad if you like this recipe! Enjoy the rich taste of chocolate!

Marshmallow is a delicate sweetness that tastes like a mixture of marshmallow and gummy candy. Marshmallows are from America. Sweets are made from sugar or corn syrup, gelatin and glucose whipped until a sponge, with the addition of a small amount of dyes and flavors. Marshmallows are very delicate and airy, they just melt in your mouth.

For sand base:

  • Flour - 125 g
  • Cocoa - 2 tsp
  • Vanillin - 1/2 pack.
  • Baking powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Starch - 60 g
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Powdered sugar - 60 g
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.

For the chocolate filling:

  • Milk - 3/4 cup
  • Cream - 3/4 cup
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Dark chocolate - 200 g
  • Milk chocolate - 100 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.

For decoration:

  • Marshmallows - 2 pack.

Step 1: mix dry ingredients for the dough

Combine flour, cocoa, vanillin, baking powder, starch. Sift the mixture.

Step 2: Whisk the butter

Whisk in the soft butter with a mixer.

Step 3: add the icing sugar and yolks

While beating the butter, add the powdered sugar and the yolks one at a time.

Step 4: knead the dough

Gradually add the dry flour mixture to the beaten mass and knead into a soft dough. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Step 5: Put the dough into the mold

Cover the bottom of the split form with parchment. Spread the dough over the bottom and make high sides.

Step 6: bake the base

Put foil on the dough and add a load (peas, beans, etc.). Bake the base under load for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Step 7: heat the cream and milk with sugar

Pour cream and milk into a saucepan. Add sugar. Heat, but do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat.

Step 8: add chocolate

Break the chocolate into pieces. Place the chocolate pieces in a saucepan with milk. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

Step 9: whisk the eggs

Beat eggs with a mixer.

Step 10: add eggs to the chocolate mass

Pour the beaten eggs into the chocolate mass in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Beat the mixture a little with a mixer.

Step 11: spread the chocolate filling onto the shortbread base

Pour the chocolate mass over the finished shortbread base. Bake the cake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. The filling of the finished cake should not wiggle.

Step 12: decorate the marshmallow cake

Lightly knead each piece of marshmallows in your hands, giving the correct shape. Place the marshmallow soufflé over the chocolate filling. Place the cake in the oven for 2 minutes to brown the marshmallows. If you have an oven with a grill, turn on the top grill.

Step 13: cool the cake

Leave the finished cake in a cool place overnight.
Cake "Giraffe with marshmallows" is ready. Bon Appetit!

Marshmallow goes well with chocolate. One of the most common uses for marshmallows is by adding small lozenges to cocoa, coffee, or hot chocolate. From America, the homeland of marshmallows, came the tradition of roasting pastilles over a fire during picnics. When heated, marshmallows increase in size, become airy and viscous inside, and on top the marshmallows become brown and crispy. It's delicious, be sure to try it.