Cooking lasagna step by step. Cooking homemade lasagna using the best recipes

Connoisseurs of Italian dishes will definitely take into account, in addition to examples of classic pizza, a recipe for a dish such as lasagna. What is lasagna in a nutshell? These are layers of unleavened dough, rolled out thinly, between which some kind of minced meat is laid, each layer is poured with sauce. Then all this splendor is baked in the oven. So, a recipe for homemade lasagna with bechamel sauce.

Recipe for lasagne with minced meat and béchamel sauce

A hearty version of lasagna. Although in summer it is customary to cook lasagna in Italy with vegetables or mushrooms.

The most important thing is to buy sheets of lasagna dough (usually sold in the pasta department). However, you can prepare such thin sheets yourself from ordinary unleavened dumplings or dumplings. The main thing is to roll them out very thin, like cutting noodles.

In addition to packing lasagna sheets (half of this pack, you don’t need much), you will need: milk (one liter), dry red wine (five tablespoons), olive or vegetable oil (two spoons), wheat flour (50 grams), one onion , butter (50 grams), one carrot, salt and pepper, a pinch of nutmeg, minced beef, chicken or pork, hard cheese (200 grams), tomato paste (2 spoons).

Preparing Bechamel sauce

For it, you need to melt the butter in a saucepan or cauldron, pour in flour, stirring vigorously, pour in half a glass of milk in a thin stream, and also stir vigorously. Now add the heated remaining milk in a thin stream (leave another half glass of it for the filling) into the cauldron. Add nutmeg, salt, and other spices as desired. Cook while stirring until slightly thickened. If you didn't mix well and there are lumps left in the sauce, just rub them through a sieve. Leave the sauce aside. Let him insist.

Preparing the filling

Chop the onion, chop the carrots or cut them into small cubes (vegetables are naturally peeled before doing this). Vegetables are sautéed in butter or vegetable oil. Minced meat is added to them and everything is fried together for three minutes. Tomato paste is added to the contents (you can dilute it in water so that it is not too thick), wine, pepper, and salt. The heat is reduced, the milk that we left for minced meat is added. Simmer the filling for 20 minutes. And turn off the fire.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Place the dough sheets on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, or preferably in a rectangular shape. Place a small layer of minced meat on the dough, pour over the sauce, and sprinkle with cheese. Again a layer of dough leaves, again minced meat, sauce, cheese. Dough again, then minced meat, sauce, cheese. That is, you should get three layers. The lasagna is baked until done in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Served in portions on separate plates.

Italian lasagna is loved by many today. Some historians believe that how to make lasagna or a dish similar to it was known back in Ancient Rome. The preparation of lasagna in its modern form originates in the province of Emilia-Romagna, from where the lasagne recipe spread throughout Italy. To this day, lasagna is considered a classic dish of the city of Bologna, located in this province. That is why the classic lasagna is lasagna bolognese. In addition, almost every province or city has its own lasagna recipe For example, in Naples there is Neapolitan lasagna, in Sicily there is Sicilian lasagna. The cooking recipe allowed for experimentation and the use of different products.

A few words about how to make lasagna dough. If you are interested in lasagna, this dough recipe should not scare you away. It is advisable to knead the dough for lasagna from durum wheat flour, which is usually used to make pasta. The recipe for lasagna dough is quite simple: flour, eggs, water, salt, olive oil. There is one note on the question of how to prepare lasagna sheets: you need to knead for a long time to get a plastic lasagne dough. The cooking recipe calls for just such a test. Today in the supermarket you can easily buy ready-made layers for lasagna, lasagna recipe after this it will become much easier for you. But even if you haven’t found lasagna sheets, we will advise you how to cook lasagna without them. So, there is pasta lasagna, puff pastry lasagna, pita lasagna, lazy lasagna, and even pancake lasagna. Lasagna, a pita bread recipe, is often referred to as a lazy lasagna recipe. It should also be added that traditionally 6 layers of dough are used, this is how classic lasagna is prepared, the recipe for which was invented in Bologna.

We have already told you how to prepare dough for lasagna, now it’s time to talk about how to prepare lasagna. Lasagna recipes There are many, the filling for lasagna can be very different. There is meat lasagna, lean lasagna or vegetarian lasagna, mushroom lasagna, fish lasagna, seafood lasagna, vegetable lasagna, cheese lasagna. Cheese lasagna is made with ricotta or mozzarella cheese. But if you are interested in lasagna Bolognese, this recipe allows the use of only Parmesan cheese. This lasagna recipe can be complex or simple, depending on the amount of lasagna ingredients. In short, the choice is very large, for every taste: lasagna with meat or lasagna with minced meat, lasagna with chicken, lasagna with mushrooms, lasagna with chicken and mushrooms, lasagna with minced meat and mushrooms.

If you cannot live without meat, a recipe for lasagna with minced meat or a recipe for meat lasagna, a recipe for lasagna with chicken will suit you. All that remains is to find out how to cook lasagna with minced meat: to do this, look at the lasagna with minced meat recipe, how to cook lasagna with minced meat or lasagna with minced meat recipe with photos. If you are on a diet or a vegetarian, prepare vegetable lasagna, pasta lasagna recipe, mushroom lasagna recipe. Lasagna with vegetables, for example, potato lasagna, will be healthy and tasty. If you're looking for a more sophisticated recipe, spinach lasagna is for you. By the way, sometimes you can see on a package with green sheets of lasagna the inscription “lasagna with spinach” - this means that grated spinach was added to the lasagna dough.

The best sauce for lasagna is bechamel. Bechamel sauce is for lasagna what mayonnaise is for Olivier. Of course, you can buy bechamel for lasagna, but it’s better to make it yourself. This is the most delicious lasagna sauce; the bechamel recipe is not that complicated. You will need butter, flour, milk, salt, pepper and a dash of nutmeg to make the béchamel sauce. The recipe for lasagna is the same as for other dishes.

Many people don't know how to cook lasagna at home. Nothing complicated, we will assume that you have already decided on the lasagna recipe and you have the necessary products for the filling and lasagna dough. A lasagna recipe at home may not be much different from a restaurant one - the main thing is to have a strong desire to cook some delicious lasagna. For example, this could be a recipe for lasagna with meat, lasagna with cheese and ham, or vegetable lasagna. The recipe for homemade lasagna is generally very simple and resembles filled pancakes. That is, you simply transfer the ingredients of the lasagna, be sure to use cheese and butter, and bake it all in the oven. If you have all the necessary ingredients, preparing lasagna at home is not difficult. Of course, it would be nice to have a rectangular shape at home, although pancake lasagna will help you solve this problem too. At the restaurant lasagna cooked in the oven, lasagna at home is cooked in the oven. But lasagna in the microwave also has the right to be eaten. Everything basic is simple and now you know how to cook lasagna at home.

By the way, not only Italians know how to cook lasagna. Lasagna recipes are easy to come up with on your own. The Poles, by the way, have also known for a long time how lasagna is prepared; they call this recipe “lazanka”. So experiment, come up with your own way of preparing lasagna, you will probably end up with your own original lasagna, send us a photo to show off. And your own lasagna recipe with photos, your personalized lasagna recipe with photos will decorate our website.

Classic lasagna is an incredible dish of traditional Italian cuisine. A large number of ingredients, a delicate combination of vegetables and meat, cooked in layers, give it satiety and richness of taste. This dish will decorate both a regular and a festive table. And it will definitely surprise your guests!

Classic lasagna recipewith bechamel sauceb

Lasagna with béchamel sauce is a classic Italian recipe. And an essential component of real lasagna is, of course, bechamel sauce. Cooking lasagna seems very difficult to some, but in fact, anyone can do it. With a little effort, you will conquer even a true Italian!

Portions: 6

Cooking time: 1 hour 40 min.

2 hours 20 minutes. Seal

Bon appetit!

Lasagna with minced meat in the oven

Lasagna with minced meat in the oven is a recipe for an incredible layer pie with meat and vegetables. Prepared according to special Italian traditions, it will turn out very fragrant and will become a real decoration of the holiday menu. Even gourmets will appreciate this dish!

Portions: 8

Cooking time: 90 min.


  • Lasagne sheets – 9 pcs.
  • Cheese – 350 gr.
  • Flour – 80 gr.
  • Butter (butter) – 80 gr.
  • Garlic – 4 pcs.
  • Milk – 800 ml.
  • Minced meat – 1 kg.
  • Tomatoes – 500 gr.
  • Onion – 200 gr.
  • Carrots – 150 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the onions and carrots, wash the vegetables and cut the onions into small cubes, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Finely chop the garlic cloves.
  3. We wash the tomatoes and remove the stems, then cut them into pieces and put them in a blender.
  4. Mix all prepared ingredients in a heated and oiled frying pan. We will fry them well until golden brown.
  5. Salt the minced meat and add spices (you can add any you like, as well as herbs).
  6. Add the minced meat to the vegetable frying and mix. Fry for a few minutes, then stir and fry until fully cooked.
  7. Heat the oil in a separate container (saucepan or coffee maker). Pour milk and flour into it, as well as spices and salt, stir to get rid of lumps and bring the mixture to a boil.
  8. Remove from heat. The lasagna sauce is ready.
  9. Now let's get to the main part. Place lasagna sheets in a baking dish. We put part of our frying on them and fill them with sauce (about 1/3 of the total amount), and sprinkle pieces of grated cheese on top.
  10. Place the lasagne sheets back and repeat the procedure.

Bon appetit!

Tip: in classic lasagna, mince is made from pork or beef. But chicken lasagna also turns out very tasty. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Step-by-step recipe for classic Italian lasagna

Classic Italian lasagna is the national symbol of Italian cuisine. Its unique taste is known and loved far beyond Italy. You can prepare this lasagna at home, because special dough can be found on store shelves. So, be a little patient, and you will be able to please your loved ones with an incredible rich aroma!

Portions: 6

Cooking time: 40 min.


  • Minced meat (pork/beef) – 600 gr.
  • Bolognese sauce – 600 gr.
  • Butter – 65 gr.
  • Flour – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk – 700 ml.
  • Lasagna sheets – 10 pcs.
  • Cheese – 500 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the butter in a saucepan, put it on low heat and wait until it melts. Then add olive oil and flour, mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Pour in milk and add spices. Leave the mixture until ready. In thickness it should resemble low-fat sour cream. The sauce is ready.
  3. Heat a frying pan, grease it with oil and lay out the minced meat seasoned with spices and salt. Fry it for a few minutes, then add the Bolognese sauce and fry until done.
  4. Set the oven to heat up to 180 degrees. Grease the pan with oil and pour a little sauce on top. Then lay out the lasagna sheets. We put minced meat on top of them, and grated cheese on them and again pour the sauce we prepared (don’t skimp on the sauce, you want the lasagna to be juicy).
  5. Coat the next layer of lasagna sheets with sauce and repeat: place minced meat, cheese and sauce on top. Leave the ingredients to soak for 10 minutes. Place the pan in the oven for about half an hour.

Bon appetit!

Juicy vegetable lasagna at home

Vegetable lasagna is a very tasty and juicy variation of the classic Italian dish. And during the harvest season, you just need to cook something unusual. Vegetable lasagna turns out to be much more tender and not as high in calories as meat lasagna. Your loved ones will be delighted!

Portions: 9

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 min.


  • Eggplants – 300 gr.
  • Zucchini – 200 gr.
  • Tomatoes - pcs.
  • Pepper (red and yellow) – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Milk – 600 ml.
  • Flour – 40 gr.
  • Cream – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter (butter) – 40 gr.
  • Oil (vegetable) – 2 tbsp.
  • Cheese – 200 gr.
  • Lasagna dough – 1 package

Cooking process:

  1. Preheat the oven and grease the baking dish with vegetable oil.
  2. Wash the vegetables, let them dry and cut into small pieces.
  3. Season the vegetable mixture with cream, season with spices, add salt and place in the oven to bake for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Let's prepare the sauce. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add flour through a strainer and stir. Add milk and wait until the mixture boils. After this, cook until thickened.
  5. Boil the lasagna dough. To do this, put it in a bowl and pour boiling water on top. Leave until ready for 10 minutes.
  6. Place the finished dough in a separate form. Place the vegetable mixture on it and pour plenty of sauce over it. Repeat layer of dough, vegetables and sauce. At the end, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Bon appetit!

Simple and delicious lasagna recipewith minced meat and tomatoes

Lasagna with minced meat and tomatoes is a real gastronomic masterpiece, although all the ingredients are very familiar and can definitely be found in the refrigerator. Lasagna with minced meat and tomatoes will delight you with subtle notes of tomato and exquisite bechamel sauce. This dish will not leave anyone indifferent!

Portions: 8

Cooking time: 50 min.


  • Minced meat (beef) – 400 gr.
  • Milk – 390 ml.
  • Tomatoes – 5-6 pcs.
  • Cheese – 200 gr.
  • Onion – 100 gr.
  • Butter – 30 gr.
  • Lasagne sheets– 9 pcs.
  • Garlic – 2 pcs.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Pepper, salt - to taste

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the onion and cut it into small squares. Chop the garlic cloves. Place everything in a frying pan and fry for just a couple of minutes.
  2. Add the minced meat, mix and fry for about half an hour.
  3. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop them, season with spices and put in the oven to simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Let's start preparing the sauce. To do this, melt the butter, add flour to it, mix and pour in milk. Let it simmer over low heat until the mixture resembles liquid sour cream. Let the sauce cool.
  5. Place lasagna sheets on a baking sheet, and place the minced meat on them, then the sauce and finally grated cheese. We repeat the procedure twice more. Place the baking sheet to bake for 20 minutes.
  6. In 20 minutes. Take out the lasagna, sprinkle it with tomatoes and sprinkle cheese on top again. Place back in the oven for another 20 minutes.

Lasagna is ready for the table! Bon appetit!

Delicious classic lasagna with chicken

Chicken lasagna is a delicious twist on a classic Italian dish. In order for the lasagna to turn out well, pay attention to the quality of the products, especially the dough and flour for the bechamel sauce. Don't be lazy and buy the best ingredients. Then even real Italians will not be able to resist your masterpiece!

Portions: 6

Cooking time: 60 min.


  • Pasta sheets for lasagna- 1 package
  • Chicken breast – 600 gr.
  • Cheese – 300 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Champignons – 200 gr.
  • Milk – 1 pack
  • Butter – 120 gr.
  • Flour – 100 gr.
  • Nutmeg – 1 pc.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the chicken breast and cut it into small squares on a cutting board.
  2. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Peel and chop the onion.
  3. Boil water and pour it over the tomatoes, leave for half an hour.
  4. Take them out of the water, remove the skin and cut them into pieces.
  5. Fry the chopped onion until golden and add chicken pieces to it. Stir and fry for 5-7 minutes on both sides.
  6. We divide the champignons into small parts. And we send them to the frying pan for ready-frying. Add salt and spices and leave to simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  7. At this time, prepare the sauce. Place the butter in a deep container and bring it to a liquid consistency. Add flour and mix thoroughly. Fry the mixture for a couple of minutes, and then pour in the milk and add the nutmeg. Stir and keep on fire until the mixture becomes viscous.
  8. We take the form in which we will bake the lasagna. Lubricate it with oil and then with a little prepared sauce. Take the lasagna sheets and place them in the pan. Place chicken filling on top of them. Now add tomatoes and cheese.
  9. Let's make another layer like this. Only now generously coat the sheets with sauce.
  10. Place the lasagna in the oven to bake. Let stand for about half an hour.

Ready! Bon appetit!

How to cook lasagna with mushrooms at home?

Lasagna with mushrooms will definitely appeal to lovers of Italian cuisine. The mushroom filling will give lasagna a completely new, light and delicious taste. This original combination of ingredients will definitely surprise everyone!

Portions: 6

Cooking time: 1 hour 15 min.


  • Flour – 590 gr.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Minced meat – 350 gr.
  • Mushrooms – 300 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Cheese – 200 gr.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Salt, seasoning - to taste
  • Milk – 450 gr.
  • Butter -65 gr.
  • Nutmeg – 1 pc.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and add 340 g. flour. Mix the lasagna dough. If the dough is too thick, add water.
  2. Fry the minced meat in a frying pan.
  3. Cut the onion and carrots into small pieces and fry until golden brown.
  4. Remove the peel from the tomatoes, cut into 4 parts, pour into a blender bowl and grind into a pulp.
  5. Boil the mushrooms and cut into small squares.
  6. Combine minced meat and vegetables, add spices and salt. Simmer the mixture on the fire for half an hour.
  7. For the sauce, melt the butter in a frying pan, mix it with flour and milk, add nutmeg and other seasonings to taste. Place on low heat and simmer until the sauce thickens and resembles liquid sour cream.
  8. Roll out the dough and divide into 4 parts. Place the first layer on a baking sheet, grease it with sauce, and put mushroom and minced meat filling on top, fill it with sauce and cover it with cheese. Repeat layers 3 more times. Cover the last layer thoroughly with oil.
  9. Place the lasagna in the oven for half an hour.

Bon appetit!

Homemade lasagna with pita bread

Lasagna with pita bread is an original take on a classic Italian dish. This base will perfectly replace classic pasta dough and preserve its unique taste. Choose your favorite filling, add tomatoes or champignons and invite guests!

Portions: 6

Cooking time: 1 hour 10 min.


  • Lavash – 5 sheets
  • Bulbs – 2 pcs.
  • Minced meat – 500 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 700 gr.
  • Flour – 40 gr.
  • Butter (butter) – 40 gr.
  • Milk – 400 ml.
  • Cheese – 150 gr.
  • Seasoning, salt, nutmeg - to taste

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the onion and chop finely. Place in a frying pan and fry until golden brown. Then add the minced meat, mix, add seasonings and salt and fry for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into several slices or pieces. And simmer until they become very soft. Now mash them with a fork, forming a homogeneous paste.
  3. We introduce the finished tomatoes into the main frying. Stir and leave over low heat until the liquid evaporates.
  4. In a separate frying pan, prepare the bechamel sauce. To do this, melt the butter, mix it with flour and fry for 5 minutes. After this, add milk, a little grated cheese and nutmeg, add salt and leave on the stove until ready. The finished sauce should resemble sour cream.
  5. Grease the bottom of the baking sheet with oil and place the first sheet of pita bread. Lubricate it with sauce, and place the roast on top, pour it over again with sauce and sprinkle with cheese.
  6. We repeat the procedure with all the sheets of pita bread. Sprinkle the latter with a little more cheese than usual.
  7. Place the lasagna in the oven and bake at 180 degrees until done, about half an hour.

Time to set the table! Bon appetit!

Meat lasagna in tomato sauce

Meat lasagna in tomato sauce is a wonderful decoration for a holiday table. This is a very simple version of classic lasagna. Tomato sauce will saturate the filling well and make it soft and tender, which means you don’t need to add bechamel. Your efforts will definitely be appreciated!

Portions: 4

Cooking time: 50 min.


  • Minced beef – 450 gr.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Pepper – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 2 pcs.
  • Tomato sauce – 800 gr.
  • Ketchup – 80 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 350 gr.
  • Wine vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Spices, salt - to taste
  • Pasta sheets for lasagna – 1 pack
  • Cheese (ricotta) – 450 gr.
  • Cheese (mozzarella) – 400 gr.
  • Cheese (Parmesan) – 100 gr.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Fry the minced beef in a frying pan in vegetable oil.
  2. Wash the vegetables and remove everything unnecessary (skin, petioles, tails, husks). Cut everything into small pieces. And we send the peppers, onions and chopped garlic to fry.
  3. Now mix the vegetables and minced meat and fry for another 5 minutes.
  4. Add tomato sauce, ketchup and chopped tomatoes. Season the roast well with spices.
  5. Place the first layer of lasagna sheets on a baking dish, brush them with our meat frying mixture, and sprinkle grated ricotta and mozzarella cheese on top.
  6. Then add a layer of pasta sheets again and repeat the previous step. Cover the last layer well with Parmesan cheese, cover everything with foil and set to bake at 180 degrees. Bake for about 30 minutes. until fully prepared.
  7. Cool the finished lasagna for 10 minutes.

Let's serve! Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipe for making lazanya in a slow cooker

Lasagna in a slow cooker is a very tasty and easy to prepare Italian dish recipe. The multicooker perfectly maintains one temperature and does not overheat, so all layers of lasagna will be baked evenly. The result will be simply delicious!

A portion: 6

Cooking time: 90 min.


  • Lasagne sheets – 200 gr.
  • Minced meat – 500 gr.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Pepper – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 2 pcs.
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Cheese – 400 gr.
  • Butter (butter) -70 gr.
  • Flour – 70 gr.
  • Milk – 400 ml.
  • Nutmeg – 1 pc.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare bechamel sauce in a multicooker bowl. To do this, spread the butter and set it for 10 minutes until it melts. Now add flour to it and stir well. Set the timer for 5 minutes and fry the mixture. After this, add milk, cheese, nutmeg and spices. Set the frying for 15 minutes, during which time the sauce should acquire the consistency of low-fat sour cream. Pour the sauce into a bowl.
  2. Now chop the onions, carrots and peppers. Fry the mixture until golden brown, then add the minced meat to the vegetables and fry until completely cooked. Season and salt our mixture.
  3. Now we cover the bottom of the multicooker with special parchment. Place the lasagne sheets so that they cover the entire surface. And on top of them we put fried vegetables and meat. Pour the sauce over everything and sprinkle cheese on top. Layer the lasagne again and repeat the whole process. Sprinkle the last layer with cheese as liberally as possible.
  4. Set the multicooker to “stew” mode for an hour.

Take out the lasagna and let it cool. Ready! Bon appetit!

Huge scope for culinary experiments is provided by housewives with such a dish as lasagna. The recipe for preparing it at home is published below. These are selected options with various components - meat, poultry, vegetables, which will allow you to diversify the menu.

According to this recipe, the filling for the treat in question will be based on minced beef. Take half a kilo of it. Other ingredients: 14 sheets of dough, 420 ml of tomato sauce, onion, 70 g of Parmesan, half a stick of butter, 2 large spoons of flour, 4 tbsp. fat milk, salt.

  1. To prepare the sauce, flour is fried in butter. Milk is slowly poured into the resulting mass. After boiling, the liquid is cooked for 12-14 minutes until thickened. You can add salt and white pepper to taste.
  2. The minced meat is finely kneaded with a fork and fried with onion cubes. Next, it is poured with tomato sauce and simmered for about 20 minutes.
  3. Layered sheets of dough - sauce - meat filling - grated parmesan are laid out in a greased form. They repeat until the food runs out. The last layer will turn out cheesy.

Lasagna with minced meat is baked in the oven for 25 minutes.

Chicken recipe

This delicate and simple dish is prepared very quickly, and its taste will definitely delight both guests and family. Ingredients: 12 sheets of dough, 1 tbsp. heavy cream, chicken breast, half a stick of butter, 900 ml of milk, 3 large spoons of flour, 300 g of any hard cheese and 130 g of Parmesan, a pinch of nutmeg, salt.

  1. Poultry fillet is boiled in salted water and finely chopped.
  2. Both types of cheese are grated on a coarse grater.
  3. The chicken is poured with cream and simmered in a frying pan until the liquid thickens. You can immediately add salt to taste.
  4. To make the sauce, flour is fried in melted butter (until golden), then hot milk is poured into the ingredients. The ingredients are mixed well so that no lumps appear.
  5. The sauce is seasoned with salt and nutmeg and then simmered until it thickens.
  6. The mold is greased with the resulting mixture. Next, the first sheet of dough is laid out on it. The layers will be as follows: dough - chicken - two types of cheese - sauce. They repeat until the food runs out.
  7. Bake for 55 minutes in a very hot oven.

The finished dish is served with chopped herbs.

With added mushrooms

You can diversify the traditional Italian recipe by adding champignons. You need to take half a kilo of mushrooms. Ingredients: a pack of lasagna sheets (250 g), 600 g minced chicken, onion, 380 g hard cheese, 1 tbsp. sour cream, salt, 900 ml of milk, 4 large spoons of light flour, half a stick of high-quality butter.

  1. The chicken is boiled until cooked and cut into small pieces.
  2. Finely chopped onion is sautéed until appetizingly golden. Next, the vegetable is fried with thin slices of mushrooms until the latter are ready.
  3. In a separate frying pan, fillet pieces are poured with sour cream. The mass is salted and simmered for 7-8 minutes.
  4. To make the sauce, flour is fried in butter, then milk is poured in, and the mixture is simmered until thickened.
  5. The products are placed in the mold in the following order: sauce - sheet of dough - chicken with sour cream - sauce - grated cheese - sheet of dough - mushrooms with onions - sauce - grated cheese.
  6. The last leaf is generously poured with sauce and sprinkled with cheese.
  7. Cook for 45 minutes in a hot oven.

Lasagna can be served hot or cold.

Vegetarian lasagna with vegetables

For vegetarians there is a separate easy recipe for the dish under discussion. Ingredients: 6 sheets of dough, half a jar of pitted olives, carrots, large bell peppers, 2 tomatoes, 160 ml of water, 2 large spoons of tomato paste, salt, 2 small. spoons of granulated sugar, a mixture of Italian herbs, ready-made bechamel sauce, 180 g of Adyghe cheese and 320 g of any hard cheese.

  1. Grated carrots, sweet pepper slices and tomato cubes are fried in heated oil.
  2. When the vegetables have softened enough, you can salt, sweeten, add water, tomato paste and Italian herbs. The mass will simmer for 7-8 minutes.
  3. Each layer of dough is smeared with sauce, then poured with vegetable filling, sprinkled with a mixture of two types of grated cheese.
  4. The last of them is decorated with halves of olives.
  5. Bake for 45 minutes.

If you wish, you can not fry the tomatoes, but simply cut them into thin slices and place them on top of the vegetable filling.

How to cook from pita bread?

This version of lasagna can be called lazy. For the filling, take half a kilo of mixed minced pork and chicken. The remaining ingredients: 3 sheets of pita bread, onion, garlic to taste, a glass of heavy cream, 2 juicy tomatoes, 230 g of grated cheese, half a stick of butter, 3 large spoons of light flour, a pinch of Italian herbs and nutmeg, salt.

  1. Minced meat with onion cubes are fried to an appetizing crust.
  2. Skinless tomatoes are cut into cubes and poured into the meat. A glass of water is poured there. The mass is simmered until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  3. Flour with chopped garlic is fried in butter. This is where the cream is poured. The sauce is cooked until thickened, stirring constantly. Next it is salted to taste and seasoned with spices.
  4. The cheese is grated on a fine grater.
  5. The first sheet of pita bread is placed in a mold greased with sauce. The filling, grated cheese and more sauce are distributed over it. Layers are repeated.
  6. Lavash lasagna is baked in the oven until golden brown.

It is enough to cook for about half an hour.

With minced meat, tomatoes and cheese

Tomatoes add juiciness to the filling. The main thing is to choose ripe, meaty vegetables. Ingredients: 380 ml cream, a pack of lasagna sheets (250 g), 90 g parmesan, 60 g butter, 40 g light flour, a pinch of nutmeg, salt, onion, 3 tomatoes, carrots, 1.5 tbsp. water, 370 g minced meat.

  1. First, all the chopped vegetables are well fried in hot oil. Then they simmer with the minced meat mashed with a fork. The mass is filled with water and simmered on low heat for 20 minutes.
  2. Bechamel sauce is prepared from butter, flour and cream. It is salted to taste and sprinkled with nutmeg.
  3. The cheese is grated using a coarse grater.
  4. The mold must be greased with sauce so that the bottom of the treat does not dry out. Next, the layers alternate in the following order: sheet of lasagne dough - minced meat with vegetables - cheese - sauce. The last row will turn out cheesy.
  5. Cook for 35-45 minutes at medium oven temperature.

You can use any minced meat, but it is better to choose a mixture of two types of meat.

Pasta recipe with bolognese sauce

You can even use regular pasta cones to make lasagna. They need to take 270 grams. Other ingredients: 2 onions, carrots, 680 g minced meat, 2 large spoons of tomato paste, salt, 3 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. cream, a pinch of a mixture of peppers and nutmeg, 60 g butter, 160 g hard cheese.

  1. For the red sauce, very finely chopped onion and grated carrot are fried until soft. Add minced meat mashed with a fork and a little boiling water to the listed ingredients. The ingredients are simmered together for a couple of minutes.
  2. Next, put tomato cubes without skins and paste into the frying pan. The contents are salted, peppered and simmered until it becomes a sauce for 25 minutes.
  3. For white sauce, flour is fried in butter and poured with hot cream. Nutmeg is added to the mixture. The mixture is simmered until thick.
  4. The pasta is boiled until half cooked. Their first layer is laid out in a mold greased with white sauce. Top with minced meat with vegetables, again white sauce and grated cheese. The layers are repeated until the products run out.
  5. Bake for 35 minutes.

The last layer must be cheesy, which will eventually turn into a golden brown crust.

Lasagne sheets for home - step by step recipe

In order not to buy a ready-made base for the dish under discussion, you can make it yourself. Ingredients: 220 g light flour, small. a spoonful of salt, 2 chicken eggs, a large spoonful of olive oil.

  1. It is convenient to use a food processor in the process. With its help, all ingredients are combined and kneaded well for 15-17 minutes.
  2. The mass will turn out quite stiff and non-sticky. It will infuse in a warm towel for half an hour.
  3. The dough is divided into 6 parts, which are rolled out into lasagne sheets.

The blanks should be very thin.

In a slow cooker

Even a “smart pan” can be used in preparing such a treat. Ingredients: 380 g of minced pork and beef, 2 large spoons of tomato paste and the same amount of flour, salt, 310 ml of fat milk, onion, 80 g of butter, a package of lasagne sheets, 170 g of hard cheese, a pinch of a mixture of peppers and nutmeg .

  1. In the baking program, the onions are fried. After 5-6 minutes the minced meat is added to it. The mass is peppered and salted.
  2. Small cubes of tomatoes without skin are laid out with the listed products. The mixture is cooked until it becomes a sauce. Next, it is transferred to another container, and the bowl of the device is washed.
  3. In the same mode, the flour is fried in butter. There should be no lumps in the mass. When the mixture boils, milk is poured into it. The sauce is flavored with nutmeg. The thickened product can be poured into another container. There is no need to wash the bowl.
  4. The layers of the dish are laid out in the multicooker in the following order: lasagne sheet - white sauce - mixture of vegetables and meat - grated cheese.

Depending on your taste, you can increase the amount of meat used, making the treat even more satisfying.

For me, lasagna has always been the pinnacle of culinary art. A rather labor-intensive dish that requires not so much a colossal amount of time as the preparation of several components, which are complex in themselves. My friend’s wife, having decided to pamper her beloved with something delicious, stood at the stove for half a day, saw how her friend swallowed lasagna in the blink of an eye, and said simply: this is the first and last time. Well, or something like that.

The pasta itself can be purchased, which is very convenient and even makes life easier for cooks, or it can be prepared independently. I saw special kitchen devices for rolling dough into thin layers. I will definitely buy myself such a machine.

There are a surprising number of lasagna filling options. Most often it is a thick meat sauce: Neapolitan, Bolognese sauce or Amatriciana sauce - with minced meat. It turns out very tasty with artichokes and spinach. Most often, lasagna is topped with bechamel sauce or something similar. What is noteworthy is that perhaps in Italy there are certain canons and rules, but in the rest of the world, chefs use their imagination. I remembered the wonderful lasagna with young nettles, it was something. In addition, it is usually sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in the oven or oven.

Actually lasagne (lasagne) is a paste, a pasta product. It is produced or prepared independently at home in the form of a thin flat square or rectangle. Dishes made from such pasta, which is prepared in layers mixed with filling, are a hallmark of Italian cuisine, just like the famous one.

There is a lot of controversy about the origin of the word "lasagna". But most agree that the word is borrowed from the Greek “λάσανα” - hot plates. In world cuisines there are many very similar dishes that can differ significantly from Italian lasagna, but, nevertheless, be just as tasty.

Without going into details, I’ll give a simple example - most likely, everyone from childhood will remember their grandmother’s pancake pie - thin pancakes or pancakes, layered with different delicacies. There are sauces, homemade sausage, or sprats. It’s a little funny, but as a child this was my favorite treat.

Although preparing lasagna at home is difficult, after the second time there are no problems. I know it from myself. The sauce is probably the hardest part.

Homemade lasagna. Classic recipe

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • Paste sheets (10x20 cm) 10-12 pcs
  • Beef 300 g
  • Red ripe tomatoes 4 things
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Mixed greens (parsley, petiole celery, dill) 0.5 bunch
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Butter 50 g
  • Milk 0.5 l
  • Heavy cream 100 ml
  • White wine 100 ml
  • Parmesan 100 g
  • Salt, black pepper, dry aromatic herbs, nutmeg, sugar taste

    How to cook lasagna

  1. While on vacation in Italy, we tried lasagna everywhere. I don't remember once that we didn't like it. It was always special and different. By the way, this dish in restaurants looks quite sloppy, by our standards. Which, however, does not affect the taste.
  2. The process of preparing homemade lasagna, provided that you bought the pasta itself, can be divided into three stages.
  3. The first stage is preparing the sauces. It's long enough. A good meat sauce takes several hours to prepare and requires attention. Bechamel or any creamy sauce based on flour and butter to your taste is easy to prepare, but requires skill.
  4. The second stage is placing the pasta and sauces in a heat-resistant form. Carefully coat all layers of paste.
  5. The third stage is baking in the oven or in the oven.
  6. However, there is a fourth stage, the most pleasant - lunch, at which lasagna is the main dish.
  7. Step-by-step recipe for minced meat sauce

  8. If you know how to make Bolognese sauce, Amatriciana sauce or any other meat sauce with tomatoes, cook it. But make it thicker than for paste.
  9. I made the sauce using available ingredients that I had at home. A piece of beef pulp, an onion and a carrot, some mixed greens, tomatoes. I deliberately did not use animal fat for the sauce; the dish would already be high in calories.

    Products for meat sauce

  10. Grind the beef with a meat grinder to obtain minced meat. In a deep saucepan, heat 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, let it heat a little until a characteristic smell appears. Then, stirring, fry the ground beef in oil for 4-5 minutes.

    Fry ground beef in oil for 4-5 minutes

  11. Peel the onions, garlic and carrots. Grate the garlic on a fine grater and finely chop the onion with a knife. Add onion and garlic to the minced meat and continue frying.

    Add onion, stalked celery and garlic to the minced meat and continue frying

  12. Finely chop the petiole celery and add to the saucepan. If buying stalked celery is problematic, you can add finely chopped celery roots, parsley, and parsnips.
  13. Grate the carrots - not the largest ones. Add to the saucepan, stir and fry for about 10 minutes.

    Grate the carrots and add to the saucepan, stir and fry for about 10 minutes

  14. Then add finely chopped parsley, add a little salt and pepper. Add 2 tsp. sugar - to taste. Sugar will make the sauce extremely tasty - sweet and sour. Pour in half a glass of white table wine. Bring to a boil and, covering with a lid, leave to simmer over low heat.
  15. Meanwhile, scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skins. Tomatoes for lasagna should be the ripest. Remove seeds from tomatoes and puree in a blender. If it is difficult to buy ripe tomatoes, add half a can of canned tomato pulp, they are sold in 400 g packages. Add tomato puree to the saucepan and add a little hot water - half a glass maximum.

    Add tomato puree to the saucepan and add a little hot water

  16. As soon as the sauce boils, add dry aromatic herbs - a “Mediterranean herbs” mixture is ideal. Pour in half a glass of cream.

    Pour in half a glass of cream

  17. Next, a long process begins - the sauce is cooked. On the lowest heat, so that it barely boils, it literally simmers. Periodically, but not very often, you need to stir. The most difficult question: how long to cook? For a long time. Minimum 2 hours. The sauce should come out smooth and thick. You should adjust spices, salt and sugar to taste. Consistency - imagine store-bought squash caviar. Somewhere like this.

    The sauce should be smooth and thick

  18. Preparing bechamel sauce

  19. If you know how to cook bechamel, this is the best option. Just don't go overboard with the spices. Actually bechamel is a basic (main) milk sauce. Those. Other sauces are made on its basis, which are often called bechamel, despite the presence of a bunch of ingredients in them. In theory, béchamel is roux and milk. Roux is a heat-treated mixture of flour and fat. The roux is diluted with milk - at room temperature and brought to a boil. After adding salt and spices, bechamel is obtained. After adding minor ingredients, a derivative sauce is obtained.

    Butter, flour and milk - all you need for milk sauce

  20. But this is not so important. Melt the butter in a separate frying pan. An important point: butter, not spread or margarine. As soon as the butter melts and begins to bubble, add 1-1.5 heaped tablespoons of flour and immediately begin stirring with a wooden spatula. The flour should mix with the fat and become very smooth. Lumps are not allowed.

    As soon as the butter melts and starts to bubble, add 1-1.5 heaped tablespoons of flour

  21. Immediately, stirring continuously, begin to pour in the cold milk in a thin stream, trying to break up any lumps and ensure that the sauce is completely homogeneous. The amount of milk is not necessary every time. You want the finished sauce to be slightly runny. Cook the sauce over low heat for 10-12 minutes.

    Stirring continuously, begin to pour in cold milk in a thin stream.

  22. Add a pinch of ground nutmeg and salt. By the way, a little black pepper will also improve the taste very well.

    Add a pinch of ground nutmeg and salt

  23. If the sauce has become too thick, you can add a little hot milk. If it is too liquid, knowledgeable people recommend throwing a piece of butter into the finished sauce, after rolling it in flour.
  24. Method for laying lasagne sheets

  25. The most interesting part of the cooking process is placing it in a heat-resistant form. The shape and size of the leaves vary greatly. It is worth preparing in advance a suitable ceramic or glass mold of the required size. I specifically bought a 20x20 cm square pan with a high side.
  26. Store-bought paste measuring 10x20 cm fits perfectly into this mold, two leaves side by side. The paste is sold in two types. The first pasta requires pre-boiling. The second is placed dry in the mold.

    Store-bought lasagna size 10x20 cm

  27. I bought pasta that does not require boiling - subito in forno. After thinking a little, I decided to soak the lasagne leaves in hot water for a couple of minutes. However, as it turned out, this could not have been done.

    After thinking a little, I decided to soak the lasagne leaves in hot water for a couple of minutes

  28. Next, lightly grease the square pan with butter, especially the walls. Place 2 tbsp on the bottom. l. milk sauce and distribute it evenly over the entire area. Place two rectangular sheets side by side.