Puff pastry and cottage cheese puffs. Puff pastry and puff pastry with cottage cheese

Puff pastry is one of the most versatile types of dough. It is ideal for making croissants, kurniks, rolls, khachapuri and, of course, puff pastries with all kinds of fillings.

You can use it to make a basket for berries or salad, roll it into a flower or roll it into cakes for your favorite “Napoleon”. Wonderful crispy puff pastries with cottage cheese and cheese - a simple but incredibly tasty dessert for evening tea.

Puff pastries with cottage cheese made from puff pastry without yeast

Kitchen tools: large bowl – 2 pcs.; medium bowl; bowl; beaker; grater; whisk; silicone spatula; silicone brush; cling film; baking parchment; large rolling board or silicone mat; baking tray


Cooking sequence

Preparing the dough

Important! Puff pastry keeps well in the freezer.

Preparing the filling

Forming puff pastries

Coconut flakes in the recipe can be replaced with raisins, dried apricots, chopped nuts, almonds, cinnamon or not too large candied fruits.


Subtleties of cooking

Ready-made dough is a very convenient option. But how many preservatives it contains and what kind of margarine was used for kneading is anyone’s guess. Therefore, it is still worth mastering its preparation yourself.

Depending on the technology, puff pastry is classified as classic or simplified. According to the classic recipe, kneading is carried out without oil. Then the butter is rolled into a layer of dough, everything is wrapped, cooled, rolled out again with a new portion of butter, cooled again, and so on 10-12 times. The process is labor intensive. Perhaps this is why the coveted croissants do not turn out as airy as in a cafe. After all, machines do all the work there.

The main ingredient of puff pastry is butter. That is why it should be cold, and the finished dough should lie in the refrigerator for at least an hour. When baking, the butter evaporates moisture, which creates voids in the dough. If you have a special processor for kneading dough, it is better to use it. Then the contact of oil with your hands will be minimal.

Cooks have a few more cooking tips:

  • Take only the highest grade flour and be sure to sift it immediately before kneading. The extra oxygen will make the dough fluffy.
  • Salt and vinegar or citric acid must be added. Salt adds crunch and the acidity increases the quality of the gluten in the dough. Then it will roll out into a large thin layer without breaking.
  • Water can be replaced with milk, but the liquid should not be icy, but very cold.
  • You cannot skimp on margarine; some can be replaced with butter - the higher the fat content, the better. The margarine should be very cold, but not frozen, otherwise hard pieces will break through the dough and ruin its structure.
  • You can improve the layering of the dough by additional rolling. To do this, place the dough on a table or board, roll it out into a layer, fold it into quarters and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Roll it out again (do not knead it under any circumstances), fold it again and cool.
  • You need to cut the dough into portions with a very sharp knife, otherwise the edges will wrinkle and the structure will be broken.
  • If the dough is used for crusts or as a pizza base, it must be thoroughly pricked with a fork before baking. Then when baking it will not rise with large bubbles.
  • It is better to grease the finished products before baking with yolk and only on top, this will allow them to rise.
  • The optimal temperature for baking is 220 degrees. The puff pastry will have time to rise, but will not form a hard crust.

You can pamper your loved ones with other types of homemade baked goods.

  • Lush, rosy homemade recipes will put everyone in the household in a happy mood. Of course, homemade cheesecakes are much tastier than store-bought ones.
  • – not the healthiest, but such a tasty delicacy. They cook so quickly that they will be a great option for breakfast or a quick dessert for unexpected guests.
  • The aroma is the most desired aroma from childhood. Everyone loves cherries, and everyone loves pies too.
  • Soft, aromatic drinks should be washed down with milk or cocoa only. How could it be otherwise, because they are another reminder of the summer holidays spent in the village.

We hope that our recipe for a quick puff pastry with cottage cheese will help you master all the intricacies of working with puff pastry. Share in the comments whether your household liked the fragrant pastries.

What could be better than homemade cakes spoiled by your mother on a sunny Sunday morning!? Such baked goods not only give taste pleasure, but also fill the house with aroma, warmth, comfort and love. This recipe with photos is about how to make delicious puff pastries with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry. I'll tell you how I do this in detail and step by step. Puff triangles with cottage cheese are not only a quick and tasty pastry, but also healthy. And most importantly, these cottage cheese pies are prepared very quickly and easily!

In order to prepare puff triangles, we need:

  • ready-made puff pastry - 400 g;
  • cottage cheese - 250 gr;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • condensed milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla essence - 2 drops;
  • wheat flour - for dusting the work surface;
  • vegetable oil - for greasing the baking dish.

How to make puff pastries with cottage cheese

Thaw the finished puff pastry at room temperature. Usually, four sheets of dough are sold in a pack. They need to be spread out on a flat surface until they acquire a soft structure.

When the dough is ready, you can make the filling. To do this, mix cottage cheese, sugar, and condensed milk in a convenient container. Mix. Add a couple drops of vanilla essence. The filling and dough are ready.

Roll out the dough on a floured surface. One sheet of dough should form a square, about two millimeters thick. Cut it into four parts.

Place 1-2 teaspoons of filling on each square. No more keeping the curd from seeping through the dough and sticking to the baking sheet. Then it will be very difficult to separate the puff pastry from such a surface.

Fold the puff pastry squares in half to create filled triangles. How I do this and what happens in the end can be seen in the photo.

Each pie should be pinched well, folding the edges towards the top. This way the filling will not seep through the dough.

Place the puff triangles on a baking sheet lined with parchment, foil or baking film. Be sure to grease the surface with vegetable oil so that the puff pastries come away well from the surface.

Bake the puff pastries in an oven preheated to 175 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Cooking time depends on the size of the baked goods and the features of the oven.

After baking, you should leave the puff pastries with cottage cheese to cool slightly. Although, with their aroma, they will instantly gather the whole family in the kitchen and disappear, even before they have time to cool completely.

We often buy different baked goods in supermarkets because their variety captivates us. But quite easily and quickly you can make puff pastries with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry yourself. To do this, you just need to be able to beautifully wrap various puff pastry products, and you also need to buy fresh, delicious cottage cheese. You can also prepare such baked goods from homemade cottage cheese. In principle, puff pastry itself gives rise to creativity and you can use it to prepare a wide variety of pastries with different fillings. I suggest making buns in the form of envelopes from puff pastry stuffed with cottage cheese and sugar. It's tasty and healthy. Since some people don’t eat cottage cheese in its pure form, they will eat it in this form with a bang!


  • - puff pastry without yeast 500 g
  • - crumbly cottage cheese 300 g
  • - granulated sugar 100 g
  • - egg 1 piece
  • - vegetable oil 30 g


To prepare puff pastry envelopes with cottage cheese, you need to prepare puff pastry without yeast or buy it frozen. To prepare puff pastry with cottage cheese from frozen puff pastry, you only need to defrost the dough and roll it out into a layer. It is usually rolled out one centimeter thick. Then the rolled out dough layer must be cut into medium-sized squares. After that, each puff pastry with cottage cheese is folded into an envelope. To do this, you first need to visually divide the square of dough in half into two triangles and make small cuts on one side with a knife. Place the cottage cheese filling on the other side of the puff pastry bun with cottage cheese, sprinkle sugar on top and cover with the cut side of the dough.

The filling for puff pastry buns with sugar and cottage cheese can be pre-mixed, a little vanillin added, and if the cottage cheese is a little dry, then you need to beat one egg into this filling. Envelopes with cottage cheese made from puff pastry without yeast dough should be pressed tightly along the edges and pressed with the tines of a fork for beauty. Any pastry made from puff pastry with cottage cheese, or indeed any other filling, must be brushed with beaten egg on top and then placed in the oven. You need to bake cottage cheese buns from puff pastry in the oven for about twenty minutes at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees. Since the dough from which we prepared the puff pastries with cottage cheese is yeast-free, the fashioned puff pastries with cottage cheese can be immediately put into the oven, rather than waiting for them to rise. When serving, hot buns made from puff pastry without yeast can still be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

If you are interested in learning how to make puff pastry without yeast in order to prepare it yourself, then the video below shows everything in detail. Puff pastry recipe at home is very simple and can be prepared in 5 minutes.

Crispy puff pastry made from ready-made puff pastry is quick, inexpensive and very tasty! The only thing that is required is time to defrost the dough. Forming the puffs and baking will take no more than 20 minutes.

To ensure crispy and airy baked goods, choose quality products. If the dough is not homemade, but purchased, then it must be from a trusted manufacturer. Under no circumstances should puff pastry be subjected to repeated freezing and thawing! Do not accept damaged packaging and be sure to check expiration dates. It is better to take homemade cottage cheese and be sure to be fresh, without any foreign tastes or odors. It should be homogeneous, without grains, and most importantly, moderately moist so as not to spread in the filling and keep its shape well.


  • puff pastry without yeast 500 g
  • egg 1 pc.
  • egg yolk 1 pc.
  • cottage cheese 300 g
  • sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin 1 chip.
  • flour 1-2 tbsp. l. for the dust

How to make puff pastry with cottage cheese

Serve puff pastries with cottage cheese warm or slightly cooled with hot tea. The top of the dessert can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

On a note

1. If desired, you can add a little raisins, previously steamed in boiling water, to the curd filling.

2. You can make puff pastries with cottage cheese not only sweet, but also salty. In this case, instead of sugar, a pinch of salt and finely chopped dill are added to the filling. Otherwise, the cooking technology is no different.