Recipes with pumpkin flour. Pumpkin flour cookies

Natural pumpkin flour was obtained by drying and grinding washed, peeled seeds. Healing power crushed seeds was noticed by the peoples inhabiting Brazil, India and South America. The product has received special attention in our time, when the importance healthy eating comes to the fore. After all, pumpkin seed flour does not contain gluten, but is rich in high-quality protein, macro- and microelements, and vitamins.

This protein-vitamin-mineral complex is valuable dietary product nutrition that vegetarians and raw foodists can add to their menu. Medicinal properties Pumpkin meal made by cold pressing of oil also preserves. The use of vitamin-preserving technology allows you to preserve proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, which are successfully combined with fiber.

Composition and characteristics

Pumpkin flour It has such a rich vitamin and mineral composition that is rarely found in other products. It is an invaluable source of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, including alpha-linolenic acid. In addition to vitamins B, A, C, PP, K, pumpkin seed powder contains many micro- and macroelements:

  • Vitamin A 3 mcg
  • Calcium 55 mg
  • Magnesium 262 mg
  • Sodium 575 mg
  • Potassium 919 mg
  • Phosphorus 92 mg
  • Iron 3.31 mg
  • Zinc 10.3 mg
  • Vitamin 0.286
  • Copper 690 mcg
  • Choline 39.1 mg
  • Manganese 0.496 mg

Just 100 g of crushed seeds contains daily dose polyunsaturated fats, vitamin K and PP, as well as minerals: iron, copper, manganese. And to replenish daily value For magnesium and phosphorus, it is enough to eat 60 g of pumpkin flour.

The glycemic index of pumpkin flour is 70 units, and the insulin index (II) is 40 units. Moreover, AI raw pumpkin equal to 25, and for a boiled vegetable 75. Pumpkin flour has lower calorie content compared to wheat flour (360 Kcal).

Pumpkin seed powder contains a large number of vegetable protein (almost 40%). Such gluten-free product It is recommended to include it in the diet of people who do not eat foods containing animal protein. Easily digestible pumpkin flour protein contains the only limiting essential amino acid– lysine. By combining pumpkin powder with legumes, you can add complete protein to your menu!

But the main advantage pumpkin powder is the absence of gluten - protein ingredient gluten, which is capable of triggering pathological processes in the human body.

Medicinal properties and rules of use

Pumpkin flour is allowed to be used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract. Gluten-free powder lowers blood glucose and cholesterol levels, improves fat metabolism, preventing obesity and allowing patients with type II diabetes to reduce the dose of glucose-lowering medications. As part of complex therapy for cardiovascular diseases, pumpkin flour increases the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, maintains normal blood pressure, and fights the consequences of strokes and heart attacks.

IN folk medicine pumpkin flour has proven itself in the fight against worms. To do this, you need to dilute 50 g of powder with warm water until a thin mass is obtained and take it on an empty stomach in small portions for 15 minutes. After 2 hours you need to drink a saline laxative. According to another recipe, you need to add honey to the flour, take it before breakfast (you can eat it after an hour), and after 3 hours take a laxative.

By adding a product to daily diet Can:

Pumpkin seed flour is used as an ingredient in sports nutrition, serving as a source of protein and energy for muscle tissue. It must be remembered that the maximum daily norm pumpkin powder is no more than 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Use in cooking

Pumpkin powder has an airy consistency and a slight nutty flavor. Goes well with wheat flour, dried fruits, nuts and gives finished product original taste, gluten-free flour is used in baking bakery products, manufacturing confectionery products: cookies, halva, sweet bars, etc. Bread with the addition of pumpkin flour is very popular, which is fluffy and does not go stale or mold for a long time. But to improve taste, increase organoleptic qualities and increase storage time (up to 72 hours), you need to use no more than 100-150 g of pumpkin powder per 1 kg of rye or wheat flour.

Basic culinary appointments pumpkin seed flour:

  • vitamin and protein supplement for cereals, salads, snacks, soups;
  • thickener for gravy, sauces, jelly;
  • enriching element for baking;
  • breading for minced meat products, vegetables, etc.

Porridge, which is prepared very simply, will bring undeniable benefits to the body. Pumpkin flour is poured into boiling water (milk) and boiled for about 2 minutes with constant stirring. For weakened or recovering patients, you can increase nutritional value porridge, adding dried apricots, raisins, prunes, honey, cocoa, yogurt. Seed powder is added to various side dishes, bake pancakes and pancakes, sprinkle on salads, cereals, pasta.

Pumpkin flour is often taken as energy drink, diluting with water or other liquid. It turns out healthy cocktail, enriched with protein, which is well absorbed by the body. With the addition of pumpkin flour you can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes: sauces, gravies, dumplings and even cutlets, and housewives note that in combination with carrots they acquire a smoked aroma.

In home cosmetology

Face masks are made using pumpkin flour. different actions: refreshing, cleansing, whitening. The amino acids it contains, as well as vitamins B and C, are involved in the synthesis of collagen, a protein “responsible” for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Zinc has the ability to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing the appearance of acne. For problem skin you can use a mask made from equal parts of pumpkin flour, sour milk, honey and lemon juice.

To refresh and whiten facial skin, cosmetologists recommend using next recipe: Pour boiling water over the flour to obtain a medium-thick consistency. Lubricate your face with vegetable oil and apply the warm mixture for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water and rinse your face with cool water. You can prepare a rejuvenating decoction by boiling 100 g of pumpkin powder in a glass of water for 2-3 minutes. Leave for 2 hours, strain, wipe the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, and hands several times a day.

You can improve the condition of your hair and scalp and prevent dandruff by regularly using a special mask. Fill hot water pumpkin flour in a ratio of 1:10. Apply the resulting emulsion to the roots and insulate the head. Wash off after 20-30 minutes. It is advisable to combine the external use of pumpkin seed flour and its ingestion. Complex regular use will restore elasticity and tenderness to the skin, provide softness and silkiness to the hair, and make nails healthy.

Making flour at home

Although it is not difficult to buy ready-made pumpkin flour, many people prefer to make it themselves. This will eliminate the presence of any industrial or foreign impurities in the mixture, which means it will provide maximum benefits. To do this, you need to peel, wash the raw pumpkin seeds and dry them in the oven or simply in the sun.

The weight of the seeds should decrease by 2-3 times. After drying, the seed should be ground in a coffee grinder, meat grinder or blender, selecting the finest grinding mode and checking the resulting mass by touch. It is advisable to sift the pumpkin flour through a sieve 1-2 times and pour into a dry, clean container, which is closed with an airtight lid. In this form, the product can be stored for 2 months in a cool, dark place.

You can also prepare flour from pumpkin pulp at home, which is famous for its high concentration of carotenoids, which have antioxidant properties. First you need to select a ripe vegetable, remove the peel, and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into small pieces (slices) and place in a dryer or oven set to low heat. When the vegetable slices are dry, you need to grind them in a blender or food processor. The finished pumpkin pulp powder should be stored in the refrigerator or a cool, dry place in a container with a tight lid.

Are there any contraindications or harm to health?

There are no strict prohibitions on the use of pumpkin flour. In recommended doses, the product is well suited even for baby food, as well as for inclusion in the diet of pregnant and lactating women. Uncontrolled consumption of pumpkin flour can cause harm and cause negative health consequences due to the oversaturation of the body with microelements and vitamins.

Due to the high content of dietary coarse fibers, which affect the activity of intestinal microflora, a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract may occur. If taken in excess, a person may experience such problems with gastrointestinal tract, such as constipation, diarrhea and increased gas formation.

People suffering from hypotension should not overuse pumpkin powder, because... There may be a slight decrease in blood pressure due to vasodilation. Patients with cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, and migraines are advised to consult with their doctor. Individual intolerance is extremely rare, but any allergic manifestations that have ever been observed after taking pumpkin serve absolute contraindication to the use of products from any part of the vegetable.

It is dangerous to use a product that has expired, which acquires a bitter taste due to the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. If pumpkin flour is stored without a date label, the bitterness can be easily detected by taste. Rancid products are full of toxic compounds harmful to health and must be disposed of because they increase the risk of developing malignant tumors, cardiovascular pathologies and other diseases. Therefore, you should use a freshly ground product to combine benefits for the body and delicious food!

People who want to eat as healthy as possible study and introduce new, previously untested foods into their diet. Among them, pumpkin flour has recently attracted particularly increased interest. The unusual shade that it gives to dishes, the original taste - all this makes people take a closer look at the product offered.

Pumpkin and harm

Many good things have been said about the vegetable itself for a long time. But the flour made from it is something new and unfamiliar. First of all, flour is made from and not from pulp or peel, as many people think. Accordingly, all the benefits that the seeds can bring go to the product made from them. And there is a lot of it.

And this is not the entire list of areas in which pumpkin flour can have a supportive and even healing effect. Heart diseases, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases - with all these problems it will provide significant help.

Only people with individual intolerance to the vegetable and intestinal obstruction should treat pumpkin flour with caution.

Let us note that everyone who has already tried pumpkin flour leaves extremely favorable reviews. Moreover, they relate to both its beneficial influence and taste qualities dishes with her participation.

Healthy porridge

It uses practically only pumpkin flour. Most recipes advise combining it with other types of flour, but not in this case. This porridge is very good for weakened children or people recovering from abdominal operations or serious illnesses: the proteins contained in the flour are broken down almost completely and are absorbed with ease.

Preparing the porridge is extremely simple: boil water or milk, pour half the flour into the liquid and cook for no longer than two minutes with vigorous stirring. To make the dish more seductive, you can add cocoa, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes), honey or yogurt.

Unusual cutlets

The Lenten menu often confuses even experienced housewives: It is usually difficult for family members to refuse meat. And here pumpkin flour will provide significant help. Fun fact: when combined with carrots, they give the dish a distinct smoked flavor. You will need two large root vegetables. They are ground with a meat grinder; If the carrots are too juicy, it is better to lightly squeeze the juice out of the puree so that the cutlets do not fall apart. It is mixed with two glasses of pumpkin flour, a bunch of finely chopped herbs, a crushed garlic clove and your favorite spices. Further steps are traditional: the cutlets are molded and fried until pleasantly golden. Since they turn out to be quite dense, they are tastier when eaten with some kind of sauce or juicy vegetables.

Delicious casserole

Caring mothers will also find pumpkin flour very useful: with it you can prepare delicious and very healthy dessert. For it you will need low-fat cottage cheese (or completely low-fat) in the amount of half a kilogram, egg white and pumpkin flour to make a kind of dough. Apples are crumbled into the mixture, you can add steamed raisins, add cinnamon or vanilla to the taste - it all depends on personal tastes and culinary fantasy. The mass is distributed over the baking dish, brushed with beaten yolk on top, melted butter or sour cream - and into the oven. The casserole turns out dense, but not dry, and is eaten by children almost right out of the oven.

Austrian cake

To obtain natural delicacy, and not its imitation, it is pumpkin flour that is needed, it cannot be replaced with anything. The whites of four eggs are brought to stiff peaks with a mixer with half a glass of sugar. The yolks are ground with half the amount. Sift flour (two cups), a spoonful of baking powder, cinnamon (if you like it) and vanillin into a bowl. If desired, you can add a spoonful of rum. The dry ingredients are first mixed with the yolks, then carefully added protein foam. The dough is not very impressive: neither particularly fluffy nor uniform in terms of proteins. But this should not be confusing: this fact does not affect the taste and appearance of the cupcake. The dough is placed in a greased pan, leveled and baked for about half an hour until the top is evenly covered. golden crust. The cake should cool right in the pan. Before inviting people to try, the delicacy should be shaken powdered sugar or pour glaze over it.

Delicious cookies

Even when creating more familiar types of baked goods wheat flour It is recommended to mix with a small amount pumpkin This way, the goodies are stored longer without going stale, and they turn out more fluffy. In this case, we will need equal volumes - a glass of both. Half a stick (85 g) of butter is softened, then ground with sugar (3/4 cup). Then add pumpkin flour plus 75 ml of water and mix the ingredients. Next comes wheat, combined with a pinch of vanillin, a little cinnamon and a third spoon of soda. Everything is kneaded again, the dough is poured, rolled into a layer, from which circles are cut out with a glass. They are laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment and placed in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Banana buns

For them, in one bowl you need to combine an egg, a glass of low-fat milk, a shot glass vegetable oil, vanilla, half a glass of sugar and mashed bananas (about a third of a kilogram). In another bowl, mix pumpkin flour (a glass), wheat flour (two glasses, the grind should be coarse), a spoonful of soda and a large spoonful of baking powder. Next, both masses are combined, kneaded, and the dough is poured into molds. Depending on their size, the buns will bake from 15 to 30 minutes.

How much does pumpkin flour cost (average price for 1 package)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

We believe that many residents of our latitudes know about the unique beneficial properties of such a plant as pumpkin. In addition, do not underestimate the taste and consumer characteristics of the fruits of the pumpkin plant. According to its biological structure, pumpkin or Cucurbita belongs to herbaceous plants belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family.

In the territory Russian Federation They actively cultivate a type of plant such as pumpkin. Researchers call the homeland of pumpkin the territory of modern Mexico, where people began to cultivate the plant approximately 3,000 BC. It is worth noting that pumpkin was eaten and the seeds of the plant were also used in folk medicine by the ancient Egyptians.

Composition of pumpkin flour

Currently, it has become particularly popular and in demand. pumpkin flour which is obtained during processing. Pumpkin flour is distinguished by its truly unique vitamin and mineral composition, which the product inherited from nature. IN chemical composition pumpkin flour contains a significant amount of vegetable protein, which in turn is perfectly absorbed by the human body, and also contains a number of essential amino acids.

Pumpkin flour contains a natural compound that helps strengthen the body's immunity, as well as avoid diseases such as obesity, hypertension, fatty liver, diabetes and others. Benefits of pumpkin flour for human body is invaluable and is due to the vitamin and mineral composition of the product, which contains such important compounds as lysine, glycine, glutamine, as well as cucurbitin.

Benefits of pumpkin flour

The benefit of pumpkin flour also lies in the content of vitamins A, B, C, K, PP, and F in the chemical composition of the product. Pumpkin seed flour contains over 50 different biologically active ingredients. Leading place among minerals, included in the composition of pumpkin flour is , and .

Pumpkin seed flour contains a truly record amount of various biologically active components that have a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole. The benefits of pumpkin flour lie not only in the vitamin and mineral composition of the product, but also in its distinctive properties. Pumpkin flour has bactericidal, androgenic, anti-inflammatory, as well as antitumor antiallergic effects on humans.

Doctors and nutritionists recommend introducing pumpkin seed flour into the diet of people who suffer from liver diseases, skin, as well as helminthiases, cardiovascular diseases, as well as ailments associated with the excretory and reproductive systems of the human body. Experts actively use beneficial features pumpkin flour in the treatment of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks, as well as angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus and anemia.

Pumpkin flour brings maximum benefit to people whose work involves heavy physical and constant mental stress. Pumpkin seed flour is used for baking and other culinary products. In addition, pumpkin flour can be mixed with water and eaten as a protein shake.

Pumpkin - nutritious product, which is widely used in culinary arts. Baking made from pumpkin flour is in demand due to its taste characteristics and beneficial properties. To make flour, naked varieties of seeds are used. The composition of pumpkin flour is unique due to the content of some microelements and a whole vitamin complex. The product contains easily digestible vegetable protein, healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids and fiber. The composition includes a number of amino acids that are necessary for a strong immune system.

Pumpkin flour is characterized by a special flavor, and baked goods made from pumpkin flour are attractively fluffy and have a special sweetish aroma. In cooking, the product has wide application and is used in many recipes. It is used as a thickener liquid dishes, and as an independent ingredient for baking pies and cookies. Original combinations with rye and oatmeal, nut kernels, flax and sesame seeds. It is a dietary supplement for preparing wholesome healthy food.

Healthy and tasty recipes

Professional chefs often use pumpkin flour for first courses and as a thickener. Housewives often use recipes for baking cookies, casseroles and pies.

Delicious special casserole

To prepare a dessert delight you will need 0.5 kg low-fat cottage cheese, 200 grams of pumpkin flour (cut glass), fruit and several chicken eggs. The ingredients are mixed until a paste-like mass is obtained, add soft raisins or grated fruit. You can add some chopped nuts. Season the dough with sugar vanilla or cinnamon for flavor.

The baking dish is greased with oil. Additional aroma will be given by the use of flaxseed or corn unrefined oil. The dough is evenly distributed over the mold and covered with foamed yolk or sour cream. After baking in the oven at low temperature - dense casserole eaten in a matter of minutes.

Baking with pumpkin flour

To make golden cookies, you can mix pumpkin and wheat flour in proportions of 1/2. These cookies turn out fluffy and remain edible for several days. Melt about 100 grams vegetable oil, and dissolve 5 tablespoons of sugar in it. If necessary, add a little water or milk to the mixture. For splendor, use soda, and the aroma is obtained from vanilla and lemon juice. Ready dough roll out with a rolling pin. Cookies are formed using special curly shapes or in the usual way - using a container to squeeze out circles in the dough. The figures are baked on a greased baking sheet for about 20 minutes until golden brown.

Austrian cake

This dish deserves special attention. To prepare this delicacy, you only need pumpkin flour. To bake 10 cupcakes you will need ingredients in the following proportions:

  • Flour - 500 grams;
  • Eggs - 5 pieces (separate yolks and whites into different containers);
  • 1 cup cane or coconut sugar (plus a couple of packets of vanilla);
  • 2 tablespoons rum (for flavor);
  • 20 gr. confectionery powder for baking.

To prepare the dough, you will need to beat the egg whites with 1 cup of sugar until thick foam. Grind the yolks with a quarter cup and vanilla. Sift confectionery powder with flour through a sieve. Add a little cinnamon to the mixture, pour in the yolk syrup and knead the dough. You can add a little rum to achieve the desired thickness. Pour the foam from the whites into the resulting mass, but do not mix thoroughly. Distribute the unevenly mixed base into greased molds and place in the oven at a temperature of up to 180 degrees.

After 20 minutes, check the muffins. The appearance of a golden hue is the first sign that the dish is ready. Once the cupcakes have cooled, carefully remove them from the pans and place them on a plate. "Austrian delicacy" is watered cream fudge from coconut milk or glaze. Use with tea no more than 3 pieces per dose.

Pumpkin flour inherited its beneficial properties from pumpkin seeds, from which it is produced.

Mexico is considered the birthplace of the product, where many dishes are traditionally prepared using pumpkin. This gluten-free flour has found great response in Asian countries, especially Japan and Thailand, as well as Brazil and Nigeria. It is curious that in ancient times, for treatment various ailments The pulp and seeds of pumpkin were used not only by the peoples inhabiting South America, but also by the Egyptians, “savvy” in the art of healing.

The product is rich in vitamins C, A, K, B3 and folic acid(vitamin B9). The mineral profile of pumpkin flour includes potassium and manganese, magnesium and phosphorus, iron and calcium, copper, selenium and zinc.

Pumpkin seed powder is a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids (particularly alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA), the beneficial properties of which are now being actively discussed in the media.

To maintain a healthy ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 in the diet, in addition to pumpkin flour, you can recommend it, which is also rich in ALA.

The natural product does not contain gluten, soy or other potentially hazardous ingredients. As a source of high quality protein (more than 40% of the total weight) and alternative soy products Pumpkin seed flour can be used by vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists.

Average calorie content: 305 kcal per 100 g.

Healing power

How to take it correctly

For the purpose of treatment and prevention, pumpkin flour is used for increased emotional stress, lack of energy in the autumn-winter period, and also in the spring to replenish vitamin deficiency.

1–2 tsp. powder should be dissolved in dairy products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.) and taken 1-2 times a day for 2-4 weeks. The course can be repeated 3-4 times a year.

Pumpkin flour has a light nutty taste and airy consistency, which is why it is often used in baking baked goods and for preparing protein-rich smoothies. Pumpkin seed powder can be sprinkled on salads and cereals, or added to traditional side dishes to enhance taste palette. The product feels great next to corn, pasta and rice.

Harm and side effects

Harm from overconsumption flour is similar to what can be applied pumpkin seeds. Although side effects are usually less pronounced due to good grinding of the product.

However, disturbances in digestive processes may occur:

  • intestinal gases;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation

The reason is the high content dietary fiber, which, when entering the intestines, accelerate the activity of local microflora. Digestive problems especially often occur in people who are not accustomed to fiber-rich foods.

Pumpkin seed flour may be harmful to your well-being if you often suffer from migraines. According to recent studies, the product may worsen headaches in some people.

The unsaturated fatty acids in pumpkin flour certainly provide health benefits. But only if it's fresh. In rancid products, they form toxic compounds that increase the risk of cancer, cardiovascular and other ailments.

For cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, preliminary medical consultation is necessary.

An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to pumpkin and its derivatives. But since this food crop does not belong to strong allergens, cases of negative reactions are rare.

How to cook at home

Instead of running around the store looking for this gluten-free flour, you can make it yourself. Home product will not contain industrial impurities, which means it will bring maximum benefits.

From seeds

  1. Rinse raw pumpkin seeds.
  2. Dry in a household dryer or oven so that the weight of the seeds decreases by 2-3 times.
  3. Grind in a coffee grinder or blender. If your household appliance has several operating options, select the finest grind setting.
  4. Continue grinding with short breaks, periodically checking the flour by touch.
  5. Using a mechanical rotary sieve (shaped like a metal mug), sift the flour into a clean, dry container. Repeat sifting if necessary.

Seal the airtight container of flour and place it in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

From pulp

Pulp can't boast high content healthy fatty acids, but it has its own argument, namely a high concentration of carotenoids endowed with antioxidant properties.

You can make pumpkin flour from pre-dried pulp.

  1. Choose a ripe pumpkin. Remove seeds and skin. For large and hard specimens, use a sharp knife, for softer ones small size- manual potato peeler.
  2. Cut the pulp into small pieces and place in a household dryer or oven set to low heat. Let the pumpkin wedges dry completely.
  3. Place the dried product in a blender or food processor and chop.
  4. Store the finished flour in a cool, dry place under an airtight lid.

The powder prepared in this way can be used to bake pumpkin pies.

An important point: the proportion of flour from pumpkin pulp should not exceed ¼ of the total volume of the flour mixture.

Pumpkin or wheat?

Experts decided to compare nutritional value wheat and pumpkin flour. IN baking powder pumpkin seeds contain more beta-carotene and crude fiber, but less fat, protein (14% vs. 9%) and carbohydrates. But the main thing is that this product does not contain gluten, which means that it can be used, along with other types of gluten-free flour, by patients with celiac disease (wheat protein intolerance).