How long does it take to cook veal liver? Boiled beef liver, liver salads

The most valuable offal, according to nutritionists, is liver. But how much and how to properly cook beef liver, the healthiest one, alas, the question sometimes leads to a stupor. Especially young housewives. This product is very delicate and if prepared incorrectly, your piece of liver may taste like a rubber boot.

The liver contains a lot of folic acid, which is necessary for the human body, and also contains vitamins A, B.C. But many people simply ignore beef liver for various reasons, some do not like its smell when cooking, others do not I like the raw look of it, but some people find it too harsh. But in vain!

This by-product is considered very useful for people with problems with the central nervous system and kidneys. Beef liver is also widely used in dietary nutrition in Europe and Asia.
For young children, beef liver is an indispensable supplier of very rare vitamin D.
When properly prepared, this dietary product is tender, soft and delicious in taste. It has a special fragrant aroma with the right selection of spices.

So, in order for beef liver to turn out tasty and aromatic, we need to decide how we will cook it? and do everything right. We will now talk about some of the features of preparing beef liver.

How long to cook beef liver until done

In order for the liver to turn out tasty and juicy during cooking, at the very beginning it must be properly prepared (prepared):

  1. Soak the liver in very cold water for 15 minutes, and then put the product in warm water for exactly 10 minutes.
  2. Afterwards, we carefully make cuts on the film with a knife, and slowly separate the film from the liver itself.
  3. After removing the film, we cut the liver into large pieces and check whether there are large vessels inside. If there are, then cut them out with a sharp knife.
  4. Take baking soda and roll the pieces of liver in it in a thin layer to eliminate the bitterish natural smell of beef liver.
  5. Let the liver lie in the soda for an hour on a cutting board.
  6. Then we put everything in an enamel bowl, put it on the stove and boil.

Some people, to get rid of bitterness, pour cold water or fresh milk over the liver and let it soak for an hour.

Usually beef liver is cooked for 25-30 minutes (cut into small pieces). And if you cook the liver as a whole piece, then you need to cook it for about an hour (plus or minus 10-15 minutes). It’s very easy to check the readiness of the liver, you just need to remove it (or a piece) from the broth and pierce it with a fork. If a brown liquid leaks out, then we continue to cook, and if we see that a clear broth is coming out of the puncture, then that’s it, the liver is ready. That is, cooking liver is absolutely easy.

But many housewives make a big mistake. They just want to cook soup based on clear beef liver broth. They are tempted to add carrots, onions, potatoes or noodles, the beef liver broth looks so wonderful. But this is absolutely not worth doing, since the liver in the body has protective functions and tends to accumulate harmful substances, toxins and other nasty things that ended up in our broth when it was cooked.

How and how much to cook beef liver in the microwave

If you have a multicooker, then your task is made as easy as possible. We prepare the liver as described above, that is, cut it, remove the film and soak it.

Then turn on the “Stew” mode in the multicooker and carefully place finely chopped carrots and onions on the bottom of the device. Remember that vegetables should not exceed 30% of the weight of the liver. Fill the vegetables with pieces of liver on it with water so that it covers everything by a centimeter (at least).

Immediately spread sour cream on top at the rate of 100 grams. per 1 kg. liver. We use any sour cream, no matter fatty or not. Now close the lid of the multicooker and simmer for at least half an hour.

How long to cook liver for a child

Our children (especially small ones) do not like liver. If some adult uncles and aunts don’t like liver and especially its smell when cooking, then what can we say about our children. Therefore, mothers have to disguise it as meat with various gravies, or persuade children with various sayings and jokes to eat healthy food.

Often young mothers wonder how to properly prepare beef liver for a child. In principle, there is nothing complicated or special, everything is the same as for adults, only there are two important nuances:

  1. Be sure to soak the liver in milk. This will kill her natural bitterness. This is the most important thing when preparing beef liver for baby food. Beef liver should be in milk for at least half an hour. And ideally 1 hour.
  2. Be sure to add finely chopped onions and carrots when cooking liver for children, whether in a slow cooker or in a simple saucepan. This will additionally give the liver a sweetish, pleasant taste and completely remove all odors that the child does not accept. Sometimes a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of tomato paste are added. But, this is all individual. The goal is the same - to remove all foreign odors for the child.

If you cook beef liver for a child in a saucepan in pieces, make sure it is soft. Usually 30 - 35 minutes is enough. If you cook it as a whole piece, then you should have about an hour for complete readiness. We also check as indicated above. If clear juice comes from the cut, then the liver is ready. If not, then cook for some more time.

Cooking liver for salad

Cook the liver for the salad according to the instructions described above. But, sometimes it can be 20-25 minutes if the liver is cut into very small pieces. I have my own signature dish and when we meet with friends, I always treat them to it. The secret is that finely chopped beef liver is cooked for about 22-25 minutes, and then finely grated with eggs and carrots. After dressing with spices and mayonnaise. I still don’t know a tastier salad, and I’ve been enjoying this healthy dish for 15 years.

Some people ask me why the liver is ready so quickly, is it not raw? I always laugh and answer that this is how the liver should be cooked, not to overcook it. It is very important! By the way, I also know how to make a wonderful beef liver pate. For the pate, the beef liver is cut and cooked according to the instructions described above, there are just some recipe points when preparing the pate. Carrots, onions and spices are added and a few other things. But this is a completely different culinary story.

Liver is a delicate product that in most cases people consume fried. But when prepared correctly, boiled liver is quite tasty. I would also like to note that poultry or beef liver is best suited for cooking. But pork is best used for frying or stewing. So, let's find out with you how to cook liver correctly and for how long.

How long does it take to cook pork liver?

Pork liver is a product that is quite in demand because it has a delicate taste and is rich in microelements. But it is this liver that most often has a bitter taste. To avoid this, first soak it in water or, better yet, in milk and leave it to stand for about 30 minutes. A properly soaked liver will end up being much more tender and will no longer taste bitter. Then carefully drain the liquid, transfer the liver to a saucepan, fill with clean water and boil over low heat for 40-50 minutes.

And any spices will help drown out the specific smell. In general, it is best to boil any liver over low heat. If you are in a hurry, you can reduce the time, but to do this, first cut the pulp into small, small pieces. In this case, the cooking time will be about 5-10 minutes. The only drawback of this method of boiling is that the liver cooked in a large piece looks much more appetizing and attractive.

How long to cook turkey liver?

Turkey liver is a tasty and nutritious product. It is much more filling, has more calories than chicken liver and is rich in vitamin K. Turkey liver also contains a number of other vitamins, so it is recommended to include it in the diet of young children. For proper preparation, rinse the liver thoroughly, place it carefully in boiling, lightly salted water and cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the piece.

Not everyone can cook pork liver correctly the first time. Experienced housewives and cooks know how to “by eye” determine the degree of readiness of this dish. But beginners should strictly adhere to the technology for preparing boiled liver, so as not to get a raw or overcooked product.

How long does it take to cook pork liver?

Pork liver has one drawback - it has a specific taste and bitterness. To get rid of this taste defect, the liver is soaked before cooking. The most favorable medium for soaking and softening the taste of liver is milk. The product must be immersed in it for at least 2 hours. If you don’t have milk on hand, you can soak it in water with the addition of a small amount of vinegar, but for at least 3 hours. Moreover, the water will have to be changed every hour.

After this, the liver is removed, washed, dried with a paper towel and only then immersed in boiling water. How long should you cook the liver after soaking? Sources with classic recipes indicate a period of time from 40 to 50 minutes, depending on the size of the liver.

How to cook pork liver

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Rinse thoroughly and dry the pork liver with napkins.
  • Place the prepared product in a deep container and fill it with chilled milk or acidified water. The liver should be completely covered with fluid.
  • Leave the liver to soak for 2 - 3 hours to make its taste more delicate. If you have filled the water, do not forget to change it every hour.
  • Remove the liver from the liquid, rinse and thoroughly remove films and veins.
  • Boil water in a saucepan.
  • Add tsp. salt.
  • Place the liver in boiling water and cook it for 40 - 50 minutes.

To learn how to cook pork liver with an amazingly delicate taste, you need to learn all the nuances and secrets of its cooking:

  • You can put 1 tsp in water with liver. honey or sugar to make the dish more tender.
  • If the liver turns out to be too hard after cooking, you can save it by simmering it for half an hour over low heat in sour cream.
  • To remove the film faster and easier, rub the raw liver with salt and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Various aromatic spices will help eliminate the specific taste.
  • You can check if the liver is done using a fork. Just pierce the cooked product with it. If red juice comes out, the liver is undercooked, but if the juice is pink, then it is completely ready.
  • It is better to cook the liver over low heat.
  • You can significantly reduce the cooking time by chopping the offal into small strips or slices.

Simple recipes for dishes with pork liver

Liver in vegetable broth


  • pork liver -1 kg;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • black peppercorns;
  • salt and herbs.


  • Wash the liver.
  • Soak it for 1 hour in ice water.
  • Rinse the liver and immerse it now in milk for 2 hours. All this time, it is better to keep the offal in the refrigerator.
  • Wash your liver again.
  • Remove all films from it and dry with a paper towel.
  • Peel the onion and carrot.
  • Cut the carrots lengthwise into 3-4 pieces.
  • Fill a saucepan with cold water and place the vegetables in it.
  • Bring the broth to a boil and add spices.
  • Immerse the entire liver in the boiling liquid.
  • Cook it for 40 - 50 minutes.
  • Add bay leaf.
  • Cut the finished chilled liver into portions, place on a plate and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  • Serve with vegetables.

Pork liver salad


  • pork liver - 250 g;
  • chicken fillet - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt, ground pepper and herbs - to taste.


  • Soak the liver in milk.
  • Peel it from films and boil it.
  • Boil fillet and eggs in separate containers.
  • Grate the cooled liver on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips.
  • Cut eggs and chicken into the same slices.
  • Place everything in a deep bowl, season with salt and spices.
  • Add chopped greens.
  • Season with sour cream and stir.
  • Serve to the table.

Liver is one of the most delicate foods. It can be boiled, stewed or fried.

Moreover, this product includes many useful minerals and vitamins. The liver contains iron, protein, trace elements and amino acids. If you don’t know how to surprise your guests, then liver is perfect for you, since both adults and children eat it. Previously, liver was prescribed to people with low hemoglobin, pregnant women, and liver puree is still made for small children. Liver dishes can be varied; it can be liver cake, pies, pancakes, or just a boiled piece with a side dish.

It is believed that beef liver is quite difficult to cook, but if you know how to do it, it will not be difficult for you. Surely you have heard more than once that when cooked, the liver becomes hard and not even tasty. With the help of this article, which will tell you how to properly cook beef liver, this dish will seem like a delicacy to you! Properly cooked liver will turn out juicy, soft and, of course, tasty.

We choose the liver very carefully. First of all, it must be fresh and have a normal smell and color. Its structure should be smooth, without any visible defects.

Rules for cooking liver

So, to cook the liver, take the following ingredients:
- A piece of beef liver (usually 300-400 g);
- Drinking water (1 liter);
- Salt, pepper, other seasonings (to your taste).

Cooking the liver has some subtleties, so that our liver does not taste bitter, it is necessary to remove all the veins and film. After removing the film, it is important to pour milk or cold water over the liver and leave for about an hour. This is done so that during cooking the liver becomes tender and airy.

Tip: you can remove the film and veins after soaking, to make this easier, rub the liver with coarse salt and remove the film, then cut out the veins with a thin knife. Dip the frozen liver into hot water for a minute, take it out and remove the film, it will come off without any problems.

After you have soaked the liver, place pots of water on a hot stove. When the water starts to boil, place the beef liver into it. It can be put as a whole large piece, or cut into small cubes or strips, it depends on the purpose. If we cut the liver, it will cook faster, the cooking time will be about 10-15 minutes, don’t forget about it! Add salt, pepper and, if desired, other spices, use your discretion (it is best to salt the liver at the end). A large piece does not cook quickly and does not take long, about 35-40 minutes. If you leave the liver to cook for a longer time, it will become hard and rubbery. You also can’t undercook it, as it will simply be soggy. The readiness of the liver can be checked as follows: pierce the liver with a knife or fork (any sharp object), if the liver secretes light juice, then it is ready, but if the juice is pinkish, then the liver is still raw.

The calorie content of boiled liver is negligible - about 100 kcal, this dish is suitable for those who are on a diet and it will be no less useful for older people. Boiled liver can be served with a side dish (buckwheat, potatoes, pasta) or added to salads. You can also make a delicious homemade pate from beef liver. If served with fried onions, it will be very tasty! Sour cream will add special softness; it goes well with liver.

Please note that liver cannot be stored for a long time. It must be consumed within 1-2 days. Freshly prepared liver is much tastier than reheated one. Enjoy your meal!

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Boiled liver is often found at the base of many salads. But sometimes all the work can go down the drain if the liver is cooked incorrectly. It can taste too hard, bitter or damp. Properly cooked liver should be tender and tasty. We'll tell you how to cook it correctly.


  • pork liver – 1 pc.
  • milk (to cover the liver)
  • table salt to taste and bay leaf


1. So, take fresh liver, rinse it in cold water, shake off any remaining drops. Place in a saucepan or deep bowl with milk. Let it soak in it for half an hour. This must be done so that the bitterness leaves the liver.

2. After 30 minutes, remove the liver from the milk and remove the film from it.

Pour cold water into the pan, add salt, bay leaf, and put the liver here.

3. Turn on the stove over low heat and place the pan with the liver on it. Boil the liver in a calm mode, without vigorous boiling, periodically remove the foam that forms on the surface of the water.

4. After about 40 minutes, check to see if the liver is cooked. To do this, take it out of the broth onto a plate or cutting board and pierce it with a fork or a wooden stick (you can use any sharp object). Juice should be released at the puncture site. This is how we will evaluate the degree of readiness of the liver. If it is light, then the liver is ready, if it is dark, you need to cook it some more.

This red juice indicates that the liver is not ready yet.

5. And here is the finished liver, clear juice is released.

6. To make the liver cook faster, you can cut it into pieces in advance. Then ten or even five minutes will be enough for it to be fully ready. However, this method is best used only when there is a lack of time, since the liver, boiled whole, turns out juicier and tastier. And her appearance is more aesthetic and appetizing.

You can cook chicken liver or any other poultry liver in almost the same way. With her, things will be even easier, because... There is no need to remove the film from the bird’s liver or soak it in milk. And it cooks for about 10 minutes or a little more.

Cool the boiled liver and cut it into a salad or appetizer, simultaneously removing the remaining vessels from the pieces.

The liver tends to weather quickly. It needs to be wrapped in cling film or covered with a plate on top.

That's all! With such liver, your favorite salads will become even tastier and more tender. Good luck with your cooking and bon appetit!

Note to the hostess

1. To soak a whole liver you will need a lot of milk. You will need much less of it if you first cut the offal lengthwise into two plates and place them in a bowl with a wide, flat bottom. Why not save money? The technology and boiling time will remain the same.

2. Since the topic of saving is touched upon, you should think about what to cook using a fairly concentrated and nutritious liver broth. If you don’t have time to strain it, you can cook thick pea or bean soup. Passed through a fine-mesh sieve, it will become the basis for vegetable soups with cauliflower, broccoli, multi-colored sweet peppers, leeks, and green peas. The calorie content of this first one will be low, but the benefits will be high.

3. Wet and warm liver should not be wrapped in film, foil or tightly closed in a plastic box, otherwise it will suffocate and quickly deteriorate. Like any meat products, it is better to place it in glass, ceramic, earthenware containers with lids after complete cooling.

4. Since this salad ingredient is low-fat, 67 percent mayonnaise is allowed as a dressing - provided that the accompanying components are moderate in calories (sweet corn, beets, carrots, etc.).