Cucumber pickles for the winter. Polish cucumber pickles (Pikle ogórkowe) Cucumbers with spruce flavor

Features of preparing pickles include the following:

  1. The main distinguishing feature of the recipe, which makes it different from other pickles, is the use of a special marinade, which contains a lot of spices.
  2. Vegetables used for harvesting are selected to be approximately the same size.
  3. If it is not possible to select products of the same size, then a special cutting technique is used.

In world cooking, there are two known methods of preparing pickles, which are considered traditional:

  • boiling the ingredients until smooth, after which the resulting mass is marinated. This method is called chutney;
  • The second method is to pre-blanch the ingredients, after which they are marinated.

India is considered the birthplace of the recipe, but the snack gained worldwide fame thanks to the British. It is better to store pickles in small glass jars.

Requirements for the selection of ingredients

Pickles are a unique dish, and its preparation requires a responsible approach to the selection of ingredients:

  1. The dish is prepared from small vegetables. If you don't have any and you're using a lot of overgrown produce, you might want to cut it into small, uniform-sized pieces.
  2. It is not necessary to use a wide variety of products. Pickles can be made from one type of vegetable.
  3. Be sure to boil foods that have a dense, hard texture, such as corn, carrots or cauliflower.

Note! The marinade is prepared using a large number of spices. The greater their variety, the better.

How to pickle pickles for the winter

If you want to cook pickles for the first time, the following recipes are suitable for you:

  • cucumber pickles;
  • with radish and pepper;
  • vegetable mix;
  • with cherry tomatoes and quail eggs;
  • with fruits;
  • without sterilization.

Each recipe has a special, piquant taste that you and your loved ones will remember for a long time.

Cucumber pickles

Cucumber pickles are considered a tasty and, at the same time, simple recipe that every housewife can do.

To prepare pickled cucumbers, we will need:

  • onion – 1 kilogram;
  • apple cider vinegar – 0.5 liters;
  • cucumbers – 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar – 450 grams;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • allspice – 2 teaspoons;
  • turmeric – 1 teaspoon.

Preparing vegetables:

  • cut the onion into half rings;
  • the cucumber is cut into slices;
  • Place the chopped vegetables on a plate and sprinkle with salt. Add a little cold water and stir;
  • put the vegetables in the refrigerator, under pressure;
  • after 3 hours, take out the plate and wash the cucumbers and onions;
  • dry vegetables.

Preparing the marinade:

  1. Place the pan on the fire and add vinegar, spices and granulated sugar.
  2. Cook the marinade until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Add vegetables to the marinade and keep on fire for a minute. Make sure the liquid does not boil.
  4. Transfer the vegetables into sterilized jars and pour the marinade over them.
  5. Roll up the jars with a lid and put them in a cool place for a week.
  6. After 7 days, the pickles can be eaten.

Pickles with radish and pepper

To prepare the recipe we will need:

  • pepper – 2 pieces;
  • radishes – 0.5 kilograms;
  • mustard seeds – 1 tablespoon;
  • allspice (peas) – 1 teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar – 250 grams;
  • salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • rice vinegar – 0.5 liters;
  • celery seeds – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking process: Wash the radishes and peppers thoroughly. If necessary, scrub the radishes with a brush, removing dirt from hard-to-reach areas. Cut clean vegetables into thin slices, removing seeds and stems. Cook the marinade in a saucepan by adding vinegar, spices, granulated sugar and salt. Cook the marinade until all the granulated sugar and salt have dissolved in the liquid. As soon as the marinade is ready, put the vegetables in jars and fill them with marinade. We roll up the jars and put them in the cellar or basement.

Important! When selecting vegetables, try to make the color palette as varied as possible. This way your dish will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Vegetable mix

Recipes for making pickles do not contain a strict set of vegetables that every housewife must adhere to. You can select different combinations as you wish. The only requirement that applies to all recipes is the size of the ingredients. Cutting vegetables into small, uniform pieces will help you adjust the vegetables to the same size.

The technology for preparing assorted vegetables is identical to the previous recipes, and the set of products depends on your capabilities. Do not forget about the presence of a large number of spices in the marinade and adjusting the vegetables to one size.

With cherry tomatoes and quail eggs

  • 1 onion;
  • 10 quail eggs;
  • 300 grams of cherry tomatoes;
  • 150 milliliters of water;
  • 250 milliliters of apple cider vinegar;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon curry;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;

  • cook and peel quail eggs;
  • wash the tomatoes;
  • cut the onion into half rings;
  • distribute the ingredients into jars;
  • cook the marinade by adding water, salt, sugar, spices and vinegar to the pan;
  • pour the prepared marinade into jars and put them in the cellar for 7 days.

With fruits

You can cook pickles not only from vegetables. Preparations made from assorted fruits are popular.

To prepare we will need:

  • We remove the core from apples and pears, and separate the plums from the seeds.
  • Cut the fruit into small pieces of the same size.
  • Grind the ginger using a grater.
  • Place a saucepan on the fire and add water, vinegar and spices.
  • As soon as the liquid boils, add the fruit to the marinade and cook until all the sugar has dissolved.
  • We put the pickles in sterilized jars and send them to the cellar.
  • The appetizer will be ready in a week.

  • Without sterilization

    Due to the high vinegar content in the marinade, jars with preparations do not need to be sterilized. The product will be suitable for consumption for quite a long period of time. To be on the safe side, you can rinse the jars with a small amount of vodka, but this is not a prerequisite. Of course, workpieces that have not passed the sterilization stage will deteriorate before sterilized ones. But, if you don’t have time at all, you don’t have to sterilize the containers.

    Note! If you are cooking pickles and do not sterilize your utensils, add a little more vinegar to the marinade. This will help make it stronger and prevent damage to the workpiece.

    Terms and rules for storing cucumbers

    Pickles, prepared according to all the rules, with sterilization of the container, can be stored for up to 1.5 years, without losing their taste characteristics and beneficial properties. To bring the dish to perfection, it is recommended to leave the jars in the basement for at least 1 month. Then the ingredients will be completely marinated, and the appetizer will come out tasty and juicy.

    If you don't have that much time, let the jars sit for at least 7 days. There is no point in using the product before. Otherwise, preparing pickles depends only on the flight of your imagination and, if desired, you can experiment with recipes by adding new ingredients to them.

    Cucumber pickles, prepared for the winter,- This is a famous prepared snack of American cuisine, which can be served as an independent snack, used in salads, and also for sandwiches and sandwiches. The pickles turn out very tasty, sweet and sour, and have a beautiful golden color. From this quantity of products you will get 1 half-liter and one 250-gram jar of pickles.


    To prepare cucumber pickles for the winter you will need:

    small fresh cucumbers - 500 g;

    onion - 1 pc.;

    rock salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;

    sugar - 1 glass (not full);

    turmeric - 1/4 tsp;

    mustard beans - 1 tbsp. l.;

    apple cider vinegar - 1 glass;

    allspice peas - 7-8 pcs.

    Glass with a capacity of 200 ml.

    Cooking steps

    Cut the cucumbers into slices about 0.5 cm thick.

    Add peeled onions, cut into thin rings or half rings, to the cucumbers, add salt, mix well, put pressure on top of the cucumbers and leave for 3-4 hours.

    Pour apple cider vinegar into the pan, add sugar, allspice, grain mustard and turmeric, stir. Bring the marinade to a boil, cook until the sugar dissolves.

    Place the pickles in sterilized jars.

    Roll up the cucumber pickles prepared for the winter with boiled lids and turn the jars over.

    Next, wrap the jars until they cool completely. You can store this product at room temperature. Extraordinarily tasty cucumber pickles will perfectly diversify your winter menu.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Amazing cucumbers! I kept thinking that they reminded me so much, then I remembered: similar pickled cucumbers are put on McDonald’s hamburgers. At least it looks like it! Spiced cucumbers (picks) prepared for the winter should, in fact, last another month in the refrigerator, but where is that... They sold out in a couple of days like a salad!

    Pay attention to the apple cider vinegar you use. What you need is natural, perhaps homemade, and not the usual apple-flavored table variety. This one costs significantly more!

    Personally, I liked everything in the recipe, so I wouldn’t change or add anything, except maybe add a little ground black pepper and that’s it.

    You can take any cucumbers in terms of ripeness and size.

    Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly, cut into thin slices (about 0.5-1 mm).

    Add salt, stir and leave for about 3 hours. It is recommended to put the cucumbers under pressure, but I did not do this, and only stirred them several times during this time.

    In a saucepan, combine apple cider vinegar, white mustard seeds (preferably rinsed), turmeric and allspice. Bring to a boil and add granulated sugar.

    Drain the juice from the cucumbers, rinse the cucumbers themselves, let the water drain and add to the saucepan with the marinade.

    Place thinly sliced ​​onions there, heat the cucumbers, stirring, until the color changes.

    Transfer the prepared spicy cucumbers (picks) into a sterile jar, seal and after cooling, place in the refrigerator. They write that these cucumbers will be ready in a month. We don’t cost that much, we eat it earlier!

    At the height of the cucumber season, do not forget to prepare, in addition to traditional pickled or pickled cucumbers for the winter, a couple of jars of unusual, sweet and sour cucumbers, which are called “Pikuli”. Cucumber pickles borrowed their name from the English “pickle”, which means “salt and pickle”; they are a very rich snack with a pronounced sweet and sour taste or as an addition to salads, on a sandwich, shawarma or hamburger. For busy ladies, as well as those who do not like all kinds of pasteurization and sterilization, the recipe for cucumber pickles will be received with a bang, because thanks to the high concentration of vinegar in the filling, there is no need to sterilize the jars. It’s nice when delicious preparations are also obtained quickly!

    Recipe for pickled cucumbers:

    1. Usually, to prepare pickles, you take small cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, cloves of garlic, cauliflower inflorescences, so if you have medium cucumbers that are typical for our latitudes (and these are the ones we always have on sale), just cut them into slices with a width of 3 up to 5 mm. Choose cucumbers with a dense middle, without ripe seeds, otherwise the cucumbers will not turn out as crispy and tasty.

    2. We peel two large onions and cut them into rings of approximately the same width.

    3. Now we take a large bowl so that we can mix all our vegetables for preparation well, put everything together - cucumbers, onions and sprinkle with salt.

    4. Stir, distribute salt over all cucumbers with onion rings.

    5. Cover with a plate and place under some not too heavy pressure/load or a liter jar filled with water. Leave the cucumbers and onions in this form for 3 hours.

    6. Exactly three hours later, put everything in a colander and rinse off the salty liquid that has formed in the mixture of onion and cucumber slices.

    7. While the cucumbers are shedding excess liquid, prepare a sweet and sour marinade based on apple cider vinegar. For preparing pickles, only natural vinegar is recommended - apple or wine vinegar, since due to its large amount in the marinade, ordinary table vinegar will be too caustic. But apple cider vinegar is much softer, more aromatic, and its smell will not, as they say, “hit your nose.” Note that no water is used in the marinade. Pour in vinegar, add sugar, turmeric and allspice peas. If you want, you can add bay leaves, mustard seeds, aromatic herbs or nutmeg.

    8. Place the marinade on the stove and let it boil, watching for the granulated sugar to dissolve.

    9. Pour it over the cucumbers and onions and let the marinade boil along with the vegetables.

    10. As soon as it boils, you can put the cucumbers in jars and pour the marinade up to the hangers.

    11. We seal with lids, turn over each jar and wait for cooling without covering with a blanket. Cucumber pickles will be completely ready only after a month, which is when the taste of vinegar fades into the background and dissipates.


    Pickled cucumbers for the winter are a tasty and piquant snack that will attract attention with their appearance and aroma. Making this salad with your own hands at home is very simple and quick. It will definitely appeal to all housewives who love and welcome the preparation of pickles without sterilization.
    Cucumbers contain many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Eating them has a good effect on the motility of the digestive system, improves metabolism and speeds up metabolism, removing toxins. This, in turn, helps strengthen the immune system and helps fight viruses and bacteria, as well as their waste products, which is especially important in winter. In folk medicine, cucumber juice was used as an antipyretic. Eating cucumbers is also beneficial for the nervous system. A large amount of potassium helps combat the formation of kidney stones, and iodine contributes to the proper functioning of the pancreas. It is for these qualities, as well as for their low calorie content, that cucumbers are valued. They are a favorite vegetable among people who lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to the principles of a healthy diet.
    This preparation is perfectly preserved throughout the winter; the cucumbers in it remain dense and crunchy, and when eaten they melt in the mouth. Your guests and household members will definitely be interested in the taste of these young pickled cucumbers, because it is not at all the same as everyone else’s. Due to their variety and size, the pickles have a sweet pulp, in which the seeds are completely imperceptible. Try it yourself and you will understand the difference! And we are waiting for your feedback.
    The most inexperienced housewife in cooking can cope with this task, and she will be helped in this by a detailed description of all actions with step-by-step photographs that clearly display the entire cooking process in detail.


    Pickled cucumbers for the winter - recipe

    To prepare this salad, select the most beautiful and smooth cucumbers, the length of which does not exceed seven centimeters. Rinse them in running water and wipe dry. You will also need two onions, the size of which should not be larger than a large chicken egg. Peel the onions. Measure out the indicated amount of salt, granulated sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil.

    Cut the cucumbers into circles, the thickness of which is five millimeters, as shown in the photo.

    Cut the onions into two parts each, and then into half rings. Before chopping, put the product in water to remove caustic esters that irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and cause lacrimation, which is especially important when using young onions.

    Mix cucumbers and onions in a deep bowl.

    Now add salt to the salad and mix well so that the salt crystals dissolve. The cucumbers will begin to release juice.

    Cover the salad as shown in the picture. Absolutely any heavy and clean object that does not absorb water can act as a load. Leave the structure for three hours, placing the bowl of salad in a cool place. Meanwhile, prepare jars and lids. Wash everything in warm water with baking soda and rinse until shiny. Then steam the jars or microwave them at full power for at least five minutes each, and boil the lids in boiling water for about two minutes. Tin lids for machine sealing have rubber seals, so be sure to remove them before immersing them in boiling water. Return the rings to their original place only after the metal has completely cooled.

    After the specified time has passed, strain off the salted juice, discarding the cucumber-onion mixture in a colander, as shown in the photo. After the excess brine has drained, rinse the assortment with running water.

    Meanwhile, make the marinade: mix granulated sugar with natural apple or wine vinegar and vegetable oil. After this, add turmeric and add black peppercorns to the mixture, and, if desired, pieces of chopped bay leaf. To prepare the marinade, choose a deep bowl with a thick bottom..

    Heat the mixture over low heat or in a water bath until it boils. The marinade is considered ready as soon as the sugar is completely dissolved in it.

    Now add the pickles and onions to the sauce and heat the salad until it boils.

    Transfer the finished product into sterile jars. Place the assortment tightly, carefully pressing down the salad with a spoon. When all the cucumbers are laid out, divide the marinade into jars in equal parts.

    Roll up the workpiece and turn the cans upside down, as shown in the photo. A delicious and sweet salad for the winter from small cucumbers is ready! Leave the pickles to cool in this position on the table. There is no need to wrap the workpiece. Store the prepared cucumbers in a cold and well-ventilated area for a calendar year, and place the uncorked jar of salad in the refrigerator, covering it with a nylon lid.

    You can take the first sample from pickles prepared for the winter only after a month. Serve them simply by pouring them from the jar into a salad bowl.