Recipe for sponge cake with fruit cream. Sponge cake with fruits

Prepare the necessary ingredients for making the cake. To prepare the sponge cake, carefully separate the eggs into whites and yolks.

Then, gradually adding 0.5 cups of sugar to the whites, beat the whites until stiff peaks form.

Separately, beat the yolks with the remaining sugar until the mass turns white and increases in volume. Add the beaten yolks to the whites.

Line a baking sheet with parchment and pour in the dough, smoothing it out with a spatula. Place the baking sheet with the dough in a preheated oven and bake the biscuit for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. Baking time depends on your oven. The crust should be lightly browned and dry on top, not sticky. Remove the finished biscuit from the oven, remove from the parchment and cool.

To prepare sour cream, you need to combine sour cream (it is better to take sour cream with a fat content of 20%, but sour cream with a fat content of 15% is also suitable) with powdered sugar (adjust the amount of powdered sugar to your taste) and beat with a mixer until smooth.
Cut the cooled sponge cake into two equal parts.

Peel the banana and kiwi, cut into thin slices.

Spread one sponge cake with sour cream and place fruit on top.

Grease the second cake layer with cream and place it on top of the fruit (dry side on top). Then coat the top and sides of the sponge cake with sour cream and place in the refrigerator. After soaking, the cake can be decorated to your liking and served. I suggest decorating it with protein custard, which will make the cake especially elegant.

To prepare protein custard, carefully separate the whites from the yolks. We don't need yolks. Combine sugar with water, put on fire and cook the syrup, stirring, until it boils, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 7-8 minutes without stirring. To check the readiness of the syrup, pour a small amount of it into cold water; if it rolls into a ball, it’s ready (this is the so-called “soft ball test”).

Fill a piping bag with a tip with cream.

Remove the cake from the refrigerator and decorate with egg white cream. For beauty, I put more fruit on top: kiwi and peeled tangerine slices. The most delicate sponge cake with fruit and sour cream is ready. Place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the cakes are soaked and ready to serve.

Bon appetit!

Let's prepare a biscuit

  • Break the eggs into a bowl, add a small pinch of salt and start beating with a mixer at low speeds, then gradually increase them. When the mass foams a little, gradually add sugar and vanilla sugar, beat until a very stable foamy mass. The whipping time depends on the power of your mixer. Raise the whisk up and the drips that flow from it should not spread for at least 7 seconds, this will mean that the mass is whipped perfectly.
  • Sift the flour into the whipped mass in two additions and mix gently with a spatula.
  • We cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper; do not grease the sides with anything. Pour the dough into the prepared pan, place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes. You can check the readiness of the sponge cake with a wooden skewer; it should come out dry from the center without any traces of dough. During baking, at least in the first half of baking, do not open the oven door.
  • Let the biscuit cool directly in the mold, preferably on a wire rack upside down, then remove. It is advisable for the biscuit to rest for four hours, but if you don’t have time, then the cooled biscuit can be put in the freezer for 15-20 minutes, then it will crumble less and be less difficult to reach for the knife. Cut the well-cooled sponge cake into two or three layers.

Let's prepare curd and sour cream
  • There is nothing special to prepare; you need to mix the sweet cheese mixture with sour cream and add sugar to taste. Place the cream in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes, then it will become a little thicker. The cream is ready.
Assembling the cake
  • If you like wet (or soaked) biscuits, then the cakes can be soaked in the syrup that contained the canned fruit. I had a syrup that had pineapples in it.
  • Spread the cakes liberally with cream; place pieces of canned or fresh fruit on the cream. I have a fruit platter of orange slices, grapefruit, canned peach and pineapple.
  • We put the cake in the refrigerator for one hour, the cream will set a little, stick the cakes together, the cake will become more stable and easier to decorate.
Let's prepare protein custard to decorate the cake
  • Combine sugar and water in a saucepan, put on low heat, cook the syrup to a temperature of 119 C degrees, add citric acid and cook to 121 C degrees. If you don’t have a thermometer, then cook it until it tastes like a soft caramel ball. I usually cook the syrup for about 15 minutes.
  • Quickly beat the chilled whites with a pinch of salt until light white foam. Without stopping whipping, pour in the hot syrup in a thin stream, the whites will begin to turn white and increase in volume, the cream itself will also become warm. Beat the cream until stiff peaks form and until the cream cools slightly.
    If you don’t want to bother with protein cream, then prepare half as much curd and sour cream, then you will have enough for both the layer and decoration.
  • Decorate the cooled cake with the finished cream, then put it in the refrigerator for another hour.

The cake turns out very tender, light and low in calories. Bon appetit!

Video recipe:


  • Medium eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Salt - a small pinch
  • Sugar – 100 g
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 g
  • Flour – 140 g
Mold with a diameter of 21-24 cm.

To soak the biscuit:

  • Syrup from canned pineapples (or other fruits)
Curd and sour cream for layering cake layers:
  • Sweet curd mass – 400 g
  • Sour cream 21% – 400 g
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Canned and/or fresh fruit
Protein cream for decoration:
  • Egg white – 2 pcs.
  • Salt - a small pinch
  • Sugar – 150 g
  • Water – 40 g
  • Citric acid – 1/4 tsp.

If you are planning a celebration for one reason or another, and you want to please your guests with a delicious and beautiful dessert, then pay attention to the recipe for sponge cake with fruit. This dish looks very impressive and can decorate any, even the most sophisticated table. In addition, when preparing such a dessert, you can give free rein to your own imagination and introduce interesting additions to the original recipe. So, today we bring to your attention two options on how to make this festive dish.

Sicilian sponge cake with fruit

As the name suggests, this dessert came to us from Sicily. The inhabitants of this island have long decorated cakes with a variety of candied fruits and also covered them with almond paste.


This recipe for sponge cake with fruit involves the use of the following products: for the dough - 225 grams of flour and the same amount of granulated sugar, two teaspoons of baking powder, 175 grams of margarine (softened) and four eggs; for decoration and filling - 350 grams of cottage cheese, two tbsp. spoons of honey, a quarter teaspoon of vanilla essence, half a lemon (we will use zest and juice), 100 milliliters of Marsala wine, 125 grams of finely chopped mixed candied fruits, 75 grams of dark chocolate chips, 175 grams of crushed almonds, six tbsp. spoons of sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar, one egg (we will use only the white), two drops of almond essence, three tablespoons of apricot jelly and green food coloring. Despite the large number of ingredients, this dessert is not difficult to prepare, and the result will definitely be worth the effort. From the specified amount of products you will get a sponge cake with fruit for 12 servings.

Preparing the base

First we need to make the biscuit itself. Since preparing the dough will not take much time, immediately turn on the oven and set the temperature to 170 degrees. Add baking powder to the flour, mix and sift into a deep bowl. Then add eggs, softened margarine and sugar. Stir and beat for a couple of minutes until the dough reaches a uniform, glossy consistency. Pour it into a baking dish (the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe is designed for a mold about 23 centimeters in diameter) and place it in the oven. Bake the biscuit until done (check with a toothpick or wooden stick). By the way, you can easily use this recipe to prepare the base for a variety of other desserts.

Next stage

We continue to prepare our Sicilian sponge cake with fruit. Take a baking dish and line its bottom and walls with cling film. Cut the previously prepared sponge cake into three layers. We cut off the edges of one of them and place it on the bottom of the mold. Cut the second cake into strips and line the sides of the baking dish. We coat everything with a small amount of wine. We put the remaining cake, as well as the trimmings, aside for now.

Now let's get to the filling. Beat the cottage cheese thoroughly with one spoon of wine, honey, lemon juice, chopped zest and vanilla essence. Finely chop the cake scraps and mix with the curd mass, also adding chocolate chips and candied fruits. Mix everything and carefully place it in our mold, evenly distributing the mass and pressing it against the walls. We cut the remaining cake to the required size and place it on top of our future dessert. We place it on our sponge cake with fruit and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

Let's move on to preparing the almond paste. To do this, mix almonds with sugar and powdered sugar. In the middle we make a small depression, where we pour lemon juice, vanilla essence and egg white. Grind the mass until it becomes plastic and homogeneous. Add food coloring and knead on a lightly powdered work surface. As a result, we should have a plastic mass with a uniform color. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for a while.

Assembling the cake

We remove the mold from the refrigerator and carefully remove its contents. Remove the film and coat with warmed apricot jelly. Take the almond paste out of the refrigerator and roll it into a layer, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the cake. Cover the dessert with paste and level it on the surface. We decorate our dish with candied fruits. A beautiful and delicious sponge cake with fruit is ready! You can serve it on the table! Bon appetit!

Sponge cake with fruit and jelly

If you want to surprise your guests with not only a delicious, but also a memorable dessert, then this option is perfect for you. After all, a sponge-jelly cake with fruit prepared according to this recipe turns out colorful and bright. It will be a decoration for any holiday. In order to prepare it, we will need ingredients from the following list: for the biscuit - one glass of flour and sugar, three eggs and a little vegetable oil; for the filling - jelly of different colors - three bags, sour cream - 1 liter, granulated sugar - 1 glass, gelatin - 35 grams and 300 milliliters of water for each 90-gram bag of jelly.


Let's start with the filling first. To do this, pour the jelly into small bowls (it’s better to take three bags of different colors) and fill with hot water. Stir until dissolved and place in the refrigerator. Let's move on to preparing the biscuit. Using a mixer, beat eggs with sugar until thick foam forms. Add flour and mix gently with a spoon. Pour the dough into a pre-greased mold and bake for 20-25 minutes in the oven at 170 degrees. Remove the biscuit and leave to cool. When the jelly hardens, remove it from the bowls. To do this, immerse the dishes in hot water for a minute. Cut the biscuit and jelly into small cubes. Mix them. Our fruit and jelly sponge cake is almost ready! Dissolve gelatin in half a glass of hot water. In a separate bowl, beat sour cream and sugar. Combine gelatin with sour cream and mix well. Let's move on to forming the cake. Line a deep bowl with plastic and place jelly and biscuit cubes. Then pour in sour cream and gelatin and carefully level the surface. After this, we put our cake in the refrigerator so that it completely hardens. Then we turn it over and free it from the film. A delicious and beautiful dessert is ready!

What's better than homemade cake? After all, a cake is a small holiday that can lift your spirits even on the saddest day. Cake is culinary magic; it always surprises and amazes with its taste. But few of us dare to make a cake with our own hands.

Indeed, some recipes require a lot of time and effort. But I have several proven recipes for sponge cake, which are prepared quickly, and most importantly, from available products. Let's start cooking.

Fruit sponge cake recipe with photo

Kitchen utensils and appliances: bowls, spoon, mixer, springform pan.


How to choose ingredients

  • It is better to take the highest grade flour. Sift it before use.
  • Eggs must be fresh and chilled.
  • Take sour cream with a fat content of 20% or more. You can take homemade one.

Step-by-step preparation

Assembling the cake

Video recipe

Watch the video recipe, and then you will definitely succeed.

Sponge cake with canned peaches

Cooking time: 1 hour.
Number of servings: 10-12.
Kitchenware: bowls, spoon, blender, springform pan, pastry bag.


Preparing the dough

Preparing the cream

Assembling the cake

Decorating the cake

Video recipe

The video recipe shows in detail all the stages of preparing the cake. Look what an incredible cake you can make.

  • You don't have to separate the whites from the yolks. Just first beat the eggs until fluffy and gradually add sugar and then flour. This will not change the quality of the biscuit.
  • To prevent the squirrels from settling, Don't pour out all the flour at once. Enter in small portions, then your sponge cake will be fluffy and tall.
  • First Do not open the oven for 20 minutes, otherwise the biscuit will settle.

Sponge cake with bananas and condensed milk

Cooking time: 1 hour.
Number of servings: 10.
Kitchen utensils and appliances: bowls, pans, spoon, knife, mold, mixer.


Preparing the dough

Making the impregnation, filling and cream

Assembling the cake

Video recipe

Watch the video recipe. He will help you easily make the dough, cook the icing and decorate the cake.

Recipe for banana and kiwi sponge cake with photo

Cooking time: 1 hour.
Number of servings: 12.
Kitchen utensils and appliances: bowls, glass, knife, spoon, mixer, mold.


Step-by-step preparation

Preparing the cream and filling

Assembling the cake

Video recipe

Watch the video recipe and start making the cake.

How to decorate a cake and what to serve it with

You can serve the cake with any drinks. But the most suitable are tea and coffee. You can decorate the sponge cake with chocolate chips, nuts, fruits, fondant or just cream.

Possible other preparation and filling options

I have only told you a few recipes for sponge cake. By adding cocoa or chocolate to the dough, you get. But it can be completely different. Be sure to use the recipe.

If your family loves sour cream, this will be a wonderful dessert for the whole family. You can also cook it.