The benefits and harms of whey. Getting whey

The study of dietary products with low energy value and high nutritional properties is an important task of modern nutrition. A cardinal change in a person’s lifestyle in the world of new technologies entails serious health consequences. Hypodynamia, the consumption of an excess of tasty and high-calorie foods lead to an increase in the body mass index above the norm, which becomes a risk factor for metabolic disorders and the development of diseases.

Whey and its role in normalizing weight

Whey is a food product obtained in the manufacture of cottage cheese, cheeses, casein and remaining after decanting a dense mass. It is rich in lactose, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals, practically free of fat and free of cholesterol. The energy value of whey is only 18 kcal, which allows you to safely include it in any diet. In addition, it has almost no contraindications for use.

Whey for weight loss has a whole arsenal of properties:

  • stimulates the digestive tract, normalizes stool;
  • restores the vital activity of intestinal microflora;
  • removes harmful compounds (toxins, toxins) from the body;
  • removes excess fluid from tissues, relieves swelling;
  • activates the metabolism;
  • eliminates the feeling of hunger, thirst;
  • stops the secretion of stress hormones, increases the production of serotonin.

It is important that whey contributes to weight loss not so much because it has a low calorie content, but because of its medicinal qualities. Weight loss with its regular use is a “side” effect of normalizing metabolism, improving the function of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and complex cleansing of the body. Therefore, the result is long-term, and improvements in appearance relate not only to the figure: the skin is cleansed, the face is fresher and younger, the hair structure is restored.

Video: Aleksey Mamatov's healing practices: whey for weight correction

Warning:  A strong desire to quickly lose weight can lead to an effective, but negatively affecting diet. Whey will support the body, saturating it with essential vitamins, nutrients and valuable minerals, and mitigate the consequences of this choice.

Getting whey

Serum in its pure form and as part of cocktails, juices is sold today in any dairy department. However, for dietary use, a home-cooked fresh product is better. It stores much more vitamins and nutrients, has significant biological activity.

It’s good if you can get whey or whole milk from a private farm, and you need full confidence in the safety of the products. If this is not possible, it is permissible to prepare whey yourself from milk purchased at the grocery store. It is easy to get a pleasant drink with a slight acidity by stirring the heated milk with a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. As soon as the whey begins to separate, you need to drain the heated mass into a colander with gauze or a small metal sieve to strain the liquid from the cottage cheese.

Whey as a dietary supplement

The easiest way to use whey for weight loss is to use it as an independent drink. A cocktail with berries, fruits, vegetables or herbs can serve as a substitute for an evening meal or as the basis for a fasting day. Serum soups and okroshki are healthy, tasty and preserve all its dietary properties.

A glass of fresh whey, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast, can speed up the process of cleansing the body. The use of this milk drink in the same amount before each meal is useful directly to lose weight. At the same time, high-calorie “heavy” foods, flour products, alcohol should be excluded from the diet and overeating should be avoided.

Before deciding to add whey to your menu, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications to its use in food:

  • insufficient secretion of lactase, an enzyme for the breakdown of milk sugar;
  • an allergic reaction to milk proteins, including casein;
  • predisposition to diarrhea.

Menu during a whey diet

A weekly whey diet allows you to lose almost 5 kg of excess weight in a short time. During the entire period, you need to drink about 2.5 liters of water daily, excluding coffee and tea, food should be taken at the same time.

Breakfast for 7 days is the same diet - a slice of cheese, coffee or tea without sweeteners and sugar, several crackers.

Lunch and dinner can be planned based on the following menu:

1 day

For lunch, you can eat 1 apple, 1 orange, drink 200 ml of serum. Dinner will consist of 2 medium-sized cucumbers, 1 boiled chicken egg and 130 g of cottage cheese (better than low-fat).

2 day

For dinner, you should prepare 2 cucumbers (or other fresh vegetables), 200 g of boiled chicken meat, 200 ml of whey. For dinner - 130 g of diet cottage cheese and 400 ml of yogurt.

3 day

Lunch will consist of 1 apple or orange, 100 g of cheese and 200 ml of whey. Dinner - 200 g salad with fresh vegetables and 2 boiled chicken eggs.

4 day

For lunch, serve boiled or steamed fish, 2 cucumbers and 200 ml of whey. A good dinner will be vinaigrette, 1 boiled chicken egg and 50 g of boiled veal.

5 day

For lunch, you can eat 1 orange or apple, 130 g fat-free cottage cheese and 200 ml of whey. For dinner - 1 tomato or 6 radishes, 1 boiled chicken egg, 100 g of ham.

6 day

For lunch, it is enough to use 1 orange, 1 apple and 200 ml of serum. For dinner - 200 ml of yogurt and 130 g of cottage cheese.

7 day

For dinner, you need to boil or steam 100 g of chicken, eat 1 fresh cucumber and 200 ml of whey. Dinner will be 6 radishes and 100 g of cheese.

Tip:  The diet menu for weight loss using whey should be developed according to the recommendations of a specialist (nutritionist or therapist) taking into account individual characteristics, physiology and anamnesis.

Whey is a by-product of milk processing. It contains many useful substances that are in easy to digest form. The benefits of serum are also due to the presence of sour-milk bacteria that can slow the reproduction of pathogenic flora.

Outline of the article

Using serum as a fertilizer

The use of whey as a fertilizer in the garden improves the condition of plants, saturates them with the necessary trace elements, allows you to get a higher crop of quality fruits. In addition, a dairy product helps in the fight against fungal diseases..

The introduction of whey is carried out by root and foliar methods.

For root dressing, diluted 1 part of serum is mixed with 10 parts of water. The resulting solution is watered at the root site in a radius of about 50 cm, after which it is watered abundantly. It must be borne in mind that whey contains lactic acid, therefore it can increase the acidity of the soil.

For foliar dressing - 10% serum solution is abundantly sprayed on the leaves of plants. Plant growers do not recommend using a sprayer for this, as small particles of cottage cheese can clog the spray bottle. For best effect, a little shampoo or grated laundry soap can be added to the solution.   Spraying should not be carried out with strong winds, precipitation, strong sunlight.

Often whey is used to accelerate the maturation of compost and enrich its chemical composition.

Complex fertilizers from whey

Using plant serum, you can prepare a natural complex fertilizer containing all the substances necessary for the plant.

  1. Baking is diluted in sweet water, left warm until completely dissolved. placed in a 20 to 30 liter capacity, add. The resulting mixture is poured with milk whey, dissolved yeast is added. The mixture must be infused for 1 to 2 weeks. Before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. The average yield of the solution is about 0.5 liters per plant.
  2.   placed in a 50 liter barrel, add a bucket of ash, pour in serum. The mixture is left to ferment in a warm place for 2 to 3 weeks. The finished mixture is diluted in equal parts with water. One plant will need to make 0.5 liters.
  3. To 2 liters of serum add 5 tablespoons of honey, 10, a glass of ash. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, left to infuse for 2 to 3 days. It is most effective to apply during flowering by the foliar method and for soaking seeds.

Yeast contains a complex of B vitamins, magnesium, and active enzymes. For plants are a natural biostimulant. The use of yeast for feeding plants requires mandatory introduction, as they significantly reduce the amount of potassium. Such fertilizer may be wood ash. It contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, sulfur and other trace elements, with the exception of nitrogen. To make up for nitrogen deficiency, chicken litter is used.

Mowed grass contains all the substances necessary for plant life. During fermentation, most of the amino acids and trace elements pass into the solution, which is subsequently treated with plants.

Pest and Disease Treatment

Lactic acid, which is found in fermented milk products, effectively resists a number of fungal diseases. These include:

  • Late blight;
  • Powdery Mildew;
  • Rust;
  • Scab;
  • Fusarium
  • Leaf spotting.

It is most effective to use a fermented milk product in order to prevent diseases. For this, plants are sprayed with a serum solution. To prepare the solution, 1 liter of serum is mixed with 3 liters of water. Processing is carried out early in the morning, with a frequency of 2 to 3 times a month.

Serum helps to successfully fight a number of harmful insects. The tool eliminates aphids, cruciferous fleas, onion flies.

In addition to processing leaves and green branches, insect traps work well. In order to make a trap, a small container is dug into the ground, a little serum is poured onto the bottom. Attracted by the smell, insects fall into the container and cannot get out. Especially effective is the remedy for slugs and earwigs.

Application for garden crops

Not all garden crops respond well to fertilizer with a dairy product. Most whey is suitable for tomatoes and cucumbers, significantly increasing the quantity and quality of fruits. But not recommended for peppers and eggplant, the use of the product may worsen their condition.


Cucumbers begin to fertilize 10 days after planting in a permanent place. For greater effect, root and foliar dressings alternate with a frequency of 1 to 2 weeks.

For the prevention of powdery mildew and other fungal diseases, foliar treatment of cucumbers with serum diluted with water is used. For a better effect, a few drops of iodine are added to the solution.

Processing cucumbers during flowering helps to reduce the number of empty flowers.

How to use Cucumber Serum


Tomatoes are very responsive to fertilizer with a dairy product. Root dressing helps to increase productivity, contributes to the healthy development of plants. Top dressing begins a week after transplanting, repeated every week.

How to treat tomato serum

Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Radishes

Fertilizing begins with foliar top dressing, after the appearance of the fourth true leaf. Top dressing, if necessary, is repeated, focusing on the state of the plant.


Fertilizer with serum is recommended to start with spraying the plant on a green leaf. After the seedlings get stronger, once a week they are irrigated with a solution of fermented milk product, adding nitrogen and potassium fertilizers for the best result.

For the best effect in the fight against onion flies, tobacco leaf infusion can be added to the solution.

Fruit trees

The product effectively fights against scab on apple trees, without contaminating the fruit with harmful chemicals. Quickly destroys aphids and leafworms.

Processing begins in April - May, during the flowering of trees, necessarily including the trunk and soil around the tree. Sprayed with a frequency of twice a month throughout the season.


Milk whey is used for most ornamental plants, but the most responsive to making whey are roses and peonies. Regular spraying will help to avoid a number of problems: get rid of sucking insects, help fill up the deficit of necessary substances.

Precautionary measures

When using serum, it must be remembered that treatment with undiluted preparation can lead to burns of leaves and roots. To avoid this, the product must be diluted with water.

Despite the fact that whey is a natural product, it should be used with caution for people allergic to dairy products.

Careless introduction into the ground can increase its acidity; in acidic soil, the root system is poorly absorbed by nutrients, and the growth and development of plants slows down.

Dear healers and healers! Many had to see bottles with a translucent liquid on the market in the milk rows. One of the women selling this product once suggested: “Buy whey, you won’t regret it!” I remember that I was incredulous at her advice - after all, this is not milk and not sour cream. Probably some kind of by-product that was not useful on the farm, but it is a pity to throw it away. Thought it was wrong. Because in the summer I visited friends in the Chernihiv region and saw serum in their place of honor in their house.

  What are serum amazing healing powers?

And how has she already healed many sick people?

Ailment cornered and in no hurry to turn back? Buy pillsor serum to be treated? What is the preference to give?

« This is the first remedy for us,- said the hostess, - I cook it myself and successfully cured gastritis. And she helps her husband. Himwastinea versicolor  and there’s not a trace left after the treatment! ”

I decided to try the serum too - it turned out to be a bit sour, but it tastes good. And the idea that it is very useful only added optimism to me in the desire to find out how to be treated with this product. I would like to know more about this.

Serum has always been respected by rural people. This drink was considered healing and was widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Simple recipes were passed from mouth to mouth. More complex and highly effective were stored in ancient healing books and were known only to the elite. Nowadays, interest in serum treatment has reappeared. They even began to sell it in supermarkets. However, knowledgeable people claimthat for treatment, it’s better to prepare the serum yourself or buy on the market from trusted sellers.The range of applications of this living panacea in healing has also expanded.Today, dozens of serum-based drug recipes are known that can be used in home treatment and wellness.  We will talk about some of them in this article.

“Once, while haymaking, I pricked my finger. After a while, it swelled, reddened, then the redness spread to the whole arm. The hand was burning, it was jerking, I could not sleep. I realized that this is an erysipelatous inflammation, and the infection penetrated through the wound.

Decided to docool whey compress to calm my hand at least for a while. I moistened cotton wool in the serum, slightly wrung it out so that it would not flow, put it on my hand, covered it with plastic wrap, and fixed it with a bandage. After about 10 minutes, she fell asleep, as the pain subsided. Moody saw that the tumor became smaller, the finger was bent, pus came out of the wound. For prevention, the compress was repeated, although there was no particular need.

Soon, again, I had to check this tool. The husband worked with welding and caught sparks in his eyes, as they say. At night I woke up from his moan: “Oh, oh, do something!” Asleep thought: “But what if the serum helps?”Soaked cotton swabs, squeezed slightly, put on eyelids .   My husband didn’t even have eyes, but instead of holes, a swollen, sore face and unbearable pain. After 15 minutes, he fell asleep. There was no pain or swelling in the morning.

Once, trading in the dairy market, I saw a woman with a bandaged hand. I asked what happened. She replied thatdigs a finger ,   and for a long time, nothing helps, but only it gets worse. Redness has reached the elbow and rises higher. She told her about the serum, suggesting that she most likelyerysipelas.

I still had cottage cheese. We laid it out on a plastic film, put it on the hand, bandaged it. A few minutes later the woman said that the pain had subsided, and then added that she had yogurt at home and she would definitely make a compress. A week later, I again met a woman in the market. She thanked me with a smile, saidwhat did the compress on the arm all night,abscess burst, pus came out , everything went in one procedure. "

Serum is just a treasure, both old and young drink it

hair serum

Here is a story told to us by the reader Evgenia Kostyuk. And at the word "serum" I remembered my barefoot childhood.

Parents often joked that grandmother's dairy works without technical interruptions. And were not far from the truth.

My summer village vacation memories are inextricably linked with fresh milk, fresh cream, homemade cottage cheese and sour cream. Sometimes, I remember, my grandmother would throw a curdled milk in a colander into a colander, and a greenish-yellow liquid drained into a framed can. And it tastes very nasty, as it seemed to me then. But grandmother was inexorable.

"Serum from all sorts of ailments is good, and the body benefits", -   the old woman stubbornly repeated, through strength pouring into the sisters and me another cup of this “byaka”. However, in okroshka along with vegetables, as well as in the form of “compotes” in combination with berries and fruits, “byak” did not seem so tasteless.

Later, as young ladies, we appreciated this dairy product.The serum bleached the skin well, removed the tired freckles from our cheeks and malevolent acne . And we did all this according to my grandmother’s prompt. Indeed, in the old days for village beauties such an improvised tool was all the same that for us elite cosmetics.

We are lounged, modern women. Even villagers prefer factory-made dairy products. But in memory of my grandmother and those carefree summer days, I no no no and I’ll cook home-made cottage cheese.

And now I know a lot about the beneficial properties of serum, I read something myself, knowledgeable people suggested something, because I deal with health issues not only in the service, but also for my personal interest.

You will definitely appreciate this fermented milk product

Whey is a by-product remaining in the production of cottage cheese and cheese, but already inAncient Greece was known and actively used its healing properties.

whey concentrate

Hippocrates also discovered the beneficial effects of serum in the treatment of tuberculosis, jaundice, and skin diseases.Later, serum was recommended. with rheumatism and stones in the kidneys and bladder.   Gradually, such treatment gained more and more popularity, resorts appeared in Europe where treatment with serum was carried out, only in the foothills of the Alps at the end of the 19th century there were more than one and a half hundred.

The biological value of whey is due to the contained nitrogenous compounds, carbohydrates, vitamins, and trace elements. Whey proteins can rightfully be attributed to complete proteins used by the body for structural metabolism.

The mineral composition of whey is very diverse - all essential amino acids and vital carbohydrate-containing milk compounds pass into it.

It also contains antibiotic and protein substances that are close to blood proteins, and in this regard, some of their fractions have immune properties.

In general, whey in terms of the set and absolute content of vitamins is a biologically complete product.

The composition of whey proteins is more consistent with the composition of human milk proteins than the composition of cow's milk proteins.   A feature of whey milk fat is a higher degree of dispersion than in milk, which positively affects its digestibility.

Possessing such beneficial properties for the human body, whey should no longer be regarded only as a “processed product”.Whey has the ability to stimulate the secretion of digestive glands, so it is recommended with gastritis with low acidity . It is recommended for elderly people in connection with a decrease in their gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid and the development of a state of secretory insufficiency.

It is advisable to eat it before meals . Serum may alsoserve to normalize and improve intestinal microflora, reduce putrefactive processes in the intestines caused by toxic products.

Serum can be used in the treatment of obesity and to prevent the prevention of overweight . Serum improves kidney function and normalizes liver function, stimulates intestinal activity, removes excess fluid from the body, contributing to the optimal removal of toxins and toxins, helps withrheumatism, hypertensionimproves blood circulation and preventsdevelopment of atherosclerosisreducesinflammatory processes on the skin,mucous membrane in the stomach and intestines, has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Serum helps treat diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, such as chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, enteritis, enterocolitis, intestinal dysbiosis, chronic constipation, pyelonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis. And diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, hypertension. Cerebrovascular diseases, such as cerebral atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular accident.

Treatable with serumdiabetes and diseases of the female genital area.   As well aschronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and almost all skin diseases, including psoriasis and neurodermatitis.

There are many recipes in traditional medicine. ,

in which the mainwhey acts as a component, here, for example, some of them.

With varicose veins: 1 tsp mint pour 100 ml of boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain and mix the infusion with an equal amount of serum. The mixture is taken 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

As a prophylacticwith frequent headaches   serum is taken orally at least a glass a day.

With hemorrhoids   you need to drink 200-400 ml of serum on an empty stomach.

Bowel cleansing : to the glass

serum add 2 tsp. salt, stir and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. *

For constipation   mix 100 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice with an equal amount of serum. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

Toget rid of heel spurs , you need to keep your legs daily for half an hour in heated serum.

With bronchitis and cough   serum promotes the discharge of viscous sputum. You can just drink 100 ml of serum 3-4 times a day. Or boil a tablespoon of chopped wheatgrass root in 250-300 ml of serum and take 100 ml 3-4 times a day before meals.

In case of carbon monoxide poisoning   you need to tie the head with a cloth dampened in serum.

To cleanse blood vessels, serum is taken 100-120 ml 3-4 times a day.

With urolithiasis   you need to drink a glass of whey during the day.

With seborrhea   apply gauze soaked in serum to the affected area for 2 hours. Then rinse the skin with a decoction of calendula.

Cracked skin   pass quickly if you make baths of slightly warmed serum for 30-40 minutes daily.

And for the sake of coquetry an old remedy

In addition to allwhey is an excellent cosmetic . It is no coincidence that modern cosmetologists more and more often adopt their favorite recipes for our grandmothers.

Recently, in high-end stores and in modest perfumery departments, you can see a lot of potions based on this natural product.


Recent studies have shown thatwhey has regenerative and antioxidant properties, that is, it helps restore the skin even at the intercellular level, removes all sorts of it pollution, removes toxins and toxins   and thus discourages her aging .

Well, dear hostesses, I convinced you that there is double benefit from home-made cottage cheese - after all, as a result, you get two useful sour-milk products? Then to the point!

Nutritionists advise to drink 1 glass of serum every morning to strengthen immunity.   Whey is rich in potassium. If it is not enough in the body, a person quickly gets tired, his memory worsens. Serum also helps with constipation.

How to make this drink?

The recipe is simple. . Pour 1 liter of pasteurized milk into a saucepan and set on fire. As soon as the milk begins to boil, add the juice of 1 lemon into it, mix quickly and remove from heat. Milk is stratified into whey and cottage cheese.

Separate them from each other using a fine sieve or gauze - the product is ready. Almost all salts and trace elements, almost all vitamins, pass into milk whey from milk.

Serum Kisselimproves digestion and skin condition.

2.5 cups of juice of any fruit or berries, 1 cup of whey,2   Art. tablespoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of starch. Combine the whey with fruit or berry juice, put sugar, boil. Enter the starch diluted with cold water, bring to a boil. Pour into glasses, sprinkle sugar on top.

Milled whey kvass

strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stimulates brain activity, strengthens the heart muscle and bones.

On 5 l of whey 1 glass of sugar, 50 g of yeast. Pour the whey into a large enameled pan, heat over low heat to 40 ° C. Pour sugar into the whey and add yeast diluted in a small amount of warm whey, mix well until sugar and yeast are completely dissolved. Put in a warm place for fermentation for 6 hours, then refrigerate.

Whey drink strengthens the cardiovascular and muscle systems, bones, improves eyesight .

3 cups whey, 3 carrots, sugar - to taste. Peel the carrots, wash and pass through a juicer. Combine whey with carrot juice and sugar. Stir and pour into glasses - the whey drink is ready.

Whey Jelly. 2 cups whey, 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin soaked in advance, berries, syrup or jam, sugar - to taste. Strain the whey, heat to 70-80 ° C, add gelatin, berries, syrup or jam, granulated sugar. Pour the mixture into molds and place in a cold place - the delicacy is ready.


I read a lot about the benefits of whey. And finally she began treatment. The advice of one man pushed me to this.

The recipe is as follows.   You need to take 3 liters of whey, dip 3-6 home eggs into it, preferably with a white shell / I put 5 eggs /, cover with gauze and put in a dark place, after 5-7 days the egg shell will completely dissolve in the serum, the eggs will remain only a white thin film that you need to carefully pierce and pour the contents back into the serum, and discard the white film. Add 400-600 g of honey, mix well. The medicine is ready. Start drinking 100 g in the morning and evening.

I did a little wrong, put honey on the bottom of the jar, eggs on the honey, then filled it all with milk whey. I just realized that if I start adding honey last, I will have to change the bottle to larger containers later.

So you need to drink all the medicine, it will take about 15 days, then take a break for 2 months and again repeat the course of treatment. The man who gave me this recipe,suffered from psoriasis for 20 years,   and he had everything gone during the second to


My legs were numb, so much so that I could not walk without a wand. Doctors no longer knew how to help. I remembered how my mom was treated with serum.

I began to buy a liter or two and pour it into a three-liter jar (the more acidic this dairy product is, the better). Every evening he heated a liter of serum and steamed his feet for about five minutes, from time to time adding hot water. After the procedure, she allowed the skin to dry and - to bed.

In the morning, she washed her feet and massaged her well, took contrasting baths: poured cold and hot water into two basins, lowered her feet first in one, counted to five, then in the other. And so - for 5-7 minutes.

Then dried with a towel and carefully rubbed camphor oil, massaging the foot. She put on clean socks and did not take them off all day. And in the evening he warmed up the serum again ...

After a month of persistent daily treatment, the sensitivity of the legs returned - and I was able to walk without a stick .

If serum is treated, the ulcer will go away!

Gastric ulcer - a disease that causes unbearable pain, sometimes appearing at the most unexpected moments.

milk cheese

There are many medical methods for treating this disease, many folk, but notone of them is not able to relieve this disease as painlessly as a whey-based composition.

To prepare this composition is necessary   fresh whey with a three-liter can of whole cow's milk. Such whey is formed when milk turns sour and turns into yogurt. The whey must be filtered, put in it three raw medium-sized eggs, and it is necessary from domestic hens, the eggs are laid directly in the shell. Pre-rinse the eggs well.

This composition must be maintained for seven days at room temperature, but regularly check at what stage of dissolution the egg shell is. As soon as you notice that the eggs are left only in the film, and the whole shell has dissolved, this composition must be refrigerated for six to seven days.

After this period, carefully remove the film from the eggs and mix the resulting composition. Now it is necessary to add three hundred grams of honey to it, mix again and keep in the refrigerator for another ten days.

The solution that will turn out is recommended to be taken twice a day, one hour before meals, in half a glass. If the disease is started, a course of treatment with milk serum must be taken at least three times. That is, in this case, a similar composition will have to be done three times, and not to divide the prepared composition into three parts. But it often happens that the first time the symptoms of the disease disappear.

To get a rich harvest in autumn, it is necessary to take care of crops competently and in a timely manner. At the same time, high-quality fertilizers are of paramount importance. And every summer resident knows that for this it is not necessary to contact specialized stores, because you can create high-quality top dressing with your own hands, especially since you can use a wide variety of products for this. And among the most useful products for plants is whey.

Wonderful amino acid supplementation

Whey is actively used in cooking, as a cosmetic product and even as a medicine. Sour milk contains a large number of vitamins, animal protein, sugar and trace elements. Thanks to these components that make up, it is possible to beneficially affect the intestinal microflora. Thus, it promotes the active reproduction of bacteria that are beneficial for the body.

The same miraculous property allows the use of acidic liquid as a top dressing. Besides the fact that in its composition it contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - the most important elements for the development of plants - amino acids are part of its "structure", which primarily receive cultures through the root system.

But its main miraculous effect is a detrimental effect on fungal spores - they simply can not cope with the acidic environment of the product. Sour-milk product is especially useful for the prevention of fungal infections such as late blight and powdery mildew.

Two ways to fatten

The presented fermented milk product is especially fond of cucumbers, zucchini, squash and even roses and other flowers. Therefore, fertilizers can be used in the flower garden. However, tomatoes are most appreciated by her - from nothing else they are not so transformed.

But in order for the plants to receive the maximum of “positive emotions” from such a “delicacy”, it is necessary to know in what form the “dish can be served”. There are two main methods for making a fermented milk product:

  1. Root method - nutrients are applied directly to the soil;
  2. Foliar method - the solution is applied to the leaves and stems of growing vegetables and fruits.
How to improve productivity?

Letters are constantly written to us in which gardener lovers worry that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not heed, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise biostimulants of plant growth, which will help increase yield to 50-70%.

Read ...

Both methods have their advantages as well as limitations for application. So, the concentration of the substance for the root method should be at a lower level, so that it could not burn the root system. For spraying, more “strong” solutions are used, due to which the effect is more effective.

When spraying, fertilizers can be saved, since they are not washed out of the soil with water. Both methods are better to alternate with each other. It can be used both in greenhouses and in beds.

We make an appointment schedule

In order for top dressing to have the greatest positive effect on different types of plants, it is necessary to take care not only of the correct preparation, but also of the frequency of its use. As mentioned earlier, it is better to alternate between root and root methods of nutrition, however, this should be done wisely:

  1. In the first period of development, plant enrichment methods are best alternated.
  2. When tomatoes and other crops are strong enough, you can only switch to root dressing.

In addition, it must be remembered that serum must be added directly to the soil at a certain time. Most gardeners agree that the first time plants need such fertilizing 10 days after planting. At least two weeks should pass before the second “meal”, and it is worth feeding a third time during the beginning of flowering.

Main dish for spraying

To prepare a solution for the foliar fertilizer application method, it is necessary to take three main components: whey, water and iodine, which will create antimicrobial protection. The method of preparation and use are as follows:

  1. Ten liters of water uses whey in the amount of one liter. Also, 10 drops of iodinol must be added to this composition.
  2. Stir the resulting mixture well and pour into the sprayer.

Also in the composition you can add laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater - so the solution will be better to stick to the stems and leaves.

Foliar top dressing should begin seven days after planting crops in the beds. Spraying should be repeated every 5-6 days. In case of emergency, a dairy product can be replaced with low-fat kefir or even milk. But if possible, do not deviate from the recipe.

Also, based on this product, you can prepare a tool for the treatment of fungal diseases. For this, no more than one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide should be added to the same solution. Treat with the composition should be much less than normal top dressing - so as not to burn the leaves.

Food for plant roots

Tomatoes like no other plants like to absorb nutrients from the soil. That is why in the second period of the growing season, it is recommended to switch completely to the root feeding system. In this case, to prepare the fertilizer, you need a liter of milk liquid, which must be mixed with 9-10 liters of water.

Care should be taken to monitor the dosage of top dressing. The thing is that it has a fairly high acid-fat consistency, which can cause an upset in the acid balance of the soil and even burn the roots of plants.

With such a composition, it is good to process such crops as tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, roses and even ferns.

Features of feeding in the greenhouse

The greenhouse has its own microclimate. It is very important not to disturb it when making nutrients. If you go too far with “fertility vitamins” into the greenhouse atmosphere, due to the high temperature, a large number of acidic compounds will be released, which can simply burn the shoots of crops.

To prevent this, you must:

  1. Moisten the soil, if it is dry, before applying the substances by the root method. In this case, the water temperature is also important - it should be in the range of 20-22 degrees Celsius.
  2. When watering, try to ensure that moisture does not fall on the stems and leaves of crops - do not allow an excess of moisture.

Insect repellent

With the help of serum, you can also prepare a composition for combating the main plant pests - the moths and leafworms. To combat them, you can make a fairly effective trap:

  1. Cut the upper half from a plastic bottle, make holes for a rope leash.
  2. Fill the resulting vessel a third and hang it overnight on a tree.

In the morning in the tank you will see a large number of insects, including our main opponents.

How to cook the best organic fertilizer for vegetable crops?

Now you know that even with the help of improvised means you can create an effective tool to help garden and cultivated plants. Follow the rules for its use and get a rich harvest in the fall.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what:

  • the inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort during ascents and descents of stairs;
  • By-product arising in the manufacture of cheese and cottage cheese is whey. Nutritionists, nutritionists, and other specialists involved in healthy nutrition issues are not in vain paying more attention to it.

    B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and calcium, milk proteins alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin (pay attention to the absence of the most difficult to digest milk protein, casein, which often causes intolerance to milk and dairy products from whole milk, in the serum) - a high content of these components Bringing whey to the top of healthy foods. And those who want to lose weight, or maintain harmony, will appreciate its low calorie content, the complete absence of cholesterol and milk fat. Whey for weight loss has several ways to use.

    The first way. Health Stresses

    The so-called "fasting" days, or express mono-diet, are very useful for the adult body (we remind you that the body is considered such after 15 years). In addition to cleansing, express mono-diet stabilizes digestive processes, speeds up metabolism, and helps to eliminate excess fluid.

    To spend a fasting day with whey, you will need one and a half to two liters of product, and about the same amount of weak green or black tea without sugar and additives, or water. Divide the serum into four doses, drink it slowly, alternate with tea and / or water.

    This mono-diet can be practiced once every seven days. If you have significant experience in “not eating”, periods in the range of 3-30 days are permissible, but soft entry into the process of fasting and exit from it are mandatory here. Consultation with a specialist regarding possible contraindications to prolonged fasting is highly desirable.

    Use is not very effective, this kind of food stress stimulates digestion and speeds up metabolism, as well as remove excess fluid from the body. But for stable, we recommend that you look at the next method.

    The second way. "To lose weight, you must not eat!"

    People who want to reduce the number of kilograms of their own live weight, after several diet programs, body wraps, the use of massagers and other partly quack inventions, come to the realization that there is one real way to lose weight - to reduce the calorie intake and increase physical activity. And how can you reduce the amount of this tasty and often unhealthy food?

    We recommend drinking a glass of whey 20-30 minutes before a meal. The use of whey helps to reduce appetite when the time comes for a main meal, stimulates digestion, and improves metabolism, usually slowed down if you are overweight.

    Also, whey, or rather, a drink from it, you can replace the evening meal. Add finely chopped parsley and / or dill to the whey (300 - 400 ml). Salt or add spices to taste. Stir and drink slowly, in small sips. Great if the whey is cold. Firstly, the taste of the drink improves, and secondly, the body spends more energy on its absorption.

    Ideally, if you can dine this way every night, for at least one month. During this period, the volume of the stomach and the need for a large amount of food will decrease, the body adapts to reduced calorie content, the process of burning internal fat will intensify. If not, do not be discouraged, the benefits of even three such dinners per week cannot be overestimated.

    If you like greens, try the following recipe:

    Mix 400 ml of whey in a blender or mixer, a handful of strawberries, strawberries or raspberries, add a little and a little cinnamon (about half a teaspoon). Stir, pour into a glass, slowly and happily drink.

    In order to further diversify your “whey” diet, refer to the cooking of our grandmothers. Whey mixed with lettuce, finely chopped cucumbers, unsweetened fruits and berries is a true drink of health and beauty. Serum is sold in stores, but if desired, it can be easily prepared by yourself - either from sour milk, allowing it to exfoliate into cottage cheese and liquid, or from fresh, almost bringing to a boil and pouring the juice of one lemon into it.

    Extra bonuses to the body

    Serum, in addition to the above, has other beneficial properties. Firstly, if you have such an unpleasant neighbor as your buttocks, then by eating whey, you can reduce its manifestation. The stronger the tendency to swelling, the more noticeable the orange peel. By eating whey, you speed up the metabolism and remove excess fluid from the tissues. In addition, you can use whey not only for weight loss, but also for skin, nails (and the body as a whole).

    Even those suffering from gastritis, duodenitis and other gastrointestinal diseases can easily eat whey. It does not irritate the gastric mucosa, and does not provoke exacerbation of diseases.

    Whey for weight loss. Cons and contraindications:

    There are no disadvantages of whey as a product of healthy and dietary nutrition. There is a contraindication associated with the presence in its composition of milk sugar, lactose. If you have lactose intolerance, whey, for all its usefulness, is forbidden to you for use.

    If you have kidney problems, you should also minimize its amount in your diet. Serum, with all its usefulness, in your case can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

    The benefits of low-calorie whey: