Recipe for thin homemade noodles. Delicious homemade noodles

Properly prepared homemade noodles will transform any dish with its participation and make it simply unforgettable in taste. There is more than one recipe for preparing this popular culinary product, and every time you follow the recommended technology, you can get an excellent result.

How to make homemade noodles?

Homemade noodles, the recipe of which may differ in composition and execution technology, are in any case prepared subject to certain basic points that accompany all variations:

  1. The flour is pre-sifted, enriched with oxygen.
  2. The final structure of the dough should be completely non-sticky, dense and well kneaded.
  3. The resulting base is kept under a film or towel for at least 30 minutes, after which it is thinly rolled out by hand or using a special machine.
  4. Read more about how to dry homemade noodles. Initially, the whole rolled out layers are dried a little on a towel, after which they are cut into strips and dried at room conditions, spread out in a thin layer.

Homemade noodle soup - recipe

The dough for homemade noodles, which are planned to be used to make soup, is prepared with eggs without adding water and is made very dense. Ideally, it is better to use a special machine to roll it out, then the whole process of creating the product will seem easy and fun, and the result will be a delicious first course for lunch.


  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 100-120 g;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Sift the flour in a heap, add some salt, beat in the egg and butter, knead thoroughly and for a long time, adding flour if necessary.
  2. Having achieved the desired texture, leave the lump to proof under the film for an hour.
  3. Roll out the base thinly, sprinkle with flour, roll and cut into pieces of the desired thickness.
  4. Unroll the resulting coils and dry them on a towel.

Homemade egg noodles - recipe

After cooking with eggs according to this recipe, it will be easier to roll out the base by hand. The oil present in the recipe softens the structure and makes it more pliable and flexible. Don't forget to flour the work surface and dough layers so that the rolling pin doesn't stick to them. Taking into account the proofing time, the entire process of creating a homemade product will take about an hour.


  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • flour – 300 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Homemade egg noodles are easy to prepare. Beat eggs into the sifted flour, add salt and butter and mix the base thoroughly.
  2. Leave the resulting base for 30 minutes for the gluten to swell.
  3. Divide the lump into several parts, roll each one out thinly, roll it up and cut it into pieces of the desired thickness.
  4. Unwrap the resulting coils, lay them out on a towel, and let them dry.

Homemade eggless noodles - recipe

Homemade eggless noodles, like Italian pasta, are made from special durum wheat flour with a high gluten content. The use of a regular product from soft varieties is not allowed, and without eggs it will not make delicious homemade noodles. If the necessary raw materials are available, you can safely begin creating a lean version of the preparation.


  • flour – 2-2.5 cups;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Sift the flour with salt, add water little by little and knead into a tight dough.
  2. Leave the lump for 30 minutes under the film.
  3. Next, homemade noodles without eggs are decorated in the same manner as egg noodles. The base is rolled out, rolled up, cut, unrolled and dried.

Homemade noodles for lagman

Dry, the recipe for which is similar to the variations described above, is often used to decorate lagman. However, an authentic dish requires the preparation of an extracted product, the process of creating which, although fascinating, requires a lot of time, patience and skill.


  • flour – 500 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • warm water – 120 ml;
  • salt – ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil – 1 cup.


  1. Beat the egg a little with salt, add warm water, stir.
  2. Add flour in portions and knead until a dense lump is obtained, which is left for an hour under a moistened towel.
  3. Dissolve a pinch of salt and soda in a tablespoon of water and rub the resulting mixture into the dough with your hands.
  4. Flagella, 1-1.5 cm thick, are made from the base, lubricated with oil and left under a towel for 20 minutes.
  5. Pull out the workpieces with oiled hands to 0.5-0.7 cm, leave for 20 minutes.
  6. Repeat the procedure several times until the desired thickness is obtained.

Homemade noodles with yolks

Next, you will learn how to cook homemade. Thanks to the latter, the product is not only surprisingly tasty and tender, but also has an excellent, sunny color. The process of creating the foundation itself is no different from the traditional one and can be implemented without any difficulties.


  • yolks – 4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • flour – 200 g;
  • salt – 5 g.


  1. Add a mixture of yolks and butter to the flour sifted and mixed with salt.
  2. Stir the ingredients until crumbs are obtained, which are collected into a ball and kneaded into a tight dough.
  3. After 30 minutes of rest under the film, they begin to roll out the ball and cut the noodles.

Making homemade noodles can be made a little easier by making the rolling process less labor-intensive. An excellent effect is achieved by using and adding vegetable oil. The dough, designed in this way, is easy and simple to roll out even without using flour for dusting - it does not stick to the table or rolling pin at all.


  • flour – 350 g;
  • boiling water – 180 ml;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Throw salt into boiling water and pour in oil.
  2. The resulting mixture is poured into a bowl with sifted flour and thoroughly kneaded first with a spoon, and when it becomes less hot, with your hands.
  3. After 15 minutes, you can start rolling out the flour ball and cutting the noodles into the desired shape and size.
  4. Homemade custard noodles are dried and stored or used immediately.

Homemade rice noodles

Homemade noodles made from rice flour are an excellent option for decorating many culinary dishes native to Southeast Asia. By using the correct recipe suggested below, you can get a product that is no worse than the best industrial analogues.


  • rice flour – 400 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Beat eggs with salt.
  2. Add rice flour and knead, adding a little water if necessary.
  3. Roll out the base to the desired thickness, cut into strips and dry.

Homemade noodles made from rye flour

A recipe for making homemade noodles can be the most unexpected, as in this case. Rye flour is used as the basis for preparing the product, which affects both its final taste and appearance. Homemade noodles prepared in this manner are healthier and less caloric.

In any city you can find Italian restaurants where friendly waiters will offer you to try one of the many types of pasta. In our country, this interesting dish has a more prosaic name - noodles. The dish is quite tasty, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to restaurants to try all its types.

Therefore, today we will tell you how to make noodles at home.

Where to begin?

There are quite a few types of this dish, but the taste primarily depends on the quality of the selected products. It is for this reason that we will discuss some cooking principles that will help you make the prepared dish unforgettable.


And before we start describing recipes for making homemade noodles, let's learn how to choose the right ingredients. Let's start with flour! The most important thing here is the ratio of protein and fiber in the flour. It is by this ratio that the coarseness of flour grinding is determined.

For tasty pasta you will need soft flour. It is in this case that the dough turns out soft and elastic, which cannot but have a positive effect on the taste of your dish. Although some recipes recommend mixing soft and hard flour, since in this case the dough is more enriched with proteins.

It is also worth noting the fact that durum flour is dietary and if you are actively struggling with excess weight, then this variety will be more preferable for you.

Now let's talk about eggs. Some chefs claim that you need to use the whole egg, while others claim that only the yolk can be used to make noodles. In the end, it turns out that both options are suitable.

The only difference is that if you use a whole egg, you no longer have to add any liquid except vegetable oil. But if you add only the yolk, the color will definitely become a little more yellow, but in order for the dough to become softer you will need to add a little water.

And here’s another little secret: in order for the dough to acquire a special consistency and a pleasant aroma, you can add a small amount of olive oil to it. Remember that if you decide to serve the pasta with some kind of flavorful sauce, it is not necessary to include olive oil in the recipe.

How to make homemade noodles: cooking technique

Making pasta dough is actually very easy. To do this, you need to pour a small amount of sifted flour onto the table. Place a raw egg in the middle and gently knead the dough with your hands. The consistency should be quite dense and elastic.

After you are sure that the dough does not stick to your hands and the table, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour.

After this, take the dough out of the refrigerator and leave it in the kitchen until it reaches room temperature. This point is fundamental, since cold dough will not be easy to work with.

It is also worth remembering one more rule: while you are rolling out one part of the dough, the rest should be covered with a damp towel or plastic bag so that it does not dry out.

How to make soup noodles at home

Technically, the procedure is practically no different from the option we described earlier, but there are still some features. So let's get started. First you need to beat two eggs with half a teaspoon of salt. After you have formed a white foam, begin to slowly add flour, while kneading a stiff dough.

After the dough has been in the refrigerator, roll it out into several flat circles and carefully cut into thin strips of any length. Place the resulting noodles on a dry napkin or gauze and wait until they are completely dry. You can use such noodles not only for soup, but also for preparing other dishes.

How to cook buckwheat noodles

Buckwheat noodles are a dish that will not leave any lover of Japanese cuisine indifferent. But in order to buy one package of this amazing product you will have to spend quite a tidy sum. But it can be done at home.

So, to prepare buckwheat noodles we will need ingredients such as a kilogram of buckwheat flour, half a kilogram of unbleached wheat flour and 400 ml of hot water.

Prepare buckwheat noodles as follows:

  • Pour both types of flour into a deep bowl and carefully move them together;
  • Pour 200 ml of water into the resulting dry mixture and move everything carefully. Attention! At first the dough will crumble, but if you are not lazy, after a while it will become elastic;
  • After the mass has become homogeneous, you need to add the remaining water and knead the dough again.

Once the dough is ready, roll it out and cut it into thin strips. Considering that one and a half kilograms will yield a significant amount of noodles, you can lay out the resulting strips in a dry, warm place where they will dry. Then put them in a glass jar, where they can be stored for several months.

By the way, you can make rice noodles at home in exactly the same way. You just need to replace buckwheat flour with rice flour.

How to make Chinese noodles

The manufacturing process itself is similar to all previous ones. The only difference is that you can use not only wheat or rice flour, but even starch as ingredients. So we will not dwell in more detail on the manufacturing technique.

It’s better to share a recipe for making Chinese noodles with meat and vegetables. To prepare it, you need to simmer meat and vegetables, cut into small pieces.

Then add spices to taste. While the meat is stewing, boil the Chinese noodles in salted water and add them to the pan a few minutes before the meat is completely cooked. This dish should be served hot.

How to cook noodles for lagman

It is also worth paying attention to the recipe for making noodles for lagman. To do this, you need to pour 400 ml of warm water into a deep bowl, add two eggs and a pinch of salt. Whisk all this until foamy. Then add flour and knead into a stiff dough.

After it begins to come off from your hands, put it in gauze and leave it for about an hour in a dark, cold place. During this time, you need to knead the dough with gauze at least once without adding flour.

After an hour, we take out the dough and begin to rub a solution of salt and soda in half a glass of water into it. Thanks to this procedure, the dough becomes elastic.

Today it seems to all of us that noodles are one of the most primordial Russian dishes, one of the most popular, and that dishes with noodles have always existed. Yes, but not so. You may be surprised, but the first mentions of noodles date back to the 16th century, and before that, even if noodles were known, they could not boast of being particularly popular or widespread. According to V. Pokhlebkin, the Russians borrowed noodles from the Tatars and gave them their own special flavor. And already in the 17th century, noodles became not only one of the most common dishes in everyday Russian cuisine, but also, having gained popularity, ended up from the table into folklore. Just look at the teasers about Vladimir townspeople chopping noodles with an ax! It’s impossible to surprise us, our descendants, spoiled by the delights of many world cuisines, with noodles. But you can easily seduce with noodles and sit down at the table just with the aroma of properly prepared noodles even now. The main thing is that the noodles are homemade, prepared with love and care. Let's try to find out and remember how to cook homemade noodles today.

At first, the most superficial glance, cooking noodles does not conceal any special secrets. Well, really, how difficult is it to mix flour, salt, egg and water, roll out the resulting dough, and cut it into noodles? Even a child can handle it, many will say. And they will be wrong. Every step in preparing noodles is important. Correct and precise selection of verified ingredients, long and thorough kneading of the dough, proper resting of the dough and its rolling, correct cutting and drying. Only knowledge of all the intricacies of cooking will allow you to fully enjoy truly tasty, strong homemade noodles. Violation of the technology most often results in a soft, strangely spread substance in the soup, which you can neither call noodles nor dare bring to your mouth.

And how many dishes can you prepare if you managed to chop the right homemade noodles! Traditionally, soups are prepared with noodles; here we have healing chicken noodles and incredibly tasty and aromatic duck noodles, breathtaking noodles with wild mushrooms and sweet milk. But homemade noodles are not only suitable for soups. Simmer it in lamb fat, serve it with tender lamb ribs, boil it in a strong broth, and at the last moment place it on a baking sheet with the baked pig, put it in a pot, pour it with milk, sprinkle with grated cheese, and bake it in the oven. It would take a long time to list the dishes that noodles will decorate and give them a new taste. And add fragrant herbs, spicy vegetables, and aromatic spices to the noodles, and you yourself will be surprised at how such a simple, familiar homemade noodles can delight you with an endless number of unique shades of taste.

Today, “Culinary Eden” has carefully collected and recorded for you the most important secrets and tips, as well as several time-tested recipes that will easily tell novice housewives how to cook homemade noodles.

1. Like most other dough products, the noodles are rolled out on a board using a rolling pin. V. Pokhlebkin strongly advised using a 50x75 cm wooden board for these purposes, preferably carved from linden, aspen, or birch. But the connoisseur of Russian cooking criticized plastic boards, rightly believing that their elasticity and pliability are incomparable with the corresponding qualities of a wooden board. However, plastic boards are, of course, more hygienic. Any rolling pin for rolling out noodle dough will do, although a monolithic rolling pin will probably seem more convenient to you. On the other hand, a European rolling pin will require you to use much less effort when rolling out the dough. To cut noodles, you can use regular sharpened table knives, but it is most convenient to use round knives for dough or pizza. Such knives come in both straight and curved - allowing you to cut noodles in an original wavy shape. For those who often prepare noodles, we can advise you to purchase special mechanical or electric machines that will allow you to easily roll out thinly and evenly cut the dough into noodles.

2. The choice of flour for making noodles is most often limited only by your imagination. The thing is that, unlike Italian pasta or macaroni, noodles do not require a specific type of flour. Excellently tasty noodles can be made from wheat, buckwheat or oatmeal. Noodles are especially tasty if they are prepared using two or three different types of flour. The same can be said about the type of flour. Good noodles can be made from both first grade flour and coarser flour. Noodles turn out great if you add a little second-grade flour or finely ground semolina in a coffee grinder to first-grade flour. But unlike pasta, eggs are always used when preparing noodles, often completely replacing the entire liquid part of the dough with them. The purpose of the eggs is to make the dough as strong and dense as possible so that it does not fall apart in the water.

3. Let's try to knead the simplest noodle dough. Take a glass of sifted wheat flour, pour it onto a board, make a small depression on top and pour in one egg. Cold egg, this is important! Then add a couple of tablespoons of ice water and immediately begin kneading your dough, making sure that the liquid does not leak onto the board, but is mixed with the flour. Knead the dough for as long and as thoroughly as you can. Even if it seems to you that there is not enough liquid, that there is too much unsaturated flour left, drive these impressions away and try to restrain yourself from the desire to splash extra water. At most, you can add one more spoon of ice water; the rest should be done by the strength of your hands. The stronger and more thoroughly you knead and knead the dough, the smoother, denser and more elastic it will be. Wrap the finished dough in cling film and leave in a cool place for 20 - 30 minutes. During this time, the dough will completely proof, ripen, become elastic and soft.

4. Is your dough ready? Now you have to roll it out and cut it into noodles. Sprinkle the board with flour, place the dough ball on it, flatten it a little with your hands, dust it with flour and start rolling it out using a floured rolling pin. First roll out carefully from the center outwards, trying to give your dough a rounded shape, then roll out, pressing as hard as possible on the rolling pin, trying to roll out the dough as thinly as possible. When the thickness of the dough sheet reaches a couple of millimeters, again begin to be especially careful, trying not to tear the thin sheet of dough. The thinner you can roll out the dough, the better. Remember that even two-millimeter noodles will swell when boiled and turn into a poorly cooked, gummy four-millimeter piece of dough.

5. Rolled out? Subtle enough? So everything is almost ready! All that remains is to cut our noodles. If you use round or special shaped knives, then simply proceed to cut the noodles to the thickness required for your goal. If you want to cut traditional Russian noodles, then first let the dough sheet lie for 10 - 15 minutes and dry slightly. Then carefully dust the sheet with a thin, even layer of flour. Carefully roll the dough sheet prepared in this way into a tube, carefully flatten it, and then use a very sharp knife to cut it across and slightly obliquely into thin, elegant rings no more than two to three millimeters thick. Unroll the finished noodle rings and scatter them relatively freely on a tablecloth or woven towel and let them dry slightly, sometimes gently tossing them. Now your noodles are completely ready to be used in any dish you like.

6. Noodles from other types of flour are prepared in exactly the same way. Let's try to prepare the most delicious and popular Russian noodles from wheat and buckwheat flour. Mix and sift together through a sieve one cup of wheat flour and a quarter cup of buckwheat flour. Leave another quarter cup of wheat flour for sprinkling. Pour the flour into a mound on the board, make a well in the center of the flour mound and pour one raw egg and three eggshells of ice water into it. Knead into a tight dough, wrap in a towel and let rest for 15 minutes. Roll out the finished dough into a layer no more than one millimeter thick and cut thinly.

7. Rolling out and chopping the noodles is only half the battle. Now we need to cook these noodles deliciously. Let's start with traditional Russian chicken noodles, which are quite rightly attributed to even medicinal properties. Cook a strong broth from two liters of water and 700 gr. Chicken. Remove the chicken, strain the broth, return to the pan and bring to a boil. Add one finely chopped onion, two bay leaves, two to three stamens of saffron, salt and black pepper to taste. Pour pre-cooked wheat noodles into the boiling broth and cook until tender for five minutes. At the end of cooking, add two tablespoons of parsley, one tablespoon of dill and two chopped cloves of garlic. Remove from heat and serve immediately. Serve boiled chicken separately.

8. It’s hard to find more aromatic and tastier duck noodles; such noodles can easily decorate even a festive table. Prepare noodles in advance from one and a half cups of wheat flour and half a cup of buckwheat flour. Thoroughly wash and scrape one duck, weighing about two kilograms. Using a sharp knife, remove subcutaneous fat from around the neck and tail. Prick the duck skin with a fork in several places, place the duck on a roasting rack and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰. Don't forget to place a baking tray under the duck! Roast for 30 minutes until the duck is browned and most of the fat has been rendered. Divide the finished duck into 10 parts, place in a saucepan, add one whole carrot, one onion, one parsley root. Pour 1 ½ liters of hot water over everything, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 1 ½ hours, regularly skimming off excess fat from the surface. Boil the noodles separately until tender and drain in a colander. When the duck is done, remove the vegetables, remove the duck pieces, and strain the broth. When serving, place a portion of noodles, a piece of duck on each plate and pour boiling broth over everything. Serve chopped dill or parsley on plates separately.

9. The most aromatic mushroom noodles made from dried porcini mushrooms will remind you of the warm mushroom summer in the cold winter. Pour one glass of dried porcini mushrooms with 1 ½ liters of cold water and leave for two hours. Remove the mushrooms and rinse them to remove sand and debris, and strain the infusion through cheesecloth. Chop one white leek, one onion, one parsley root and one celery root into large pieces. Pour the mushroom infusion into the pan, add vegetables and mushrooms, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes over low heat, covered. Remove the cooked vegetables, remove the mushrooms and cut into thin strips. Boil the noodles separately until cooked in the quantity you desire. In a saucepan, combine mushroom broth, chopped mushrooms and boiled noodles. Bring everything together to a boil, season with salt and pepper, and remove from heat. Before serving, add a piece of butter to the noodles and sprinkle with chopped dill.

10. Russians have always revered it as a real delicacy. houses noodle loaf, noodle shop. And preparing it is not so difficult. Prepare thin noodles from two cups of wheat flour. Bring one liter of milk to a boil, add the noodles and cook until tender for 4 - 5 minutes, then drain in a colander and cool slightly. Pour half a glass of raisins with plenty of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, and drain in a colander. Lightly beat three eggs with a fork. Mix noodles, raisins and eggs. Place the resulting mixture in a greased baking dish and place in the oven preheated to 170⁰. Bake until golden brown, 30 minutes. Before serving, pour melted butter over the noodles.

And on the pages of Culinary Eden you can always find even more new and interesting ideas, tips and recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook homemade noodles.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


The abundance of pasta in stores from the best manufacturers will not replace the taste of homemade noodles. Recipes for its preparation and use in various dishes are known in many cuisines around the world: Chinese, Italian, Tatar, Russian. Homemade noodle dough is prepared from different types of flour, different widths, lengths, shapes and colors, manually and using household appliances.

General principles for making homemade noodles

When preparing dough according to any recipe, you should sift the flour; you can use coarse grinding, which is much healthier. Mix all ingredients thoroughly using a mixer or blender, then the product will turn out more airy. The thickness of the noodles, the shape - bows, corners, diamonds, stripes - your personal preferences. The semi-finished product should be dried at room temperature or in the oven at low settings, and stored in linen or paper bags.

Homemade noodle dough recipe

Every housewife has her own recipe for making homemade noodle dough. Some make it from egg yolks, others use eggs, others add a little warm water or vegetable oil to the dough. The common feature is the use of natural homemade eggs and premium flour; these components will ensure the delicate taste of the dish. To prepare it you will have to work hard, you need to knead for a long time and roll out thinly.

Classic homemade noodle dough

  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The classic way to prepare homemade noodles involves using eggs without separating the whites; water is added as needed. Most housewives like it because it is the simplest and most economical, it is also used in the preparation of noodle soup in restaurants of traditional Russian cuisine, and besides, it is very tasty.


  1. Wheat flour – 500 g.
  2. Eggs – 2 pcs.
  3. Salt – ½ tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Thoroughly beat the eggs with salt with a mixer or whisk and pour into the well in the flour.
  2. Knead a thick dough, cover with a towel or wrap in cling film to prevent it from drying out. Do not put it in the refrigerator; at room temperature, the gluten will swell faster and will be easier to roll out.
  3. Roll out, roll, cut the flattened roll diagonally into thin strips, shake and leave for a couple of minutes.
  4. Use to prepare the desired dish or dry for storage.

Rice dough for homemade noodles

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 360 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for second and first courses.
  • Cuisine: Pan-Asian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Dough for homemade noodles can be prepared not only from wheat flour, but also from other cereals or a mixture of cereals. Rice noodles came to us from Japanese and Chinese cuisine; they are very tasty and have found many fans around the world. In Japan, it is prepared from special rice with a high starch content. In our conditions, you can make rice powder yourself, grind it to the finest consistency from round starchy rice.


  1. Rice flour – 500 g.
  2. Eggs – 3 pcs.
  3. Water – 1 tbsp, l
  4. Salt – ½ tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Using a blender, mix salt, eggs, water and add flour to the pile.
  2. The dough does not need to be kneaded for as long as other semi-finished products.
  3. Roll out a small piece until very thin and dry.
  4. Roll it up, cut it into thin strips and you can cook it. Cooked rice noodles are stored like other types of noodles.

Eggless noodle dough

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 310 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for first and second courses.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

To prepare this option, you will need high-quality flour with a high gluten content; in Italy they use the semolina (durum) variety. Otherwise, the product will stick together or boil over and the dish will turn out unappetizing. It will take a lot of effort to knead, so it is advisable to use a special device for making paste at home.


  1. Wheat flour - 2 cups.
  2. Water – half a glass.
  3. Salt – ½ tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine flour with salt and gradually add water to it.
  2. Knead thoroughly, leave for half an hour, sprinkle, roll out.
  3. Cut into strips of the desired thickness.

Buckwheat noodles

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 345 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dinner, lunch.
  • Cuisine: Pan-Asian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Buckwheat noodles came to us from the East, the dish is popular, good for cooking during Lent, tasty, full of minerals. Store-bought buckwheat flour is quite expensive, but it is not difficult to make at home, just make sure that no whole grains of cereal get into it. Prepared without eggs according to a traditional oriental recipe with the addition of wheat.


  1. Wheat flour - 2.5 cups.
  2. Buckwheat flour - 1.5 cups.
  3. Water – 1.5 cups.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the ingredients and gradually pour in hot water, knead the elastic dough and leave for half an hour.
  2. Roll out small portions to a thickness of 5 millimeters, cut into strips, do not go any thinner as it will tear.
  3. Send the noodles to boil or dry; this will take a little longer than preparing products made from wheat flour.

Dough for noodle cutter

  • Time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4-6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 320 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dinner, lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Making homemade noodle dough at home is easy, but it requires considerable effort to knead it, roll it out, and cut it into thin strips. Housewives came to the aid of devices for rolling out and cutting the finished dough. In this case, it should be steeper, but does not require additional drying before slicing.


  1. Wheat flour – 600 g.
  2. Eggs – 5 pcs.
  3. Salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix eggs with salt, add water if necessary.
  2. Pour the whipped mixture into the prepared flour and knead into a stiff dough.
  3. After the dough has rested, roll it out and cut it into small squares.
  4. Pass the resulting pieces through a noodle cutter.

In the bread machine

  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 340 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A popular recipe for homemade noodles made from egg yolks. This option will be slightly higher in calories than the classic version, but it has a pleasant yellow color, practically does not boil over, retains its shape, and the broth remains transparent when cooked. The process of preparing noodle dough has been greatly simplified with the advent of bread machines in our kitchens. At the end you will get a perfectly kneaded dough, and you will have an extra 15-20 minutes for other things.


  • Wheat flour – 400 g.
  • Egg yolks – 6-8 pieces.
  • Vegetable oil – 50 g.
  • Salt – ¼ tsp.
  • Water – half a glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the flour and pour into the bread machine.
  2. Pour in the beaten egg yolks with salt, vegetable oil and a small amount of water.
  3. Set the mode provided by the device model.
  4. Cut the resulting lump of dough into 4 parts. Roll out with a rolling pin to a thickness of no more than 2 mm, ideally the dough should be translucent.
  5. Leave the resulting layer to dry for 15–30 minutes.
  6. Roll the rolled out cake into a roll, cut with a sharp knife into strips of the desired thickness.
  7. If you are not going to cook the dish right now, then lay the semi-finished product on paper to dry.

How to make homemade noodles in different colors

To prepare homemade noodles of different colors, you need to include plant components of the desired color and get the result as in the photo from the best pasta manufacturer. For a green color, add spinach along with other ingredients. Turmeric or boiled carrots will give yellow and orange colors. Tomato paste or beets will give the paste a red tint. By adding chopped herbs and spices, you will get a semi-finished product “speckled”.


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And on the pages of the Notebook I share recipes that I use myself and cook for my family and guests.

Today we have a recipe homemade noodle dough. I admit, I haven’t used any recipe for homemade egg noodles before; I kneaded them by eye from eggs, water, flour and salt. Well, when I had a bread maker assistant in my kitchen, I began to look for the ideal proportions of ingredients for the recipe. homemade noodle dough in a bread maker. So, to put them in the bread machine, and take the finished dough for homemade egg noodles out of it, without mixing anything later. In addition, while the bread machine is busy with the dough, you have 15-20 minutes free. A bread machine even makes life easier for people who, due to some circumstances, simply cannot knead the dough. We have been doing massages at home since my son was born. I think our favorite masseuse Elena Aleksandrovna will not be offended by me if I mention her here 😉 So, while talking to her, she complained to me that she doesn’t pamper her family with homemade dumplings or noodles, because the masseurs sometimes have hands after massage sessions It hurts so much that I can’t even bother with the test! And here it’s so beautiful, the machine kneads the dough! I even make it in my bread machine.

I got a little distracted. I liked this ratio for homemade egg noodles:

  • wheat flour, preferably durum – 450 g,
  • chicken egg – 3 pcs.,
  • water -110 ml,
  • table salt – ½ tsp.

But, based on experience, I will say that this proportion of dough is designed for a large family or for preparing homemade noodles as a second dish or side dish, as well as preparing homemade noodles for future use. Homemade noodles can be dried and stored like any pasta. Homemade noodles can, like for lagman, be boiled until tender, flavored with oil and frozen, and then simply reheated or added at the end of cooking.

When I make homemade mushroom noodles, homemade meatball noodles, or noodle soup with poultry (chicken, turkey, goose), I reduce the ingredients for homemade dough recipe egg noodles approximately this much, and even this can be a bit much:

  • Wheat flour - 250 g,
  • water – 60 ml,
  • egg – 2 pcs.,
  • salt – 10 g.

Let me remind you that in 1 glass there are 250 ml of 130 g of flour, if you pour it not over the top, but up to the rice. And in 1 level teaspoon there are exactly 10 g of salt.

Any dough for homemade noodles, pasta, dumplings, manti, dumplings must go through several stages of preparation, namely:

  1. Kneading the dough
  2. Maturing the dough
  3. Rolling out the dough
  4. Cutting dough into noodles or blanks for dough products

Decide for yourself how to knead the dough for homemade noodles, by hand, using a bread machine or food processor.

How to cook homemade noodle dough in the bread maker:

Place all the ingredients for the noodles into the bread machine at once.

and choose the mode you have: “Pasta”, “Dumplings”, “Dough” or any other program in which kneading begins immediately, for example, “Cupcake” or “Pizza”.

The noodle dough is kneaded with a bread machine for about 20 minutes.

It turns out elastic and plastic. In order for the dough for noodles or dumplings to become elastic, it must ripen or rest for about 20-30 minutes.

To do this, you need to sprinkle it with flour, cover it with cling film or put it in a plastic bag so that a weathered crust does not form. Or you can simply cover the dough ball with an overturned bowl. It happens that you come across low-quality flour and the dough begins to “float”, then you need to increase the amount of flour when kneading the dough for homemade noodles.

How to make colored homemade noodles?

It’s very simple, replace part of the water (or completely) with vegetable juice: carrot, beetroot, sorrel juice…. And then you will get colored dough for homemade noodles.

How to make homemade noodles

I divide the ripened dough for homemade noodles into 4 parts.

I roll each into a thin cake.

I sprinkle the dough cakes (layers) with flour and dry them on the table so that they are easy to cut and the dough does not stick together when cutting.

It is important not to overdry our cakes so that they do not break.

Then I roll each layer into a flattened roll.

and cut homemade noodles with a knife into thin strips.

These strips of homemade noodles need to be separated from each other and dried. If there is a lot of noodles, you can dry them in the oven in a thin layer on a baking sheet at 70 degrees.

Cooking process test, kneading, rolling and cutting for homemade noodles in chicken broth, you can watch the video recipe from YouTube:

A special machine makes the process of making and cutting homemade noodles very easy. noodle cutter. Using a noodle cutter, you can thinly roll out and cut dough for pasta and dumplings. The video recipe will tell you how to make homemade noodles using an Imperia noodle cutter:

And yet, in preparing homemade noodles for lagman eggs are not used; the dough for such noodles is prepared from boiled water and flour. Well, to properly make noodles for lagman, just like homemade noodles, you need drawing experience:

Enjoy your creativity and delicious homemade noodles!

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