Lightly salted tomatoes in a bag with garlic: the best recipes, important secrets. Quick pickling of tomatoes

Our housewives sometimes amaze us with their ingenuity - they have adapted to do lightly salted tomatoes instant cooking in the package. Personally, I know two whole recipes, and I suggest you - use them for your health! How nice it is to open a jar of pickled and salted tomatoes in winter! But winter is a long way off, and I want to pamper myself now - the tomatoes have gone, and I’m tired of eating them only in salads.

Why should you like this particular option? Yes, because without unnecessary hassles and a minimum of time spent, you will get delicious spicy snack and an original addition to the main dish. The pickling option is “cold” and actually quick: you don’t need to sterilize jars, put tomatoes in them and do a lot more different actions. All you need is tomatoes, a few spices and a simple bag.

Instant lightly salted tomatoes - recipe in a package

Many people know about fast way pickled cucumbers in a bag, but believe me, they are no less amazing, piquant, and amazing with potatoes! The pleasure is incredible! And preparing a snack is incredibly simple and quick.

You will need:

  • Tomatoes – 1 kg.
  • Garlic – 1 pc. medium size.
  • Salt - a tablespoon.
  • Sugar - a teaspoon.
  • Dill.

Salt the tomatoes:

  1. Select tomatoes of the same size, wash and put in a bag. Chop the garlic, chop the dill finely (I like it smaller, it turns out more flavorful, and you can even add a whole sprig).
  2. Add the spices to the bag with the tomatoes, add salt and don’t forget the sugar.
  3. Shake the bag thoroughly, turn it over several times so that the ingredients are distributed evenly over the tomatoes, then place the bag in another bag, having first tied the first one.
  4. The package should not be placed in the refrigerator; leave it at room temperature. Ready quick tomatoes It will be ready in a couple of days - it will be a great snack!
  5. According to this simple recipe Unripe, green tomatoes are also pickled, but their cooking time is twice as long; they will be ready after 4 days.
  6. Determine the amount of garlic and dill yourself, I gave 1 head of garlic in the recipe, this is a bit too much, to be honest, for everyone. See for yourself. You can add a little parsley and horseradish root to the bag, then the tomatoes will taste sharper.

Quick tomatoes stuffed with herbs, cooked in a bag

More suitable for a holiday snack.

  • You will need: tomatoes, salt, garlic and dill.

How to make quick pickled tomatoes:

  1. Cut the caps off the tomatoes (from the stem side). Season with salt and place on a plate. Add finely chopped herbs and garlic to the tomatoes.
  2. Cover the tomatoes with the cut-off lid and place them together with the plate in a bag. Another option is to cover the top with a bag instead cling film to prevent air from getting in.
  3. If desired, you can add red to the tomatoes. ground pepper, chilli.

The only drawback lightly salted tomatoes in a bag, according to both quick recipes - they do not last long, even if you store them in the refrigerator, it is advisable to eat them quickly.

How to quickly make tomatoes in a bag

  1. Choose tomatoes of the same size; they will be salted at the same time.
  2. Tomatoes for pickling should be ripe, but not overripe; too soft and hard are not suitable.
  3. You should not salt a lot of tomatoes in one bag at once; they will not be salted evenly. Some will be more salty, some less, even if you give it a good shake.
  4. Make a small cross-shaped cut at the stem and the tomatoes will be salted faster.
  5. If you are afraid that there are too many nitrates in the tomatoes (it is quite possible in store-bought tomatoes), pierce each one with a toothpick at the stalk, and put it in for half an hour. cold water. The bad will go away.

Delicious pickles will not leave anyone indifferent, Bon appetit, Friends! A small request: do you know any recipes for lightly salted tomatoes in an instant package, don’t skimp – tell us in the comments, okay? I wish you good health and look forward to your visit.

In the summer, everyone has a a large number of tasty and fresh vegetables. With their help you can create interesting and delicious snacks. When you don’t have much time, but you want to treat yourself to something tasty, lightly salted tomatoes cooked in a regular plastic bag will come to the rescue. This method of salting is incredibly simple, and the result will delight even the most sophisticated gourmets.

This cooking method is notable for the fact that the vegetables are in own juice– this allows you to preserve vitamins and increase the juiciness of the dish. Therefore, in order for the snack to have tart taste, no need to add water.

How to choose and prepare tomatoes for pickling

The range of choice of tomatoes for pickling is quite wide. You don’t have to pick all the vegetables to make the dish tasty. The advantage of this snack is that you can use green vegetables in it. This is due to the fact that they contain less water. This way the dish will be more tart and juicy.

Vegetables do not require special preparation before pickling - you can use them straight from the garden. The main thing is that the tomatoes are clean and dry.

How to cook lightly salted tomatoes in bags at home

There are many recipes for pickling using a regular plastic bag. They differ in cooking time and products.

But the result is the same - delicious lightly salted dish. Each housewife can choose her own pickling tactics, based on the required time and suitable components.

Cooking lightly salted tomatoes in 5 minutes step by step

Required Products:

  1. Tomatoes – 1 kilogram (10-12 pieces).
  2. Garlic – 2 cloves.
  3. Parsley – 1 bunch.
  4. Salt – 25 grams (1 tablespoon).
  5. Onion – 1 bunch (optional).

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut off the tops of vegetables. This way the marinade will penetrate into the pulp better and they will cook faster.
  2. Cut the cloves into small pieces or crush them.
  3. Finely chop the parsley (and onion).
  4. Place the cooked tomatoes in a dry cellophane bag.
  5. Add herbs and garlic to the vegetables.
  6. Add salt. It is advisable to salt the tomatoes by hand rather than with a spoon.
  7. Shake the bag for no more than ten seconds.
  8. Leave the tomatoes on the table, and in a day the snack will be ready.

Lightly salted tomatoes in the refrigerator for 2 hours

Recipe cold snack This method can rightfully be called the fastest, since it only takes two hours and not a whole day. But this will not affect the quality of the dish - pickled tomatoes will be just as tasty!


  1. Fresh tomatoes – 1 kilogram.
  2. Dill umbrella – 3 pieces.
  3. Parsley – 1 bunch.
  4. Garlic – 2 cloves.
  5. Salt – 15 grams.
  6. Sugar – 7 grams.
  7. Peppercorns - to taste.

  1. Cut off the tops of the tomatoes.
  2. Cut vegetables into small slices.
  3. Chop the garlic and parsley.
  4. Place tomato slices in a clean, dry plastic bag.
  5. Add garlic, pepper and parsley to them.
  6. Add salt and sugar. If desired, you can add other spices.
  7. Place an umbrella of dill on the very top.
  8. Shake the mixture.
  9. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Lightly salted tomatoes with bell peppers in a bag

Bell pepper makes the pickling taste milder. This is the recipe suitable for those who doesn't like too salty dishes.

To make lightly salted tomatoes with bell pepper, you will need:

  1. Tomatoes – 1 kilogram.
  2. Bell pepper – 1 piece.
  3. Garlic – 2 cloves.
  4. Dill – 1 bunch.
  5. Parsley – 1 bunch.
  6. Salt – 10 grams.
  7. Sugar – 10 grams.
  8. Sage, oregano, rosemary - optional.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut off the stem of the tomatoes.
  2. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper.
  3. Chop it into small cubes.
  4. Cut the cloves.
  5. Finely chop the greens.
  6. Place the cooked vegetables in a clean, dry plastic bag.
  7. Add dill and parsley to them.
  8. At the very end, add salt, sugar and spices to the bag.
  9. Tie the bag and shake it.
  10. Place the pickled vegetables in a dark, warm place for two days. Shake periodically (every 5-6 hours).

Recipe for lightly salted tomatoes with cucumbers in a bag

If you pickle these vegetables together, you can get an unusual summer salad. Any cucumbers will do, but it is better to take unripe ones because they contain less water. This type of pickling is similar to the method of preparing one-day cucumbers, but only in this case the dish is prepared faster, and it is possible to add more spices.


  1. Fresh cucumbers – 0.5 kilograms (4-6 pieces).
  2. Fresh tomatoes – 1 kilogram.
  3. Garlic – 3 cloves.
  4. Dill – 1 bunch.
  5. Parsley – 1 bunch.
  6. Salt – 25 grams.
  7. Sugar – 10 grams.
  8. Black peppercorns - optional.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut off both ends of the cucumbers.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into medium-sized strips.
  3. Remove the stem from the tomatoes and cut the vegetables in half.
  4. Finely chop the herbs and garlic cloves.
  5. Put cucumbers in plastic bag.
  6. Add herbs to them first, and then sugar, salt and other spices.
  7. Shake the cucumbers and leave them for 20 minutes.
  8. Open the bag with cucumbers, add tomatoes and tie.
  9. Marinate the appetizer in a cool place for 12 hours.

Lightly salted tomatoes with basil

Basil is a European annual plant that, when added to pickling, gives a dish new taste. The advantage of using basil in a recipe is that it replaces a whole bunch of spices and makes salted tomatoes not too cloying.

For preparation you will need:

  1. Tomatoes – 1 kilogram.
  2. Garlic – 4 cloves.
  3. Dill and (or) parsley - 1 bunch.
  4. Basil – 1 bunch.
  5. Salt – 20 grams.
  1. Cut off the top of the tomatoes and make a cross in the side.
  2. Finely chop the garlic cloves, herbs and basil.
  3. Place the cooked vegetables in a bag.
  4. Add herbs, basil and garlic to them.
  5. Salt the snack.
  6. Tie the bag and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Recipe for quick pickling of tomatoes with vinegar

Vinegar will give ready-made dish sour taste. If used in cooking this ingredient, then the result will not take long to arrive. After all, salting vegetables using this method takes only an hour!

You will need the following components:

  1. Fresh tomatoes – 1 kilogram.
  2. Garlic – 2 cloves.
  3. Dill – 1 bunch.
  4. Salt – 25 grams.
  5. Sugar – 10 grams.
  6. Vinegar – 15 grams.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut off the top and chop the vegetables into small pieces.
  2. Press the garlic under pressure or cut into small cubes.
  3. Chop the greens.
  4. Place tomatoes, dill and chopped cloves in cellophane.
  5. Add salt, sugar and vinegar to the vegetables.
  6. Shake the prepared mixture.
  7. Leave the snack in the refrigerator for 60 minutes to soak.

The role of garlic and dill in pickling tomatoes

Garlic and dill play an important role when making pickles in a bag. Not a single recipe can do without them. Even if the housewife doesn’t have spices in her kitchen, using these products will give the vegetables a tart and pleasant taste.

Anyone who is no stranger to cooking treats themselves to lightly salted cucumbers. But most housewives forget that tomatoes can also be cooked in the same way. Meanwhile, tomatoes in a bag - lightly salted, with garlic - cook very quickly, turn out plump and appetizing and require very little effort on the part of the cook. In addition, they can be given the most different taste, satisfying the foodie cravings of his family.

A few important rules

In order for lightly salted tomatoes in a bag to “ripen” quickly, you need to take small tomatoes, something like medium-sized “cream” or cherry tomatoes. You can speed up the process even more by cutting the place where the stalk was attached. Just don’t overdo it with depth so that the tomato doesn’t become soft.

For uniform salting, all fruits should be approximately the same size. Sorting takes a few minutes, but guarantees the desired result.

You need to find a durable bag - it must withstand both the weight of the tomatoes and periodic shaking. If you are not sure about the strength of the packaging, put it in a couple more bags.

You can’t stuff the bag tightly: the tomatoes will release juice, and there should be room for it.

Avoid storing tomatoes that have already been salted in a bag. First, if they remain tied, they may "suffocate". And mold taste qualities Well, it doesn't improve at all. Secondly, from overexposure, tomatoes can become lethargic and begin to creep under your fingers. Thirdly, they are simply over-salted and bitter.

If the tomatoes are oversalted due to excess salt or overexposure, you need to add a little sugar to the bag, shake the bag and let it sit for a third of an hour.

How to cook lightly salted tomatoes with garlic in a bag: recipe one

The set of products listed below is designed for a dozen tomatoes. So, the tomatoes are prepared for pickling, that is, they are washed (no need to dry them), pricked with a toothpick and put into a strong bag. Pour in there: a large spoon of salt and a small spoon of sugar, five cloves of garlic, and, if desired, spices in the form of dill, horseradish leaves and peppercorns. Tie it up, shake it - and stay warm until tomorrow.

Lightly salted tomatoes in a bag in 5 minutes, of course, will not reach condition. But if you want to get them faster, cut the end of the tomato opposite the stalk in a cross shape and completely cut out the place where it was attached to the stem - and after a couple of hours you can already taste the pickles.

Let's add some pepper

To make the tomatoes in the bag (lightly salted, with garlic) even more interesting and varied in taste, you can supplement them with bell pepper. For eight tomatoes, usually place one or two medium pods. Tomatoes are prepared for sending into a bag in the manner already described. The pepper is peeled and cut into narrow strips. It is recommended not only to peel half a head of garlic, but also to cut it lengthwise into halves. In addition to vegetables, the bag contains fresh dill with parsley and lemon balm, a full spoonful of sugar and salt, oregano, sage and rosemary (they can also be used in dried form). If you like it spicy, add a little grain mustard. Shake and forget about the bag, this time for two days: unlike lightly salted tomatoes with garlic, the peppers in the bag take longer to salt.

Tomatoes plus cucumbers

So to speak, two in one: both favorite vegetables will be available. They are taken in equal quantities and (by eye) the same sizes. Let's say six pieces each. The tomatoes are pierced, the “butts” of the cucumbers are cut off at both ends. Garlic in original recipe Five cloves are indicated, you can adjust according to your own preferences. Again, it is recommended to cut it into slices, but if you don’t like the pronounced garlic smell, put it whole. Put it in a bag. Lightly salted and with garlic - your household will surely like them! Parsley, dill and carrot tops. The first two herbs are crushed, the tops are put in whole. Salt - a spoonful, sugar - with a lack of sleep. The vegetables should lie overnight in the refrigerator in a bag, then they should be transferred to a container along with the brine.

Recipe with vinegar

In recent years, it has become fashionable to appreciate pickles that lack vinegar. Nevertheless, there are traditionalists who “respect” products containing this component. Especially for them - a recipe for lightly salted tomatoes in a bag, where vinegar is used as a preservative. For eight tomatoes you need a head of chopped garlic, chopped dill, three spoons of salt and 30 ml table vinegar. All ingredients are combined and poured into a bag. Tomatoes are already added to the mixture, tied, shaken and placed in a dark place for two hours. As it turns out, you won’t have to wait long for the tasting!

Flights of fancy are approved!

If you're shy at first, try it out. basic version recipe for lightly salted tomatoes in a bag. Once you're sure the system works, invent your own. You can start the experiment by adding turmeric or basil. You can try cilantro, but be very careful, it still has too strong a smell. But with dry spices you can behave more freely, although, again, without extremism. Some chefs successfully add little salt stuffed tomatoes- here it would be appropriate to recall the filling from Armenian or Georgian cuisine. Don't forget about the note it gives to pickles hot pepper- supporters of spicy food are unlikely to do without it.

A very interesting option is to insert greens and garlic into cross-shaped cuts on the tomatoes. But to get a successful result, you will have to buy hard fruits, brown, and possibly green: fully ripened tomatoes can turn into an indistinct mess by the end of pickling.

Our housewives sometimes amaze us with their ingenuity - they have adapted to making lightly salted instant tomatoes in a bag. Personally, I know two whole recipes, and I suggest you - use them for your health! How nice it is to open a jar of pickled and salted tomatoes in winter! But winter is a long way off, and I want to pamper myself now - the tomatoes have gone, and I’m tired of eating them only in salads.

Why should you like this particular option? Yes, because without unnecessary hassles and a minimum of wasted time, you will get a delicious spicy appetizer and an original addition to the main dish. The pickling option is “cold” and actually quick: you don’t need to sterilize the jars, put tomatoes in them and perform a lot of other actions. All you need is tomatoes, a few spices and a simple bag.

Instant lightly salted tomatoes - recipe in a package

Many people know about the quick way to pickle cucumbers in a bag, but believe me, they are no less amazing, piquant, and amazing with potatoes! The pleasure is incredible! And preparing a snack is incredibly simple and quick.

You will need:

  • Tomatoes – 1 kg.
  • Garlic – 1 pc. medium size.
  • Salt - a tablespoon.
  • Sugar - a teaspoon.
  • Dill.

Salt the tomatoes:

  1. Select tomatoes of the same size, wash and put in a bag. Chop the garlic, chop the dill finely (I like it smaller, it turns out more flavorful, and you can even add a whole sprig).
  2. Add the spices to the bag with the tomatoes, add salt and don’t forget the sugar.
  3. Shake the bag thoroughly, turn it over several times so that the ingredients are distributed evenly over the tomatoes, then place the bag in another bag, having first tied the first one.
  4. Do not place the bag in the refrigerator; leave it at room temperature. The quick tomatoes will be ready after a couple of days – it will make a great snack!
  5. According to this simple recipe, unripe, green tomatoes are also pickled, but their preparation time is twice as long; they will be ready after 4 days.
  6. Determine the amount of garlic and dill yourself, I gave 1 head of garlic in the recipe, this is a bit too much, to be honest, for everyone. See for yourself. You can add a little parsley and horseradish root to the bag, then the tomatoes will taste sharper.

Quick tomatoes stuffed with herbs, cooked in a bag

More suitable for a holiday snack.

  • You will need: tomatoes, salt, garlic and dill.

How to make quick pickled tomatoes:

  1. Cut the caps off the tomatoes (from the stem side). Season with salt and place on a plate. Add finely chopped herbs and garlic to the tomatoes.
  2. Cover the tomatoes with the cut-off lid and place them together with the plate in a bag. Another option is to cover the top with cling film instead of the bag to prevent air from getting in.
  3. If desired, you can add ground red pepper and chili pepper to the tomatoes.

The only drawback of lightly salted tomatoes in a bag, according to both quick recipes, is that they do not last long, even if you store them in the refrigerator, it is advisable to eat them quickly.

How to quickly make tomatoes in a bag

  1. Choose tomatoes of the same size; they will be salted at the same time.
  2. Tomatoes for pickling should be ripe, but not overripe; too soft and hard are not suitable.
  3. You should not salt a lot of tomatoes in one bag at once; they will not be salted evenly. Some will be more salty, some less, even if you give it a good shake.
  4. Make a small cross-shaped cut at the stem and the tomatoes will be salted faster.
  5. If you are afraid that there are too many nitrates in the tomatoes (it is quite possible in store-bought tomatoes), pierce each one with a toothpick at the stem, and put it in cold water for half an hour. The bad will go away.

Delicious pickles will not leave anyone indifferent, bon appetit, friends! A small request: do you know any recipes for lightly salted tomatoes in an instant package, don’t skimp – tell us in the comments, okay? I wish you good health and look forward to your visit.

Hello, dear readers! Let's continue the topic lightly salted tomatoes. In the last issue I told you how to do it. And the method in the package was also explained there... But I decided to write out the recipes for myself in the package in a separate article, so as not to get confused, and there was order. Moreover, this appetizer is prepared quickly and does not require much culinary knowledge.

And today, for your attention, a fresh selection lightly salted tomatoes in a bag with garlic and instant herbs...


I especially highlight the dry pickling method because the tomatoes are salted in their own juice without adding brine. This saves us time, storage space and, most importantly, protects useful material. Each of these recipes is good in its own way.

According to this recipe, you can pickle vegetables in no more than 5 minutes, and you can enjoy the pickles within a day. If you haven't tried making this delicious dish yet, be sure to give it a try! It turns out very tasty and appetizing.


  1. 1 kilogram of tomatoes;
  2. 1 tablespoon coarse salt;
  3. a few peppercorns;
  4. 4 cloves of garlic;
  5. horseradish leaf;
  6. dill caps;
  7. a small bunch of dill;
  8. food package.

It is better to choose tomatoes that are dense and elastic. Overripe tomatoes are also suitable, but appearance won't be as attractive. Cut off the tops of each of them so that the flesh becomes visible. This way they will salt faster.

Chop the garlic finely or pass through a garlic press. Chop the dill thoroughly too. Place all prepared tomatoes in a plastic bag.

Add all other ingredients to them.

Tie the bag tightly. Shake it gently, but as thoroughly as possible, so that all the ingredients disperse evenly and become friends in a fragrant union. To ensure that the brine released during the infusion process does not leak from the bag, place it in another one of the same type.

There is no need to put the pickling in the refrigerator. Leave it on the table for a day. The very next day the tomatoes will be ready to eat. They turn out very tasty, refreshing and strong.

It's impossible to tear yourself away. Perhaps the only drawback of this dish is that there is never enough of it, no matter how much I cook it!

Lightly salt tomatoes in the refrigerator for 2 hours

You won’t believe it, but you can enjoy your favorite treat within 2 hours after preparation. The recipe is simple and does not require much expense. The salting method is interesting and unusual, and the result is simply fantastic!


  1. 1 kilogram of small ripe tomatoes;
  2. 1 strong onion;
  3. 3 cloves of garlic;
  4. one small bunch of dill and parsley;
  5. 1 teaspoon granulated sugar;
  6. 1 tablespoon coarse salt.

Wash the tomatoes and dry them on a towel. Cut them into 2 parts and remove the crust from the stalk. Grind the pulp thoroughly with a knife until it becomes mushy. Do this carefully so as not to damage the walls of the vegetable.

It is better to choose small or medium-sized tomatoes. This way they will marinate faster and look more appetizing.

A little liquid pulp remove with a spoon, leaving a little less than half.

Finely chop the greenfinch, garlic and onion. It is better to pass the garlic through a press. Mix them with salt and sugar until smooth. This mixture will serve as a stuffing marinade for vegetables.

Place the prepared filling into the half-empty tomato slices. Carefully place in a bag so that the vegetables do not lose their filling and put in the refrigerator.

If you chose small fruits, then after 2 hours you can safely start eating. It turns out very tasty and fast. And they fly off the table even faster. Checked!

Quick recipe for lightly salted tomatoes in slices

This interesting recipe have to more salad than a snack. It can be prepared both for everyday lunch and for festive table. These tomatoes are ready within 2 hours after marinating, but we can’t always wait for the allotted time. Most often, tomatoes appear at a meal within an hour and a half.


  1. 5-6 small, ripe, strong tomatoes;
  2. 4-5 cloves of peeled garlic;
  3. 3-4 branches fresh dill or 1 tablespoon dried;
  4. 0.5 teaspoon of coarse salt;
  5. half a teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  6. half a teaspoon of vinegar 9%;
  7. mixture provencal herbs for marinating to taste;
  8. a few sprigs of parsley.

Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut into slices. If the fruit is medium, then it needs to be divided into 5-6 parts.

Cut the garlic into thin strips or cubes and add them to the tomatoes. Add salt and chopped dill here.

Add all other ingredients and mix well but gently. The slices should not be damaged, but the marinade should be distributed evenly.

Place the slices into a bag, tie it and place this piece culinary arts in the refrigerator. After 40-60 minutes it begins to spread wonderful aroma. But it’s better to wait 2 hours for all the ingredients to fully reveal their abilities.

Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped parsley and serve as a salad, snack or addition to side dishes. It is especially good with meat or potatoes. Try it!

How to make lightly salted cucumbers and tomatoes in a bag

This vitamin mix It turns out very tasty and it’s simply impossible to tear yourself away from it. You can put all your favorite vegetables that grow in the garden in a pickling bag. I'm making this snack all year round, especially often, of course, during the season of your own harvest. It cooks quickly and flies off the table even faster.


  1. 5 small tomatoes;
  2. 5 of the same cucumbers;
  3. 4 cloves of peeled garlic;
  4. 1 teaspoon coarse salt;
  5. a small bouquet of dill;
  6. If desired and possible, you can add half a medium zucchini.

Wash cucumbers and zucchini, cut into thin slices lengthwise.

Wash the tomatoes, dry them and cut them into slices depending on size. If you took medium vegetables, you can divide them into quarters, if large ones - into 6-8 parts, and small ones can be cut in half.

Finely chop the dill and garlic. Place all ingredients in a tight bag. Secure it and thoroughly shake the contents. Leave in the kitchen for 1-2 hours. After an hour, try the vegetables, if you like the taste, you can serve. If the degree of salting still does not satisfy you, then leave it for some more time.

The results are incredibly tasty and crispy vegetables. Great alternative we love snacks. And how good they are with potatoes... See for yourself!

Video on how to pickle tomatoes in 5 minutes

Lightly salted tomatoes - favorite treat many. Indeed, it is impossible not to love them. On a hot summer day, they refresh and energize. And in winter they remind us of sunny days and warmth. There are a lot of ways to prepare such a snack.

Today we got acquainted with light salts from a package. This is one of my favorite ways because they cook so quickly. And the brine-free method captivates me even more. After all dry pickling allows you to preserve all the benefits and value of vegetables.

Prepare lightly salted tomatoes according to our recipes, and be sure to boast about the results in the comments. In order not to lose the article and tell your friends, share it on social networks. See you again!