Who is the most famous reporter in Diamond.

Vault-Tec and its vaults are an integral part of the Fallout game series. In Fallout 4, and the main one for the player is Vault 111. The game talks about how Vault-Tec is conducting a secret cryogenic freezing experiment there, however, compared to other bunkers in the series, this can be called more of an experiment on how to force gamers to the maximum quickly leave the place that embodies the image of Fallout.

When Fallout 4 was first revealed, Vault 111 costumes and logos were used to the fullest in advertising and merchandising. Even before the game's release, the Bethesda store sold clothing and accessories with the Vault 111 logo - hats, T-shirts, pants, sneakers, wallets, etc. - so fans can show their love for Fallout.

The problem turned out to be that the character spends a few minutes in Vault 111 and then forgets about its existence forever. Actually, according to the plot, he spends 210 years there, but from a gamer’s point of view, this is less than an hour, and during this time, the place of the bunker will not become the personification of the game and will not give rise to memories. Most of the time here we watch videos and learn game mechanics.

Vault 111 will not become part of the player character's identity and will not become an important place in which they spend time during the game. After completing a short tutorial, the only reason to return here once will be the desire to pick up the Cryolator, which can be obtained by leveling up lockpicking or. While we travel through the Wasteland, nothing happens in Vault 111. Nothing at all. Even the corpse of your wife (or husband, if you play as a female character) remains in place in the open cryochamber...

With strong doors, a power source, and plenty of living quarters, this hidden shelter looks like a great place to start a settlement. It could become a base for the Minutemen, the Brotherhood of Steel or the Underground. Alas, you cannot actually create a settlement in Vault 111 or on the surface above it. Despite all the advantages of having a personal shelter, we must build some kind of shacks from holey plywood at gas stations and swamps in the radioactive rain.

In Fallout 1 and 3, the main character of the game was a vault dweller. In each game, the creators made sure that the bunker was an interesting place, and there were story reasons to return to it. The first Fallout featured Vault 13, a mysterious place where the character was born and raised. Players weren't able to see the underground bunker until they were well into the game.

The game started outside of a bunker, and the only way to get there was to find a water chip. When trying to get into the shelter in the first minutes of the games, gamers heard funny remarks addressed to them. After moving forward in the plot, it became possible to come to the shelter at any time. The caretaker gave tips and provided supplies. There were also small quests and riddles inside Vault 13.

As a result, the elusive water chip was found, the character returned to the shelter, but the game did not end. Completing this quest led to new adventures in the wasteland; After saving the wasteland, the final cutscene takes place outside of Vault 13, in the same place where the game begins.

3D Fallout 3 offers an intimate look at life in the Vault-Tec bunker. People were born in Vault 101 and in several scenes during the protagonist's childhood, he explores it. Gamers may spend a couple of hours exploring the hideout themselves during the lengthy prologue, and their actions during this time have consequences that will become clear much later.

Having left Vault 101 and set off to wander the wasteland, we later learn that there are unfinished business at home. Returning to the shelter, the character realizes how much he has grown. The choices made earlier when escaping from the shelter begin to manifest themselves in this quest.

This quest is not the last one in the game. No matter how it ends, you can continue to explore the wasteland. It recalls the origins of the shelter and adds to the narrative.

The latest Fallout games suggest that they were needed not to save lives, but to conduct social experiments on the inhabitants who fell into their trap. Vault 111 isn't even the site of a social experiment. There could be children here, or gambling addicts, or nudists, but cryogenic freezing chambers were placed here. A small group of scientists and guards monitored the test subjects, but by the time the game began, they had all died.

Hundreds of years before the first man set foot on the Wind Mountains, dragons were already soaring above the earth. They reigned supreme in the skies of Fiara, and no one could challenge their freedom and independence. It was during those times that the only white dragon was born. He soared over Godmark and covered the ground with frost in one flap of his wing. It seemed that such perfect whiteness could not exist in nature: his eyes shone with the cold light of the winter sun, and his breath blew with a fierce cold. No dragon could compare with him, since he was the Breath of Winter itself. His brothers and sisters fled from him in fear, and the entire ground beneath him froze and became covered with ice. He was given the name Eirin, the Deadly Storm.

However, the power that the dragon possessed could not overcome the pain and loneliness that tormented him. For nothing living could survive next to him, only death and cold remained his eternal companions. Eirin wandered in vain in search of a living soul that would not be afraid of him, but all living things fled away, and the longer he searched, the more...

Nest of super mutants. Laboratory of EEP (evolutionary experimental program). Testing a virus of man-made evolution. Generator of the Tabernacles of Eden Compact.

- Get lost, cockroach. I just need a GECK.

- Stupid Fox says that one day people will come to us. Pick up the green goo. - Let them come to us! We will tear them apart! They will become weak and we will throw them into the green sludge! - Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

- I think I heard something...

Vault-Tec froze you in a cryochamber for two hundred years? Pfff...

- Fox, what do you know about GECK? “I know that this exists, I know where it is, and most importantly, I know how it can end up in your hands.” But if I do you a favor, I expect the favor to be returned. Free me from this makeshift dungeon, and I myself will personally take you to GEKK and

Vault 111

Vault 111- is one of the starting locations in the recently released game Fallout 4. Unlike the third series of the game, the main character himself comes to the shelter and at the time of his arrival, the world has not yet been destroyed by nuclear war. Vault 111 is located near Boston, on the outskirts of the small settlement of Sanctuary Hills.

Description of Vault 111 in the game Fallout 4

Vault 111 belongs to the Vault-Tec organization, well known to all fans of the Fallout game series. As we already know, each shelter has its own purpose, its own purpose, and with this shelter, the influence of cryosleep on humans was studied here. The subjects themselves were not aware of their participation in the experiment.

In addition to people placed in capsules and immersed in cryosleep, in Vault 111 There was a Caretaker, scientists and security represented by Vault-Tec security officers. The experiment was not supposed to last long, it was planned that after six months all people would be taken out of cryosleep, but as usual something happened and the experiment lasted 210 years.

The caretaker was endowed with great power in the shelter and he could end the experiment on a signal from the company, but a nuclear war destroyed Vault-Tec and the signal did not come. The caretaker did not stop the experiment; he was afraid of the high radiation background outside the shelter. Soon there was a shortage of food, unrest began, followed by a riot of all those who disagreed, along with Caretaker killed and people left the shelter, forgetting about the experimental subjects.

Only 150 years later, representatives of the Institute found shelter 111. They searched for the child and were very happy to find him in the cryo chamber, however, when trying to take him from his mother, after defrosting, the mother was killed and our main character witnessed this. After defrosting again, he got out of his cryo chamber and his main goal was to find his son.

Unfortunately, the fate of the remaining experimental subjects was sad; due to malfunctions in the reactor, they all suffocated due to lack of oxygen.

How Vault 111 works

The structure of the entrance to the shelter is noteworthy, unlike the shelters from the third part of the game, the entrance to Vault 111 consists of two gates, shaped like gears, one of them is just a gate, and the second is an elevator to the surface.

Hundreds of years before the first man set foot on the Wind Mountains, dragons were already soaring above the earth. They reigned supreme in the skies of Fiara, and no one could challenge their freedom and independence. It was during those times that the only white dragon was born. He soared over Godmark and covered the ground with frost in one flap of his wing. It seemed that such perfect whiteness could not exist in nature: his eyes shone with the cold light of the winter sun, and his breath blew with a fierce cold. No dragon could compare with him, since he was the Breath of Winter itself. His brothers and sisters fled from him in fear, and the entire ground beneath him froze and became covered with ice. He was given the name Eirin, the Deadly Storm.

However, the power that the dragon possessed could not overcome the pain and loneliness that tormented him. For nothing living could survive next to him, only death and cold remained his eternal companions. Eirin wandered in vain in search of a living soul that would not be afraid of him, but all living things fled away, and the longer he searched, the more...

Vault 87

Nest of super mutants. Laboratory of EEP (evolutionary experimental program). Testing a virus of man-made evolution. Generator of the Tabernacles of Eden Compact.

- Get lost, cockroach. I just need a GECK.

- Stupid Fox says that one day people will come to us. Pick up the green goo. - Let them come to us! We will tear them apart! They will become weak and we will throw them into the green sludge! - Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

- I think I heard something...

Vault-Tec froze you in a cryochamber for two hundred years? Pfff...

- Fox, what do you know about GECK? “I know that this exists, I know where it is, and most importantly, I know how it can end up in your hands.” But if I do you a favor, I expect the favor to be returned. Free me from this makeshift dungeon, and I myself will personally take you to GEKK and