How to decorate herring under a fur coat. “Herring under a fur coat” unusual design - delight your guests

Herring under a fur coat for the New Year is perhaps the most traditional dish. Of all . “Shubka” is distinguished by its immutability and tradition. Our grandmothers used to prepare it, seasoning it with homemade mayonnaise or sour cream. To this day, in modern life, this salad is a traditional dish for New Year's celebrations.

Nowadays, in magazines, the Internet and other media you can get acquainted with many interesting recipes salads for the holiday. All of them delight with their originality and taste. But time after time, we still return to the usual herring under a fur coat, using it as a salad and snack.

Even this one simple dish Like herring under a fur coat, there are several cooking options. Some, for example, chop all the ingredients manually with a knife. Some people are used to grating them. Have you ever tried beetroot-herring roll or lavash roll? Simply put, modern housewives try not to sit still and come up with more and more new recipes and serving options for this salad. Today I will show you the most original and delicious ones.

Elegant salad for the New Year - Herring under a fur coat

The usual herring salad under a fur coat in an original and very beautiful design. It’s very simple to prepare, something you wouldn’t think about at first glance. Serve this treat to your guests New Year's Eve dinner and they will certainly be delighted.


  • 3-4 boiled potatoes;
  • 2-3 medium beets (pre-boiled);
  • 3-4 boiled medium carrots;
  • fillet of one large herring;
  • one medium onion;
  • 300 grams of mayonnaise;
  • tablespoon vegetable oil with smell;
  • 30 grams of cold clean water;
  • 5 grams of instant gelatin.

For decoration:

  • fresh herbs;
  • viburnum;
  • mayonnaise.


1. Pour gelatin with water (from the list) and stir thoroughly. Set aside while preparing the rest of the ingredients.

2. If you bought a whole herring, then you need to clean it to fillet - cut off the head and gut it. Make a cut on the back, along the skin. Remove skin. Now cut in half and remove the ridge and small bones. With store-bought fillets, everything is much simpler. Ready fish need to be cut into cubes.

3. Peel the onion and chop finely. Mix it with fish and season with oil (from the list).

4. Peel the beets and grate them on a large side.

Vegetables need to be cooled thoroughly before adding to the salad. Therefore, I always advise boiling them in salted water, in their uniform, on the eve of the celebration. During this time they will cool completely and set. Peeling and cutting these vegetables is very easy.

5. By this time the gelatin has already swollen well. It needs to be melted down steam bath until smooth and cool slightly. Strain this mixture through a sieve directly into the mayonnaise.

6. deep shape cover with cling film. Place the grated beets and crush thoroughly. Then coat with mayonnaise sauce.

7. Also peel and grate the carrots. Lay out the second layer. It also needs to be carefully leveled and compacted. Grease with gelatin mayonnaise.

8. Rub the next layer in the same way with half the amount of prepared potatoes. Level, compact, lubricate.

9. Place fish seasoned with onions on top. Flatten. Cover with remaining potatoes. Season with the remaining mayonnaise, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 3-4 hours. During this time, it will infuse and become even juicier and more aromatic. The gelatin will do its job and the dish will hold its shape well.

10. Take out the dishes with the salad. Prepare a beautiful plate for serving. Remove the top layer of film from the salad. Place a plate on top, upside down and turn it over. This way the dish will end up on the plate, beets side up. Remove the film.

11. Grease the edges and top with mayonnaise.

12. Decorate with mayonnaise using pastry bag with various attachments. Decorate with viburnum berries and herbs. In general, decor is a matter of your taste.

13. The salad can be served immediately, or it can be stored in the refrigerator until the start of the feast.

Herring with fur coat, Snack bar - simple, tasty and original

I propose to cook the usual herring under a fur coat, and in this case, with a fur coat, in a very original version. Let's make this as a snack on black bread. A real Russian snack with vodka. Try it too.


  • potato;
  • red onion;
  • black bread (preferably Borodino bread);
  • herring fillet;
  • mayonnaise;
  • lettuce leaves.

Determine the amount of ingredients yourself, based on taste. It depends on your preferences and the scale of the feast.


1.Grate on the smallest side of the grater boiled beets. It must first be boiled, peeled and cooled. If there is too much juice inside, it is better to squeeze it out. Mix with mayonnaise.

2. Peel the onion and cut into neat half rings.

3. Boil the potatoes, just like the beets. Let cool completely, then peel. We will cut it into circles or plates.

4. Slice the bread in portioned pieces. In this case, it was cut into a small springform ring for laying out salads. If desired, you can lightly dry it in a dry frying pan until golden brown and crunchy.

5. Fillet the fish and cut into neat pieces. Refuel unrefined oil. It goes amazingly well with fish.

6. Now that all the ingredients are prepared, let's start creating.

7. Line a plate suitable for serving with fresh lettuce leaves.

8. Spread a generous, even layer of beets onto the bread.

9. Place 1-2 slices of potatoes on top, depending on size. Now come onion half rings and fish.

It is better to make such sandwiches immediately before serving. Otherwise the bread may become soft.

10. You can decorate with greenery and secure with a pick for canapés.

Herring under a fur coat New Year's “5 minutes”, layers

We will decorate this delicious and everyone’s favorite salad in a New Year’s style. Or rather, let’s depict the chimes of the approaching New Year on this yummy. It is very easy to organize, using simple and affordable ingredients.


  • one large herring;
  • 2 boiled beets;
  • 3 boiled potatoes;
  • 2 small boiled carrots;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • one onion;
  • mayonnaise sauce or mayonnaise;
  • greenery.

For decoration:

  • boiled beets;
  • boiled carrots;
  • greenery.


1. Cut the herring from the entrails, skin and bones. Leave only the fillet. If there is caviar, then it can also go into business if it is loved in your family. Cut the fillet into cubes. Place on a flat plate in an even layer. Coat with mayonnaise.

2. Peel the onion and finely chop it. If your loved ones don’t like onions, then you don’t have to add them at all. But it gives the dish spicy taste, crunch and juiciness. Distribute it over the fish and coat with sauce again.

3. Peel the completely cooled potatoes from their jackets and grate them on a coarse grater. It will become the third layer of salad. Be sure to coat with mayonnaise.

4. Grate the eggs in the same way as the potatoes. Place on top, brush with sauce, leveling with a spoon or spatula.

5. Next will be peeled carrots. It also needs to be lubricated.

6. The final layer will be, of course, beets. It needs to be evenly distributed not only on top, but also on the sides. Gently coat with a layer of mayonnaise.

7. Place in the refrigerator for several hours. For the New Year's table, I make this salad in the morning and serve it only late in the evening.

8. Decorate before serving. Make circles from beets, numbers from carrots. Also cut out the arrows. Decorate with greens.

Bon appetit!

Original ways to decorate a herring under a fur coat for the New Year

Herring under a fur coat is delicious in any form, even on the most ordinary plate and without decoration. But on New Year's Day it should be stunningly beautiful and original. Guests at your table will definitely notice such a creative approach and ask: “How did you do that?”

1. Making such a chic salad cake is not at all difficult. In addition to the main amount of ingredients, you will only need 2 forms - one detachable, for the cake, and the second, for portioned display of salads. We form the lower tier with a large shape, and the second, respectively, with a small one. Sprinkle the edges of each with finely chopped herbs. Decorate with mayonnaise from a pastry bag. If desired, you can decorate with berries.

2. A beautiful and symbolic presentation of the salad is to make it in the form of Santa Claus. This can be done without any special devices and forms. The laying out of layers is done initially in the shape of the figure of Santa Claus. Cover the edges of the fur coat, sleeves and hood with mayonnaise and sprinkle with yolk. Line the beard with grated egg white. The eyes are made from olives. Make a bag of red caviar (optional). I also suggest making mittens from red caviar. Make a beet staff. Decorate with herbs and mayonnaise.

3. Place the salad in big shape for cupcakes with an empty middle, you will get this beauty. You can put a candlestick in the middle and light the candle right on the New Year's table. The main thing is that you need to lay out this salad in the reverse order, because you will be turning it over.

4. But the real queen of the New Year’s table is the herring under a fur coat in person! To prepare it, you just need to initially lay out layers in the form of a fur coat. Sprinkle the edges of the fur coat, hood and sleeves with grated egg white. Lay out the berry buttons. Put the head of the herring in its place, and the tail in its place. This is such beauty!

5. You can prepare a traditional fur coat according to your favorite recipe by decorating it in a mold Christmas decorations. On top of the already prepared salad, sprinkle strips of greens, carrots, whites, beets, and yolks. Repeat layers again. You can decorate with drops of mayonnaise.

Video - Classic recipe for herring under a fur coat

Herring under a fur coat can be decorated in the traditional way by laying out the salad in the shape of a fish and adding components from the herring itself. On the other hand, you can approach this matter more creatively. For example, paint a real picture on the surface of a dish using the same ingredients from which it is made.

Selection creative ideas: how to decorate a herring under a fur coat, photos and step by step description, and useful tips- all this can be found in the article.

New Year's holidays provide the greatest freedom for culinary creativity, because they are rich in a variety of subjects. This is the kind Grandfather Frost with gifts, and a Christmas tree, and the Moscow chimes, and, of course, folk motifs. To decorate your favorite salad, you can use the following ideas:

  • Why not rethink the image of the fish for the New Year's table and present it in the form of a kind of Snow Maiden who comes to us every year for the holiday? Posting lettuce mass in the form of a figure - a coat with a hood. The edges can be decorated using finely grated cheese– amateurs classic herring under a fur coat they will simply take the salad from the edge where there is no cheese. You can put cranberries in the center, having previously “drawn” a strip with mayonnaise. Our unusual snow maiden made from herring is ready.

  • You can make another interesting option using confectionery sprinkles different types. In the hands of such a Snow Maiden is a sprig of mimosa, which is made from dill and grated egg yolk. Of course, a sprig of mimosa from our beautiful herring is also appropriate for March 8th - we will tell you below how to make efforts for the holiday of lovely ladies.

  • Of course, salads can be decorated both as shown in the photo and with the help of your own imagination. It is intuitively clear that you can lay out a fish figurine from the lettuce mass. But other elements can be made from appropriate products. The scales are onion half rings, the fins are carrot triangles; They also make a mouth out of it; the eye is a circle of egg with olives or allspice. Simple and very beautiful.

  • The fish can be made in another way. Decorate the scales, mouth and fins with beets and carrots. You will get such a glamorous lady. The eyes are made of eggs and olives. Simply irresistible, isn't it?

  • If you apply a layer of mayonnaise to the salad mixture and lay out the scales of olives, and the tails and heads of grated carrots, you get this fish.

  • And of course, you can move away from the “fish” theme and present the salad under a fur coat in a more original way. For example, in the form of classic birch and fungi. We “paint” them with olives and mayonnaise, and decorate with parsley.

  • Or you can also get creative and make a Moscow one New Year's salad. We draw the Kremlin from beets, the dial from egg white. We make a Christmas tree from pickled cucumbers and circles of carrots and eggs. Snow is also made from eggs, and people are cut out from olives. Decorate with mayonnaise and place on the table. Guests will never guess that the basis of this “Moscow” salad is classic herring under a fur coat.

  • And here it is romantic option with a beet rose. How to do it is a separate conversation (more details below). You can make a whole “clearing” from such roses and other flowers. Great option for New Year's feast and even a romantic evening.

  • And there is a simpler option with flowers made from corn and olives.

How to decorate a salad for Valentine's Day

This classic salad can also be served for Valentine's Day on February 14th. After all, among them there will probably be herring lovers too. This is perhaps the most original case.

Decorative elements should create not only a feeling of celebration, but also a real romantic atmosphere. And on this score, culinary specialists also have several original ideas(photos and ideas for inspiration are presented below).

Flowers from eggs

Since the holiday is associated with pleasant gifts that reflect our warm feelings, flowers must also be among them, which will never lose their relevance. Make them out regular products– the task is very simple. The only thing we need is a little patience and creativity.

Here is one of the available options:

Step 1. Take hard-boiled eggs and cut 20-30 longitudinal, graceful strips

Step 2. From boiled carrots Let's cut a circle - this will be the core.

Step 3. Take one yolk and grind it using the finest grater.

Step 4. Now let's put the salad on a dish and give it a spicy semicircular shape. It is immediately important to understand that the surface should be a rich red color. This is done by adding a generous layer of beets with not very big amount mayonnaise. You can first experiment on a small saucer.

Step 5. Now we collect the flower - put a circle of carrots (or grated vegetable) in the middle, grated yolk on it, and “petals” of eggs around it.

Step 6. Decorate with salad greens. You can create several such flowers - then you just need to reduce them in size.

And here is another floral option, which is even simpler than the previous one. We will make the petals from onions (traditional white can be replaced with Yalta red - it is sweeter and less hot, and also very elegant), and we place green onion feathers around them. In the center we make a core of finely chopped olives or peas allspice or even from poppy seeds, if you happen to have them on hand.

Beet rose

The queen of flowers is, of course, the rose. And her presence on the table on such a day is more than appropriate. Moreover, make a rose out of available products very simple.

They are made from boiled beets. So, the beets need to be washed, boiled in their skins, cooled and peeled. Then we proceed like this:

Step 1. Cut the root vegetable in half, and then slice it very thin slices. This is done using a combine harvester or a pair of skilled hands armed with a very sharp knife (carefully!)

Step 2. We make the rose in several stages - we go from the core to the edges. First, take a small piece and roll it into a fairly tight tube.

Step 3. Now we hold this core, and then we wrap new slices around it - literally 2-3 more pieces.

Step 4. Continuing to hold this structure in our hands, we fasten it with toothpicks. We cut off the excess parts from the bottom.

Interestingly, there is another manufacturing option. A rose can be made from beet strips that do not curl, but rather turn outward. Then you will get a flower like this.

Needless to say, such an element for decorating salads for the holiday table can be used for almost any dish - for herring under a fur coat, as shown in the photo, and indeed any cold snack. The rosette is also good for fruit salads, and for vegetables, and for.

And the beauty is that, if desired, any man can do it in order to pleasantly surprise his beloved lady. Festive mood is guaranteed.

By the way, exactly the same roses can be made from boiled carrots, as well as cucumbers and even apples.

Pancake decoration: unusual rose

You can also make roses... from pancakes. It’s very easy to decorate a herring under a fur coat with your own hands:

Step 1. First, let's bake pancakes - about 20, or even more. If time is short, you can safely purchase ready-made ones, because the main taste of the dish is not in them.

Step 2. Meanwhile, prepare the salad, place it on large dish(preferably round) and forget for a while. Moreover, this time we will obviously cook more beets and carrots - 1 extra piece each.

Step 3. These vegetables will not be included in the dish itself; they need to be grated on a very fine grater. Separately, you can grate processed cheese.

Step 5. Roll the pancake into a roll. First, bend the edges on the right and left a little, and then roll up the tube (as if we were preparing stuffed pancakes).

Step 6. Put it in the refrigerator for literally a couple of hours, and then take it out and cut each pancake in half. Let's decorate already ready salad, decorate with greenery. It turns out to be a real bouquet of roses.

And another symbol of Valentine's Day is a heart. It can be easily “painted” with a layer of grated carrots, beets or processed cheese. And around the dish, place the same roses, the instructions for making which are described above.

Or just put the roses on a plate and decorate with greenery. This is, so to speak, an express option.

Heart-shaped salad

Here's another way to decorate a herring under a fur coat for Valentine's Day. You can rightfully be proud of this design option, because it is no different from restaurant cuisine. Although it is not as difficult to make as it might seem at first glance.

Let's arm ourselves with a heart-shaped pie pan - we can't do without it, because the salad should look neat. Next, lay out the components in even layers and decorate with flowers or the same roses. If you have special shaped knives for vegetables and fruits, this is an ideal case; if not, we will use a universal tool called skillful pens.

Original sushi and herring rolls

And one more way to decorate herring under a fur coat, which is guaranteed to appeal to a large army of sushi fans. Why not make a comic Russian analogue of this dish in the form of herring sushi?

The instructions are as follows:

Step 1. Wring out the grated beets thoroughly and place them on cling film. At the same time lubricate a small amount mayonnaise, although this is optional.

Step 3. Now it’s the potatoes’ turn – this layer is even narrower.

Step 4. And again mayonnaise, and then the smallest layer of grated eggs.

Step 5. And now it’s the herring’s turn. Finely chop it and place it together with the onion in a thin strip along all layers in the center (similar to how cucumber is placed in Philadelphia sushi).

Step 6. Wrap it tightly in a roll and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. We take it out, remove the film and cut into beautiful rolls.

Here's how to decorate such herring rolls under a fur coat (the photo shows an option with pickled cucumber– as they say, not for everyone).

Or you can leave the roll as is, decorating it with parsley leaves and mayonnaise patterns.

Or like this.

Ideas for decoration for March 8

Let's start, perhaps, with the holiday of lovely ladies. You can decorate a herring under a fur coat for March 8th in the same way as for Valentine's Day. These holidays are close both in spirit and in place in the calendar.

Although it is not necessary to repeat. The most obvious option is to lay out the salad mixture in the form of the number “8” and make “mimosas” from grated egg yolk and dill sprigs.

To make the figure beautiful, we act like this:

Step 1. Take a large oval dish and place on the edges 2 glasses without handles or 2 jars of different diameters - larger and smaller.

Step 2. Place all the ingredients in even layers - from herring with onions to carrots and beets around these jars to make a figure eight.

Step 3. Carefully level the outer edges with your hands so that the number is perfectly even.

Step 4. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Step 5. After this, take out the containers and decorate with mimosa, roses and others decorative elements from available products.

Baking molds are very helpful in decorating salads. Why not create real cake, laying out all the components in layers in a mold?

And if you take culinary package(cream attachment), you can make a cake using mayonnaise, berries and other decorations.

Even if there are no such attachments, this is not a reason to refuse such a cute idea. In principle, you can make a nozzle at home. For this you will need an ordinary plastic bottle and a durable plastic bag.

The whole process can be clearly seen here.

How to decorate for February 23

Well, now let’s pay attention to the strong half of humanity. February 23 has long become a kind of All-Russian Men's Day. Of course, you can put the number “23” on the surface of the salad using grated beets or carrots, cheese, eggs and any other contrasting ingredients.

Or you can serve your favorite herring under a fur coat in this way. Let's make a star from beets (you can also use other vegetables - the photo shows a version from bell pepper), and also a St. George’s ribbon made of carrots and olives. Let's lay everything out on a contrasting white background, which can be made from grated egg whites.

You can also make a unique compliment to the military man by decorating the salad in the form of shoulder straps. We specify the number of stars in advance: military personnel are specific people, and error here is unacceptable.

Salad under a fur coat for Easter

Easter is a bright, spring and rich holiday. On this day, it is customary to serve absolutely any dishes on the table, because on Easter Sunday each of us can break our fast. The fact is that on the eve of Easter, the strictest Lent lasts for 7 weeks. And when the holiday comes, everyone can please themselves with all kinds of dishes and drinks.

You can decorate the salad with herbs and flowers from carrots, beets and other vegetables, which are described above.

Here is another decoration option. We spread the salad mixture in the shape of a fish, cover it with a layer of grated carrots, alternating with strips of chopped protein.

We “draw” the contours with strips of olives, and use them to make an eye. Decorate with grated yolk and herbs.

Now we will make a “spring” fish. The basis can be any salad - the same herring under a fur coat or.

We lay it out in the form of an oval, decorate with slices of beets and carrots, as well as onions and olives (we use them to make eyes) and cherry tomatoes (for the nose). Place on a lettuce leaf and decorate with herbs and pomegranate seeds.

And many more ideas with photos - how to decorate a herring under a fur coat in a beautiful and unusual way.

Birthday decoration

And finally we got to the most personal, and therefore intimate holiday called birthday. How to please your dear birthday boy? Of course, with gifts and attention. And the more individual our gift is, the more it will be remembered, and therefore guaranteed to lift your spirits.

Of course, an option arises with decorating the herring under a fur coat in the form of a cake, for which you can take special form for baking, or simply carefully place the salad on a round or oval holiday dish.

We create a contrasting background, which boiled beets help a lot with (better without mayonnaise), decorate with flowers, greenery and draw that very cherished number that will accompany the birthday boy for a whole year.

And now about the cakes themselves. Decorating salads in the form of this sweet dish is a popular, one might even say, classic idea. Actually, the principle is the same - we put the layers directly into the mold, and decorate the surface with mayonnaise, herbs and rings, stars, and flowers.

There are, however, more complex options. Here the decorations are flowers, which are made from vegetables, as well as from mayonnaise (using a cream attachment).

Here’s another interesting option for how to decorate a herring under a fur coat.

This cake can be confused with some kind of sweet dish - great option for a cute prank. And it is quite possible to do it yourself. The whole process is clearly described in the video.

And many more similar ideas in the photo.

Bon appetit!

During a time of total shortage, when it was impossible to get not only basic necessities, but also food. Even in such difficult times, our housewives managed to set luxurious tables, having potatoes, carrots and beets on hand.

There are several ways to prepare the dish: chop the ingredients, grate on a coarse or fine grater, you can add or omit any component. Depending on this, the taste qualities. Some people don’t like the combination of apple and onion, some people don’t like carrots, and some people think that onions interrupt the taste lightly salted herring. We will present a classic recipe for preparing a salad, and decide for yourself what is closer to you.

This salad is prepared in layers. The dishes are selected with a flat bottom, previously they used high herring bowls, now the choice of dishes is huge, so their shape and size are not limited. The order of the layers is not important, the main thing is to place the herring on the bottom, and then put it in a “fur coat” on top. Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise.

Ingredients for classic herring under a fur coat

  • salted herring fillet or whole fish – 2 pcs.

  • medium potatoes – 3 pcs.

  • eggs – 3 pcs.

  • small beets – 2 pcs.

  • carrots – 1 pc.

  • apple – 1 pc.

  • onion – 1 pc.

  • mayonnaise

Cooking classic herring under a fur coat

  1. Grate potatoes onto the bottom of the dish. Place herring on top. Next is a layer of onion, then grated carrots. The next layer of apple, grated on a coarse grater. Next come the eggs, and beets complete the masterpiece.

  2. Don't forget to coat each layer with mayonnaise.

  3. The simplest way to prepare herring under a fur coat is to use only potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs in the ingredients. The order of the layers also changes. The number of ingredients is the same as in the classic preparation of the dish.

  4. Grate the beets onto a coarse grater, then the carrots and potatoes. Place finely chopped herring. Then, in reverse order, potatoes, carrots and beets. Decorate the top layer with finely grated eggs. There is no need to lubricate them with mayonnaise anymore.

Herring salad under a fur coat in a new way

There are also original recipes for preparing the “herring under a fur coat” salad.

To add spice to the salad, instead of apples, a layer of pickled cucumbers is added to the classic recipe, that is, the layer is located between the carrots and eggs. Cucumbers should be finely chopped.

If you want to make the salad hearty, use boiled meat. It can be ground in a blender or finely chopped.

Decorating the herring under a fur coat

We recommend adding all unusual and exotic ingredients to the classic salad. Main, beautifully decorate the salad. You can make beautiful flowers from boiled beets and carrots by planting them on a mayonnaise mesh. Parsley leaves will serve as leaves for flowers. Have fun!

Hi all! Well, today I was inspired again, and I decided to continue the salad theme, this time we’ll look at the options for decorating such a cool and delicious salad How have you heard of such a miracle? If not, then you are probably not from planet Earth))). I'm kidding of course.

Let's decorate it at home so that it looks cool on your table and attracts everyone, so that everyone immediately gasps when they see it.

When I started preparing for this article, I had no idea that there were a whole bunch of options and ways to decorate this dish. In general, I am shocked and am sharing these developments with you, dear subscribers and guests of the blog.

If for some reason you don’t like this salad, then I suggest you take a look, I’m sure that you will find something suitable for yourself.

If there is a holiday in your home, and you want to make it completely unforgettable, then, of course, start by decorating the table. All products should be combined with each other and look very beautiful on the plates. Undoubtedly, how the table is set, such impressions and memories will remain about this event.

There are a lot of holidays in the year and so that you are fully prepared and know how to serve one of the most popular salads, I suggest that you first remember how to cook it and what products you will need for this, and most importantly, what is the sequence of layers for this wonderful dish.

You can also look into my place and see completely different decorations, and also find truly soviet recipe this dish, and also learn how to prepare a roll from all the ingredients of the salad Under a Fur Coat.

Now I would like to provide you with my favorite cooking option, because I think that since you are looking for design ideas of this dish, then you already know how to cook it. I often always make it without eggs and apples. This is a fairly simple recipe, and at the same time delicious, our family simply adores it more than anyone else.

We will need:

  • boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • boiled beets - 2 pcs.
  • lightly salted herring - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • boiled potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • salt and mayonnaise to taste

Cooking method:

1. Do it first preparatory work, boil all the vegetables in water until tender. Clean them with a kitchen knife, removing the skin from them.

2. Lightly salted herring Peel, remove all seeds and chop into pieces. Boiled vegetables, grate each ingredient separately coarse grater, except onions. Cut it into small cubes.

3. So, take a dish and place everything in this order, first place the pieces of herring, throw onions on it, brush with mayonnaise, then add grated potatoes + mayonnaise, then carrots and mayonnaise, and finally beets and mayonnaise.

Important! Don’t forget to spread the mayonnaise evenly over the surface with a spoon so that everything is impeccably soaked.

4. If desired, you can add a little salt to all layers except the fish to your taste. Although I don’t recommend it, the herring is already salty.

5. Garnish with lemon slices and olives or black olives. Bon appetit! How do you like this decor? Quite original.

How to beautifully serve Herring under a fur coat for a birthday

Well, now let's look at the options on how you can present this salad for your birthday. Is this how you usually present it? How you decorate and what cooking tricks and secrets you use, share in the comments, leave your review or wish.

Usually any holiday is fraught with magic. So let's become wizards and make this dish elegant and colorful in an original, tasteful way.

The first option can be made in the form of a clearing of flowers. Decorate with a mayonnaise mesh, and carefully cut out flowers from boiled eggs and whites with a kitchen knife, and place a piece of carrot in the middle.

This is such a flourishing plot, I would say an anniversary one. Add some color using parsley.

It can be made in the form of a cake, isn’t it a tempting offer? Cut thin circles from beets and carrots. To do this, simply cut the boiled beets and carrots into round slices and wrap the roses, place them on top, as shown in this photo:

Incredibly simple, but looks very elegant, decorate green peas and celery sprigs.

You can also cheer everyone up by laying out all the ingredients in the shape of a multi-colored rainbow.

If, as they say, you have a feast for the whole world, then you can serve this dish in glasses or bowls, garnishing with sesame seeds on top to make it unforgettable.

Preparing the salad Under a Fur Coat for the New Year

Soon, soon it will happen, there will be toy Christmas trees in houses, in many apartments there will be real spruce or pine trees, decorated with interesting toys. And of course, in New Year's Eve there will be a chic table with stunning and unique salads that will complement the main dishes.

The first option, I suggest, should be decorated simply and simply in the form of a Christmas tree in the snow. See for yourself, post it out chicken protein grate the forest beauty on a fine grater, and cover everything else with chopped green onions, by the way, you can do the opposite.

There is another version of the Christmas tree made from dill and bell pepper, take a look:

Or like this, add pieces of beets and lay out the Kremlin:

The clock is ticking, everyone is waiting for the chimes and turning on the TV, listening to the president's speech. And someone runs into the yard and watches the fireworks. How do you meet? Well, here’s another idea to design it in the form of a Roman clock, use boiled carrots, just chop it into strips and just like that, lay out the dial.

You can make the task simpler, lay it out finished corn numbers, and putting olives nearby. You can use the rest of the corn in another type of salad, for example

Those who love pomegranate can use the seeds:

You can go the other way and decorate it in the form of a cake, using the same boiled vegetables and dill, bell pepper.

If you want real masterpieces, then take a look at these ideas:

No New Year is undoubtedly complete without the main fairy-tale character, Santa Claus, or in Russian, Father Frost. Using all the same products, create a culinary miracle:

If you want something a little more complicated, take this design option:

The easiest way to decorate is to make a snowman from boiled potatoes. Haha looks funny.

We decorate the salad with our own hands for a children's party

Now, regarding the children's event for children, there are also some thoughts on this topic. The first thing that comes to my mind is to make such a dish in the form of any cartoon character, for example Smesharik:

Or take cherry tomatoes and make them ladybugs and roses.

Pictures in the form of fish and the sea or river bottom will look incredibly charming:

How do you see that carrots can be used to make goldfish without much difficulty? How do you like the idea?

And the most famous and popular design option is to make a Herring salad under a fur coat in the form of a huge fish, instead of scales put onion rings, and instead of an eye, put half chicken egg, the fins will be carrots.

Or like this:

Another type can be made in the shape of a hedgehog:

Fur coat design ideas for March 8

Now let's look at women's holiday, how to approach it with inspiration? Since on this day it is customary to give flowers to ladies, of course they will act as a symbol.

I also want to use this idea and decorate the salad with such a decoration. You will need boiled beets, cut them thinly into round slices, and then roll them up, green onions in the form of a stem and leaves of greenery.

You can do it in the form of a figure eight:

Good afternoon.

Yesterday we had snow again, which will last for a couple of days. Winter is increasingly asserting its rights and this reminded me that it’s time to start selecting the dishes that will be on our holiday table.

And, of course, salads play the main role here.

Well, the most common salads are herring under a fur coat and Olivier salad. Today I want to talk about herring under a fur coat: about cooking methods and interesting options for serving it beautifully festive table.

How to decorate a herring under a fur coat

When it comes to decorating a salad, housewives most often try to create a beautiful frame so that the salad looks like a cake: flowers from carrots, leaves from cucumbers, mice from eggs.

I don’t argue, all this is very beautiful, but all the beauty disappears with the first stick of a fork into the salad.

I want to invite you to decorate herring under a fur coat not only with traditional elements, but also with the help of the cooking method itself.

For example, there is a classic recipe for layered salad, but instead we will make it in the form of a roll. Or in the form of stuffed eggs. Or wrap the herring under a fur coat in pita bread and cut into oblique slices. Each of these options will give the dish a zest and a unique look.

So, if I'm interested in you, let's move on to the recipes.

A classic salad recipe with a festive twist

Let's start with the classics and see how to design them New Year's table in the form of a Christmas tree toy/


  • Salted herring fillet – 3 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes – 2 large or 4 medium
  • Boiled carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Boiled beets – 2 pcs.
  • Pickled onions – 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 5-8 tbsp

For decoration:

  • Chopped green onion – 4 tbsp
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Boiled beets - 1 piece

In order to pickle the onion, cut it into thin rings and place for 20 minutes in a bowl where 1 tbsp of sugar and 4 tbsp of vinegar 9% are diluted in 1 glass of water (200 ml).


First of all, you need to prepare the dishes in which the salad will be prepared. It will be served in it, so immediately take a beautiful salad bowl.

1. Boiled potatoes grate on a coarse grater directly into the salad bowl. We level it so that we get a layer of equal thickness along the entire length. Place a tablespoon of mayonnaise on top and distribute evenly over the potatoes. Sprinkle with a small amount of green onions.

2. The next layer is herring. Cut the fillet into thin slices and place on the potatoes.

3. After the herring comes pickled onions.

And grease it with two tablespoons of mayonnaise.

5. The last layer spread the grated beets.

Do not rub the beets directly into the salad, they can release a lot of juice and ruin everything. Grate it into a separate bowl and put it out of it.

We also grease the beet layer with mayonnaise.

6. The salad is almost ready, all that remains is to give it a festive mood. To do this, divide the salad into 9 sections, carefully making small strips using a spatula.

Now, respecting the boundaries of these sections, lay out strips of grated beets and carrots.

Then put the eggs grated on a fine grater - white and yolk separately from each other.

And sprinkle the outer sections with green onions.

Salad ready. Please note that the eggs in this recipe are not used as one of the layers, but as a decorative element. This is a very convenient technique in order not to violate the recipe or overload the salad with unnecessary ingredients.

Herring under a fur coat in the form of a cake in layers with gelatin

Another elegant version of the classic recipe using gelatin. It gives the salad a more “stable” shape and prevents it from spreading. Therefore, it is very easy to shape it, for example, into a cake.


  • Salted herring fillet – 2 pcs.
  • Boiled beets - 4 large pieces
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes - 6 medium size pieces
  • Boiled eggs- 4 things
  • Mayonnaise – 250 gr
  • Water - 80 ml (one third of a glass)
  • 2 packs edible gelatin— 20 g


The peculiarity of the recipe is its preparation from top to bottom. That is, we will cook it in the form, and then turn it over. Very convenient to use as a form plastic cover from the cake. Firstly, it turns out beautifully, and secondly, the salad does not stick to this form.

If you use others molds - silicone, or salad bowls, then you need to lay cling film on their bottom

1. First of all, pour the gelatin into a saucepan and fill it with 80 ml of water so that it swells a little.

2. Grate carrots, potatoes and beets separately on a coarse grater or using a food processor.

3. By this time, the gelatin has reached the desired condition.

And we put it on fire. The fire should be small. Our task is to dissolve the gelatin, so we don’t leave the stove, constantly stir with a spoon and control the process. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous without grains, remove it from the heat.

After this, it is necessary for the gelatin to cool. There is no need to specifically cool it, just wait until it cools down. room temperature degrees up to 40 (when you put your finger in it and feel that the mixture is warm).

4. While the gelatin is cooling, finely chop the onion and eggs.

5. Now take mayonnaise, add it to the cooled gelatin and mix everything well until smooth.

6. We begin to lay out layers of salad in the form. The beets will go first (I remind you that they are laid out from top to bottom.

Mix the beets with a couple of spoons of the mayonnaise mixture and place on the bottom of the mold.

Before this, you can pour some fresh herbs into the mold.

Place carrots on top of the beets, also mixed with the mayonnaise mixture.

Place herring on top of the eggs.

Sprinkle it with onions and pour mayonnaise-gelatin sauce on top again.

Mix the remaining sauce with grated potatoes.

And put the last layer in the mold.

At the same time, press the potatoes firmly enough to compact all the previous layers.

7. Now all that remains is to put the salad in the refrigerator and give it 3 hours for the gelatin mixture to bind all the ingredients together. After that, turn it over to beautiful plate and serve it on the table.

Classic recipe in a new way (roll)

Well, now let’s move on to non-standard, but very beautiful and original versions salad under a fur coat. And, of course, just as tasty.


  • Boiled beets - 3 medium pieces
  • Boiled potatoes - 4 medium
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Salted herring fillet – 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - to taste


1. Pass the beets, carrots, potatoes and eggs through a coarse grater.

Grated beets must be squeezed out so that they are not too wet, otherwise the juice will penetrate into all layers and the roll will become uniform beet color to its full depth.

2. Cut the herring into small cubes and mix with thinly sliced ​​onion.

3. Let's start forming the roll. To do this, line the table with cling film and place beets half a centimeter thick on it. Then we cover it with another layer of cling film and gently press it down.

4. Place a layer of carrots on top and also press it with film on top so that the roll has a denser structure.

Main secret good cooking: the width of the layer of carrots and all subsequent layers must be narrower than the previous one so that the roll rolls without problems.

Grease a layer of carrots with mayonnaise. Choose the quantity yourself based on your personal preferences.

5. After the carrots, put a layer of potatoes, compact it slightly and also cover it with mayonnaise.

7. Place the last layer of herring mixed with onions. There is no need to smear it; it is placed in a slide along the center line.

8. Now you need to roll the salad into a roll. To do this, you need to grab the workpiece by the film on both sides.

And bring the ends of the roll together, overlapping them slightly.

9. By pressing and rolling the roll, we give it its final cylindrical shape.

10. In this form, put the herring under a fur coat in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the salad is soaked. Do not remove the film. It is removed immediately before slicing and serving.

Herring under a fur coat rolled in lavash

Another way to wrap fish is to use pita bread.


  • Herring fillet – 500 gr
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled beets - 1 piece
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • Lavash - 3 pcs
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr


1. Grate the beets and eggs on a coarse grater. Carrots - fine.

2. Unroll all 3 pita breads, place them on top of each other and cut them in half (you will get two rolls).

3. Place one sheet of pita bread on foil or cling film and grease it with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Place beets on top and distribute evenly.

4. Cover the beets with a second sheet of lavash, also grease with mayonnaise and place carrots on it.

3. We do the same with the third sheet of pita bread, on which the eggs are laid.

4. Roll the pita bread into a roll and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. We make the second roll in the same way.

5. After the rolls are soaked, take them out of the refrigerator and cut them into pieces 3-5 cm thick. You get portioned sandwiches on which you can put a piece of fish on top to call them herring under a fur coat.

Before putting it in, add a few rings of leeks, red onions or regular onions.

Now the dish is ready and you can serve it to the guests.

How to beautifully serve salad under a fur coat on a festive table - lazy herring

Well, the most original recipe, in my opinion, is lazy or stuffed herring under a fur coat. You definitely haven't done this before.


  • Herring fillet - 1 piece
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Boiled potatoes - 1 piece
  • Boiled beets - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise - to taste


1. Cut boiled eggs in half and remove the yolks.

2. In one bowl, combine grated beets, carrots and potatoes with egg yolks. Add three tablespoons of mayonnaise and mix everything well.

3. Stuff the egg halves with the resulting mixture. Don’t be shy, add a heap of the mixture.

4. Take the fillet and cut it into slices.

If you don’t want to bother with cutting, you can easily buy fillet in pieces in the store

5. All that remains is to arrange the fillet according to deviled eggs And lazy herring ready under the fur coat. It is recommended to cool it in the refrigerator before serving.

Like these ones interesting options I managed to find the preparations. I liked the recipe best of all in pita bread, which is very convenient to take and eat directly with your hands.

While thinking, you were able to note an interesting recipe for yourself.

That's all for today, thank you for your attention.