Sea buckthorn juice for the winter - the best recipes for an amber drink! A recipe for preparing sea buckthorn for the winter without cooking.

Vitamin sea buckthorn juice is a real boost of energy and strength in the middle of winter. Canning recipes - for you!

Sea buckthorn juice contains a whole complex of vitamins and active elements. That is why it is considered extremely useful. Drinking a few tablespoons of sea buckthorn juice every day ensures that the body receives the components necessary for human health.

Our recipe with step-by-step photo steps will help you prepare excellent sea buckthorn juice at home.

  • sugar

First, take the sea buckthorn and clear it of branches. Wash the berries thoroughly, rinse with hot water and let dry.

Grind the dried berries in a blender. Then remove the seeds. To do this, rub the mixture through a colander, and then through a large sieve that does not allow seeds to pass through. The result is a liquid mass.

We select the remaining sea buckthorn from the sieve using double gauze, after which we twist the last juice into the pan with the sea buckthorn mass. The remaining cake can be used for tincture with olive oil. It will make an excellent wound healing agent.

We weigh the resulting mass to determine the required amount of sugar. For one kilogram of sea buckthorn we use one to one and a half times more sugar. Then pour the required amount of granulated sugar into the berries and stir until completely dissolved. In order for the sugar to dissolve faster, slightly heat the sea buckthorn.

Mix well again to get a uniform consistency.

Wash the juice jars and lids and boil for a few minutes. Let it dry.

Place the resulting puree into jars, close the lids and leave in a cool place.

You can store the juice both on the balcony and in the refrigerator.

Healthy and tasty sea buckthorn juice is ready for the winter.

Recipe 2: sea buckthorn juice in syrup through a juicer

  • for syrup: one liter of water and half a kilogram of granulated sugar.

Pass the washed and selected sea buckthorn through a juicer.

Boil syrup (water + sugar).

Add hot syrup to the juice, based on the proportion of juice 2.5 liters per 1 liter of prepared syrup.

Pour everything into clean jars prepared in advance. Pasteurize, heating to 85 degrees, 1 liter jars - about 20 minutes. And immediately seal with lids.

Recipe 3: how to make sea buckthorn juice with honey for the winter

  • 600 grams of sea buckthorn berries;
  • 150 grams of water;
  • 150 grams of honey.

I wash the berries, remove all unnecessary branches, needles and all unnecessary parts. Then I crush all the berries into juice. This can be done in small batches using a wooden mortar or rolling pin. You can also run it through a juicer, removing the pulp.

I filter the juice through a sieve and get a concentrate.

I add water so that the juice is not too sour, and also to make it more suitable for drinking.

Now I boil the juice for 15 minutes. The juice should boil well so that there are no problems with its storage in winter.

When the juice has boiled for the specified time, remove it from the stove and add honey for sweetness. Honey also gives a wonderful aroma. Sugar does not have this effect. If you don’t have honey, then replace it with sugar, only you can add sugar before boiling.

I quickly pour the juice and honey into jars without waiting for it to cool. After adding honey, I immediately take the lids to screw them on.

I seal the jars with lids and cover them with a “fur coat” to cool slowly for a couple of hours. During this time, the honey will dissolve and the juice will have time to cool.

Ready-made natural sea buckthorn juice with honey not only looks beautiful, but also contains a lot of vitamins.

Try making natural sea buckthorn juice with honey for the winter.

Recipe 4: how to make sea buckthorn juice for the winter

Sea buckthorn juice is a real storehouse of vitamins! A couple of tablespoons of this juice can fully provide the daily requirement of the most important vitamins. This healthy drink can be prepared for the winter. You can use it to prepare various drinks, sauces, and add it to tea.

From the amount of berries given in the recipe, one and a half liters of juice is obtained. It is better to store this preparation in a dark place; when stored, a small layer of sea buckthorn oil peels off at the top of the jar. Just shake the jar of juice before use.

  • Sea buckthorn - 1.9 kg.

Rinse sea buckthorn berries well, removing debris.

Pass through a juicer. Do not throw away the remaining cake; it will be useful for preparing sea buckthorn oil.

Pour the juice into an enamel (this is important) pan.

Heat to 97 degrees Celsius.

Pour into sterilized jars.

Close with lids. Turn over and wrap well until completely cool. Happy preparations.

Recipe 5, step by step: sea buckthorn juice with sugar (with photo)

  • Sea buckthorn 1 kilogram
  • Sugar 1 kilogram
  • Pure distilled water 300–400 grams

To begin, remove the sea buckthorn berries from the branches using scissors, place the sea buckthorn in a large colander and rinse thoroughly under cold running water to remove all kinds of dirt and dust. Leave the berries in a colander to drain excess liquid and then transfer them to a deep bowl.

Then place a food processor on the kitchen table and use it to chop all the berries into a deep enamel pan. Leave the pulp, it will make excellent sea buckthorn oil, which is also very healthy. Place a sieve with a fine mesh on a deep saucepan and place gauze on its bottom, folded in 2 - 3 layers.

Strain the juice through the resulting filter. Fold the ends of the gauze to form a bag and squeeze the pulp into a deep saucepan with juice so that not a single drop of precious liquid is lost, and from the remaining pulp you can make jam or bake a cake.

Turn the stove on to medium level, pour clean distilled water into a deep saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then add the required amount of sugar to the water and boil the mixture for 10 - 12 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour sea buckthorn juice into the resulting syrup, stir the ingredients until smooth with a tablespoon and place in a cool place for 1.5 - 2 hours. While the sea buckthorn is settling, sterilize the jars and lids for preservation.

Pour the infused juice into sterilized jars using a ladle, cover with lids and place in a deep saucepan. Pour running water into it so that it does not reach the necks of the jars by 2 - 3 fingers.

Place the pan on the stove, turned on to a high level, bring the water to a boil, turn the stove to a medium level and cover the pan with a lid.

Sterilize half-liter jars for 10 minutes, liter jars for 15 minutes, three-liter jars for 25 minutes. Then remove the jars using canning tongs and close with a canning key. Turn the juice upside down and place it on the floor, under a woolen blanket so that there are no gaps between the floor and the blanket.

Allow the sea buckthorn juice to cool for 2 – 3 days without sudden temperature changes. Then place the jars in a cool, dark, well-ventilated area such as a pantry, basement, or cellar.

Sea buckthorn juice is served in glasses, cold for adults or at room temperature for children. Sea buckthorn juice should be drunk very carefully and in small doses, diluting 200 grams of juice with 50 milliliters of pure distilled water, since this drink contains a high concentration of carotene and vitamins that can cause an allergic reaction. One glass of diluted juice is enough for 1 day!

This type of juice promotes wound healing, is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. It also helps with inflammation of the gastric tract. It is very often used in gynecology. Sea buckthorn itself has a bitter taste, but when cooked and combined with sugar, its juice turns out to be very tasty, sweet and aromatic. You can cook jelly, fruit juice, and make jelly from sea buckthorn juice. Sea buckthorn is a healthy berry, stock up on it for future use! Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: juice without boiling and cooking for the winter (step by step)

Sea buckthorn – 1 kg
Granulated sugar - 400 g
Citric acid - 2 pinches

Fill the berries with water so that all the debris floats to the surface. Remove it and thoroughly wash the sea buckthorn, removing woody cuttings, if any.

Grind the berries with an immersion blender or grind them in the bowl of a food processor. Add granulated sugar and citric acid. We'll interrupt again. Citric acid plays the role of a preservative here, but if the berries are sour, you don’t have to add this ingredient - it’s better to add more sugar.

Then we grind the resulting orange mass through a strainer, separating the cake from the juice. By the way, you don’t have to throw away the sea buckthorn cake - fill it with vegetable oil and you will get excellent sea buckthorn oil, which you will need to let brew for a week.

Sea buckthorn juice is ready for the winter without cooking or boiling. You can pour it into steamed bottles or jars and tightly screw the lids on the containers, and then take them to the basement or store them in the refrigerator.

However, do not forget to keep one jug for yourself and taste the prepared drink, stocking up on useful vitamins.

Hello dear subscribers and guests of the blog. Today we’ll talk again about preparing the miraculous sea buckthorn berry.

This plant has long been famous for its healing properties and is used for inflammatory processes and wound healing. The fruits have an analgesic effect and contain vitamins C and P, as well as a number of other useful substances and microelements. In general, sea buckthorn strengthens the entire immune system of the body.

So if you have an abundance of “golden” berries, be sure to keep them in their natural form. Moreover, the fruits are well stored without cooking.

There are different recipes for preparing sea buckthorn for the winter. Usually it is frozen, stored sprinkled with sugar, or simply dried. Berries can also be processed into jam, juice, compote, jelly or puree. You can also prepare a tincture or make natural sea buckthorn oil at home. Let's talk in order about all the ways to preserve berries.

And the most popular preparation is the option without heat treatment, that is, with the preservation of all vitamins. Usually the fruits are simply sprinkled with sugar and stored in a cool place.


  • Sea buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the berries well, remove twigs and leaves, and dry.

2. Mix the prepared fruits with sugar.

How simple and elementary everything is! This preparation is called “raw” jam.

We prepare sea buckthorn without cooking with honey

Let's move on. To preserve as many vitamins as possible, it is better not to use cooking naturally, I think you understand this and completely agree with it. Therefore, I offer another option for preparing a delicacy without cooking, but not with sugar, but with honey. This results in double benefit.

Take 1 cup of honey for 3 cups of berries.

How to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter without sugar in the freezer

Now I want to tell you in detail about how you can preserve our healthy fruits in the simplest way. Again, we will not use heat treatment.

We will talk about freezing berries in a regular freezer. This is the most popular and effective way to store sea buckthorn.

And here's what you need to pay attention to first:

  • When working with berries, be sure to wear an apron, otherwise you will stain your clothes with bright orange juice;
  • Collect the fruits carefully, picking off each berry individually;
  • Before freezing, remove all debris, branches and leaves;
  • The berries must be whole and unspoiled;
  • Be sure to wash the sea buckthorn, but do it very carefully;
  • After washing, dry the fruits well and only then freeze them.

There should be no water on the berries. The less liquid, the more successful the freezing.

To store berries in the freezer, use the following containers: disposable cellophane bags, plastic food containers or jars, sour cream and yogurt jars.

And here are the ways to freeze sea buckthorn:

  1. Distribute the prepared berries into bags (containers, jars) in a thin layer. Then tie the bags and put them in the freezer;
  2. If you have harvested the crop along with the twigs, then carefully wash them and dry them. Then place in a plastic container and put in the freezer for 5 hours. And after the specified time, pick the frozen fruits and put them in jars or bags. And only then put it in the freezer for storage.

Remember that after thawing the fruits, they must be consumed immediately. Therefore, before freezing the berries, decide on the portions for this procedure.

A simple recipe for making sea buckthorn jelly

Slowly but surely we are approaching methods of storing berries using heat treatment. So, you can make sweet jam or make jelly.

We'll talk about making jam in future episodes, so come visit often. But you will learn how to make jelly right now.


  • Berries - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Pick the berries in advance. When doing this, use scissors or special loops. Then remove all debris, leaves and bad fruit. Rinse the sea buckthorn and dry.

2. Place the prepared berries in an enamel bowl and place on low heat. Heat the contents until the juice appears. And then carefully pass the fruits through a sieve so that the seeds do not get through.

3. Sprinkle the resulting puree with sugar and return to low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Leave the jelly for 8 hours at room temperature.

4. After 8 hours, sterilize and dry the jars. Place the prepared jelly in them and close with nylon lids. Store in a cellar or at home at temperatures up to 20 degrees.

Sea buckthorn tincture - the best recipe

Let's delve further and next in line is a tincture of sunny and golden fruits. I want to bring to your attention the simplest recipe for making a drink. The composition does not include anything extra, only the berries themselves, sugar and vodka. Well, you can also add your favorite spices, but this is not necessary.

I warn you, it takes a long time to prepare the drink. So take some time and patience.


  • Berries – 1 kg;
  • Vodka – 1.5-2 l;
  • Water;
  • Sugar (honey) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort out the berries from the garbage and place them in a suitable jar. It is necessary that the fruits fill the container by 2/3.
  2. Fill the container to the top with vodka and place the preparation in a warm place for 2-3 months.
  3. After the specified period, pour the infusion into a bottle, and lightly squeeze the berries and add them to the drink. Place the resulting tincture in the refrigerator for 2 days. And after two days, sea buckthorn oil will appear on the surface, collect it and can use it for medicinal purposes.
  4. Carefully filter the tincture itself through cotton wool. Then dilute with water to the strength you need. Then add sugar or honey to taste. After this, leave the drink in a cool place for a month.

After a month, the tincture is ready for use. If it becomes cloudy, filter it again.

Preparation of sea buckthorn in the form of oil

And since we touched on the question about sea buckthorn oil, let’s take a closer look at how you can prepare it yourself at home.


  • Berries - 9 kg;
  • Oil for filling - olive, almond or regular refined vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Select ripe and undamaged fruits, wash them and dry them. Take a baking sheet and line it with parchment. Place the berries in one layer and dry them in the oven at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. The fruits will be ready in 1-1.5 hours.

2. Now grind the dried berries through a coffee grinder. Grind the product as finely as possible.

3. Place the ground sea buckthorn into a container. Next, heat the oil to 40-50 degrees and pour it over the ground fruit so that it lightly covers the berries. Close the container with a lid.

4. Infuse the product at room temperature for 7 days. And after 7 days, without stirring the contents, carefully remove the top orange layer from the surface with a spoon or pipette; this is the necessary and valuable oil.

5. Pour the oil into a clean bottle and sterilize. Cool and cover with a lid. Store in a dark and cool place.

An interesting recipe for making sea buckthorn juice

And of course, I can’t ignore the option of preparing it in the form of juice (syrup). After all, in winter you can make an excellent healthy fruit drink from this product, cook jelly or compote. And the next story will reveal all the secrets of making healthy juice.

So my next issue has come to an end. I encourage everyone to make sea buckthorn preparations for the winter. After all, this is not only a tasty delicacy, but also very healthy. And be sure to teach your children to eat these berries. See you again!

Preparation: juice from sea buckthorn for the winter through a juicer has medicinal properties. And canned to provide an optimally balanced source of vitamins in winter.

Benefits of sea buckthorn juice

Sea buckthorn is a small, sunny-colored berry that attracts the eye. Sweet and sour berries are full of useful vitamins and substances that are extremely necessary for humans. This is not only sweetness, but also a very tasty medicine!

Sea buckthorn juice has the same beneficial properties as berries:

  1. It contains the most important plant pigment for our body - beta-carotene, as well as various organic acids, alkaloids, serotonin and other very useful components.
  2. It is an excellent remedy in the fight against free radicals, as it contains vitamins E, C and A.
  3. Vitamins C, P and E, which are contained in significant quantities, help normalize the functioning of the endocrine system and support the immune system, preventing the development of inflammatory diseases and the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  4. It can be used as a fat burning supplement due to the record amount of vitamin C in it, which is the best natural fat burner.
  5. There is more tocopherol (vitamin E) than in most other plants known for their beneficial properties.
  6. Wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties are especially pronounced.
  7. The presence of succinic acid, which is rare, reduces the toxic effects of various drugs and radiation, and lowers blood pressure.
  8. It is used for atherosclerosis of blood vessels, disorders of the nervous system and liver diseases.

We must not forget about the harm: individual intolerance is possible; also, do not use it if you have cholelithiasis, gastritis and ulcers.

Prepare sea buckthorn juice at home according to any recipe suggested below, and during the cold winter you can support your immunity.

Sea buckthorn juice is not just a flavorful drink, it is a very effective and proven source of vitamins and nutrients for many years. It has a rich color and a pleasant sour taste.

Sea buckthorn juice in syrup

This recipe for sea buckthorn juice is easy to prepare and all the beneficial properties are preserved for the winter!

You need to choose berries that are orange in color, dense, and should not have stains or damage. Overripe fruits have virtually no beneficial properties.

  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • for syrup: one liter of water and half a kilogram of granulated sugar.

To vary the taste, you can add blueberry, blackberry or any other berry juice.

Natural sea buckthorn juice for the winter without sugar


In order for the drink to have more pulp, you need to pass the pulp through the juicer several times.

To preserve all the vitamins, it is preferable to prepare the juice without cooking or boiling. How to make sea buckthorn juice without cooking?

Sea buckthorn juice with sugar

  • sea ​​buckthorn berry;
  • sugar - 1 kg of sugar (per 1 liter of juice).


The cake that remains can be used for further preparation of sea buckthorn oil.

The resulting juice from sea buckthorn for the winter, passed through a juicer, is highly concentrated. The preparation can be used for cooking fruit drinks, compotes and jelly.

Sea buckthorn juice with boiling

  • berries 6 kilograms;
  • water 2 liters;
  • granulated sugar 1 kilogram.


The juice can sit all winter without spoiling.

Sea buckthorn juice made according to this recipe for the winter through a juicer will help protect the body from various colds in winter.

Sea buckthorn ripens by September. If a berry appears on sale earlier, there is a chance that it has been specially treated with various chemicals in order to accelerate growth.

Sea buckthorn juice does not lose its properties during heat treatment. When stored, sea buckthorn juice breaks down into two fractions. Therefore, before drinking, you need to shake the drink well until smooth.

Sea buckthorn juice for the winter using a juicer, how to make it at home, video

Sea buckthorn juice for the winter through a juicer has a bright, unforgettable taste. Depending on preference, it can be made with or without sugar, with or without pulp.

Sea buckthorn juice

Autumn is not only about eternal slush, bare trees and cold showers that bring colds. Fall can be cozy, colorful and inspiring. It is at this time that we especially need aromatic tea with herbs, open the first jars of jam, wrap ourselves in soft warm scarves and breathe in the prickly morning air. Let there be no usual melancholy this fall, fill your autumn with bright colors, original taste and an abundance of useful substances and vitamins contained in sea buckthorn juice!

Sea buckthorn juice begins with picking the berries, and already at this stage you can boast of a good mood. It's not just the positive orange color of the berry, but also the time of its collection. Of course, no one forbids collecting sea buckthorn at the end of summer, when it ripens, but you must admit that it is at this time that every housewife has a lot of other worries, preparations and other urgent matters. A huge advantage of sea buckthorn is that you can pick this healthy berry even after frost arrives. Moreover, it is in the fall that picking this berry is much easier and more enjoyable.

Sea buckthorn is a specific berry, many people like its taste with a pleasant sourness, but the stumbling block can be the seeds, which, although no less useful than the juicy pulp, eating this berry with them is a very dubious pleasure. You can enjoy the original taste and get the maximum benefit from this berry by preparing sea buckthorn juice! If stored properly, the juice will retain for a long time all the beneficial substances for which sea buckthorn is famous. Sea buckthorn contains a record amount of vitamins, minerals and organic acids; this small orange berry has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect, in addition, it has a positive effect on our skin, increases its elasticity and improves complexion.

The most pleasant moment in all this is that these beneficial substances are best absorbed by the body if you take sea buckthorn in the form of juice! In this case, sea buckthorn juice can be either freshly squeezed or canned. The main problem of autumn is colds; sea buckthorn contains a huge amount of vitamin C and carotene, which means it will help your body fight colds. Since sea buckthorn juice retains its beneficial properties for a long time, in winter it will become the main source of natural vitamins, so do not miss the opportunity to prepare more sea buckthorn juice for the winter.

Let us dwell in more detail on the healing properties of sea buckthorn juice. As already mentioned, sea buckthorn contains almost the entire complex of vitamins and provitamins, so during vitamin deficiency, multivitamin juice prepared from this berry will be a real salvation. It is believed that just a few spoons of sea buckthorn juice daily are enough to provide the body with the majority of biologically active substances! Thus, sea buckthorn juice contains a whole mixture of unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic, linolenic, oleic and palmitic, it contains high levels of vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, E, F, P, choline, carotene, folic acid, polysaccharides, organic acids, potassium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon, etc. It would seem that sea buckthorn juice can become a real panacea for many diseases, but such a rich composition is not suitable for all people, sea buckthorn can cause allergies, so you should take sea buckthorn juice with caution and in small quantities.

Sea buckthorn juice is not just a tasty drink, it is a reliable, effective and time-tested source of vitamins and antioxidants. Try preparing this healing drink using one of the recipes below and support your immunity during the rainy autumn and cold winter!

Sea buckthorn juice with pulp

Rinse the sea buckthorn berries well, sort and drain in a colander, then place on the table and dry. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil and place the sea buckthorn in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then drain in a colander to allow the water to drain into an enamel pan. Bring the remaining water to a boil again, add sugar and, stirring constantly, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. Rub the berries through a sieve. Add sugar syrup to the resulting sea buckthorn puree, mix thoroughly and heat over medium heat to 80 °C. Pour the resulting sea buckthorn juice with pulp into hot sterile jars and pasteurize for another 20-25 minutes, then close the lids.

Sea buckthorn juice without sugar

Rinse the sea buckthorn with cold running water, drain in a colander, mash the berries and place in an enamel pan. In a separate container, heat the water to 40 °C and add it to the berries. Mix thoroughly, put on fire and heat the mass to 50 ° C, after which the berries must be compressed. Strain the resulting juice and heat to 90 °C, pour into hot sterile jars, cover with lids and pasteurize for 10-15 minutes. Then seal the jars, turn them upside down and cool.

Apple-sea buckthorn juice

1 l. boiled water.

Prepare sea buckthorn and apples. Wash and core the apples, wash the sea buckthorn and add to the apples. Extract the juice from the apples and sea buckthorn using a juicer, adding the sea buckthorn at the same time as the apples. Don't be surprised that the resulting juice is very concentrated. To make it taste good, you need to add boiled water to this concentrate in a ratio of 1 to 1, as well as 4 tbsp. Sahara. This juice is ready to drink. If you want to store it for a long time, then boil it and pour it into sterile jars.

Carrot-sea buckthorn juice

750 gr. brightly colored carrots,

400 gr. sea ​​buckthorn,

Finely chop the carrots and steam them. Rub the finished soft carrots through a sieve. Rinse the sea buckthorn thoroughly in running water, dry and rub through a fine sieve. Mix sea buckthorn with carrots and heat at 85°C for 5 minutes. Then pour into hot sterile jars, roll up the lids and pasteurize for another 20 minutes.

Concentrated sea buckthorn juice

Wash the berries, dry and crush or grind in a food processor. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mixture and strain it. Wrap the remaining pulp in gauze and squeeze well again. Add sugar to the resulting juice and put on fire. Stirring constantly, heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, then remove from heat and pour the juice into clean, dry jars. Before use, dilute the concentrated juice with chilled boiled water to taste.

Pumpkin-sea buckthorn juice

700 gr. sea ​​buckthorn,

2.5 l. pumpkin juice.

Rinse the berries, sort them, add 200 ml of water and place on low heat. Heat the sea buckthorn until the berries soften, then rub through a metal sieve and squeeze out the juice. Add pumpkin juice to the resulting sea buckthorn juice and bring the mixture to a boil. Warm the juice for 5 minutes, then pour into sterile jars and seal with lids.

Sea buckthorn juice with mint

500 ml sea buckthorn juice,

100 ml mint decoction,

Add mint decoction and water to sea buckthorn juice. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil; as soon as the juice boils, add honey and, stirring constantly, boil for 5 minutes. Pour the hot juice into sterile jars and roll up the lids. Store in a cool place.

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Sea buckthorn juice – Sea buckthorn juice recipes

Sea buckthorn juice for the winter. Sea buckthorn juice recipes. Tips on how to prepare sea buckthorn juice for the winter. Sea buckthorn juice is not just a tasty drink, it is a reliable, effective and time-tested source of vitamins and antioxidants. All about preparations for the winter.

How to prepare sea buckthorn juice for the winter

You can prepare sea buckthorn juice for the winter in different ways. Even if you don’t have a juicer, rest assured, everything will work out! I offer 3 excellent juice recipes. Choose the right one, just remember that before sealing, sea buckthorn juice must be sterilized or pasteurized, otherwise it may ferment during storage. I usually use a proven method of sterilization - in a large saucepan with water I process the container with juice for the allotted time. But my friend sterilizes any juices stored for the winter in the oven. By the way, sea buckthorn juice can be prepared either clarified (strained) or with pulp. Both types of juice are very healthy, although not everyone likes juice with pulp.

There is also a way to prepare sea buckthorn juice with sugar in the form of syrup.

Sea buckthorn juice with sugar (syrup) without sterilization

Universal blank. True, it’s not that quick to prepare, but when you try it, you’ll understand that it was worth the trouble!

From the equipment and utensils you will need a blender for grinding berries, a saucepan for cooking juice, a deep bowl, a sieve and gauze for straining, jars and lids.

Rinse the berries with running water, always ice cold. Remove debris and twigs, place the berries in a blender bowl and puree them. Then place a sieve on a clean pan, wipe the sea buckthorn puree, removing the skin and seeds. Place clean gauze, folded in several layers, into a deep bowl, place the pomace on it and squeeze the additional juice into the pan. You don’t have to do this, but then you’ll get less juice.

Pour sugar into a saucepan with juice, mix thoroughly, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Stir the boiling sea buckthorn juice constantly. Wash the jars with hot water and soda, rinse with boiling water, pour the juice into them and screw on the lids treated over steam. Since sugar acts as a preservative, there is no need to sterilize jars of sea buckthorn sweet juice.

Sea buckthorn juice through a meat grinder

If you don't have a juicer, use this recipe. All you need to do is twist the berries and squeeze them, and then process the juice.

Do not add sugar to the rolled juice, but simply digest it. A kilogram of berries should yield a half-liter jar of juice.

Wash and sort the berries. Prepare gauze for squeezing. Place it in a deep, clean saucepan. Pass the berries through a meat grinder, then squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Bring the resulting juice to a boil over low heat, cook for 5-7 minutes, then pour into clean jars, cover with lids scalded with boiling water, sterilize and seal. The juice prepared in this way can be diluted 1:1 with apple juice, also sterilized and rolled up.

Sea buckthorn juice with pulp

The easiest recipe using a juicer.

Wash the berries under running water, sort them and pass them through a juicer. Pour into a saucepan, add water and sugar to taste, stir, bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes, pour into clean, dry jars, sterilize in any convenient way and roll up. Jars with a capacity of 1 liter are sterilized for 15-20 minutes, half-liter jars - half as much.

I hope that you will like my recipes for sea buckthorn juice for the winter and that you will definitely use them.

Sea buckthorn juice for the winter: recipe with photos

How to properly prepare sea buckthorn juice for the winter? What if you can’t use a juicer? Is it possible to squeeze juice out of sea buckthorn by hand? Answers

Is sea buckthorn born? Are you looking for simple and step-by-step recipes for preparing healthy, ripe berries? Join us! Here they will give clear information on methods for preparing sea buckthorn berries for future use. They will teach you how to prepare natural juices, jams, jellies, preserves, marshmallows and compotes. Also, sea buckthorn is dried and frozen. And multivitamin tea is made from the leaves of the sea buckthorn tree. Also, do not lose sight of preparing sea buckthorn oil at home. It will help you out with skin ailments, as it has the healing property of excellently relieving irritation and healing wounds. Fresh sea buckthorn and preparations made from it will help strengthen the immune system, replenish the supply of vitamins and protect against a host of diseases.


The best recipes with photos

The last notes

The benefits of both pumpkin and sea buckthorn are unconditional. And if you combine a vegetable and a berry into one, you get vitamin fireworks. Delicious and original in taste. By preparing this “cheese” for the winter, you will diversify your diet and recharge your body with useful microelements. Preparing pumpkin-sea buckthorn “cheese” does not require standing at the stove for a long time or any special skills.

I, like many practical housewives, try to make home preparations for the winter whenever possible. Pickles and marinades, jams, and syrups - all this is eaten with great pleasure in winter and spring. The main thing is to take care of all these joys of life in a timely manner in the summer and autumn. So today I perform another witchcraft in my small kitchen space - I prepare sea buckthorn syrup. This miraculous berry, which is not as favorable to man (does not want to be picked at all) as he would like, is distinguished by its beneficial properties, which is why it is valued quite highly. Many housewives freeze it for use in the winter, and some dry it. But, of course, sea buckthorn is especially valuable in its fresh form. I still prefer to make sweet syrup from it; in my opinion, it is more convenient to use. So, let's prepare syrup from sea buckthorn berries.


  • fresh sea buckthorn berries – 2100 g;
  • sugar – 2200 g.
  • The result was 4 seven hundred gram jars of finished syrup, the preparation time of which was less than an hour.

How to prepare sea buckthorn syrup for the winter:

First of all, I rinse the freshly harvested sea buckthorn under running water, trying to remove all the debris (leaves, twigs). I place it in a colander to drain excess moisture. Then I put it in small portions into a blender carafe and transform it into a paste.

I pour the resulting fairly liquid mass into a sieve placed on the pan and grind it with a pestle. The juice immediately flows into the container, and everything “obscene” is retained by the sieve.

On a deep bowl I lay out gauze, folded in at least three layers, and, having poured everything that has accumulated in the sieve into it, I squeeze it out as far as I have the strength and patience.

Due to my efforts, I received an additional portion of juice. And as a result, 470 g of squeezes remained from the original volume of berries.

Therefore, the amount of pure sea buckthorn juice turned out to be only 1630 g. I think that 2200 g of sugar will be enough to prepare the syrup (it’s not destined to “live” for long anyway - it won’t have time to spoil).

Pour sugar into a saucepan with sea buckthorn juice, stir, and place on high heat.

With constant stirring (otherwise there is a chance that the sugar will burn), I bring the sweet liquid to a boil. Cook at a low simmer for five minutes, periodically skimming off the foam that forms on the surface every now and then. While the syrup is boiling, I wash the jars and their screw caps with soap and rinse with boiling water.

Immediately pour the prepared syrup into jars, close tightly and set aside until it cools completely.

So, the result of my labors, in addition to 2900 g of ready-made sea buckthorn syrup, was also a squeeze of fresh berries and a small bowl of foam, which will make an excellent compote (and it usually runs out very quickly).

So now there will be something to treat when the first signs of a cold appear. Hot tea with syrup! Maybe you won't get sick. And if, in full health, you pour sour sea buckthorn syrup over creamy ice cream, then you can lose your head from enjoying such deliciousness. If you don’t believe it, check it in practice.

P.S. I store this sea buckthorn juice for the winter, as a rule, in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!!!