The benefits and harms of forest beauties - mushrooms. Mushrooms - benefits and beneficial properties Who benefits from mushrooms

Many people in our country associate the height of summer and the arrival of autumn with the onset of mushroom season. Porcini mushrooms, boletus, aspen mushrooms, milk mushrooms, russula, saffron milk caps, chanterelles, boletus, honey mushrooms and many other mushrooms appear in our forests at this time. And a huge number of people go after them with baskets and buckets. In Russia, people traditionally love not only the mushrooms themselves, but also the process of collecting them, and therefore there is no shortage of conversations about mushrooms. Some of them are true, others are complete fiction. We have compiled a ranking of the five most popular myths about mushrooms.

Myth 1. Mushrooms have more protein than eggs and meat.

Mushrooms are often called forest meat because it is widely believed that they contain more protein than eggs and meat. But is it? Eggs contain 13 g of protein per 100 grams, and 26 g of meat. Fresh mushrooms are almost 90% water. Obviously, even if the rest were occupied by protein, there would be no more than 10 g of it, and this is less than in eggs or meat. That is, the information about record-breaking mushrooms for protein content is misleading? Not really. Most likely we are talking about dried mushrooms. Since this process is associated with the removal of water from the product, the percentage of other substances increases sharply.

Myth 2. Mushrooms are a low-calorie dietary food.

This statement is only partly true. Wild mushrooms actually contain few calories, and due to their high content of protein and other substances, they quickly cause a feeling of fullness. At the same time, mushrooms are quite heavy and difficult to digest food, and therefore cannot be recommended as a dietary food. In small quantities they can be included in a limited dietary diet, but in no way make it the basis.

At the same time, the “vitamin composition” of mushrooms commands respect. Both forest and cultivated mushrooms contain more B vitamins (B1, B2, B6) than some cereals, and they contain as much vitamin PP as beef liver. Mushrooms also contain vitamins A and C, iodine, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium.

Everything is not so clear. On the one hand, scientists actually discovered a large amount of beta-glucans in mushrooms. This substance from the class of polysaccharides in the human body regulates the functioning of the immune system, protecting it from foreign proteins. On the other hand, beta-glucans in mushrooms are represented by rather large molecules that can be difficult to be absorbed by the human intestine. Thus, mushrooms do contain substances that are beneficial for the immune system, but their digestibility is extremely limited for objective reasons.

Nevertheless, it is with the consumption of mushrooms in Rus' that researchers associate the fact that in the past people managed to maintain a high level of immunity even during strict fasting. This fact has prompted modern science to produce medicinal immunomodulatory and antitumor agents based on mushroom extracts.

Myth 4. Mushrooms are poorly digested and absorbed by the body.

This is true. It's all about the content of chitin, which, for example, makes up the hard outer cover of insects and arthropods. This is also where the separate biological kingdom of fungi differs from plants. The chitin contained in mushrooms is not absorbed by the human body, and for some people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract it is completely contraindicated. Also, precisely because of the presence of chitin, many beneficial substances in mushrooms are excreted from the body undigested. For example, mushrooms contain 18 valuable amino acids that affect mental activity, memory and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, but only 10% of their total amount is absorbed by the human body during digestion.

Mushrooms are indeed heavy food that is poorly digested and absorbed by the body. For this reason, they are not recommended to be given to children under 12-14 years of age, and after this age, nutritionists advise introducing mushrooms into the diet only in small doses.

Myth 5. Mushrooms absorb all harmful substances

This is true. Mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb all harmful substances from the environment; they have an incredibly high ability to accumulate various toxins and even radioactive compounds! For this reason, mushrooms should be collected only in environmentally friendly places away from roads and hazardous industries. It is also better to cut off very young mushrooms, because the longer the mushroom has grown, the higher the likelihood that harmful substances have accumulated in it.

The property of mushrooms to absorb toxins makes this product dangerous for consumption even if a person can completely distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones: the toxin content cannot be determined by eye; this requires special equipment, which mushroom pickers, as a rule, do not have. But there is another side to this coin. If you eat organic mushrooms, once they enter the digestive system, they, like a sponge, absorb the toxins and heavy metals contained in the intestines and naturally remove them from the body.

Having sorted out the most common myths about mushrooms, we can say with confidence that mushrooms have every right to be present in the human diet, but they must be introduced there very carefully and in small portions. Mushrooms are a delicious food product that can diversify any holiday or everyday table and enrich a Lenten diet. But you need to pick and prepare wild mushrooms yourself very carefully to prevent poisoning.

There are a huge number of mushrooms. The article will help you figure out which of them you can eat, how they are good for the body, and what the harm is.

There is still active debate about whether mushrooms can be eaten or not. Some consider them incredibly tasty and very healthy, others consider them a source of poisons.

Experienced housewives have their own position: they believe that any mushroom, if it is initially suitable for eating, will be beneficial and pamper the taste buds if you know how to prepare it correctly.

Why should you eat mushrooms?

Mushrooms are unique living organisms belonging to a separate biological family. They have characteristics of both animals and plants.

IMPORTANT: You don’t need to think that mushrooms are useless food. They contain many useful substances.

Mushrooms include:

  • proteins (including chitin, which is difficult for the human digestive system to process)
  • amino acids (about 18 pieces)
  • fats (very little, only about 1-2%)
  • polysaccharides (beta-glucans)
  • vitamins (including group B, vitamins A, D, C and PP)
  • minerals (iodine, potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, others)

IMPORTANT: Due to the chitin content, mushrooms should not be eaten by children under 14 years of age. Due to the lack of special enzymes, this protein is not digested by them

The benefits of mushrooms for humans are as follows:

  • are a source of protein, which is necessary for the construction of new cells
  • provide quick satiety, while they are low-fat and low-calorie, they can be used by those who are on a diet
  • due to the content of vitamins, they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body and its appearance - they improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth
  • promote hematopoiesis
  • improve heart function due to high potassium content
  • improve the functioning of the endocrine system
  • increase immunity due to the content of beta-glucans

IMPORTANT: Previously, people, while collecting, ate wild mushrooms. Later they began to be cultivated. And while in Eastern and Central Europe the tradition of going into the forest in the fall for a “quiet hunt” has been preserved, in Western Europe they eat only human-grown mushrooms, mostly champignons.

What are the harms of mushrooms?

Like any other food, mushrooms have certain harms:

  1. Mushrooms can be poisonous and are simply not intended for consumption. People do not always know how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms, so cases of severe intoxication are not uncommon, the consequences of which can be fatal.
  2. Mushrooms are capable of accumulating harmful substances and compounds contained in the environment. If they are collected in contaminated areas or prepared in violation of technology, poisoning is also possible
  3. Vegetarians prefer to eat mushrooms instead of meat as a product containing protein. But they cannot become the main food because of the same chitin. Its excessive content in the body leads to pathologies of the pancreas, liver, stomach and intestines.

Oyster mushrooms benefit and harm

Oyster mushrooms are one of those mushrooms that are cultivated by humans. When grown conscientiously, the harm from oyster mushrooms is minimal, they:

  • can cause a feeling of oversaturation or heaviness in the stomach, because, like other mushrooms, they are not completely absorbed by the body
  • can absorb harmful substances from the environment if grown in violation of technology

IMPORTANT: You need to know how to buy fresh oyster mushrooms. These mushrooms spoil very quickly

The benefits for the human body and its health are greater for oyster mushrooms than for other mushrooms, if only because they contain a significant amount of polysaccharides and are a powerful natural anticancer agent.

  • for immunity
  • for heart
  • to restore blood
  • for obesity

Chanterelle mushrooms: benefits and harms

Red chanterelles contain large quantities of ascorbic acid, vitamin D, and selenium. Therefore, their benefits have been proven for:

  • immunity
  • nervous system
  • endocrine system
  • vision
  • bones and muscles
  • vessels

To prevent chanterelles from causing harm to the body, you must be able to:

  1. Collect them. Often inexperienced mushroom pickers confuse healthy chanterelles with false chanterelles - conditionally edible mushrooms with a dull taste and lack of beneficial properties.
  2. Store them. If you do not place the chanterelles in the cold within 4-5 hours after cutting, harmful decomposition products will begin to accumulate in them.
  3. Cook them. Before actually cooking, they need to be boiled for 15-20 minutes.

White mushroom benefits and harm

The white mushroom is the most beautiful and delicious, it is called the king of mushrooms. Unfortunately, its benefits are not as outstanding as its appearance and taste. It consists in:

  • favorable ratio of nutritional value and calorie content (protein - as in meat, while 100 g contains only 300 kcal)
  • content of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids (there are 22 of them in porcini mushroom), fiber, and other substances necessary for humans
  • anti-cancer properties

There are also few arguments in favor of refraining from eating porcini mushrooms, but they are significant:

  • they have a poisonous counterpart - the gall mushroom; an inexperienced mushroom picker will not be able to distinguish them
  • they quickly absorb harmful compounds from the environment, such as heavy metals

Morels: benefits and harms. Lines benefit and harm

As for morels and strings, you need to start with their harm.

Morels are mushrooms classified as conditionally edible. To eat them, you must adhere to a complex technology - soak them and boil them in 2-3 waters. They also say that only drying for 3 months can completely remove toxins from morels.
The greatest value of morels is that they improve vision and are a remedy against cataracts.

IMPORTANT: The lines are generally poisonous. Many experts agree that even complex treatment is not able to completely remove toxic substances from them.

VIDEO: Morel stitches, benefits and harms of these mushrooms

Benefits and harms of champignons

Champignons fully reveal the benefits of all mushrooms for the human body, firstly, due to the fact that, when cultivated, they are almost completely free from harm.

They are low-calorie, 27 kcal per 100 g, but rich in:

  • protein
  • amino acids (biotin, lenoleic and panthenolic acids)
  • vitamins
  • micro- and macroelements

Therefore, champignons have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.
The only drawback of these mushrooms is their high chitin content.

VIDEO: Benefits of champignons

Benefits and harms of honey mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are the “fish” among mushrooms; they are champions in phosphorus and calcium content. This is the reason for their benefits for bones. In addition, a cocktail of vitamins, amino acids, ash, and other minerals make them beneficial for organs:

  • of cardio-vascular system
  • nervous system
  • vision
  • endocrine system

Real honey mushrooms, especially those grown artificially, are no more harmful than other edible mushrooms. But it is important not to confuse them with false honey mushrooms, which are not suitable for consumption.

The benefits and harms of milk mushrooms

In Eastern Europe, milk mushrooms are collected with pleasure and delicious dishes are prepared with them. At the same time, in the West they are not considered edible mushrooms.

Before cooking, milk mushrooms need to be soaked for two days. Then boil twice for at least 20 minutes, only after this its harm is neutralized.

VIDEO: Mushrooms. The kingdom of mushrooms: the harm and benefits of mushrooms

Mushrooms are a tasty, healthy, low-calorie product loved by many, known to mankind for thousands of years. This is a real storehouse of useful substances - vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Their numerous varieties have already been carefully studied by scientists, who, despite this, are identifying more and more new properties of these gifts of nature.

Of course, subject to certain rules of collection, storage, and preparation, edible mushrooms are extremely useful and have the most positive effect on the body. However, some of them are seriously dangerous and can cause serious harm to health.

What are the benefits and harms of mushrooms for humans? Let's talk about this in more detail:

How are mushrooms good for human health? Beneficial features

Scientists have found that the nutritional value of mushrooms is in no way inferior to meat and plant products. Moreover, unlike fruits and vegetables, they do not lose their beneficial properties during heat treatment, freezing or drying. Therefore, they are indispensable for people on a diet or practicing vegetarianism.

In addition to protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates, mushrooms contain many other valuable substances that are beneficial to human health. In particular, they contain lecithin, a substance that prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, mushroom dishes are recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders.

Some representatives of these forest gifts of nature effectively help in the treatment of many ailments. For example, the well-known milk mushrooms, beloved by our people, are recommended to be included in the diet of patients suffering from urolithiasis.

With the help of chanterelle tincture, you can effectively cleanse the liver; with their help, worms are destroyed. They are recommended for use in inflammatory and tumor diseases.

Oyster mushrooms can help reduce blood sugar, so they are good for diabetes. Based on lemon oyster mushroom, scientists are developing a drug to lower lipid levels; it is used to strengthen the body, treat impotence, and dysentery.

Boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms, saffron milk caps and champignons are also very useful.

Why are mushrooms harmful? Contraindications

Despite their undoubted benefits, mushrooms can cause serious harm. This usually occurs due to excessive consumption of this product, or from violation of the rules of preparation, storage conditions, and also if inedible species are eaten.

Let's start with the fact that mushroom dishes are considered heavy food for the body. They should be consumed moderately, no more than 1-2 times a month. And do not eat in large quantities, since mushrooms are poorly digested and take a long time to be digested by the gastrointestinal tract due to their high chitin content. Their use reduces the activity of the body's production of gastric juice. Therefore, not only mushrooms are poorly digested, but also other food eaten with them.

You need to be very careful when collecting them. Never pick mushrooms within the city, near roads, highways, or industrial enterprises. They usually contain a huge amount of harmful salts of heavy metals, poisons, and toxins, which, like a sponge, absorb from contaminated soil.

Everyone knows that there are inedible species. Many of them are poisonous and can cause serious damage to health, even death. Even if only one such mushroom gets into the basket, poisoning is guaranteed. Therefore, if in doubt, leave the mushroom, do not take it. Very often, pale grebe is disguised as a completely edible species. Fly agarics are very poisonous.

Dangerous, poisonous mushrooms also include some varieties of umbrella mushrooms, talker mushrooms, row mushrooms and champignons (yellow-skinned, variegated). You can get poisoned by trying false mushrooms, false chanterelles or satanic mushroom.

Relatively recently, doctors classified the well-known and quite tasty pig mushrooms as inedible, poisonous species. Now they stand somewhere between the toadstool and the fly agaric. And all because pigs contain toxic substances that are not destroyed by heat treatment.

It is impossible not to mention such a dangerous disease as botulism. The overwhelming number of cases of this dangerous poisoning with a deadly poison is caused by the consumption of homemade mushrooms, preserved in violation of technology. Therefore, so that even very useful, medicinal, noble mushrooms do not become the cause of a serious pathological condition, you should strictly follow all the rules of procurement, preparation, and storage conditions.


We talked about mushrooms, their beneficial properties and contraindications. Of course, mushrooms are a tasty and healthy product. You just need to treat them with caution. Do not overuse, do not buy jars of them from grandmothers, do not collect unfamiliar species, do not take mushrooms growing in city parks or along roads. Remember that the health benefits of mushrooms are great, but the harm from them can be fatal. Be healthy!

In the autumn, many take advantage of the opportunity provided by nature itself and collect various mushrooms or buy them at the market. Very nourishing and tasty dishes are prepared from this product.

Not everyone is familiar with mushrooms. In terms of its nutritional qualities, this gift of nature is not inferior to meat. Mushrooms are able to retain their beneficial qualities even after cooking or drying. They have a low calorie content, which allows them to be included in human nutrition.

The beneficial properties of mushrooms are manifested due to the large amount of carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, provitamins and B vitamins they contain, as well as strong antioxidants, iodine, calcium, iron, potassium and zinc. This valuable product contains lecithin. This substance does not allow harmful cholesterol to accumulate in the human body. That is why eating mushrooms is useful for pathologies of blood vessels and heart, as well as for metabolic disorders.

The beneficial properties of mushrooms are highly valued by vegetarians. They enjoy using this gift of nature, rich in protein.

Most types of mushrooms have powerful antioxidant properties that help people suffering from cancer. Beta-glucans are also present in forest products. These components strengthen the immune system. That is why mushrooms are useful to eat during fasting. It is during this period that the forces protecting the body weaken significantly. This valuable product also benefits in the prevention of diabetes, atherosclerosis and many other ailments.

The beneficial properties of mushrooms make it possible to use them during the course of treatment for tuberculosis. For this, a special extract is prepared. Certain products are used for its production. This natural gift helps remove worms, helps with sore throats and headaches, as well as frostbite. Preparations with mushroom extract are recommended for patients with bronchial asthma and allergy sufferers. These remedies help get rid of purulent abscesses and many other ailments.

Among the large number of varieties, the beneficial properties of this valuable product are due to the high content of riboflavin in it. This is a valuable component that is responsible for the health of human skin, as well as the appearance of nails and hair. In addition, riboflavin has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and improves the health of the entire body. The porcini mushroom is also notable for its high content of carotene and vitamins D, C and B1. In addition to its exquisite taste, this forest product stimulates the secretion of digestive juices to a greater extent than meat broths. White mushroom also helps in the fight against cancer. This becomes possible thanks to the sulfur and polysaccharides it contains. This gift of nature itself is useful to eat for kidney and liver pathologies, as well as bone marrow diseases and difficult-to-heal wounds.

Many people are also familiar with milk mushrooms. The beneficial properties of this forest product are used for kidney stone diseases. This mushroom also has an active substance that has a depressing effect on people. Traditional healers have long used milk mushrooms to treat purulent wounds and other ailments.

People have included mushrooms in their diet since ancient times. Initially, they were eaten fresh, and when fire appeared, they began to boil or bake. They believed that eating mushrooms made a person immortal. In addition, this gift of nature was considered a holy food that only pharaohs could afford.

Today mushrooms are available to everyone. They can be purchased at any store fresh, frozen, pickled, sliced, etc. Buyers value this product for its special taste and aroma. In addition, this truly valuable gift of nature does not contain starch. In this regard, it can be eaten as a dietary product.

Mushrooms can be found on almost every holiday table. They are also used to carry out a course of losing excess weight, since they consist of 90% water and have a low calorie content.

First of all, for its nutritional properties. They contain fats and proteins, cellulose and glucose, various mineral elements (magnesium and sodium, iron and potassium, as well as calcium). Mushrooms are also rich in some vitamins - B, C. F. D and A.

What else are mushrooms good for? This product is a hybrid of proteins of animal and plant origin. The unique natural gift is rich in amino acids, mostly represented by glutamate. That is why mushrooms taste like meat, but do not contain cholesterol.

What are the health benefits of mushrooms? They help strengthen the immune system, eliminate fatigue and asthenia. Eating this natural product is one of the preventive measures to prevent the development of vascular and heart diseases, as well as oncology. This effect is caused by the biologically active substances included in its composition.

What are the benefits of mushrooms for the musculoskeletal system? It is the only plant food that contains vitamin D, which is typical of fish meat. That is why eating this gift of nature is important for the health of teeth, bones, as well as skin, hair and nails.

What else are mushrooms good for? Its anti-carcinogenic effect. Scientific research has proven the antitumor activity of the substance lenitan, which is found in some. It also counteracts AIDS.

What mushrooms are good for breast cancer prevention? These are well-known champignons. They contain special substances that can suppress the activity of enzymes with the participation of which estrogen is produced.

This unique natural product is rich in selenium. This substance is an antioxidant that reduces the likelihood of developing prostate cancer. Mushrooms, containing large amounts of mineral salts and vitamins, are considered an excellent source of energy. They are recommended to be used during the recovery period. According to some nutritionists, this product also has an antiallergic effect. Including mushrooms in the diet allows you to balance the body's metabolic processes and stimulate memory. This becomes possible due to the presence of proteins in the product, the level of which is twice as high as in meat.