Cookie recipes in the oven. Delicious, fast cookies to tea how to cook? Executed tenderness "Pancho"

The recipes of cooking home cookies are very much, however, we, unfortunately, almost ceased to use them, increasingly purchasing ready-made shopping cookies that are available in a large assortment. Any experienced culinary will say you that even the simplest cookie in the oven, made by your own hands, will be much more useful and tastier purchased. But you can still experiment, add different delicious ingredients, decorate to your taste, etc.

Cookie variants Many: cottage cheese, oatmeal, oil, sandbreaker, fruit, most do not require special skills - everyone can cook such a cookie, you just need to find the desired recipe. You can also prepare cookies in the oven quickly, without unnecessary costs. This is the so-called cookie "on the ambulance hand." In the oven it is preparing a few minutes. Very popular and loved, especially among children, cottage cheese cookies in the oven and shortbread cookies in the oven. His young mothers need to learn how to prepare first. It has proven itself cookies on kefir in the oven, it turns out very gentle and tasty.

The dough for cookies in the oven is also simply prepared, but for each type of cookies it is your carefully, look at the recipes. For example, a sandy cookie recipe in the oven differs from the recipe for curd cookies in the oven for its test.

In general, studying the recipe for cookies in the oven, you should immediately understand the method of cooking the test and evaluate the appearance of the finished product by photography. Cookies in the oven, whose photo you especially liked, should be safely taken to work. Conclusion: Prepare cookies in the oven - see the recipes with the photo first. A very convenient study of cooking cookies - a recipe with photo step by step. In the oven, all stages of the process are recorded in the photo and are presented on the site as a textbook for beginners. Beauty!

In conclusion, we have collected for you some simple, but necessary recommendations for cooking in the oven:

Many recipes of cookies include in their composition margarine, which must be used in a softened or melted form;

All cookies should be qualitative, with not expired;

Some recipes use frozen oil for dough. In this case, the ingredients need to be mixed very quickly so that the oil does not have time to melt;

Mandatory conditions for good cookies - do not overeat it in the oven;

As a stuffing to the liver, you can use jam, jam, jam, condensed milk;

For taste, cookies can be sprinkled with dough crumbs or crushed peanut;

Fast cookies are prepared for about 10 minutes;

If you put figures from berries on cookies, baking will acquire an original look;

Rolling the dough on the surface grained surface;

Before the rolling of the test, lay off the bakery paper on the surface, put the dough on it. Then put another sheet of parchment on top. Rolling the dough. The same paper can be seen a baking sheet;

For cookies you need to sift the flour;

In the manufacture of biscuits, dry ingredients are mixed with dry, and liquid - with liquid;

You can feed ready-made cookies with tea, juice, compote, coffee, cocoa, milk;

There is one home delicacy, the recipe of which is equally like and small and adults. This is a soft cookie. It is good because it is suitable and still toothless babies, their parents, and even their toothless grandparents. Recipes such a cookie are very diverse, but each of them is easy enough to organize home cooking this dish.

Not everyone likes the crumbling cookies from a sandy or other test. However, any recipe can be changed a bit by giving the desired properties to the test. And if you should decorate the cookie and their photo to send familiar, then you will soon get the guests. To prepare soft home cookies, you should follow several principles:

  1. Put minimum flour - it will reduce the density.
  2. Include in the recipes sour cream, butter and other dairy products - it will give a gentle texture and taste.
  3. Add soda or baking powder - to give airiness.

Lush honey cookies

These sweet mini-cakes will scatter already for half an hour after seizure of the oven. According to the photo, they are similar to Kolobkov, because it is in this style that they can be decorated.

Ingredients: 150 g of sugar, 300 g of flour, 200 g of butter cream, 1 Full glass of sour cream, 50 g of honey, 35 ml of lemon juice, 30 g soda.

How to cook:

  1. Soften the oil and wash with honey.
  2. Next, in turn, add and wash the sour cream, juice, sugar. The latter add flour with soda (together).
  3. After a short mixing, it turns out a little nasty dough.
  4. Dispatch it to the profile (sprinkled by the pre-flour) approximately on the tablespoon (roll balls) with a distance of at least 2.5 cm.
  5. Baked cookies quickly - about 15 minutes at a temperature of not more than 180 degrees.
  6. You can remove when the crust is twisted.
  7. You can use a melted chocolate or glaze as decoration, and you can simply sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cookie "Oatmeal Lemon"

This recipe will be relevant for those who like homemade healthy cookies with citrus aroma. If bake with it with balls, it is a little more breaking than the previous one, but it is not inferior to it according to the degree of softness. The lemon zest can be replaced by vanilla, then you will receive a recipe for vanilla cookies. So that homemade cookies looked at the photo more appetizing, be sure to decorate it.

Ingredients: oil (100 g), sugar (250 g), sour cream (half of a glass), egg (1 pc.), Lemon zest (5-6 g), flour (two full glasses), salt (small pinch), soda (Large pinch), chopped in a coffee grinder oatmeal or wheat bran (10-12 g).


  1. You can immediately begin to warm up the oven, as the dough is preparing very quickly. Set the temperature by 200 degrees.
  2. In a soft oil, interfere with sugar, then sour cream and egg.
  3. Then mix flour with soda, salt and flakes (they should be preloaded to golden color).
  4. With the help of a mixer to interfere with this mixture into sour cream. The dough will be viscous.
  5. Bake on a lubricated oil parchment. Apply the dough comfortably two teaspions, capturing it on both sides. Enough 10 minutes before getting a golden color.

Cookies "Cheese"

If you want to document the recipe with the help of the photo, then it can bake cookies in the form of stars, hearts or other figures.

Ingredients: 200 g of melted cheese, 225 g of flour, 1 egg, 70-80 g of butter.


  1. Grounded cheese to connect with butter and egg.
  2. Then add flour and pretty to wash the dough.
  3. We send it to the cold for half an hour.
  4. Bake will be on dry parchment at 180 degrees.
  5. While the oven is heated. Roll a layer with a thickness of no more than 5 mm and cut the figures using the molds.
  6. Povest cookies very quickly. It is necessary to get it as soon as you are twisted.
  7. You can decorate the cookie with a sesame or sesame, sprinkling it before baking.

As you can see, soft cookies can be served as the main dishes, and to the sweet table. It all depends on your imagination and selected filler.

Video recipe for cooking soft honey cookies

You can bake uncomplicated cookie to tea on an ambulance hand. Or workover over the shape and design and make cookies festive or thematic. The main thing is to show fantasy and stock patience. The product is covered with icing, decorated with various confectionary spripes. Homemade cookies are a quick and inexpensive version of the dessert. And his taste is not a comparison with the purchase. Baking, cooked with your own hands, is safe for children, as it does not contain incomprehensible ingredients that are listed in abundance on the packaging of the store product. For flavoring and taste diversity, vanilla, cocoa, ginger, lemon zest or orange are added to the dough. For decoration sprinkled with sugar, nuts, coconut chips, etc.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes:

Products give an absolutely any form: mugs, diamonds, hearts, tubes, strips. The dough can be sandy, puff, bless, curd. Some home cookie recipes are so simple that even a schoolboy will be understood. And sculpt and cut out the shapes of the figure will be interested in children of kindergarten.

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I think that there is no such person who does not like to sit on a cup of fragrant tea in a cold winter evening. And of course, the addition to tea will be homemade. It is very important that the recipes are fast in cooking, from simple products that can be found in any home refrigerator.

Today I want to offer you such recipes for delicious home cookies:

Homemade cookies with cottage cheese

Cooking out of this recipe - 25 pieces

We need:

  • 200 - 250 g of cottage cheese, preferably soft
  • 1 PC Egg
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil
  • 400 -500 g flour
  • 150 ml kefira
  • vanillin
  • 0.5 ppm soda
  • 2-3 tbsp. Sugar (+ 50 g on the sprinkle from above)


1. In a bowl, we drive the egg, add cottage cheese, kefir, vegetable oil, soda, vanillin, sugar and mix all.

Tip: If you did not have cottage cheese, it can be replaced with 100 ml kefir.

2. Sift the flour and gradually, portions, introduce into the mixture. We mix the dough, it should be soft and slightly stick to the hands. Let's take a break for 10-15 minutes, cover with a towel.

3. With the test form 25 balls, then use a knife to cut potatoes, smear the ball on the bed into the layer and turn into the rogal.

Focusing in sugar and lay out on a baking sheet, pre-covering it with parchment.

4. We bake in a heated to 180 degrees, oven for 20 -25 minutes.

Shortbread with minimum ingredients

For the preparation of this cookie you need only 3 ingredients, which, I am sure there is always at home.

We need:

  • 250 g of flour
  • 170 g of butter, softened
  • 50 g of sugar (you can and more who loves) + 40 g on the sprinkling of cookies


1. The landscaped oil (this can be done in the microwave) with sugar.

2. In this mixture, in three receptions, we introduce a sifted flour, mix, and then wash the dough with your hands.

3. We form balls, run through them in sugar and lay out on a baking sheet with parchment.

4. The oven is preheating to 180 - 200 degrees, bake 25 -30 minutes.

Fast homemade cookies

We need:

  • 100 g sour cream
  • 1 tsp. Basin
  • 80 g of butter (margarine)
  • 200 g Wheat flour
  • 3 -4 tbsp. sugar, for sprinkling


1. We mix with creamy oil.

2. Measure flour with a breakdler and add to sour cream with oil. We mix the dough, it should be soft, but do not stick to the hands.

3. The dough is placed in a clean package and put on a fridge for 30 -40 minutes. After, roll over the dough into the layer, cut out the biscuit with a mold or wineglass.

4. Cookies dip one side in sugar and lay out on the deco.

Laying cookies on a baking sheet, you need to consider that when baking the dough raises, therefore it is necessary to provide a distance between them.

Homemade cookies with an unusual pattern

We will get an unusual cookie pattern with an ordinary grater.

We need:

  • 1 PC Egg
  • 150 g of butter, soft
  • 80 - 100 g of sugar
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla
  • a pinch of salt
  • 300 g Wheat flour
  • 150 g of Jema or Poo
  • 50 g sesame sesame
  • 1 tbsp. Sugar powder


1. Correct oil with sugar and slightly rubbing the wedge.

2. Add egg and vanillin, mix all.

3. Save to the resulting mixture of flour, portions, and knead the dough. It should be soft and not stick. Adjusting the number of flour. The finished dough is put in the package and in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes. Next, with the test roll balls, they will be 14 pieces.

4. Forming cookies in two ways:

1st way

- If there is a silicone rug with a drawing of honeycombs, we roll off the ball on the rug with a thickness of 3-4 mm thick,

and cut out with it form, with a diameter of 6 cm, cookies. The number of such billets should be even, in the future you will understand why.

2nd way

Cookies form using an ordinary grater. On the grater roll around the circle, as in the previous case,

cut out the shape, and carefully remove it from the grater.

It turns out a relief pattern on the surface of the cookie.

5. Cookies fold on a baking sheet, with parchment, at a distance of each other, so that they do not stick together when baking. We bake 12 -15 minutes, at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

6. Cookie blanks are cooling and proceeding with the final formation of cookies. The back side of the workpiece, lubricate the jam or jam and glue the halves into one cookie.

We slightly miss the dies of cookies and take pain in the roasted sesame seeds.

7. To obtain a more pronounced relief on the cookie, sprinkle with sugar powder top, then sweep it with a brush.

Super fast cookie "Cocoscona"

This cookie will suit fans of coconut chips and diabetics, only instead of sugar use a substitute (for example, Stevia).

We need:

  • 250 g coconut chips
  • 170 g of sugar (stevia)
  • 3 eggs


1.Yaitsa beat with sugar slightly.

2. Add coconut chips to them and mix. We form small balls, it should be 18 pieces.

3. A baking sheet with parchment and lay the balls. The oven is preliminarily heated to 180 degrees and bake cookies for 20 minutes.

Oatmeal cookies with flakes

We need:

  • 120 g of softened butter
  • 70 g Sakhara
  • 1/3 tsp. Sololi.
  • 1 PC Egg
  • 1/2 C.L. soda, greased vinegar or lemon juice
  • 150 g of oat flakes, those which for cooking
  • 180 g sizzy flour + flour for putting hands
  • if you wish, you can add: or seeds, nuts, linen seeds, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, raisins, dried fruits


1. Grastly sugar with butter.

2. Mix with egg, vanilla and add cereals oat, salt, sugar and mix.

3. Add a sifted flour, strictly by recipe, soda haired, and knead the dough. It turns out sticky.

4. Hands sprinkle with flour and divide the dough on 15 pieces (35 g),

we form balls.

5. Put on a baking sheet with parchment and adjusted slightly hand. Do not forget to leave the gap between them. We bake 10 -15 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Oatmeal biscuits

In this recipe, wheat flour is not used.

We need:

  • 170 g of oat flakes
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 100 g of butter
  • 1 PC Egg
  • 1 tsp. Basin


1. Typing flakes are grinding on the flour, or take ready-made oatmeal.

2. Butter, sugar and egg mix into a homogeneous mass.

3. Meat flour mix with a bustle.

4. Connect dry and liquid ingredients, mix. Send the resulting dough for 1 hour to the refrigerator.

5. On the prepared baking sheet lay out a spoon, forming cookies.

We bake 15 -20 minutes, the temperature in the oven is 180 degrees.

Homemade cookie without ovens

This cookie is suitable for dacnis, where there is no oven, and you want a tasty to tea. In addition, this dough can be prepared in the future and stored in the freezer, wrapped in the food film, when needed - pulled out and voila!))

We need:

  • 1 PC Egg
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream, any fat
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 200 - 250 g of flour
  • 1 tsp. Basin


1.Yano divide on the protein and yolk, we need yolk (if we use an egg - nothing happens).

2. Yolk, sour cream and sugar are whipped with a mixer.

3. To this mixture, add vegetable oil and sifted, with a baking powder, flour. We mix the dough, roll into the harness, with a diameter of 3 cm, and you can remove into the refrigerator for about 20 minutes (or for storage in the freezer), or immediately cut into the washers with a thickness of 3-4 mm.

4. These circles can be used either for a fork or a hammer for chopping meat to give relief.

The frying pan is well warmed up, without oil, and put cookies, at a distance of each other. Fry for 2 minutes on each side, less medium heat.

Delicious children's cookie

These cookies can be done along with children, it will seem more tastier to them.

We need:

  • 230 g of flour + on the submission of the table
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 6 g (0.5 bag) baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 180 g (1 pache) of cottage cheese
  • 100 g of butter


1. Cobbing in a bowl of dry products: flour, sugar, baking powder, mix.

2. In another dish, mix the oil, eggs and cottage cheese.

3. To a dry mixture, add a wet mixture, mix and knead the dough. First in the bowl, and then lay out on the piled up with flour, the table. Dough rolling into the reservoir 3-4 mm and cut the molds various figures.

4. The oven is preheating to 180 degrees and bake cookies for 10 minutes.

Homemade cookies without flour and sugar

We need:

  • 100 g of oat flakes "Hercules"
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • 1 PC Egg
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream
  • salt to taste
  • if desired, add a paprika or cumin

Tip: If the bark is sweet cookies, add nuts and dried up, and top sprinkle with sesame.


1. Syrian rubbing on a shallow grater. Add oatmeal to him, egg. Salt and mix everything. The amount of salt depends on the salinity of the cheese.

Tip: If oatmeal fry, cookies will get a nuttry taste and a big shine.

2. Lubricate the tray with a mixture of vegetable and butter, put the parchment. With the help of two spoons lay the dough, forming cookies.

You can still lubricate your palms with water and shape the balls with your hands, lay out on the baking sheet and shove your hand. Bake 15 minutes, and as always, at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

Important: If you use 30% fat cheese, sour cream - 10 -15% and add stevia, you can use such a recipe for diabetics.

Pleasant tea drinking!


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