Recipes for dishes in bread, Polish cuisine. What dishes to try in Poland

Traditional Polish cuisine is very high in calories, but after trying it just once, you will no longer be able to resist the temptation. It combines the preparation of various types of meat (pork, chicken, beef), and is also famous for its excellent bread and delicious sausages (better than German sausages!).

The main ingredients of Polish dishes are beets, sauerkraut, cucumbers (pickles and gherkins), mushrooms, sausages, kohlrabi, sour cream and various herbs and spices (marjoram, dill, cumin, parsley and pepper). The symphony of taste of the Polish menu acquires a new flavor and sometimes exotic shades.

I offer you the top 10 best Polish dishes prepared according to traditional recipes:

Dumplings or Polish dumplings (Pierogi - Polish dumplings)

Dumplings are made from thinly rolled dough and a variety of fillings. The most popular are meat, sauerkraut and mushrooms, seasonal fruits (blueberries, strawberries, cherries), buckwheat, cottage cheese or boiled potatoes with fried onions (the so-called Russian dumplings). Dumplings are a traditional Polish dish that is always served at Christmas.

Rosol - broth or chicken soup

Rosul is the most common soup served in Poland. It’s especially nice to taste this soup on a cold Sunday after going to church. It is easy and quick to prepare and is usually served with homemade noodles. The ingredients needed for the broth are water, a piece of chicken, onion, some leeks, celery, parsley, cabbage, salt and pepper.

Stuffed cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves (Golabki - cabbage roll)

Stuffed cabbage is a typical traditional Polish dish of minced pork, rice, onions, mushrooms, wrapped in cabbage leaves.

You can also use poultry, lamb as a filling, or cook it without meat. Before serving, cabbage is simmered or fried in fat.

Polish pancakes

Thin Polish pancakes are served either with cheese, cottage cheese mixed with sugar, jam, fruit and powdered sugar, or with meat and vegetables - all fillings are good.

Lazanki with cabbage and mushrooms (Lazanki z kapusta i grzybami)

A very tasty and quite simple dish to prepare. You will need cabbage, pork, homemade pasta and vegetables (finely chopped onions and carrots).

Herring in oil with onion (Sledz w oleju z cebula / herring in oil with onion)

Herring can be prepared in different ways. However, in Poland there are two traditional ways of serving this fish: with sour cream and pickled onions or with butter and garlic.

Bigos / Hunter’s stew

This is an old Polish dish. The main ingredients are shredded sauerkraut, fresh cabbage (sometimes only sauerkraut is used), various types of meat and sausages, dried mushrooms, prunes, onions and spices.

Pork chop (Kotlet schabowy / breaded pork cutlet)

Pork chop is one of the most delicious and oldest Polish dishes. Breaded pork cutlet crumbles

bread crumbs (served with or without bones) and goes well with buttered potatoes and coleslaw. If you don't like pork, try making a chicken cutlet the same way.

Goulash (Gulasz / Goulash)

This dish originates from Hungary, and the Polish recipe is slightly different from the original. Stew with potatoes and vegetables is seasoned with fried onions and peppers.

And for dessert - bagels or Polish croissants (Dessert - Polish croissant cookies)

If you want something sweet for dessert, try Polish croissants. They are made from puff pastry or yeast and filled with jam.

Have you ever tried Polish cuisine? If yes, what is your favorite dish? Share your impressions with me!

Polish cuisine is similar to Ukrainian and Russian in its range of products and method of preparation, however, there are a number of dishes that are prepared only in Poland. For example, the famous bigos. There are a great many recipes for this dish. The main ingredient is sauerkraut. However, in addition to sauerkraut, fresh cabbage can also be used, and in some cases sauerkraut and fresh cabbage are added at the same time. Pork, various sausages, and boiled boiled pork will be used as a meat component. For a special aroma, dry red wine and sometimes sweet Madeira are added to bigos. So, ingenuity in preparing bigos is welcome. In addition to bigos, in this block of Polish cuisine recipes you will find a lot of tasty and interesting things.

There are 74 recipes in the "Polish Cuisine" section

Buckwheat with mushrooms and sour cream in Polish

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Polish cuisine is a culinary tradition close in spirit to Russian cuisine. It has developed over many centuries under the influence of various historical circumstances. Over its long history, the Polish people have managed to intertwine with many other peoples of central and eastern Europe, whose influence is also noticeable in modern Polish traditional cuisine. In addition to the Slavs and peoples of central Europe, Polish cuisine was also influenced by the French, Italians and Jews.

Polish cuisine is distinguished by its extensive use of meat (pork, chicken and beef are popular, depending on the region) and vegetables (especially cabbage and potatoes). Also in Polish cuisine, cereals are very actively used, from which Poles prepare dumplings, numerous porridges, and bake bread. In addition, eggs and dairy products occupy an important place in the Polish diet. In general, Polish cuisine is very hearty and, as a rule, quite fatty.

Most traditional Polish dishes are not easy to prepare. The Poles, like many other Eastern European peoples, do not spare their time and prepare quite complex traditional dishes. And holiday (Christmas, Easter, etc.) dishes here sometimes take several days to prepare.

Traditionally, the main meal in Poland is lunch, which occurs around 2 pm. Lunch consists of three courses. For the first course, as in Russia, soup is always served - this is usually the well-known rassolnik, tomato soup, beetroot borscht or the more festive zurek. Along with the soup, as a rule, some kind of appetizer is served to the table (a tradition also characteristic of Ukrainian cuisine) - chopped vegetables (fresh or pickled), lard, herring, dried meat, etc.

The main course of the Polish dinner table almost always includes meat. Poles prepare meat in a wide variety of ways - fried, stewed with vegetables and sauces, baked, rolled into minced meat and fried into cutlets and meatballs, made into sausages and frankfurters. A side dish for meat dishes is usually boiled potatoes or some kind of grain porridge.

The lunch meal ends with dessert. The most popular Polish desserts are poppy seed cookies, yeast cake and various pies with fillings.

It is important to emphasize that modern Polish cuisine is not homogeneous - it varies from region to region. Thus, in the northeastern regions of Poland, Lithuanian dishes are very popular, in the eastern regions - Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian, in the western regions - German and Austrian, in the southern regions - Czech and Slovakian.

It is difficult to single out the most popular Polish traditional dishes, because, as mentioned above, in different regions of Poland they eat completely differently. However, traditional Polish dishes are considered to be: beetroot borscht, holodnik (cold borscht with kefir), żurek (soup with sausage and egg), dumplings with various fillings, bigos (stewed sauerkraut with meat), pork cutlets, golonka (stewed pork knuckle), cabbage rolls, goulash, zrazy, hoof-shaped potato zrazy, makowiec (poppy seed cake) and syrnik (Polish cottage cheese).

There is no dominant drink in Polish cuisine. Among alcoholic drinks, Poles, depending on the occasion and region, prefer vodka, beer, wine or various liqueurs; among non-alcoholic drinks, tea, juices, compotes and coffee.

For many centuries, Poland's gastronomic traditions have been influenced by the surrounding states. Jewish kosher food was assimilated with Polish cuisine during the reign of King Casimir III, who patronized the Jews, sweet dishes came from Austrian cuisine, and gourmet dishes came from the French. Much of what is found on the Polish menu is taken from Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Russian cuisines. At the same time, the people managed to preserve their own national characteristics of cooking.

Specifics of Polish cuisine

In Poland, as in Russia, they love canned and pickled vegetables, but they are prepared according to special recipes, so they have a more pronounced taste. The nutritional value and calorie content of many dishes of Polish cuisine is explained by the fact that the patriarchal-peasant way of life dominated in the country for a long time, so peasants prepared food that supported physical activity, and meat was the main ingredient for cooking.

For meat dishes, tsvikli sauce is usually prepared, consisting of ground horseradish, vegetable oil, ground pepper, vinegar and boiled beets. Having tried it once, you will no longer want to use ketchups, despite the fact that in Poland they are incredibly tasty.

The peculiarities of Polish cuisine include a large variety of soups, which are eaten for lunch and dinner, as well as various salads and appetizers. For dressing use sour cream, mayonnaise, vegetable oil, sauces. In addition, in Poland they like to consume milk and fermented milk products, fruit sweets (marshmallows, jams, marmalade), and among alcoholic drinks they prefer beer, zubrovka and honey.

First meal

People begin their acquaintance with Polish cuisine with soups. Here they prepare borscht and rassolnik, pea and tomato soups, cabbage soup and zurek (it is cooked with sourdough from rye flour). But the most popular is the soup "chernina", which is made from goose giblets and blood. For this you will need: goose giblets (150 g), goose blood (50 ml), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar, 1 carrot, 1 large onion, parsley root (10-15 g), dried plums and berries (20 g), bay leaf, ground pepper, salt and sugar to taste.

Goose blood is mixed with vinegar, broth is made from 350 ml of water, offal, vegetables and seasonings, then it is filtered and dried fruits are boiled in it. At the same time, lazanka - homemade noodles - is prepared. When the broth boils, return the vegetables to it, add goose blood, spices, salt and sugar and bring to a boil. When serving, sliced ​​giblets, fruits, lazankas are placed on a plate and poured with broth.

What is made from meat?

It is very rare to find a Polish recipe that does not use meat. It is fried, stewed, boiled, grilled, and made into meat rolls. Examples of dishes include pork loin chops with prunes, minced meat zrazy stuffed with pickled vegetables, mushrooms or pieces of smoked meat, duck with buckwheat and apples, baked in the oven.

But nowhere is pork knuckle (golonka) prepared as deliciously as in Poland. First, it is boiled for 1.5 hours along with an onion and a large carrot, then cooled and placed in the marinade for 8-10 hours. For the marinade, dissolve 5 tbsp in 1 liter of light beer. spoons of honey, add 2-4 bay leaves, chili pepper (1 pc.), 15 black peppercorns, 1-2 pcs. cloves, salt to taste. When the shank is marinated, place it on a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 1 hour. Golonka is especially good with beer.

Famous bigos

The famous dish of Polish national cuisine - bigos - deserves attention. It is prepared from meat, fresh and sauerkraut, tomatoes. Sometimes mushrooms, prunes, and rice are added to the dish. To prepare bigos according to the classic recipe, you will need: 1 kg of fresh and sauerkraut, 500 g of pork or beef, 250 g of smoked sausages and undercut, 8-10 pieces of mushrooms, salt and seasonings to taste. You will also need a couple of cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of tomato paste.

Mushrooms, fresh cabbage and sauerkraut are cut into pieces, mixed, seasonings and salt are added, placed in a cauldron and put on fire to simmer. Meat, chicken and sausage are cut into small slices and fried in a frying pan over medium heat. When the meat is ready, transfer it to a cauldron, add chopped garlic and tomato paste and simmer over low heat for another hour. The finished dish should be quite thick and have a slightly sour taste.

Polish "pies", or simply dumplings

You cannot consider yourself an expert in Polish cuisine without trying pierogi. They can have any filling: stewed cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms with fried onions, sweet fruits and even chocolate, but dumplings with minced meat mixed with mushrooms and sauerkraut or with cottage cheese and potatoes are especially popular. The dough is made from 2-3 cups of flour, 1 egg and a cup of boiling water.

To prepare the cottage cheese and potato filling, boil 3 small potatoes and mash them. In a frying pan, melt the fat from a piece of lard and fry one diced onion in it, add it to the puree, add 200 g of fresh cottage cheese of any fat content and mix well. Next, the dough is rolled out into a layer 1-2 mm thick and circles are cut out with a glass. The filling is laid out, dumplings are formed and boiled in salted water for 6 minutes after the water boils. Served with fried onions and cracklings.

Other deli meats

All stories about Polish cuisine would be incomplete without mentioning the delicious smoked sausages, which are prepared according to traditional recipes and smoked over the branches of juniper and fruit trees. Sausages contain several types of meat, sometimes they add cereals or potatoes, various spices, garlic and marjoram. Due to the high quality of the product, Polish sausages are popular all over the world. This is especially true for hunting sausages, which are superior in taste to German sausages.

The recipe for Polish sausages has not changed for decades, but such a famous sausage as cabanos has been prepared according to the same recipe for several hundred years. Other specialty dishes include smoked bacon, ham, pork and chicken fillets, meat pates and many others.

What about the fish?

Poles love fish no less than meat. It’s worth seeing a photo of cooked carp among Polish cuisine recipes, and you’ll immediately want to eat a piece. To do this, the fish is cleaned of husks and entrails, the head is cut off and washed well, then cut into portions. Each piece is salted, sprinkled with pepper and sprinkled with a little lemon juice.

Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and place carrots and onions cut into pieces on the bottom. Fish is placed on top of them, with a layer of vegetables and spices on top: bay leaf, pepper, sesame. The fish is poured with 500 ml of dark beer, the top of the form is covered with foil and sent to a hot oven for half an hour. When the fish is ready, make the sauce. In a separate frying pan fry 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar until dark, add to it 150 ml of wine vinegar, 1 crushed gingerbread and the juice that was formed when stewing the carp. The sauce is boiled until tender, then filtered and poured over the fish.

What's for dessert?

Desserts are no less tasty in Poland: charlotte with apples, donuts with jam or condensed milk, cheesecakes, rolls with poppy seeds and raisins have long been included in the recipes of dishes in various countries. Kolaczki cookies with jam, which you can make yourself, are very popular in Polish cuisine.

For the dough you will need: 220 g of butter and cottage cheese, one and a half cups of flour, 350 g of any jam, a pinch of salt, and a packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar, powdered sugar for sprinkling. It is better to knead the dough from flour, cottage cheese and butter in the evening and put it in the refrigerator until the morning so that it becomes plastic. In the morning, the dough is rolled out into a layer about 4-5 mm thick and cut into squares with a side of 5 cm. Thick jam or jam is placed in the center of the squares, and the opposite corners are pinched. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes, sprinkle the finished cookies with powdered sugar.

Comparing recipes of Polish cuisine with photos of Russian and Ukrainian dishes, one cannot help but notice the similarities in preparation and flavor combinations. They combined all the best culinary discoveries of European, Slavic and Jewish cuisines, but at the same time retained their national identity.

Eggs, cabbage, mushrooms, sour cream and a lot, really a lot of meat. This is exactly what national Polish cuisine looks like. Hearty and nutritious, warming not only the body, but also the soul.

The country's cuisine has adopted a lot from neighboring peoples. Gourmets will find in it features of Lithuanian, Russian, Turkish and even Italian food.

The very beginning - delicious soup

Polish cuisine, whose soups are sometimes quite different from the usual dish, is very diverse in this regard.

Chernina - soup with goose blood

The most non-standard of all is “chernina”. To prepare the dish you will need:

  • goose giblets (150 g);
  • goose blood (50 ml);
  • vinegar (5 ml);
  • carrot;
  • bulb onions;
  • parsley root;
  • dried plums and apples;
  • lemon juice;
  • ground black pepper;
  • sugar;
  • salt.

To prevent the blood from clotting, you need to add vinegar to it. A regular broth is made from giblets, vegetables and seasonings. The soup is also served with lazanka, which can be made from any flour you have in the house.

Fruits need to be soaked in advance to make them soft. Then they are boiled without changing the water.

The finished broth must be strained and the prepared blood poured into it. After this, it is brought to a boil again. Add vegetables cut into thin strips and season to taste with salt and sugar. If necessary, acidify it a little with lemon juice.

Boiled fruits, lazankas and cut offal in portions are placed in a deep plate and poured with soup. The dish is a huge success among the people of the country.

Vegetarian “Holodnik”

Polish cuisine, the recipes of which are more than unusual, cannot be appreciated unless you try to cook Kholodnik.

You will need:

  • beets (4 pcs.);
  • dried mushrooms;
  • onions (2 heads);
  • flour (100 g);
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • sour cream (150 g).

Boil two beets and chop them as for borscht.

Take a large saucepan. Pour all the kvass and a liter of cold water into it. Turn the heat under the pan to high. While the contents are boiling, chop the greens and cut the mushrooms. After the liquid boils, dip the chopped ingredients into it and reduce the heat to medium. Leave the pan for another 10 minutes, after which the resulting broth must be strained.

Finely chop the onion. Pour some oil into the bottom of an empty pan and turn on the heat underneath. Place the onions and chopped beets here and start frying. Constantly stirring the vegetables, add flour to them. Then add the strained broth.

Next, boiled mushrooms and sour cream are added to the soup. Everything is thoroughly mixed. After the soup boils, turn it off immediately.

The juice is squeezed out of the remaining raw beets. It needs to be boiled in a separate bowl. When serving the dish, pour a little beetroot juice into the plate and add a spoonful of sour cream.

Polish cuisine: recipes for main courses

It is impossible to imagine a Polish table without traditional cabbage rolls. They are filled with minced meat and rice. During cooking, the cabbage rolls are poured with tomato sauce. In addition to rice, minced meat may contain mushrooms, cereals, and potatoes. Stuffed cabbage rolls are a national dish, but they have taken root perfectly on our tables.


Bigos is the most famous dish of Polish cuisine. It is very similar to Russian cabbage soup, but among the Poles it is considered a second course.

Polish cuisine: what should you try? If such a question has arisen, then bigos is exactly the dish.


  • pork;
  • sausage;
  • smoked meats (brisket);
  • cabbage (fresh and pickled);
  • salo;
  • onion;
  • mushrooms;
  • tomato paste;
  • ground pepper (black);
  • salt;
  • sugar.


The process is quite simple. And if you follow the recommendations, you will get real Polish bigos.

  1. Sauerkraut should be cut into smaller pieces and boiled until soft.
  2. Shredded fresh cabbage is boiled together with mushrooms.
  3. Pork pulp must be fried in a frying pan until golden brown. After that, it, together with the smoked brisket, is transferred to sauerkraut and stewed until the latter is ready.
  4. Cracklings are made from lard and also added to sauerkraut. After it is cooked, the meat is taken out of it. Next, both types of cabbage are combined and mixed thoroughly.
  5. The casing is removed from the sausage and cut into circles, the meat and brisket into cubes. And everything is added back to the cabbage.
  6. Season the dish with spices and tomato paste. After the bigos boils, it is turned off.

Sometimes red wine is added to the dish, which significantly improves its taste.

Polish potato dumplings

Another national dish. To prepare it you will need the following set of products:

  • flour (2.5 cups);
  • egg;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

For the filling you will need:

  • potatoes (700 g);
  • cheese (150 g);
  • butter (2 tablespoons);
  • onions (3 heads);
  • eggs (2 pcs.);
  • salt and pepper.

Knead an elastic dough from flour, eggs, water and butter.

Boil the potatoes, first peeling them. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, or better yet, chop it finely. Combine it with diced onion and fry.

Mash the boiled potatoes and add cheese and onions. Mix thoroughly, add egg and butter.

Roll out the dough and cut out circles using a cookie cutter. Next, the filling is placed in the middle of the cake, and the edges are tightly sealed.

Boil dumplings in salted water until they float. You can serve with any sauce (except sweet ones).

And, of course, you can’t talk about Polish cuisine without mentioning the famous sausages. They are very reminiscent of German bratwurst, but much tastier. Several types of meat are always used in the cooking process. Sometimes the filling includes cereal or potatoes. Spices give them a special taste - garlic, marjoram, rosemary and others.


Polish cuisine is ready to pamper you with its sweets. The most famous delicacy is cookies with jam. This is a sand envelope filled with jam, jam or cottage cheese. And if previously you could indulge in such “sweet letters” only at Christmas, now they are eaten all year round.


This is a sweet pie, there are a huge number of recipes for it. We chose the Easter Mazurka, which has a bright orange flavor.

You will need:

  • flour (300 g);
  • egg;
  • yolk (2 pcs.);
  • butter (200 g);
  • orange (3 pcs.);
  • lemon;
  • powdered sugar (300 g);
  • orange jelly (2 packs).


Cold butter must be chopped together with flour and rubbed with your hands until a homogeneous tiny mass is formed.

Add the yolks and a whole egg to the resulting crumbs. Knead the dough, which then needs to be put in the refrigerator for an hour. When it has cooled well, place it in a baking pan pre-lined with parchment. To prevent the dough from rising, place a layer of washed dry beans on top of it and place it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 10 minutes. Then the beans are removed and the crust is allowed to brown. While the crust is cooling, you can prepare the filling.

Peel the oranges and cut them into slices, just like lemons. Grind the fruits using a blender until smooth. Pour 1/3 cup of water into it and add powdered sugar. Warm the mixture for a minute.

We dilute the jelly according to the instructions and mix with the citrus mixture. Place on a shortbread crust and refrigerate until the jelly hardens.

If you think about it, traditional Polish cuisine is very similar to classic Russian cooking. That is why many dishes will seem familiar to you.