The most successful recipes for orange jam. Orange and lemon jam

Orange is the most popular of all citrus fruits that enter our market. Millions of people cannot imagine their morning without a glass of fresh orange juice, and throughout the day they are not averse to enjoying delicious and healthy fruit. This is understandable, because in addition to taste pleasure, orange fills the body with energy and gives mood for the whole day.

And if you think about it, what do we know about the orange? How rich is this tropical fruit besides the notorious vitamin C, and how it affects the body regular use orange juice? Let's look at the orange from the point of view of its health benefits and give some recipes traditional medicine with this fruit.

A little history

The first mention of orange dates back to 1178 BC. In ancient manuscripts, a Chinese gardening scientist spoke about a fruit grown from a seed. Moreover, the author mentioned 27 varieties of different oranges, which means we can say with confidence that this citrus fruit appeared much earlier.

From China, the orange came to India, from where sailors spread it throughout the world. The orange turned out to be quite suitable for cultivation, but it especially fell in love with the Middle East and Southern Europe.

In 1714, the first greenhouses appeared in Russia. They were called “greenhouses”, from the word “orange”, as the orange was called in Europe. In our country, another name has taken root - “orange”, which translated from German meant “Chinese apple”.

Since then, orange has become an integral part of the diet of the inhabitants of our country. Today it is healthy treat They are also grown in our country, in particular in the Krasnodar Territory, which means we can say with confidence that the orange has become native to us.

Chemical composition of orange

This popular citrus fruit contains the following valuable substances:

  • vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 and B9;
  • minerals: phosphorus and iron, potassium and magnesium, calcium and zinc, selenium, sodium and copper;
  • polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids;
  • indigestible dietary fiber;
  • salicylic acid;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • pigments;
  • Sahara.

At the same time, 100 g of orange pulp contains only 47 kcal, which means one fruit, which weighs on average 180–200 g, gives the body 94 calories.

Beneficial properties of orange

Strengthens immunity

Orange is a valuable source of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which improves immunity and thereby provides the body with protection against pathogenic microbes. In this regard, doctors recommend consuming at least two oranges a week for both children and adults, especially during the epidemic of ARVI and influenza.

Rejuvenates the body

This citrus fruit is a real storehouse of antioxidants, thanks to which it improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, but more importantly, it literally rejuvenates the body, helping you look much younger than your own years. True, all this can be achieved if you consume 2-3 oranges a week from year to year.

Cleanses the body

Oranges contain a lot of fiber, which effectively cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of harmful toxins and poisons. Based on this, oranges are strongly recommended for consumption by people living in cities whose air is polluted by emissions from factories and factories. Moreover, oranges are simply necessary for people living in areas with high levels of radiation.

Improves digestion

The ability of orange to cleanse the body carries with it great benefit For gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this effect, digestion improves, problems with stool, stomach cramps and bloating, sour belching and bad breath disappear. Moreover, the use of this product is a prevention of gastrointestinal pathologies, including gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer and the formation of polyps in the intestines.

Helps you lose weight

The ability of orange to cleanse the body and improve metabolic processes, is extremely important for losing weight. Under the influence of these processes, the body begins to more actively break down fats, as a result of which the process of natural weight loss is activated. In this case, the lost kilograms will never return.

Prevents cancer

The fruit in question is rich in limonoids - substances that prevent cell division in the body and the formation of malignant tumors. Oranges are also useful for those people who already have malignant tumors in the body. The substances present in this product block blood access to cancerous tumors and prevent them from actively developing in the body.

Takes care of the heart and blood vessels

The presence of potassium in oranges strengthens the heart muscle and prevents the development of tachycardia, and the ability of this product to cleanse the vascular walls of cholesterol deposits is in an effective way protection against atherosclerosis. Regular consumption of oranges can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by 20%.

Prevents hypertension

The ideal combination of iron, potassium and copper in this wonderful fruit is necessary for normalization blood pressure and preventing hypertension. This has been proven by studies according to which people living in regions where oranges are grown are 30% less likely to experience hypertension, varicose veins and other vascular diseases.

Strengthens the nervous system

One cannot fail to mention the beneficial effects of orange on the human nervous system. This fruit is simply necessary for all those who need to cheer up and feel the joy of life. It drives away bad thoughts and charges a person with positive energy, relieves the blues and improves sleep.

Prevents diabetes

The white layer between the peel and pulp of the orange contains a valuable compound - synephrine. Thanks to this substance, normal glucose levels are maintained in the body, and a person who consumes oranges is protected from the development of diabetes.

The benefits of orange for men and women

Above we have already described the beneficial properties of this product, which allows you to maintain normal vital functions of the body. In addition, men and women who are engaged in active work need oranges to maintain tone and maintain vigor throughout the day.

Orange perfectly tones the brain, improves activity " gray matter", helps you think faster and eliminates memory problems.

In addition, young men and women who plan to have children need to consume at least 3-4 oranges per week. This will improve reproductive function in both sexes and contribute to the conception of a child.

If we talk exclusively about women, distinctive feature orange is wealth folic acid, which can be safely called a “women’s vitamin”. This valuable acid eliminates pain on the eve of menstruation, reduces anxiety and increased excitability during PMS, and also significantly facilitates the well-being of women with the onset of menopause.

The benefits of orange for pregnant women and nursing mothers

Folic acid is perhaps the most important vitamin for mother and child. It promotes the proper formation of fetal organs, prevents the development of brain pathologies and nervous system. This vitamin helps a pregnant woman avoid unplanned abortion.

It is only important to understand that orange is a product that can provoke the development of allergies, which means that the expectant mother should consume such a product carefully, no more than one fruit per day.

If we talk about a young mother who is breastfeeding, the consumption of oranges should be regulated by the following rules:

  • It is better to abstain from oranges during the first 6 months of breastfeeding;
  • It is better to start drinking orange with 2-3 slices per day, monitoring the reaction of your body and the baby’s body. By the way, a baby’s allergy to this product can manifest itself not only in rashes on the body, but also in diarrhea or irregular bowel movements;
  • It is not recommended to eat oranges every day. It is better to enjoy this fruit 2 times a week, eating half an orange;
  • if any of the nursing mother's relatives suffered from an allergy to citrus fruit, it is better to avoid using this product.

Can a child have oranges?

It's actually extremely useful product, which gives children a lot of joy, and at the same time fills their body with useful substances necessary for growth and strengthening the immune system.

The pectins present in this orange fruit normalize the child’s digestion, while calcium and phosphorus strengthen bone tissue and promote normal growth.

True, orange crumbs can be introduced into the diet only if there is no intolerance or allergy to this product. If there are no obstacles to eating fruit, then earlier child will be accustomed to oranges, eating is better for his health.

Benefits of oranges for older people

We have already mentioned that these sunny fruits slow down the aging process of the body, which is especially noticeable in appearance. If oranges appear on the table of an elderly person regularly, this allows them to maintain excellent brain activity and avoid severe cardiovascular diseases, incl. heart attacks and strokes. And numerous scientific studies confirm that this product important for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

The use of oranges in folk medicine

Orange is a real healer who comes to the rescue for a variety of ailments.


Using a grater, chop one orange along with the peel, pour 2 cups of boiling water over the plant material and leave for 30 minutes. Take the finished product a quarter glass before each meal 4 times a day until complete recovery.


Crush a few orange slices and pour 100 ml of warm water over them boiled water. Let the product sit for 30 minutes and drink. Take this remedy every 2 hours and the temperature will soon return to normal.


To combat vitamin deficiency, add 3 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of the juice of the fruit in question. walnut and 1 tsp. honey After mixing the product, drink it, preferably in the first half of the day. You need to take the medicine for 10–14 days.

Prevention of hypertension

To avoid pressure surges, drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice 3 times a week, adding a teaspoon of honey.

Severe hangover

In case of strong alcohol intoxication and heavy hangover syndrome take 1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, dilute 1 egg yolk, mix well and drink immediately. Within 30 minutes your condition will begin to improve.


If you experience frequent constipation, try drinking a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice with pulp every night before going to bed. Literally 8-10 days of such therapy and this delicate problem will no longer bother you.

Heavy periods

In case of heavy bleeding during menstruation, orange will also come to the rescue. Grind orange fruit using a knife along with the peel and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. After 40 minutes you can start taking the medicine. You need to drink it throughout the day, in small sips, so that by the evening you drink all 500 ml.

The use of oranges in cosmetology

This citrus fruit is extremely useful for the fair sex to take care of their appearance. Based on orange, you can prepare various cosmetics that nourish, tone and maintain healthy skin and hair.

Skin rejuvenation

To maintain the beauty and youth of your skin, purchase it at the pharmacy essential oil orange This valuable product can be added to creams, tonics, shampoos and hair gels. This combination will significantly enhance the effect cosmetics and will make you look great regardless of age.

Dry skin

People with dry and flaky skin should chop the orange peel and mix it with 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, add 1 tsp. olive oil and mix until smooth. Apply the finished mask to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, hold for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After completing the procedure, do not forget to apply moisturizer to your skin.

Oily skin

If there is increased sebum production, combine a glass of flour with a glass of orange juice, and apply the resulting mass to your face as a mask. Leave the product on for 20 minutes and then rinse with water.

Improved complexion

Pour a tablespoon of linden flowers into a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, let it brew for a couple of hours, then strain. Add 1 tbsp to 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture. full-fat yogurt, 1 tsp. lemon juice and the same amount of honey. By mixing the ingredients, you will get a mask that should be applied to your face for about 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water. By caring for your skin in this way for 2 times a week, you will notice how its healthy color and radiance returns.

Pore ​​cleansing

You can get rid of blackheads on the skin using this product. Add a handful of crushed orange juice to half a glass of orange juice. oatmeal and 1 egg yolk. Mix the ingredients until thick sour cream, apply the mask to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Procedures should be carried out once a week.


You can fight acne on the skin with the help of orange peel. To do this, pass the orange pulp and zest through a meat grinder and mix until smooth. Apply the prepared product to the affected areas of the skin and leave the mask on for 15–20 minutes. Carry out the procedure every 2 days until you get a lasting result.


To eliminate this problem, pour crushed orange zest 500 ml of boiling water and let the product cool. Rinse your hair with this infusion 2 times a week and dandruff will soon disappear.

Dull hair

To restore your hair's former shine, add 1 tbsp to a glass of orange juice. honey, and 5 drops of sandalwood oil. Distribute the mask over the entire length of your hair, and after 15 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo. Perform procedures 1-2 times per week.

An adult can eat no more than 2-3 oranges per day.

For kids younger age It is better to give orange juice diluted with water.

Teenagers can eat one orange a day or drink a glass of orange juice, preferably in the morning.

At the same time, so that the acid does not corrode the stomach, it is better to drink this juice after eating. As for the fruit itself, it can be consumed regardless of meals.

Oranges in cooking

Orange and lemon jam

Besides the wonderful delicious jam, these citrus fruits are widely used for cooking variety of dishes. Even a small amount of oranges and lemons added to any dish significantly changes its taste and adds a piquant sourness. And the orange-lemon jam available in the house will always be a wonderful treat. An amber jar will give you a feeling of celebration, lift your spirits, and saturate your body with essential vitamins.

For cooking traditional jam from oranges and lemons you will need:

Oranges and lemons need to be washed, cut into neat circles and be sure to remove any seeds. Then the prepared citrus fruits are placed in an enamel container, filled with prepared water and boiled until the fruits become soft. Then add granulated sugar and continue to cook over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. After boiling, the aromatic mass is cooked over low heat for about 30 - 50 minutes. During the entire cooking process, you should constantly stir the jam with a wooden spoon (spatula). After the jam has thickened, it can be placed in pre-prepared sterilized jars and immediately sealed with lids.

Making jam from sunny citrus fruits is not as troublesome as it seems at first glance. This yummy will certainly delight all household members and guests during cold weather. winter evenings. By the way, Italians believe that nothing enhances taste better noble wine, like cheese with jam from these wonderful fruits. A few slices of orange and lemon add an unforgettable aroma to ordinary apple jam.

Orange peel jam

To make jam that can decorate tea table any housewife will need:

To obtain 400 g of peels you will need approximately 1.5 kg of oranges. This is exactly the amount of citrus fruit that is the raw material for making wonderful, tasty jam. Therefore, after eating oranges, you should not rush to throw away the peel.

The preliminary step is to prepare the zest. To do this, orange peels should be placed in three liter jar With cold water– the water must be changed three times a day. This is required in order to prevent the crusts from souring. In general, the preparatory period lasts 2–3 days until the bitterness inherent in orange peel is completely removed.

The crusts prepared in this way are cut into small squares and placed in a container for making jam. Then sugar is dissolved in boiling water. The resulting syrup is poured over orange peels.

The jam is prepared in several stages. First, let it boil for 5 minutes, turn it off, cool slightly, then boil again for 5 minutes. This procedure should be repeated at least 3 to 4 times until the zest becomes soft. Using orange peels like this in a simple way, you can provide yourself and your loved ones with aromatic, healthy jam for the whole year.

Jam “Zavitushki”

Jam from orange peels sometimes cooked with the addition of apples, pears, pumpkins, and often used as a filling for pies. In particular, many people prepare amazing jam in which orange peels are shaped into beautiful spirals. Sometimes it’s called “Zavitushki” jam. To prepare this yummy you will need:

  • oranges – 3 pcs;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • water – 400 g;
  • juice of 1/2 lemon.

First, the oranges must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water. Then the citrus fruits need to be cut into several parts to make “ watermelon slices" Then you should remove the pulp and carefully cut the peel of each slice lengthwise. You should get thin strips. Similar to the above method, the crusts are soaked for 3 to 4 days, changing the water regularly. Next, you need to remove the white pulp from the inside of the crusts. Roll each strip into a spiral and thread it onto a thread. The result is a kind of orange beads.

The resulting beads need to be filled with water, added prepared sugar and cooked until the syrup thickens slightly. The jam is prepared in two stages over low heat. First boil for 15 minutes, cool, then cook again for 15 minutes. When the jam is completely ready, the threads should be removed. Zavitushki jam is not only aesthetically attractive, it has all the qualities of a real high-quality dessert.

Contraindications for oranges

Like any other product, oranges are not beneficial for everyone and have a number of contraindications. First of all, this product is contraindicated for diseases such as:

  • allergy to citrus fruits and intolerance to oranges;
  • diabetes mellitus and elevated blood glucose levels;
  • stomach ulcers, gastritis, and gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, this product should not be overused. Excessive consumption oranges can turn into:

  • rapid weight gain and development of obesity;
  • development of diabetes mellitus;
  • damage to tooth enamel and the appearance of caries;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions in the body.

Make it a rule to consume this wonderful orange fruit more often. With him you will always have good health And great mood! Take care of yourself!

Now there is no shortage of lemons, oranges, tangerines, and you can buy them in every store at a very reasonable price. Therefore, these fruits are on the table in almost every family, especially in winter. They usually eat fresh fruits. But recently, aromatic, amber jam from citrus fruits. This sweet dish has an amazing aroma and nothing incomparable taste.

Let us, dear housewives, not stand aside and also prepare jam from oranges and lemons, the recipes of which I want to offer you. There is nothing complicated about this, but a breakfast with such a dessert will appeal to everyone at home, regardless of age.

Some cooking tips

Before making citrus jam, take a few useful tips to prepare dessert upper class. So:

Before you start cooking, be sure to wash the fruit under running water and then dry it with a napkin.

You can cook it with or without seeds. If the seeds are not removed, the jam will be more tart and slightly bitter. Same with the peel: you can remove it or leave it on. Or you can generally make jam from just the crusts, without any pulp at all. I’ll also tell you the recipe for this jam.

To make the taste more rich, you can add other products during cooking: cinnamon, ginger, apples and even pumpkin.

Now, let's start making orange and lemon jam. Here are some popular recipes:

Orange-lemon. Recipe No. 1

For this recipe we need: 4 juicy orange, 2 lemons, sugar.

How to cook:

Peel the fruits, remove the zest and cut into thin strips. Place the zest in a cup, add cool water, and leave overnight. Place the peeled fruits in a bag to prevent them from drying out. Leave them in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning, divide the fruit into slices, drain the water from the zest into the pan where you will cook. Now combine the slices with the zest and weigh them on a home scale. Sugar should be taken in the amount of 3/4 of the total weight. Place the slices and zest in a saucepan, add sugar, and boil. Reduce heat to low and cook until reduced by one third. Remove the finished jam from the heat and cool. By the way, if you cook for a long time so that the volume is reduced by half, you will also get very tasty jam.

Orange-lemon. Recipe No. 2

To make jam according to this recipe you will need the following products: 6 oranges, 6 lemons, 1 kg of sugar, 200 ml of water.

How to cook:

Place the fruit in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it, blanch for 10 minutes. Then transfer them to another container with cold water and leave there overnight. Now, without peeling the skin, cut the fruit into slices and carefully remove the seeds.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water, boil the syrup. Place the chopped fruits in a saucepan and leave to soak for 4 hours. Then bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the jam for 2 hours. Then cook again for 10 minutes with a break of 2 hours. Do this 2 more times: cook for 10 minutes, turn off the stove for 2 hours. Place the finished jam into jars and fill with syrup.

From orange-lemon peels

For preparation you will need: the peel of a kilogram of oranges and a kilogram of lemons, 800 g of granulated sugar, 300-400 ml of water.

How to cook:

Wash the peel thoroughly, drain the water, dry the peel with napkins. Now cut it into small strips. Pour the sugar into a saucepan, add water, and cook the syrup. Place the chopped crusts there, bring to a boil, cook over very low heat for 10 minutes. Place the jam in jars and cool.

Orange jam

For the recipe we will need: 1 kg of juicy, fresh oranges, 1 kg of granulated sugar, 400 ml of water.

How to cook:

Peel the oranges, divide into segments, remove the seeds. Wide enamel pan where you will cook, add sugar, add water, stir, cook syrup. Put it there orange slices, bring to a boil, immediately remove from heat. Wait 1 hour, then boil again, reduce heat.

Cook, stirring constantly, 15 minutes. Remove from heat again and wait another 1 hour. Then cook again for 15 minutes. Do this 2 more times. During the last cooking, add 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped zest. Cook until thickened. Then cool the jam and pour it hot into jars.

Lemon jam

For the recipe you will need: 1 kg of lemons, one and a half kg of sugar.

How to cook:

Wash the fruits, cut into pieces, remove the seeds. Now grind everything using a meat grinder. Place the resulting mass along with the juice in a wide enamel pan, add sugar, stir, and leave for 1 hour. When the sugar is almost dissolved, place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Then immediately remove from the stove, cool, and pour into jars. Place the jam in the refrigerator, where it will thicken. The result is a fragrant, transparent dessert. golden color. Moreover, due to the fact that it does not cook for long, the jam retains almost everything useful material.
Bon appetit!

Jam or jam from various fruits citrus plants It's quite easy to prepare. Lemon-orange jam turns out delicious, beautiful and aromatic. In those countries where citrus trees grow well under open air, jam from their fruits is part of national cuisine. Jam from a variety of citrus fruits is made in Argentina, Portugal, and Spain. There are a great many recipes for this dish. Although in general terms citrus jam Cooked in the same way as berry or apple jam.

Interestingly, in Portugal they make jam from fruits called laranja amarga. The name is translated as bitter orange, but... more likely, we're talking about about its closest relative, the Pomeranian. In Russia, Sofya Andreevna, the wife of Leo Tolstoy, was one of the first to master making bitter orange jam. IN fresh They didn’t eat the fruits; they were bitter and sour. But in confectionery and perfumery they were used quite widely. Various varieties were prepared using unripe fruits, the so-called Pomeranian nuts. alcohol tinctures, well, from fresh bitter oranges they made jam and made marmalade. Sofya Andreevna wrote down all her recipes in a cookbook, according to which they cooked in the house of the great writer. Her recipe for wild orange jam was not much different from modern recipe lemon- orange jam, except that the weight unit pound was used instead of grams.

Anyone can make similar jam. to the modern housewife. For it, of course, table oranges will be used, because today oranges or bitter oranges can hardly be found in the retail chain.

To make lemon-orange jam you will need:

  • oranges 4 pcs.;
  • lemons 4 pcs.;
  • sugar 1 kg.


Cookman to help

The following secrets will help you make delicious citrus jam:

  • if possible, then not only for jam, but also for food, it is advisable to buy table oranges with thin peel; if you buy these fruits from Morocco, they will have very few seeds, and they will taste very sweet;
  • You can peel citrus fruits without damaging the pulp using a tablespoon, place the spoon through a small cut between the fruit and the peel with the convex side up and, moving the spoon in a circle, remove all the skin.


Sequence of making orange and lemon jam:

Lemon-orange jam will not only be an excellent addition to tea and a filling for pies, rolls, cakes, but will also help you recover during a cold.

Orange jam is an aromatic, tasty and very healthy delicacy that will be an excellent addition to a cup of hot tea, strengthen the immune system and protect the body from colds, so common during the cold season. Today we will talk about the features of preparing this amazing dessert.

Raw orange jam

Let's take 5 oranges and 2 lemons. Wash the citrus fruits thoroughly under cold water. Since we will not peel the fruits to make jam, it is recommended to pour boiling water over them to destroy the harmful microorganisms on them. Cut oranges and lemons into small slices. Be sure to remove any seeds from citrus fruits, as they will add an unpleasant bitterness to the finished treat.

Peel fresh ginger root (10 g). Pass oranges, lemons and ginger root through a meat grinder. Pour granulated sugar (800 g) into the resulting mass and mix everything thoroughly until all sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Raw orange jam is ready. All that remains is to put it in jars and seal with lids. Bon appetit.

Orange jam: classic recipe

Place oranges (10 pcs.) in boiling water for a couple of minutes and cut into 4 parts. Do similar actions with lemons (4 pcs.). Grind the citrus fruits through a meat grinder, after removing any seeds they contain. Place the resulting mass in an enamel bowl and cover with sugar (1.7 kg). Place the container on the stove and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. During cooking, it is necessary to periodically stir the contents of the container to prevent burning, which will spoil the aroma and taste qualities ready-made jam. Remove the treat from the stove and let it cool until room temperature, then bring to a boil again.

Place orange jam in sterile glass containers and roll up special device metal lids and leave to cool. You can store this delicious and healthy dessert in the basement or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The unsurpassed taste and indescribable aroma of orange jam through a meat grinder will certainly delight your household and guests of your home. Just a teaspoon of this food, taken daily in the morning, will activate the body’s defenses and will be an excellent prevention of various types of viral diseases! Enjoy your tea!

Lemon is a real storehouse of vitamin C, A, B5, potassium and calcium. It is good in classic and raw jam and goes well with other ingredients: zucchini, pumpkin, oranges and spices. If you are concerned that vitamins will be lost during the cooking process, you can cook raw jam using one of our best recipes.

Simple lemon jam

Ingredients: 1 kg lemons, 1.5 kg sugar, 500 ml water (for syrup), vanillin or ground cinnamon(on the tip of a knife)

Volume of finished jam: 2.5 l

Time required: 3-4 hours

How to make simple lemon jam. First of all, you need to thoroughly peel the lemons, otherwise the jam will be very bitter later. You can grate the peel or remove it with a special vegetable peeler. Don't forget to remove not only the lemon zest, but also the white, loose layer underneath, which can also cause bitterness.

Cut the lemons into pieces, place in a deep container and cover with a kilogram of sugar. Cook in a large saucepan sugar syrup, into which you will then need to dip the lemon slices. To do this, pour half a kilogram of sugar into the bottom of the pan and fill it with half a liter of water, place the pan on very low heat and stir the sugar until dissolved.

When the sugar-coated lemons release their juice, stir well so that there are no lumps of sugar left and carefully add the lemon slices to the saucepan with the syrup. Mix thoroughly and wait until the jam boils.

After boiling, do not remove it from the heat for another half hour, remembering to stir. At the end of cooking, we recommend that you add vanillin or ground cinnamon to the jam.

Raw lemon jam

Wash a kilogram of lemons and put them through a meat grinder, mix in a deep bowl with a kilogram of sugar, let the sugar dissolve. Stir the jam so that there are no lumps of undissolved sugar left in it. Important: store jam only in the refrigerator.

Lemon jam with honey

So that honey does not lose its properties when heated useful properties, make raw jam with it. Pass a kilogram of lemons into a meat grinder, and then add a kilogram of honey and 2-3 tbsp. l. chopped mint. Important: store jam only in the refrigerator.

Zucchini and lemon jam

Peel a kilogram of zucchini and cut into cubes, cut two lemons. Place everything in a deep saucepan and pour a kilogram of sugar into it, leave for an hour. Then stir and set to cook. When the jam boils, let it stand and cool, then boil again, repeat this twice.

Pumpkin and lemon jam

Peel and cut a kilogram of pumpkin, put it in a saucepan, pour a kilogram of sugar into it, and leave for an hour. Peel a kilogram of lemons and chop finely. When the pumpkin releases juice and the sugar dissolves, place the pan on the lowest heat and stir. After boiling, add chopped lemons to the pumpkin and cook for 10 minutes.

Lemon and orange jam

Take 500 g of oranges and lemons, remove the peel, cut them into pieces. Boil the syrup (place 500g of sugar in 0.5 liters of water), and when all the sugar has dissolved, carefully lower the pieces of fruit into the syrup. After boiling, cook for half an hour, stirring.

Lemon jam with butter (dessert cream)

How to make an amazingly delicious lemon jam-cream for desserts that can be stored for up to two months. Wash a kilogram of lemons, grate the zest, and squeeze out the juice. 250 grams soft butter mix with six raw chicken eggs and one and a half kilograms of sugar, add zest and squeezed juice, as well as cinnamon, cook for half an hour, stirring constantly. It must be stored in the refrigerator in sterilized containers.