Lilac potato variety. Purple "potato"

Purple potatoes, cultivation, yield, taste of purple potatoes. Potatoes with purple flesh and purple skin. Features of growth. Review. Video

This spring, Neighbor bought 2 kg of purple potato tubers for planting at the Lorch Institute. I got five tubers to plant.

Growing purple potatoes, growth characteristics, yield.

The shoots of this potato were of an unknown color, but over time the color changed and the leaves turned green. The flowers of this potato are very large. I grew 2 different varieties. One variety bloomed with pink flowers, and there were very few such flowers, and the second variety bloomed with white flowers, and there were many such flowers. Most likely, out of five tubers, one tuber with purple flesh was planted, and four tubers had white flesh with purple streaks.

Purple potatoes. Different color of pulp .

The thickness of the stems of these potatoes greatly surprised me; the stems were very thick. And the tops survived their neighbors and gradually took over the entire accessible space. I mastered all the passages, climbed into the garlic bed, used the neighbor’s fence, and generally enjoyed life! And of course I bloomed with pleasure.

Caring for this potato was the same as for all the others.

By September 17, late blight had won and we harvested the crop. The potato tubers were not just large, but very large. Digging potatoes is very difficult; they are not visible in the ground. It is generally not realistic to select small nodules; most likely next year there will be thickets of potatoes in the garden bed, which will sprout from small, unfound nodules.

Purple potato tuber

Five tubers yielded 18 kg of very large potatoes.

Purple potatoes. Harvest with 5 tubers.

What do purple potatoes taste like?

Until you peel the potatoes, it is impossible to determine whether they are all purple or only partially. Cooked. The boiled potatoes did not look appetizing, the color turned gray, but the taste was good, which surprised us. Very edible.

The fried potatoes were also tasty, the color changes during frying, it is difficult to determine whether the potatoes are ready to eat.

Next year I will most likely plant purple potatoes from cut tubers to separate the two different varieties. “Growing potatoes from cut tubers” -

Video. Purple potatoes. Growing, yield, taste of purple potatoes - review

There are a number of things that have been used by people in everyday life for many centuries, and during this time they have not changed at all. One could hardly expect anything new, for example, from potatoes. However, today this root vegetable can be very surprising, because a new variety has appeared - purple potatoes. We are not talking about potatoes with soft pink skin and white flesh, but about a vegetable that has a purple color both outside and inside, and in cross-section more closely resembles beets.


The first thing that comes to mind when you see such a vegetable is a chemical laboratory and people in scrubs who are diligently genetically modifying ordinary potatoes, injecting them with beet genes (at best) or something more unconventional. In fact, purple potatoes are a product of ordinary selection.

Today it is difficult to say where this miracle came from on our shelves, but the most reliable option is this: most likely, purple potatoes were imported from South America. Residents of Peru and Bolivia have been eating it for a very long time. Additionally, some scientists believe that purple potatoes are the ancestor of white potatoes. In ancient times, when potatoes were still a wild plant, they were all purple, but in the process of cultivation and selection, most of the varieties lost their color and became white, while some retained their previous appearance.

Today there are about 120 varieties of such potatoes, most of them grow well in the Russian climate.

The main characteristic that distinguishes varieties from each other is the shade of the pulp; it can range from soft pink to dark purple and even blue. There are also varieties with white skin but colored flesh. Growing such vegetables is more difficult than ordinary potatoes: their ripening period is much longer, and their yield is much lower, so such varieties are not in demand in industrial cultivation. Among small farmers and household plots, on the contrary, there are more and more fans of this vegetable.

Purple potatoes taste a little sweeter and have a pleasant nutty flavor, but this does not spoil them at all and makes them more attractive to cooks and gourmets.

Beneficial properties and harm

There is no food that does not bring at least some benefit to the human body, but sometimes it happens that the harm from a product significantly outweighs the benefits. Therefore, before consuming this new, exotic product, it is important to weigh the pros and cons.


Purple potatoes contain a large amount of antioxidants, which are necessary to improve immunity and help in the fight against colds and viral infections.

  • These potatoes contain much less sugar and starch, so they are easier to digest and are a more dietary product than regular ones.
  • With regular use, the antioxidant anthocyanin will help slow down skin aging and prolong youth.
  • The high content of vitamin A has a beneficial effect on vision, reduces the risk of diseases of the vascular system and the development of cancer.
  • Moderate starch content normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, protects against peptic ulcers and gastritis.
  • Removes toxins and heavy metals from the body, which significantly improves blood flow.
  • Normalizes metabolism, which can significantly alleviate the plight of people suffering from diarrhea, flatulence or constipation.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • 100 grams of purple potatoes contain only 75 kcal, so they can be considered a dietary product, similar in calorie content to white fish or mussels.
  • Prevents heart attacks, heart failure and atherosclerosis.
  • Improves blood, saturating it with minerals.
  • Blocks the development of diseases of the visual organs, such as cataracts, glaucoma, myopia. Thiamine, contained in large quantities in this potato, slows down the aging of the retina and the clouding of the lens of the eye.
  • It contains many vitamins and microelements: folic acid, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, iodine, selenium, iron and much more. Nutritionists recommend this product for use when losing weight, but they recommend diluting it with other dietary vegetables to further increase the amount of vitamins.


The only, but very significant, harm that can be caused by eating purple potatoes is a decrease in blood pressure.

This vegetable is undesirable in the diet of people who suffer from hypotension, because their blood pressure is often below normal; an even greater decline can lead to serious health problems and even coma.

However, this does not mean that healthy people can consume it excessively. It is worth remembering that this is still an exotic product, since our gastrointestinal tract has only “met” a distant relative of this product - it may not immediately begin to secrete all the necessary enzymes. This will lead to heaviness in the stomach.

The best varieties

Choosing the best variety - this question most often worries gardeners who want to get a good harvest that is as healthy and tasty to eat as possible, and at the same time easy to grow. In order to understand which variety is best suited for home cultivation, it is worth studying the descriptions of several of the most popular varieties in our area.


The most common purple potato variety in Russia. There is a legend that Alexander Dumas loved this particular variety of potato so much that he mentioned it in one of his books. This variety was imported from France. Potato tubers grow very large: from 500 grams or more, oval in shape, elongated. The flesh is bright purple, occasionally with small white dots. This variety is late-ripening and must be harvested almost in October, but it is most suitable for long-term storage.

Chips made from this potato variety will be very attractive, and the pattern of small white dots will create the illusion of space in each slice.


This variety was bred through selective breeding by Russian scientists. It is resistant to the unfavorable climatic conditions of the North and can be grown in the Urals. Resistant to late blight, blackleg, leaf curl, scab and potato cancer. “Amethyst” is a mid-season, high-yielding variety, suitable for long-term storage. Harvesting can be done 65-80 days after germination. The color of the peel and tubers is dark purple, uniform, without inclusions. The weight of tubers can reach 400 grams.


An early high-yielding potato variety is quite popular among lovers of “colored” potatoes. This is perhaps the only variety suitable for frying, since it contains a large amount of starch, which prevents the product from being soaked in oil. Despite the precocity, the tubers can reach 500 grams, the color of the peel is bright purple, the flesh is white-violet, marbled. The variety is resistant to late blight, scab and viral diseases.


The earliest of all popular varieties of purple potatoes. It got its name for its fast and productive fruiting. Despite the small weight of the tubers, which rarely exceeds 150 grams, this variety is characterized by high yield. From one bush you can harvest up to 3-4 kilograms of potatoes. The color of the tubers is blue-violet. Full ripening occurs already on the 65th day after germination.

"All Blue"

This variety differs from others in its unusual bright blue color. The tubers of this variety grow relatively small, on average about 200 grams. The color of the peel is dark blue, while the flesh shimmers from blue to bright blue. The “All Blue” variety is ready for harvesting 70-80 days after germination; it is considered medium-late. The fruits are stored quite well in cellar conditions.

"Red Wonder" (red miracle)

Based on the name of this variety, it is logical to assume that the color of its pulp is red, but this is not entirely true. The flesh of this root vegetable is rather pink, sometimes it can be coral in color, and the peel is light purple. This is also a mid-late variety, it is most adapted for cultivation in central Russia, it is resistant to aphids and fungal diseases, and is not afraid of droughts and floods. Its fruits are round and reach a weight of 150-200 grams.

How to cook it correctly?

Today, purple potatoes are still considered a delicacy and not available to everyone. Therefore, well-founded doubts arise about its preparation. In the world of haute cuisine, on the contrary, this vegetable has been around for a long time and does not surprise anyone. Many famous chefs have long used it to prepare their masterpieces and are happy to share their experience of preparing this wonderful root vegetable.

Famous TV cook Hector Jimenez Bravo recommends baking purple potatoes. To do this, you need to select small tubers, wash them thoroughly, make punctures with a fork in several places, rub the potatoes with olive oil and place them on a baking sheet. It should be baked in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes to 1 hour. The finished potatoes need to be cut into halves and some of the pulp should be selected from the middle so as to form boats. The selected pulp needs to be ground into puree, add chopped cheese, ham and herbs, mix everything. Place the resulting mass into prepared boats, place a small piece of butter on top and bake for another 10 minutes.

The most famous modern cook, Gordon Ramsay, advises using purple potatoes to make salads. To do this, you need to boil the potatoes in their jackets. To ensure that the color of the product remains unchanged during the cooking process, it must be boiled only in salted water and for no more than 20 minutes. You can combine such potatoes with cheese, fish, meat, sausages, smoked meats; legumes complement it wonderfully.

It is best to dress this salad with natural vegetable oil with a drop of lemon or balsam juice.

Mashed potatoes, potato pancakes, and vegetable pancakes will look great. This miracle vegetable can be used to decorate any soup. But purple potato chips will look most impressive. These chips should be prepared using the “dry” method. The simplest of them is cooking in the microwave. Potatoes must be thoroughly washed, dried and cut into very thin circles. Dry the resulting pieces again or blot them with paper towels, place them in one layer on a wooden microwave tray and bake for 3 minutes at 600 W.

You should not fry such potatoes, nor should you make French fries or chips in oil. During the frying process, it absorbs a large amount of oil, acquiring an unpleasant texture and the taste of a “stale” dish. Reviews of fried purple potatoes are quite negative.

Purple potatoes need to be planted at a great distance from other crops.

The distance between the holes should also be at least 50 centimeters in all directions. During the growing season, purple potatoes grow into unusually tall bushes, the trunks of which are quite thick and rough. The first leaves on the trunks may have a grayish color or a purple tint, but later they will become as green as regular potatoes. The greenery of this root crop spreads very widely to the sides, which can harm neighboring crops.

Planting can begin simultaneously with planting ordinary potatoes, and it is better to postpone harvesting until mid-September. Purple potato tubers can grow up to 1 kilogram, and up to 15 such tubers can be harvested from one bush. They are not recommended for replanting. Experienced gardeners have come to the conclusion that the harvest from last year's tubers will be noticeably smaller. For planting next year, it is better to purchase seeds in specialized stores. A large number of domestic scientists and breeders are working to solve this problem, and it is likely that it will be resolved soon.

To learn how to make unusual purple potato gnocchi, watch the video below.

Potatoes are a simple, everyday food for many people, and they are difficult to surprise. The variety of varieties is great, but they differ from each other mainly in growth qualities and adaptability.

Variety of varieties

Conventionally, all potatoes can be divided according to the color of the peel or the color of the pulp. There are white, yellow, pink, red and lilac potatoes. Also, the eyes may differ in color from the peel and be pink or lilac. Potato flesh is usually yellow or white. But there is also a rather unusual one with purple flesh.

It is found only on the shelves of exotic stores, although in Europe it can also be found in markets. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver often uses this potato variety in his dishes. In England there is a real boom in the use of this amazing root vegetable.

The healthiest potato. Variety

Purple potatoes attract with their unusualness. What is its composition - like white or are there any special features? The answer is simple. There are useful substances in them. Potatoes, blueberries, blackberries, dark grapes, eggplant, basil and many other plants are due to anthocyanins. It is not without reason that people have noticed their beneficial properties since ancient times. Everyone can eat purple potatoes. These substances have no contraindications.

An unusual vegetable can reduce blood pressure. However, purple does not promote weight loss. A group of 18 volunteers with high blood pressure and overweight has already been studied. By eating 6-8 potatoes a day, the test subjects reduced their average blood pressure reading by about 4%.


Potatoes with purple flesh were selectively bred. Scientists from the University of Colorado set out to achieve this goal while trying to zone and domesticate wild potatoes from the Andean highlands. Other names were previously known: “negress”, “vitalot”, “Chinese truffle” and “truffle potato”. The “purple French truffle potato” variety has long been prepared in the best restaurants in Paris. This speaks, first of all, about the good taste of potatoes with bluish flesh. So the origin of the miracle potato is absolutely legal, and it does not contain any foreign genes. Indian tribes in the Chilean Andes are distinguished by their extraordinary health and longevity. From this we can conclude about the beneficial properties of such an unusual plant.

Potatoes are purple. Description of the variety

The purple potatoes themselves are not large. Its dimensions and weight are about 70 grams. The color of the pulp is due to a large amount of anthocyanins - substances that block the properties of these unusual substances, contained in many purple vegetables and fruits, have long been confirmed by science.

Anthocyanins help slow down the aging of the body, they fight a wide variety of diseases and help prevent cancer. Both the pulp and the peel have great benefits, so purple potatoes are cooked in the oven without peeling. After heat treatment, the pulp retains its color, and therefore all its benefits. The calorie content of such potatoes is only 110 kcal per hundred grams of product. The product is quite crumbly.

Distribution in Russia

Purple potatoes quickly conquered Scotland and adapted perfectly to its soils. Soon it will appear here in Russia too. In Tomsk, scientific developments are already underway to adapt the variety to Siberian soil. There are already first successes.

By consuming such potatoes daily instead of regular ones, you will be able to improve your well-being and do without many medications and cosmetic procedures. Besides, it is very tasty. For now, you can safely order purple potato seeds. Just keep in mind that tubers will appear only in the second year. At first you will only get a handful of seed potatoes. It is extremely important to take care of the preparation of planting material, to prevent it from becoming infected with diseases, and to protect it from pests.


Jamie Oliver advises preparing cold salads and snacks from unusual potatoes. Radishes, herbs, tomatoes and peppers, and asparagus go well with this miracle vegetable. The experimental cook even adds peeled grapefruit to his potato dishes. It is best to season this unusual salad with olive oil. This will not affect your figure in any way.

Potatoes of the Violet variety appeared on our markets relatively recently. But, it is already very popular among the population, as it attracts attention with its unusual coloring. Let's take a closer look at it.

Description of the variety and characteristics

At the University of Colorado in the USA, breeders worked for a long time to develop a “cultivated” potato variety with blue-violet flesh.

Origin of the variety

The homeland of the Purple potato is South America, or more precisely, a village in the Andes mountains. It is noteworthy that this potato was bred without any genetic intervention. After some time, the variety “reached” Europe.

In Russia, the first attempts to breed Purple Potatoes were made in Siberia. It was here that potatoes of various colors were bred. But the “mission” was crowned with success only in 2011 in Tomsk. The materials used were brought from Korea.

Today you can find many varieties of purple potatoes. The most popular of them include: Vitelotte, Negro, Gypsy, French violet. They differ only in color saturation.

They have one thing in common - all these varieties are very healthy, and contain much more various nutrients than ordinary potatoes.

Composition and calorie content

Main characteristics of the variety:

  • The average size of tubers is 90-14 g;
  • Shape – round, slightly oval;
  • Tubers are smooth, glossy;
  • The peel is thin, purple in color;
  • The pulp also has a purple color of less intensity;
  • Starch content is about 13%;
  • Contains proteins, iodine, a lot of vitamins, and other useful substances.

Important! Purple potatoes are a very high-calorie product. The taste is reminiscent of regular potatoes, but the texture of the fruit is creamy, and you often come across potatoes with a nutty flavor.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like all other potato varieties, Purple has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at them.

Positive qualities of purple potatoes

Firstly, Purple Potatoes are an opportunity to decorate the table as beautifully as possible. With its help you can create a wide variety of “compositions” of dishes.

Secondly, boiled Purple potatoes have a blue tint, and their taste is almost always the same as regular ones. So, the dish turns out to be very attractive in appearance, but its taste properties do not change.

The most important thing is that this potato variety contains anthocyanins, which give it its color. It was this fact that interested breeders so much. After all, these substances have practically healing properties.

Main sources of anthocyanins:

  • Pomegranate;
  • Currant;
  • Mulberry;
  • Blackberry;
  • All other fruits are purple.

Anthocyanins are glycosidic substances, and their color is due to the fact that they are in a pH environment. The latter contributes to the color of the fruit becoming reddish. And, if you add vinegar or lemon juice to purple potatoes, it will change its color.

Contraindications for purple potatoes

Purple potatoes have absolutely no contraindications. Quite the contrary - it is recommended to add it to the diet of those people who suffer from:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hypertension;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Any inflammatory pathologies.

How and where to grow purple potatoes

Proper care and compliance with all planting rules are the main factors on which the yield of this variety depends. The planting site should be chosen so that the area receives a lot of sunlight. The best option is the southwest of the garden.

Soil preparation

The soil should be light so that the plant has constant access to oxygen. Water should also not stagnate - its normal outflow must be ensured.

It is the light soil that can cope with this. Therefore, such potatoes will grow best on sod-podzolic, neutral, loamy and floodplain lands.

In order for the plants to take root and the fruits to form correctly, you need to carefully dig up the place for future planting of potatoes. It is better to carry out the first digging before winter.

The fact is that all large lumps of earth, lifted with a shovel, will remain at the top, and as soon as frost “hits”, all harmful larvae and bacteria will die.

Planting and care

Purple potatoes should be planted in the spring, when the soil warms up to at least +5 degrees. First, the soil must be dug up, loosened, holes prepared for the tubers, and wood ash added to them.

Wood ash is not just a storehouse of useful microelements. It is considered an excellent disinfectant that helps prevent a lot of potato diseases.

The holes must be made so that their distance relative to each other is at least 35 cm in a row. Between the beds you need to maintain a distance of at least 65 cm.

If the plants are planted in hard soil, it must first be mixed with river sand. The holes should be 10 cm deep.

It is easy to care for the plants - they need watering every 7 days (if there has been no precipitation). When a crust forms on the ground, it must be thoroughly loosened. If the soil is wet, it can cause the development of various diseases. Therefore, this “parameter” also needs to be monitored.

Of course, this variety of potato also needs systematic feeding, treatment with drugs against late blight and various pests. The procedure is carried out according to the instructions for the substance.


The purple potato variety is immune to the most common crop diseases: cancer, rot, scab. Shows average resistance to late blight. Also, treatment for pest beetles may be necessary.

As a preventive measure, before planting potatoes, you need to treat the planting material with potassium permanganate. It is also important to change the planting location every few years and alternate the crop with legumes, cabbage, and phacelia.

Click beetles and Colorado potato beetles are the main enemies of this variety. They spoil the tops, reduce yields, and negatively affect the keeping quality of potatoes and their appearance. Therefore, you need to get rid of them with the help of insecticides.

Potatoes are rightfully one of the most versatile vegetables in the world. Hundreds of its varieties are known and cultivated, nevertheless this vegetable continues to amaze gardeners. Purple potatoes, or blue French truffle potatoes to use their full name, are considered a delicacy and also have many health benefits.

Origin and description of culture

There is no exact information about the origin of this species. Presumably, this is one of the varieties of potatoes that has long been common in South America. The result of long-term breeding work and careful selection was the development of new fixed hybrids with the color of the tuber pulp from lilac to dark purple.

The purple color of potatoes is influenced by the percentage of anthocyanins - colored plant glycosides - in it. The oblong-shaped tubers are small in size and weight - no more than 10 cm and 70 g, respectively. Most varieties are late ripening, but there are also mid- and super-early ones. The higher this indicator, the denser the tuber skin and the better the keeping quality.

Culinary processing does not change the color of dishes of the main number of varieties, but some may lose their brightness and purity of color after thermal exposure.

The following descriptions and characteristics of the most famous and tested varieties that are popular all over the world will help gardeners who want to grow such a “blue miracle” on their plots to decide and make a choice:

  • Vitelotte (also called Negro and French truffle) is a late variety with a dark purple skin. The ripening period is up to 110 days, it is stored for a long time without loss. It has a characteristic rich nutty taste and does not change color when cooked. Tuber weight – 70-100 g;
  • All Blue (an exact translation of the original name All Blue) is medium early, has large tubers - up to 200 g in weight. A characteristic feature of the variety is a light stripe between the pulp and the skin. Thanks to its excellent taste and dietary properties, it is quickly gaining popularity in our country;
  • Explosion - got its name due to its super-early fruiting (up to 65 days). The pulp and peel are an even dark purple color. A distinctive characteristic is high resistance to diseases. Does not store well, but is good for quick consumption in any dish, including raw in salads;
  • Lilac is a mid-season variety of Russian selection. Despite the small weight of the fruit (up to 80 g) and average yield, it has good shelf life and resistance to diseases (cancer and scab). Having the taste of almonds, it is considered a valuable dietary product;
  • Peruvian purple (Purple Peruvian) - bred in Peru. A variety of late ripening and medium yield. As you can see in the picture, Peruvian potatoes are small in size, but their amazing taste - walnut and hazelnut at the same time - arouses the constant interest of consumers.

Useful properties and applications

Despite the same name, the purple “brother” of white potatoes has incomparably fewer harmful qualities and possesses many unique substances that are beneficial to health.

You cannot gain weight from this product unless you eat it along with fatty and flour additives. The beneficial properties of purple potatoes are the basis for the fact that in many countries they are considered a particularly valuable and dietary product.

Nevertheless, excessive passion for blue varieties can in some cases bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Benefits and contraindications

Colored varieties contain much more micro- and macroelements than ordinary ones, which do not decrease even after prolonged heat treatment. This is precisely the reason for the benefits of purple potatoes. In frozen and canned (pickled, salted) form, the vegetable retains its beneficial qualities. It is recommended in many children's diets.

Main medicinal properties of the product:

  • lowers blood pressure, so much so that it is not recommended for chronic use by hypotensive patients;
  • Anthocyanins, which give the crop its recognizable color, are also powerful antioxidants. They stimulate metabolic processes at the cellular level, strengthen the immune system, neutralize the harmful effects of carcinogenic substances and radio radiation on the human body, help it suppress cancer tumors, improve vision and slow down the aging process;
  • contains a large amount of vitamins, especially important for the human body C and E, as well as carotenoids that affect the synthesis of vitamin A and regulate the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • beneficial substances contained in blue varieties make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, which reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Practice shows that eating purple species can be harmful to hypotensive people and people with individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Use in cooking

Purple potato varieties are suitable for any type of consumption: they are boiled, stewed, fried, used in preparations with marinades, and some are eaten raw in salads.

This type of culture is starchy, and therefore, due to its strong boiling, it is better suited for making purees. Naturally, it turns out to be a rich lilac or purple hue. The original, sweetish nutty taste makes the dishes delicious.

Some varieties lose color intensity when cooked, acquiring shades from lilac to blue instead of purple.

Features of cultivation

Planting purple potatoes is possible with tubers and seeds:

  • with the traditional option (tubers), the sowing time is the same as for conventional species;
  • in the second case, seedlings are grown from purple potato seeds, which are planted in open ground after 1-1.5 months.

The soil is chosen to be light, and the area to be light and sunny: purple potatoes need constant access to air and light. With timely traditional processing methods, it will reward you with a high and valuable harvest.