The easiest ways to separate the whites from the yolk: sleight of hand and no cheating! How to properly and easily separate the yolk from the white in a chicken egg: methods, tips, videos. How to separate the yolk from the white of an egg using a plastic bottle: instructions

In some culinary recipes you need to use either yolks alone or whites only. Also, any baked goods turn out more fluffy if you beat them separately.

Tips: What should you pay attention to before separating the yolks from the whites?

To make it easier to separate the yolk, you need to follow these tips:

  • Eggs must be fresh;
  • Before use, they should be placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes;
  • The eggshell must be free of cracks and damage;
  • If you need to divide into components a large number of eggs, it is better in this case to use three plates. Separate them in one plate, and pour the whites and yolks separately into the other two. This way, in case of unsuccessful separation, you will not spoil the previously separated parts.

Also, eggs should be washed in warm water before use, especially if you are going to use them raw (for example, to make tiramisu or homemade mayonnaise), since they contain a large number of bacteria. Otherwise, there is a chance of catching salmonellosis.

How to easily and quickly separate the yolk from the white: methods for separating eggs

    1. The most common way: break the eggshell, pour the contents into your palm, slightly closing your fingers. The protein flows into the plate through your fingers;

    1. Using a funnel. You need to twist a funnel out of paper and put it in a glass. Break the shell and pour the contents into the funnel. The white will flow into the glass through the hole at the bottom of the funnel;

    1. Break the egg over a plate, then carefully catch the yolk with a spoon or your fingers, the main thing is not to damage the protective film;
    2. Most unusual way– use an empty plastic bottle. Carefully break the shell, pour the contents into a bowl, then take a plastic bottle, squeeze it with your fingers and bring it to the yolk so that the entire circumference of the neck touches it, then loosen your fingers, and it will instantly be inside the bottle;

    1. Using a shell. Use a knife to break the shell, slightly separating its halves. This must be done over a cup. Part of the white will pour out immediately, and the rest is removed by transferring the yolk from one half of the shell to the other;

  1. The blowing method. Do in eggshells There are small holes on both sides, place your lips against one of the holes and blow out the protein.

How to separate quail eggs into components

This is a kind of jewelry work, because their shell is thin and very fragile. There are several ways to help cope with this difficult task:

  1. The method is the same as when using chicken. Simply break the shell, allowing the white to flow through your fingers;
  2. You can use a slotted spoon or a special spoon for olives. Break the shell and pour the contents into a spoon;
  3. Also, separating quail eggs can be done using a large sieve. We break them there, then wait until all the protein flows out;
  4. Pour the eggs into a cup and use a teaspoon to remove the yolks from the bowl;
  5. You can make a small hole in the top of the shell and let the whites drain out.

By the way, there are special scissors for opening quail eggs. They can easily cut off the top of the eggshell without damaging the yolk.

How to properly separate the white from the yolk of ostrich eggs

Their shell is much thicker - about 3 mm, and their weight is about one and a half kilograms, which corresponds to 15-25 chicken eggs. For separation the best way will punch a hole in the shell with a knife on one side, then tilt it and let the protein flow out. The remaining yolk can be pierced and poured into the prepared bowl. If you need it whole, then simply enlarge the hole in the shell and remove it from there unharmed.

If none of the above methods suits you, then you can purchase a special separator. Separators come in many shapes and sizes. It is placed on a plate, the eggs are broken so that the yolks are in the middle, and the whites flow out through the holes of this device.

If you love to cook, you've probably had to separate the yolks from the whites. Most often, this should be done by those who prepare baked goods.

Many recipes (biscuits, pies, creams and even cookies) are based on beating the yolks and whites separately. Some people think that such recipes are very complicated and require special skills. It's actually quite simple. I suggest you

6 easy ways to separate the yolk from the white

Of course, the eggs should always be thoroughly washed first. Depending on your future plans, eggs are used straight from the refrigerator or at room temperature.

From personal experience: Using a powerful mixer, you can whip the whites into a strong foam, regardless of their temperature. If you are preparing a biscuit, pie or muffins, it is better that all ingredients are at approximately the same room temperature.

Everyone has it experienced cook I have my favorite way to separate the yolk from the white.

I most often separate using shells. The main thing here is to try to break the shell into two halves with a knife. Next, transfer the yolk from one half to the other, while the white flows into the bowl placed below.

Previously, almost everyone in the kitchen had a special device in the form of a plastic separator spoon with holes through which the white flowed out, and the yolk remained in the spoon.

If you do not have special devices, you can use a funnel for pouring liquids in a similar way. A funnel made from a sheet of paper is also suitable for these purposes.

Another way: make a small hole in the shell raw egg, the white will flow out through it, and the yolk will remain inside.

To separate the yolk from the white, you can use a regular tablespoon: break the egg into a bowl and carefully remove the yolk with a spoon. Particularly dexterous people can do this with their fingers.

If for some reason all of the above methods do not suit you, you can separate the yolk from the white using an empty plastic bottle.

So, to summarize, you can separate the yolk from the white using:

  1. shells,
  2. special devices,
  3. tablespoon,
  4. funnels,
  5. holes in the shell
  6. plastic bottle.

You can see more details on how some of these methods work in the video we made for our subscribers.

Not a single airy sweet will reach perfection without the egg white whipped into foam, and the dough will not acquire divine friability without adding yolk.

The white helps as a binding link when creating dough for pancakes and pancakes, and the yolk gives the products a sunny, bright color.

Both components of the egg have their own purpose and not every product needs them in a duet, so it is important to be able to correctly separate the yolk from the white.

Separation (separation) requires care and precision: the substance enclosed in the eggshell is viscous and therefore difficult to separate. A if even a particle of yolk gets into the white, it will not be possible to whip it well, and the dish will not meet your expectations. This is especially true for such exquisite products as souffle, meringue, mousse. Separating the yolk and white is easy experienced housewives, but it’s better for novice cooks to get acquainted with its various options.

Traditional methods

Retail chains offer an incredible number of newfangled separator designs, but many prefer simple, but very effective ways separating the two egg components. Try them out too.

Sleight of hand

Break the egg on the edge of a plate or do it with a knife.

With experience you will definitely learn how to break an egg without damaging the yolk, but at first you will have to act delicately.

Pour the contents into a deep plate.

The yolk will be in the middle of the container surrounded by the spread white.

Grasp it with your fingers gently but firmly and remove it from the plate.

Pour out the protein

You can simply pour out the transparent part of the egg!

Make holes on the sharp and blunt sides of the egg. One of them should be wider. Place the egg over a plate and let the white drip through the wider hole. It won't be fast, so be patient.

To speed up separation, you can slightly shake the egg from side to side or put your lips against the smaller hole and blow into it with force. The white will leak out, but the yolk will remain in the shell.

How experienced chefs do it

Over a plate, with the blunt part of a knife or a fork, beat the shell in the center of the egg and confidently break it into 2 halves.

Some of the protein will immediately end up in the plate.

Place everything that is left into one of the shells.

Pour the rest of the egg from one half of the shell to the other, holding it over the container until all the white has flowed into it.

Separate using improvised means

You can quickly separate the components of an egg using different means, which are sure to be found at home both for an experienced cook and for a person far from cooking - a regular funnel or even an empty plastic bottle. Using any such device is as easy as shelling pears.

Rinse and dry the plastic bottle.

Break the egg and place on a flat plate.

Squeeze the bottle on both sides, releasing the air.

The neck of the vessel should be brought as close as possible to the surface of the yolk and the compression of the bottle should be loosened.

The whole yolk will be easily absorbed into the container.

Now just pour it into the desired container.

Take a factory-made funnel or create one yourself, for example, from whatman paper or printer paper, cutting off the tip of the cone (you should get a hole the size of your little finger). Break the egg and pour the contents into the funnel. Hold it over a plate, where the squirrel will move, leaving its yellow “neighbor” in the shell.

As easy as pie

Take a plastic cup. Heat the knife and make a crescent-shaped cut at the bottom no more than a centimeter wide. Pour in the egg and let the clear substance flow through the hole. You can do the same with a deep plastic spoon.

If you just need the yolk, regardless of its condition, use a syringe without a needle. After carefully breaking the egg, simply draw up the yellow component with a syringe, then all that remains is to empty it.

Special devices for easy separation

Pay attention to the miracle technology - special separators that make it possible to easily separate the whites and yolks.

Judging by reviews on social networks, the most popular separator is a silicone bulb, which copes with the task in a few seconds.

The principle of operation is the same as in the “exercise” with a bottle, it’s just that the pear is more convenient and attractive.

Pour the contents of the egg into a deep plate.

Squeeze the pear with your fingers and bring its neck to the yolk (its diameter corresponds to the circumference of the yolk).

When they touch, release your grip.

The pear will deftly “swallow” the yolk.

There is also a special device in the form of a strainer in stores.

There you can determine the viscous egg substance.

The protein flows out through the mesh, the rest remains in place.

To speed up the process, move and tilt the sieve slightly.

Today you can choose a separator to suit your taste. Thanks to the efforts of the designers, they look very attractive. These include cups with “smile” holes, plates with one or more slits, spoons, and even egg pistols.

Products can be plastic, ceramic, metal, designed for different quantities eggs, stylish or “funny”. But any such separator is created according to one principle: the protein is given the opportunity to drain through one or more holes, and the rest remains intact and unharmed.

Miracles of technology

Engineers also created high-precision separators, and designers designed them in an elegant style. The lid of the device opens, an egg is poured into the middle, and the lid closes. Then the upper compartment rotates 180° and returns to its original position. The lid opens and - voila! You find the yolk resting separately on the mesh, and the white remains at the bottom of the device.

There are even devices that can accommodate an egg in a shell. They perform the entire procedure independently.

Quail eggs

How to split correctly quail eggs to separate the whites, since the risk of mixing due to the fragile thin film holding the yolk is very high?

Use a miniature olive spoon with a hole in the middle.

Break the eggs into a container and then scoop the mixture into a spoon.

You can try pouring the egg directly into a spoon.

Break a miniature egg into a mesh surface.

If the product is fresh, the squirrel will drain easily. If it is slightly stale, roll it on the surface.

  • The easiest way to separate chilled eggs.
  • In the freshest egg, the white and yolk fit tightly together, but at the same time it is easier to separate them.
  • The egg components can be stored separately for several days in the refrigerator.
  • When breaking an egg directly on the edge of a plate or cup, make sure that no pieces of shell get into the dish: it will be difficult to remove them.

Useful video

At the end I will share a video showing separation using a bottle. As you can see, there is nothing complicated:

If the recipe requires not whole eggs, but only certain parts of them, the housewife is faced with the question of how to separate the yolk from the white without damaging the components. Effective ways several, they all guarantee quick results, and the choice depends only on personal preferences. Regardless of the approach, the ingredient must first be prepared.

Only suitable for dividing into parts fresh eggs, their components easily move away from each other, not allowing the slightest mixing. The selected products should be kept in the refrigerator for at least a quarter of an hour, placed on a plate. After this, they need to be quickly washed in cool water, dried and separated.

How to separate the yolk from the white using traditional methods without additional tools?

Despite the appearance special devices, many housewives today prefer to act exclusively with their hands. This is quite fast, and if the manipulation is carried out correctly, then the risk of mixing the contents is minimal.

  • Simply break the eggs one by one and carefully place their contents into a bowl. From it we catch the yolks with our fingers, which we transfer to another container. When doing this, it is recommended to wear gloves made of very thin rubber, then the yolk film will definitely not tear.
  • Egg yolk can be extracted even easier. We break the egg not into a bowl, but into your hand, remove the shell. We hold our hand over a clean container and unclench our fingers so that the white drains and the yolk remains in the palm.
  • If the eggs are homemade and very fresh, then carefully break the shell so that the break runs clearly along the central part of the product. Holding the object vertically, we divide the shell into two halves (we carry out the procedure over a clean container), wait until the bulk of the protein drains. Then we pour the contents from one half to the other several times, getting rid of the remaining protein substance.

If you need to prepare a large amount of proteins at once, and fate egg yolks is not so important, it is recommended to freeze the eggs. To do this, just keep them in the freezer for 2-3 hours. An hour before the cooking process, take the eggs out of the freezer, peel them and place them in a wide bowl. We keep her close room temperature for about an hour, until all the whites have melted and taken on their usual appearance. We collect the yolks; they can be used to make sandwiches without any heat treatment.

How can you separate the yolk from the white using a plastic bottle or other available devices?

It is equally easy and simple to achieve the desired result using tools that can be found in any kitchen. Here are the most popular and accessible methods:

  • Separating yolks with a bottle. Break the egg and place it on a flat plate. We take a previously washed and dried plastic bottle, press on its sides, releasing a little air, and hold it. We bring the neck as close as possible to the surface of the yolk and release the sides. The egg yolk will be easily absorbed into the container, after which it will simply need to be poured into another container.
  • Using a funnel. It is permissible to use a ready-made plastic funnel, but only if there are no sharp edges or irregularities on its inner surface. But it’s still better to use a device made from paper or thin cardboard with your own hands. We twist the sheet like a funnel, lower its narrow part into a glass, break an egg into the device and wait until all the whites drain and the yolk remains.
  • Using a spoon. Eggs with yolks in a thick film are poured into a glass, after which they are taken out with a spoon. The method is fast, but the risk of mixing the components is still quite high.

Tip: All instruments should be washed in water before use. cold water and dry. This will prevent not only contamination of the component, but also the initiation of chemical reactions that lead to spoilage of the product (for example, protein folding).

Chicken eggs small size are prone to dismounting at the slightest mechanical impact, so when working with such products you should try the option of making holes. We take the egg, hold it vertically, use a needle or the sharp tip of a knife to make a small hole in the shell at the upper pole. Over a clean bowl, turn the product over and make a smaller hole in the other pole. We wait until all the whites have leaked out, break the shell and lay out the whole yolk.

Is it possible to separate the yolks from the whites of quail eggs and how to do it correctly?

The listed methods are not suitable if you need to separate quail eggs. Even when working with gloved hands, the risk of damaging the thin film that holds the yolk is too high. Instead, you can try one of the following approaches:

  1. Olive spoon. The easiest way is to crack the eggs into a small container and then scoop them out using a miniature spoon. There is a hole in the center of the device through which the remaining protein will flow out. If you have the appropriate skills, you can initially break the egg onto a spoon, this guarantees the most accurate result.
  2. Spoon with strainer or sieve. Break a tiny egg onto a mesh surface. If the product is fresh, then the protein should easily flow through the holes. If the eggs are slightly stale and the white does not drain, then you need to lightly roll the product over the surface to protein mass soaked the holes. After this, remove the yolk and collect the white by blowing through the holes or rubbing them with your finger.
  3. Syringe. When you just need to collect the yolk and it doesn’t matter what condition it is in, you can use a syringe without a needle. We simply collect the yolk with it, and then pour it into another container.

Possession of such simple skills will allow you to easily separate eggs into their components and use the components for their intended purpose. If the substances are tightly stuck together and do not let go of each other, then it is better to throw away the component. Such consequences are typical for a stale product or violation of its storage conditions.

Cooking is rich in recipes in which to prepare dishes you need to use eggs not whole, but after dividing them into components. There are many ways to separate the yolk from the white, but, despite the approach, food product first you need to prepare. For example, not all housewives know that only very fresh eggs can be separated easily and quickly, otherwise the components will mix at least a little.

Immediately before manipulation, the ingredients should be placed on a plate, placed in the coldest part of the refrigerator and held for at least a quarter of an hour. After this, we wash the products under running cool water and you can start separating.

Traditional approaches and their nuances

Despite the fact that many devices are offered today that can speed up and simplify the process of separating eggs into their components, many housewives prefer to use familiar, time-tested approaches. If you do everything correctly, the result will be optimal:

  • Break the required number of eggs into a bowl. We put on very thin gloves and catch the yolks with our hands, laying them out separately. If you work with bare hands, there is a risk of tearing the film holding it in place. egg yolk.
  • Break the shell and place the contents of the egg on your hand. We spread our fingers slightly over the bowl, allowing the white to flow freely. Place the yolks separately.
  • If the product is very fresh, then carefully break the shell over the bowl so that the crack runs strictly in the center. Move the sphere to a vertical position and remove the top part; the yolk will remain in half the shell. When the white has drained to the maximum, pour the yolk into the other half and repeat until only the yolk remains in the shell.

If time allows, and we need to get the white, but the fate of the yolk is not important, we can use the freezing option. Just put the eggs in the right amount V freezer and leave for 3-4 hours (you can also overnight). About an hour before the start of cooking, we take out the ingredients, clean them and put them in a bowl. After about an hour, the whites will melt and take on their usual appearance, and the yolks will become elastic and dense, they can be easily removed from the total mass. By the way, such an egg yolk does not need further heat treatment. Usually it is spread on bread and original sandwiches are prepared.

How to separate the yolk from the white using a bottle and other improvised means?

If you are not confident in your own accuracy, there are not many eggs (mistakes are unacceptable) and everything needs to be done quickly, it is better to use one of the devices that can be found in every kitchen:

  • Plastic bottle. Break the eggs onto a flat plate. Take a clean plastic bottle and lightly press its sides to release some air. We bring the tool to the yolk, almost touching the surface, release the sides of the bottle and the yolk is sucked inside. You just need to pour it into another container.

Tip: When using tools, you need to make sure that they are absolutely clean and there are no traces of other products on their surface. This will not only prevent unnecessary mixing of components, but will also prevent chemical reactions that can lead to protein folding.

  • Using a funnel. You can use a ready-made plastic object, but only if there are no sharp edges on its surfaces that could tear the thin films of egg yolk. As a last resort, we twist a homemade funnel from a sheet of thin cardboard. Place the narrow part of the product into a glass and break an egg into the device. The white will drain, but the yolk will remain.

  • Using a spoon. Of course, you can use special plastic spoons with a mesh bottom, into which you simply break the eggs and wait for the whites to drain. But everything can be made simpler. Fill a glass with eggs and scoop out the yolks using a regular spoon.

When working with small eggs, manipulations do not always go smoothly, because... such products are prone to mixing. In this case, it is better not to take risks and use a rather troublesome, but reliable way. We take the egg and make a hole in its poles (one larger, the other smaller). Using a large hole, we lower the product down over the bowl and wait until all the protein has drained.

How to separate the yolk from the white of quail eggs?

If you need to separate quail eggs, the above methods will not work. But this does not mean that nothing can be done in this case. It is worth using one of the following approaches:

  • Using an olive spoon. This device is considered optimal, but you can also use a dessert spoon. We simply break the eggs into a deep container from which we catch the yolks. True, everything is much more convenient with an olive spoon, because... it has a hole in the center through which excess protein will flow out.
  • Using a strainer. Break the egg directly onto the mesh surface. The protein will immediately drain through the cells if the product is fresh. If this does not happen, the mass needs to be rolled a little on the surface. After which we drain the yolk and blow through the strainer to collect the remaining protein. In extreme cases, you can use a large sieve, but it is much more difficult to remove the yolk from it without damaging the protective film.
  • Using a syringe. The best option if it does not matter what state the egg yolk will be in after it is collected, and the white will not be used at all. We take a clean syringe without a needle, release the air from it, place it on the surface of the yolk and pull out the piston as quickly as possible. The convenience of this method is that if the first time it was not possible to collect all the product, the approach can be repeated.

Of course, if you wish, you can purchase special tools for separating whites from yolks (spoons, pumps and much more), but practice shows that the listed methods can achieve the necessary results. So there is no point in spending money on purchasing unnecessary products only if, due to your type of activity, you do not have to deal with such a need too often.