Fish soup made from canned mackerel with millet. Fish soup with saury Canned soup with millet

Traditionally, I add cereal to fish soup. Usually this is rice. But one day I looked into the cereal box and realized that the rice was gone. I cook most often in the evening; there is no store near my house, so I decided to replace rice with millet. The soup turned out thick, tasty and, most importantly, satisfying.

The time has come that I was afraid of - my son is mischievous and does not eat what I cook. Therefore, now what I am trying to feed him must be not only tasty, but also filling - because I need to be sure that he has eaten! Now I add cereal to soups to make it more filling.

Cooking time: approximately 30 minutes

I also cut the potatoes into small cubes.

I rarely cook dishes from this grain, although I have often read about its benefits. The millet needs to be washed very well. At first the water is very dirty.

I rinsed until the water became clear. By the way, you need to rinse with hot water.

Fried onions and carrots in a small amount of vegetable oil.

You can use any canned fish. I had a sardine in oil. I mashed the fish a little and added it to the soup along with the vegetables. I put in a bay leaf. It must be removed after preparing the soup.

Cooked the soup until done. At the end you can add greens. My son liked the soup.

How to prepare the dish “Canned fish soup with millet”

  1. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into medium pieces.
  2. Rinse the millet well with cold water until the water runs clear.
  3. Pour potatoes and millet into boiling water and stir. Cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Peel the carrots and grate them on a medium or coarse grater.
  5. Peel and cut the onion into small cubes.
  6. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry the onions and carrots until golden brown.
  7. Remove the bones from the fish and mash with a fork along with the liquid.
  8. Place the canned food into the pan and stir.
  9. After 2 minutes, add the frying, salt and pepper, mix well.
  10. Cook for 4-5 minutes. At the end, add bay leaf, keep on fire for another minute and turn off the gas. Let the soup brew a little. When serving, sprinkle with parsley.

This is a recipe for a simple but quite filling soup. Cooking it is easy and quick, and it turns out aromatic and tasty. You can choose any canned food for this soup; oil or tomato sauce are also suitable. And if you wish, you can add a small piece of butter to the bowl of soup.

  • Water – 2 l.
  • Potatoes – 550 gr.
  • Sardine in oil (canned) – 200 gr.
  • Millet – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Carrots (1 pc.) – 100 gr.
  • Onions (1 pc.) – 100 gr.
  • Salt (to taste) – 5 gr.
  • Ground black pepper (to taste) – 3 gr.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.

Nutritional value of the dish “Canned fish soup with millet” (per 100 grams):

Canned fish soup with millet - step-by-step recipe with photos

Ingredients and calorie content of the recipe “Canned fish soup with millet”

(calorie content and nutritional value are calculated approximately, excluding boiling and frying)

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Canned fish soup with millet


Soup using canned food is very fast, simple, inexpensive, and most importantly delicious. In addition to various canned fish, you can also add completely different cereals. It all depends on your taste and imagination. We will prepare soup with the addition of canned fish and millet.

Recipe for canned fish soup with millet with photo

Wash the millet well under running water. Peel the potatoes and chop them into small pieces. Place chopped potatoes, millet, bay leaves, black pepper one by one into boiling water and cook everything together until tender. In the meantime, we are working on carrots and onions. They need to be peeled, washed, then chopped onions and grated carrots. Stew vegetables in vegetable oil. Drain all the liquid from the canned food and mash it with a fork so that you get small fish pieces. When the millet and potatoes are ready, add frying, canned fish, salt to taste and cook the soup for about 10 minutes under a closed lid over low heat. Then sprinkle with herbs and let it brew a little more. Let's bring it to the table.

Sardine and millet soup recipe

Before serving, sprinkle the soup with finely chopped parsley. You can take any canned fish if you wish. This is a delicious and satisfying soup recipe that is very easy and quick to prepare.

How to make sardine and millet soup?

Sardine and millet soup recipe

Bon appetit!

Let the soup brew a little. Add bay leaf and turn off gas after 1 minute.

Boil for about 5 more minutes. Place the roast after 1-2 minutes, then pepper and salt to taste.

Place the mashed fish into the pan and stir.

It is advisable to remove the bones. Using a fork, mash the fish together with the liquid.

Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Finely chop the onion.

Grate the carrots on a medium grater.

Cook for about 20 minutes. Place potatoes and millet into boiling water and stir.

Rinse the millet with cold water until transparent.

Cut the potatoes into medium pieces.

Prepare food.

10 November 2015 23:03 10 November 2015 23:03 0:45

Canned fish soup with millet recipe

  • Water 2.5 l
  • Canned sardines - 1 can (200g.)
  • Potatoes 4-5 pcs.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf 2 sheets
  • Black peppercorns 2-3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) 1 tbsp.
  • Greens for garnishing the finished dish: dill, parsley, green onions (optional)

Ukha is a native Russian dish

This dish belongs to the category of fish soups. The most popular fish soup has always been and remains fish soup, which is usually prepared from fresh fish. In general, fish soup is considered to be the oldest Russian and Ukrainian dish. Initially it is a simple fish stew. Its analogue was yushka - a stew with meat. The origin of such stews is not clear, but the word ukha itself has ancient Indo-European roots.

Canned fish soups are an economical version of fish soup, but no less tasty and healthy. They do not require lengthy preparation, cleaning, or processing of fish. Therefore they prepare very quickly. Canned fish soup can be any sardines, tuna, saury, mackerel, pink salmon, sprat in tomato sauce, etc.

Canned sardine soup is very popular in European countries (Portugal, England, Spain, France). The most delicious and authentic canned sardines are the French ones. They are first fried a little. Then add spices, olive oil or white wine with lemon.

Fish itself is a very healthy, balanced, dietary product containing a lot of microelements and vitamins. Sardines are sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, high amounts of protein, vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine and selenium. Canned sardines also contain large amounts of coenzyme Q10. This is an excellent antioxidant that saves the skin from premature aging. The content of so many beneficial properties in sardines explains its benefits in the following cases:

— For the prevention of cancer

— For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

— For the prevention of osteoporosis and arthrosis

— To improve skin condition

— For immune deficiency

Contraindications to the use of sardines are individual intolerance and gout.

Fresh sardines have high nutritional value (100g of meat = 166 kcal). During processing, the value varies depending on the additives and their quantity.

Sardine soup is a completely dietary product. One serving of soup without the use of vegetable oil for frying (100 g) contains only 22 kcal; 0.5 gr. fats; 1.2 gr. squirrel; 3.4 gr. carbohydrates.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing classic canned sardine soup.

  1. Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients.
  2. Peel and cut potatoes into strips or cubes
  3. Throw the potatoes into the water. Leave to cook until almost done.
  4. At this time, prepare the remaining vegetables. Grate the carrots.
  5. Finely chop the peeled onion.
  6. Chopped vegetables can simply be added to the broth with cooked potatoes. Or before that, you can throw it in a frying pan in oil and saute it a little.
  7. While the vegetables are cooking, prepare the canned sardines. Take the fish out of the jar and mash it into pieces with a fork. But under no circumstances do we turn it into mush.
  8. As soon as the soup boils, you can add fish, bay leaf, peppercorns and salt.
  9. Cook for another 5-7 minutes and turn off. Let the soup brew and cool slightly.

If there are those in the family or among guests who do not really like greens, it is better not to put them in a common pan. Before serving, arrange the greens directly into plates if desired, or place the cooked, chopped greens on the table.

Delicious, light, aromatic sardine soup is ready.

There are other options for making sardine soup. They differ only in the addition of some ingredients:

  • Sardine soup with added millet
  • Canned sardine soup with processed cheese
  • Sardine soup with green peas
  • Canned noodle soup
  • Cabbage soup with cabbage and canned sardines
  • Canned soup with rice
  • Canned solyanka with sardines
  • Potato soup with sardine in tomato
  • Bean soup with canned fish
  • Sea cabbage soup with sardines and seaweed, etc.

Any version of soup with canned sardines can be served with fresh herbs, sour cream and even fried crackers from black or white bread. The finished dish can be beautifully decorated with chopped boiled eggs.

Let's prepare canned fish soup with millet. Fish soups are prepared from canned, fresh sea or river fish. These are supplemented with cereals, vegetables, eggs, cheese, milk or cream.

A soup made from canned mackerel in oil, millet and potatoes with the addition of onions and carrots is incredibly tasty, aromatic and easy to prepare. This first dish is prepared quickly; it will not only diversify the daily diet, but will also become a favorite during Lent. Any canned fish in oil or its own juice is suitable for soup.

Canned fish soup with millet: step-by-step recipe

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • Canned fish (mackerel in oil) – 1 can;
  • Potatoes (medium) – 4 pcs.;
  • Onions – 1 pc.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Millet – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Dill, ground pepper and salt - to taste.

Soup preparation time: 30 minutes.

How to prepare fish soup from canned mackerel with millet

1. Cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes, finely chop the onions, grate the peeled carrots coarsely.

2. Boil water in a saucepan (2.2-2.3 liters) and add the prepared potato cubes. Bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes while frying the vegetables.

3. Add the onion to the oil and fry for 5-6 minutes until soft.

4. Place the prepared grated carrots into the onion, cover, fry for 4-5 minutes, stirring, over medium heat. If all the oil is absorbed into the vegetables and the mixture becomes dry, then add a little water (2-3 tbsp.) and stir. Remove from heat.

5. Place the fried vegetable mixture in water with potatoes, add salt (1/2 tbsp.), ground pepper and bring to a boil.

6. Immediately wash the millet 4-5 times.

7. Place the millet in a saucepan, stir, reduce the heat to low, and cook for 4-5 minutes. We taste the millet to see if it is ready.

8. Open the mackerel, transfer the fish to a plate, do not pour out the liquid. If the fish pieces are large, then cut them into 3-4 parts.

9. If the millet is almost ready, put the prepared fish pieces in a pan, pour in liquid from the jar, bring to a boil, taste for salt and remove from the stove. The cereal should not be overcooked, otherwise the soup will turn out very thick and tasteless.

10. Pour delicious canned fish soup with millet into bowls, add dill (chopped or small sprigs) on top and serve immediately with fresh white bread.

Bon appetit!

Tips for making fish soup:

  • When cooling the soup, the millet will boil even more, so during the cooking process, make sure the cereal is ready, cool the dish without a lid and preferably in a cool place.
  • Using this method, you can prepare soup with rice or barley, but the cooking time will increase.
  • If desired, add your favorite herbs (green onions, dill, parsley) and spices during cooking. Sweet paprika, suneli hops, ground coriander or cumin are perfect.
  • To diversify the first dish, complement it with other vegetables; leeks, celery stalks and roots, and parsley root are good options. The amount of vegetables in the recipe should be reduced.
  • To make the dish less high in calories, do not fry the vegetables, but add chopped carrots and onions along with the potatoes.

In Rus', in the old days, almost any soup was called fish soup. It could be prepared using fish, poultry or meat broth. However, gradually the names of the dishes changed. Now ukha is a classic. Each experienced housewife has her own recipe. Fish soup with millet is considered the most popular soup, for the preparation of which you can use not only river fish, but also sea fish. The dish turns out not only tasty, but also rich.

Ear soup: recipe

The classic fish soup with millet is prepared from almost any fish. This recipe uses pink salmon. This fish makes a fairly tasty and not very greasy soup. Here it is prepared with millet from the following products:

  1. 400 g fresh pink salmon.
  2. 6 potato tubers.
  3. Medium carrot.
  4. Bulb onions.
  5. 2 liters of water.
  6. ½ cup millet.
  7. ½ sweet pepper.
  8. 1 bay leaf.
  9. Salt - to taste.
  10. Vegetable based oil.

Basic Steps

So, it cooks quite quickly with millet. First you need to prepare the fish. The carcass must be cleaned, rinsed, and then placed in a pan with cold water. The container should be put on fire. It is recommended to bring the contents of the pan to a boil, and then, carefully removing the foam and reducing the heat, cook for 40 minutes.

The pink salmon pack is cooked, you can peel the potatoes and then cut them into cubes. You should remove the fish pieces from the finished broth and then separate the flesh from the bones. Boiled fillet should be cut into pieces. The fish and potatoes must be placed in the broth and cooked until the potatoes are half cooked. During this time, you can prepare the millet. The cereal must be washed and cleared of debris. The millet should be poured into the broth and cooked for another 10 minutes. The potatoes should become soft.

Final stage

Almost ready with millet. Onions and carrots should be peeled, washed and chopped. It is recommended to remove all seeds from the pepper and chop it. All vegetables should be placed in vegetable oil heated in a frying pan and gently fried. They should become soft. The resulting mixture should be placed in the ear. You should also add bay leaf and salt here. You need to cook the soup for another 3 minutes. This is how the soup turns out.


The classic fish soup with millet is prepared not only from fresh fish, but also from canned pink salmon. This soup turns out very tasty and aromatic. To prepare this soup you will need:

  1. Pink salmon (canned) - 1 can.
  2. Water - no more than 2 liters.
  3. Potato tubers - 3 pcs.
  4. Millet - several large spoons.
  5. Medium carrot.
  6. Onions - 1 pc.
  7. Salt, bay leaf, pepper.

This is a fairly common recipe. Ear soup with millet turns out tastier if you add pink salmon in its own juice. If necessary, you can use canned food in oil. However, in this case the soup will be more rich.

Cooking steps

So, with millet and canned pink salmon? First, pour water into a saucepan and boil it. While the liquid is heating, you can prepare the vegetables. Potatoes, onions and carrots need to be peeled and chopped. When the water in the pan boils, you need to reduce the heat. The millet should be thoroughly washed, removing all debris. Pour the prepared cereal into the container and cook for no more than 10 minutes.

After the specified time, you need to put the chopped vegetables into the pan. It is recommended to grate the carrots, and cut the onions and potatoes into cubes. You also need to add spices and salt to the soup. At this stage, you can pour canned liquid into the water. After this, you need to cook the fish soup until the vegetables are completely cooked.

Finally, you need to add pink salmon to the soup. It is recommended to clean the fish from bones and divide it into pieces. After this, the fish soup needs to be cooked for about 5 minutes. That's all, the delicious, aromatic and satisfying soup is ready.

How to make soup savory

All lovers of fish soups will love this fish soup soup with millet soup. To give the dish a more piquant taste, you can add a small slice of fresh lemon to it. In addition, the fish soup can be sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.

If you want to make fish soup with a more refined and delicate taste, you can add a piece of butter made from natural cream to it. It is recommended to serve fish soup with pink salmon and millet in portioned plates. Both children and adults will enjoy this tasty and budget-friendly soup. The main thing is to maintain consistency in the process of preparing it.

Surely many of us are familiar from childhood with the taste of “fish soup” made from canned food - it was made quickly, and therefore was rightfully considered a quick lunch. Today we will remember how saury fish soup is made, and prepare it on its own or with the addition of other ingredients - the taste will sparkle in a new way. We offer you a selection of simple and time-tested recipes so that even a beginner can make just the right soup.

How to choose canned fish soup

Regardless of what products we decide to supplement the fish soup with, we will need the canned food itself - we choose saury as follows.


It is better if the canned food was produced between August and December - it is at this time that it will be produced not from frozen fish, but from fresh fish.


To prepare fish soup, it is best to use canned food in oil - this will make the soup more aromatic and rich. Made from saury in its own juice, it will be tasty, but more dietary. We also make sure that there is at least 70% fish in the jar.

Well, when we have a jar in front of us, the taste of which we are sure of, we can start preparing the soup.

Saury fish soup with millet


  • Saira – 1 jar + -
  • — 3-4 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • — 4-5 pcs. + -
  • 1/2 tbsp. or to taste + -
  • — 2-2.5 l + -
  • - 1/2 cup + -

How to cook fish soup

In this recipe we will need millet - with it the taste will be soft and, at the same time, rich.

  1. We wash the millet well and fill it with the required volume of water and put it on the fire.
  2. While the cereal is boiling, peel the potatoes. Cut it into cubes and put it in boiling water. Leave to cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, peel the onions, carrots and chop everything finely. Fry the vegetables in oil until golden and place in a saucepan. Salt, season with allspice and bay leaf. Bring to a boil again and keep on low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Open the canned food, break large pieces of fish with a fork or knife and put them in the soup along with the broth.
  5. Stir, bring to a boil and turn off.

Serve saury fish soup with millet with sour cream or mayonnaise. Bon appetit!

As you can see, preparing such a first course is not difficult. But how can you enhance and complement the taste? Of course, with the help of additional ingredients.

Soup with crab sticks

All proportions in this recipe are based on 2 liters of water.

  • Peel 3 potatoes, cut them into cubes and add water along with ½ cup of millet and set to cook.
  • After boiling, keep them on the fire for another 20 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, chop 1 onion and add it to the potatoes. You should not fry the onions - the taste of this fish soup should be very mild, and additional processing will make it harsh.
  • Salt to taste, add ¼ tsp. nutmeg and 2-3 peas of allspice.
  • Let the vegetables cook together for another 15 minutes, open 1 can of saury, chop it a little if necessary and put it completely into the soup.
  • Cook for 3-4 minutes and chop 200 g of crab sticks crosswise into 4-5 mm cubes.

Place them in the ear, bring to a boil and turn off. Let it brew for at least 15 minutes with the lid closed and serve. Add 1-2 tsp to each plate. sour cream or cream. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Scullion's Advice
For all lovers of more piquant tastes, we recommend that you try adding 3 tbsp, not sour cream or cream, to your fish soup 5-7 minutes before turning it off. soft melted cheese - during this time it will completely dissolve and give the ear a wonderful creamy taste.

Recipe for saury fish soup with tomato millet

No matter how strange this combination may seem, the first dish according to this recipe will turn out very tasty!

  1. As in previous versions, pour 2.5 liters of water, ½ cup of millet and 3-4 chopped potatoes. Cook after boiling for 25 minutes.
  2. At the same time, chop 1 onion and carrot and fry them together in vegetable oil.
  3. If desired, add ½ sweet bell pepper to the roast and sauté the vegetables until half cooked.
  4. Add 1 tbsp to the pan. tomato paste and heat for another 3-4 minutes.
  5. Then put it in a pan with potatoes and leave for 10 minutes.
  6. At the end, put 1 can of saury into the pan and let it cook for another 5 minutes.

Turn it off and we can serve it right away - the tomato soup with millet will turn out very rich!

As you can see, saury fish soup can be varied and tasty. Try cooking it according to any of our recipes, and the result will delight not only you, but also your household and even guests!

Step-by-step recipes for making canned saury fish soup with barley, rice, millet or cheese

2018-02-10 Yakovleva Kira





In 100 grams of the finished dish

9 gr.

1 gr.


14 gr.

102 kcal.

Option 1: Saury fish soup - classic recipe

In just half an hour you can prepare a delicious budget soup. The main secret of taste is the right choice of seafood. To get a fragrant and rich dish, it is better to choose canned food from fatty sea fish, so saury is an ideal option. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the date of manufacture and composition of the canned food; you should not take a jar with unreadable markings or dents, this may indicate a counterfeit or improper storage conditions.


  • 1 can of canned saury in oil;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of rice;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • salt to taste.
  • a bunch of greenery.

Step-by-step recipe for saury fish soup

Soak the rice for ten minutes, then rinse several times.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes, it is better to rinse them several times to get rid of excess starch, add water and cook.

Chop the onion, grate the carrots, and fry the vegetables for seven minutes in a frying pan. It is better not to add a lot of oil, as canned food contains enough fat.

As soon as the water with potatoes boils, you need to add fried vegetables to it.

Add rice to the soup and cook for twenty minutes.

Mash the saury with a fork, the main thing is the ridges, which in their entirety will not look very aesthetically pleasing in the finished dish.

Add fish and a little oil from canned food to the soup, stir, as soon as it boils, remove from heat and let simmer for fifteen minutes under a closed lid.

There are several options for preparing saury soup:

dietary - no pre-passioning of vegetables is required;

with cereals - you can use any: pearl barley, millet, rice, buckwheat, barley or bulgur;

with tomato paste, which will be enough for just two tablespoons per two liters of soup;

without potatoes, in this case the soup can be thickened with rice, millet or cheese.

Option 2: Quick recipe for saury fish soup in a slow cooker

Soup from canned fish, saury, for example, is prepared very quickly and turns out no less tasty than its counterpart from fresh fish. At the same time, absolutely anyone with minimal culinary skills can make it, since the whole process fits into several stages - preparing the products and alternately adding them to the water. Everything will take no more than half an hour. It is not recommended to use too many spices, since canned saury itself is already salted.


  • 1 can of saury;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 15 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of rice.

How to quickly prepare fish soup from saury

Pour boiling water over the rice for ten minutes, rinse several times until the water becomes clear.

Chop carrots, onions and bell peppers, saute in a slow cooker on the “Baking” mode for eight minutes.

Cut the potatoes into cubes, finely chop the green onions, mash the canned food with a fork.

Place all ingredients in a multicooker bowl and pour boiling water over it.

Add salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Cook on the “Stew” mode for forty minutes.

Canned saury does not require preliminary heat treatment, so it should be added at the very end of cooking. You should not add salt to the soup at the very beginning, as canned food contains a lot of salt and you can inadvertently overdo it.

Option 3: Canned fish soup of saury and pearl barley

Many people don’t believe that you can make a hearty-tasting soup from canned fish, but it’s definitely worth a try, as the result will live up to even the wildest expectations. Pearl barley will help make the soup thicker and richer.


  • 230 grams of canned saury;
  • 420 grams of beans in tomato sauce;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato paste;
  • salt to taste.

Step by step recipe

Peel the potatoes, cut into thin slices, and place in boiling water.

Mash the saury with a fork until it becomes small pieces, but not porridge. Do not pour out the oil.

Add beans to the pan.

Chop the onion into half rings, peel the tomatoes and chop finely.

Heat a frying pan and sauté the onion until translucent.

Add tomatoes to the pan, stirring and frying for a couple of minutes.

Add tomato paste and a little boiled water to the tomatoes and onions, stir, simmer for half an hour under a closed lid.

Transfer the roast to the soup, add salt, add herbs and stir.

Before putting beans in the soup, it is better to first put them in a separate plate and check for quality and freshness, pay attention to the color and amount of juice. While the product is in the jar, it may seem completely normal. At the end of cooking, you can add processed cheese or a beaten chicken egg.

Option 4: Fish soup from saury with barley

Saury soup with barley is not only tasty and satisfying, but also a healthy dish. 100 grams of meat from this fish contains 19 grams of protein and 14 grams of fat, and there are no carbohydrates at all. It contains vitamins of groups B, A, PP and various minerals such as iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium and omega three polyunsaturated acids. The latter help improve vascular tone and vision, and reduce the risk of blood clots. Regular consumption of saury helps reduce the frequency of exacerbations of allergic diseases such as dermatitis and asthma.


  • 1 can of canned saury;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 200 ml pearl barley;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sea salt;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil;
  • 2 l. water.

How to cook

Soak the pearl barley for several hours, then rinse.

Place pearl barley into boiling salted water and cook over medium heat.

Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes or strips, rinse several times to get rid of excess starch, and place in a saucepan.

Chop the carrots and onions and fry for eight minutes, stirring occasionally.

Mash the canned saury with a fork and add it to the soup along with the butter.

Add the roast, pepper and bay leaf to the pan, add salt, stir, and cook for five minutes.

Option 5: Cheese soup from canned saury fish

If you want to move away from the usual borscht, pickles, solyanka and surprise your loved ones with an unusual soup, then you can try making cheese soup from canned saury fish.


  • 500 ml water;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 1 potato;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 can of canned saury;
  • 100 grams of processed cheese;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 1 onion;
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 8 grams of dill.

Step by step recipe

Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.

Cut the onion into four parts, then chop each of them thinly and sauté in a preheated frying pan until tender.

Add carrots to the onion and fry, stirring occasionally, for five minutes.

Add bay leaves to the vegetables and cook for another five minutes.

Cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes and rinse.

Mash the saury a little with a fork so that you get small pieces and not porridge.

Rinse the greens and chop finely.

Mix water with milk, bring to a boil, add potatoes, cook for twenty minutes.

Add fried onions, carrots, canned fish and herbs to the potatoes, stir and cook for five minutes.

Add melted cheese to the soup, stir quickly until it is completely dissolved and remove from the pan from the heat.

Under no circumstances should cheese soup be allowed to boil. After finishing cooking, remove the bay leaf and add pepper in its place. Saury dishes are often included in dietary meals, since the amount of microelements it contains covers the daily nutritional needs of the human body. It is not recommended to eat saury only if you have certain diseases: diabetes, thyroid or liver diseases.