Chocolate massage at home. Chocolate massage for a great mood

Almost everyone loves chocolate. What if you combine nice things like massage and chocolate? This is not just a harmony of a pleasant smell and tranquility, but also many useful properties!

Chocolate massage is a real remedy for stress and bad mood. Anyone can get rid of endless stress and treat themselves to warm, pleasantly melting chocolate.

Chocolate massage activates cell metabolism and burns fat, stimulates blood microcirculation, saturates the skin with active elements, acts on the nervous system as an antidepressant, having an exciting effect, promotes the production of joy hormones - endorphins, enriches the skin with calcium, potassium and magnesium, restores, moisturizes and nourishes the skin , making it soft and smooth, fights aging.

What components are needed for the composition of the chocolate used in the massage?

  1. These are creamy and powdery products for chocolate wraps and massages. They contain cocoa fruit extract.
  2. You can buy good natural chocolate and melt it in a water bath. Then dilute with liquid milk to increase the volume, and then add ground coffee or cocoa to obtain the desired consistency.
  3. Regular wrapped chocolate will not work for this purpose. The chocolate used in cosmetology is a special product. There are no additives in it, it is bitter, not very pleasant to the taste.

You need to purchase cocoa butter and cocoa powder without adding milk, sugar or aromatic additives. Inexpensive but pure cocoa powder works well with no additional ingredients. Pour the cocoa over with hot, but not boiling water. Cool the resulting mass to a temperature comfortable for the body, and then apply.

Having dealt with the composition of chocolate, you can move on to the most pleasant. This is a chocolate procedure. The massage itself.

A chocolate massage session consists of three stages: peeling with a coffee scrub, massage, rinsing and applying cream. The duration of each stage is approximately 20-30 minutes.

Coffee peeling is used to cleanse the skin, remove all its irregularities, and make it smooth. After peeling, the skin becomes more receptive to beneficial substances.

Any composition used for chocolate massage is very gentle to the touch. When applying chocolate to the skin, it feels as if you are slowly wrapped in a silk, deliciously smelling cloth, and then they begin to massage with this cloth.

The massage is usually done relaxing, the main movements that are used in the process of the most ordinary classical massage are stroking, kneading, circular movements, patting, elements of lymphatic drainage.

Under the influence of movement, the chocolate mass melts and saturates the cells with nutrients, moisturizes the skin, and slows down the aging process.

At the end of the procedure, it is enough to take a shower and apply cream, milk or other cosmetic product.

There are also some contraindications for a chocolate massage procedure.

  • Allergic reactions to the drugs used;
  • skin damage and skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • infectious and fungal diseases;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • purulent processes;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • feverish conditions;
  • high body temperature;
  • diseases of the blood, for example, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and lymphatic vessels;
  • mental illness;

Chocolate massage combines massage techniques with the basics of psychotherapy, therapy with aromatic oils, lymphatic drainage and other procedures used in cosmetology. This procedure promotes relaxation, relieves psychological stress and depression, and also stimulates internal processes in the body. It is performed using chocolate paste. The paste is made from the purest chocolate, without the addition of preservatives and aromatic substances. The use of such a mixture does not adversely affect the functioning of the digestive organs and other systems.

Chocolate is good not only for its mouth-watering taste and aromatic aroma, it is also an excellent cosmetic product that has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Thanks to its many beneficial elements, chocolate moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Cocoa butter provides an excellent mood by promoting the synthesis of the "pleasure hormone".

How does the chocolate wrap procedure work?

This type of massage is based on the application of the principles of Ayurveda, within the framework of which the body is divided into energy areas and chakras. Purposeful influence on them can cure a person from many ailments. Chocolate spa massage has a calming effect and increases the elasticity of the skin.

Indications and contraindications

Chocolate massage is suitable for those with imperfect skin who want to give it a healthy look, plus those who would like to look much younger, slimmer and lose several kilograms. But this procedure is not useful for everyone, so you need to consult a doctor before it.

The chocolate massage procedure will be useful for those who have:

  • the skin has lost its elasticity and firmness;
  • the first symptoms of aging appeared;
  • cell metabolism is seriously impaired;
  • there is a cellulite "crust";
  • there is a need for weight loss;
  • depressed state of mind (depression);
  • there are accumulations of fat in the thigh area and on the abdomen.

Wraps are prohibited for those who:

  • have allergies or sensitivity to chocolate and its components: cocoa and cocoa butter;
  • there are scratches, wounds or any dermatological diseases (eczema, lichen, psoriasis) on the skin;
  • there is an infection (any contagious disease) at the stage of exacerbation;
  • there are neoplasms (both cancerous and benign);
  • there are abscesses and inflammations in the areas on which the massage chocolate oil is applied;
  • the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • high temperature (fever);
  • blood diseases and vascular diseases (varicose veins, thrombosis);
  • increased nervousness;
  • there is excessive hair growth in the area where the procedure is performed.
  • Also, chocolate massage is prohibited for women carrying a child.

Key steps in a chocolate wrap

The paste can be applied not only to a specific area of ​​the body, but also to the entire body - from head to toes. The hot paste is easily smeared over the skin, and then the massage begins. Everything needs to be done before the chocolate mass cools down, because after that it will begin to harden. That is why this process is divided into 3 stages: preparation, massaging and wrapping.

First, preparatory procedures for the chocolate massage are performed: a shower is taken, then scrubbing with a professional abrasive compound is performed. At this level, the skin is exfoliated with a special scrub with coffee in the composition. As a result, the texture of the skin is leveled, and microcirculation of blood increases. Then the scrub is washed off and then massaging begins.

Let's list the main types of massage:

Facial chocolate massage. At the same time, the face, neck and décolleté are massaged in compliance with the massage lines. At first, the masseur applies only a portion of the prepared paste. But when the facial muscles are completely relaxed, the rest of the warmed paste is smeared over the skin with weak pats. In the process, a person gets the feeling that he is wrapped in a silky cloth with a cocoa scent. After penetrating into the skin pores, chocolate increases the metabolism within cells, increases lymph and blood flow, increases muscle tone.

Body chocolate massage. First, the feet are stretched, then the legs and hips, back, abdomen and chest area. In this case, only traditional massage techniques are used (warm-up, rubbing, ring movements, clapping) and a small amount of paste. After the patient relaxes, the wrapping stage will immediately begin (that is, the application of a heated paste over the whole body).

Further, the body is wrapped in plastic wrap and a blanket, since it is at body temperature that chocolate does not freeze. In such a procedure as chocolate massage, wrapping plays an important role: a direct effect on biologically active zones increases the vitality of a person. It is considered the prevention of colds and has the highest cosmetic effectiveness (the skin gains evenness, smoothness and elasticity).

At the end, the client takes a shower, and a cream or other remedy, chosen based on the skin type, is applied to clean skin. On average, massage treatments last from half an hour to 1 hour. If you are interested in chocolate massage, then you can read reviews about it online.

Chocolate massage: results

This procedure has many positive effects, namely:

  • smoothing of the skin;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin;
  • slowing down cellular aging;
  • excess fat under the skin gradually disappears and is burned;
  • the epidermis is impregnated with a vitamin cocktail and trace elements;
  • an elated mood appears, depression disappears;
  • the synthesis of endorphins is enhanced;
  • accumulated toxins are removed;
  • the silhouette is improved;
  • chocolate massage increases performance;
  • the manifestations of cellulite disappear;
  • the work of the immune system is enhanced;
  • the incidence decreases.

There is no need for recovery time after completing the chocolate massage. To keep your body in shape, it is enough to visit a chocolate massage once.

Can it be combined with other procedures?

Chocolate massage is quite compatible with other methods of getting rid of the cellulite crust. The combination of massage procedures with an advance visit to the sauna and specialized gymnastics is most effective.

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Certainly, everyone wants to be strong, beautiful, vigorous and healthy for many years. To achieve this, it is worth paying special attention to massage. Currently, there are many varieties of these procedures, in addition to medical and wellness, you can talk about what will help you achieve incredible pleasure, pleasure. That is why the chocolate procedure deserves special attention. As it is already clear, chocolate, consisting of useful substances and vitamins, will act as the main component of cosmetic manipulation. Thanks to the unique technology of chocolate massage, you can get rid of stressful situations, tension, improve your well-being and mood. That is why it is important to know how to do massage correctly, as it can be useful to everyone.

Effect and results

It is important to note that chocolate massage is considered the most luxurious manipulation, this can be seen in the video. Interestingly, chocolate massage involves the use of high-quality chocolate. However, it can be easily replaced with an appropriate formulation made from cocoa and butter. For example, you can use peach, almond.

Even erotic massage can be done with chocolate, which is suitable for lovers and couples. You can watch the video for detailed instructions on how to perform such an intimate massage in chocolate. It is important to note that erotic massage is very useful not only for health and beauty, but also for intimate life. Such a chocolate massage is unusually gentle, sensual, will help add passion, new colors to your personal life, so you should not neglect such a chic idea.

Chocolate massage has the following effect:

  • improved mood;
  • excellent fight against cellulite;
  • elimination of stretch marks;
  • normalization, improvement of blood circulation;
  • the skin becomes smoother, more elastic, soft, elastic;
  • general rejuvenation of the whole body.

It is very important to do the chocolate massage correctly, so it is worth studying the step-by-step instructions and watching some training videos. Before starting the procedure, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main indications and contraindications.


  • overweight;
  • the presence of cellulite;
  • fat deposits;
  • stress;
  • aging;
  • improper metabolism.


  • menstruation;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • Availability ;
  • during pregnancy;
  • diseases of the skin;
  • blood pathology;
  • the presence of varicose veins;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • oncology.

Manipulation technology

If possible, chocolate should be applied all over the body at once, not just one area. To make the mixture comfortable to use, it is heated in a steam bath.


  1. You should start from the back. To begin with, smooth and very wavy movements are made, which are carried out along the lymph flow. In this process, it is important to properly stretch the muscles, relieve fatigue, tension.
  2. If you are massaging your buttocks, it is important to use a weight-bearing technique to combat cellulite. Long, smooth movements are performed with the legs.
  3. Next, you need to massage your legs without lifting your hands from the body. Movements should be smooth and stroking. You need to perform power movements from top to bottom.
  4. A girth ring is considered a special technique. To this end, you need to grab the lower leg using your hands. Then move up, spread your fingers as wide as possible.
  5. It is important that the movements are smooth, as the hands must float over the body. The duration of the back surface of the body is about twenty minutes. Don't forget to massage your feet.
  6. After that, you should go to the chest, abdomen. As for the abdomen, everything is done smoothly and easily, you cannot press. Actions go from top to bottom, and also only clockwise. Relaxing, you can make a rocking movement of the client.
  7. As for the final stage, this is a slow stroking of the body with two hands, namely from bottom to top.

What is chocolate massage? It turns out that this is a magical combination of massage techniques with a separate psychotherapy session. This also includes aromatherapy and lymphatic drainage, face masks, beauty treatments. This whole big cocktail stimulates the metabolic processes in the human body, which helps to get rid of negative emotions and thoughts, improves mood, thereby regulating sleep, rest, and improving blood circulation. But that's not all, because after the very first procedures the skin becomes soft and elastic, smooth, excess fat deposits disappear, weight is normalized, and as a result the whole body is rejuvenated.

What does chocolate massage owe to this effect? The answer is simple: chocolate. After all, there is a huge amount of macronutrients and vitamins. Among other things, this is just a delicious treat not only for children, but also for most adults.

For a chocolate massage, dark chocolate is taken, which contains cocoa beans. They are a source of nutrients. The addition of coconut oil is mandatory, but possibly nut or sesame oil, almond oil. It all depends on your preference.

The first part of the action is the application of the mixture with the addition of aromatic oils to the entire surface of the leather cover. The second component is wrapping the client and his complete relaxation.

Chocolate massage: indications for use

  1. Depression;
  2. stress;
  3. intermittent sleep;
  4. depressed mood;
  5. decreased elasticity of the dermis;
  6. the appearance of cellulite and signs of aging;
  7. the presence of unpleasant body fat.

Chocolate massage: video

An exotic technique for relieving stress - chocolate massage, the video of which we will try to describe.

The patient lies on his stomach. With gentle movements, the masseur applies a warm paste to the back. Yes, it is warm, heated in a water bath, so that the heat is transferred to the skin and prepares the patient's muscles for the sacrament. Smooth relaxing movements from the middle of the back to its edges gradually cover the entire area of ​​the spine and shoulders.

Then there is rubbing of the legs, stroking gestures to relax the client.

The coverage area expands, the masseur distributes brown gruel over the back of the body.

Massage is also carried out smoothly and continuously with the application of a mixture of chocolate and oil on the front of the body.

The paste is applied in a thick layer. Slow, gentle strokes create the sensation of a flowing stream of brown mass. During the massage, light movements are combined with kneading, circular strokes - with circular embracing ones. Distribution is performed with the palms with slight pressure from the forearms, longitudinal smooth movements, sometimes with slight weights, when one hand is on the other, which determines a tighter contact and greatly increases efficiency.

Loops are not tight, continuous two-way kneading of the ankles.

Grab the feet and fingers. In the abdomen - circular manipulations without pressure or pressure.

Close attention is paid to places where lymph stagnation is felt, lymph node zones.

The purpose of the massage is not to stimulate activity, but to obtain the most pleasant, comfortable sensations of peace.

Long strokes directed along the blood-lymphatic flow lead to complete relaxation and immersion in light half-sleep.

The completely covered person is wrapped in transparent film and covered with a towel. A little rest, relaxation follows to the sounds of quiet music. The massage is over.

We can summarize that, in addition to improving the condition of the skin, bringing it into a harmonious look, chocolate massage is the most positive emotions, gaining inner peace, joy and serenity, a light, cheerful state of mind.

Chocolate massage can rightfully be called one of the most pleasant, sensual and anti-stress procedures, which gives little comparable pleasure, allows you to relax as much as possible, both physically and spiritually.

Natural chocolate is not only a favorite delicacy since childhood, but also a powerful antidepressant, a rich storehouse of trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants that tone and cleanse the body, stimulate metabolism and trigger rejuvenation processes.
Delightful aroma of natural chocolate and its warm velvety touch under the skillful hands of the master, evokes a feeling of unprecedented pleasure, euphoria, celebration, awakens the most pleasant memories and dreams, activating the production of "happiness harmonies" - endorphins. Fatigue, insomnia, stress and depression go away, giving way to cheerfulness, inner harmony and joy. Cocoa butter, caffeine and theobromine contained in natural chocolate nourish and moisturize the skin, restore its firmness and elasticity, eliminating cellulite, stretch marks, smoothing wrinkles and healing wounds. As a result, the skin acquires a youthful, healthy and beautiful appearance. In the process of chocolate massage, capsules of subcutaneous fat are softened and split, toxins are removed, blood supply and lymph circulation are normalized, metabolism improves, excess weight goes away.

During the chocolate massage, our experienced highly qualified specialists carry out soft circular stroking, patting, kneading, with the study of biologically active points, which stimulates an increase in immunity. The procedure is carried out on professional massage tables of the "Lojer" company, made in Finland. This high-quality massage equipment provides maximum patient comfort, thanks to convenient adjustable head and arm rests, robust construction and numerous settings, which allows the patient to take the most comfortable position and completely relax during the session, which means to get the maximum effect and pleasure from it.

Our advantages:

  • Highly qualified specialists with extensive experience;
  • A wide range of massage techniques;
  • Individual approach to each client;
  • Modern high-quality massage tables from Lojer (made in Finland) and professional cosmetics from Algologie (France) and Aroma Derm STYX (Austria);
  • Flexible system of discounts.

Chocolate massage will help:

  • Relieve stress, fatigue and irritability;
  • Defeat cellulite, excess weight;
  • Normalize metabolism;
  • Strengthen immunity;
  • Improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Increase the elasticity, firmness and structure of the skin;
  • Improve mood;
  • Achieve a sense of peace and harmony with yourself.

Indications for massage:

  • Stress, depression, insomnia;
  • The need to correct the figure and normalize weight, reduce body fat;
  • Cellulite;
  • Decrease in skin elasticity and firmness, deterioration of its appearance;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Aging prevention;


  • Allergy to chocolate;
  • High body temperature;
  • Increased nervous irritability of a person;
  • Diseases of the blood vessels and blood (varicose veins, blood clots);
  • Viral and infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • Inflammatory and purulent processes in the areas of chocolate massage;
  • A large amount of hair in the chocolate massage area.
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema);
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Menstrual period in women;
  • Pregnancy.