How much does a hard-boiled egg weigh? I weighed the eggs I bought, it turned out that they weigh less

Eggs are often used as an independent product (boiled, scrambled), but they are also often components of many culinary dishes. Few people realize how much a chicken egg weighs.

Knowing the answer to this question is important because it often becomes necessary to observe the amount of certain ingredients in preparing dishes so as not to spoil them, and also to more accurately calculate the number of calories when cooking dietary nutrition. You can find out about the weight of different types of eggs below. But first, a little about the egg itself.

Egg: nutritional value

Any egg consists of two parts located in the shell: the white and the yolk. The yolk itself contains proteins, fats and cholesterol. Protein contains 90% water, the remaining 10% proteins. Mass ratio of three components eggs (shell, white and yolk) is respectively about 12:56:32. It turns out that the protein mass is the largest. We will find out how much 1 chicken egg weighs in general later.

Egg is one of the most widely used food products among people. It should be noted that any bird eggs can be eaten by humans. They are edible even in certain reptiles, such as turtles.

Chemical properties of eggs

The composition of bird eggs differs depending on the breed, type, age, feeding conditions and maintenance.

One egg (chicken) contains the following percentages of certain elements: proteins - approximately 12.57; fat -12.02; carbohydrates - 0.67; minerals- 1.07 and water - 73.67. At the same time, the calorie content of 100 grams of egg mass is approximately 158 kilocalories.

The largest egg in the world was recorded in the Republic of Cuba. Its weight was 148 grams. And the weight of the tiniest egg laid by a chicken in Papua New Guinea was only 9.7 grams.

The weight of eggs, according to Russian legislation, is divided into groups. Because this question is also important in sales production of this product in markets and shops.

The weight depends on the established categories of eggs:

3rd category is assigned to eggs weighing from 35 to 44.9 g;
Eggs of category 2 have a mass of 45-54.9 g;
Category 1 - 55-64.9 g;
Select eggs (marked “O”) weigh from 65 to 74.9 g;
Highest category (marked “B”) - 75 g or more;

The average eggs collected on your own farm are approximately 40-65 grams.

What's the result? How much does a chicken egg weigh? Most often, the average weight of an egg is taken to be 60 grams. This weight represents the mass of a standard chicken egg.

How many eggs are in one kilogram?

A very interesting question. Knowing how much one chicken egg weighs, you can determine the number of testicles in 1 kilogram. It turns out that one kilogram can contain from 15 to 25 medium-sized eggs, depending on the categories. Accordingly, 10 chicken eggs weigh approximately 400-650 grams.

The above data applies to eggs with shells. You can consider the data without taking into account the weight of the shell.

How much does a chicken egg weigh without a shell?

Without the shell, a selected egg weighs 59-68 grams (36-41 grams of white, 23-26 grams of yolk).

All this data is needed when it becomes necessary to determine how much boiled food weighs. egg(purified). This is necessary in cases where complex recipes are calculated in grams, not in pieces. You just need to look at the weight without shell using the above data.

To easily determine the weight of eggs, you should buy the product according to the factory category labeling. Usually in cooking the third category is used, weighing on average 40 grams.

A chicken egg is valuable product, which should be on the menu of everyone who cares about their health and appearance. It contains everything necessary for a person nutrients, including protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. For those who often prepare dishes using them or adhere to the system proper nutrition, it is very important to know how much a chicken egg weighs.

general information

Each of us, when purchasing a dozen of these delicious ingredients of any diet menu I noticed that on the shell of each of them there are different letters and numbers. These can be C, O, accompanied by a certain numbering. This alphanumeric combination is called marking. Its simplest type will contain at least two characters - for example, C1. There are also more complex variations of stamps, where the manufacturer and other information are indicated. In order to easily and independently, without scales, determine the weight of a chicken egg, you should understand the labeling and learn to understand it.

The first symbol indicated in the labeling will indicate the type of dietary product, then its category is indicated - it can have an alphabetic or numerical designation. At the same time, the scope of application and shelf life depend on the first part of the stamp. Accordingly, there are two types of eggs:

  • D – dietary, which have a shelf life of no more than a week (7 days) from the moment the eggs are sorted at the poultry farm. If they have not been sold within a specified period of time, they become canteens;
  • C - tableware, which can be stored for up to 25 days.

In general, the table food is no worse in quality than the dietary food. It’s just that the second one will be fresher and will sit on the store counter for a shorter period of time. Such components of the dietary menu can be consumed both boiled, fried and raw, and can be used as a valuable ingredient in confectionery, they are suitable for feeding small children.

The weight of an egg, depending on whether it is table or dietary, depends slightly, but it is still worth remembering that during storage of the product for a long time, moisture loss occurs due to the process of evaporation through the shell. That is why even eggs of the same category and the same size, but just laid by a hen, will be heavier than those that have been lying on the shelf in the supermarket for some time.

Minimum, average and maximum weight depending on category

Also, the labeling must include the designation of the category, of which there are only 5. Thanks to these “signs” it will be possible to determine exactly what the size and average weight. These are 1 - first, 2 - second, 3 - third, B - highest and O - selective categories. Knowing how much one testicle of a certain type weighs, you can approximately determine its weight.

Thus, it turns out that the average weight is about 50-60 g. Double-yolk ones, due to the double rate of yolk content, usually weigh from 80 g.

Recipes are always based on the smallest chicken eggs, category 3, weighing about 40 g.

By the way, this method of marking is used only in Russia and these are the indicator values ​​that will be relevant in our country. Abroad, the labeling will be completely different, and the average weight standards there are somewhat different from the usual ones. For example, in Europe the letter designations will be S, M, L, XL and resemble clothing sizes. And the average weights there vary from 53 to 73 g.

Mass without shell

Each egg has three components - the yolk, white and shell. In this case, the share of the last component is 10-11.5% of the total weight. Knowing this, it is easy to calculate how much one shelled chicken egg weighs. And calculating this indicator is important for those who eat strictly according to a certain program, and also like to cook gourmet dishes according to exact recipes.

The weight of the shell does not depend on its color - it can have any color, and this is more likely to indicate the breed of the bird than its weight.

However, the shell should not be considered an absolutely useless part. It is perfect for use on the farm - it is used as a feed additive for chickens, and it can be used to make an excellent fertilizer for flowers. And even children's crafts using crushed shells can decorate the house.

Raw and cooked

You can eat eggs in in different forms. At the same time, the boiled product is very popular; it is often included in the every day diet of any person, and can also be used to prepare all kinds of dishes. And for those who strictly monitor their diet, it is especially important to calculate how much a boiled chicken egg weighs when creating a menu.

Since during the cooking process the contents of the shell have nowhere to go, and no moisture loss is observed, we can say with confidence that cooked product will weigh the same as raw. In both cases, the shell is not taken into account. But after frying, its mass will decrease somewhat.

Yolk and white mass

Sometimes you need to know how much protein a chicken egg contains by weight, as well as how much yolk it contains. These indicators can be calculated by knowing the percentage of all components of the product. So, the protein contains about 55-58.5%, and the yolk - 30-35%. Approximate indicators can be found in the table.


Knowing how many grams of protein are in one chicken egg is especially important for those who monitor their health, adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, and take care of their figure. Such people are recommended to eat only this part, separating the yolk from it.

Interestingly, it is the egg, despite its invaluable usefulness, that is considered a source of cholesterol. And most of this substance is concentrated in the yolk. Therefore, it is important to consume chicken eggs with caution. And knowing the weight of the product that chicken provides will help control the amount of cholesterol.

It’s not for nothing that eggs are considered dietary product. Each component of which it consists contains a supply of nutrients; the amount of protein in an egg is a large percentage. In essence, this is a large egg cell, inside which a new life. It has all the building materials necessary for this process.

The desire to lose weight pushes people to search for universal culinary solutions. The first remedy that comes to mind is familiar to many from children's camps and holiday homes. Increasingly, Internet search engines provide information upon request: calorie content of egg white.

It is worth remembering that the whole egg carries within itself necessary for the body nutrients. For this reason, most dietary complexes recommend replacing your usual morning diet with two boiled eggs.

Laboratory studies have shown that the yolk includes:
large amount of protein;
vitamin complexes (such as groups B, D, A);
a set of rare micro- and macro-complexes;
an enzyme that can break down proteins.

At the same time, protein also contains substances necessary for building muscle, nervous and skeletal mass. Thus, the protein and yolk form a harmonious tandem, including mechanisms for the breakdown of these substances by the body.

Thanks to its properties, the egg has become firmly established in the diet of athletes. The nutritional goals for this group of consumers require maximum impact and minimum calorie content. When compiling such a diet, it is important to know how many grams of protein are in one egg.

Crude protein makes it possible to restore damaged, inflamed vocal cords. Vocal teachers often require their students to drink one egg before class. This gives elasticity to the ligaments and relieves the effect of fatigue from unusual tension.

For injuries to ligaments and tendons, traumatologists recommend eating at least two dozen eggs a week. Thus, injured tissues can easily replenish the missing building material.

After complex tooth extraction operations, dentists also order the patient to drink a couple of raw eggs. Because the direct sequence of egg-whites-fats-carbohydrates increases the chances of the healing process.

The main value of the yolk mass lies precisely in high content squirrel. Some diet plans involve dividing the egg contents into two separate stages of consumption. Therefore, it is important to know how much protein is in an egg.

Descriptions may contain category references egg product. Actually, just like its commercial implementation. The weight of an egg is directly proportional to the category. Accordingly, each gram contains a certain amount of protein.
The category is awarded to the egg at the poultry farm during sorting.

Third category

The smallest eggs receive the third category. In addition to its size, this type has a thin shell and low liquid content. This option is suitable for easy to use while cooking. Dietary value product is low.
The average volume of an egg of the third category ranges from 35 to 44.9 g. At the same time, the protein content ranges from 23.3 to 31 g per total weight. Protein part 2.6-3.4 g.

Second category

Not much different from the third category. The total weight of such a product ranges from 45 to 54.8 g. Protein can be contained from 30 to 36.8 g. Proteins are respectively 3.4-4.2g.

First category

The first two categories are more suitable for homemade. If we're talking about O healing properties, the first category fits well by standards. The weight of an egg of the first category can be from 54 to 64.8 g. Include from 35.8 to 44.3 g of protein, protein 4.2-4.8 g.


This abbreviation means "selected". Eggs weighing from 66-75g are considered selective. Accordingly, it contains from 44 to 50 g of protein, and from 4.8 to 5.6 g of protein. Selected eggs served for breakfast at the boarding house of hospital inpatients.


Considered the highest category. This product is distinguished by high performance shell thickness in relation to water content, element content. The weight of category “B” eggs is from 76g, the protein content is more than 50g, the protein content is more than 5.7g.

Based on the data provided, you can see for yourself how much protein is in the egg white by calculating daily norm consumption of this dish.

Cooked protein content

During cooking, many substances are destroyed. But even after coagulation, the protein retains its useful qualities. Methods used to cook an egg can affect its properties in different ways.
The topic “how much protein is in a boiled egg” is most often heard during nutrition programs. Because this is the most common way to prepare this product.

Let's look at a few facts about protein.
The main methods of preparing eggs include varying degrees of heat treatment:
in a bag;

There is a separate group for processing eggs to the state of a semi-finished product:
dried egg white;
egg powder.

The first stage involves drying only the protein mass to a powder state.

At the same time, on average, protein levels decrease:
"O" category up to 38g;
“B” category up to 40g;
other categories by 50%.

Egg powder is made from the whole peeled egg. On average, protein levels decrease by:
“O” category by 20%;
“B” category by 10-15%;
other categories by 40%.

Heat treatment of eggs gives the following data:
hard-cooked eggs contain up to 12.7 g;
a soft-boiled egg yields up to 12.9g;
boiled egg per bag has up to 13g;
a fried egg without oil contains 14.5 g;
The method of preparing melange allows you to save up to 12.4 g.
Such figures allow you to navigate the loss of protein mass in the yolk liquid during cooking, giving a complete answer to the dilemma of how many proteins are in a boiled egg.

The effect of protein on the body

Despite dietary indicators, some options for the effect of eggs on the body can have a negative effect. This is due, first of all, to a person’s personal immunity to the product. In some cases, its amount can be reduced. Other options exclude this product completely.

Excessive use of egg diets can lead to:
increased cholesterol levels;
copious secretion of bile;
disruption of the intestines and stomach.

Complete absence or reduced consumption is prescribed:
patients with diathesis;
for blood diseases (hepatitis, jaundice, diabetes);
at urolithiasis;
with a weak liver.

In this case, only quail eggs. Since they are 100% digestible, they are light in weight.
Egg white is important for the face. The skin of this part of the body has increased requirements for the consumption of proteins, protein groups, and vitamins. To regulate metabolic processes sensitive skin, it is recommended to make egg compresses.

Many cosmetologists recommend that people with brittle, split hair make egg masks. The hair follicle receives the necessary charge of vitamins, the trunk itself receives an abundance of proteins. The scales of the hair shaft receive a sufficient amount of elements, the hair after the mask acquires a pleasant shine and fluidity.
Egg white indispensable assistant when caring for the body. A large number of recipes based on it make it possible to restore health:

In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to make an appointment with a cosmetologist. The basic rule of such home remedies is to strictly follow the instructions and, if possible, use only laboratory-tested products. The freshness of the product is of paramount importance.

Sometimes in egg mixture it is suggested to add a few drops citric acid. This applies to masks for oily or acne-prone skin. This method really helps. However, you need to be extremely careful, since acid is an aggressive environment. Before use, test on a small area of ​​skin.

Based on the data, a certain conclusion can be made. Before starting a diet based on egg white, you need to study your condition well. By listening to the doctor's testimony, you can build ideal diet, which will replenish the body with all the necessary substances.

Grocery stores, people rarely look closely at them appearance. Typically this product is selected by size. Has anyone ever wondered what the weight of chicken eggs is and how it affects the other indicators of this product?

Labeling rules

An egg bought in a store, as a rule, has a special stamp that contains full information about the purchased product. You just need to be able to read it correctly. Marking is usually done in two ways:

1) The stamp is applied separately to the shell of each egg.

2) If the product is sold in a special closed container, then the information is indicated on the packaging. Usually this is a label that is glued in such a way that when opening the box you have to tear it off. This serves as a guarantee that the container has not been reused.

Most often, poultry farms try to label all their products without taking into account the type of subsequent packaging. In this way, the company tries to avoid possible misunderstandings and substitutions. Understanding the meaning of each symbol of the applied marking, any buyer can not only give general characteristics product, but also to determine the weight of chicken eggs standing on the counter.

Buyer Information

The simplest marking stamp contains two symbols. The first is the type of egg, and it is indicated by a letter of the Russian alphabet, and the second is its size, and it is indicated conventionally in numbers or letters. Now you need to understand how to determine weight using all this symbolism. There are many chicken eggs, and they are all different. You need to figure it out in order. The letter symbol in the stamp indicates the type of product. This is not just a conventional name. In accordance with it, the shelf life and scope of application of poultry farm products are established. Therefore, eggs are divided into the following types:

  1. Dietary (“D”). They are usually stored for no more than 7 days. Moreover, the countdown does not start from the date of manufacture, but from the date of sorting. This must be taken into account when purchasing in a store.
  2. Canteens (“C”). Their shelf life reaches 25 days.

From this we can conclude that a dietary egg differs from a table egg in some ways special qualities. There's just a good chance it's fresher. This is an important indicator. It is even more important than the weight of chicken eggs or any other. Maybe that's why diet eggs used for baby food. They can be safely soft-boiled or used in confectionery production, for example for making creams.

Egg weight categories

In addition to types, eggs are also divided into categories. There are only five of them:

  • first (1);
  • second (2);
  • third (3);
  • selected (O);
  • highest (B).

This indicator allows you to judge the size of the product. Therefore, knowing it, you can approximately determine the weight of 1 chicken egg. On average it is about 50 grams. Data on the type, category and weight of chicken eggs can be summarized in a table.

Table of the dependence of the weight of chicken eggs on their type and category

No. Type of egg Category Average weight, g Permissible weight deviations, g Marking on the stamp
from before


IN80 75 - Far East
2 ABOUT70 65 75 BEFORE
3 1 60 55 65 D1
4 2 50 45 55 D 2
5 3 40 35 45 D3

(dining room)

IN80 75 - NE
7 ABOUT70 65 75 CO
8 1 60 55 65 C1
9 2 50 45 55 C2
10 3 40 35 45 C3

Those who like to cook should know that when writing recipes, experts usually conventionally use eggs of the third category with an estimated weight of 40 grams. When making a purchase in a store, you can check the correctness of the labeling using a check scale.

Components of an egg

Any egg consists of three parts. The percentage share of each of them in the product is as follows:

  • protein - 58.5%;
  • yolk - 30%;
  • shell - 11.5%.

These indicators are approximately the same for eggs of all types and categories. Based on the above values, you can easily calculate the weight of a chicken egg without a shell. For example, if a C1 egg weighs 60 grams, then its shell, respectively, is 7 grams, the yolk is 20 grams, and the white is 33 grams. Usually such an indicator is not necessary, but sometimes it is indicated in some tables of measures. In addition, some confectionery companies use melange to produce their products. It is a mixture of yolks and whites without eggshells. In this case, knowing the weight of a particular batch of eggs, you can calculate how much melange can be produced from it. It is worth noting that the weight of the shell does not depend at all on its color. Eggs can be white, beige, brown and even olive. Based on this characteristic, it is rather possible to determine the breed of chicken that laid a particular egg.

Boiled product

Chicken eggs are usually eaten raw, boiled and fried. Boiled products are more often used in daily diet any person. Boiled eggs eaten just like that or used to prepare the most different dishes: appetizers, salads and even soups. When compiling recipes, experts usually use the number of eggs in pieces, but sometimes it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the ratio of components complex dish exactly in grams. This is where the need to know the weight of the egg arises. In this case, you need to immediately refer to the above table. You just need to calculate the weight of the white and yolk without the outer shell. This will be the desired value. After all, eggs are boiled in their shells, as if in a confined space, so any material losses in this case are practically excluded.

Average value

Two different eggs the same category and type may have different weights. This is provided for by the current standard. But if we are talking about large batches, then permissible deviations in grams are usually not taken into account. Only the average value is taken into account, that is, the average weight of a chicken egg. For example, an egg dietary second category should weigh between 45 and 55 grams. Therefore, the average weight of such eggs in a batch is considered to be 50 grams. In practice, this is what happens. Both larger and smaller eggs are found. If you set a goal and weigh, for example, one hundred eggs of the same marking, and then divide the resulting value by the total quantity, the result will be the weight of 1 egg equal to the average value approved by GOST. To expand the range, some manufacturers add regular eggs additional properties: they are enriched with selenium or iodine, achieving a bright yolk color. In any case, the average weight value is determined based on the category and type of product produced.

The weight of chicken eggs clearly reflects the health of the laying hen, nutritional value the product itself. The weight of the product depends on the age of the chicken, its breed and health status. This indicator is very important for farmers who sell eggs.

According to the labeling table, the average weight of 1 chicken egg is 60 g. This is the CO/DO category.

Useful weight

Useful mass is the weight of chicken eggs without shells. An egg consists of a shell, white and yolk. The volume of the yolk is approximately 34% of the total, the white - 55%, the shell - 11%.

Weight of an average chicken egg in grams in parts:

  • General – 60;
  • Yolk – 20.4;
  • Protein – 33;
  • Shell – 6.6.

If you need to determine useful mass, but there were no scales at hand, it can be calculated.

For each separate category it is different:

  • DM - 71.2 g;
  • CO – 62.3 g;
  • C1 – 53.4 g;
  • C2 – 44.5 g;
  • C3 – 35.6 g.

Weight of cooked product

At heat treatment products lose weight. But a hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg will remain the same as a raw one.

Marking and weight

The marking consists of a letter and a number, where the letter is the category and the number is the grade. Apply directly to the shell or container. Size affects the grade, and grade affects the price.

Category Variety Sign Weight, g
Dining room Higher NE 75–80
Selected CO 65–75
First C1 55–65
Second C2 45–55
Third C3 35–45
Dietary Higher Far East 75–80
Selected BEFORE 65–75
First C1 55–65
Second C2 45–55
Third C3 35–45

Dietary food is stored for up to 7 days. If it is not sold within its expiration date, it goes into the canteen category.

At room temperature and air humidity of 85%, dietary eggs are stored for up to 25 days; in the refrigerator - up to 90 days. The countdown is from the date of sorting, not production.

Imported products

Designation foreign products differs from what is customary in the CIS countries. European weight standards have been shifted downward.

Table of designations for imported eggs.

The stamp contains the manufacturer's country code. Germany – 2, for Holland – 6.

This is indicated when marking:

  • 0 – agricultural production;
  • 1 – free content;
  • 2 – the bird is kept on a perch;
  • 3 – the chicken lives in a cage.

If the eco-friendly icon is present, then the laying hen's diet did not contain genetically modified grains. She was kept on open pasture and fed chlorophyll-rich feed.

Strict restrictions are imposed on the use of various veterinary drugs: fertilizers, antibiotics, growth stimulants.

On a note

Some useful facts:

  1. Recipes usually indicate the C3 grade.
  2. The color of the yolk depends on the chicken's diet. Unscrupulous manufacturers add dyes to food to increase saturation.
  3. The older and larger the chicken, the larger the product. There is also a dependence on the breed. A meat or ornamental breed will not live up to expectations.
  4. The shell is impenetrable to bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. It has a porous structure and allows air, moisture and ultra-violet rays. Its color does not affect nutritional value and a set of microelements.

Piece sales

One careless move and instead of a neat egg you get an unappetizing mixture. Therefore, the fewer manipulations are performed, the less losses the manufacturer will bear.

Selling in kilograms is not economically profitable, since the price will have to include defects and weight loss during long-term storage. This will lead to a decrease in demand.

Important information

What you should pay attention to:

  • Cracked testicles should not be eaten. Through damage to the protective cover, the causative agent of salmonellosis, the salmonella bacterium, can enter there;
  • Dirt, droppings, stuck feathers do not indicate “organicity”, but non-compliance sanitary standards poultry farm workers;
  • Storage: in a cool, damp place, away from foods with strong odors, raw meat, fish;
  • The manufacturer may put the wrong stamp, so you need to open the opaque container.