Recipes for making cupcake cream. Cream cheese, also known as cheese cream for cupcakes, lining and layering (with butter)

Hi all. Today I will share with you a recipe for the most delicate cupcakes. Having tried them once, I decided that I wouldn’t even experiment with new recipes anymore. In my opinion, the ideal has been found. If you are also in search of better taste, then this article is for you.

I consider myself lucky. Before this recipe, I had only made vanilla cupcakes once. They turned out to be a bit dry and didn’t impress me at all (that is, in practice there was only one unsuccessful recipe for vanilla cupcakes, which is good news).

Then, I came across a recipe that tasted great, and I always baked them.

After looking through my blog, I realized that the basics were missing - after all, the vanilla option is the most frequently ordered. It can be given as a gift to both adults and children. Since the recipe contains no dyes, chocolate, cocoa or large quantity oils Which is definitely a big allergen for many.

The next recipe that I decided to try turned out to be successful in all respects. The cupcakes themselves are so tender that they simply melt in your mouth. The caps always turn out perfectly smooth, but the taste is beyond words. You have to try this.

To bake cupcakes you need the following tools:

  1. baking molds (iron or silicone)
  2. paper capsules for cupcakes (if the capsules are reinforced with a rim, then you can bake in them without molds)
  3. scales. Using scales, we measure not only the necessary ingredients, but also the amount of dough that needs to be placed in the molds. For relatives, of course, you can do it by eye. But, for sale, cupcakes must be the same size.
  4. mixer
  5. disposable bag (you can use a zip bag). The bag is needed mainly for confectioners who bake to order. With the help of a bag, it is more convenient to put the dough into capsules, and the edges of the capsules themselves remain clean, without drops of dough, which, of course, is an indicator of the cleanliness of the confectioner for sale. For homemade dough, you can also put the dough into capsules using a spoon.

How to make delicious and simple vanilla cupcakes at home, recipe with photos step by step.

Ingredients for 12-14 pieces:

  1. 200 g flour
  2. 120 g sugar
  3. 120 grams butter
  4. 3 eggs
  5. 60 ml. milk
  6. 2 packets of vanilla sugar
  7. 1.5 tsp. baking powder
  8. a pinch of salt


Since cooking is very fast, we immediately set the oven to preheat to 170º.

Place butter at room temperature and sugar in a mixer bowl. Beat at high speed for 5 minutes until light and the mass increases in volume. It is the whitening of the mass that is a good quality criterion.

Without ceasing to beat, add eggs to the butter, one at a time. Each time we wait about a minute for the previous egg to mix.

In a separate bowl, mix the bulk ingredients - flour, baking powder and salt.

Reduce the mixer speed to minimum and add a third of the dry ingredients (I sift it directly into the bowl, you can pre-sift the flour and baking powder and then add it to the butter-egg mixture). We wait until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Then, a third of the bulk.

Then the remaining half of the milk.

And we finish again with bulk ingredients.

As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, without lumps, stop the mixer. In principle, all ingredients can be mixed manually, using a silicone spatula. I find it easier to do this in a stand mixer.

The dough for this recipe turns out incredibly tender, aromatic, and what a taste! I always stop myself from eating a couple of spoons).

We transfer our dough into a pastry bag.

And we put it into capsules (I do it on scales). I always put 50 grams of dough in my molds. If you fill it not on the scale, then fill it a little more than half, the dough rises well.

Place in a preheated oven to bake. Top-bottom mode. Not convection! Remember that the convection mode does not bake cupcakes! In this mode, the caps do not turn out even, but swell with tubercles and cracks appear on the surface.

Bake for 20 minutes. At a temperature of 180°. The main thing here is not to overcook in the oven, otherwise the cupcakes will turn out dry. Place them on a wire rack to cool. After complete cooling, you can decorate with cream.

The cupcakes themselves can be baked the day before the event, wrapped in film and stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container. It is necessary to decorate with cream immediately before serving, so our cakes will retain the most beautiful appearance.

These are the beautiful cupcakes you get from this recipe.

They can be filled with your favorite flavors by cutting out the middle with a knife or a special device like this.

My favorite fillings are, or, strawberry and blackberry confiture, boiled condensed milk, toffee, and various berry jams. In general, you can add whatever you like most inside.

By the way, if you add lemon zest to the dough, you will get lemon cupcakes. In combination with them, they are very tasty; citrus lovers will definitely appreciate them.

I decorate all my cupcakes with my favorite ones (recipe available at the link). Decorated with cream, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Before serving, it is better to remove the cupcakes from the refrigerator in advance so that they reach room temperature.

I warn you, they are so delicious that one serving may not be enough. I usually have a couple of pieces disappear without waiting for decoration.

By the way, there are other cupcake recipes on the blog. They are all incredibly tasty, you can choose at your discretion. Find all recipes in the Cupcakes section.

Enjoy your meal.

Cupcakes attract not only their taste, but also their appearance. After all, it’s hard for those with a sweet tooth to pass up such cakes. If you are planning to prepare such desserts at home, then you will be interested in learning how to make cheese cream for cupcakes. Now let's look at a few recipes.

Exquisite cream with mascarpone

This is an incredibly delicious cream. And it is very easy to prepare. After production, it must be immediately applied to baked goods. In order for the cupcakes, the recipe for which we are describing, you will need:

  • two hundred grams of powdered sugar;
  • three hundred grams of cream (fat content more than 32%);
  • 250 grams of mascarpone.

Making the cream at home looks like this:

  1. First mix the mascarpone with powdered sugar.
  2. Then whip the cream with a whisk.
  3. Then add the cheese mixture to the cream. Add a spoonful at a time, constantly stirring with a mixer at low speed.
  4. Now the cheese cream for cupcakes is ready. Now all you have to do is decorate your products with it!

Cream with curd cheese

Now we’ll tell you how to prepare it. The recipe is quite simple. This cheese cream for cupcakes turns out airy, light, with a delicate texture.

  • 340 grams of curd cheese;
  • powdered sugar(100 grams will be enough);
  • 115 grams of butter.

Preparing a delicious delicate cream looks like this:

  1. First prepare the ingredients. To do this, let the butter melt until it becomes soft. But curd cheese, on the contrary, should be very cold. Therefore, do not take it out of the refrigerator in advance.
  2. Now take a bowl. Add butter, then cheese. Then add powdered sugar.
  3. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until smooth (this will take approximately 6-7 minutes).
  4. If you want to make the cupcakes brighter and more colorful, add some coloring. For example, for this purpose you can use berry puree (raspberry, cherry) or cocoa.
  5. After adding the dye, stir the mixture again. The cream is ready. The easiest way to apply it is with a pastry bag.

Delicious blueberry cream

The cooking process will not take much time. This cream can be made in a hurry.

For preparation you will need:

  • 350 grams of curd cheese or soft cottage cheese;
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar;
  • a glass of blueberries;
  • 120 grams of butter.

Step-by-step recipe for making blueberry cream for cupcakes:

  1. First, take a deep bowl. Place all ingredients in it except blueberries. Then beat until the mixture has a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Now grind the blueberries through a sieve. Pass the berry puree through cheesecloth to remove the pulp.
  3. Next, add three tablespoons of blueberry puree to the curd and cream mixture. Stir. The cream is ready!

Cream cheese cream with cocoa

This mixture has a pleasant chocolate note. You can decorate cupcakes and cakes with cream. After cooking, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, but it is better to put it there in a closed container.

To make cream cheese frosting for cupcakes, you will need:

  • 320 grams of sugar;
  • 360 ml cream (heavy);
  • three tbsp. spoons of cocoa;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 230 grams of cream cheese (for example, Philadelphia);
  • a teaspoon of vanilla extract;
  • a pinch of salt.

Step-by-step recipe for making delicious cream:

  1. First, mix the cocoa and cream in a large bowl (you only need to add a couple of spoons). You should end up with a creamy paste.
  2. Then put it in the refrigerator for five minutes.
  3. Next, add chilled cheese and cocoa to the cream. Beat the mixture with a mixer for thirty seconds. Now add sugar, vanilla and salt. Beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  4. Then start pouring the remaining cream down the side. Continue beating the mixture during the process. Do not turn off the mixer until the cream is smooth. It can be used immediately after preparation. It can also be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Curd and cheese option

This curd and cheese cream for cupcakes tastes like: The consistency is delicate, airy, light. We can say that this cream simply melts in your mouth. In addition, it is not as high in calories as, for example, oil.

To prepare this cream, the housewife will need:

  • a packet of vanillin;
  • thickener packet;
  • three hundred grams of curd cream cheese (for example, “Almette”);
  • 200 ml whipping cream (38% fat);
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar.

The process of making cream at home:

  1. Pre-cool the cream, then pour it into a bowl. Then add the thickener and start beating with a mixer: first do this at low speed, gradually increasing the speed.
  2. Whip the cream for 5-7 minutes until a fluffy, thick foam forms.
  3. After this, place the cream cheese in another container. Add vanillin and sugar. Beat on low speed for about 60 seconds.
  4. Now add cream to the cheese and carefully mix the mixture. That's it, the cream is ready. It goes well with berries and fruits, so you can decorate cupcakes with them.

Chocolate cream for those with a sweet tooth

It will appeal to those who love chocolate. Note that to prepare such a cream, you need to purchase the cream in advance, since it must stand in the refrigerator for at least eight hours.

For preparation you will need:

  • 500 ml cream;
  • two hundred grams of chocolate (mint can be used);
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar;
  • three hundred grams of curd cheese.

The preparation of chocolate cream is as follows:

  1. Pour 450 ml of cream into a separate container. Start beating them with a mixer at medium speed. Gradually increase the power while beating. The whole process will take approximately 6-8 minutes.
  2. After this, add powdered sugar and mix the mixture again with a mixer.
  3. Then add curd cheese and beat the mixture again with a mixer.
  4. Then chop the chocolate into a separate plate.
  5. Then take a clean cup and pour the remaining fifty milliliters of cream into it. Boil them in the microwave.
  6. Pour hot cream over chocolate. Let it sit like this for two or three minutes. Then stir the cream and chocolate until a smooth, thick liquid is obtained.
  7. Now add the resulting composition to the whipped cream. Then stir the mixture until smooth. So the chocolate cheese cream for cupcakes is ready. If you don't have mint chocolate, use regular milk chocolate without any additives. You can add grated mint (a few leaves) to the mixture.

Cupcakes with cheese

Now let's look at the recipe for cupcakes with cheese cream. These products will not be sweet, but those who love cheese will like them. Making cupcakes with this cream is quite simple. These salty mini-cakes will decorate any table - both festive and everyday.

For preparation you will need:

  • cream and hard cheeses (150 grams each);
  • two eggs;
  • two tablespoons of sour cream (medium fat);
  • 50 ml vegetable oil and milk;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • half a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 150 grams of flour;
  • ten grams of parsley;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt.

Prepare cupcakes according to the following scheme:

  1. First of all, mix sunflower oil and eggs with milk. Whisk the mixture.
  2. Next, in another container, mix the dry ingredients - salt, flour and baking powder.
  3. Now combine both mixtures and mix thoroughly.
  4. Then grate the cheese using a large grater. Add it to the dough, remembering to mix everything thoroughly again.
  5. Spoon the batter into the molds. Bake in the preheated oven for about thirty minutes. Check the readiness of the products with a match.
  6. During this time, you can prepare the cheese cream for the cupcakes. Take a bowl, put finely chopped herbs, sour cream, cream cheese and chopped garlic into it.
  7. Now use a blender and thoroughly stir the mass, beat until creamy. Then decorate with it the products that have been baked during this time.

Hi all. Today we will prepare a super cream, which is suitable for layering sponge cakes, for leveling cakes, and for creating delicious tops for cupcakes. Yes, yes, it’s all about him, about the so-called cream cheese. Just 3 ingredients, 10 minutes and it's ready.

If you've read my previous articles, you already know that this is my favorite. The first time I met him was about half a year ago in . And this is by far the best combination.

There are two versions of this cream: butter or . Since there is some kind of problem with cream in my city, I most often make it with butter. For a lighter version, you should still choose cream.

As I wrote above, this cream requires only 3 ingredients - cream cheese, butter (or cream from 33%), and powdered sugar. There are also 3 rules for excellent results.

Firstly, these same ingredients must be of good quality, that is, it must be curd cream cheese, not melted in any way! I use Hochland, Violette or Almette cheese. Fortunately, now you can definitely find one of the options I listed on the shelf of any store. I’ll show you photos of the packages right away so you know what to look for.

There is another option, it comes in 2 kg packages, I buy it by weight at a confectionery store.

Recently I discovered such a cheese on the Magnit network - Violetta was scared to take a previously unknown product, but there was no other cheese there. My fears were not justified; the cheese is quite suitable for both cream and baking cheesecakes. The jar in the picture weighs 400 grams. It turns out very economical, costs about 200 rubles.

But most often I take Almette, probably because it can always be found on the store shelf.

The next mandatory point is that the butter should be at room temperature, but the cheese, on the contrary, should be well chilled! Regarding the oil, there is another important point: if you want a snow-white cream, then look for oil of the same color, because if the oil has a yellowish tint, then the cream will come out the same. For me, this is often not important, but for Red Velvet I still take white oil, but this is purely for a brighter contrast.

Well, the third point is powder. Granulated sugar is not suitable here; it will not dissolve in our cream. I also add vanilla sugar. I want to immediately note that if you choose good vanilla sugar, the one that contains natural vanilla is Dr. Oetker, for example, the finished cream will contain small particles - black dots. If you don't want this, take another one.

So, how to prepare cream cheese cream (cream cheese) at home, step by step recipe with photos.


  1. cream cheese - 300 gr.
  2. butter - 100 gr.
  3. powdered sugar -60 - 80 gr.


Place room temperature butter in a mixer bowl. Beat it at medium mixer speed for 1-2 minutes.

Next, add powdered sugar to the butter, beat until white and thick. At the same stage, add vanilla sugar, vanilla extract, if you like. It will take about 7-9 minutes to beat, depending on the power of your mixer.

The finished cream may seem too soft to you, I assure you this is not so. Place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and you will see how dense it is and how well it holds its shape.

I warn you, you don’t need to beat the cheese for a long time; if you have a paddle attachment, you can simply stir it into the whipped butter. If you beat for a long time, the cream will separate.

This is what it looks like on cupcake tops. Do you see how yellowish the cap is here? It's all about the oil, try to choose a good oil of 82.5% and the whitest of all. Well, you need to beat the butter for a long time, until it turns white.

If your cream comes out in lumps, then you either overbeat the mixture or the cheese storage technology was violated. It cannot be frozen, and if it was suddenly frozen in the store, then there will definitely be lumps. Then you need to beat such cheese with an immersion blender until smooth.

With cream the cream turns out snow-white and lighter.

You can experiment with the amount of powdered sugar. I add a little less.

Yes, and one more thing. You can add both food coloring and berry puree to this cream to give it an interesting shade. I like the blueberry version. Strawberries, cherries, blackcurrants, and blackberries are also suitable.

I'll add photos as an example. Covering the cakes with this cream, the cream is colored with Americolor and Top Product gel food colors.

I hope I didn't scare you with such a long article. In fact, this cream is made very quickly.

As you can see, if you choose a good oil, the cream will be relatively white, maybe only slightly creamy.

Here is a cake with a layer of this cream. This is a new one (the recipe is available at the link, just click on the name).

I frost almost all of my cakes with this cream; I like it when working with it, and it doesn’t leak in the heat.

This amount of cream is enough for me to level a cake with a diameter of 18 and a height of 8-10 cm.

If you want to decorate cupcakes with it, then one cupcake will take 30-50 grams of cream, depending on how tall you are going to make the cap.

All the necessary tools for the job can be purchased at Bakerstore. I recommend it to everyone, because in my city personally, prices in confectionery stores for all ingredients are many times more expensive. And, by the way, when ordering, you can write the promo code maribela, which will give you a 5% discount on your first purchase.

Before decorating a cake or cupcakes, you need to take the cream out of the refrigerator about 15 minutes in order for it to warm up a little, otherwise it will be difficult to work with the cream and the edges of the roses will tear when placed on the cupcake.

Also, during leveling, the cake should be periodically sent to the refrigerator so that the layer hardens a little.

This cream cheese can be frozen, and even covered with mousse cakes, used under mastic or filled with colored glaze. Since the composition includes butter, almost nothing happens to the cream.

By the way, in one of the following articles I will describe the process of preparing the legendary. Do not miss!

Cupcakes are small cupcakes from America that have become widespread in our country quite recently.

Their peculiarity is the characteristic cream “rose” crowning them on top.

The cream is made according to different recipes and using a wide variety of ingredients:

from the most sophisticated to the most simple.

In this article we will tell you how to make cream for such cupcakes.

Recipe with cream


  • Butter – 200 grams;
  • 0.5 cups heavy cream;
  • Chicken eggs (yolks) – 2 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar – 140 grams;
  • Gelatin – packaging;
  • Vanillin - to taste (optional).

Cooking method:

  • 1. Beat the eggs. In a medium saucepan, stir and beat the egg yolks with sugar and vanilla. Then gradually add the cream, remembering to stir the mixture. Finally, add the heated gelatin - follow the instructions on the package to dissolve it.
  • 2. Place in a water bath. Place the pan over boiling water in a steam bath and keep it there, stirring the contents of the pan in a circular motion. After a few minutes, reduce the heat. When the egg mixture has completely thickened, remove the pan from the heat and cool. Congratulations—you've made egg fondant, the main component of yolk custard. All that remains is to finish the creamy mass itself.
  • 3. Mix the cream. The frozen butter from the refrigerator must be heated and softened with a fork so that it is the same consistency as the egg fudge. These two different components then need to be transformed into a single, dense, and very fluffy homogeneous mass. To do this, transfer the oil to a separate container (with high walls) and work with it with a fork. Then, using a spoon, add a little egg fondant into the container, and then connect the mixer. A few minutes of productive work - and part of the cream is ready. Then add a little more fudge and beat the cream again with a mixer. And so on until the end.

Recipe with cottage cheese


  • Cottage cheese (fat) – 150 grams;
  • Slightly melted butter - 150 grams;
  • Powdered sugar - 150 grams;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • Vanilla essence - a drop or two is enough.

Cooking time: 15;

Number of servings: 5-6;

Number of calories: 280 kcal per 100 grams.

Cooking method:

  • 1. Beat the cottage cheese. Preparing the cream begins with kneading the cottage cheese and turning it into a semi-homogeneous mass. This process is most conveniently carried out using a blender or mixer, but you can also use a regular kitchen whisk, although in this case the process will take 10-15 minutes. While whipping the curd mass, pour 25 ml of milk into it and continue whisking the mass, monitoring its consistency. If the curd mass has become fluffy and homogeneous, then add a couple of drops of essence and stir the curd a little more with a spoon.
  • 2. Beat the butter. Set the container with the fluffy curd mass aside and take out the butter, which should be stored at room temperature, and therefore slightly softened and melted. Mix the butter with powdered sugar in a separate bowl and beat it with a mixer until it “swells” and becomes foamy.
  • 3. Mix butter and cottage cheese. Finally, as a final chord, we need to combine these two components, which make up our main ingredient for the creamy mass. The fluffy butter and curd masses should be mixed and gently beaten at medium speed, and then refrigerated for twenty minutes.

Recipe with chocolate

The peculiarity of this recipe is radically different from the previous two, as well as the taste characteristics of this cream, since this characteristic is chocolate.

Cooking time: 70 minutes;
Number of servings: (approximately) 6 servings;
Number of calories: 340 kcal (per 100 grams).


  • Chicken eggs (whites) – 4 pcs;
  • Real dark chocolate – 200 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 100 gr.


  • 1. Prepare the ingredients. Before you start cooking, you need to properly prepare all the ingredients. First of all, break the chocolate bar into pieces and melt it in the microwave. Cool the eggs in the refrigerator, and then separate the whites from the yolk, and then place them in a separate container.
  • 2. Prepare the egg mixture. Beat the chilled egg whites in a blender for 10 minutes until smooth and viscous. Then add granulated sugar to this mass and beat for some more time. The finished protein mass will resemble fresh sour cream in its density and thickness, and there should be no pieces of sugar - it should all dissolve in the protein.
  • 3. Add chocolate. Let the melted chocolate cool slightly, and then gradually begin pouring it into the whipped egg white mixture, while making circular movements with the spoon. Beautiful chocolate stains will remain - this does not bother us at all.
  • 4. Start baking the cream. This type of cream can be considered as an independent dish, so you can experiment, for example, try pouring a little cream into silicone molds and putting them in the oven, baking for an hour at a temperature of 130 degrees. The result will be something like chocolate marshmallows, but much more tender and pliable.

Cooking time: 30 minutes;
Number of servings: 1 serving;
Number of calories: 300-350 kcal (per 100 grams);


  • Butter – 200 g;
  • Chicken eggs (yolks) – 2 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar – 140 g;
  • 0.5 glasses of milk;
  • A tablespoon of cocoa.

This custard recipe is also known as “creme charlotte” - it is often used in expensive cakes in many Western European countries, and has a whole bunch of variations, mainly due to its malleability and compatibility with almost any decent ingredient, for example with aromatic alcoholic drinks such as rum or amaretto, or with fruit essences.

In this case, we use only one tablespoon of cocoa as an additional ingredient to add flavor.

How to prepare cream cocoa? Everything is more than simple, because this recipe is just a slightly modified previous recipe we described for a cream based on egg yolks, only instead of packing gelatin and vanilla sugar, you need to throw a spoonful of cocoa into thoroughly beaten egg fondant.

That's all the changes. At the same time, the dessert completely changes (and not for the worse) its architecture, aromatic properties, and taste. By this, the author of the recipe only wants to show that the scope for experimenting with this type of custard, in contrast to the more demanding protein cream, is practically unlimited. Feel free to experiment and create your own creamy masterpieces.

Recipe with egg whites

Cooking time: 30 minutes;
Number of servings: 1 serving;
Number of calories: 194 kcal (per 100 grams).

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • Egg whites – 3-4 pieces (if the eggs are small, then 5 pieces);
  • Granulated sugar – 100 grams;
  • Vanillin or vanilla sugar - one sachet;
  • Lemon acid- on the tip of a table knife.

Step by step cooking method:

  • 1. Prepare the egg white. The eggs must be broken very carefully and the whites separated from the yolks, placing them in a fairly deep container - preferably in a saucepan, because the volume of the mixture will increase significantly during the cooking process. In this case, it is best to prepare the proteins for use one day in advance, leaving them to cool in the refrigerator overnight so that the protein mixture acquires the necessary elasticity and beats easily. The total mass of the protein should be approximately 120 g. Beat the cooled protein using a mixer, blender, or a regular whisk until it reaches homogeneity and the surface of the mass is covered with thick foam.
  • 2. Add other ingredients. Pour the sugar into the protein mass, press and mix the contents of the bowl with a fork, then add vanillin and citric acid, stir again. You should have a thick and homogeneous mixture. This is the cream in its original state, now it needs to be given a more appropriate consistency.
  • 3. Place the cream in a steam bath. The container with the cream mass, which is still far from being used in the culinary business, must be placed in a steam bath with boiling water, while the boiling water should “breathe into the back” of the bottom of the container with the cream, framing it with clouds of steam. As soon as the water begins to boil, immediately use a mixer and beat the cream mass very thoroughly for about eight minutes, watching how the remaining sugar and vanillin dissolve into a thick, homogeneous mass. Then remove the dishes from the boiling pan and stir the same amount. The cream will thicken and change consistency before your eyes.

Whip the mixture until it thickens to a marshmallow-like consistency. Ideally, the cream should not even fall off the tablespoon when tilted - it is so thick and dense.

In fact, that's all. Usually, finished creams in confectionery are colored with food coloring, and various flavorings are often added to them, but in our classic method of preparing creams, a pure protein confectionery decoration is obtained. muffins

Different types of cupcake creams

Historical reference

Cupcake (i.e. literally cup and cake - cake in a cup) is a product of American culture, a traditional American delicacy, the first mention of which dates back to 1796, in the cookbook of Amelia Simmons.

Half a century later, another American, Eliza Lasley, popularized this dessert dish in her cookbook, while creating a fashion for small cakes in America, which in the future resulted in the creation of cupcakes with their signature cream top.

Around the same time, the now classic recipe for baking cupcake dough was invented, which can include many components, but must contain four ingredients: flour, sugar, butter and eggs. Around the same time period, the approximate dimensions of the delicacy were formed: this is a dessert, one serving of which is designed for one person and on average is about 60 grams and 5-6 centimeters in volume.

Although the average person is more interested not in the size of the cakes, but in their nutritional value. And for good reason: despite its small size, the cupcake, like any sponge cake, is quite high in calories, and that’s even if you don’t take into account the cream.

On average, the calorie content of cupcakes is about 350 kcal, although there are recipes for low-calorie cupcakes, and even low-calorie cream for cupcakes, but they cannot be classified as “sweets” or even “confectionery”, so nothing of the kind was given in this article.

It is unknown who actually invented cupcakes, but it definitely happened in the USA. It’s safe to say that at that glorious time in the early 19th century, the good old baked goods we know were created, and modern Americans, honoring traditions and still remembering its unwritten rules, came up with modern cupcakes with the signature “rose” on her.

Hi all!
In this post, in my opinion, I will answer the most popular questions on my Instagram, as soon as I post a photo of cupcakes. I prepared this material for the winter issue of Russian Foodie and I was kindly allowed to publish this article here, on the pages of my website.

Despite the apparent simplicity of cupcakes, many, when preparing them for the first time, are faced with a number of questions and difficulties. Most of all, of course, there are questions about the cream. What is the most faithful and, dare I say it, ideal cream recipe? So that it keeps its shape, lies flat and doesn’t let you down at the most crucial moment? Which attachment is best to use? How to use it? And many other questions to which today I will try to give comprehensive answers.

Let's start with the most basic thing, without which our cupcake would not exist. No cupcake base. Below is the most basic recipe for vanilla cupcakes. It is very versatile and you can make some substitutions and you will end up with a different recipe every time. For example, add lemon zest and blueberries for lemon blueberry cupcakes. Or replace a couple of tablespoons of flour with the same number of tablespoons of cocoa. Add nuts, berries or fruits. Space for your imagination.

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Ingredients: for 12 pcs.


  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar (or extract)
  • 100 g sifted flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 75 g heavy cream (33-35%)

Ingredients for cream:

  • 100 g butter at room temperature
  • 120 g powdered sugar
  • 80 g cream cheese
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • a couple of drops of gel dye


Preparing the cupcake base:

  1. Beat butter at room temperature with sugar for several minutes (depending on the power of your mixer) until the sugar has dissolved as much as possible.
  2. Add two eggs and vanilla sugar one at a time. Beat thoroughly.
  3. Sift the flour with baking powder and add to the dough. Mix.
  4. Add cream, mix again and place the finished dough into a muffin tin. For convenience, put paper capsules in the mold, and put the dough in it to fill 2/3 of the mold.
  5. Place the cupcake base in an oven preheated to 180C for 20-25 minutes and bake until done. Check readiness with a wooden skewer or toothpick. Ready-made cupcakes should be allowed to cool completely before decorating them with frosting.

Preparation of cream:

Now let's move on to the most interesting part. To the cream. I am convinced that the best cream for cupcakes, which will lie beautifully and evenly and will withstand any travel and temperature, will contain butter! I know that many are trying to avoid butter in cream recipes, guided by childhood memories of Soviet butter roses on cakes. But here everything is completely different. First, we will add cream cheese to the butter, which will hide the obvious taste of the butter. And, secondly, we will choose the best oil that is sold in your store. Perhaps the quality of the oil is the guarantee that everything will turn out great! It should be greasy and should not separate when at room temperature. Before preparing the cream, it is better to remove the cream cheese and butter from the refrigerator at the same time so that they are at approximately the same temperature.

  1. Beat the butter at high speed with a mixer for several minutes. During this time, the oil should become lighter and fluffier.
  2. Sift the powder thoroughly and add it all at once to the oil. And beat for 3-4 minutes at maximum mixer speed. As soon as we add the powder, the butter will gather into lumps, but literally after a few seconds all the lumps will be visible and will be whipped into cream. The longer you beat the powder and butter, the lighter your cream will be. It is very important to take your time so that your cream does not have a yellowish tint.
  3. Add vanilla extract and cream cheese and beat again, but this time not for so long. Just until the mixture is well mixed.
  4. The cream is ready. Now you need to transfer it into a pastry bag with a nozzle and decorate the cupcakes.