How much does one boiled one weigh? How much do the components weigh?

Every breeder of laying hens is interested in the question of how productive his work is and what is the quality of the products. The most important question is how much a chicken egg weighs. After all, the category, and therefore the cost of products ready for sale, directly depends on this. Even with a high egg production, you can make a lower profit if the size of the eggs produced is small. Let's try to understand together the weight characteristics of the egg and its components.

Average weight of 1 egg

To determine average weight one egg laid by a chicken, you need to figure out what they are like. The weight determines the grade of this product, which can be seen on the labeling of each unit in the package. So, most often you can find the markings “C” and “D”. So this means the following:

  • C – canteen, the period of which is more than 7 days;
  • D – fresh, dietary, it should not be more than 7 days from the date of laying. If such an egg is not sold, the marking on it will change to C.

A number must be added to the first letter, which determines the category and shows the average weight of 1 piece. (C1, D2, C0, etc.) The breakdown by grade can be clearly seen in the table below.

CategoryMinimum weight, g Maximum weight, g Average weight, g
3 35 45 40
2 45 55 50
1 55 65 60
0 (selected)65 75 70
Higher75 - 80
Double yolk80 - -

From the given figures it is clear that the average weight of one product is 60 g. culinary recipes Grade 3 with a weight of 1 piece is taken as the basis. 40 g. A dozen will weigh on average 400-650 g, and in a kilogram there will be from 15 to 25 pieces, depending on the variety.

Without shell

If the total weight is of interest to manufacturers, then the volume without the shell is more important to buyers. On average, the weight of the calcareous shell of one egg is up to 10% of the total. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the following data:

CategoryShell, gWithout shell, g
3 5 35
2 6 44
1 7 53
0 8 62
Higher10 70

But don’t write the shell off. On the farm it is used to feed chickens as good source calcium. In addition, fertilizers can be prepared from it.

Weight of white and yolk

Depending on the variety, the mass of protein and yolk in 1 piece differs. As a rule, the protein accounts for 55% of the mass, but the yolk accounts for 35%. This information may be of interest to those who are watching their weight. It is known that eggs are a serious source of cholesterol. 100 g of hard-boiled milk contains 70% cholesterol, most of which is concentrated in the yolk. To accurately calculate the allowed amount of cholesterol in the diet, you can estimate the ratio of protein and yolk by category.

CategoryYolk, gSquirrel, g
3 12 23
2 16 29
1 19 34
0 22 40
Higher25 46

Raw and cooked

Those who follow diets are often interested in the question: how much does a boiled chicken egg weigh and is this indicator different from a raw one? Since during the cooking process no significant processes of digestion, evaporation of moisture, or, conversely, saturation of the substance occur, the mass of one raw and cooked one is practically the same. The only thing is that we always clean the shell before using it. It is by this amount that it can differ a raw egg from boiled.

People have learned to domesticate chicken and obtain highly nutritious eggs from it since ancient times. Since then, many fairy tales, beliefs and rituals have been associated with its products. Here are some of the most interesting facts from the breeding history of this poultry.

  • The weight of one egg laid by a meat breed varies from 50 to 65 g.
  • Decorative breeds can make their clutches both medium-sized and very small. The Malaysian Serama has the smallest clutches, their weight barely exceeds 10 g, and the size is 1:5 to the usual one obtained from a domestic mongrel chicken.
  • Gigantic achievements in this area have also been noted. Almost reaching the size of an ostrich, a Cuban laying hen laid an egg. It weighed about 1.5 kg.
  • The harvest of English breeders was distinguished by its size. With a mass of 450 g per specimen, it reached 23 cm in diameter and 32 cm in length.
  • The most yolks (as many as 5) in one shell were also recorded in England.
  • The taste and mineral composition of the contents do not depend in any way on the color of the shell. The color depends only on the breed and color of the chicken’s earrings, and not at all on its nutrition or content. The most fertile hens are those whose eggshells white, so these are the ones you can find on sale most often.
  • In America, a breed was bred with blue, green and yellow shell colors, but the mineral composition of the white and yolk is no different from ordinary white ones.

Video “An unusual chicken brings nesting doll eggs”

Watch the video about unusual chicken which carries products different sizes: from small to giant.

Every chicken egg producer is interested in the productivity of the enterprise and high quality the products they produce. The weight of each egg produced must be taken into account. Improving this indicator directly affects profits.


In accordance with the law Russian Federation The sector's products are supposed to be sold not by mass, but by piece. On poultry farms, eggs are sorted by weight, labeled and packaged. The approximate weight is determined by the stamps applied to the shell, or the information is indicated on the outside of the package.

Why are products not sold by weight?

The reasons that goods are not sold by weight lie in the structural features of chicken eggs.

  1. The shell is quite fragile. Selling eggs individually is inconvenient for both sellers and buyers. This is unsafe, because any mechanical impact on the egg can damage the shell.
  2. Percentage. A thin layer of shell constantly allows moisture to pass through, which makes the egg lighter. If the egg will be stored for a long time, it is not profitable to sell it by weight.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for this point due to many objective factors.

  • When the finished package contains a certain number of eggs, it is convenient to count them and the likelihood of shell damage is reduced;
  • The weight of eggs decreases over time as moisture evaporates through the shell layer. Practice has shown that selling by weight is unprofitable. You can give the following example: a store buys 1 ton of product by weight from a poultry farm, but will be able to sell half a centner less due to moisture loss through the shell. Accordingly, the store will be forced to add these losses in the form of added value, which will affect the price increase.
  • This product is quite fragile and the more mechanical stress it is exposed to, the greater the percentage of it that will become unusable - the egg is easy to break during transportation, it can easily crack.

Important! A cracked raw egg cannot be used! You should definitely inspect the shell in the store.

Before cooking an egg, it is recommended to wash it using regular detergent. The protein part is the largest and the greatest loss of moisture occurs from it. Sometimes weight loss is compensated by adding clean water, but this is allowed if the recipe requires shaking.

Marking by weight and categories

Eggs imported from abroad are marked by weight as shown in the table:

Eggs imported from abroad are labeled by category as shown in the table:

Determining the weight of an egg without weighing

Egg is one of the most popular products. The wide scope of its application is due to its many beneficial properties.

The product is divided into:

  1. dietary (fresh, stored no longer than a week);
  2. tableware (stored up to 3.5 weeks in room temperature and 3 months in refrigerators);

They are marked accordingly - a stamp is placed on each one containing the first letters of the class, or of the form: “C0”, “C1”, “SV”, “DV”. The average weight of one class 1 egg is from 55 to 64 grams. The cheapest and smallest eggs are produced by young laying hens, and the larger ones are produced by older hens. For an average egg, the most common weight is from 40 to 60 grams. This is the approximate size and weight recommended in most recipes.

In general, the fresher the product, the heavier it is, since moisture loss is still insignificant.

How much can only the white and yolk weigh, if the shell is not taken into account? This weight is approximately 55 grams. This is very important for a cook or pastry chef (for example, when preparing a dish called “melange”).

Exact weight eggs are determined by percentage:

  • The shell accounts for 12% of the weight;
  • For yolks – 32%;
  • For proteins – 56%;

That is, removing the shell gives about 88% of the total weight, which does not depend on its class.

It happens that in the same class there are eggs with differences in weight. This situation is provided for by the current standard in Russia. Although for wholesale quantities a deviation in weight is acceptable. Abroad, the weight marking is slightly different: the smallest imported egg weighs 30 grams, the largest is 73 grams.

Imported packages, which are marked with weight and dimensions, also have “eco” indications. It is placed on packages and boxes in which products laid by chickens are delivered, which have free space for movement. Many give great importance this fact, since in today’s conditions it is not always possible to ensure freedom of movement of chickens on a poultry farm. If in the village, in a private chicken coop, laying hens are not exposed to stress, then on modern poultry farms they are crowded into cages and hardly move, and this negatively affects the quality of the product.

Additionally, each egg has a stamp indicating the country of origin. Today, products from 4 main manufacturers are used:

  1. Belgium - designation “1”;
  2. Germany - designation “2”;
  3. France - designation “3”;
  4. Netherlands - designation “6”;

Interestingly, the weight of a hard-boiled egg does not change due to the protective function of the shell (regulating the amount of moisture and the ability to leave the composition of the protein and yolk unchanged). If it is fried (for example, a fried egg is being prepared), it is significantly reduced in weight, since the integrity of the shell is broken - it is removed (you need to subtract 12% of the weight of the egg with the shell), and the moisture freely leaves the white and yolk.

Amazing facts

Interesting information:

  • if the eggs are packed in boxes, each of them does not need to be marked - a general packaging stamp is sufficient;
  • most recipes indicate the estimated weight of one egg equal to 40 grams;
  • Dietary eggs have a red marking, table eggs have a blue marking;
  • the “fitness” label, which can occasionally be found in retail chains, means that these eggs are not quite ordinary - they are enriched with vitamins;
  • a shell on which something foreign has stuck (a feather, particles of manure, etc.) has nothing to do with domestic chickens - the manufacturer simply does not monitor cleanliness and hygiene in production;
  • concept " large egg" and "small egg" can vary greatly between countries;

  • in the Book of World Records there are records that the largest recorded egg weighed 136 grams, and the smallest weighed less than 10 grams;
  • among the British, the traditions of breeding chickens go back to the distant past: a specimen weighing 450 grams was noted with dimensions reaching 23 cm in diameter and 32 cm in length;
  • Laying hens of decorative breeds lay both medium and small clutches of eggs (for example, hens of the Malaysian Serama breed lay eggs weighing just over 10 grams, and are 5 times smaller than usual);

Every farmer who breeds poultry is interested in having high-yielding chickens. In this case, not only the number of eggs is important, but also their quality, for example, size. After all, the weight of the resulting chicken egg determines what category it will fall into and how much you can get for it. Even with large quantities The benefits of laying eggs will be small if they have a small mass. We will tell you in this article how the product is sorted and labeled, as well as how much one egg weighs on average.

Before the laying hen product is sent to the store, it is sorted and labeled. This is done to make it easier for you and me to understand what the mass of the egg is and how long ago it was laid. Most often you can find markings with the letters “C” or “D”, which are applied to the surface of the shell or on top of the packaging.

These letters are deciphered as follows:

  1. D - dietary, usually red labeling. Fresh product, which has lain for no more than 7 days since demolition.
  2. C - table, usually blue markings. The name suggests that the product is more than 7 days old, but they are sold within 25.

Accordingly, an egg marked “D” that is not sold within the period of its sale receives the mark “C”. Knowing how much a chicken egg weighs, its grade is determined, which also has its own marking. To do this, next to the letter value a number from one to three or the corresponding letter is placed, for example C1, D1, CO, SV, etc.

So that this can be understood with a clear example, we have placed data on varieties in the table below:

From the table it is clear that the weight of a chicken egg with a medium-sized shell is 60 g. But in culinary recipes, the 3rd grade is most often used, 1 piece of which weighs 40 grams on average. A package of 12 pieces of category C2, which is most often found, weighs about 600-700 grams. And in a kilogram, depending on the variety, there can be from 12 to 25 pieces.

The standards of other countries may differ from ours. So, in the UK, products weighing 50-60 grams are considered average. And Australia recognizes them as very large, because for them the average category is only 43 grams.

Find out more about how chickens are raised and how they lay eggs in large-scale production. interesting video tengrinewtv channel.

If the farmer is usually interested in the total weight of the product, then for the consumer the weight of one peeled egg is more important. The weight of the hard shell, that is, the shell, is usually 10% of the weight of the product. Therefore, calculating the mass of an egg of any category without a shell is not difficult.

We entered the finished data into the table:

Shell of it nutritious product not as useless as it seems. She happens to be great source calcium, so it is useful to use it as food supplement. On the farm, it can be added to bird feed, and can also be used in the garden: to fertilize the soil on your site.

Is the mass different? raw product and boiled wow? This question is often asked by those who are on a diet and scrupulously count calories. Since the egg does not gain moisture during the cooking process and does not evaporate it, its mass remains unchanged. One has only to take into account that the mass values ​​​​with and without a hard shell will be different. This is the only difference in weight between the cooked and raw product.

Since there are several types of eggs, the weight of their yolks and whites is different. As a rule, in percentage terms, the protein accounts for 55% of the total weight, and the yolk - 45%. Some people are very afraid of the cholesterol contained in this product, and very wrongly. After all, only a third of it comes from food, and even in this third, yolk cholesterol occupies a very small proportion. In addition, the yolk contains many vitamins, phospholipids and beneficial amino acids: lecithin and choline.

Now that the common myth has been dispelled, we suggest that you more often include healthy boiled, fried or any other form of eggs in your diet. And to find out how much protein and yolk are contained in products different categories, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table below.

A very long time ago, people domesticated poultry and learned to obtain highly nutritious eggs and dietary meat from them. Since then, fairy tales have been written about laying hens, beliefs and rituals have been born. Here are some of the most interesting facts noted in the history of poultry farming:

  • one egg of a meat breed of chicken can reach a weight of 50 to 65 grams;
  • decorative breeds of some chickens usually lay medium or very small clutches. Thus, one Malaysian serama egg weighs no more than 10 grams, and is five times smaller in size than that of a domestic chicken;
  • but one Cuban laying hen can boast of gigantic achievements in literally. One specimen in her clutch weighed about 148 grams;
  • chicken from Papua New Guinea, on the contrary, laid eggs only 9 grams. Farmers, without hesitation, ate the wonder;
  • in England, a case was recorded when there were as many as 5 yolks per white;
  • Chicken eggs can differ in color: the color of the shell depends on the breed of bird and the color of its plumage, and has absolutely nothing to do with its diet. The taste and composition of the products are absolutely identical. Laying hens with white shells are considered the most prolific, so their product can be found on store shelves most often;
  • Another fact concerning the color of the shell was noted in America. So farmers managed to breed a breed that can lay yellow, blue and green eggs.

The EdaHTVTelevision channel in this video will tell you in detail about how long eggs can be stored, what useful substances they contain and how to understand their markings.

Egg shell color: what does it depend on?

Frequent problems of laying hens - eggs without shells

Kira Stoletova

If you are going to raise chickens not only to please your own taste buds, but also for the sake of replenishing your wallet, you should find out how much a chicken egg weighs without the shell and with it, because the price of the product and the category to which it belongs are directly dependent on its size.

Meaning of marking

The egg must be marked before being sent to the store. The marking can be seen directly on the shell or on the packaging; it consists of 2 characters. The first indicates the freshness of the product, the second - the category and approximate weight.

  1. C means "table", i.e. with a period of more than 7 days from the date of demolition.
  2. D - “dietary”, or, in other words, the freshest product “just” from the chicken. After 7 days it becomes a “canteen”.

The category is designated by the numbers: 1, 2 and 3, or by the letters O and B. In the European equivalent, the signs will look like this: M (1), S (2, 3), L (O) and XL (B). O means “selected”, and B means the highest category. The average weight of each category is shown in the table:

If we talk about standard products, one glance at their labeling should tell about its characteristics. In regular stores, everyone has most likely seen (and sees) eggs marked c1 or c2 (that is, a table egg of category 1 or 2).

Weight without shell

Shells are rarely used in cooking, so it is quite natural that buyers are interested in the question, how much do the yolks and whites weigh without shells in one individual chicken egg? The average weight of the shell is 10% of the total weight of the raw egg.

The shells are not as useless as they seem (remember this the next time you throw them away). Shells are a source of calcium, which is beneficial for the health and growth of poultry. Resourceful owners, instead of buying additives in pet stores, add crushed shells to their feathered pets' food. The shell is used in other areas of life, for example, it is used to make plant food and cosmetics.

How much does the yolk weigh and how much does the white weigh?

The weight of the white in one egg is 55% of the mass, and the yolk is 35%. As you can see, the bulk of the mass is protein, which in turn consists of 90% water. Water gradually evaporates during long-term storage, and consequently weight decreases. This is about the question of why the mass in a chicken egg bought in a store is less than it should be. Weight loss is inevitable, so don't consider it a scam. Let's look at how much the yolk and white weigh in the table:

How much does a chicken egg weigh?

Eggs for weight gain. My recipe.

The chickens began to lay large eggs.

Some interesting facts to note

  1. The weight of the raw and hard-boiled product remains almost the same, if you exclude the weight of the shell.
  2. Average weight is still average weight. It happens that chickens lay “unformatted” eggs. Sometimes paper newspapers and online publications begin to literally be full of reports that someone’s chicken has laid an egg weighing only 5 g (this is less than a quail!) and news about the appearance of an egg weighing 200 g or more. Non-format sizes in our table, of course, are not included, but poultry owners should be aware of such cases (and find in advance the addresses and telephone numbers of people who are involved in entering new records into the Guinness Book of Records).
  3. By the way, now the proverb “a black hen lays a white egg” has become somewhat irrelevant. Now it can lay not a white, but a blue or greenish egg. The color of the shell depends on the breed, but mineral composition“multi-colored” products are the same as regular white ones.
  4. Cholesterol - a myth or not a myth? Some advocates dietary nutrition They are afraid of cholesterol in the yolks. It really is there, but it is not as much as the myths say. In other words, it can be eaten by those who are on diets, but, of course, in limited quantities. It is believed that you can afford an omelet with 1-3 yolks or the same amount of boiled products per day.

The benefits of eggs are undeniable, just read the list useful substances which they contain, so that you can be sure of this. So eat them and choose the best quality products, since now it’s clear how to decipher the incomprehensible signs on the shell. Now you know how much an egg weighs, the benefits and harms of this product.

Grocery stores, people rarely look closely at them appearance. Typically this product is selected by size. Has anyone ever wondered what the weight of chicken eggs is and how it affects the other indicators of this product?

Labeling rules

An egg bought in a store, as a rule, has a special stamp that contains full information about the purchased product. You just need to be able to read it correctly. Marking is usually done in two ways:

1) The stamp is applied separately to the shell of each egg.

2) If the product is sold in a special closed container, then the information is indicated on the packaging. Usually this is a label that is glued in such a way that when opening the box you have to tear it off. This serves as a guarantee that the container has not been reused.

Most often, poultry farms try to label all their products without taking into account the type of subsequent packaging. In this way, the company tries to avoid possible misunderstandings and substitutions. Understanding the meaning of each symbol of the applied marking, any buyer can not only give general characteristics product, but also to determine the weight of chicken eggs standing on the counter.

Buyer Information

The simplest marking stamp contains two symbols. The first is the type of egg, and it is indicated by a letter of the Russian alphabet, and the second is its size, and it is indicated conventionally in numbers or letters. Now you need to understand how to determine weight using all this symbolism. There are many chicken eggs, and they are all different. You need to figure it out in order. The letter symbol in the stamp indicates the type of product. This is not just a conventional name. In accordance with it, the shelf life and scope of application of poultry farm products are established. Therefore, eggs are divided into the following types:

  1. Dietary (“D”). They are usually stored for no more than 7 days. Moreover, the countdown does not start from the date of manufacture, but from the date of sorting. This must be taken into account when purchasing in a store.
  2. Canteens (“C”). Their shelf life reaches 25 days.

From this we can conclude that a dietary egg differs from a table egg in some ways special qualities. There's just a good chance it's fresher. This is an important indicator. It is even more important than the weight of chicken eggs or any other. Maybe that's why diet eggs used for baby food. They can be safely soft-boiled or used in confectionery production, for example for making creams.

Egg weight categories

In addition to types, eggs are also divided into categories. There are only five of them:

  • first (1);
  • second (2);
  • third (3);
  • selected (O);
  • highest (B).

This indicator allows you to judge the size of the product. Therefore, knowing it, you can approximately determine the weight of 1 chicken egg. On average it is about 50 grams. Data on the type, category and weight of chicken eggs can be summarized in a table.

Table of the dependence of the weight of chicken eggs on their type and category

No. Type of egg Category Average weight, g Permissible weight deviations, g Marking on the stamp
from before


IN80 75 - Far East
2 ABOUT70 65 75 BEFORE
3 1 60 55 65 D1
4 2 50 45 55 D 2
5 3 40 35 45 D3

(dining room)

IN80 75 - NE
7 ABOUT70 65 75 CO
8 1 60 55 65 C1
9 2 50 45 55 C2
10 3 40 35 45 C3

Those who like to cook should know that when writing recipes, experts usually conventionally use eggs of the third category with an estimated weight of 40 grams. When making a purchase in a store, you can check the correctness of the labeling using a check scale.

Components of an egg

Any egg consists of three parts. The percentage share of each of them in the product is as follows:

  • protein - 58.5%;
  • yolk - 30%;
  • shell - 11.5%.

These indicators are approximately the same for eggs of all types and categories. Based on the above values, you can easily calculate the weight of a chicken egg without a shell. For example, if a C1 egg weighs 60 grams, then its shell, respectively, is 7 grams, the yolk is 20 grams, and the white is 33 grams. Usually such an indicator is not necessary, but sometimes it is indicated in some tables of measures. In addition, some confectionery companies use melange to produce their products. It is a mixture of yolks and whites without eggshells. In this case, knowing the weight of a particular batch of eggs, you can calculate how much melange can be produced from it. It is worth noting that the weight of the shell does not depend at all on its color. Eggs can be white, beige, brown and even olive. Based on this characteristic, it is rather possible to determine the breed of chicken that laid a particular egg.

Boiled product

Chicken eggs are usually eaten raw, boiled and fried. Boiled products are more often used in daily diet any person. Boiled eggs eaten just like that or used to prepare the most different dishes: appetizers, salads and even soups. When compiling recipes, experts usually use the number of eggs in pieces, but sometimes it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the ratio of components complex dish exactly in grams. This is where the need to know the weight of the egg arises. In this case, you need to immediately refer to the above table. You just need to calculate the weight of the white and yolk without the outer shell. This will be the desired value. After all, eggs are boiled in their shells, as if in a confined space, so any material losses in this case are practically excluded.

Average value

Two different eggs the same category and type may have different weights. This is provided for by the current standard. But if we're talking about For large batches, it is customary not to take into account permissible deviations in grams. Only the average value is taken into account, that is, the average weight of a chicken egg. For example, an egg dietary second category should weigh between 45 and 55 grams. Therefore, the average weight of such eggs in a batch is considered to be 50 grams. In practice, this is what happens. Both larger and smaller eggs are found. If you set a goal and weigh, for example, one hundred eggs of the same marking, and then divide the resulting value by the total quantity, the result will be the weight of 1 egg equal to the average value approved by GOST. To expand the range, some manufacturers add regular eggs additional properties: they are enriched with selenium or iodine, achieving a bright yolk color. In any case, the average weight value is determined based on the category and type of product produced.