How many minutes does it take to cook beef liver? How long to cook beef liver? Adviсe

Beef liver is a product that is amazing in its beneficial qualities. And although many housewives avoid preparing it, liver can be an excellent filling for pancakes, pies, or act as a complex side dish. The main thing is to know how long it takes to cook beef liver.

Cooking beef liver in a saucepan

We all know that liver is a very useful product for the body. Its composition is rich in essential vitamins B, C, A and, of course, folic acid. However, not every one of us will risk including this dish in our diet. Why? Yes, there are many reasons for this. Some people don’t like its smell, others consider the offal too harsh, and others simply don’t see any particular need for it.

If you still adhere to such excuses, then you have never tried truly tender, juicy, soft and flavorful beef liver. But this is exactly what it turns out after cooking. Don't believe me? Then try it yourself:

  1. To begin, soak the liver in very cold water for 15 minutes. Then place it in warm water for another 10 minutes.
  2. After completing all these steps, use a sharp knife to make several cuts on the film and carefully separate it from the main part of the offal.
  3. Now cut the liver into pieces and check for large vessels and veins inside. If there are any, carefully remove them too.
  4. In addition, liver has a very characteristic bitter taste, which regular baking soda will help get rid of. It is in this that we roll each piece and leave to marinate for 1 hour.
  5. After this time, thoroughly rinse the liver in cool water.
  6. After this, transfer the pieces into an enamel bowl, fill with water and boil.
  7. How long it will take to cook beef liver largely depends on its size. In our case, this process will take about 25-30 minutes, and if the offal has to be cooked whole, then approximately 50-60 minutes.
  8. Checking the readiness of the liver is quite simple: remove a piece from the broth and pierce it with a fork. If brown liquid flows from the cut, then cook more. And when clear juice appears, the liver will be ready.

As you can see, there is no particular difficulty in the process of preparing liver, but there are some minor nuances. For example, you need to salt beef innards only at the very end of cooking, and even better, when you make the filling from them. In addition, no matter how much you would like to make soup based on broth, you should not do this. It is in the water that the greatest concentration of extremely harmful substances and processed products has now accumulated.

When you have a multicooker at hand

We have already found out that not everyone will like beef liver dishes. But it is especially difficult to get young children to eat this very valuable product. In this case, mothers resort to some tricks and try in every possible way to disguise the liver as another dish. To be fair, it is worth saying that many people succeed in this trick.

If this doesn’t work with your child, try cooking the liver in a slow cooker. Even the most harmful little gourmets will definitely like it:

  1. For the children's menu, prepare the liver as described above. The only exception is the process of soaking it: the offal must be put in milk for half an hour.
  2. Cut the pre-soaked and cleaned liver into small pieces.
  3. Now turn on the “Stew” mode on the multicooker. Place sliced ​​onions and carrots in circles at the bottom of the bowl. The amount of vegetables should not be more than 30% of the total weight of the liver.
  4. We place our pieces of offal on top of the vegetable pillow and fill it with water so that it covers all the ingredients by about a centimeter.
  5. Then add sour cream there at the rate of 100 grams of product per 1 kilogram of liver.
  6. Close the lid of the multicooker and simmer the dish for at least half an hour.

How long it takes to cook beef liver for a child in a slow cooker is not easy to answer. Here a lot depends on the brand of the car itself. Our calculations are given for a Redmond multicooker, and if you have a different model, first you will need to check the instructions.

A microwave can do more than just heat up food.

Another option for cooking beef liver is the microwave. For many, this method will be a real discovery, because we are used to the microwave oven only heating, frying and grilling. The remaining functions of this amazing kitchen appliance are forgotten or remain unknown. In fact, cooking in the microwave is a pleasure; there are many advantages - speed, simplicity and special taste of dishes.

So, we won’t talk about this topic for a long time, but let’s get straight to the point. If you don't know how to cook beef liver in the microwave, follow these tips:

  1. First of all, we prepare the offal.
  2. Then we cut the liver into cubes of such a size that they fit comfortably in a glass container.
  3. Take a head of onion, peel it and cut it into half rings.
  4. Place the liver in a microwave-safe glass dish, add salt and pepper, add chopped onion, a piece of margarine and 2 tablespoons of full-fat sour cream.
  5. Fill everything with a small amount of water and cover with a second transparent plate.
  6. Turn on the microwave at full power and cook the liver for 7 to 10 minutes, depending on the model of the device.

Liver is one of the popular offal products. Therefore, today we will talk about how many minutes to cook the liver. Like any other dish, it is necessary to prepare the liver in a perfectly clean kitchen, which must be cleaned and disinfested.

More often, the liver is fried, but boiled liver, if prepared correctly, is quite tasty. Beef and chicken liver are more suitable for cooking, but pork liver is better to stew. However, any type of liver can be used boiled in appetizers, pies and other dishes.

How long should you cook beef liver?

Before you put the liver to cook, first rinse it thoroughly in running water, remove the films, and put the dough in cold milk for 30 minutes. This is necessary in order to remove the bitterness from the meat. After soaking, carefully remove the remaining films and place the liver in a saucepan with water. Keep the liver over medium heat until it boils. Then reduce the gas and continue cooking it for another 40 minutes.

You can easily check the doneness of beef liver using a fork. If a light liquid comes out of the pulp, the liver is ready. Otherwise, it needs to be cooked for another 10 minutes.

In a pressure cooker, beef liver will be ready in 15 minutes.

Cook the beef liver in the microwave at maximum power for 10-15 minutes.

The finished boiled liver can be minced and used as a filling for pies, or cut into slices and added to a salad.

How long to cook chicken liver

Poultry liver is considered a noble and delicious dish. Chicken liver is no exception. Unlike beef liver, chicken liver cooks much faster. From the moment the water boils until it is ready, no more than 15 minutes should pass.

Every housewife should remember: the longer the chicken liver is cooked, the tougher it will be, so be sure to note the time. The finished boiled liver will have an even dark color when cut.

Does not require preliminary preparation in the form of soaking. The only thing is, if you purchased frozen liver, be sure to defrost it in cold water before cooking.

Cook chicken liver in a double boiler in 30 minutes, and in a pressure cooker or microwave in 10 minutes.

How many minutes to cook pork liver

Pork liver is no less healthy than beef liver. It is rich in vitamins and microelements. In addition, pork liver is very filling. However, this product has lower taste qualities than previous types of liver. Pork liver has a bitter taste, which is why many housewives do not use it in cooking. And in vain. By soaking you can significantly improve the taste of the product. Rinse the pieces thoroughly, place in a deep bowl and cover with milk. Unlike beef, pork liver should be soaked for 1.5-2 hours. After this, it should be transferred to a pan with water, add salt and spices. Cook the pork liver after boiling for 50 minutes.

If you are going to use the liver for a salad or mince it, the cooking time can be reduced by cutting the liver into small pieces. In this case, the cooking time will be no more than 10 minutes.

In a pressure cooker, pork liver will cook in 15 minutes, but in a slow cooker it will take an hour.

How long to cook turkey liver

Turkey liver is much tastier and more filling than chicken liver. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet of children.

Before cooking, rinse the turkey liver thoroughly and place in boiling salted water. After this, the delicacy should be cooked for 40 minutes over low heat.

The fastest way to cook turkey liver is in a pressure cooker. This will only take 7-10 minutes.

Nutritionists say that liver is one of the most useful offal that a person can eat today. Experts recommend supplementing your diet with this particular product, as its content is rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins and microelements. That's why it took a fairly high place in the food chain.

Most people are accustomed to eating beef liver fried, but it has an equally pleasant taste when boiled. Since this is a very delicate product that contains folic acid and vitamins A, B, C, it is very important to cook it correctly, preserving all the above beneficial properties. The purpose of this publication is to help you understand how to properly boil this offal so that it is soft and juicy.

Cooking methods

One of the simplest and most accessible ways to cook liver is boiling. Most often, housewives use a good old saucepan for this process, and those who keep up with the times use a slow cooker. Let's take a detailed and step-by-step look at the nuances of cooking using these methods.

In a saucepan

It is imperative to remember that the preparatory work before cooking over a fire in a saucepan is very important and has a significant impact on the taste and result. So, we provide you with detailed cooking instructions.

  1. We clean the piece of liver that was selected in advance from veins and film using a knife. To give it a softer and more delicate texture after cooking, after cleaning you need to wash it and put it in a bowl with milk or cold water for one hour.
  2. Bring a saucepan filled with cold water to a boil.
  3. You can add various spices and seasonings to the water to taste.
  4. Place the liver in water that has previously boiled.
  5. If you use a whole piece, then cook for at least 35-40 minutes, with small cuts - 15-20 minutes.
  6. Add salt about five minutes before the end of boiling.
  7. You can check readiness with a knife or fork by piercing the liver: if pinkish or red juice appears, do not remove from heat for another 5 minutes; if it is light, take it out.

In a slow cooker

One of the most used household appliances for cooking liver in the kitchen is the slow cooker. There is a claim that if you cook it using a slow cooker, you can preserve all the beneficial properties and elements. Here's how to do it:

  • we prepare the product itself for further heat treatment - we clean it;
  • chop into small pieces;
  • place the multicooker on the sieve, place it on the bowl previously filled with water and close the lid;
  • select the “Steam” mode;
  • the process lasts for 30 minutes;
  • Add salt at the end, while the liver is still hot.

How long to cook fresh and frozen liver?

Buying beef liver these days is not difficult. At the points of sale in front of us, it can be of two types - fresh or frozen. There is no significant difference in preparation, namely when we are going to boil it.

There is only a mandatory rule, which is proper defrosting: to avoid a sharp temperature change that can harm the product, you need to let it thaw in the refrigerator.

How long does it take to prepare a product for a child?

Nutritionists and pediatricians advise young parents to begin introducing beef liver into the diet of their babies from 7-8 months. At this age, the taste of liver is acceptable to the child.

However, it is no secret that the liver, as a rule, often initially causes negative and unpleasant emotions in children, but mothers really want their child to consume this offal in their diet, because it is a storehouse of vitamins. In this regard, the question often arises about how to properly prepare beef liver for a child under 1 year of age or more, preserving all the useful things in it.

There are no particular differences in cooking liver for children and adults. There are mandatory and important rules.

  1. When preparing beef liver for a small child, it is important to pre-soak it with milk. About one hour will be ideal.
  2. Regardless of where you cook the liver, a regular saucepan or a slow cooker, do not forget to also use finely chopped onions and carrots. This is done in order to remove all those unpleasant odors that children do not accept. Sometimes, and this is all according to taste and desire, you can add tomato paste (1 teaspoon), or sugar - 1 tablespoon will be enough. And our goal of removing foreign odors has been achieved.
  3. In general, it is recommended not to salt the product either during or after cooking.
  4. After the product is ready, it must be passed through a meat grinder or crushed with a blender, thus turning it into a homogeneous puree.
  5. You can give it to your child in its pure form or add vegetables.

When cooking in pieces in a pan, make sure that the liver is soft and juicy - 30-35 minutes is enough for this.

Approximately an hour, but it will not take so long to cook if you use a whole piece. We check as stated earlier: if there is clear juice, it’s ready, if not, cook for some more time.

  • Buy this offal fresh, chilled, try to avoid its frozen counterparts. It’s better to freeze it at home yourself if necessary. The shelf life in this condition is up to 6 months.
  • When choosing a component, pay attention to the color: it should be bright red, the surface should be uniform, the smell should be very distinctly meaty.
  • Two days is the shelf life of a ready-boiled product. And store all this for a short time in the refrigerator, in a hermetically sealed container.
  • In order not to make a mistake when choosing beef liver, remember its characteristics. The first is that the film gives the surface smoothness, the second is the bile ducts, that is, what the liver is permeated with.

  • Bitterness is the main and very significant drawback; unfortunately, it can spoil the taste of a ready-made dish. Soaking it in milk or water for about an hour before boiling will help protect yourself from this trouble. And also do not forget to remove all films and veins. If you don’t have time for this and you’re in a hurry, there is another solution - add a dairy product such as cream or sour cream to the water during the cooking process (the result will be similar).
  • Add salt only at the end, this will help avoid toughness.
  • If afterward it seems to you that the bitterness is still present, you can simmer the product with vegetables; onions and carrots work well; a pinch of sugar won’t hurt either. You can also use tomato ketchup or sour cream when stewing.
  • Cook the liver for a minimum amount of time, otherwise it can become dry.
  • To learn how to properly cook beef liver, see the following video.

To begin with, you need to remove the film from the liver, then trim off the unnecessary veins. There is a very proven and long-standing method. To ensure that the liver does not have any bitterness and is soft, you need to soak it in milk for 20 - 30 minutes. After that, dry the liver from moisture and you can boil it.

How long to cook beef liver

How many minutes to cook beef liver. Of course, if you want to boil the whole beef liver, you need at least 40 minutes. In order for the liver to boil faster, you need to cut it into medium cubes and cook for 25 - 30 minutes.

In order to find out whether the liver is ready or not, take out one piece and pierce it with a knife. If, when pierced, a clear liquid flows out of the liver, the liver is ready; if it is still bleeding, it needs to be cooked further.

You need to salt the liver halfway through cooking.

How long to cook beef liver for salad - For salad, you need to cook the liver depending on the size of the piece, cook medium pieces for about 25 - 30 minutes, salt the liver almost at the end.

We would like to present to your attention a delicious recipe for salad with beef liver!!!

If you choose from all the recipes for cooking liver, boiled whole piece of beef, pork or lamb liver is the simplest and healthiest recipe. I would like to note that the calorie content of boiled liver is less than that of fried liver. To compare caloric content: boiled beef liver contains 99 kcal, and fried beef liver, depending on the cooking method, contains from 199 to 300 kcal. Therefore, I prefer to boil, stew or bake the liver of my loved ones; such processing does not release carcinogens.
Boiled beef liver recipe: A piece of beef liver weighing 500 g, onion - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., parsley root or stems, peppercorns - several pieces, bay leaf - optional, water for boiling the liver - 1 liter, salt. How to boil liver?
Yes, very simple! Place whole, peeled onions and carrots, roots, spices into a saucepan and bring to a boil. It is better to place the liver in boiling water, skim off the foam and cook over low heat. The liver cooks quickly; 20 minutes of cooking time will be enough for it.

When to salt the liver during cooking?
If fish is salted immediately during cooking, then the liver, like mushrooms, is salted at the end of cooking. As you know, salt removes moisture, so to keep the liver juicy and soft, it is better to salt it closer to the end of cooking.
How to quickly cook liver in a slow cooker?
To do this, you need to use the “steaming” mode. Pour 0.7 liters of water into the multicooker bowl, place a whole piece of liver either in the bowl or on a steaming tray. Cooking time 20 minutes.
The multicooker allows you to cook two dishes, as they are called, dishes - duets. Therefore, you can save time and put something else on the steaming tray to cook, for example: vegetables for salad, potato slices, eggs, sausages, steamed cutlets or meatballs, meat pudding for a child, steam omelette, homemade sausages, fish in foil (then think for yourself what you can put in it

Remove the finished boiled beef liver from the broth. If you do not use the liver right away, you should cut it before serving so that it does not spoil.
P.S. This recipe is suitable for boiled veal, pork and lamb liver.

Why is boiled liver sometimes bitter?
Here, the answer to this question must be sought not in the cooking recipe (how and with what you cook it), but in the method of properly cutting the carcass. When butchering livestock, it is necessary to properly remove the gallbladder so that bile does not get onto the liver itself and into its ducts. If bile leaks out during cutting, the finished liver will taste bitter.
What can be prepared from boiled liver? There are many recipes for dishes made from boiled beef liver.

1. Boiled liver is served as an independent dish with all kinds of sauces.
Here is a recipe for a delicious sauce for boiled liver:
1 glass of broth from boiling the liver, 150 g of sour cream, 2-3 pickled or pickled cucumbers, garlic - optional, herbs. Boil the broth, add sour cream, chopped cucumbers, garlic (whole or crushed) and chopped herbs. Cut the liver into large pieces and add to the sauce. Simmer for 5 minutes and serve.

2. Boiled beef liver can be baked in the oven or microwave:
Cut the boiled liver into slices, put on it slices of boiled carrots or stewed zucchini, flavored with grated garlic, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven or microwave until the cheese melts.

3. Boiled liver is used in fillings for pies, pies, dumplings, dumplings, as well as for preparing liver pates and cakes.
This is chilled beef liver