Prosciutto - what it is and the technology for making Italian jerky. Jamon stories

The famous name of prosciutto can be carried by dry-cured ham, created exclusively in Italy. Its cooking technology has been carefully preserved and observed since the time of the Romans. Prosciutto is prepared in different regions of Italy according to a similar recipe. But the difference in seemingly insignificant nuances makes it possible to significantly differ in taste the ham cooked, for example, in Parma, from the Jambon Valle d’Aosta. Jambon is also dry-cured ham, just the proximity of the region to France gave it such a sonorous name.

Most prosciutto varieties in their names have the mandatory addition DOP, Prosciutto di Parma DOP, Prosciutto di San Daniele DOP, Prosciutto di Modena DOP, Prosciutto Toscano DOP, Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo DOP, Prosciutto di Carpegna DOP, Valle d "Aosta Jambon de Bosses DOP This abbreviation is used to protect products of national brands.This is a kind of guarantee that the product is made only in the place stated in the name, with the strictest observance of technologies and cooking features.

Technology Secrets

The technology for preparing prosciutto in all regions is generally identical, but it also has its differences. The taste of the dish is influenced by the breed of pigs, its place of grazing, the diet for fattening, the weight and age of the carcass at the time of slaughter, the set of spices used, the period of pickling and ripening, and even the climate of the area where the ham was dried.

At first glance, it may seem that you can cook dry-cured ham with ease and on your own. Of course, such meat has no right to be called prosciutto, but it’s not a bad home-made dry-cured Ham is quite real. For this, the meat is rubbed dry. sea ​​salt, and very plentiful. The salting period depends on the weight and age of the ham - on average, this is a period of 10 to 20 days. Then the meat is washed and allowed to rest. It is advisable to put the meat under the press - so the excess moisture will come out of it. Then the open cut, not protected by the skin, is smeared with a mixture of softened lard, pepper, preferred spices and dried herbs. Light Italian A touch of taste will give the meat a mixture of Provence herbs.

Then follows the drying process, which is considered the most responsible: slight fluctuations in humidity can easily turn all efforts into ashes. The ham can simply bloom, which most often happens. That is why not every culinary specialist gets dry-cured meat, and that is why few people are engaged in such a business. The ripening of the ham should occur gradually, with a slowly but surely rising temperature and decreasing humidity in the room. The drying period, again, is a matter of taste: it can be 10 months, or maybe two years.

Prosciutto crudo

For the first experience self cooking ham, it is better to experiment with meat that undergoes heat treatment. In Italy, such ham is called prosciutto cotto, and there is no particular specificity in its preparation. It's just a good tasty habitual ham, with which it is customary to cook delicious sauce to carbonara spaghetti, include in the list of ingredients for many salads and snacks. The popular pizza "Prosciutto e fungi" is prepared with cotto ham and mushrooms.

It is worth noting here that the ham that is sold in our stores at a price that does not reach the price fresh meat, not only cannot be compared with prosciutto cotto, but by and large should not be called ham.

The dry-cured meat described above is prosciutto crudo. The method of preparing crudo all over the world is associated with the very name of prosciutto, so it is somehow not customary to mention this. Only one variety of prosciutto has this designation in its name - Crudo from Cuneo (Crudo di Cuneo DOP). Thus, it was singled out from the general list of dry-cured ham. The fact is that this is the only variety where vinegar is used in cooking. Only at the beginning of our millennium did it receive the DOP designation and the long-awaited recognition.

Prosciutto di parma

The taste of all varieties of prosciutto crudo is subtle and self-sufficient - it does not require improvements or additions, so most often this product is served as independent dish. Usually these are the thinnest translucent slices with crostini or fruit. Although nutritionists do not recommend eating melon during and after meals, it was in combination with melon prosciutto di Parma that conquered the world.

The most popular and loved all over the world variety of prosciutto is very for a long time is precisely the product from Parma. The legendary Prosciutto di Parma DOP has its own characteristic, pronounced and unique taste, about which there is actually a legend associated with the great and terrible Carthaginian commander Hannibal, who lived in the second century BC. The age of the recipe for prosciutto from Parma is no less impressive than its tender, thin and slightly sweet taste.

Prosciutto and ham: what's the difference?

Naturally, such a product cannot but have analogues in other countries. The Spaniards perfectly prepare the no less famous jamon, which, like prosciutto in Italy, is a national treasure of Spain and has its own special marking for the uniqueness of cooking and taste. General principle cooking prosciutto and jamon is very similar, but a huge number of distinctive nuances makes them all the same different products. Connoisseurs can easily recognize the difference not only by the color and texture of dry-cured pork: the meat of animals fed on acorns of centuries-old cork oaks is special, unforgettable and with nothing incomparable taste. But to be completely honest, there are varieties of prosciutto that can be confused with some varieties of this Spanish delicacy.

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The fact that jamon is made in Spain and prosciutto in Italy is no secret. It is a mistake to think that these are the same products that are simply made in different countries. The difference between the Spanish and Italian climates is small, but still there. The climate of Italy is milder and more humid, which in turn affects the pigs. The meat of local pigs is fatter and more tender than that of their Spanish counterparts.


Taste pork meat directly depends on the nutrition, which in Italian and Spanish pigs is fundamentally different from each other. Italian pigs are fed fruit, corn and whey, which remains after parmesan is cooked. Pigs for hamot are fed cork acorns and fodder.

These cardinal differences in nutrition greatly affect the taste of pork meat.

Cooking method

This is the most important difference that makes the difference between the taste of jamon and prosciutto. Jamon is abundantly covered with salt, and dried in a dry place for 48 months in a closed, dry room. Sometimes the drying process takes less time, about two years. Prosciutto is also dried and sprinkled big amount salt. But, unlike jamon, a certain level of air humidity is maintained for this delicacy. As a result, hamot is dry and a little harsh, and prosciutto is tender and juicy.

How to eat jamon

To fully enjoy the rich rich taste jamon, it needs to be cut thin slices. The thinner - the brighter you will feel the taste. For cutting, it is best to use a special hamonero knife. If you don't have one, try to get just a good sharp kitchen knife. Before the cutting procedure, you can even sharpen the knife a little.

It is best to use jamon with dry red wine or dark beer. As an additional snack, you can use various varieties cheese and fruit.

Varieties of jamon

Jamon Serrano: made from the ham of a domestic white pig. This type of jamon is considered the most inexpensive. Most Spaniards can afford to eat it every day.

Depending on the duration of felting, the following types of serrato are distinguished:

Curado- dried for 7 months;

Reserva- dried for 9 months;

bodega- dried for 12 months.

Jamon Iberico: This type of jamon is made from the ham of a black semi-wild pig, and it is the most expensive of all types. It is almost impossible to try it in Ukraine, as the Spaniards prefer not to send this jamon for export. This variety is also divided into two types:

Recebro- pigs for such jamon are fed with ordinary livestock feed almost all their lives, and the remaining 2-3 months before slaughter on wild pastures among oaks.

Bellota- this variety is made exclusively from wild pigs that have grazed all their lives on pastures and fed on cork tree acorns.

How to eat prosciutto

Prosciutto, like jamon, is usually eaten in thin slices. Italians add this type of ham wherever it can be added: pizza, salads, snacks, sandwiches, etc. The combination of prosciutto with melon and red wine is considered traditional. Melon is usually salted and peppered a little before eating, although it goes well with prosciutto without that. As for the drink, you can experiment with white wine or soft varieties beer.

Varieties of prosciutto

All types of prosciutto are made from ordinary white pigs. Depending on the method of preparation, the following types of prosciutto are distinguished:

crudo: To prepare this kind of prosciutto, the pork leg is first sprinkled with plenty of salt and then dried in the sun. It is this type of pork that the Italians refer to as "prosciutto".

Cotto: to get cotto, the pork leg is first boiled and then felled. In fact, it turns out ordinary ham, which, in principle, is not considered an expensive delicacy.

What is better prosciutto or ham?

It's like choosing between lard and pickles. Ideally, both delicacies should appear on the table, as they complement each other perfectly. Everything else depends on the mood and taste preferences. No one can predict what kind you like. But one thing is for sure: every person in his life must definitely try both jamon and prosciutto.

Last modified: September 22, 2018

Translated from Italian, "prosciutto" means nothing more than "ham". It is the name of the product that defines that part of the pork carcass, from which the main Italian delicacy, prosciutto, is made. But not every domestic or farm pig can produce high-quality jerky. back leg or a steam cut from the thigh.

Animals are grown for this in special conditions, fattening - somewhere with corn and fruits, and somewhere with whey obtained during the preparation of parmesan. finished product used alone or as an addition to various dishes. Prosciutto does not require additional heat treatment, and thinly sliced ​​​​delicacy slices can go well even with melon and figs.

Prosciutto with melon slices

Each region of Italy has its own secret of using spices for prosciutto. Some types of ham are made using only sea salt without additional ingredients. An important factor is that producers of real prosciutto do not use preservatives and flavorings, which makes the product not only tasty and recognizable, but also useful and truly dietary. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that from the age of one, many parents introduce Italian ham in the diet of their children. In addition, the ham dried using a special technology, having a high nutritional value, is part of a variety of diets.

And it is also worth noting that the production of prosciutto is subjected to constant checks in Italy on the part of the Quality Control Bodies, in connection with which, a product that does not meet accepted standards is never put on sale. And the manufacturers themselves maintain their brand and prestige, trying to at least outdo competitors in some way.

Prosciutto - national product Italy

The Italians claim that the national delicacy appeared more than two thousand years ago, but there is an opinion that the Etruscans were the first to produce prosciutto back in the 6th-5th centuries. BC. Be that as it may, in the 1st century BC. The technology of making ham by the ancient Romans was described by the popular encyclopedist and scientist of that time Mark Terentius Varro. One of his works was dedicated to agriculture. To date, there are many types of ham made in different countries. But a real dried ham called prosciutto is an exclusively Italian product!

How to make prosciutto

The main component of a well-made prosciutto, in addition to high-quality pork ham, is good combination three components - sea salt, defined temperature regime and holding time. And indeed, their correct combination depends taste qualities prosciutto. By the way, the duration of drying is reflected in the cost of the product. It is noteworthy that the delicious ham is made only from pigs raised in Italy. Raw meat, as, indeed, ready-made meat, is not subject to even minimal freezing. Otherwise, the original taste of the delicacy will be irretrievably lost.

Prosciutto crudo

According to the method of preparation, prosciutto is divided into two types:

  • prosciutto crudo - dry-cured ham on the bone;
  • prosciutto cotto - the steamed part of the cut from the back leg.

Sometimes meat is more Low quality, for example, the shoulder part prepared using cotto technology is called prosciutto, which is not entirely true. Also, prosciutto does not include the hind legs of sheep, wild boars, aurochs and deer.
As mentioned earlier, sea salt is used in the manufacture of traditional prosciutto. But each manufacturer has its own secrets for adding seasonings. It can be:

  • local herbs;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • Bay leaf;
  • juniper berries;
  • rosemary, etc.

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Prosciutto crudo Prosciutto crudo

Prosciutto crudo is subjected to dry salting, after which the ham is first laid out on racks, and only then it is hung up and sent for a long time to rooms where a certain humidity and temperature regime is maintained. The mummification process takes several months, during which the meat is periodically checked for smell by piercing the leg with special sticks. Often the hams are lightly smoked.

Prosciutto crudo

The pulp of prosciutto turns out to be dense and, at the same time, tender and elastic, and slight fatty inclusions acquire a brilliant white hue. The color of the meat depends on the conditions and exposure time. It can be both pink and brown-red. The longer the ham is dried, the more pronounced becomes its somewhat sweetish and unusually pleasant taste. Cutting prosciutto requires a handy holder called Tagliere per prosciutto, as well as a thin long knife.

Tagliere per prosciutto for slicing ham

Without these devices, it can be too difficult to cope with a pig's leg. By the way, keeping prosciutto in the refrigerator is not recommended, so Italians tend to buy just as much delicacy prosciutto cotto ham as they need for dinner. Fortunately, they do not need to stock up!

Prosciutto cotto Prosciutto cotto

Meat for prosciutto cotto satiate brine, in which it may be a small amount of preservatives and flavor additives– in the norm allowed by the most stringent standards. After that, whole pieces are placed in special molds and sent to steam chambers, after which they are smoked or not smoked. Cotto is more like a high quality ham sausage.

Delicate Prosciutto cotto

The ham is cut into the thinnest wide plates, which are used as cold cuts or used in cooking different dishes. They can be rolled into rolls, filling various fillings and lightly grilled.

What are the types of prosciutto

Own tradename Prosciutto is derived from the area where the product is produced. And those varieties that do not have a strict binding to the region are defined as nostrani or nazionali. There are a lot of types of prosciutto, so let's talk about some of them.

Parma ham

Prosciutto di Parma, or Parma ham, is famous all over the world. She's different exquisite taste, intense aroma, thin layers of fat, and pink. It is stamped with the crown of the Duchy of Parma.

Prosciutto di Parma with hallmark

Pig legs of 9-10-month-old hogs are supplied from ten Italian regions, and prosciutto is produced in the north of the country, in the eastern part of the province of Parma. Fresh hams weigh 12-13 kg, and ready - 7-8 kg without bone and 9.5-10.5 - on the bone. Notably, a different weight of Parma ham is a cull and has a lower price. In the production of hams, only salt and pork fat are used, which are coated with the open part of the leg. The hams are dried for at least 12 months.

Tuscan prosciutto

Prosciutto Toscano is sprinkled with spicy salt, herbs, always pepper and seasonings. The meat is distinguished by various internal shades of red, a low content of fatty layers, thin and, at the same time, complex taste. The finished ham weighs 7.5-10 kg. It has a kind of arched cut. Prosciutto Toscano is protected by the DOP abbreviation, which guarantees the originality of the name and the geographical origin of the product.

Prosciutto di Modena

Prosciutto di Modena has been known since Roman times. During long trips warriors thus preserved meat in salt. TO distinctive features The product features a bright red color of the ham in the cut, an intense aroma combined with a sweetish-salty taste. The process of preparing Prosciutto di Modena includes a double operation of dry salting, covering the "meat" side with a mixture of fat, flour, salt and spices, and aging for at least 14 months. The product is also marked with the DOP abbreviation.

Prosciutto di Venticano

Prosciutto di Venticano is characterized long term aging - more than 18 months and the fact that processing pork feet produced in one municipal area of ​​the Campagna region, and cured hams in another. The finished meat is soft to the touch, delicate in taste and pink with white streaks in the cut. And this is despite the fact that it has been drying for 1.5 years! On the bone, the ham weighs 9-11 kg, and without the bone - 7.5-9 kg.

Piadina with prosciutto

Manufacturers produce many more types of prosciutto, which can be talked about for a long time. Each of them has its own history, features, appearance, taste and even geographical affiliation. But in general, they are all appetizing, tender and original. Italians carefully keep traditions, recipes and their own secrets of preparing a national delicacy.

Prosciutto - what you need to know about the main Italian delicacy?



Raw cured meat can be found in many countries, but in Italy it is special. Prosciutto is a dried ham, Italians treat it with special trepidation. To get superbly salted meat, which glows in the sun when sliced, fragrant, Italians sometimes work on it for as long as 2 years, but this is ideally, on average, prosciutto is made in 2 months.

In Italy, prosciutto is eaten with ciabatta (local bread), with fruits, more often with melon, added to salads, pasta, pizza, focaccia, risotto, soups. The most delicious local panino (toast) is considered to be a slice of ciabatta with slices of prosciutto and cheese, which is heated in the oven, because melted cheese goes well with prosciutto.

Cured meat in Italy since the time of the ancient Romans. Prosciutto is now made in almost every region of Italy. Ham differs in taste, size, degree of salting, degree of maturation and composition of spices.

In Italy, the word prosciutto is understood in two categories meat products. "Prosciutto crudo" - all dry-cured variations that are not subjected to heat treatment. "Prosciutto cotto" - thermally processed salted meat (ham). It must be emphasized that boiled ham in Italy it is not very popular, for this reason, the name prosciutto is more often understood as dry-cured ham. The varieties are protected by DOP and IGP, which guarantees their high quality.

  • Parma ham (Prosciutto di Parma DOP)

Parma ham has a sweet, refined taste, intense aroma and high calorie. traditional recipe suggests only the presence of salt, no nitrites and spices. The famous ham is made in the eastern part of the province of Parma. The main secret is the principle of fattening pigs, they are fed with cheese products. In a pig that has reached a certain mass, the ham should weigh 12-13 kg. The ham is salted quite a bit so that the sweetish taste is preserved. After salting, the ham is allowed to “rest” in cold store, then a layer is applied to its surface pork fat, which prevents excessive drying and allows you to increase the ripening process up to 12-24 months. By the end of this period, the weight of the ham with the bone removed is 7-8 kg, together with the bone 9.5-10.5 kg. If the weight of the ham differs from the standard, its quality is considered insufficient and the cost is reduced.
Parma ham is served with wines from the region. Parma ham is thinly sliced ​​and served with melon. Parma ham is an essential ingredient in classic

  • Prosciutto di San Daniele (Prosciutto di San Daniele DOP)

Prosciutto di San Daniele is produced in Friuli, a region that boasts DOC protected ham. Controlled naming regulations in the EU require ham producers to use exclusively fresh pig meat from the region. In Friuli, the best prosciutto comes from the svens from Valpadana, which weigh up to 200 kg, so their hams are simply huge.
Over time, the way they are harvested has not changed much. Select the desired pieces of meat and give them the desired shape, removing the skin and fat. After bringing beauty, the hams are sorted by size and weighed, since the duration of salting depends on the mass: a ham of 13 kg should lie under a layer of salt for 13 days. Sometimes a day or two is added to this period, but, in general, salting requires less time than other harvesting methods. When the ham is salted, it is pressed so that the remaining liquid in it comes out completely. As a result, the meat becomes even more compact and acquires a characteristic appearance. Then, for at least 10, and usually 12-13 months, the ham matures in pantries around San Daniele, whose climate is especially favorable - because there the mountain air mixes with the sea breeze.

For the preparation of this type of ham, only sea salt is used. The mass of the ham must be at least 10 kg. The ham is salted with the hoof, after salting the meat is pressed to remove excess moisture. The open cut is sealed with a mixture of lard, flour, salt and pepper. Prosciutto di San Daniele marble cut. Prosciutto is served with bread, fruit and white wine.

  • Prosciutto from Modena (Prosciutto di Modena DOP)

The ham is salted with salt. The finished ham weighs from 7 to 10 kg. The surface of the ham is amber or dark brown, depending on the exposure time.
Consume this species prosciutto with figs, melon, watermelon, young wines.
Prosciutto is used as a filling for tortellini di Modena

  • Prosciutto from Tuscany (Prosciutto Toscano DOP)

Prosciutto is distinguished by a large amount of salt and a grout of flour, garlic, pepper and herbs. The ham ripens for 10 months. Served with prosciutto and bread olive oil.

  • Prosciutto from Veneto Berico-Euganeo (Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo DOP)

This type of prosciutto, the pride of the Veneto region, has a tender, soft meat that is used in many dishes. Italian cuisine, incl. and hot.

  • Prosciutto from Carpegna (Prosciutto di Carpegna DOP)

The ham matures within 14 months. It is distinguished by the aroma of spices and special softness. Suitable for appetizers with toast. Excellent digestibility.

  • Prosciutto from Sauris (Prosciutto di Sauris IGP)

This type of prosciutto differs from many others in that it is lightly smoked. Dried for 10 months with the addition of garlic and herbs. Served with dry wine.

  • Crudo from Cuneo (Crudo di Cuneo DOP)

Vinegar is used in the production process. The ham has a sharp taste, ideal for salads with cheese and bread.

Prosciutto at home (make in the off-season)

For cooking you will need:

  • ham protected and processed 10 kg.
  • sea ​​salt 3 kg.
  • brown cane sugar 500 g
  • ground black pepper
  • dried berries juniper
  • garlic powder
  • preservatives (sodium nitrate and nitrite)

Rub the ham with the above mixture, wrap in a cotton cloth to absorb liquid, then wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate the ham for 15 days.
Repeat the procedure with salt and spices. Wrap in a clean cloth, cling film and refrigerate again for 15 days.
Dip the meat in warm water for 30 minutes to wash off the salt. Hang the ham in a draft and cold air of at least 5 degrees for 6 hours. Then put in a warm room for 3 days.
Mix fat with black pepper, flour and seal (cover the cut). Hang the ham for 30 or more days at 15 degrees Celsius and 70% relative humidity.

And finally, I want to tell you the simplest and one of delicious recipes serving prosciutto to the table. To do this, you actually need slices of prosciutto and fresh figs which should be cut into thin slices. Take a dish and put on it alternating slices of prosciutto and slices of figs. Drizzle with olive oil and drizzle fragrant honey- An excellent and nutritious snack is ready.

Article prepared Natalia Petrova, specially for the site

Photo: bobrowska, @ ingridhs

We are not being ironic at all. The best dry-cured ham from Parma is marked with a ducal crown, and the famous Iberico jamon is worthy royal table. Yes, and not everyone can afford it - this is the most expensive variety pork ham delicacy. Let's try to figure out how serrano jamon differs from Iberico jamon, how to choose the right prosciutto and what is better to serve with.

Jamon - a delicacy with a two-thousand-year history

Jamon - the national treasure of Spain - owes its birth to the campaigns of Roman legionnaires. The army had to be fed. And what is the best way to preserve meat - of course, salting it and protecting it from spoilage. Long ago, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, peasants came up with a way to store pork until the summer, or even a whole year. A specially prepared ham of a pig of the local Iberian breed was rubbed with sea salt, kept in the basement at a temperature close to zero for two to three weeks, and then removed extra salt and hung the ham by the hoof in a cool room.

There he ripened, gradually saturated with salt and acquiring unique taste and aroma. Jamon is usually aged for 9 to 12 months before serving. A the best varieties reach maturity within three years. The older the ham, the richer its flavor. The readiness of the jamon is checked by piercing the finished ham with a long bone needle. If it has reached the desired density and has a characteristic aroma, the jamon is ready.

You can taste jamon not only in Spain. In large supermarkets, you have probably seen whole pork hams with a hoof placed on special stands (hamoners). By the way, it is by the hoof that the variety of jamon is determined. Serrano jamon is made from the meat of ordinary white pigs. But real Iberico is made from the ham of a black half-wild pig, which roams freely in the mountains and feeds on holm oak acorns. The hoof of such a pig is black. The most expensive type of jamon - Bellota - in translation, in fact, means - an acorn. The cost of such a delicacy is high. This is a festive meal.

Parma ham and features of its preparation

And now a few words about prosciutto - dry-cured ham from Parma. For the manufacture of signature dish the ham of a white pig of the Large White, Landrance or Duroc breed is taken. Pigs must be raised exclusively in the north or in the center of Italy - in the province of Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio and others. But the special climate necessary for cooking Italian delicacy, is found only in some valleys near Parma. Only five hundred farms that are part of the consortium have the right to produce original Parma ham according to old recipes. The ripening period of prosciutto is from 6 to 30 months. There is another kind of elite delicacy - San Daniele ham. For its production, pigs are fattened in a special way, chestnuts and parmesan whey are added to food.

The main production is concentrated in the Italian town of Langirano. They say that there is a favorable microclimate on the hillside, and a constant fresh breeze blows, which is absolutely necessary for the uniform ripening of the ham. By the way, here the hams are salted and dried using a technology similar to the production of jamon. But the room in which the future ham ripens must be made with windows on both sides - for ventilation.

Parma ham differs from jamon in a more pink color, softness and juiciness. It is best to store it in the refrigerator. But jamon can be stored even at room cool temperature for at least six months. The main thing is that after cutting off the next portion, grease the surface of the ham with olive oil or other fat and cover with a clean cloth.

How to properly serve jamon to the table

Cutting jamon correctly is a real art. In Spain, this is done by specially trained people - cortadors. They deftly cut the thinnest, translucent ham slices along the fibers. Eating such a delicacy, putting it on bread like a regular sandwich, is simply a sin. The same rules apply to parma ham, especially its most expensive varieties, marked with a hallmark in the form of a ducal crown.

It is believed that it is best to cut thin, almost transparent slices of dry-cured ham and serve them to the table as cold appetizer with figs, melon, grapes or honey. Yes, the savory combination of sweet and salty exacerbates taste sensations and perfectly sets off the taste of a Spanish or Italian delicacy. Believe it or not, in Spain they even eat creamy ice cream with jamon chips and a drop of honey. From wines it is recommended to serve aged red wine, sherry or a glass of Spanish champagne - Cava.

Prepare a plate with a delicacy - jamon and slices of fresh melon, pour a glass of wine - and enjoy!