The most unusual desserts from around the world. Unusual candies The rarest candies in the world

Manufacturers are doing their best to invent new flavors to surprise consumers. Especially when it comes to sweets: their tastes, shapes and colors will turn your head.

FullPicture has collected 10 of the strangest sweets from around the world that we secretly want to try ourselves.


1. Candies with earwax flavor.

Remember the candy in Harry Potter? If you're not afraid to try candy that tastes like earwax, soap, dirt, vomit, rotten fish, socks or beer (and other unusual flavors), the Jelly Belly Candy Company has been making these candies for 150 years.

2. Lollipops with scorpions, worms and cockroaches.

Hotlix has been making unique candies with insects inside for over 25 years. There are lollipops with scorpions and ants, crickets and worms, and there are also waffles with bugs.

3. Sweets in a container for urine analysis.

Candywarehouse makes a lot of absolutely crazy candies. Among them are liquid sour candies in containers for urine analysis. Manufacturers believe that this candy is best suited for outstanding pranks.

4. Candied violets.

Candied violets are a rare but popular elegant dessert produced and sold by La Violeta in Spain. Unlike regular candies made in the shape of a violet, La Violeta uses real flowers for her sweets.

5. Ice cream made from cookie dough.

Cookie Dough Confections in New York City offers a strange dessert: ice cream-inspired cookie dough. It's just regular cookie dough with a variety of fillings. Manufacturers say the dough is safe. Customers stand in long lines to buy these sweet treats and write rave reviews. However, there are some people who have complained of stomach problems after eating this treat.

6. Candy in the toilet.

Moko Moko Mokoletto is a somewhat unusual candy making kit. You need to pour a special powder and pour water into a plastic toilet bowl. The ingredients are mixed together and you can drink the candy with a straw.

7. Pepsi with ice cream, sweet beans, baobab and snow cucumbers.

PepsiCo is a world famous soda maker and loves to surprise its consumers. In addition to unusually colored drinks (including a colorless variation), they often produce a limited edition of the drink. The world has already tasted Pepsi in coffee, tropical fruit, perilla, strawberry, cinnamon, yogurt, pineapple, baobab, sakura, sweet azuki bean and other flavors.

8. Camel and bull balls.

Despite the fact that the appearance of these sweets is shocking to adults, children love this chewing gum with its delicious liquid filling.

9. A kitkat that needs to be baked.

Not many of us know that Nestlé produces over 200 different flavors of KitKat. Chocolates with flavors of green tea, brandy, apricot, melon, pumpkin, French salt, beans, soy, sakura, roasted corn and even sake. One of the more interesting options is the KitKat, which needs to be baked before being eaten.

One of the most exciting ways to experience a country's culture is to sample its sweets. They can tell a lot about the people who make them and enjoy eating them. The most unusual sweets from around the world - sour, salty, peppery and sticky - will make you reconsider your idea of ​​this type of confectionery.

Salmiakki sweets

These candies, produced in Finland, are extremely popular in northern Europe. They are available in soft or hard form, but invariably in black. The sharp salty-sweet taste, enhanced by the addition of real ammonia, guarantees a shock to the receptors in the mouth. Salmiakki is also added to liqueur, ice cream or soft drinks.

Glowing gelatin candies

In America, the production of gelatin candies has been taken to a new level. Today it is no longer possible to surprise consumers with the shape or color of a product, but a luminous delicacy is a new word in the food industry. The bag of gelatin candies comes with special tongs, once in which the candy begins to emit light no worse than an LED lamp.

Durian is the most controversial fruit. The sweet taste and soft texture are hindered by a nauseating smell, which is why this gift of nature, native to Southeast Asia, is strictly prohibited in public places. One Thai company has dared to transform the durian into a candy while retaining its distinctive characteristics.

Musk sticks

These pink confections are extremely popular in Australia and New Zealand. Sugary, overly sweet candies leave a specific cologne taste in the mouth.

Tequila lollipop

Tequila can not only be drunk, but also chewed and licked. Now the popular drink comes in the form of lollipops. The worm, scorpion and other nasty arthropods that were present at the bottom of the bottle migrated under the sugar icing of the candy. So snacks included.

Kit Kat with wasabi

Nestle, which produces and sells Kit Kat chocolate bars around the world, takes into account national taste preferences. So in Japan, where wasabi paste has become a cult, it is generously added to branded sweets. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are very happy.


If you combine Salsa sauce and spaghetti, you get an interesting Mexican delicacy called Salsagetti. These are fruit-flavored chewy candies, generously coated with a layer of chili pepper. Visually, they resemble the well-known type of Italian pasta.

Chocolate bar with cheese and onions

The Irish company Tayto released a trial batch of chocolate with cheese and onion rings on the market as an experiment. Consumers liked the new product and flew off the shelf in a matter of days. The owners of the enterprise are thinking about launching such an unusual chocolate into a series.

Harry Potter's Magic Candy

The little wizard has long since matured, but his work lives on. Fans of the saga are scooping up themed candies on the shelves. They are shaped like beans. The package contains a collection of a wide variety of flavors - from traditional ones, for example, cinnamon, vanilla, apple or banana, to unexpected ones: worms, dirt, soap, raw egg.

Crickets in chocolate

Many people in Africa and Southeast Asia eat insects. It is an excellent source of protein and other nutrients. Crickets covered with a thick layer of chocolate are an exquisite delicacy for the elite.

When you want something “tasty” for tea, you can eat a chocolate bar, a package of marshmallows or ice cream... with the taste of meat. As well as candied squid or sakura-flavored Kit-Kat. This review contains ten of the most unusual Japanese sweets.

Wanting to surprise Japanese consumers, the company Pepsi has developed an exclusive series of drinks for them. In hypermarkets in large cities you can find sweet soda with such unexpected flavors as "yogurt" or "cucumber".

Pepsi from the exclusive "Japanese" series

In Japan, caviar, squid and other seafood are eaten not only as main dishes. The same products in candied form are one of the most popular desserts.

A huge number of Japanese citizens have no idea what hard cheeses look like. But every third person likes to drink a jar or two of thick cheese drink. According to tourists, this “drinking liquid” is more like a sweetish salad dressing.

Thanks to the imagination of Japanese industrialists curry it is possible not only to eat, but also to drink. It is enough to buy lemonade with a flavor identical to the taste of the famous Indian dish.

Eel, regardless of the method of preparation, is a favorite delicacy among the Japanese. So much so that a liquid “variation” of it has been created – a sweet non-alcoholic drink "Raging Eel" (Surgical Eel).

"Chocolate Giant" Nestle, like other Western companies, is “adjusting” its assortment to suit the Japanese market. For example, in addition to the standard Kit-Kat, Japanese youth enjoy chocolates with flavors of green tea, sakura, lemon and lime, and even chili pepper.

Kit-Kat Green tea and milk from the "Japanese" series of Nestle

Japanese schoolchildren do not need to choose between “yummy” and “normal” food, according to adults. Compromise solution - meat flavored ice cream- chicken wings, beef tongue and horse meat.

Adult Japanese have other joys. For example, chocolate beer.

Or "ladies' gum" Bust Up Gum. According to the manufacturers, customers are guaranteed not only a pleasant sweet taste and fresh breath. Bust Up Gum improves the condition of skin and hair, and also significantly increases bust size.

Unusual Japanese "chewing gum" for girls Bust up gum

Chewing gum "The Sweetness of the Rose" (Rose Sweat Gum) is valued by the Japanese not for its taste. Manufacturer: Tokyo company Otoko Kaoru– endowed his product with a truly useful function. Rose Sweat Gum neutralizes unpleasant odors both from the mouth and armpits.

Rose Sweat Gum - antiperspirant chewing gum from Otoko Kaoru

Good afternoon, my dears!

First, a little about Urbech.

According to some versions, Linen Urbech is the first Urbech that began to be made in Dagestan. The shepherds always took it, lavash and water with them. And these three products helped them not to remain hungry during the day.

Flaxseeds are the first helpers for the female body; they contain many plant phytoestrogens that help beautiful ladies maintain beauty and health. Linen urbech comes from white and dark flax. The difference lies not only in color, but also in composition and taste. Urbech made from white flax has a more delicate and mild taste. In addition, the amount of lignals and polyphenols, which have increased antioxidant activity, is much higher in white flax.


Reduces cholesterol levels
Improves the condition of bones, ligaments and joints
Protects brain nerve cells from destruction
Reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease
A great helper in the fight against depression
Improves vision
Boosts immunity
Visibly improves skin condition
Helps gently cleanse the body.

I think you have guessed what we will be using today to “sculpt” our unusual and beneficial for the health of our body candies. Absolutely, from linen urbech!

There wasn't much Urbech left when the idea came to my mind to create unusual candies for health and slimness. I want to say that this sweetness will appeal only to those of you who eat healthy food and are used to it. If you like very sweet sweets made from white sugar (for example, 2 cups of sugar in a cake) and trans fats (these are various oils below 82.5% fat, margarine, all refined oils), then you will definitely not like this sweetness. Therefore, first you need to try the urbech itself and decide whether you will prepare these sweets.

Look what I did, try making homemade sweets yourself.

We prepare unusual sweets from Urbech


  • Flax urbech – 2 tbsp.
  • Date pekmez (or natural honey – 1 tsp) – 3 tsp.
  • Sesame seeds – 2 tsp.
  • Sunflower kernel – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vanilla extract – ½ tsp.

Yield of finished sweets: 7 pcs. 15 g each

My cooking method:

2. Add sunflower kernels, previously soaked in drinking water for 2-3 hours, and black sesame seeds, which can also be soaked for at least 0.5 hours

3. Mix everything together, getting a fairly dense mass for molding candies

4. Make candies in the shape of balls, triangles, squares, etc., place them on a cutting board or flat dish covered with parchment, and put them in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour

Unusual sweets from Urbech ready!

Try, evaluate and be healthy at all times!

Good luck with your cooking! I look forward to your comments.

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Candy manufacturers, being in a constant race for consumer sympathy, are trying in every way to surprise those with a sweet tooth, and doing this today, in the age of the variegated dominance of all kinds of sweets, is very difficult.

Nevertheless, we managed - based on your reviews and feedback from our customers - to compile a small but very comprehensive list - TOP 10 of the strangest, most interesting and unusual candies and sweets.

● Jelly Belly Bean Buzld – absolute world champion unusual sweets! The uniqueness of these candies lies in the absolute opposite of the tastes of the candies while their appearance is completely identical: a white candy can taste like coconut, or maybe the taste of baby diapers, an orange candy can have the taste of a ripe juicy peach or... the taste of vomit! The variety of colors and flavors of Bean Boozled candies makes eating these unusual sweets an incredibly fun adventure for any group! Challenge yourself and take a chance to taste the most unusual sweets– Jelly Belly Bean Buzld! The entire range of Jelly Belly Bean Boozled.

● The most sour candy in the world Toxic Waste Candy – unusual candies tastes like real chemical waste. Very interesting candies, an incomparable solution for a large group of friends, where everyone can test whether they have the courage to hold this toxic waste in their mouth for at least 15 seconds! Learn more about this product

Interesting jelly candies with the taste of hot aromatic pancakes and real maple syrup Pancakes & Maple Syrup Jelly Beans are an unusual Easter gift and an extremely delicious treat for lovers of real homemade pancakes, generously greased with sweet and sticky maple syrup! These unusual candies from the American manufacturer Jelly Belly are an ideal option if you passionately want to feel the delicate creamy taste of homemade dough!

● Champagne-flavored candies – the delicate, nose-tickling taste of noble sparkling wine can add a touch of festive solemnity to any cloudy day! Jelly Belly Champagne sweets do not contain any alcohol, so you can enjoy the refined taste of the original French drink without any worries! A great gift for non-drinking friends, family or relatives and a great treat for those who drive!

● Not the last place in our TOP is occupied by unusual And interesting candies with the taste of the American soft drink beloved by millions, “Dr. Pepper” is an incredibly accurate representation of the taste of the magnificent soft drink developed by Dr. Charles Pepper from Virginia, giving strength and energizing for the whole day! Low-calorie and very tasty gift for athletes!

● Hot pepper candies with the taste of Tabasco sauce – bright packaging with round red peas as if warning of danger! Only for lovers of hot sauces! And of course, for pranking friends or family! As if by chance, treat them to a bright, interesting candy and, holding back a smile, watch as their eyes fill with tears and their mouths begin to greedily catch air! Before pranking your friends, be sure to prepare a bottle of mineral water.

● Extremely interesting candies with the taste of sweet creamy popcorn Buttered Popcorn Jelly Beans - with these unusual sweets from the American confectionery giant Jelly Belly, watching even the most boring evening TV show turns into a mind-blowing exciting thriller, because the bright taste of creamy popcorn instantly transports you to a huge dark hall, covered in pre-premiere excitement and sweetness in awe!

Unusual sweets– Harry Potter Bertie Botts candies make a great gift and cool game for friends: both for fans of books and film epics about the young wizard Harry Potter and his friends, and for those who are practically unfamiliar with the books and Hollywood film adaptations of the English writer JK Rowling. The incredible tastes of Bertie Botts candies are completely consistent with the tastes and smells found in the Harry Potter books: 20 extremely strange and surprising flavors of Bertie Botts candies are ready to drive any sweet tooth crazy - cinnamon, sausage, earthworms, banana, rotten egg... And what a taste will you get it?

Exotic candies with the taste of beer - a worthy candidate for the title weird and unusual sweets from USA! Jelly Belly beer sweets, packed in a real beer can, are an exact copy of the delicious German Hefeweizen beer with its fresh wheat aroma, but with one exception - Jelly Belly beer sweets do not contain a drop of alcohol, and therefore you can enjoy the magnificent spirit of German breweries even while driving, and watching your favorite sports matches with a jar of these candies will instantly charge your living room with the atmosphere of a sports bar, with the subtle aromas of freshly brewed cool beer floating in it!

● They truly complete our hit parade exotic sweets- delicate “Premium” white chocolate with the taste of rose and lychee (sometimes also called Chinese plum or “Eye of the Dragon”) - an indescribable combination of rose aroma and piquant pieces of lychee, reminiscent of a mixture of raspberries and bergamot in taste. Since ancient times, people have idolized Rose, and today you have the opportunity to fully experience the divine taste of its thin petals, flavored with the exotic aroma of healing Chinese plum! A great gift for sophisticated people!

Of course, the hit parade of unusual sweets and chocolate does not end there - on hundreds of pages of our unusual sweets shop“” You will find many more amazing products, marmalade and dragees, and much, much more!