The method of cooking lamb leg in the oven. How long to cook a lamb leg in the oven

Before baking lamb in the oven in foil, let's first understand why this is done at all. In the sense that this method gives us, and in which cases it should be preferred over open baking.

Roasted lamb leg in the oven in foil is a dish that you can make if you want to use the lamb cover with a “blanket” of garlic, fresh herbs and cheese. Any of these three components is a direct indication in order to bake the leg precisely in the foil, and not in an open way. Any of them will burn out with an open method.

Another feature by which you can find out that it’s better for you to bake your foot exactly in the foil - if you see that the meat is not very fatty. Such pieces with open baking have a greater risk of being overdried. But, being baked in foil, they give the optimal quality of meat for cold mutton.

Minus of roasting in foil - the meat will not have a delicious fried crust, which I personally really appreciate in mutton.

The calculation of the ingredients is as follows: for each full 500 g of lamb without bone - 1 tsp. crystalline salt, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and 1-2 cloves of garlic. Greenery should be in a solid bunch. I use a few more pieces of smoked slices - pure for flavor, this is an optional feature.

Before starting the cooking, set the oven to warm up to 250 ° C with air circulation.

We remove the bone from the lamb and weigh the meat to calculate the amount of the remaining ingredients.

We clean the garlic.

Grind or grind butter, salt, herbs and garlic in a creamy mashed potatoes. It should be a fairly thick sticky gruel.

I put some smoked meats in place of the bone.

From all sides, coat the meat with green gruel.

We place it in a completely closed envelope of foil with the flap up. We bake it in a preheated oven at an average level at a temperature of 250 degrees 20 minutes, and then at a temperature of 180 degrees - 10 minutes for every 500 grams. weight, even incomplete.

When you open the valve, the mutton must still oozing blood. We lower the temperature to 160 and bring the meat to any degree of readiness you like. Since I'm going to use part of the piece for cold slicing, I need pink meat. As you can see, it actively emits muddy juice from me.

Of course, this meat can be eaten hot.

As you can see, the fat layer on this leg is very thin. When the lamb leg, baked in the oven in the foil, has completely cooled and hardened, the fat will easily be removed directly with a whole layer, and after that the lamb can be cut into thin slices for sandwiches.

Lamb - meat is very tasty, hearty and healthy. After all, sheep are usually grazed high in the mountains, where the air is cleaner and the grass is juicier. Therefore, ram meat is much cleaner than pig meat. Many doctors often advise giving children low-fat mutton. It contains less cholesterol than commonly used pork and beef.
  But despite this, there is a lot of fat in the mutton, and the meat itself has a specific smell. Often this is the main reason for the low popularity of this type of meat. Many do not like him for a characteristic smell, or simply do not know how to cook deliciously. And to enjoy the taste of a wonderful lamb leg with vegetables, which we bake together now in the oven, we will resort to a little trick. And this trick is a special set of spices, which emphasizes the aroma of meat and its tenderness. Using these specific spices in the right amount, you can uncover all the charm of lamb. And vegetables baked in mutton fat will add their own shades of taste and you will get a wonderful full-fledged second course with mutton. Let's cook this dish together!


  • 1 leg of lamb;
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • 3 bell peppers;
  • 4 medium onions;
  • 2 small eggplants;
  • 6 meaty tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp spices for mutton;
  • 3 sprigs of parsley and basil;
  • some vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

Oven lamb recipe with vegetables

1. Wash the lamb leg under running water and pat it with a paper towel. We remove the film with a knife, cut out thick veins. Cut the meat with a thin bone. For this part it will be convenient to take a leg of lamb.

2. We make 15-20 stabs with a knife so that the meat is tender.

3. We prepare the ingredients for the mixture, which we will rub the lamb leg. We will need a set of spices for lamb, 3 cloves of garlic and 50 ml of vegetable oil.
Now I would like to tell separately about the set of spices for cooking mutton. It can be found on the market from private traders, but you can assemble it yourself. It includes in equal proportions: zira, jambul, hazel curd, turmeric, paprika, regan, thyme, tomato and saffron. This set of spices is excellent for other dishes where lamb is used as the main ingredient. For example, he will make excellent pilaf with lamb.

4. In a separate small container, prepare a mixture for lubricating mutton.

5. Rub this mixture with a leg of lamb. Part of the mixture will remain, and we will use it a bit later.

6. We will bake the lamb leg in a large and deep pan. In between, we set the oven to heat up to 200 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with a kitchen brush with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

7. Spread the leg of lamb and meat cut off from the bone.

8. We wash the eggplants, cut into thick rings and sprinkle with salt on top to leave all the bitter juice. Leave for 5-10 minutes.

9. Peel, rinse and cut the potatoes into 2 or 4 parts. It will be tastier if all the vegetables are chopped coarsely.

10. Peel the carrots, rinse and cut into circles.

11. Onions are cleaned, washed and cut into large half rings.

12. We wash the eggplants under running water and spread on a baking sheet to the mutton with vegetables. Add salt and pour the remaining mixture with spices and vegetable oil.

13. Cover the baking sheet tightly with foil and send to the preheated oven for 50 minutes.

14. We make cuts on tomatoes.

5. Dip the tomatoes for 5 minutes in boiling water so that it is easier to peel them.

6. Remove the hard peel.

7. Bell peppers clear of the stalk and seeds. Rinse and chop coarsely.

8. We take the lamb with vegetables from the oven and remove the foil.

9. Spread the tomatoes and bell pepper on top. Sent to the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

10. Check the vegetables for preparedness by piercing them with a fork. If the vegetables are poorly baked - we send them to the oven already without lamb, so as not to overdry the meat. But usually this time is enough for the vegetables to bake. Spread the lamb leg on a serving plate. Mix vegetables with lamb juice on a baking sheet, then put them on a dish.

11. Wrap the bone with foil. It’s convenient to take a leg for it to cut meat.

Of course, the lamb leg baked in the oven in foil takes time to prepare. But the alluring aroma of the dish, which hovers throughout the kitchen at the time of baking, is beyond words. Baked lamb leg is soft, juicy and very tasty. The rice side dish, with which the meat is served on the hot, is fully combined and complements the dish. I’ll tell you how to cook a delicious lamb leg in the oven in foil in this recipe. Description is accompanied by step-by-step photos taken.


  • 2.5 kg of fresh hip on the bone;
  • 6 cloves of garlic + 1 teaspoon of coarse salt;
  • 200 ml of water + 1 bay leaf.

Spices for lamb 1 teaspoon:

  • seeds of zira (cumin);
  • coarse salt;
  • dried thyme;
  • mixtures of peppers;
  • dried paprika;
  • 1/3 teaspoon saffron.

How to bake a lamb leg in the oven in foil

We wash the lamb leg with water and cut off all the excess films and large pieces of fat, if any. Cut the garlic cloves into two or more parts and put them in a bowl with salt, mix. With a sharp knife we \u200b\u200bmake cuts deep into the legs and push the garlic there. So fill the whole leg with garlic salted slices.

Then we rub the meat with the indicated spices and salt.

We cover the glass or metal mold for frying with foil so that we get the sides, put the ram leg stuffed with garlic and spices in it and cover it with foil. We leave maso in this form to marinate for about three hours in the refrigerator.

We set the mode in the oven at 180 ° C.

Before you put your foot in the oven, open the foil, pour in water and put a bay leaf. Tightly wrap the foil around the edges and send it to the oven.

Two hours later, when the lamb leg baked in the oven is ready, we remove the foil completely.

Pour the meat with the resulting broth and again put it in the oven, but already without foil, so that the top is browned.

Here is such a juicy and fragrant lamb leg, baked in the oven, in the context I got.

The tender and fragrant lamb leg baked in the oven is best combined with.

Be sure to try baking lamb with this recipe. I am sure that both the hostess and the eaters will be delighted with such a dish.

And garlic is a classic combination of tastes that may only be disliked by one who has never tasted it. And if the baked lamb leg itself is almost the best that can appear on the table on the occasion of a holiday or a family dinner, then just adding garlic and rosemary literally launches it into outer space. The second half of the success of this recipe is the baking mode: first, without rushing anywhere, we give the lamb leg slowly and leisurely cook at a low temperature, and then turn on the oven to full to get a golden crust in a few minutes. Peerless foot, if you do not believe it - see for yourself.

Baked lamb leg

According to this recipe, you can cook a lamb leg on bones of any size - from a small cut weighing a kilogram to a full-weight hind leg in two or three kilos to a large company. To begin with, it’s worth stripping the leg: we don’t touch the meat, we make rhombuses on the fat so that it is better to thaw out, but it’s better to remove the films, there will be no sense from them. After that, with a thin and sharp knife in the fleshy part of the leg, on all sides, you need to make holes a couple of centimeters deep and two centimeters apart from each other, and insert into each a thin strip of garlic and several rosemary leaves.

After that, you can cover the lamb leg with olive oil, season with salt and black pepper and send to the oven, but if you have several hours and desire to cook something very special, do not forget about the marinade. For marinade, blanch the rosemary leaves, add garlic, mustard, Worcester sauce, wine vinegar (of course, for flavor, and not for softening the meat), a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, black pepper and salt, and beat with a blender until smooth. Coat the leg with marinade, tightly wrap in cling film and put in the refrigerator. Let the lamb leg marinate from 2 hours to the whole night.

Wrap the lamb leg in foil and place in the oven, heated to 130 degrees. The approximate baking time is 30 minutes for every 0.5 kilograms of leg weight plus another 30 minutes, but since it will differ in each case, the degree of readiness of the leg is better determined by a meat thermometer: when the temperature inside the thickest part of the leg reaches 57 degrees, remove and put it in a warm place, and turn on the oven to the maximum (in my case, it’s 250 degrees with airflow).

After 10-15 minutes, when the oven warms up, put the lamb leg in the oven on the grill, already without any foil. Bake the leg for another 5-10 minutes, until golden brown on all sides, turning it over in the process to achieve uniform browning. Remove the finished leg from the oven, cover with foil and leave for another 5-10 minutes, so that the juices are evenly distributed inside. Baked lamb leg can be taken out whole, and cut right at the table, serving baked root vegetables as a side dish and tart red wine.

Want to drive a real man crazy for years to come ??? I think this recipe will break even the most persistent hearts.

As my grandmother said, a blessed memory to her, the path to the man’s heart lies through the stomach. Practice has confirmed this.

I bring to your attention a recipe for meat lovers, or rather ram lovers. Those who love and appreciate meat dishes will definitely fall in love with this recipe.

Children are very they are picky in the choice of dishes, and we will please even the children by preparing the lamb leg in the oven.

To cook lamb in the oven we need:

  • lamb, namely lamb leg
  • rosemary
  • garlic
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper, cilantro seeds
  • red pepper, paprika
  • baking bag

How to cook a lamb leg in the oven

The choice of good meat should be entrusted to the husband, because only a man can smell the most delicious piece). Lamb in the market is not cheap, but these costs will cover those emotions that your beloved will give you after eating lamb.

So, the legs of the ram are bought, we remove all the extra veins and films. Salt and pepper gently rubbing all the salt, pepper, love and tenderness, positive energy into the lamb pulp.

We take up the sauce: olive oil or sunflower oil 3 tablespoons, a pinch of cilantro seeds, garlic 3-4 good cloves, minced in garlic gum, be sure to add rosemary!

Rosemary is better than fresh, but if this is not, then dried is quite suitable, but rosemary is the MOST main secret for lamb in the oven.

Coat the lamb leg with this sauce and conjure love and consent.

We give time for pickling lamb, I think 1-3 hours is enough. If you want, you can put lamb for a day to marinate in the refrigerator.

Put the pickled lamb leg in a baking bag, tie it tightly on the sides so that the juice does not leak out in any case. And we put the mutton in the oven for 1.5 hours at 130 degrees so that it warms up.

You can’t forbid living smartly, we prepared two mutton legs at once. The second was intended as an ancestral gift.

Time flies and smells slowly fill the whole apartment, the aroma is one that really drives you crazy. Poor neighbors)))

We add the temperature in the oven to 200 degrees. And another 1-2 hours we wait, hope and believe. Sometimes we look into the oven, if the meat on the bone began to go away, then the lamb in the oven is ready.

We immediately got the first leg, because we salted. And we’ll leave the second leg of the lamb in the oven, open the bag so that it is fried with a crust.

Sharpen sharply sharply knife and get ready to eat. Vegetables to garnish. Baked lamb leg served to the table!

And those who love meat with a crust, we invite to the table a little later, after 10 minutes.

I will accept all the comments! P.S. THANKS HUGE NICHOLAS! A friend of the Kolya family introduced us to this recipe, for which he bowed low!