At what temperature to cook a pie in the oven. Delicious pies in the oven: recipes with photos

What to do to make the baking perfect, both in an electric and gas oven. "Tips for a novice housewife" continue ...

Pies burn, dry, do not bake? Can't get a golden and crispy crust? It is not necessary to think about buying a new oven, it is quite possible to agree with the one that already exists, especially if you know a few secrets.

Electric oven

It is much more convenient to handle it than with a gas oven, since heating can go both above and below. Upper or lower heating elements may be included separately. In addition, the electric oven is equipped with a convenient thermostat and often a timer. It is like an iron, it turns off and on itself - it maintains a constant temperature.

  • Before turning on, be sure to remove all excess objects from the oven. If there is a wire rack, but it will not be used, then it must be removed (the excess pan left in the oven will negatively affect the temperature and heating of the oven).
  • Before baking, the oven must be heated: set the desired temperature and wait 15-20 minutes.
  • If you need to put baking in a cold oven (for example, a glass or ceramic baking dish cannot be put in a red-hot oven - it will burst), then watch out for the dough. If it has already risen, and the oven has not yet warmed up, then you can put parchment moistened with water on top of the dough.
  • A baking dish cannot be placed on the bottom of the oven, only on a wire rack or baking sheet. It is necessary to put on the guides in the oven.
  • The electric oven has very dry air, so baking must be humidified. You can put a container of water in the oven for the first half of the baking time. You can also sprinkle seized pies with water or warm milk.
  • Convection mode makes the air hot by 10-15 degrees.
  • Any oven must not be opened during the preparation of the dough. - When you put the cake inside, close the door carefully, do not slam. Otherwise, the dough may fall.
  • A toothpick will help you learn about the readiness of the test: you need to stick it in the dough, if there is no sticky dough left on it, then everything has been baked.

Gas oven

In it, heating is only from below and it is more difficult to regulate the temperature. Therefore, it often happens that from below the cake burns, but in the middle it does not bake. What to do?

  • Before you put the pie, the oven needs to be heated for 10-15 minutes over the biggest fire. Then reduce the fire to medium or even to the minimum (if you feel that it is burning), and refer to the thermometer and adjust the temperature, if necessary, bake a cake.
  • Pie should be placed so that around it there is enough space for air circulation.
  • To protect the bottom of the cake from excessive heat, put a baking sheet with coarse salt or sand in the pan or baking tray with baking dish. Sometimes pans are placed under pies with water, but not in all cases this method is effective.
  • An enamelled black pan is often attached to gas ovens - this is a container for collecting fat and is not baked in it. For baking, you need to use special forms and put them on the wire rack, or the oven in the pan.
  • To get a golden crust, you need to bring the cake to readiness on low heat, and then add heat for 5 minutes. And then turn it off.

In whatever oven you are going to cook, it is best to read the instructions for it first. Even experienced cooks who have replaced several ovens can find a lot of interesting and useful things in the usual instructions.

at what temperature do yeast dough be baked

    I am writing in detail, because if you learn to understand the baking process, what’s behind it, and why you need it this way and not otherwise, you will ALWAYS succeed. And in an unusual situation when baking, you will always be able to make the right decision.
    Cakes burn on the outside, and on the inside are damp if the temperature in the oven is high. Indeed, yeast baked on average at a temperature of 180 degrees. But, the thermometer in the oven is not a high-precision device. And you need to make corrections.
    At the beginning of baking, the temperature is about 200, this is logical. You open the oven, set the pan.
    The temperature in the oven drops during this time. In addition, the temperature of the cake on the baking sheet at this moment is only 20-30 degrees, it requires heat to heat both the product itself and the baking sheet. Therefore, the first about 10-12 minutes should not switch to an average temperature. At this time, the dough is actively rising and, as it were, CAPTED WITH A SHORT. By the way, when baking custard dough, this condition — first baking at high temperature, and then reducing e, is simply a must, otherwise your buns will not go up for any kind of baking. Now you can lower the temperature to 170-180 degrees and the oven is calm. This means that you can do other things: clean up the kitchen, read a newspaper, sit down at the computer. When the smell of baking comes around the apartment, this means that the cake will be ready soon, and you can lubricate the color cake for the remaining time 1-2 times more. If the oven bakes unevenly, which is very often the case with electric ones, at this stage it is advisable to rotate the pan 180 degrees and
    continue baking. At the end of baking, sprinkle the product with clean water, cover with a towel. I put on top a small terry cloth and for 10-15 minutes a sheet of film or foil, so that the crust becomes soft. After some time, the baking sheet should be freed. This is especially important for the pie. Otherwise, the steam will make the lower crust wet. I put pies on a wooden board. Because the tree breathes. Sometimes I cover the bed with a towel. Small items in a large bowl, pan. I cover with a towel.
    There is a very important point: at the initial stage there is no need to open the oven, and it is simply dangerous to slam the door, in this case the dough will settle and you will get a cake density equal to the sole of the boot. If you need to fix something in the pie, open and close the oven with utmost care, holding the door with your hand. In addition, if you have an electric oven, before loading the baking sheet, you need to put in the oven any container of water at the bottom of the oven. For this, I have for many years been a 250-gram tin can of paste. I just pour cold water.
    Good luck to you!
  2. usually 180 degrees
  3. Depending on the weight of the product from 180 to 220
  4. At 180-190.

Vegetable and fruit cakes are baked in the oven at a temperature of 170-180 degrees for about - minutes. The meat pies are baked at a temperature of 170-200 degrees.

Recipe for the most popular pie - charlotte

  Fruits (traditionally, apples) - 500 grams
  Crackers of white bread without crust - 400 grams, or 1 cup of flour
  Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
Milk - half a cup
  Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons
  Ground crackers - 1 tablespoon
  Butter - 1 tablespoon
  Powdered Sugar - 1-2 teaspoon

How to bake Charlotte pie
  Wash apples, peel and core, cut into cubes. In a bowl, beat eggs, crackers / flour and sugar - and dilute with warm milk. Add crackers / flour, insist 20 minutes, then add apples and mix.
  Grease the cake pan with butter, sprinkle with crushed crackers or flour, then lay out the cake dough and sprinkle with apples.
  Cover the charlotte with wax paper and bake in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees for 20 minutes. Then turn off the stove and insist charlotte for 10 minutes. When serving, garnish with icing sugar.

Important when baking charlotte
  When baking charlotte, it must be noted that you should not open the oven during baking, as the dough may settle and become stiff later.

Charlotte in a slow cooker
  Charlotte in a slow cooker to cook from the same ingredients. Lubricate the multicooker pan, put dough and fruits or berries on top. Cook in the “Baking” mode for 1 hour.

Charlotte in a microwave (the easiest and fastest way to bake charlotte)
  To bake charlotte in the microwave, you need to put the container with mixed ingredients in the microwave at 80% power for 10 minutes, then infuse the charlotte without removing it from the microwave for 5 minutes.

Charlotte with apples is most common in Russian home cooking, but in fact, you can add any fruit and berries or any mixture of them to the pie. Other common types of charlotte are bananas, oranges, cherries, and strawberries.

How to serve charlotte?
  Charlotte is served at the home table with ice cream, cream, butter, cream.

Fun Facts

Pies - this is   type of baking with the filling baked in the oven (earlier - in the Russian oven).
  In ancient Russia, only enthusiastic chefs baked cakes, because there was no frozen dough, microwaves and an oven preheating in 5 minutes. In addition, for baking pies it is especially important that the temperature is even and does not drop - this required constant attention to the baking process.

Now there's plenty to bake pies facilitating cooking gadgets and products. Firstly, a ready-made dough is sold, which should only be thawed and rolled. Secondly, the use of currently produced yeast greatly simplifies the process of making yeast pies. Thirdly, for baking pies, you can use the oven, air grill, bread machine and even a microwave.

Pies are divided by types of test: yeast (steamed and non-steamed), puff (yeast and yeast-free), shortbread, pastry (yeast and yeast-free, rarely brewed. Dough is selected for the filling and directly affects the consistency of the flour component.

Pies come in open and closed   - open pies are partially or completely not covered with the top layer of dough. However, storing open cakes will turn out less - over time, they may dry out.

When choosing the type of cake, it is important to consider the time taken to prepare the dough. So, to prepare a high-quality yeast dough "by all standards", a minimum of 4 hours is required. And if there is absolutely no time for the pie, it is recommended to use the frozen dough bought in the store.

For simple closed pies, the finished dough is rolled out or placed in a baking dish, then the filling is laid out and the cake is closed with the top layer of dough. For complex pies, many options are possible - the filling can be twisted in different ways in the dough, and the dough can be placed in different ways in a baking dish.

Mostly ready to put in pies toppings. Especially popular in Russia are charlotte pies, kurnik, mannich, fish pie, sour cream, strudel, zebra, and various twirls.

When preparing pies, you can use various sprinkles and decorations: roll out the remaining dough and make flowers, leaves, etc. from them. Pies will look more appetizing if sprinkled with sesame seeds, poppy seeds, cookie crumbs (or the same dough), as well as dessert colored sprinkles. 10 minutes before the end of baking, you can grease the cake with milk or a beaten chicken egg to give the cake a rosy appearance.

Sweet cakes serve   for dessert with tea or coffee. Unsweetened cakes can be served as a main course or snack. The pie can be cut before serving, or it can be at the table (then it will slowly cool down). According to the rules of etiquette, cakes are eaten only with a fork and knife, in extreme cases with a napkin, but in no case with your hands.

Baking today has become not such a complex, multi-step procedure. And all thanks to the "smart" technique, which allows you to cook in pleasure. In the oven you can bake, and mixers, blenders, molds and other equipment and utensils can save time at some stages.

About how to cook delicious oven pies - further in the detailed recipe for cherry pies.

  1. Milk - 1-1.2 L;
  2. Chicken Egg - 4 things.;
  3. Margarine - 170 - 180 g;
  4. Flour - 1.5 kg;
  5. Sunflower oil - 1 st .;
  6. Dry yeast - 5 g;
  7. Sugar - 6 tablespoons
  8. Cherry - 1kg;
  9. Sugar for the filling - 200 g;
  10. Vanillin - ½ sachet.

How to bake pies in the oven: a step by step recipe

Sweet yeast dough can be made with milk. To do this, heat a glass of milk to 35-40 degrees. Pour the heated liquid into another container, add dry yeast there. The yeast itself will dissolve in milk, without stirring. 15 minutes, the container should stand in a warm place.

  1. Add one tablespoon of sugar to the yeast container, then mix everything thoroughly.
  2. While stirring the ingredients, add 8 tablespoons of flour. Mix well again.
  3. Cover the resulting dough with a towel, leave it for 40 minutes. A jar of dough can be placed in a container of warm water.
  4. The readiness of the dough is determined by its doubled volume. The foundation is ready.
  5. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, heat to 50 degrees. Add margarine there. Mix everything until dissolved.
  6. Remove the pan from the heat, add five tablespoons of sugar to it. Mix well.
  7. Sift the flour and divide it into two parts. Send the first to a mixture of milk with margarine and sugar. Knead.
  8. Add three eggs to the container, mix everything thoroughly. Make it easier with a mixer. Send the dough to the dough.
  9. Next, pour the second part of the flour, knead the dough. The dough should not be very cool. The dough should be set aside for an hour and a half. It should increase in size in two hours, then a little spoon, leave it for an hour.
  10. Seedless cherries are mixed with sugar and vanilla.
  11. From the dough to make a tourniquet and cut it into pieces. From the pieces, cakes are formed, which are filled with fillings. At the edges of the dough is pinched.
  12. Put the pies on a baking sheet, which is covered with parchment. Hold them on a baking sheet for 20 minutes, then put it in the oven for the same 20 minutes. The temperature is 190 degrees.

Oven liver pies: how to make it right

The dough may be the same as in the previous recipe. Pies with liver are made according to the same principle. But the toppings recipes have their secrets.

Fillings for buns or pies with liver:

  • Liver, onion, milk, butter, flour, salt, pepper;
  • Liver, rice, carrots, salt, pepper;
  • Liver, potatoes, onion, garlic.

If you cut onions - then either very finely, or make thin slices. Oven pies can be in the form of a boat, a flower, squares. The most delicious pies are obtained in the oven, but in the pan you can fry the delicious pies with the liver.

How much to bake pies in the oven in time

The baking temperature is standard - 180-200 degrees. It usually takes 15-20 minutes to bake golden cakes. For pies, baking time can be increased, but what happens in the oven must be observed.

You can also use ready-made dough for cooking pies, which today is easy to get in any cooking, but the dough mixed with your own hand has a different taste, and it’s more pleasant to work with it.

Mouth-watering pies!

Oven pies: recipe step by step with photo

Cooking puff pastry takes a lot of time, so many housewives prefer to buy it in a store. Why not, if there is such an opportunity. However, not everyone knows how to bake puff pastry in order to make the pastry really tasty, and the dough light and airy.

Basic rules for preparing and baking puff pastry in the oven

1. If you bought frozen puff pastry, thaw it only at room temperature.

2. Roll the dough in one direction so as not to disturb the structure of the layers. The thickness of the rolled sheet must be at least 3 mm.

3. Cut the dough with a sharp knife. So the edges will not stick together, and the dough will rise well when baked. A dull knife will crush the edges, and they will not "bloom", this will affect the splendor.

4. Having laid the filling, do not grease the edges of the items with the egg, otherwise they will stick together in the oven and will not be able to exfoliate.

5. If you place the filling inside the dough, pierce the finished product with a fork in several places. This will allow them to bake well, and the dough will be flat, without bubbles.

6. You do not need to lubricate the baking sheet with oil, since puff pastry usually contains a sufficient amount of oil. If you are still afraid that it will stick, lay parchment paper and lay puff pastry on it or just sprinkle flour on the baking sheet. Some housewives also recommend simply pouring a little water into a baking sheet - when evaporated, it will give the products extra splendor.

7. Preheat the oven well before baking.

8. During cooking, do not open the oven, even if you really want to check the readiness of the products. If you open, the dough may settle due to lower temperatures.

How much to bake puff pastry in the oven

Another important issue that worries many housewives is how much and at what temperature bake puff pastry. Insufficiently high temperature can lead to the fact that inside the product they will not bake, the fat will melt, and the baking itself will not be multilayer. A too high temperature, on the contrary, will lead to burning of the upper layer. How to be?

Bake puff pastry at a temperature of 220 degrees for 5-10 minutes, then switch to 180 degrees and bake another 15-20 minutes. The dough will turn out airy and crispy.

However, the time and temperature of baking puff pastry are quite relative. It all depends on the size of the products and the type of dough itself.

How much to bake puff yeast dough

How much to bake puff yeast dough

Now you know how long it takes to bake puff pastry in the oven. However, the question remained with the filling.

How much do you need to bake croissants from puff pastry

This is perhaps the most popular pastry made from puff pastry. You can cook sweet croissants (jam, cherries, honey, chocolate, bananas, condensed milk, cinnamon with sugar, etc.), or you can fill it with cheese, mushrooms, ham, etc.

Croissants from puff pastry are baked in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The oven must first be heated to the required temperature and only then place the baking tray in it. Flour semi-finished products are stacked at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other.

And here is another cooking secret. Mistresses advise holding the croissants under plastic wrap in a warm place for 15-30 minutes before baking. This will allow the test to rise, which is especially important with its “home-made” version.

What is the time to bake puff pastry pizza

Another popular dish of puff. Pizza from puff pastry is baked for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

The same time sausages are baked in puff pastry.

We hope our tips will help you please the household with successful and delicious pastries.