How to take carob syrup and why. For medicinal purposes

Carob is an evergreen plant of the legume family, the fruits of which are enclosed in long pods, each of which contains from 5 to 17 grains, covered with juicy pulp.

The plant, reaching 10–15 meters in height, is widespread in Mediterranean countries, particularly in Cyprus, where it occurs wild and is also cultivated in gardens and park areas. Botanical name of the species Ceratoniasiliqua or ceratoniaCapsicum.

Carob syrup - 10 beneficial properties

  1. Great alternative to coffee and chocolate

    The taste of carob syrup is very close to cocoa, on the basis of which chocolate, beloved by those with a sweet tooth, is made. But unlike this delicacy, ceratonia fruits do not contain caffeine and theobromine, which negatively affect the functioning of the heart. There are no oxalates, whose ability to bind calcium leads to the formation of kidney stones. In addition, carob syrup from Cyprus is quite sweet, containing about 50% sucrose, fructose and glucose, which eliminates the need to add sugar to dishes.

    Drinking drinks based on carob syrup allows you to completely give up coffee, which will undoubtedly benefit people suffering from kidney disease, heart disease, nervous disorders and allergic reactions. The product is completely free of salsolinol, which, according to doctors, causes an increased addiction to coffee and chocolate, similar to drug or alcohol addiction.

  2. Restores blood composition

    Sweet beans contain a high iron content, which improves blood composition in case of anemia. Therefore, fruit syrup carob can be successfully used in the nutrition of patients after infections and surgical interventions, for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost a lot of blood as a result of injuries or operations. Carob syrup is useful for women who experience heavy blood loss during menstruation and people suffering from anemia.

  3. Improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels

    Potassium and magnesium – active substances, the content of which in ceratonia fruits is very high, supports normal heart function and has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and the nervous system. In clinical studies, the ability of carob syrup components to reduce blood cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure was noted.

  4. Has a mild diuretic effect

    Carob syrup can be used as a diuretic. The potassium contained here helps remove excess fluid from the body, which allows you to relieve increased stress on the heart and kidneys, eliminate swelling, and improve water and electrolyte metabolism in the body.

  5. Regulates the functioning of the digestive system

    The effectiveness of carob syrup for disorders of the stomach and intestines is explained by the presence of tannins in its composition - residual elements of the breakdown of gallic acid. The beneficial properties of the product are expressed in the rapid relief of symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, gas formation, and elimination of the consequences of food poisoning.

    Sometimes carob syrup from Cyprus is used in pediatrics to normalize stool and eliminate regurgitation in infants.

  6. Treats throat diseases

    In ancient times, sweet pods were recommended for singers to chew before performing on stage to strengthen their vocal cords. Traditional healers use carob syrup as a means of relieving inflammation of the upper respiratory tract for sore throats and colds accompanied by cough. IN medicinal purposes The syrup can not only be taken orally, but also used to gargle a sore throat. For asthmatic manifestations of allergies, the use of syrup helps to significantly ease breathing.

  7. Positively affects eye health

    Carob syrup, due to the presence of vitamin B2 in it, helps relieve eye fatigue during strain, and serves to prevent cataracts and hemeralopia - a disease characterized by a decrease in visual acuity at dusk, the so-called “night blindness”.

  8. Helps with weight loss

    Despite the fact that carob syrup from Cyprus contains a large amount of sugar, nutritionists recommend its use for people who want to get rid of extra pounds. The thing is that an increase in blood glucose levels gives the brain a signal of satiety, which means that a small amount of syrup drunk dulls the feeling of hunger and allows you to reduce the amount of food you eat. The beneficial properties of syrup for weight loss also lie in the fact that vegetable fibers, swelling in the stomach, create a feeling of fullness.

  9. Increases male libido

    Carob fruits have a high zinc content. It is known that this trace element is involved in the synthesis of testosterone in the male body. With insufficient zinc intake, in addition to decreased erectile function, the functioning of the prostate gland is inhibited, which can provoke diseases such as prostatitis or adenoma. The use of carob syrup helps prevent the fading of potency and preserve male strength for many years.

  10. Strengthens immunity

    In addition to the beneficial properties listed above, carob syrup can be used as an immunostimulant. The fruit contains a wide range of minerals (potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, calcium) and vitamins (B1, B2, B4, B6, E, C, PP). These substances are indispensable assistants to strengthen our immunity.

    The calcium content is so high (100 mg per 100 g of product) that doctors recommend introducing carob syrup into the diet of young children to prevent rickets and strengthen bones and teeth. The sweet pods also contain natural antioxidants, which gives specialists hope to develop drugs based on ceratonia fruits that can cure cancer.

Carob syrup – contraindications

No harmful substances, including allergens and toxins, were found in carob syrup. Therefore, this product, supplied from Cyprus, can be used in the diet of people of any gender and age. Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding are allowed to consume syrup in moderation.

There are no contraindications to the use of carob syrup, but several warnings are still worth heeding:

  • It is really possible to lose weight with carob syrup, but you should not give up a full breakfast, lunch and dinner. The purpose of using this remedy is not to refuse food, but to reduce portions. Otherwise, as a result of a constant high level of glucose in the blood, a malfunction in the mechanism of natural metabolism will occur and you will not have to count on rapid weight loss.
  • Although carob syrup can be consumed by children early age, without prior consultation with a doctor, you should not introduce it into the menu of babies under one year old. The conditions of the current environmental situation are such that children may experience undesirable reactions to absolutely harmless products. The same applies to people with hypersensitivity to certain elements of carob syrup.
  • Patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes should exercise caution when consuming sweet foods. The simple carbohydrates included in its composition can trigger insulin spikes in the blood. Therefore, diabetics need to strictly adhere to the recommended doses of syrup, and if their health worsens, consult a doctor.

Interesting facts about carob syrup

Since ancient times, the fruits of the tree have been exported to various countries, including to the Russian lands. Here, a pleasant-tasting overseas delicacy was called a sweet horn or Tsaregrad pod.

The fleshy fruit, which acquires a persistent smell of yeast after drying, is mentioned in the Bible and other ancient sources. Because of these aromatic properties, ceratonia is often called John's breadfruit.

Dry carob beans always have a stable weight of about 0.2 g. Therefore, they were used as a measure of weight in jewelry and pharmacy. Hence the name of the unit of mass measurement precious stones“karat”, since the Greek sound of ceratonia is κέρατος, which means horn, horn.

Powder from dried beans (carob) is used as a cocoa substitute, as well as an aromatic seasoning for various dishes Mediterranean cuisine. IN fresh sweet pods are used as a delicacy, tinctures, liqueurs and soft drinks. On the domestic market you can most often find carob syrup exported from Cyprus.

What else is useful?

Nature never ceases to amaze humanity. The Legume family unites varieties of valuable cultivated and wild plants. It contains representatives of herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees. An interesting type of legume is the carob tree, also called ceratonia, St. John's bread and Tsaregrad pod.

Biological features of carob

Evergreen ceratonia, reaching a height of 10 meters, covers rocky slopes and gorges, and is found in evergreen oak, juniper and pine forests of the Mediterranean. Spain, Italy, America, India, Greece are countries where carob is cultivated. Cypri Levant supplies the best Constantinople pods. They are slightly inferior to the beans collected by the Spaniards and Italians.

The mighty trunk of the tree is covered with bark of brown and dark gray shades, and twisted branches and twigs extend from it in all directions. The wide crown of ceratonia is formed by dense feathery leaves. Seven-year-old trees begin to bloom vigorously. Flowers with inconspicuous, rapidly falling calyxes without corollas are collected in purple-red clusters.

Rocky soils affected the development of the root system of St. John's bread. The carob tree has roots that are powerful and tenacious, with many branches in the crevices and cracks that penetrate the infertile lands.

The tree is cultivated for its fruits - indehiscent beans that look like horns, beautiful and very hard wood, suitable for carpentry. The horn-shaped pods, growing up to 30 cm in length, are filled with medium-sized round seeds and juicy pulp rich in sugars.

Nutritional value of ceratonia beans

Carob is rich in natural sugars, proteins, minerals, vitamins, fats and fibers. The benefit of fiber is that it slowly converts sugars during digestion. Pods containing up to 50% sugars are a source of incredible energy nutrition (100 g - 315 kcal).

The saturation of sweet beans with proteins is such that when mixing cereals with ceratonia flour, nutritious mixtures are obtained. Such products are equivalent in value to animal proteins. There is no gluten in flour made from the seeds of Tsaregrad horns. Products made from it are important for the nutrition of people suffering from celiac disease.

Beans contain minimal fat. The pods contain fatty acids that are not produced by the human body. Eating carob products helps replenish linolenic and oleic acids. The composition of sweet cones is enriched with tannin, a substance from the category of powerful natural antioxidants that protect against cancer.

Benefits of ceratonia fruits

Ceratonia beans are rich in fibrin, pectin and lignin. These substances, having a special effect on the intestinal flora, reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to the growth of colonies of beneficial lactobacilli. Pectin is a well-known thickener, along with a laxative effect, and has a coagulating and bactericidal effect.

It prevents the appearance of benign and malignant tumors. It is used to remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body. Thanks to it, the level of “bad” cholesterol drops. Pectin is involved in the formation of cell membranes and helps protect the mucous membranes lining the intestines.

Antitussive teas are brewed from sweet beans to relieve colds. Decoctions of them help reduce inflammation and heal wounds caused by gingivitis, stomatitis and pharyngitis. Infusions are used to make lotions that heal sore eyes, and to gargle an irritated throat.

Since ancient times, carob, whose properties are amazing, has been used in pharmaceuticals. The products (flour, gum and syrup) obtained from its pods have been considered excellent medicines for centuries.

Healing properties of gum

The tree's beans are enriched with gum, a soluble fiber that has an astringent effect. Fiber prevents inflammatory processes that occur on the mucous membranes. Thanks to it, digestion is facilitated, diarrhea disappears, pain in the gastrointestinal tract goes away, and stomach function is normalized.

An unusually healing substance is carob gum. It prevents the appearance of anxiety in the stomach and effectively relieves digestive disorders. It is recommended to be used for asthma, cystitis, laryngitis, and as an expectorant to cleanse the respiratory tract.

Medicinal properties of flour

Fresh pods have a laxative effect. Flour from them is used as an antidiarrheal agent. It helps fight childhood diarrhea and gastroenteritis in infants. It heals ulcers and suppresses intestinal infections. In addition, flour can absorb toxins from the digestive tract.

Flour fibers have a triple effect. Mixing with liquid, they contribute to the formation of a useful colloidal gel, help relax the intestinal walls and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Uses of carob

There are white and black carob fruits. White pods are good for cooking, while black pods are good for producing alternative chocolate, ersatz cocoa and medicine. Sweet beans are suitable for making honey, syrup and wine. They make baked goods, gourmet delicacies, prepare compotes and refreshing drinks.

White and black “crane peas” are used to fatten livestock. Substances extracted from the bark are used to tan the leather. The seeds are used to make parachute glue. In Israel, folk craftsmen produce expensive souvenirs from wood.

Carob has found application in jewelry. The resin that flowed down the trunks of trees that grew in South American lands for tens of millions of years turned into amber. Atlantic amber, as pure as a tear, contains an incredible number of inclusions. It is recognized as the most valuable jewelry material. The extraction of the Atlantic (Haitian or Dominican) mineral is carried out using the artisanal method. Makeshift mines have been built in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Mexico.

Tsaregrad horns have an interesting use. Their seeds became the standard for weighing precious metals and stones. The absolute uniformity of the shape and weight of the seeds made them a unique and reliable example of trade.

Even in pagan Rome, seeds became a kind of “weights”, having the same weight - 0.189 g. Taking advantage of the unique quality of seeds, jewelers invented an unshakable measure that allows them to determine the mass of stones and metals - carats (from the Greek keratos - “horn”).

Properties and uses of gum

Locust bean gum - extracted from the juice of beans. The chain of this polymer includes molecules represented by residues of various monosaccharides. The powder, classified as a food additive and with virtually no aroma, has a yellowish-white color.

Heating, salty and acidic environments do not destroy the properties of the thickener. The stabilizer is characterized by high viscosity. To dissolve it, you need water whose temperature is not lower than 85 o C. It turns all kinds of liquids into jelly.

During the cooling process of the thickener, for which the carob fruit is ground, ice crystals form at a slower pace, promoting the formation of a structured gel. Gum allows cheeses, yoghurts and other dairy products to retain their shape.

It is added to baked goods, sauces, frozen desserts, canned vegetables, fish and mushrooms. In addition to the food industry, the stabilizer is widely used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. It is added to anti-aging creams, serums, gels and medicines.

The natural supplement is considered harmless to humans (with the exception of hypersensitivity to gum). The stabilizer is not able to break down in the body. It comes out unprocessed. This thickener is even added to baby food.

Application of ceratonia capita syrup

Carob, or rather its pods, are used to prepare syrup - a product suitable for dietary nutrition, treatment, culinary products, cosmetics and chemicals. The delicacy is made by boiling finely chopped pods with water and evaporating.

Syrup is one of the ingredients in sweets, baked goods, drinks, candies, and sauces served with dessert dishes. They serve pancakes, pancakes, and ice cream with it. It is used to sweeten water, coffee, tea and other drinks.

Beneficial carob syrup is added to medicines that cope with colds, coughs and bronchitis. Syrup-based preparations strengthen the immune system and treat gastrointestinal disorders.

Benefits of syrup

Delicious carob syrup has an immunomodulatory and restorative effect. It is rich in B vitamins, minerals, tannins and natural sugars. Its composition is not deprived of organic acids, starch, pectin and proteins.

Since no sugar is added to this product, it is suitable for diabetics. In terms of calcium content, carob syrup, the use of which is justified in dietary nutrition, is 3 times higher than milk.

The delicacy is not inferior to chocolate in terms of sweetness, taste and aroma, but it does not contain the bitterness characteristic of cocoa and tonic substances that cause addiction, so it is recommended as a natural substitute for chocolate.

The healing power of syrup

Not only folk, but also official medicine recognizes carob syrup. Its use to obtain many medications confirms the medicinal properties of the product. With the help of treats, they get rid of toxins that clog organs and tissues. They treat insomnia, diarrhea and colds.

The syrup relieves nervous disorders and promotes weight loss. It is taken for poisoning. Rich in calcium and zinc, it helps strengthen teeth and bones. The syrup is an excellent cure for coughs and sore throats.

It eliminates shortness of breath, fights anemia, prevents heart palpitations, lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Syrup enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex is useful for people suffering from vitamin deficiency.

The syrup has no contraindications for use. It is used as an ordinary food product.

Syrup for weight loss

Syrup reduces excess weight. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of the product and lemon juice squeezed from one slice in a glass of water. Drink a weight loss drink before lunch and dinner (5-15 minutes before). After 14 days, they begin to consume it before breakfast.

Carob is a crop that has centuries-old history. Since biblical times, the fruit of the tree has been used as a constant measure of weight. Each of its fruits is equal to a non-systemic unit of measurement - the carat. They use not only the fruits and seeds of the tree, but also the bark. The benefits and harms of carob syrup are still discussed today due to the properties that this exceptional plant has.

What is carob syrup

Capsicum ceratonia or carob is a member of the legume family. This accessory determines the properties of the fruit. They have the shape of a pod and can reach a length of 25 cm and a width of 5 cm.

Inside there are seeds and dense pulp, which consists of 50% sugars. The product in dried and crushed form is used as a substitute for cocoa powder.

Carob syrup is prepared from the fruit in industrial scale. To do this, the pods are crushed. The ends are sifted out as they contain substances that impart bitterness. Then the mass is evaporated using special equipment. The result is a viscous liquid of a dark brown rich hue.

Information! Ceratonia grows in countries with mild climates. In Europe, these are countries along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea; in Russia, it has successfully taken root in the Caucasus.

Carob syrup, due to its exceptional beneficial properties, is used as a means of strengthening the immune system. It is also widely used as an additive to desserts. The benefits of application depend on what substances remain after heat treatment.

Chemical composition and calorie content of syrup

Elements that contain carob fruits are characteristic of the composition of the syrup. They are joined useful material, obtained after reactions during the preparation of the product.

Syrup, like all products with a high sugar content, is rich in carbohydrates.

Per 100 g there are:

76 g carbohydrates;

2.6 g protein;

0.3 g fat.

Calorie content – ​​320 kcal per hundred grams of finished product.

The chemical elements with which the syrup is saturated are represented by beneficial B vitamins.

Water-soluble vitamin. Participant in the breakdown of proteins and their synthesis. Benefits in regulating growth and development human body.

Pantothenic acid

Participant in the breakdown of fats for easier absorption. Promotes the production of important hormones.


The main beneficial property of this vitamin is its assistance in the absorption of protein foods.


Participant in the growth processes of hair, nails, and epithelial cells. Responsible for many metabolic processes, improves the state of the body's immune forces.

It is beneficial for normalizing the state of the nervous system and has the ability to improve human memory.

In addition to vitamins, the syrup contains:

  • tannins;
  • amino acids;
  • starch;
  • pectin, sugar;
  • microelements.

Benefits of carob syrup

The beneficial properties of carob syrup are determined by its effect on the body's systems.

For the cardiovascular system, the product is important as a means that can lead to normal heart palpitations. When consumed regularly, it has a positive effect on strengthening the heart muscle.

The benefit for digestion lies in helping to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. This mechanism is triggered due to the beneficial properties of tannins.

The vitamins and amino acids in the compounds help normalize sleep and improve the emotional state, which indicates the benefits of the product for the nervous system.

Researchers claim that due to its beneficial properties of strengthening the body's defense reactions, syrup is valued by Europeans as a means of preventing cancer.

Indications for use of carob syrup

The medicinal properties of carob syrup are used to treat certain diseases. It is used as a means:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • cough treatment;
  • improving metabolism.

These techniques are gradually entering medical practice. According to doctors, carob syrup as an immunomodulatory drug has shown a high effect for children and adolescents.

How to drink carob syrup

Despite the fact that the syrup has exceptional properties and benefits the body, its intake must be carefully dosed. Take it half an hour before the main meal, the daily norm for an adult is 4 - 5 tbsp. l.

Children from 5 to 12 years old can take up to 2 tbsp. l daily. For young children, syrup is recommended to be introduced into the diet gradually so as not to harm the intestinal tract that is not fully formed.

For medicinal purposes

At the first symptoms of a cold - coughing and sore throat - it is recommended to dilute 1 tbsp. l. syrup with a glass of warm water and take before meals. This drink relieves inflammation of the larynx and eases smooth muscle spasms.

Carob syrup for coughs for children is used in reduced doses. Instead of 1 tbsp. l. 200 per ml of water diluted with 1 tsp. syrup.

To obtain a sedative effect, drink 1 tbsp of syrup. l. 5 times a day - every day for a month. The course is repeated if necessary. This healthy drink has a positive effect on sleep problems and relieves symptoms of nervous tension.

Warning! The syrup is not used simultaneously with milk or milk-based drinks: such a mixture can lead to the development of diarrhea.

For weight loss

To improve metabolic processes and reduce excess weight, 1 tbsp. l. The liquid is diluted with a glass of water, the juice of a lemon slice is added, and drunk half an hour before meals 4-5 times daily. Adding to a drink lemon juice enhances the property of the syrup - to have an effect on digestion: the activity of the processes of cleansing the body of harmful toxic substances is activated.

Nutritionists have developed a diet based on the intake of ceratonia molasses. The benefits and harms of carob syrup for those who want to lose weight have a fine line. Overdose may have a negative effect on obese people. Therefore, taking carob syrup when losing weight should be carefully dosed.

Cosmetological properties of carob syrup

The beneficial properties of the product are widely used in for cosmetic purposes: some women actively use molasses as an additive to creams and lotions for the skin of the face and scalp. A good solution would be to use it as a natural thickener for preparing face and hair masks.

Researchers claim that the beneficial substances of the product’s compounds can replace collagen in their properties. Therefore, face masks using a small amount of molasses are in demand.

Important! The astringent and bactericidal properties of the product can be beneficial in the fight against inflammation on the face.

Use of carob syrup in cooking

For cooking, imported Turkish carob syrup is purchased: Turkey has become the main supplier of industrial raw materials, producing ceratonia molasses in volumes sufficient for consumption within the country and for sale outside its borders.

The product is added to drinks as a thickener and as an additive to sweet sauces and glazes. It has the property of giving liquids a chocolate tint. Many children love to eat pancakes, pancakes, and porridge with the addition of a small amount of molasses.

Harmful effects of carob syrup

Those who have allergic reactions to foods should be careful when taking such sugar-containing substances.

Important! Eating molasses will cause harm to those who have fructose intolerance.

Contraindications to the use of carob syrup

Carob syrup should not be used as food if you are pregnant or breastfeeding: it may harm the baby's development due to high content sugars, since it is during these periods that the bodies of women and infants are especially at risk of developing allergic reactions.

How and for how long can carob syrup be stored?

At long-term storage A sediment may form at the bottom, which is not harmful to health and disappears with active shaking. The syrup can be stored for no more than 24 months from the date of manufacture. Dates and expiration dates must be indicated on the original packaging.


The benefits and harms of carob syrup are determined by its basic properties. The peculiarity of the product lies in its ability to completely replace sugar, making dishes healthy, tasty and rich. Consuming within reasonable limits will not cause harm, can have a healing effect and strengthen the body's immune forces.

Published: 08/16/2016 Posted by: stvalerija In this material we will talk about what carob syrup is, how to take it and why. Another name for this product is “kerob”, it is made from the fruits of the carob tree, which grows mainly on the island of Cyprus. Kerob is the powder of this tree, which is often used as a cocoa substitute in cooking. If you have a healthy and proper diet, it is recommended to replace sugar with this syrup. About the beneficial properties In addition to the fact that this product itself is tasty, it is also extremely healthy and natural. The syrup contains many important chemicals, vitamins, and no preservatives. Unlike cocoa, which stimulates the nervous system and increases blood pressure, kerob does not have such effects (it does not contain caffeine, so it is suitable for use by children under one year of age and older).

Important! Of course, there are certain contraindications when drinking coffee is contraindicated, but carob syrup is ideal. First of all, people with problems with the heart, blood vessels and high blood pressure. This product is also important for diabetics. About ways to clean vessels at home with lemon.

First of all, this sweet product, so it is perfect as an additional additive to baked goods and other confectionery products (use it instead of sugar, carob is not only healthier, it is twice as sweet as sugar).

1. When there are kidney stones; 2. If doctors have forbidden you to eat sweets; 3. Kerob does not affect the absorption of calcium from food; 4. It does not cause an allergic reaction, including in children. So, it can be safely used as a replacement for cocoa or chocolate, and other sweets that cause allergies. 5. To restore intestinal microflora. 6. To improve metabolism and increase the overall tone of the body. 7. This syrup will prevent the symptoms of hypertension. 8. Help in treating bronchi and problems with the pulmonary system. 9. Recovery from viral infections. 10. To saturate the body with calcium and vitamin E. By the way, carob syrup contains three times more potassium than any dairy product. 11. To saturate the body with iron, especially when anemia is being treated. 12. When consuming carob syrup, wounds will heal faster, especially those on the mucous membranes. 13. To reduce blood cholesterol levels. 14. When you need to cleanse the body of heavy metals. 15. For the treatment of allergies, especially when a clear reaction to an allergy is difficulty breathing. 16. With loss of appetite, to block the feeling of hunger. Due to the fact that the feeling of hunger is suppressed and metabolism is accelerated, you can begin to actively lose weight. 17. The syrup has a pronounced diuretic effect.

Read about how to effectively and quickly cleanse your body.

How to take it correctly

You can buy this syrup in stores proper nutrition, in a pharmacy or simply on the Internet. The consistency of this liquid is brown and in some way it strongly resembles sugar syrup. The product is prepared from fruits that are crushed, then soaked in water, and then evaporated. It’s great if you can take this symptom when you have a cough, ARVI or flu. You will need to dissolve a tablespoon of the product in a glass of warm water and drink four times a day until complete recovery. If you constantly have a headache, then kerob will also help. Especially when headaches are accompanied by sleep disturbances. The course of treatment will last three months, you can safely drink the syrup up to six times a day, diluting a tablespoon of the product in a glass of warm water. Many people who want to lose weight and are on a diet take carob syrup as a dietary supplement. You can drink it every day by stirring a tablespoon of syrup in a glass of clean warm water.

As can be seen from this material, kerob is a natural and pure product, which can be used by every person. This product has no contraindications, will help maintain health and beauty for many years, reduce the amount of sugar consumed, without denying yourself something tasty. The product is ideal as an aid in weight loss. About licorice syrup and how to take it.

It's natural natural remedy, which is unique in itself, but kerob can effectively replace such familiar products in our daily life as sugar, cocoa and even coffee. » Report this recipe?>

Carob - its benefits and harms, interesting recipes

Let's play a guessing game? Sweet brown powder - but not cocoa. An aromatic, invigorating drink – but not coffee. An appetizing soft candy – but not a truffle. What is it? And this is a mysterious carob, the benefits and harms of which have been known since biblical times. Today, carob (as carob is officially called) is a fashionable low-calorie treat, but a few centuries ago they saved the inhabitants of the Mediterranean from hunger and vitamin deficiency - especially during drought. What else is carob so famous for and why is it an ideal place for it in your kitchen?

Black gold of Cyprus

Not only magnets and olive oil tourists buy in Cyprus - every self-respecting guest of the island is simply obliged to bring home carob chocolate or carob syrup, which is called black gold here.

It would take a long time to list where the carob tree grows: Cyprus, Egypt, Italy, Spain and other areas of the Mediterranean.

Carob fruits are a universal product; all its parts are equally useful. The thick chocolate-sweet pulp is used for medicines and syrup, and if it is dried, you get the same carob powder, a well-known cocoa substitute. The seeds are used as animal feed, and also for the production of locust bean gum, one of the well-known thickeners. Therefore, if you find this very gum in store-bought ice cream or pudding, do not be alarmed - the product is completely natural.

And the most interesting thing is that carob seeds always have the same weight of 0.2 g, which became the basis for the modern measure of jewelry weight - carat. This is such a precious carob tree!

Healing properties of carob

What do we check first when buying carob? Calorie content, what else! For a sweet product, and even a chocolate analogue, you need an eye and an eye. And here carob does not fail - 220-230 calories versus 550 in dark chocolate. But low-calorie content is not the only beneficial property of the Egyptian fig.

  • Carob is a rich source of potassium and magnesium, so this dessert is irreplaceable for heart patients and hypertensive patients.
  • Unlike coffee and chocolate, tropical fruits no caffeine or theobromine. This means that carob drinks and sweets will not provoke sudden jump pressure and will not cause addiction. But chocolate and coffee addiction is a real nightmare for those with a sweet tooth and workaholics...
  • Carob does not contain oxalic acid, which forms oxalates - precursors urolithiasis. So, with this illness, you can enjoy carob desserts without fear.
  • Egyptian figs are completely devoid of the dangerous components phenylthylamine and fromamine, which are provocateurs of migraines and allergies. That's why " side effects» from this delicacy are minimal.
  • Doctors have also long appreciated the carob tree: its medicinal properties are used in the manufacture of medicines. Cough lozenges, immunomodulating syrups and remedies for gastrointestinal ailments are all carob.


There is practically no debate about the dangers of carob - its safety and beneficial properties have been proven for centuries. Carob has minimal allergenicity, so it can be given even to children. Of course, if they themselves agree to eat carob (reviews say that carob chocolate has a slight bitterness).

But there is one caveat - carob fruits for diabetes. Low calorie and dessert taste make carob an ideal product for diabetics - as many sources say. But the sweetness of carob is the same sweetness as in fruit, and fructose can be quite dangerous if you overdo it.

Therefore, coffee, hot chocolate and carob truffles are allowed in limited quantities for diabetes - just so as not to forget the taste of chocolate (well, almost chocolate) dessert.

Carob syrup in cooking and medicine

Carob syrup, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are so valued in cooking, is a real treasure of Mediterranean cuisine. It has a very similar taste and consistency to chocolate syrup, so you can use it in the same way: pour over pancakes and ice cream, add to cupcakes and cookies, pour into smoothies and milkshakes.

But in addition to its bright taste and culinary benefits, this product has many healing properties:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood composition in anemia;
  • cleanses blood vessels and helps reduce bad cholesterol;
  • is a mild diuretic;
  • soothes the intestines and relieves bloating.

If you are constantly suffering from gas in the stomach, carob syrup will be a real salvation. How to use delicious medicine? It’s very simple: stir a teaspoon in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. and if you feel a cough and cold approaching, do the same procedure at night - by the morning there will be no trace of the illness.

Carob for weight loss - truth or myth?

Despite all the usefulness of this amazing sauce, there is also a very popular myth about it - these are stories that you can use carob syrup for weight loss. Reviews on the Internet loudly assure: syrup will help maintain your figure, but losing weight with its help is simply unrealistic.

If you are used to drinking tea with sugar and sweets, then replacing sweets with syrup will definitely help reduce the number of daily calories. But in order to get rid of the kilograms that have already been gained, you need a more effective remedy - a specially selected diet and exercise.

And it is better to consolidate the result not with syrups, but with healthy drinks - for example, water with lemon for weight loss.

This is what a carob tree looks like

Cooking with carob: secrets of Mediterranean cuisine

Carob gum, sometimes mistakenly called oil, is an important product in the food industry. Thanks to it, the ice cream becomes viscous and soft, the pudding finds its perfect consistency, and the icing hardens on the cakes in the most bizarre form.

But if you decide to buy carob syrup for your home, the instructions for use will pleasantly surprise you. This “almost chocolate” sauce, like the powder, can be used in a variety of ways!

  1. Sprinkle or drizzle carob over fruit salad or homemade dessert with cottage cheese - instead of powdered sugar, cinnamon and cocoa.
  2. We prepare an alternative to cocoa - just stir a spoonful of carob in a glass of hot water or milk. You can make coffee from carob in the same way: it is sold in stores as a regular instant drink (from regular coffee or chicory).
  3. We use ground carob in baking. The Egyptian fig will give your desserts a rich chocolate color and an original nutty-caramel taste.
  4. Mix with butter and honey. Lovers of morning toast with butter and jam will definitely appreciate this creative approach to breakfast.
  5. We make homemade truffles, chocolate or Potato cake from carob.

Recipes with carob

Do you want to pamper your family? unusual pancakes or cocoa with original taste? Stock up on Cypriot black gold urgently. banana muffins, pumpkin pie, coconut truffles – you can find the most unexpected recipes on the Internet. And if you prefer dried carob, recipes for drinks made from it will also please gourmets.

Please note: carob itself is very sweet, so you need to add sugar to desserts in very small quantities - or not at all. The taste of Egyptian figs is also unpredictable: reviews seriously differ in their descriptions of carob cakes and drinks. Reminds some people of carob dark chocolate, some talk about a delicate nutty shade, and many believe that bright taste carob is so unique that it simply defies description.

Date smoothie with carob

You will need: a glass of unsweetened yogurt, 5 pitted dates, 1 ripe banana, 2-3 large spoons of carob powder.

Finely chop the fruit, put it in a blender bowl, fill it with yogurt and add carob. Whisk. If the drink turns out too thick, you can add a little milk.

Carob chocolate

The recipe for this chocolate can be changed depending on your tastes - add nuts, dried fruits, spices, experiment with combinations.

You will need: 100 g of cocoa butter, 50-60 g of carob, 50 g of milk powder, additives to taste - nuts, coconut flakes, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, etc.

Sift the carob through a strainer and at the same time melt the cocoa butter in a water bath. Add sweet powder (keep one large spoon in reserve). If the chocolate butter thickens, melt it again.

Then we pour it in powdered milk, if necessary, the remaining carob. The dough should have a consistency similar to thick sour cream. Add nuts, dried fruits and other delicious ingredients.

The finished mixture can be placed in shaped ice molds (you will get interesting truffles like hearts or apples) or formed chocolate bar. Cool in the refrigerator for several hours and homemade chocolate ready.

Is it possible to grow carob at home?

The main requirements of carob are a temperature of 25 - 27°C and an air humidity of 85%. In winter, the tree needs rest and cooler temperatures, and it lives best on a southern windowsill.

Well, while you are waiting for your home harvest of Egyptian figs, feel free to look for carob in stores. Today you can buy carob and carob syrup in special online stores and spice departments. They cost almost the same - 300-350 rubles for 500 grams of powder and 250 ml of syrup, respectively.

Carob syrup

The popular name of this tree is carob, and the scientific name is ceratonia capita. It is named carob because of these very pods: when ripe, they curl into long (from fifteen to thirty centimeters) curved stripes, reminiscent of the horns of a ram or goat.

Ceratonia is widespread throughout the Mediterranean, it reaches as much as twelve meters in height and, due to its lush foliage and spreading branches, provides abundant shade.

The ancient Greeks were the first to use the fruits of this tree. It was carob that gave the world the well-known measure of weight “carat”. Since all carob seeds weigh exactly the same, this makes them ideal “weights” for jewelers and apothecaries.

Carob in cooking

The ceratonia pod is widely used in the cuisine of the peoples of Mediterranean countries. Sugar makes up more than half of its pulp. The bag is cleared of seeds and dried: it can be eaten whole, cut into strips, crushed and used as a powder, or made into syrup.

The hard, sugary cone is especially popular among those who, for some reason, cannot have cocoa: this elongated brownish-red shell tastes very much like chocolate. Carob is caffeine-free, it does not raise blood pressure and does not cause headaches. The abundance of carbohydrates guarantees quick saturation. In Malta, Israel and North Africa, dishes made from pods have long secured their place of honor in the holiday menu.

Syrup and its beneficial properties

It is believed that Cyprus was the first to make syrup from ceratonia horns. It is prepared like this: the pods are placed in a huge bronze cauldron, where they are boiled for at least four hours. The liquid is passed through a fine sieve, which traps pieces of pulp. The finished product has a dark golden color that is pleasing to the eye. Due to its rich taste, it is often diluted with juices, such as orange.

The islanders call their product "Cypriot black gold" and export it widely. It is especially popular in Muslim countries, where it is drunk in large quantities during the month of Ramadan. Currently, Cypriots compete with regions such as Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Sicily, where carob syrup is also widely brewed. Its use, however, is not limited to just confectionery industry: This drink is recognized to have beneficial effects on health.

Let us describe in more detail the healing properties of ceratonia syrup:

  • It helps with sore throat and cough;
  • It contains truly gigantic amounts of calcium: three times more than milk;
  • The drink is rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and dietary fiber;
  • It contains (albeit in not very significant amounts) vitamins B2 and B3;
  • Thanks to the presence of tannins, it treats diarrhea and loose stools (this effect is most pronounced in young children);
  • It is free of gluten and casein, which extensive research suggests practical experience, can lead to increased symptoms of childhood autism and hyperactivity, migraine and ulcerative colitis in adults;
  • The drink is rich in polyphenols - plant antioxidants that help the body cope with harmful free radicals.

Carob syrup is added to drinks or plain water. It is so sweet that four to five tablespoons a day is enough for an adult, but for children and teenagers it is better to limit themselves to three teaspoons.

Generally speaking, anyone can enjoy the taste of sweet syrup. There are, however, certain groups of people for whom it is especially indicated:

  • Smokers and those who quit smoking. Let us not once again describe the various health hazards from this still popular bad habit. Let us only note that in people who regularly inhale tar-rich hot smoke, the throat, trachea, bronchi and the lungs themselves are constantly irritated. Carob syrup will help soothe inflammation and stimulate mucus flow, thereby helping the body rid itself of toxins. Unfortunately, the therapeutic effect of carob will only slightly mitigate the harm of smoking, but will not completely eliminate it. You can make it a rule: when your hands reach for a pack of poison, drink instead a small glass of water or tea with dissolved in them sweet additive. Double benefit and no harm!
  • We can give a similar recommendation to those who have noticed an excessive addiction to such everyday stimulants as coffee and chocolate. If you drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day and cannot imagine a morning that would not begin with this invigorating drink, we must warn you: your health is at risk. High blood pressure, nervous exhaustion, gastritis, heart problems are just the beginning of a long list of ailments that await you. Carob syrup is very similar to coffee in taste and color, but since it does not contain a single molecule of caffeine, it does not harm the nervous system or the entire body as a whole. Using this substitute drink will help you preserve your favorite tradition, while potential harm will turn into visible benefits.
  • You are suffering from gastrointestinal problems: poor digestion, rumbling in the stomach and flatulence. Although such conditions should be treated by a doctor and nothing can replace consultation with an experienced specialist, we note that carob decoction, used as an addition to the main treatment, will enhance the effect of the medications taken and will more likely bring the desired relief.

Who is the syrup contraindicated for?

  • Although allergies to ceratonia pods are extremely rare, when introducing a new food into the diet, it always makes sense to exercise caution. At first, take small amounts of the supplement in food - a third of a teaspoon. If you do not notice any negative consequences (they manifest themselves primarily in the form of skin rashes), feel free to increase the dose.
  • If you have diabetes (especially type 1), your intake of easily digestible “fast” carbohydrates should be placed under maximum control. Unfortunately, it is these carbohydrates that make up the lion's share of the components of the carob drink. Carefully read the nutritional and nutritional information on the product label and never exceed your doctor's recommendations. daily value carbohydrates.
  • If you are struggling with overweight, you should not eat anything that can be easily converted by the body into excess fat tissue. In this case, your choice should not be a spoon with sweet contents, but jogging, exercise and a strict diet with a protein and vegetable bias.
  • Let's not ignore common myths. Since carob is something of a fashionable novelty, unscrupulous importers and distributors have rushed to declare carob products the latest panacea. You can often find claims that this remedy helps with anemia, impotence, improves kidney function and successfully fights viral infections. Unfortunately, for all of the above conditions, the help that the body will receive from ceratonia will consist only of the well-known placebo effect.

Beneficial properties of carob fruits (video)

So our story is over - your knowledge has been enriched with information about what carob syrup is. It would be useful to describe the beneficial properties and contraindications of this drink to your friends - it’s so nice to share reliable news!

Carob syrup

All about healthy eating › Useful properties of foods ›

In Western countries, carob products have long been widely used in cooking, for the manufacture of various medicines and as food additives. A special place is occupied by carob syrup, which has many beneficial properties. This product has gained particular popularity among adherents healthy eating.


The syrup has found application in medicine and cooking, and vegetarians are happy to include it in their food ration as a natural sweetener. Carob syrup (or carob) is included in the menu of people who want to maintain their health without giving up sweets. This product is used for the production of confectionery products.

This syrup can be used by people with heart and vascular diseases, it will not harm those who have frequent migraines, and is suitable for use with vegetative-vascular dystonia and urolithiasis.

Due to its low calorie content, this product It is considered dietary and suitable for use in cases of obesity and diseases of the nervous system. It is also a welcome addition to the menu of people who want to lose weight.

Rich chemical composition made this syrup an important tool in the fight against diseases of teeth and gums.

Other beneficial properties of this syrup include:

  • antitumor effect;
  • prevention of lung diseases;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolism and loss of appetite;
  • prevention of overeating;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing problems with potency;
  • rejuvenation of the body.

Due to the presence of tannins, pectin, vitamins, and organic acids in carob, this product is effective in the prevention of respiratory diseases and infectious diseases. In folk medicine, carob syrup is used to treat nervous disorders.

The antioxidants found in carob syrup relieve frequent colds, reduce the risk of premature skin aging, and have a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

It is especially important to use carob syrup for people with weakened bronchi and smokers. This product is also used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats, and is included in cosmetics for the care of face and body skin. With its help you can prolong youth, get rid of fine wrinkles, and improve complexion.


Carob syrup is not an allergen, and therefore can be included in the diet of people with frequent skin rashes. This product does not contain toxic, harmful substances or carcinogens.

Losing weight with this syrup will be effective. But you should not replace a full meal with this sweet syrup. Otherwise, problems may arise in the body's metabolic processes, which will slow down metabolism and complicate the process of getting rid of inches of excess fat.

Carob syrup should not be consumed by people who are sensitive to high levels of fructose in their diet. Also, this product may be accompanied by side effects if it is consumed by people with individual intolerance to the components of carob syrup.

In case of exceeding daily norm Taking carob syrup may cause an increase in blood sugar levels. This syrup contains many simple carbohydrates, but almost no saturated fatty acids.

Calorie content

100 grams of carob syrup contains 320 kcal (16% of the daily value).

The nutritional value


The syrup has no contraindications, therefore it is used in baby food. This product is suitable for introduction into the diet of people with diabetes mellitus, but in small doses (up to 0.5 tsp per day). It is better not to mix syrup with drinking milk, otherwise unpleasant symptoms will appear in the form of diarrhea, flatulence, and increased gas production.

Carob syrup can be consumed by children, but it is better not to give this product to infants until the 10th month of life. If you are not sure about the advisability and necessity of using this syrup, you should consult your doctor.

Vitamins and minerals

Carob syrup contains many valuable minerals.

This syrup is an important component of a healthy diet. Moderate and reasonable consumption of carob syrup will saturate the body cells with energy and give the body health.

Carob syrup

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  • Brewer's yeast tablets

Not many people know about such healthy foods as carob and carob syrup. They are made from the fruits of the carob tree, which is grown in Cyprus. Kerob is a powder made from the fruits of this tree; it is a cocoa substitute and is used to make confectionery products. The syrup is used as a natural sweetener and is recommended to replace sugar. In Cyprus, carob products are actively used in the food industry, but in our country only fans of healthy eating and paleo diets know about them.

Carob: beneficial properties

People like kerob because it is a completely natural product and does not contain any extraneous chemicals or preservatives. Unlike cocoa, carob products do not stimulate the central nervous system and do not increase blood pressure. Kerobe does not contain caffeine and theobromine, which are found in coffee and cocoa, so it can be given even to children under one year old. People with heart disease, blood vessels and high blood pressure should replace the consumption of coffee and chocolate with carob dishes. And for those with diabetes, it will be useful to give up sweeteners and switch to carob syrup.

Kerob in the form of powder and syrup is convenient to add to baked goods and confectionery; in this case, you do not need to add regular sugar, because kerob itself is 2 times sweeter. Scientists have found that carob does not contain oxalates, cholesterol and phenylethylamine, so it is useful for people who suffer from migraines and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

If you have kidney stones, and doctors have forbidden you to eat sweets and confectionery, you can safely consume kerob. It will not affect the absorption of calcium from food. Allergic reactions in children are a pressing problem these days. Even small amounts of chocolate can cause a rash. Children love sweets very much and you can prepare them yourself using carob. By the way, in baby purees, cocoa and sugar are usually replaced with carob products.

The main beneficial properties of kerob:

  1. Restores normal intestinal function.
  2. Improves metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Prevents the onset of symptoms of hypertension.
  4. Increases the overall tone of the body.
  5. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs.
  6. Promotes rapid recovery from viral infections.
  7. Saturates the body with calcium (there is 3 times more of it in kerobe than in dairy products) and vitamin E.
  8. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels.
  9. Saturates the body with iron and treats anemia.
  10. Helps heal wounds, especially those in the oral cavity.
  11. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  12. Helps remove heavy metals and radioactive elements from the body.
  13. It is recommended to use kerob in the treatment of allergies and breathing difficulties due to allergic reactions.
  14. Speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite, useful for weight loss.
  15. Strengthens immune protection body.
  16. Has a mild diuretic effect.

Chocolate is considered a high-calorie product, but 100 g of carob contains only 220 kcal, 1 g of fat, 49 g of carbohydrates and 4 g of protein. Therefore, if you decide to follow a diet to lose weight, replace chocolate products dishes with carob. You can make a delicious drink from carob, which will be an excellent alternative to cocoa. The powder must be dissolved in water at a temperature of 90 degrees; there is no need to add sugar or honey; the kerob itself is very sweet. You can supplement the drink with milk; it will not bind calcium and interfere with the absorption of milk fats. Are very useful homemade candy made from dried fruits and nuts, they have recently become very popular. If you watch your diet and want to eat food free from chemicals and preservatives with dyes, prepare the candies yourself, adding healthy carob to them. Such sweets can be given even to very young children.

Carob powder and syrup go well with cottage cheese, coconut flakes and fruits. It can be added to any homemade confectionery and baked goods. Carob syrup can be added to coffee and tea, various drinks and desserts; many sauces and gravies are prepared on its basis, especially in oriental cuisine.

Carob syrup has virtually no contraindications. Absolutely everyone can eat it, regardless of age and health status. Only in very rare cases does individual intolerance to carob products occur.

Carob syrup: instructionsby use

Carob syrup can be purchased at some organic food stores and pharmacies, and the product is now sold online. Carob syrup is a brown liquid similar in thickness to regular sugar syrup. A syrup is prepared from the fruits, which are crushed into small pieces and soaked in water, and then evaporated. This is done on a huge industrial scale; the syrup that we sell is made mainly in Cyprus. In addition to the food industry, the product is used by cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies.

The most common ways to use carob syrup:

  • Carob syrup contains a high content of pectin, organic acids, starch, tannins and vegetable protein. In addition, this product contains a lot of natural sugar, trace elements and B vitamins. In this regard, it is widely used for the production of pharmacological agents. The syrup will perfectly help to cure a cold, restore the functioning of the digestive system, and get rid of nervous disorders and sleep disorders, insomnia. It cleanses the body and removes waste products from it.
  • Kerob in the form of powder and syrup is recommended for use for diarrhea and other digestive disorders. It is taken 30 minutes before eating 3-4 times a day. Single dose of syrup - 1 tbsp. l. Children can also be given this product, but only from 2 years of age.
  • For coughs, flu and acute respiratory viral infections, the syrup is taken by first dissolving it in water at a temperature of 60 degrees. Syrup mixed with 1 tbsp. I drink warm water 4 times a day until complete recovery. You should not increase the single dose of kerob; if you want to speed up the effect, drink it 6 times a day.
  • The remedy also helps well with headaches and migraines that were caused by neurological disorders and are accompanied by sleep disturbances. In such situations, the syrup is taken 6 times a day for 3 months. A single dose should be no more than 1 tbsp. l. then they take a break of 2 weeks and resume the course. Optimal quantity courses - 2.
  • To prevent various disorders and prevent diseases, it is recommended to replace sugar with carob syrup. The syrup can be added in required quantities to tea, coffee and other drinks. The gum, which is found in large quantities in the carob tree, is used in the manufacture of many cosmetics. Kerob can be added to small quantities into homemade masks and scrubs for face and body.
  • Keroba syrup is an excellent dietary supplement. It is recommended to drink it every day. Powder or syrup in the amount of 1 tbsp. l diluted in 1 tbsp. warm clean water and drink before meals. Taking kerob will make it easier to diet or fast.
  • Scheme for weight loss. Drink syrup no more than 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. l for 1 dose. Optimally 1 dose before lunch, and 2 before dinner. After 2 weeks, the 3rd dose is administered in the morning before breakfast.

Read also: Sukrazit sugar substitute: reviews

Kerob - useful product, which is recommended for every person to use. If you want to maintain health for many years, replace sugar with it and put it in baked goods instead of cocoa. When losing weight, taking carob syrup alone is not enough, although it helps in weight loss. You also need to normalize your diet and include at least light physical activity in your daily schedule.

Carob syrup is a little-known product in our country, which is produced from the fruits of Ceratonia capita. It has not only a pleasant taste, but also extensive healing effects. Having studied the beneficial properties and contraindications, as well as how to use carob syrup, you can buy tasty treat, helping in the fight against colds, flu, loss of strength, gastrointestinal dysfunction and other health problems.

Carob syrup: what is it?

Carob syrup is made from the fruits of an evergreen tree that grows in the Mediterranean - Ceratonia capita. At the end of the season, each tree is hung with dark brown fleshy pods up to 25 cm long. These beans are very soft and contain sweet pulp inside. True, in its raw form, the sweetness of the fruit is interrupted by tannins, which give the product bitterness. Each pod also contains several dozen tree seeds. Externally, the pod resembles the Caucasian churchkhchela - the same long “sausage” with sticky sweet flesh.

Carob syrup

To prepare the syrup, the most ripe and juicy fruits are selected from the harvest. First, the edges are cut off, because many bitter components are concentrated in the tips, and the seeds are removed from the inside. Next, the beans are cut into small pieces and sent to a container with water for evaporation. As a result of this processing, a thick dark brown liquid is obtained, more than 3/4 of which is carbohydrates.

Where is the best carob syrup made: Türkiye, Cyprus?

Almost the entire Mediterranean coast of Europe and Africa serves as a natural habitat for Ceratonia pods. In one form or another, its fruits are used in all countries surrounding the sea, but the tradition of syrup production is characteristic of European shores. Now the most active production of this sweet liquid, with an emphasis on imports, is carried out in Turkey and Cyprus.

The climatic conditions in these countries are the same, so carob fruits are no different from each other. There are good manufacturers on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea, so when choosing, you should rely on reviews and recommendations from people.

On Russian market Brands of syrup from Turkish companies were the first to enter the market, so it is often referred to as Turkish carob syrup. Products from this country can be offered under the name pekmez - this is how any condensed juice or syrup of plant origin is designated in Turkish.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The calorie content of 100 grams of carob syrup is equal to 320 kilocalories, which is equal to 16% of the average daily intake of an adult. This volume of product contains the following proportions of basic nutrients:

  • 2.5 g proteins;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 76.2 g carbohydrates.

The bulk of carbohydrates are simple compounds that are absorbed very quickly. For this reason, consuming pekmez in large quantities can provoke an increase in blood sugar levels.

Vitamin and mineral composition of syrup:

The health benefits of carob syrup are largely due to the presence of these substances. Thus, a large amount of iron helps to improve the cardiovascular system, and potassium improves muscle tone and maintains a healthy water-salt balance. Iron, copper and vitamin E have a complex antioxidant effect, slowing down the aging process of tissues and preventing the development of cancer.

Beneficial properties of carob syrup

Carob syrup benefits and harms

In addition to the listed substances and compounds, carob syrup contains organic acids, pectin, and phenolic substances. Their useful action manifests itself in the following:

  • harmful microflora of fungal, viral and bacterial nature is destroyed;
  • inflammation from tissues is relieved;
  • blood sugar and cholesterol levels decrease;
  • the appearance of cancerous tumors is prevented, already affected cells are inhibited;
  • metabolic efficiency increases;
  • the astringent properties of pectin and phenols have a positive effect on intestinal motility.

In folk medicine of countries where ceratonia capita grows freely, the syrup of its fruits has been used since ancient times. Its main purpose is to strengthen the body's protective abilities. The product is added to the diet when a person is fighting a cold, virus, infection, or when he has already overcome the disease, but the weakened body needs support.

The varied composition stabilizes the state of the nervous system, so pekmez is used for irritability, emotional exhaustion, severe sleep and wakefulness disorders, depression and anxiety. Here, the use of syrup has an effect similar to that of herbal balms and tinctures.

Regular consumption of syrup in moderate amounts helps fight persistent health problems: unstable heart rate, high blood pressure, high cholesterol in blood vessels, shortness of breath, migraines and headaches. This therapy is approved for both women and children. But in any case, before taking carob syrup for immunity and prevention, you should consult your doctor. During the first doses, you need to be careful to immediately notice a possible negative reaction.

Carob syrup is a little-known product in our country, which is produced from the fruits of Ceratonia capita. It has not only a pleasant taste, but also extensive healing effects. Having studied the beneficial properties and contraindications, as well as how to use carob syrup, you can buy a tasty treat that will help in the fight against colds, flu, loss of strength, gastrointestinal dysfunction and other health problems.

Carob syrup: what is it?

Carob syrup is made from the fruits of an evergreen tree that grows in the Mediterranean - Ceratonia capita. At the end of the season, each tree is hung with dark brown fleshy pods up to 25 cm long. These beans are very soft and contain sweet pulp inside. True, in its raw form, the sweetness of the fruit is interrupted by tannins, which give the product bitterness. Each pod also contains several dozen tree seeds. Externally, the pod resembles the Caucasian churchkhchela - the same long “sausage” with sticky sweet flesh.

Carob syrup

To prepare the syrup, the most ripe and juicy fruits are selected from the harvest. First, the edges are cut off, because many bitter components are concentrated in the tips, and the seeds are removed from the inside. Next, the beans are cut into small pieces and sent to a container with water for evaporation. As a result of this processing, a thick dark brown liquid is obtained, more than 3/4 of which is carbohydrates.

Where is the best carob syrup made: Türkiye, Cyprus?

Almost the entire Mediterranean coast of Europe and Africa serves as a natural habitat for Ceratonia pods. In one form or another, its fruits are used in all countries surrounding the sea, but the tradition of syrup production is characteristic of European shores. Now the most active production of this sweet liquid, with an emphasis on imports, is carried out in Turkey and Cyprus.

The climatic conditions in these countries are the same, so carob fruits are no different from each other. There are good manufacturers on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea, so when choosing, you should rely on reviews and recommendations from people.

Brands of syrup from Turkish companies were the first to enter the Russian market, so it is often referred to as Turkish carob syrup. Products from this country can be offered under the name pekmez - this is how any condensed juice or syrup of plant origin is designated in Turkish.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The calorie content of 100 grams of carob syrup is equal to 320 kilocalories, which is equal to 16% of the average daily intake of an adult. This volume of product contains the following proportions of basic nutrients:

  • 2.5 g proteins;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 76.2 g carbohydrates.

The bulk of carbohydrates are simple compounds that are absorbed very quickly. For this reason, consuming pekmez in large quantities can provoke an increase in blood sugar levels.

Vitamin and mineral composition of syrup:

The health benefits of carob syrup are largely due to the presence of these substances. Thus, a large amount of iron helps to improve the cardiovascular system, and potassium improves muscle tone and maintains a healthy water-salt balance. Iron, copper and vitamin E have a complex antioxidant effect, slowing down the aging process of tissues and preventing the development of cancer.

Beneficial properties of carob syrup

Carob syrup benefits and harms

In addition to the listed substances and compounds, carob syrup contains organic acids, pectin, and phenolic substances. Their beneficial effects are manifested in the following:

  • harmful microflora of fungal, viral and bacterial nature is destroyed;
  • inflammation from tissues is relieved;
  • blood sugar and cholesterol levels decrease;
  • the appearance of cancerous tumors is prevented, already affected cells are inhibited;
  • metabolic efficiency increases;
  • the astringent properties of pectin and phenols have a positive effect on intestinal motility.

In folk medicine of countries where ceratonia capita grows freely, the syrup of its fruits has been used since ancient times. Its main purpose is to strengthen the body's protective abilities. The product is added to the diet when a person is fighting a cold, virus, infection, or when he has already overcome the disease, but the weakened body needs support.

The varied composition stabilizes the state of the nervous system, so pekmez is used for irritability, emotional exhaustion, severe sleep and wakefulness disorders, depression and anxiety. Here, the use of syrup has an effect similar to that of herbal balms and tinctures.

Regular consumption of syrup in moderate amounts helps fight persistent health problems: unstable heart rate, high blood pressure, high cholesterol in blood vessels, shortness of breath, migraines and headaches. This therapy is approved for both women and children. But in any case, before taking carob syrup for immunity and prevention, you should consult your doctor. During the first doses, you need to be careful to immediately notice a possible negative reaction.

Reviews from people who regularly buy and use the syrup indicate a mild diuretic effect. It is due to the high potassium content. The microelement facilitates the outflow of moisture from the body and removes swelling.

Modern scientists believe that a diet containing vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps prevent hemeralopia, known as night blindness, and cataracts.

How to use carob syrup: adult and pediatric dosages

Carob syrup: beneficial properties for the body

If the product is used to maintain the general tone of the body, for the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, or to stimulate the elimination of waste and toxins, the following restrictions should be adhered to:

  • children aged two to five years - 1 tsp. in a day;
  • children aged from five to 12 years - 1 tsp three times a day;
  • adults and children over 12 years old - 4-5 times a day, 1 tbsp.

It is better to drink the syrup 30-40 minutes before meals. It is better not to give this product to children under 24 months.

How to drink carob syrup for medicinal purposes

For coughs, flu or cold symptoms and respiratory viral infections, dilute 1 tbsp 5-6 times a day. syrup in a glass boiled water with a temperature of 50-60ºC.

Due to the large amount of easily digestible sugars, people with diabetes should avoid consuming large amounts of syrup. 1-2 doses of 1/2-1 tsp will be enough. in a day.

How to take pekmez for those who are struggling with excess weight? To do this, a quarter of an hour before lunch and dinner, take a glass of water at room temperature with the addition of 1 tbsp. syrup and lemon juice (from one slice). After two weeks of such therapy, you can turn on morning reception before breakfast. It should be understood that syrup itself is a high-calorie food with an abundance of simple carbohydrates. This is not a dietary product. However, stimulation of metabolism and dulling of the feeling of hunger help the body more efficiently absorb incoming food, require less of it and remove ballast better.

Cosmetological properties

On this moment there is no widespread practice of using carob syrup in for cosmetic purposes. The reason for this lies in both the low availability of the product and its cost. But the chemical composition suggests that in masks, creams, lotions and other forms it can have an antioxidant (anti-aging + anti-carcinogenic), tonic (stimulating blood flow, improving the removal of toxins), and nourishing (due to B vitamins) effect on the skin. But without professional advice Again, it is better not to undertake such procedures from a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Carob syrup: benefits and harms: use in cooking

Carob syrup in cooking

In home and industrial cooking, ceratonia fruit syrup can be used in the same way as analogues from any other plant material. On the European shores of the Mediterranean Sea, it has been used since ancient times as:

  • topping for cakes and desserts;
  • baking and confectionery ingredients;
  • sweet dressing for fruit slices and salads.

Like jam or honey, this product goes well with pancakes, pancakes, pastries or ice cream, making these dishes tastier and healthier. It is also suitable for use as a topping for coffee, tea, cocoa and cocktails.

Using syrup you get tasty candy from carob (flour from the ground carob pulp), nuts, dried fruits and seeds. With a pronounced chocolate taste, they are many times more healthy and lower in calories than sweets based on cocoa beans.


While studying the beneficial properties of carob products, how to take and what to use the syrup for, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. By the way, they are quite modest. This liquid very rarely provokes allergies. But those who are encountering the product for the first time should try a small amount, up to 1/3 tsp. If there is no negative reaction, you can gradually move on to standard doses.

Despite its popularity as an aid in weight loss, the syrup itself is not a friend to overweight people and diabetics. You should be careful and reduce the dosage, focusing on your own body.

How much and how to store

Manufacturers of carob pekmez recommend storing it in its original packaging and consuming it within 24 months from the date of manufacture. To prevent external conditions from affecting the quality of the product and shortening its shelf life, the bottle of syrup should be kept in a cool, dry place without direct sunlight. Thickening of the lower layer due to settling and the formation of a small dark sediment is natural and safe.

Carob syrup - beneficial properties, application

Greetings, dear readers of the blog “Secrets of the Brownie”. Today I want to tell you about the beneficial properties of carob syrup. It is possible that you are not yet familiar with this unique dietary product being a natural sweetener. You will learn the benefits of carob syrup and how to use it in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology.

I first became acquainted with carob syrup while vacationing in Cyprus. There you can find it everywhere: in supermarkets, in small shops, in the market, because Cyprus is the birthplace of this mighty evergreen tree.

What is carob syrup?

Carob syrup is a sweet, viscous, chocolate-colored must-like liquid. It is made from carob pods, which resemble beans with large grains and juicy pulp without added sugar. Sweetness is achieved through sucrose, glucose and fructose contained in the pulp of carob pods.

What is the healing power of carob syrup?

Nature has created a unique product - a natural sugar substitute. Carob syrup contains vitamins such as: C, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, E, PP, as well as minerals: manganese, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium (with 3 times more than in milk), copper, zinc, tannins, organic acids, pectin.

100 carob syrup covers 70.05% daily requirement of the body in iron, 14.72% in manganese, 11.25% in magnesium, 10% in calcium.

Thanks to this composition, carob syrup:

  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • restores blood composition;
  • regulates the activity of the digestive system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • treats colds;
  • has a positive effect on eye health;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • increases libido;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • is an excellent replacement for coffee and chocolate;
  • reduces bad cholesterol levels;
  • strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep.

The uses of carob syrup are very diverse. It is used in cooking, medicine and even cosmetology.

In cooking, it is used as a sugar substitute: added to baked goods, tea, coffee. Pour over porridge, cottage cheese, pancakes and even salad.

I am happy to share a recipe for vegetable salad with carob syrup. To prepare the salad you will need:

  • carrots, apple, orange (one piece each),
  • beets, celery root (100 grams each),
  • prunes (12 pieces),
  • olive or sunflower oil- 1 tablespoon
  • carob syrup - 3 tablespoons.

Grate vegetables (carrots, beets, celery root) on a Korean carrot grater, apples on a regular grater, steam prunes and cut into pieces, peel and cut the orange into slices.

Mix everything, season with oil and pour over carob syrup. The taste is very original.

Carob syrup has a special flavor that takes some getting used to, but I especially like using this syrup in baking.

If you add syrup when baking a cake, then after heat treatment, you will feel pleasant taste chocolate and the cake will be chocolate color.

In addition, in Cyprus you can buy special sweets - nuts in carob syrup, usually almonds and walnuts are prepared this way. Such sweets are very useful for children and diabetics, as they do not contain sugar.

You can make sweets from dried fruits and nuts by adding carob syrup.

Use of carob syrup in folk medicine

At home, carob syrup is good to use to treat sore throats, coughs, and colds.

To treat colds, dissolve one tablespoon of carob syrup in one glass of hot water (temperature about 60 degrees). And during the day they drink 5-6 glasses of this drink. It is well known that when you have a cold you often need to drink plenty of fluids. This drink has a mild diuretic effect, which helps remove toxins from the diseased body. You can also rinse your sore throat with the prepared drink.

If you have constipation or diarrhea, then carob syrup will come to the rescue. To overcome gastrointestinal disorders, you need to take the syrup in this way:

  • adults: 1 tablespoon of syrup 4-5 times a day, half an hour before meals;
  • children 2–5 years old – 1 teaspoon once a day;
  • children 5 to 12 years old - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Children under 2 years of age are not recommended to consume carob syrup.

If you are worried about insomnia, nervous disorders, headaches, then you should take this syrup 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day before meals. Reception should be carried out in courses - 3 months, then a break of 2 weeks and can be repeated.

To lose weight, you should prepare a special drink: take water at room temperature, and dilute a tablespoon of syrup in it, adding a slice of lemon and mix everything thoroughly until the syrup is completely dissolved. This drink should be prepared 2 times a day and drunk 5-15 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, we add another dose before breakfast.

Use of carob syrup in cosmetology

Carob syrup is added to face and body skin care products. The presence of oxidants rejuvenates the skin, keeps it fresh and youthful, reduces fine wrinkles, and makes your skin radiant.

Today you learned about carob syrup and its beneficial properties and uses. I hope that this information was useful to you, my dear readers. Be healthy.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Karacheva

The healing power of carob syrup

Carob, also known as Tsaregrad pod, sweet horn, ceratonia pod, is scientifically called Ceratonia siliqua. Carob syrup is produced mainly in Cyprus and exported to different countries peace.

This plant of the legume family has a large height - it can reach 10-15 meters at the peak of its life. It has a fairly wide crown, feather-like dense leaves. The carob tree bears fruit in large pods that resemble a horn in appearance.

The length of the pods is 10-25 centimeters, width - 2-4 centimeters, and thickness - 5-10 millimeters. Ripe fruits may contain 5-17 grains. In addition to seeds, carob beans contain juicy pulp, which contains up to 50% sugar - mainly glucose, fructose and sucrose.

What is made from carob fruit?

Carob beans produce flour, which is widely used in cooking. In addition, gum is prepared from them, which is used for the needs of the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries.

In particular, this gum is included in milk curds, as well as cosmetics - anti-wrinkle creams, serums, gels. Syrup is also made from carob fruits.

Benefits of carob syrup

Carob syrup is an immunomodulating and tonic product, known since ancient times for its nutritional value, as well as beneficial properties.

This product contains: - all B vitamins; - trace elements and minerals; - tannins; - organic acids; - starch; - pectin; - protein;

Natural sugar.

In fact, carob syrup is a natural chocolate substitute that has its own specific smell and sweet taste. The syrup is obtained by evaporating finely chopped fruits with water.

Sugar is not added to it, so it can be consumed by diabetics, as well as used in dietary nutrition. Syrup contains three times more calcium than milk. This sweet substance has virtually no contraindications.

Use of carob syrup in cooking

The use of this tool is quite varied. First of all, carob syrup is used in cooking. In many countries, especially the Mediterranean, it is practiced to add such a product to variety of dishes.

It is poured over pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, and is also used as a component for dough in baking. You can also simply add syrup to water, coffee, tea and other drinks.

The healing properties of carob syrup

Carob syrup is also used in official and folk medicine. It can be used to remove toxins from the body, for insomnia, nervous disorders, sleep disorders, colds, poisoning, diarrhea and for weight loss. The presence of calcium and zinc in it makes it indispensable for teeth and bones. The syrup also helps with coughs, sore throats, and colds. Carob syrup is included in various medications.

This remedy is very effective against shortness of breath, anemia, it also prevents heart palpitations, helps reduce the level of blood pressure and cholesterol. Due to the content of a large number of microelements and vitamins, carob syrup is especially useful for pregnant women and children.

Use of carob syrup for health purposes

Carob syrup can be used as a dietary supplement for treatment and wellness at home. To treat gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, to remove toxins and waste from the body, you should take: - adults 1 tbsp. syrup half an hour before meals 4-5 times a day; - children 2-5 years old – 1 tsp. in a day;

Children 5 to 12 years old – 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Children under 2 years of age are not recommended to consume carob syrup.

For colds, ARVI, sore throat, cough, you need to take 1 tbsp. carob syrup diluted in one glass of hot water (60°) 5-6 times a day.

For neurological headaches, insomnia, and nervous disorders, this remedy should be taken orally 5-6 times a day, 1 tbsp. before meals. The course of taking the syrup is 3 months, it must be repeated after 2 weeks.

As mentioned above, this syrup is obtained by boiling its pods without adding sugar. Therefore, people who suffer from diabetes can use this remedy, but in small quantities - from 1/2 to 1 tsp. 1-2 times a day.

For weight loss 1 tbsp. Carob syrup should be diluted in one glass of water at room temperature and the juice of a lemon wedge should be added. The components are mixed and the finished drink is ready for consumption. You should drink it 5-15 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, you can add one more dose - before breakfast.

Carob Syrup, Benefits and How to Use

Assalamu alaikum As I promised in my article about carob, today I continue this topic and introduce you to carob syrup. Ibn Sina in his Canon said: “... this tree is useful for throat diseases, coughs, chest pains, strengthens the liver, kidneys and bladder...”.

Ibn Baytar said: “helps with anemia, soothes the stomach and intestines, strengthens muscles.”

Carob syrup

Syrup is produced in Turkey, Syria, Spain, Cyprus and exported to different parts of the world. Made only from carob, no additives or preservatives, 100% natural, no added color, no added flavors, no added sugar, no harmful fats and cholesterol, no caffeine and no theobromine. I recommend buying only from trusted and reliable sellers, for example from one of the universities in Ankara, which specializes in the production of organic products.

Around the world it is widely used in special diets, cosmetics, cooking, and used in medicine. This molasses has been used in cooking for centuries, and is added to various sweet dishes, baked goods, drinks, teas, and is also often used as sweet sauce for meat or dessert dishes. In Turkey, for example, syrup is served on the table together with tahini paste; even on market shelves, tahini paste and carob molasses are sold together. In addition, it is found in medicinal syrups intended to treat colds, coughs, and even bronchitis.

Carob syrup is primarily recommended for those who have any diseases with the lungs, for smokers, and for those suffering from asthma. In such cases, you can use both carob powder and the syrup itself. It is a cholesterol-free food product. Thus, it can be easily consumed by almost everyone. Can satisfy vitamin needs at any age. That is why qualified doctors all over the world recommend carob syrup.

What are the benefits of carob syrup?

  • High amounts of various vitamins and minerals that help with dental diseases.
  • Contains a large amount of minerals, natural sugars, zinc, beneficial vitamins such as D, B, B2, B3 - all this gives the human body a source of strength and energy.
  • Carob syrup can easily replace some full breakfast, just a piece of bread, spread with butter and pour over molasses, and your body will get everything it needs.
  • Contains 3 times more calcium than milk.
  • Rich in vitamin A and calcium, which is why it helps with anemia and osteoporosis.
  • Has an expectorant function.
  • Helps people suffering from shortness of breath
  • Recommended for use for gastritis
  • Removes worms and tapeworm from the intestines
  • Strengthens the stomach
  • Thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals, it strengthens teeth and gums.
  • The syrup cleanses the blood.
  • In 90 percent of cases there was a preventive effect against lung cancer.
  • Helps with heart palpitations.
  • Children love the syrup due to its chocolate taste.
  • Before white sugar was produced, it was used as a sweetener in sweet dishes.

Carob syrup is very important for natural nutrition; it does not contain harmful fats and sugars. Great for those who have weight problems. Doctors recommend using it as a natural sweetener for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, consuming syrup gives you a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time. long time. It is known to help men with potency and lung cancer.

Carob syrup contains vitamin E and is rich in calcium, so it is recommended for use for osteoporosis. Helps eliminate gastric and intestinal gases. Also contains large amounts of potassium and sodium, which help with lung disease, liver disease and blood pressure, while providing protection to the body.

It was found that carob molasses cleanses the radiation that a person receives during the day; it is especially recommended for those who work at the computer all day. Moreover, it is very important to include it in your diet on a regular basis. Carob syrup is delicious and has an aroma that lingers in the mouth for a long time. But the more natural it is, the more it can give a feeling of bitterness. Therefore, if you really want to be treated and add it to your diet, then I recommend that you definitely buy only cold-pressed, always without additives, without sugar, etc.

How to use carob syrup

This tree is undoubtedly one of the miracles of Allah. The fruit has been used to make syrup for many centuries, as a healthy and wholesome food, and is also used as a cure for all diseases. Before sugar came into existence, people used it for its enormous benefits.

In addition, syrup is practically the only natural therapy for people who suffer from allergic suffocation. As you know, carob syrup helped many people suffering from allergies. Even based on my personal one-year experience, and the experience of my clients, I can say that cold-pressed molasses has cured the most severe degrees of allergic suffocation, ranging from children to older people. Alhamdulillah.

With constant use, the syrup will easily satisfy approximately 20 percent of the daily requirement of the human body for vitamins. In addition, pyridoxine and thiamine, vitamin B6 are available in quantities sufficient for humans. These substances play a huge role in the formation of new skin cells, as well as for the nervous system.

For brain development in children, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of syrup on an empty stomach in the morning, and before bed in the evening. It is known that syrup helps normalize blood pressure, which is very important in our time, lowers cholesterol, increases sperm count and sexual stamina, strengthens bones, and is very useful for women during pregnancy.

Carob syrup is used to treat various diseases as a natural organic food supplement and simply, it heals the body. If you suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, or want to cleanse your body of toxins, then you will need to consume the following rate:

  • 2 - 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon - for adults
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons per day - children from 2 to 5 years
  • 1 teaspoon 3 times a day - children from 5 to 12 years old

At colds and ARVI, it is necessary to consume 1 tablespoon of syrup, but it must be diluted with warm water (40°) 3 - 4 times a day.

Read the second part of recipes for various diseases

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