Festive basket of melon with fruit. Melon basket with fruit Melon basket with fruit

Published 10.09.2016
Posted by: Enchantress
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 40 min

A basket of melon with fruit, a recipe with a photo of which I offer today, will become an original and edible decoration for your holiday table. For this you will need an ordinary ripe melon and a variety of bright fruits and berries. By the way, it will look just as original.
Preparation time: 10 minutes.
Cooking time: 30 minutes.

- oval melon - 1 pc.,
- cherries or sweet cherries - a handful,
- blackberries or raspberries - a handful,
- powdered sugar - to taste,
- mint leaves - a sprig.

How to cook with photos step by step

To make a basket, take an oval-shaped melon; it can be any color. The most difficult part of this recipe will be to cut the melon basket evenly and accurately. Place the melon on a work surface and see if it is level. If the melon sways, you can trim it from the bottom. Now you need to make a handle for the basket. If your eye doesn't work well, use a pencil to draw the outline of a handle. Use a knife to cut triangular pieces of melon on both sides of your future handle.

Carefully trim the flesh under the handle of the basket.

Using a spoon, remove all seeds from the melon. And then cut out some of the pulp from the resulting basket. If you have an ice cream cutter, you can use this kitchen gadget. You can try using a teaspoon to cut out balls from the melon pulp.

To add visual beauty to the basket, cut out small triangle-like teeth on its sides.

To fill the basket, select colorful berries or fruits. In my case, I combine pieces of melon pulp, cherries and blackberries in a bowl. You can sprinkle all ingredients with powdered sugar.

Place the berry-fruit filling in the melon basket. For beauty, you can add a few mint leaves to the basket. If desired, cut out small curly leaves or other elements from the remaining melon peel and attach with a skewer to the edges of the basket.

Before serving, sprinkle the contents of the basket with powdered sugar.
Now, in just half an hour you will get such a beautiful melon basket with... Your holiday table or romantic evening will be decorated.
Best regards, Elbi.

Melon fruit basket recipe with step-by-step preparation.
  • Type of dish: Dessert
  • Recipe difficulty: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Features: Recipe for a strict vegetarian diet
  • Preparation time: 7 minutes
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes
  • Number of servings: 10 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 99 kilocalories

An easy step-by-step homemade melon fruit basket recipe. It is easy to prepare at home in 15 minutes. The dish contains only 99 kilocalories.

Ingredients for 10 servings

  • 200 g each of green and black seedless grapes
  • any berries to taste
  • apple
  • 2–3 apricots
  • 1 medium sized melon
  • pear
  • 1 peach
  • 2-3 mint sprigs for garnish

Step by step recipe

  1. Wash the melon thoroughly. Place horizontally and use a thin knife to mark the middle of the fruit on top. Stepping back 1.5 cm from the middle, make a strictly vertical cut to the conventional horizontal line dividing the melon in half. This conditional line should pass through the melon stalk. Make a horizontal cut from the stem to the first cut and remove the cut piece.
  2. Turn the fruit 180 degrees and cut out the same piece on the other side. This will create a “basket” handle.
  3. Remove the seeds and carefully, trying not to damage the walls of the melon, remove the pulp, leaving a layer of pulp 0.5 cm thick on the peel. Cut the pulp into cubes or balls of equal size. Wash fruits and berries, cut into pieces of arbitrary size. Place pieces of melon, fruit and berries in the “basket”. Garnish with mint sprigs.

Watermelons and melons are not only the main delicacies of the summer table, but also fruits that are best suited for. Due to their impressive size and thick skin, melons are traditionally used for carving - the art of artistic cutting, which allows you to turn fruits and vegetables into original edible crafts. Anyone can join this type of creativity: just follow the detailed instructions compiled by professionals to create your own culinary masterpieces that will amaze with the beauty of the decor. Experienced carving masters can master the most complex compositions: sculptures, bouquets, multi-level figures. Of course, such filigree mastery of technology comes with time, but experts recommend that beginners try their hand at and improve in simpler design options that allow them to get better at it and understand the essence of the process.
Today we will tell you how to cut a fruit basket from a melon in the shape of a funny hedgehog, which will become a real decoration for a children's party. This craft does not require a lot of time and special tools, so it is perfect for those who want to, but still have only initial ideas about the features of such decoration. So let's get started.

For the project, prepare:

  • melon,
  • blueberries or currants,
  • fruits and berries to your taste,
  • felt-tip pen,
  • small paring knife,
  • grapefruit knife,
  • toothpicks.

Let's get to work.

1. Wash the melon, dry it well with paper towels and draw a rectangle on the skin of the fruit with a felt-tip pen.

2. Using a sharp knife, cut a hole following the drawn lines.

3. Carefully remove the cut peel.

4. Thoroughly clean the melon of seeds and fibers.

5. Stepping back a little from the peel, use a sharp grapefruit knife to begin cutting off the flesh of the fruit so that there is a depression inside. It is important to work as carefully as possible at this stage as the outer part of the melon must not be damaged.

6. The result is a hollow piece that can be used as a vase.

7. Now cut the extracted pulp into even slices, which will be needed for further decoration, and set aside the peel of the upper part.

8. Using a knife, trim the open edges of the melon to create sharp wedges.

9. Take the set aside peel and cut out a small triangle and four squares from it - these blanks will be used to decorate the legs and face of the hedgehog.

10. Using toothpicks, attach the prepared parts to the melon. To do this, place the triangle on the side of the fruit, fixing it at the corners, and the squares at the base. This will give you the body of a hedgehog.

11. Place currants or blueberries on toothpicks that hold the triangle on the fruit to create eyes and a nose.

12. Prepare the filling for the vase. To do this, make a kind of canapés by attaching fruits and berries cut into pieces on toothpicks. Place the assortment in the hollow of the melon so that the toothpicks face up and replace the hedgehog's spines.

The hedgehog-shaped fruit basket is ready. Use it to serve the holiday table, which makes it possible to effectively serve the slices.

A simple homemade melon fruit basket recipe step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 15 minutes. Contains only 99 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 13 minutes
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes
  • Calorie Amount: 99 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 8 servings
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Dessert
  • Features: Recipe for a strict vegetarian diet

Ingredients for ten servings

  • 200 g each of green and black seedless grapes
  • any berries to taste
  • apple
  • 2–3 apricots
  • 1 medium sized melon
  • pear
  • 1 peach
  • 2-3 mint sprigs for garnish

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Wash the melon thoroughly. Place horizontally and use a thin knife to mark the middle of the fruit on top. Stepping back 1.5 cm from the middle, make a strictly vertical cut to the conventional horizontal line dividing the melon in half. This conditional line should pass through the melon stalk. Make a horizontal cut from the stem to the first cut and remove the cut piece.
  2. Turn the fruit 180 degrees and cut out the same piece on the other side. This will create a “basket” handle.
  3. Remove the seeds and carefully, trying not to damage the walls of the melon, remove the pulp, leaving a layer of pulp 0.5 cm thick on the peel. Cut the pulp into cubes or balls of equal size. Wash fruits and berries, cut into pieces of arbitrary size. Place pieces of melon, fruit and berries in the “basket”. Garnish with mint sprigs.