Culinary recipes for dishes from quinoa, cabbage soup, flat cakes, quinoa cutlets and salads, salted, dried and pickled quinoa. Quinoa dishes

Garden quinoa is an annual herb with a height of 60-150 cm. Popular names swans: flour grass, wild spinach. Everything is sometimes red. Plants are often covered with silvery hairs, which makes them look like they have been dusted with flour.

Culinary recipes for dishes from quinoa, cabbage soup, flat cakes, quinoa cutlets and salads, salted, dried and pickled quinoa. Quinoa properties and nutritional value.

Wild quinoa, which grows everywhere like a weed, is one of the medicinal and food plants. Wild quinoa is green, and garden quinoa is white, light greenish, reddish or burgundy.

Quinoa has a significant protein content. Quinoa has no smell or taste. This property makes it an ideal ingredient in any food combination. It is advisable to add strong aromatic spicy additives to the swan: garlic, onion, parsley.

It is advisable to use quinoa in spring and early summer, while it is young, before flowering. In this case, one must pay attention that the back of the leaves has a white powdery bloom. Wild quinoa varieties without plaque are bitter or poisonous.

Young leaves and tender stems can be used for borscht, side dishes, sauces, mashed potatoes, etc. In pickled or pickled form, quinoa shoots are suitable for softening spicy salads and vinaigrettes. However, pickled quinoa has bad smell and therefore, before use, you need to rinse it several times in cold water.

Also, quinoa can be mixed into rye or wheat flour... This will give the bread increased nutritional value, better baking and preservation. Quinoa seeds can be used as a flour substitute. They can be used to prepare quinoa porridge (lebedyan), which, in taste, is close to buckwheat.

Culinary recipes for quinoa dishes.

Shchi from quinoa and sorrel with potatoes.

Sorrel 200 g + quinoa 200 g + potatoes 500 g + onions 100 g + water 3 l + carrots 50 g + salt. Peel the potatoes. Cut into strips. Boil. Finely chop the sorrel and quinoa. Saute with onions and carrots in vegetable oil for 2 minutes. Then put in potato broth... Stir. Simmer for about 2 more minutes. Salt.

Shchi from quinoa and sorrel.

Quinoa leaves - 100 grams + leaves - 30 grams + cucumber - 50 grams + green onions - 20 grams + dill - 10 grams + sour cream - 30 grams + salt + spices. Sort out the quinoa and sorrel. Wash. Grind. Cut in small pieces green onions, dill and cucumber. Put quinoa and sorrel in boiling water. Let it boil. Salt. Cook until soft. Remove from heat. Cool down. Add green onions, dill and chopped cucumber. Add sour cream.

Quinoa cabbage soup.

Rinse young leaves (400 g) cold water... Dip in boiling water. Cook until soft. Remove and drain off water. Squeeze out. Rub through a sieve. Add 1 tablespoon flour and butter. Salt. Mix. Fry the resulting mass. Then, dilute it with broth (0.7 l) or hot water.

Cold quinoa soup with sorrel.

Young quinoa leaves - 100 g + sorrel - 30 g + green onions - 20 g + cucumbers - 40 g + dill - 5 g + sour cream - 20 g + water - 285 g + salt. Into the boiling salt water put chopped quinoa and sorrel. Cook until tender. Refrigerate. Add chopped green onions, diced fresh cucumbers... Sprinkle with dill herbs. Season with sour cream.

Quinoa and hogweed soup.

Potatoes - 50 g + carrots - 20 g + quinoa - 20 g + hogweed - 20 g + water - 400 g + sour cream - 10 g. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Carrots - straws. Chop the quinoa and hogweed. Put everything in boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Boil. Remove from heat. Salt. Add sour cream.

Botvinha with quinoa, sorrel, and nettle.

Young (leaves) - 200-300 g + quinoa - 100 g + sorrel -150 g + bread kvass- 1.5 l + grated horseradish - 1 tablespoon + green onions + dill + beets - 1 pc. Boiled fish- 200 g. Boil young leaves of nettle, quinoa, sorrel a little. Grind and dilute with kvass. Then add grated horseradish, finely chopped green onions, dill and diced boiled beets... Cool Botvinha. Eat with boiled fish.

Quinoa cutlets.

Calculation for two cutlets 150 g each: 200 g of finely cut leaves of white quinoa + 50 g of onion + 30 g oatmeal or rolled oats + 15 g of fat (butter or lard) + pepper + garlic + crackers + egg. Or: quinoa - 165 g + oatmeal (or semolina) - 25 g + crackers - 10 g + salt + spices.

Chop the washed greens finely. Dip in boiling water and immediately add a handful of oatmeal or semolina. Cook like a regular steep porridge. From the resulting mass, mold the cutlets and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Fry. If there are no special bread crumbs, then you can crumble a piece stale white of bread.

Vegetable cutlets with quinoa.

Chop and simmer cabbage leaves (100 g) until softened. Put out crushed clover and quinoa leaves (100 g each) separately, as they soften much faster. To cook white sauce from flour (5-10 g), milk (50 g), butter (10 g) and eggs (1 piece). Mix stewed cabbage and herbs with sauce, add salt (3-4 g), form cutlets from the resulting mass, roll in breadcrumbs (10-15 g) and fry in a hot skillet.

Casserole with quinoa.

Garden quinoa - 700 g + butter- 100 g + flour - 125 g + milk - 300 ml + bread crumbs - 75 g + feta cheese - 50 g + noodles-50 g + 2 eggs + ham-50 g + salt + pepper. Rinse the quinoa and boil in salted water for 10 minutes. Extract and drain. Refrigerate. Cut in small pieces. Boil the vermicelli in salted water (without boiling it). Drain the water. Rinse the vermicelli with cold water.

Melt the butter (75 g) in a separate bowl. Spread the flour. Add quinoa and noodles and keep on fire for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Pour in, stirring, warm milk... Add two raw eggs... Add finely chopped ham. Salt. Spice up. Put all this mass on a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Sprinkle with grated feta cheese. Bake for about 40-50 minutes until golden brown.

Dumplings with nettles, duckweed and quinoa.

For the dough: 2 cups flour + half a glass of nettle juice, quinoa + salt. For minced meat: half a glass of chopped mixture of quinoa, nettle and snow, minced beef and pork + black ground pepper+ salt.

Cooking minced meat. Rinse the herbs. Grind and squeeze the juice. Beef and minced pork mix with herbs. Salt. Spice up. Knead thoroughly. Roll out the dough for dumplings into a thin layer. Cut out circles with a glass. Put the filling. Form dumplings. Cook in boiling salted water for 5-6 minutes. Add butter, sour cream, chopped parsley and dill.

Eggs with mustard and quinoa.

Egg (boiled) - 2 pcs + quinoa leaves -15 g + beets (boiled) - 40 g + mayonnaise - 15 g + table mustard - 4 g. Boiled beets peel and grate. Stir in finely chopped quinoa. Add table mustard, mayonnaise. Mix. Boiled eggs to cut in half. Put on a plate. Put a mixture of beets, quinoa, mayonnaise and mustard next to it.

Quinoa puree.

Sort out young leaves (400 g), wash, squeeze, put in boiling water. As soon as they become soft, drain hot water and pour over cold, then squeeze, finely chop and rub on a sieve Put butter (1.5 tablespoons), flour (0.5 tablespoons), add milk (1 glass) and boil several times. Steamed vegetables can be added to enhance the flavor.

Quinoa salad.

Scald the quinoa with boiling water. Drain the water. Cut the quinoa. Salt. Spice up. Add vegetable oil. Mix.

Quinoa and nettle salad.

100 g of leaves + 100 g of quinoa leaves + 2 cloves of garlic + 2 eggs + green onions + 1 tablespoon of horseradish + 1/2 can of mayonnaise + salt. Rinse nettle and quinoa leaves well and put them in boiling water for 20 minutes. Remove and drain off water. Then finely chop the leaves. Salt. Add crushed garlic. Hard-boiled eggs and chop finely. To mix everything. Add finely chopped green onions. Add mayonnaise mixed with horseradish.

Salad with red cabbage and quinoa.

Red cabbage - 65 g + quinoa - 30 g + sour cream - 10 g + salt. Rinse the quinoa thoroughly and chop finely. Add shredded red cabbage... Add sour cream. Salt.

Quinoa and young cabbage salad.

Chop cabbage and quinoa leaves. Mix in a 2: 1 ratio. Salt. Season with sour cream or mayonnaise. According to this recipe, instead of cabbage, you can use other salad vegetables and herbs.

Salad with quinoa and sorrel.

150 g of quinoa leaves + 30 g of sorrel + 1 potato. For refueling: 1/2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil + 1 tsp. vinegar + 30 g horseradish. Boil the potatoes. Put young leaves of quinoa and sorrel in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Drain the water. Chop. Combine with boiled, chopped potatoes. Salt. Mix. Season with a mixture of oil, vinegar and horseradish. Decorate the top with boiled egg circles.

Quinoa and onion salad.

Rinse young leaves (200 g). Boil. Dry a little. Grind. Salt. Stir in finely chopped green onions(5 g). Add vegetable oil (5 g) and spicy sauce(1 tablespoon).

Salad with quinoa and beets.

Put chopped young leaves (100 g) on ​​boiled beetroot slices (150 g). Salt. Season with vinegar and sour cream (20 g).

Chorba from quinoa.

Garden quinoa - 750 g + onion- 150 g + carrots - 50 g + celery - 50 g + rice - 50 g + vegetable oil - 100 ml + sour cream - 200 ml + flour - 1 tbsp. spoon + 3 raw yolks+ green onions - 1 bunch + tarragon greens + salt. Boil rice. Pour boiling water over finely chopped onions (1 l). Add thoroughly washed and finely chopped quinoa leaves.

Cut carrots and celery into small cubes. Saute in vegetable oil and place in a saucepan with quinoa. Cook for about 20 minutes. Add boiled rice. Beat the yolks with sour cream and flour. Pour this mixture in a thin stream into the chorba. Salt. Add vinegar. Scald tarragon greens with boiling water. Let the water drain. Slice. Add tarragon to the chorba.

Processed cheese pasta with quinoa.

1 pack processed cheese+ 1 cup chopped fresh quinoa + 1 onion + 2 dandelion leaves. Chop quinoa, onion and melted cheese and grind until pasty.

Herbal infusion cakes.

1 kg flour + 2 glasses herbal infusion+ 25 g yeast + 2 teaspoons of salt. The first shoots of wild green quinoa, mint, horse sorrel, dandelion, purslane and spinach to collect. Rinse. Add alfalfa sprouts, greens of garlic, green and onions to them. Grind everything into minced meat. Pour 1 kg of herbal minced meat with 1 liter of warm water. Stir. Let it brew a little and drain this infusion into another bowl.

Based on this herbal infusion, knead yeast dough... When the dough rises, cut into pieces. Roll into balls. Cover with cloth. Let stand for about 15 minutes. Blind with a thickness of about 1.5 cm. Make shallow punctures on the surface of the cakes with a pointed match. Bake in the same way as other types of tortillas.

Quinoa sauce.

1.6-2 kg. sort out the quinoa. Rinse well several times. Drop in a large number of salted boiling water with a spoonful of soda. Cook until soft. Drain the water. Rinse with cold water. Grind until pasty. Grind 2-4 lumps of sugar and 1 / 2-1 spoonful of butter with a teaspoon of flour. Boil. Put in spinach. Stir. Dilute with a glass of raw or boiled cream. Heat until hot, but do not boil.

Quinoa and dandelion sauce.

1 st. spoon of quinoa + 2 tbsp. spoons sunflower oil+ 3 cloves of garlic + 5 ct. tablespoons of milk whey + 3 tbsp. tablespoons of butter + 1 teaspoon of dried flowers + 1 teaspoon of grated radish + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream + salt. Grind the quinoa to a pasty state. Finely chop the garlic. Grate the radish. To mix everything. Add dandelion flowers, sunflower and butter, whey, sour cream, salt. To mix everything.

Salted quinoa.

For a bucket of fresh quinoa, 1.5 cups of salt. Sprinkle with salt, put the washed and dried quinoa in layers in a container. Lay a wooden circle or board on top. Put oppression on top. After all the green mass has settled, you can add more fresh layers of quinoa. Before use, rinse, cut. Use for soups or cabbage soup.

Dried quinoa.

Dry the collected young plants, spread out or hang them in bunches on outdoors... Store in glass containers or wooden boxes, which must be covered with paper. Before use, scald with boiling water.

Pickled quinoa.

Clear. Wash. Cut in small pieces. Put in a container. To fill with water. Salt. Boil until thick. Refrigerate. Fold into a jar or enamel container. Cover with a strong solution of salt and vinegar.

Quinoa tea.

Pour 1/4 liter of boiling water over 1 tea of ​​quinoa herb and strain after 10 minutes. Dosage: 1-2 cups of tea daily.

Based on the book "Survival Beyond the Threshold of Civilization."
S.V. Nagorskiy

According to the recollections of many people, at critical moments in history, when there was not enough food, she saved quinoa - the weed that we are in best case we send to compost. Meanwhile, this plant is widely represented in cooking. One of its names is walnut groats, and the gruel was named so, having borrowed the name Mari Belaya (its second name) from the Lithuanian language.

Note: Quinoa contains: fiber, vitamins B and C, calcium and iron minerals, it contains protein. It is especially good to use quinoa for vegetarian diets.

Quinoa recipes

And today, quinoa can diversify our diet. However, when starting to prepare dishes using it, remember that it is most often not the main component, but spicy addition, whose task is to make the dish exclusive and very useful.

Quinoa soup

Rinse thoroughly and finely chop the quinoa (you can pass it through a meat grinder), put in salted water to taste and cook for 15-25 minutes. Before serving, add cucumber, sorrel and herbs, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Required: 100 g of young quinoa leaves, 50 g of sorrel leaves, 50 g of cucumbers, herbs (onion, dill, parsley), salt, spices, sour cream - to taste.

Quinoa salad

Thoroughly grind and mix all ingredients, adding spices to taste. You can squeeze a couple of lemon slices into the salad to add spice to the taste.

Required: 50 g of quinoa leaves, 100 g of cabbage, 30 g of onion feathers (can be replaced with chopped onion), herbs, salt, spices, sunflower or rapeseed oil, mayonnaise or sour cream - to taste. You can add a couple of boiled eggs.


Vegetarians and fasting people will love this dish.

Finely chop the washed leaves of young quinoa, add salted water, add oatmeal and cook until porridge. Let cool. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs. Then they can either be fried or steamed.

Required: 150 g of quinoa leaves, 30 g of oatmeal, 10 g of bread crumbs, salt, spices - to taste.

Quinoa: healthy recipes

except kitchen recipes quinoa is still widely used in folk medicine... The most simple recipe application of quinoa is the application of chewed leaves to fresh wounds and scratches.

It helps with constipation Fresh Juice or a salad of young quinoa - the intestines are stimulated, peristalsis increases.

In case of inflammation of the oral cavity, rinsing 5-6 times a day for 10 days with infusion helps dried leaves swans. 20 g of raw materials are poured with boiling water, insisted for several hours, filtered and cooled.

Thanks to the presence in marie white useful salts potassium, saturation of the diet with quinoa dishes has a positive effect on the work of the heart and makes it possible to effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Quinoa is not cultivated in culture, so you need to carefully weigh where to get it. Do not pull out plants in a landfill or in the fields of collective and state farms, since there is a high probability that they are treated with herbicides. It is best to pick this weed that has grown in the shade of an abandoned garden.

The main quinoa dish is a snack salad, but sour cabbage soup is also very good from this herb. To prepare them, sauerkraut must be soaked in cold water and, if there is fat, like onions in overcooking, the hostess does, lightly fry its leaves. The fact is that the already soft quinoa, after sourdough and boiling, can be turned completely into spearmint. This will not change the taste, but it would be nice to create a complete image of real cabbage soup. In preliminary overcooking, the leaves will retain their original appearance. But in extreme conditions, you should not waste the remaining fat on the culinary design. You just get the cabbage soup.

Experiment with a combination of real sauerkraut and quinoa in the form of an additive, as well as sauerkraut and fresh quinoa not only in cabbage soup, but also boiled potatoes, cutlets, pasta, peas. Interesting unusual dishes turn out.

I remember how Makhmud Esambaev, in 1971 or 1972, during a tour in Smolensk, unexpectedly for everyone, asked at a banquet in honor of the end of his performances in the Rossiya restaurant to boil two pots of potatoes in uniform. They were placed in the midst of quite exquisite dishes, and they aroused sincere delight and keen interest. At the end of the banquet, many delicacies remained, but there were not a single potato in the pots.


Potatoes in Russia appeared relatively recently, but various dishes several hundred were invented from it. Their recipes can be found in the All Potato Dishes encyclopedia. There is only one thing - extreme culinary dishes under the affectionate name of "nausea".

Potato peelings were used for nausea. They were washed, boiled, mashed. And cutlets were made from this mint.

Where did the peelings come from if there were no potatoes?

The fact is that Russian peasants have always dried, and in winter they froze the surplus cleanings in reserve for animals. It was easy to store them, and therefore the tradition of harvesting has survived to this day.

Put in boiled potato peelings, or, in other words, flakes, remaining fat, nettles, dill, other spices, but nothing helps. The taste of nausea, in spite of any culinary tricks, unfortunately, fully corresponds to their name.

Ash dough

Soda is often used in cooking, and in extreme situations it can become scarce. Instead of real soda, ash is quite suitable. For this purpose, it is best to burn the stems of sunflower, topenambur or corn. This ash lye will be somewhat unusual in color, but it will not spoil the taste of the dough.

Quinoa, wood lice, burdock, but it turns out a flat cake!

A very tasty dish can be prepared from quinoa by mixing it with woodlice - a herb that, roughly speaking, "overeating all your bald head" at your dacha a long time ago.

Dried quinoa and nettle should be mixed with chopped freshly picked woodlice and rolled in flour made from dried burdock root. It turns out flat cakes that taste worthy of exclusive dishes best restaurants the world.

For nursing mothers at extreme times, this is one of the few cost-free meals that can maintain normal milk efficacy.

If you see a person who specially grows quinoa in the garden, so that later they can eat it, then you will probably think that this is sheer stupidity. After all, quinoa in the general sense is just a weed. But in fact, in ancient times, the swan was called wild sorrel. It contains a number of useful properties that help maintain vitality organism.

There are two types of quinoa - green and red. Red quinoa is an ornamental plant that is not suitable for food. Green quinoa is used in salads, appetizers, soups and main courses. It does not have a pronounced taste, but it is enriched with vitamins. Quinoa is also used to decorate dishes.

For what dishes to use quinoa

In Russia, quinoa was added to cabbage soup and botvinya. It was also quite appropriately combined with sauerkraut... Quinoa seeds were cleaned and cooked into porridge in a hungry year. Such porridge tasted like buckwheat. The seeds were cleaned only because their shell contains a component that causes a sour taste.

Quinoa should be eaten in early spring, while the shoots have not yet bloomed. It is during this period that the grass has more rich taste... Before plucking the quinoa, make sure the underside of the leaves is white. If the leaves have a different shade, then this wild grass, and it will taste bitter, and some species of wild quinoa are poisoned.

You can cook quinoa as a separate dish. But at the same time it should be added to the grass more spices to enhance the flavor. Sauces are also great for quinoa, especially sour cream and homemade mayonnaise.

Lebeda was used in Russia for the treatment of many diseases. The main ones are rheumatism, mucous membrane treatment, wound healing, burns. As a prophylactic agent, quinoa was consumed raw or boiled. Also, the constant use of quinoa in food contributes to the normalization of the circulatory and digestive systems.

Raw quinoa

One of the most common plants on the raw food menu is the spreading quinoa, which has been eaten since Ancient Greece... In pre-revolutionary Russia, impoverished peasants baked from quinoa mixed with rye flour bread. Prepared stews and soups from a mixture of quinoa with sorrel, sour, sour, beet tops, radish.

Light green dull leaves of quinoa serve as a fortifying vitamin remedy. Quinoa leaves are especially rich in vitamin C, they contain calcium and zinc, cobalt and magnesium.

Young, juicy tops of shoots and leaves are best eaten fresh, but seasoned vegetarians harvest them for the winter and pickled them. Quinoa leaf salads are especially delicious with flour dishes, cucumbers, tomatoes or paprika.

Take it whatever you like, but I think it will be very healthy recipes... In the future, I may open a separate site. Or maybe it will do. So, we learn to cook quinoa.

To begin with, what is quinoa. In ancient times, in order not to starve to death, peasants ate swan. And they did the right thing, because it contains quite a lot of vitamins and minerals. Apparently for this reason, and even because of nostalgia, the farmers even brought garden variety swans.

In their own way useful composition this grass is ahead of the rest of the planet, so quinoa also has the right to be on dining table as an early vitamin herb; especially since she is the closest relative of spinach - they are both from the same family.

Moreover, experts say that quinoa is even better than the famous spinach, since it contains less oxalic acid, which is contraindicated in some diseases.

For food, it is better to use very young leaves of quinoa shoots that have just come out of the ground. They are rarely eaten raw, mostly boiled.

Quinoa soup

Diced mushrooms, potatoes and carrots are placed in boiling salty water. If the mushrooms are dried, then they must first be soaked in clean cold water for several hours. When the potatoes are boiled, add chopped greens, quinoa and sorrel, cook for a few more minutes. Before serving, season with spices, herbs and sour cream.

Quinoa puree

Dip the leaves in boiling water and cook until soft. (Attention! Unlike other plants, quinoa is boiled in high fire.) Drain the water, ready-made leaves grind in any way (meat grinder, blender, fine slicing...). Prepare the sauce separately: fry the flour, add milk or cream, mix with chopped quinoa, season with grated garlic and salt. Puree can be a side dish for meat or an independent dish if you cut a boiled egg into it.

Quinoa salad with sorrel

Young leaves of quinoa and sorrel are dipped in boiling water for 1..2 minutes, then they are thrown into a colander and finely chopped after the water has drained off. Boiled potatoes in their uniforms, peeled, cut into slices and mixed with quinoa, salted, seasoned with grated horseradish, vegetable oil, vinegar. Top the salad can be decorated with boiled egg wedges.

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