Rice steamed and polished. Parboiled rice - benefits and harms

After special steam treatment, rice grains acquire an amber translucent color.

Steamed rice is very easy to cook - it turns out crumbly, the grains do not stick together even if they are reheated. For this reason, most cooks choose steamed rice - both porridge and other dishes from it turn out simply delicious.

If you reheat cooled rice, you can make sure that it has not lost its taste. But it should be borne in mind that steamed rice loses about a fifth of its beneficial properties during steaming.

How to prepare rice for cooking

Place the rice in a container approximately twice as large in volume as the amount of cereal. It will be more convenient to wash in such a container. Fill the rice with water, put your hand in it and begin to perform massaging movements. Drain the water and fill the container again. Rinse the cereal for about 3-5 minutes.

Soak the washed rice in cold water for half an hour. After this time, place the cereal on a sieve to drain the liquid.

Methods for cooking rice

Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour the cereal into it from a sieve, and fill it with water again. The ratio should be: one part rice to 1.25 parts water. Place the pan over high heat, but do not cover with the lid. Wait until the contents boil. Then the heating must be reduced.

To cook rice correctly, it is important to adhere to precise technology. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Cover the pan with a lid and let the rice cook over low heat for another 25 minutes. After this, add salt to the cereal, you can add butter.

According to the recommendations of some cooks, rice should be immersed in boiling water without pre-soaking and cooked for half an hour. In this option, the ratio should be as follows: for one and a half glasses of rice you will need a liter of liquid. The proportions must be observed as carefully as possible, and the lid should not be removed from the pan during cooking.

Now you can remove the lid, remove the pan from the heat and cover with a towel. Leave for 10 minutes. The rice will release steam and excess moisture, and it will become dry and crumbly.

Rice can be served as a side dish with fish, meat, or used as an ingredient in appetizers and salads. It’s hard to even imagine rolls, sushi and other oriental dishes without it. Rice can be used in sweet and salty, spicy and spicy dishes; it is suitable for desserts and puddings, as well as casseroles - everything will depend on the imagination of the culinary specialists.

There are 3 more ingenious rules for cooking rice that you should know, watch the video!

Rice is one of the most important cereal crops. It contains a large number of useful elements, rich in proteins and carbohydrates, which turn porridge into an irreplaceable source of energy. Rice does not contain gluten, which means it does not cause allergic reactions and can be used as a component of baby food. This cereal contains complex carbohydrates that provide a large amount of energy. Rice groats have several classifications, one of which is classification by processing method. Thus, there are brown rice (also called brown rice), white rice, and also steamed rice. Steamed rice appeared in our country thanks to the influence of the East, like many other representatives of cereal crops.

Thanks to the use of special processing technologies, parboiled rice retains a large amount of nutrients, which are much less in white and brown rice. The processing process places approximately eighty percent of the various vitamins and minerals stored in the rice hull into the grain. Rice When processed by steaming, it becomes transparent with a golden hue, which disappears during cooking.

Differences steamed rice from unsteamed, however, are small. So, both types of rice are polished, the only difference is in the grinding method: parboiled rice Before the grinding process, it undergoes steam treatment to remove the shell. Unpolished rice contains large amounts of fatty acids, and parboiled rice retains all the necessary vitamins. Even after washing with water, this rice retains its beneficial substances. It cooks faster than usual, precisely because it has already been steamed

Steaming involves the following steps: First, the still unpeeled rice is soaked in water, after which it is processed using hot steam using pressure. After this procedure, the rice grains are dried, and then they, like ordinary rice, are subjected to grinding. It is with the help of such processing that microelements and vitamins contained in rice, do not evaporate, but are stored in the core of the grain. Also, steaming the grains affects the starch contained in the kernel and keeps the rice crumbly after cooking.

Among the features steamed rice that distinguish it from others are the following: this type is distinguished by the content of the maximum amount of useful substances, which is achieved precisely thanks to special processing technology. Also, cooked steamed rice does not stick together, it becomes soft and crumbly. This product does not lose its beneficial properties during the cooking process and, unlike other types, it is almost impossible to digest. Another advantage steamed rice becomes economical: it absorbs a lot of water during cooking, and thus rice porridge it turns out almost twice as much as regular porridge rice.

But, despite all the beneficial properties steamed rice, it is recommended to eat porridge made from such grains no more than five times a week. Best to eat rice porridge for breakfast, as it will give a charge of mental and physical activity for the whole day.

Of course, this type is being prepared rice using a slightly different technology than usual. When cooking rice proportions must be observed: for one glass of steamed rice you need to take two glasses of water. First, bring the water to a boil, then add washed, steamed rice, salt, stir, cover and cook for twenty minutes. Stir during cooking rice not necessary, because this can lead to the formation of starch, making the porridge viscous and sticky. At the end of the cooking process, you need to remove the lid, cover the pan with a towel and leave for five to ten minutes. This is done to evaporate excess moisture. Please note that before serving this dish, it is recommended to loosen it. Served rice usually as a side dish for meat or fish, it can be used as a component of salads. From rice It turns out great for such tasty and satisfying dishes as pudding, casserole, or dessert.

Parboiled rice is an excellent food product for those who want to lose weight. In that case, of course, rice should be cooked without salt and without adding oil. However, this does not mean at all that you will have to eat bland, tasteless rice. You can add some nuts or dried fruits, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. It is useful to have rice days once or twice a week. To do this, you need to soak the steamed rice in water, and in the morning cook one glass of rice (reminder: no salt and no oil). The cooked porridge must be divided into three servings (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Between meals you can eat an apple or vegetable salad.

One of the very tasty and healthy dishes made from steamed rice can be considered risotto (rice with vegetables). In addition to the fact that steamed rice in itself is a healthy product, when cooked with vegetables, it absorbs their properties. To prepare the dish, you need to boil a glass steamed rice. Then chop the tomato, sweet pepper, take beans, corn, green peas, mix all this with rice, place in a frying pan and fry for five to ten minutes. This dish is perfect for those who watch their figure, love to eat delicious food, and also for vegetarians.

There are other types of diets based on steamed rice. One of them is a three-day diet. For three days you should only eat rice and only in small portions, while washing the porridge with juice (orange or apple). You can also resort to a weekly rice diet. Half a kilogram is boiled steamed rice, then a small amount of vegetables, meat or fish is added to it. During this diet, it is preferable to drink plain water and tea without sugar.

Bon appetit!

This question can be asked by both a young housewife and a housewife with decent kitchen experience, and it’s not surprising that the grain of rice is unusual. Anticipating such questions, let's look at how to cook steamed (or fried) rice in several ways - according to the classic recipe and the original way. In our selection, you can choose a recipe for yourself that is suitable in terms of time and the presence of a certain kitchen assistant.

What is parboiled rice

The differences from conventional ground grain are small. Both parboiled and regular rice are polished, only the former is soaked before polishing. Steaming rice allows you to preserve up to 80% of the minerals and vitamins contained in the shell. Also, thanks to “hardening” with steam, the grain becomes resistant to breaking.

This variety of beans can be distinguished by their beautiful yellow-amber hue; after cooking, they acquire a snow-white color.

Basic principles of cooking fluffy rice

As with any other cereal, there are secrets and cooking techniques for rice grains. Knowing them, it’s not difficult to get a beautiful, crumbly side dish. There should be no difficulties in preparing steamed rice, which is facilitated by additional steaming of the grain.

  • Before cooking, be sure to wash the measured amount of rice cereal in cold water. You need to wash and change the water until it becomes clean (2-3 times). This way, large debris, dust and starch remaining after grinding are washed off from the grain.

  • If you need to get the side dish faster, then pre-soak the cereal for 40 minutes.
  • Proportions of rice and water: cooking dry fried rice - 1:2, cooking soaked rice - 1:1.
  • Rice grains should be cooked in a pot with a thick bottom, which helps to heat the pan evenly. As a result, the rice will not stick to the walls of the dish.
  • When choosing a cookware for cooking, it is necessary to take into account that steamed rice increases in volume by 3 times.
  • If this is a side dish for lunch, then remember that 1 cup of grain is enough for a family of 4 people. By cooking the specified amount of rice, we will get four large servings.
  • For rolls, it is better not to use steamed grain, since in this case we need an almost sticky rice mass, and we will get crumbling clean grains.
  • If, after finishing cooking the rice, it becomes clear that it is a little dry or undercooked, add hot boiled water. Half a glass of boiling water is enough for a glass of rice. After adding water, without stirring, keep the container with rice on the fire for another couple of minutes.

  • Be sure to check the manufacturing date on the package: old rice is not suitable for side dishes, risking turning into an unsightly porridge. If we do come across such packaging, we use it to prepare soups.
  • To get fluffy rice, you need to finish cooking the rice correctly: after cooking, open the lid of the pan and cover it with a towel. This will allow the rice to “cook”, removing excess moisture.
  • For lovers of original food, we suggest preparing colored rice: in order to get a yellow color, add turmeric or curry to the finished rice (1 heaped teaspoon is enough for 1 glass of dry rice grain). Burgundy rice can be obtained by frying boiled rice with beetroot juice or finely grated beets. Roasting is necessary to eliminate the specific beetroot smell.
  • The shelf life of cooked steamed rice in the refrigerator in a sealed container is 4 days.
  • Calorie content of finished rice is 100 kcal/100 g.

How to cook rice, classic recipe

Considering all the above tips when cooking steamed rice grains, we will get classic boiled rice, which can be used as a side dish, filling for pies and pies, or as a dressing for milk and salty soups.

And so we briefly remind you of the recipe:

  1. Wash the rice and pour cold water into a thick-walled bowl (cast iron is best).
  2. Add salt to cold water at the beginning of cooking, seasonings at the end.
  3. Cook everything over low heat.
  4. The pan should be tightly closed with a lid.

When the water has completely evaporated, the rice is ready.

2 ways to cook steamed rice, video recipe from Povarenka

Unusual rice recipe “Pineapple Paradise”


  • Steamed rice grain - 1 cup (250 g);
  • Canned pineapple pieces - 1 can;
  • Dark raisins – 0.5 cups;
  • Walnut - 0.5 cups of kernels;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Cold water - 1.5 cups.

Step-by-step preparation of a delicious side dish

  1. Rinse the rice.
  2. Rinse the raisins and pour boiling water over them to swell.
  3. We break the shelled nut kernels into small pieces.
  4. Drain the juice from the pineapples (you should get about a 250 g glass).

...in a saucepan

  • For cooking, be sure to take a thick-walled pan into which you pour the washed rice and salt according to the recipe.
  • Mix a glass of pineapple juice and a glass of cold water and pour in the cereal.
  • Place the pan on low heat and simmer this aromatic mixture under the lid for 20 minutes.
  • When there is almost no water left in the rice (about 10 minutes before the end of cooking), add pineapple pieces, swollen raisins and pieces of walnuts to it.
  • Mix everything carefully, heat the dishes for another 2 minutes and serve.

... in a slow cooker

  • We prepare pineapples, nuts and raisins, as in the version with a saucepan.
  • Mix a glass of juice and water.
  • Pour rice into the multicooker bowl and add liquid. Turn on the multicooker in the “Buckwheat” mode for 20 minutes.
  • After the allotted time, lift the lid of the gadget, add chopped pineapple, swollen raisins and walnut pieces. Slowly mix everything.
  • Close the multicooker and leave everything to “ripen” for 5 minutes without heating.

Steamed rice cooked according to this recipe will be crumbly, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. As a side dish it goes perfectly with meat and hot sauces.

Japanese steamed rice

Many consumers, when buying steamed rice in a store, have a vague idea of ​​the difference between this cereal and other types, for example, ordinary white polished rice. Most buyers have heard the opinion of nutritionists that during the process of cleansing and polishing, cereal products lose a large amount of nutrients. Externally, this cereal is distinguished by a brownish color, glassiness and slight transparency; much more useful substances are retained inside it.

The benefits and harms of parboiled rice

The process of steaming rice takes place in an unrefined state, so a large amount of minerals from the rice skin passes into the grain. And this is the main factor in why parboiled rice is beneficial. When processed, rice goes through several stages - soaking the whole unrefined grain, steam and pressure treatment, drying and grinding. It is this processing of grain that allows you to preserve maximum nutrients in rice.

Useful properties and features of steamed rice:

  • preservation of vitamins and minerals inside the grain during grain processing;
  • more vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are not lost during the cooking process;
  • absence of fats and cholesterol;
  • low content of gluten and starchy substances, which eliminates the gluing of grains;
  • less cooking time;
  • almost twice the volume of the resulting dish due to water absorption.

The calorie content of raw steamed rice does not differ significantly from simple polished cereal, but in its finished form, due to the larger amount of water, the energy value of the dish is somewhat lower. 100 g of white rice porridge has about 123 kcal, and 110-116 kcal of steamed rice.

The harmful properties of rice include the fact that one of its properties is a decrease in intestinal motility. People prone to constipation need to combine rice with vegetables, fruits and dried fruits.

Parboiled rice for weight loss

For anyone who is watching their weight or trying to lose weight, nutritionists suggest using steamed rice as the main product for a diet or fasting days. Also based on rice Some types of therapeutic diets and systems for cleansing the body have been built.

For weight loss, rice is often used, which is recommended to be followed for three days. At this time, you should eat only boiled rice without adding salt or oil. Due to the fact that steamed rice has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals, and is also a very nutritious product, this method of quickly getting rid of extra pounds is considered the most gentle.

For longer diets, rice is used as a side dish, combining it with lean meat and various types of vegetables. This diet menu can be used for quite a long time without fear for the health of the body.

Good day, dear friends! Today we will touch on culinary topics and its secrets. Do you like rice? A wide variety of dishes can be prepared from this popular product.

You can buy different types of rice in stores, but one of the healthiest is steamed rice. Let's find out how to cook steamed rice to make the dishes tasty and healthy.

Parboiled rice is obtained using special treatment with strong steam. After the procedure, the rice becomes translucent and acquires an amber-golden hue.

An important advantage of such a product is that it does not stick together. It can be used as a side dish for meat dishes.

It is used to prepare pilaf, since when using regular rice, the dish often turns into porridge.
Rice becomes crumbly if excess starch is removed from it, which is done by steaming.

This technology allows you to remove all harmful starch.
In addition, this product can be used for cooking in the microwave and multicooker.
So, first, let's look at the technology for producing a steamed product:

  • unrefined grains are moistened;
  • Hot steam treatment occurs under pressure;
  • The shell is cleaned and polished.

As a result of this processing, all useful substances are concentrated in the middle of the kernel. Moreover, such cereals contain 75% carbohydrates, allowing you to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The product also contains minerals, amino acids and. White rice does not have such a high content of useful components.
Parboiled rice contains a lot of insoluble fiber, which is very beneficial for the body.

First of all, plant fibers are strong sorbents that help remove toxic substances from the body.

Fiber also stimulates motor skills and promotes better digestion.
It is insoluble fibers that provide quick saturation, which is important in the fight against excess weight.
Interestingly, this cereal does not contain gluten, which is especially useful for people with allergies.

How to properly prepare steamed rice?

Let's find out how to properly prepare this product. This rice turns out fluffy because its grains do not stick together.

You can even reheat it after boiling.
Here's what you need to do to prepare this product for cooking:

  1. Take the required amount of cereal.
  2. It should be washed in a saucepan. To do this, pour water and stir the cereal, and then drain the liquid.
  3. Rinse several times. You can even soak it for half an hour.
  4. After this, pour the cereal onto a sieve to remove excess liquid.

Cooking secrets

You can see how to cook this rice in the video. There are some grain cooking tricks you should know about.

First of all, it should not be stirred during cooking. It is also worth considering that each individual manufacturer has a specific cooking time.

Here are some more useful tips:

  1. Seasonings such as saffron, turmeric and barberry are suitable for steamed rice.
  2. The cereal must be fresh.
  3. The cooked product can be stored for 4 days.
  4. Rice goes well with many dishes, including fruit salads.
  5. When cooked, the cereal expands greatly.
  6. For cooking in the oven, the dish can be covered with foil.

How long to cook steamed rice

Now we will find out how long it takes to cook such cereals. With the standard cooking method, rice is cooked for 20 minutes after the liquid boils.

Then the cereal should arrive within 5 minutes.
There is even a special device for quickly preparing cereals - rice cooker. The design provides several functions for cooking rice.
The fastest way in terms of time is cooking in a slow cooker. It cooks on the water for 15 minutes.

In 40-50 minutes you can prepare a delicious dish in the oven.

How to cook correctly?

Let's look at the most popular method of cooking in a pan.

In this case, this recipe will come in handy:

  1. Rinse a glass of cereal until transparent.
  2. Pour 500 ml of liquid into a saucepan and bring the water to a boil.
  3. Then add the washed rice and cook until bubbles form. It should take about 20 minutes.
  4. Then turn off the stove, cover the container with a lid and leave to steep for 5 minutes.
  5. After that, add some layers and oils.

If the cereal turns out slimy, then it is washed again with water and then heated.

Methods for cooking steamed rice

If you don’t know whether you can cook delicious rice in other ways, then let’s look at a few more options.

For cooking, you can use different kitchen devices: from a simple saucepan to modern equipment.

Multicooker recipe

To cook long-grain parboiled rice, you need to take 250 ml of water for every 100 grams of rice. These ingredients must be placed in the multicooker bowl.

Then spices and salt are added. After that, close the lid and turn on the mode "cooking","pilaf" or "buckwheat". This depends on the specific model of the device.

After finishing cooking, leave the appliance covered for another 5 minutes. Then the rice should be taken out.

Cooking cereal in the microwave

In order to cook polished or steamed rice in the microwave, you need to use glass or ceramic dishes without metal handles.

You need to take water and cereal in a ratio of 2 to 1 and put the components in a container. This should leave plenty of space.

A lid is placed on top, leaving a small gap. You need to cook for 15 minutes. Don’t forget to turn off and stir the porridge every 5 minutes.

After cooking, you need to add oil and spices.

Cooking rice for pilaf

Steamed rice is often used in pilaf, as it comes out crumbly. For this recipe you will need 1 kg of cereal and 1.5 kg of meat.

You will also need half a kilogram of onions and carrots, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 teaspoons of cumin, turmeric and barberry, pepper and, of course, oil for frying.
G you need to write it like this:

  1. Peel and cut vegetables and meat.
  2. Fry the onion in oil at the bottom of the cauldron.
  3. Add carrots and meat and simmer them for 5 minutes without a lid.
  4. Add spices and add water to completely cover all the ingredients in the cauldron.
  5. Simmer for half an hour over low heat.
  6. Add rice and add water. And then cook covered without stirring until the water has evaporated.
  7. Then poke holes in the rice to allow steam to escape. After this, cook for another half hour.

If suddenly the rice does not turn out crumbly according to these recipes, then change the dosage. Try measuring not by weight, but by volume.

For this case, you can use a special measuring cup.

I hope, using simple tips, you can always prepare tasty and fluffy rice as a side dish.

See you again, dear fans of my blog!