Recipe for a cast iron waffle iron. Waffle recipe for a Soviet waffle iron

In your parents' old records you can always find proven recipes, for the implementation of which you do not need to purchase overseas and expensive products.

As you know, in Soviet times, electrical appliances were made to last. Many people still have working kitchen appliances. For example, according to most housewives, the Soviet electric waffle iron is much better and more reliable than modern devices designed for quick and tasty baking of dessert. Therefore, if you inherited such a unit, we recommend that you do not hesitate to prepare waffles in the form of tubes. Unlike store-bought ones, this delicacy turns out tastier and fresher.

Step-by-step dough recipe for an electric waffle iron (USSR)

Surely everyone remembers that previously each kitchen appliance was sold along with a small brochure, which not only described the instructions for using this unit, but also presented a recipe that was easily implemented using the device.

The dough for the Soviet electric waffle iron was very often made based on this very brochure. Therefore, it always turned out especially tasty and tender.

So, for preparation we will need:

Making dough for an electric waffle iron

There are several ways to prepare such a base. We decided to look at the simplest ones.

A standard homemade dessert recipe involves the use of many high-calorie and fatty foods. To properly knead the dough for an electric waffle iron, you must strictly follow all the described recommendations.

Fresh, high-quality margarine is placed in a deep bowl, and then placed in a water bath and gradually melted. At this time, begin processing other ingredients. Beat chicken eggs vigorously with sugar using a mixer, a regular whisk or a blender.

Once melted, remove it from the stove and cool slightly. Next, add the sweet egg mixture to the warm margarine and mix well. Leaving the ingredients aside, begin processing the sour cream. Add table soda to it and quench it thoroughly. After this, both masses are combined and stirred until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

Finally, add to the resulting base. After mixing the products, you should get a batter for an electric waffle iron (without a single lump).

Heat treatment

It’s not enough just to make the dough for an electric waffle iron for straws. It still needs to be baked properly. To do this, connect the kitchen appliance to the mains and then lightly lubricate it with sunflower oil. This procedure does not have to be carried out before baking each waffle. It is enough to grease the mold once.

As soon as the device heats up, scoop the dough into a tablespoon and quickly pour it onto the bottom of the electric waffle iron. Covering the base with a lid, press both halves well.

There is no need to spread the dough (for an electric waffle iron it should not be very thick) over the surface of the mold. The base should spread on its own when the lid is closed.

In this form, each waffle should be baked for two minutes.

It is necessary to avoid a large amount of base on the frying surface. This is because after you close the lid, the excess batter will flow out.

Testamentary stage

Now you know how to make traditional dough for an electric waffle iron. You can see a photo of this Soviet electrical appliance in this article.

After the waffles are browned on both sides, they are rolled into tubes while still hot. Don't be upset if your dessert turns out unattractive the first time. Over time, you will learn to roll neat and even tubes.

After preparing the waffles, you can think about the filling. You can use boiled condensed milk with nuts or custard as it.

How to make dough for an electric waffle iron without eggs?

If the traditional recipe for such a dessert does not suit you, we recommend using a different cooking method. Many housewives bake this sweet and tasty dish without eggs. These waffles are thinner and crispier.

So, the dough recipe for an electric waffle iron without eggs involves the use of:

  • sifted light flour - about 200 g;
  • fine beet sugar - ¾ standard glass;
  • fresh butter - about 70 g piece;
  • table soda - on the tip of a dessert spoon;
  • fine sea salt - a small pinch;
  • fresh baked milk 4% - about 400 ml;
  • vegetable oil - use to lubricate the mold.

Knead the batter

To prepare this base, use a large enamel bowl. Soft, but not melted butter is placed in it, and then fine sugar is added. Grind both ingredients thoroughly with a tablespoon or fork. In this case, you should get a homogeneous whitened mass.

After processing the cooking fat, add table soda (without pre-quenching), a little salt and sifted flour to it one by one. All components mix well.

As a result of such actions, a loose mixture is obtained. To make it liquid, half of the baked milk is gradually poured into it. During this process, the dough is beaten with a mixer.

Having received a thick mass, the rest of the dairy product is also poured into it in a thin stream. At the same time, make sure that no lumps form in the dough.

The consistency of this waffle base should resemble thick and heavy cream.

How to use?

The finished waffle dough should be baked exactly as in the previous recipe. Due to the fact that it was prepared without eggs, this dessert turns out to be thinner and more delicate. Therefore, it should be wrapped in tubes very quickly. Otherwise, the layers will break.

Making unleavened waffles

The dough for an electric waffle iron using water and without sugar turns out fresh. However, this recipe also has its fans. As a rule, it is used by those who are on a strict diet or do not eat sweets.

So how to make unleavened waffles? For this we need:

  • sifted wheat flour - 1 cup full;
  • large chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • drinking water at room temperature - 1 glass full;
  • fine sea salt, table soda - on the tip of a dessert spoon.

Cooking method

This dough kneads quite quickly and easily. To begin, add baking soda and sea salt to the egg yolk. They are thoroughly ground with a spoon, and then mixed with ½ glass of drinking water.

Having received a liquid mass, add sifted flour to it. As soon as the dough thickens, pour the remaining water into the bowl.

If you want to get fluffier lean waffles, you should beat the egg white separately and also add it to the dough. In addition, to add sweetness to the dessert, you can add 2 large spoons of sugar to the base.

This delicacy is baked according to the same principle as described above. The finished waffles are rolled into a tube while hot and served.

Cooking soft waffles

Surely many people know that there are two types of waffle irons. One is intended for baking a thin dessert, which is subsequently rolled into a tube, and the other is for preparing Viennese, that is, soft waffles. We talked above about how to make the first delicacy. As for the second, the recipe for its dough will be presented right now. For it we will need:

  • large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • fine beet sugar - 250 g;
  • milk 2.5% fat - 250 ml;
  • good quality butter 72% fat - 170 g;
  • light flour - about 350 g;
  • baking powder - 5-7 g.

Cooking process

To make the dough, you should use butter at room temperature. It is ground with granulated sugar, and then all the chicken eggs are added one by one.

After whipping the ingredients with a mixer, gradually pour milk into them. Baking powder and sifted flour are also added to the base.

After mixing the dough with a spoon, you need to make sure that there are no lumps left in it. This base should be smooth and uniform. The thickness of this dough is very similar to pancake dough.

How to bake?

An electric waffle iron for soft waffles is significantly different from a device designed for baking straws. Its forms are more pronounced and also have a certain depth.

Scoop the dough with a large spoon and place it in the center of the bottom of the unit. Covering it with a lid, bake the waffles until they are browned on both sides. To prevent the dessert from sticking, it is advisable to grease the mold with vegetable oil before preparing it for the first time.

This delicacy turns out to be very tender, fluffy and soft. It should be served with maple syrup or chocolate icing.

There is not just one waffle recipe for a Soviet waffle iron, but a whole range of successful baking options. The great ideas outlined in this article will come in handy in your home. The simplest ingredients and simple time-tested technology are used, a minimum of time is spent and all family members are satisfied - these are the obvious advantages of making different variations of waffles yourself. We wish you bon appetit.

If you manage to learn the secret of good dough, then all your baked goods will turn out perfect. The main thing is to follow the correct composition and pay attention to the consistency. Proper waffle batter should look like sour cream.

A mandatory preparatory stage is warming up the device. If you do not completely calcinate it, you may end up with unbaked products.

It is necessary to select individual baking times in each case. This is done according to the products used. If the base is butter, then 50 seconds is enough. When the dough contains milk or other dairy products, such as kefir, the waffles are baked for 5 minutes.

To start using your new waffle iron without any problems, add potato starch to the dough. 1 spoon is enough to make the dough easy to work with and not stick to the surface.

Baking in a waffle iron

An affordable baking method that can be implemented using a Soviet-made waffle iron and stove. Popular among resourceful housewives, this simple recipe for waffles with sour cream is suitable even for inexperienced cooks.


  • flour - 400 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • baking soda - a small spoon (you can add baking powder);
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sour cream with a high percentage of fat - 2 large spoons;
  • regular granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • vanilla sugar - a quarter of a small spoon;
  • salt - a quarter of a small spoon.

First, vigorously beat the eggs together with granulated sugar to form a fluffy mass, where you then need to add vanillin. Separately mix sour cream with soda, the latter acts as a leavening additive. Combine the two masses and season with soft margarine and salt. If it is unacceptable for you to make waffles with margarine, then add butter to your baked goods instead.

Working with a whisk, add flour in portions; it must be sifted in advance. It is better to measure the finished dough, which has the consistency of sour cream, with spoons. Take 1 large spoonful of batter and carefully place it on the hot waffle iron and close the lid tightly. Waiting time - up to 2 minutes. The device will make the very first waffle dark brown, others will be different, they will acquire a light golden color of the crust and will be cooked in a short time.

Wrap the finished products in tubes immediately while they are hot. Delicious waffles can be eaten separately, but it is better to make a filling. Good filler options are condensed milk or homemade cream.

You can vary this universal recipe at your discretion. For example, we subtract vanillin and remove sand, and we no longer get dessert waffles, but checkered pancakes that will go well with pate and any type of cheese.

It takes very little effort to make light, delicious, and low-calorie waffles. This simple recipe has many fans, as lovers of sweets have a chance to get satisfaction and not gain excess weight from it.


  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • wheat flour - a glass;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • kefir - medium glass;
  • vanillin - 15 g

Combine granulated sugar with raw eggs and beat vigorously to form a creamy mass. It is desirable that its consistency is well mixed without lumps. After this procedure, pour kefir and vanilla. It is best to use sifted flour. You need to add it a little at a time, and be sure to remember to stir.

Next, heat up the waffle iron. Spread the dough on the panel. Close the lid and press down firmly on the working part. How to make medium-crispy waffles in a waffle iron - prepare a soft, homogeneous dough, bake it at high temperature for about 2-3 minutes. And for the maximum crispy structure and lightness of the finished product, you can soak each serving for up to 4 minutes. Homemade waffles have a pleasant brown tint.

The famous Viennese waffles are not necessarily very thick. You can make elegant baked goods for the whole family. An old waffle iron is also suitable for making thin Viennese waffles.


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • yeast - half a large spoon (dry yeast is optimal);
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • salt - a quarter of a small spoon;
  • rum - a large spoon;
  • butter - up to 100 g;
  • vanillin - 10 g

Separate the yolks and mix them vigorously with 70 g of sugar. Whisk this mixture with quick movements. Heat the oil using a water bath method, be sure to let it cool, pour it into the sugar-egg mixture. Heat the pasteurized milk without bringing it to a boil, then mix it with dry yeast, then combine the prepared ingredients together. Salt the mixture, pour in the rum, stir again.

Next, you need to carefully sift and pour flour into the liquid mass. Stir during the process. Let the dough rest for about half an hour, preferably in a dark atmosphere. While the base is infusing, you need to take the remaining sugar and grind it with proteins, salt and vanillin. Whipping is necessary in order to obtain a dense foam. It should be carefully added to the dough.

Heat up the waffle iron and start baking immediately. Baking time - 4 minutes. Waffles made with milk in a waffle iron are certainly delicious and will appeal to those with a sweet tooth. But everyone eats differently and this dish is not suitable for everyone. Some people do not consume animal products. To make this recipe vegetarian, remove the milk and eggs.

A teaspoon of turmeric will give a golden hue to the finished products. Instead of rum, some people add cognac; it creates an interesting taste and aroma. Perhaps waffles without eggs and milk will seem inferior, so you can improve them. To add chocolate flavor, add a small amount of cocoa.

We present to your attention another step-by-step waffle recipe; now we will analyze the baked goods with a soft structure and wonderful filling.


  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • cream - 1.5 cups (you can use milk instead of cream);
  • soda and salt - half a small spoon each (soda is interchangeable with commercial baking powder, it is designed to improve the consistency of the dough and create light and crispy baked goods);
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • butter - 130 g

The flour is first sifted, then mixed with baking powder or soda. Stir soft butter into cream or milk. Grind sugar and raw eggs, mix everything with salted milk. Mix again. Add flour in portions, stir until you get an elastic mass. Keep the dough in the dark for about a quarter of an hour.

Warm up the waffle iron, grease both parts with butter; it is convenient to use a pastry brush for this purpose. Using a ladle, pour the optimal amount of dough into the mold. The batter should be evenly distributed over all the recesses and not leak out of the container. Close the lid. Everyone is interested in how to bake waffles in a waffle iron so that they are well baked but not burnt. You will get a beautiful golden color if you cook the baked goods for 4 minutes.

Since these waffles and filling go well together, we recommend adding berries and berry desserts to them. Blueberries and raspberries are suitable for this purpose. A good alternative would be jam, marmalade and syrup. To make the dish even tastier, serve with whipped cream and decorate the tubes with powdered sugar.


  • flour - no more than 300 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • margarine 250 g (replace with butter if desired);
  • chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • soda and salt - a quarter of a small spoon each;
  • condensed milk, butter.

It's best to prepare the filling first. The simplest cream can be made at no extra cost by mixing butter with a full can of condensed milk. It is better to make more filling so that there is enough for the entire baking. You will need up to 350 g of butter per serving of waffle cream. If you use a mixer, the filling will be fluffy.

Moving on to the dough, stir the sugar into the raw eggs. For convenience, use a kitchen whisk. Ideally, you get a fluffy foam. Make the butter liquid, then slowly pour in, stirring continuously as you go. Then add salt and sift the flour. When working with a mixer, you can add the entire volume of flour. And if you knead the dough by hand, you need to sprinkle it a little at a time.

The waffle recipe for a Soviet gas waffle iron is such that the cast iron accessory must be heated to 190 degrees in advance. Measure out about 2 tablespoons of creamy dough, pour into the waffle iron, cover and press the lid. Leave the baked goods to cook for a maximum of 4 minutes. This is the maximum time.

The hot baked goods that have just been removed from the hot waffle iron are immediately rolled into tubes. Instead of pastry syringes, put the cream in a bag and cut off the tip in the corner. This way, you can conveniently and quickly pump the filling into the waffle cones. All homemade waffle recipes are good, but this one especially has a lot of fans.

We offer a second version of the recipe for an electric waffle iron; use the one that suits you best.


  • wheat flour - 100 g (preferably replace ⅓ of the flour with potato starch);
  • butter - 100 g;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • vanillin - ¼ small spoon;
  • sugar - 150 g

It is recommended to combine this recipe for waffles with starch to get the most tender and crumbly baked goods. First, mix soft butter with raw eggs, then add sand, mash everything with a fork. Pour flour and vanilla into a homogeneous mass. Mix everything vigorously so that there are no lumps.

Activate the device by plugging it into a power outlet and wait 10 minutes for it to warm up. Lubricate the working parts of the electric Soviet waffle iron with vegetable oil. Use a regular spoon to scoop up the dough, pour it into the middle of the hot waffle iron, immediately cover with the lid and hold for about 2-3 minutes. It is believed that the moment the steam comes out, the baking process continues. The steam dries up and the product is ready.

Open the waffle iron and look at the finished waffle to see if it is browned enough for your liking. If you are satisfied, then use a knife to remove it, after which we wrap it into a roll, which can be filled with any kind of sweets.

Fluffy waffles are often called Viennese waffles. This method is for an electric waffle iron. The baked goods will be of considerable thickness if everything is done according to plan.


  • flour - from 300 to 350 g;
  • baking powder - 2 small spoons;
  • milk - medium glass;
  • granulated sugar - from 100 g;
  • lemon juice - a large spoon;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • butter - 200 g portion

Mix the butter with granulated sugar, then break the eggs into the same container and pour in the milk. After that, flour is added, lemon is squeezed out and baking powder is added, followed by mixing. The dough can be immediately placed on the working surface of the electrical appliance. Baking time - 5 minutes. The end result will be golden waffles. They need to be soaked in condensed milk, glued in 2-3 layers and cut randomly. For example, into squares. These cookies go well with a huge number of sweet cream options. We recommend adding crushed nuts.

Waffles recipe with yogurt

Baked goods can be prepared in a Soviet waffle iron.


  • wheat flour - 150 g (equal to 1.25 medium glasses);
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • yogurt - up to 400 g (this is a volume of about one and a half glasses, sweet is suitable
  • fruit or vanilla product);
  • salt - 2 small spoons;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • baking powder 1 small spoon (if it is soda, then it is better to put half a small spoon).

Take a large container, beat eggs in it, add yogurt. Next add flour, baking powder and salt. Add butter; it must first be melted. Mix all the products, achieving a homogeneous dough. Pour a small portion of the resulting mass onto the heated corrugated surface of the device. Close the lid and wait for baking for 5 minutes. Thus, bake all the waffles, giving them any shape. Some people like to make tubes, while others prefer to cut arbitrary shapes with a knife. The main thing is to shape the baked goods while the baked goods are very hot.

Golden curd wafers


  • flour - 150 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - approximately 125 g;
  • butter - up to 60 g;
  • milk - 100-150 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 3 large spoons;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • zest of a medium lemon.

Mix the melted butter with natural cottage cheese, add lemon zest. Add sand. Add milk and flour in small portions. Place the yolks in the dough, beat the whites separately, then add them to the dough as well. The waffle iron bakes waffles, and you watch the result - keep the lid closed until it turns golden brown.

You don’t have to look for a recipe for a long time like in childhood - try all the above methods and you will be satisfied. Perhaps they will all remind you of pleasant moments in life when you could enjoy homemade cakes. Use our waffle recipes or create your own.

Perhaps nothing could be more aromatic, tastier, sweeter and more appetizing than homemade baked goods and desserts. Favorite sugar wafers from a home electric waffle iron, simply unbeatable. They can be eaten either without filling or with cream, ice cream or jam, condensed milk or protein meringue. This is a universal product, a delicious budget dish that is prepared quickly and easily. And homemade waffle recipes regularly grace the changing culinary fashions.

  • Eggs- 5 items
  • Sugar– 0.5 – 1 glass
  • Flour- 1.5 cups
  • Butter or margarine— 180 gr
  • How to make waffles in a waffle iron

    1 . Wash chicken eggs with soap and break into a cup. Add sugar.

    2 . Beat eggs with sugar until smooth.

    3 . Melt margarine or butter. Cool slightly.

    4 . Mix the egg mixture with margarine (butter).

    . Gradually, in small portions, pour flour into the dough.

    . Mix. The consistency of the dough will be like sour cream.

    . Preheat the waffle iron. Pour a teaspoon and close. Bake for 2-3 minutes.

    . Roll the waffle into a tube while it is still warm. If desired, fill with cream or boiled condensed milk using a pastry syringe.

    Delicious homemade waffles are ready

    Bon appetit!

    Waffles in a waffle iron recipes

    Delicious waffles in a waffle iron, the recipe for which is always stored in the nightstand with other culinary notes, can be prepared at any time. Take out the waffle iron and let's remember how to prepare this amazing dessert.

    Thin waffles in a waffle iron

    Margarine – 1 pack (200 g).
    Flour – 1 cup (200 g).
    Sugar – 1 cup (200 g).
    Eggs – 4-5 pieces.

    Such waffles are baked in a Soviet-era waffle iron, and this recipe is at least 25 years old. It has already been tested and retested, so don’t hesitate, but rather try it. So, let's start by grinding margarine and sugar into a homogeneous mixture. Why margarine? Yes, because with butter the waffles are not crispy enough, although this is a matter of taste. But this time we still take baker's table margarine.
    When the mixture is ready, add the eggs, preferably one at a time, to make mixing easier. Slowly, after the eggs, add flour in a thin stream and mix well. The dough we get is liquid, but not so much that it flows down the edges when the waffle iron is tightly compressed (we press the top and bottom of the waffle iron wings). You need to pour the dough a little bit so that it doesn’t spill over the edges onto your work surface.
    And so, thin waffles are ready, while they are hot, roll them into tubes, and you can fill them with butter, custard, protein cream, or just ice cream. Serve with coffee.

    Homemade waffles with mineral water and milk

    Milk – 1 glass (200 grams).

    Butter – 100 grams.
    Mineral water – 100 grams.
    Sugar - to taste, from 50 to 100 grams.
    Eggs – 2 pieces.
    Baking powder – 0.5 teaspoon.
    Salt is on the tip of the knife.
    Vanilla sugar - to taste (1 sachet according to recipe).

    Separate the whites from the yolks, in a separate large bowl mix the yolks with sugar, butter and salt, vanilla sugar. The sugar should melt, so take a mixer or mix everything by hand until smooth.
    In another container, mix milk with baking powder and flour until smooth. Mix the contents of two plates, mix with a spoon, and then pour in mineral water and mix again.
    Beat the whites well until they turn into a thick foam, add them to the dough and mix until the mixture becomes homogeneous. We bake thick and fluffy waffles and serve with honey and tea.

    Homemade waffle cookies in a waffle iron

    Margarine – 1 package (200 g).
    Full-fat sour cream – 1.5 tablespoons.
    Sugar – 100-150 gr.

    Eggs – 3-4 pieces.

    Soda – 1 teaspoon.
    Vinegar - quench soda.
    Salt – 0.5 teaspoon.
    Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.
    Powdered sugar – 2 tablespoons.
    Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife, if desired.
    And so, our homemade waffles can be made in the form of cookies. It's quite tasty, relatively simple, satisfying, flavorful, and anyway, who can say no to sugar wafers? It all starts as usual: we beat the yolks in a bowl with sugar and vanilla until the sugar is completely dissolved. The mass will eventually become fluffy. The margarine needs to be melted and cooled a little so that when adding it to the yolk-sugar mass, the eggs do not cook. Mix everything at medium speed, or by hand until smooth, at the end add sour cream and mix again for several minutes.
    We extinguish the soda with vinegar, add a little lemon juice, pour it into the bowl with the dough, and mix. Sift the flour and add it in small portions to the mixture, stirring with a spoon. The dough for waffle cookies will not be as liquid as for pancakes, it will be a little thicker.
    Grease the waffle iron with sunflower oil and bake the cookies for 2 minutes on each side. When the waffles are still hot, sprinkle them with cinnamon and powdered sugar and serve with tea and raspberry jam.

    Homemade Viennese waffles

    Flour – 1.5 cups (300 g).
    Butter – 200 gr.
    Full-fat sour cream – 4 tablespoons.
    Sugar – a little less than 1 cup, 120-150 g.
    Vinegar - to extinguish soda.
    Soda – 0.5 teaspoon.
    Eggs – 2-3 pieces.
    Cream – 1 glass (20 g).
    Lemon zest - if you like, to taste.
    Potato starch – 1 teaspoon.
    Vanilla sugar – 0.5 sachet.
    Salt - on the tip of a knife (pinch).
    Beat the eggs with sugar until it is completely dissolved in the mass and stops crunching under the spoon. Melted butter, not hot, needs to be poured into the eggs and sugar, stir. Add cream and sour cream, salt and vanilla sugar, lemon zest, mix everything thoroughly.
    Sift the flour, add starch to it, mix with the dough. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add soda slaked with vinegar and mix. The dough is ready, you need to pour it into the mold, and give the waffles a little time to brown and acquire an appetizing crust. Serve with condensed milk or cream based on it.

    Homemade waffle rolls with butter cream

    Butter – 400 gr.
    Flour – 200 gr.
    Cream – 1 glass (200 gr.)
    Starch – 1 tablespoon.
    Eggs – 5 pieces.
    Sugar – 100 gr.
    Salt – a pinch.
    Condensed milk – 1 glass (200 gr.)
    We take the eggs out of the refrigerator and let them come to room temperature a little. Next, place the whites and yolks in a separate bowl. Beat the yolks with salt and sugar until they are completely dissolved. Melt the butter, add it slightly cooled to the egg mixture, stir until smooth.
    Sift the flour, add starch and soda, quenched with vinegar. Beat the egg whites until fluffy, and whip the cream separately. Mix the cream and protein foam, add to the butter and yolks, mix. Then slowly and gradually add flour and mix so that the dough is free of lumps. After 20-30 minutes, you can pour the dough into the waffle iron and make delicious waffles. Roll them up straight away while they are hot.
    For the cream, you just need to beat the condensed milk and butter until smooth, the cream will foam a little and become airy, and fill the tubes with it, which are great for coffee.

    Homemade lemon waffles

    Flour – 1 cup (200 grams).
    Butter – 70 grams.
    Eggs – 4-5 pieces.

    Sour cream – 1 cup (200 grams).
    Lemon juice – concentrate 1 teaspoon.
    Lemon zest - half a teaspoon.
    You should start preparing homemade waffles by beating sugar and eggs until smooth. Next, add sour cream, zest and lemon juice, add flour a little at a time and mix so that there is not a lump. The mass turns out lush and aromatic. It needs to cool a little and stand, then you can bake the waffles. And serve them with tea and meringue.

    Homemade Lenten waffles in a waffle iron

    Honey – 2 tablespoons
    Flour – 1 cup (200 gr.)
    Fruit syrup – 6 tablespoons
    Tea – 200 gr.
    Sunflower oil – 50 gr.
    Fruit syrup and liquid honey must be dissolved in hot tea. Add sunflower oil there. Sift the flour and add it to the tea a little at a time, mix well, thoroughly. The dough is ready, you can bake delicious lean waffles, serving them with fruit and tea.

    Yogurt waffles

    Flour – 1.5 cups (300 grams).
    Fruit, berry yogurt or without fillers - 1.5 cups (300 grams).
    Butter – 140 grams.
    Eggs – 2 pieces.
    Sugar – half a glass (100 grams).

    Using a mixer or whisk, beat the slightly softened butter and sugar; when the mass is almost homogeneous, add eggs, 1 piece at a time. Continue beating, turning the mixture into dough, add yogurt. Sift the flour through a sieve and mix with baking powder, then add it to the dough a little at a time, constantly mixing the ingredients. As a result, we will end up with a dough that has a consistency similar to rich sour cream. You need to bake the dessert in a waffle iron for 3-4 minutes, until golden brown. Serve with berries and freshly squeezed juice.

    Homemade oat waffles in a waffle iron

    Oat flakes – 150 grams.

    Water – 200 milliliters (1 glass).
    Mineral water - 100 milliliters (0.5 cups).

    Brown sugar – 50 grams.
    Sunflower oil – 0.5 cups.
    Cocoa – 2 teaspoons.
    First of all, steam the oatmeal in a glass of hot water and leave until it swells until half cooked. Meanwhile, sift the flour and cocoa through a sieve, add baking powder and sugar, mix. Then, the already cooled oatmeal should be mixed with flour and cocoa, followed by the specified amount of sunflower oil. Stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Pour mineral water into the mixture and mix the dough thoroughly; when it comes out it will look like rich sour cream. Bake waffles in a waffle iron and serve them with honey and coffee.

    Apple - cinnamon homemade waffles

    Apples – 1 piece, large size.
    Flour – 400 grams (2 cups).
    Eggs – 3 pieces.
    Milk – 0.5 cups.
    Sugar – 4 tablespoons.
    Baking powder – 2 teaspoons.
    Salt – a pinch.
    Cinnamon – 2 teaspoons.
    Sunflower oil - a quarter cup.
    First of all, you need to separate the yolks and whites, beat the yolks, add warm milk, sugar, salt, sifted flour with baking powder, and cinnamon. Mix everything thoroughly and beat. Then pour in the oil, mix again, and leave.
    Beat the egg whites until thick, then add them to the dough and mix. Peel the apple, chop it and puree it. Add to the dough, mix. Then we pour the dough into a waffle iron and prepare a wonderful dessert, healthy and tasty, served with warm milk or cocoa.

    Homemade cheese waffles with sour cream, not sweet

    Semolina – 100 grams.
    Flour – 1.5 cups (300 grams, maybe a little less).
    Eggs – 3 pieces.
    Medium fat sour cream – 1.5 cups (300 milliliters).
    Salt – a pinch.
    Sunflower oil – 80 grams.
    Baking powder – 1.5 teaspoons.
    Hard cheese – 100 grams.
    First of all, you need to pour sour cream over the semolina so that it swells and becomes softer. In a separate bowl, place semolina in sour cream, mix and leave for 1 hour. Then beat in the eggs, add sunflower oil, mix everything thoroughly and beat.
    Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add it to the prepared mass, and knead the thick dough. You need to put at least 2 tablespoons of dough into the waffle iron so that the resulting product is fluffy and tasty. Serve for breakfast with ham and greens.

    Waffles in a waffle iron with candied fruits

    Flour – 0.5 cups (100 grams).

    Sugar – 150 grams.
    Salt – 1 pinch.
    Powdered sugar – 1 teaspoon.
    Cereal flakes – 50 grams.
    Candied fruits - according to taste and desire.
    Vanilla sugar – 0.5 sachet.
    Baking powder – 2 teaspoons.
    Eggs – 3 pieces.

    According to this recipe, waffles are crispy, and thanks to a variety of candied fruits, they are sweet and aromatic. Beat eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt until dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Then add slightly softened butter and mix.
    Sift the flour and starch, add baking powder, add the mixture to the beaten eggs, mix thoroughly, add the flakes, mix again. Then finely chop the candied fruits and add them to the dough. If you think you didn’t get the consistency right, find similar recipes with photos on the Internet. Bake waffles in a preheated waffle iron. Serve with coffee or juice.

    Chocolate Coconut Wafers - Ice Cream Cups

    Flour – 0.5 cups (100 grams).
    Baking powder – 1.5 teaspoons.
    Cereals – 50 grams.
    Vanilla sugar – 0.5 sachet.
    Sugar – 150 grams.
    Starch - 0.5 cups (100 grams).
    Salt – 1 pinch.
    Coconut flakes - 1.5 tablespoons.
    Cocoa powder – 1.5 tablespoons.
    Eggs – 3 pieces.
    Butter – 1 pack (200 grams).
    Mix vanilla and regular sugar, add it to the butter, previously softened a little and divided into pieces. Stir, stirring thoroughly until the sugar melts. Then add 1 egg at a time and mix again.
    Sift the flour, add salt and baking powder, mix with the butter and egg mixture, mixing well. Then grind the flakes in a blender or coffee grinder until they become almost like flour, pour them into the ready-made mass, and mix. The dough turns out to be thick, so if it doesn’t fall off the spoon at all, you can pour in a little milk or water, just a little bit, so that you can comfortably place the dough in the waffle iron.
    At the end you need to add shavings and cocoa, mix again, and bake the waffles, wrapping them in a glass. You can add scoops of ice cream to the finished product.

    Video recipe “Waffles in a waffle iron”

    Many people probably remember the taste from childhood: waffles cooked in an electric waffle iron by their mother or grandmother. And then, in order to surprise our children and husbands with culinary masterpieces according to our mother’s recipes, we take out the dusty waffle irons that we inherited from the pantries. This miracle of technology, made by the masters of the Soviet Union, cannot be replaced by any modern kitchen technologies; they are easy to use and do not require high culinary skills.

    To prepare an exquisite dessert, you will need a good mood, a Soviet waffle iron and ingredients for one of the recipes we offer.

    The main secret of delicious thin waffles lies in the consistency of the dough: it should be moderately thick and resemble rich homemade sour cream. To prevent the waffles from burning, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably odorless, refined) or a spoonful of starch (corn or potato) to the dough.

    The cooking time for waffles depends on the power of the electric waffle iron and the recipe. For example, dough mixed with margarine or butter bakes quickly, but dough mixed with kefir or milk takes much longer. The average cooking time for one cake lasts from 30 seconds to 4 minutes.

    A waffle recipe for a Soviet electric waffle iron does not have to contain sugar, because the cakes can be stuffed not only with cream and condensed milk, but also with meat and mushroom fillings, cottage cheese or pate.

    Among all those proposed, this recipe is the simplest and most economical option. The ingredients for its preparation can be found in every kitchen; it does not require much time or special culinary skills.


    • Flour 300 gr
    • Butter or margarine 82% 130 gr.
    • Eggs 3 pcs.
    • Baking soda or baking powder 1 tsp.
    • Sour cream 25-30% 1 tbsp. l.
    • Vanillin or vanilla sugar 10 gr.

    Cooking method:

    Cut the margarine into small cubes and place in a warm place to soften (no need to heat it in the microwave or in a steam bath: margarine melted until transparent is not suitable). Pour the sugar into a container with high sides, beat in the eggs and beat thoroughly with a whisk.Mix sour cream with baking powder or soda.Combine all three mixtures together, mix with a whisk, adding a little sifted flour. TMix the mixture until the cream becomes thick.

    Baking method:

    On the heated surface of the waffle iron, evenly distribute 1 tablespoon of batter, press and hold for 1-3 minutes. The first cake should be baked until it turns brown, all subsequent cakes should be baked until golden brown. Roll the finished cakes into envelopes or tubes. Bon appetit!

    Recipe for waffles with condensed milk


    For the test:

    • Eggs 5 pcs.
    • Sugar 250 gr.
    • Butter or margarine 72% 250 gr.
    • Vanillin

    For cream:

    • Boiled condensed milk 150 gr.
    • Butter 100 gr.

    Dough preparation method:

    Mix eggs and sugar and beat with a whisk or mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved, but do not allow foam to form.

    Add soft butter (margarine), vanillin to the resulting mixture and gradually add flour. Knead the dough to the consistency of sour cream.

    Method for preparing the cream:

    Place soft butter along with condensed milk in a tall bowl and beat until it reaches the consistency of sour cream.

    Baking method:

    Distribute the dough over the heated surface of the electric waffle iron and bake for 2-3 minutes. Roll the finished cake into a tube and let cool. Using a pastry syringe, inject cream into the tubes on both sides. Enjoy your tea!

    The only difficulty with this recipe is the experience and correctness of rolling the hot cakes into tubes. If this is not a problem for you, you can start cooking.


    • For the test:
    • Eggs 4 pcs.
    • Sugar 310 gr.
    • Butter or margarine 62-72% 125 gr.
    • Flour 110 gr.
    • Cream 50 ml.
    • vanillin

    For filling:

    • boiled condensed milk
    • jam
    • jam

    *you must select one of the options.

    Cooking method:

    Beat eggs and sugar with a whisk or mixer. Melt the margarine until liquid, cool and mix with cream.Combine both mixtures and gradually add flour.

    Tip: margarine should be liquid, but not hot, otherwise the cream and eggs will cook or curdle.

    Baking method:

    Spread the batter over the heated surface of the waffle iron and bake for 2-3 minutes. Without removing the cake from the waffle iron, spread the filling along one edge and roll it up.

    Tip: do not apply the filling all over the surface, otherwise it will leak out and burn. Do not add butter to the filling; it will melt and spread over the surface of the crust.

    This recipe will decorate any children's party, because waffle cones can be filled with any fillings and creams.


    • Egg 1 pc.
    • Oil 50 gr.
    • Water 250 gr.
    • Sugar 75 gr.
    • Flour 175 gr.
    • Vanilla.

    Cooking method:

    Mix sugar with butter. ? Mix sugar with water until completely dissolved.Add the egg to the first part (sugar and butter) and mix thoroughly.Add the second part (sugar syrup) to the resulting mixture.While stirring, gradually add flour and vanilla.Beat the mixture thoroughly and bring to the consistency of sour cream.

    Baking method:

    Spread the batter with a spoon over the heated surface of the waffle iron and bake until done.

    Roll the finished cake into a cone and cool. The cones can be filled with cotton candy, ice cream scoops, or other fillings.


    • Flour 150 gr.
    • Sugar 150 gr.
    • Starch 50 gr.
    • Butter 125 gr.
    • Eggs 2 pcs.
    • Warm water 100 ml.
    • Cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

    Cooking method:

    Heat the oil in a steam bath. Combine eggs and sugar and beat until the mass doubles.Without stopping whisking, pour in the oil and water.Mix flour with starch and gradually add.The dough should be thick, like rich sour cream.Leave the bowl with the dough to warm up at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.

    Baking method:

    Pour 1-2 tablespoons of batter onto the hot surface of the waffle iron and distribute evenly. Bake until done. Roll the finished, uncooled cakes into tubes. Fill them with your favorite filling once they have cooled.

    If you are tired of sweets, but want to serve something original with tea, prepare salty tubes with different fillings: mushroom, meat or curd.


    • Egg 1 pc.
    • Flour 250 gr.
    • Water 250 gr.
    • Salt? teaspoons.
    • Soda? teaspoons.
    • Vegetable oil (to lubricate the surface).

    Cooking method:

    Separate the yolk and white. Beat the yolk with soda.Add half (125 grams) of water and add flour. Mix.Gently whisk in the remaining water.

    Baking method:

    Grease the surface of the waffle iron with oil or lard. Bake until done.

    This version of unleavened waffles will also serve as a decoration for a picnic or a good snack for your home table. Moreover, they are prepared quickly and do not require complex ingredients.


    • egg 1 pc.
    • milk 250 gr.
    • flour 250 gr.
    • butter 30 gr.
    • baking powder 3 gr.

    Cooking method:

    Separate the yolk and white. Beat the egg white until foamy and leave in the refrigerator.Beat the yolk with milk.Add flour and baking powder into the milk mass.While stirring, pour in the melted cooled butter and the beaten chilled egg white.

    Baking method:

    Distribute the dough over the heated surface of the waffle iron and bake for 1.5-2 minutes. You need to roll the cakes while they are hot and fill them when they have cooled down.

    Thin waffles with cream


    For the test:

    • Margarine 65-72% 100 gr.
    • Eggs 3 pcs.
    • Sugar 125 gr.
    • Flour 250 gr.
    • Vanillin.
    • For cream:
    • Sugar 150 gr
    • Cream 33% 250 gr.

    Dough preparation method: Melt the margarine. Cool.Beat eggs and sugar.Combine both mixtures.Add flour gradually.Add vanilla.

    Method for preparing the cream:

    Whip the chilled cream with sugar until sour cream thickens.

    Baking method:

    Distribute the finished dough evenly over the heated surface of the waffle iron and bake until done. Roll the still hot cakes into tubes or envelopes. Fill with cream when cool.

    Waffle crackers


    • Hard cheese 200g.
    • Margarine 72% 200 gr.
    • Eggs 2 pcs.
    • Flour 250 gr.
    • Soda 200 ml.
    • Salt 1 tsp.
    • Soda 1 tsp.

    Cooking method:

    Melt margarine and cool. Grind the cheese on a fine grater.Mix all ingredients and bring to the consistency of sour cream.

    Baking method:

    Place the dough on a heated surface in patches about 5 cm in diameter. Bake for 30-60 seconds.

    Vegan thin waffles

    These waffles are enjoyed by people who fast or are vegetarians.


    • Flour 430 gr.
    • Sugar 170 gr.
    • Water 350 ml.
    • Refined vegetable oil 110 ml.
    • Vanilla sugar, soda.
    • Salt to taste.

    Cooking method:

    Grind the butter with sugar, salt, vanilla and flour until crumbly. Pour in all the water little by little, whisking the mixture with a mixer.Pour slaked soda into the dough and mix.

    Baking method:

    Spread a tablespoon of dough over the heated surface and bake for 1-2 minutes. Bon appetit!

    Thin waffles made with kefir


    • Eggs 3 pcs.
    • Kefir 500 ml.
    • Flour 250 gr.
    • Sugar 250 gr.
    • Butter 125 gr.
    • Vanillin.

    Cooking method:

    Melt the butter and cool. Add sugar and eggs. Whisk.Add flour and bring everything until smooth.Pour in kefir at room temperature.Add vanilla at the very end.

    Baking method: Bake the cakes for 3-4 minutes until fully cooked. Roll the finished cake into a tube or envelope while it is hot.

    Thin Cinnamon Waffles Recipe


    • Butter 200 gr.
    • Flour 250 gr.
    • Eggs 3 pcs.
    • Sugar 65 gr.
    • Salt.
    • Cinnamon.

    Cooking method:

    Separate the whites from the yolks and beat until foamy. Mix soft, but not melted, butter with sugar.Add cinnamon, flour, beaten egg whites.

    Baking method:

    The dough is distributed over the heated surface, bake until done.

    There are many recipes for making waffles, from quick and economical to expensive and sophisticated. Among them you will definitely find one that you and your family will like and will delight your family over a cup of tea.

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