How long to cook soft-boiled quail eggs. How long to cook hard-boiled and softened quail eggs? What are the benefits of quail eggs?

If you follow proper nutrition, eggs must be present in a person’s menu. This product is rich in essential protein and calcium. But chicken eggs can carry a danger in the form of salmonella bacteria. In addition, excessive consumption of chicken products provokes an increase in cholesterol levels in human blood. Quail eggs are three times healthier and three times smaller. They have their own unique taste. Quail product can be eaten raw. This way the body will receive as many vitamins and minerals as possible. How and how long to cook quail eggs?

Preparing quail eggs and cooking in a saucepan

Don't know how to boil quail eggs? Like chicken, they need to be prepared first. As a rule, quail testicles are treated with a special product. Thus, no pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms remain on the surface of the shell. Because of this, the product should be stored in the refrigerator separately from other types of eggs that have been processed.

So, before cooking the product, follow these steps:

  • Rinse the testicles under running, cold water. After this, place it in a saucepan. The dishes should be of such a size that the eggs are evenly and tightly distributed across the bottom of the pan. This ensures they remain motionless during cooking.
  • Fill the product with cold water. It is necessary that the liquid covers the dish by about 3 cm.
  • Add a couple of teaspoons of table salt. Salt is needed so that the shell does not burst or crack during cooking. And after cooking, the eggs will be very easy to peel.
  • Set the heat on the stove to as high as possible. This will allow the eggs to boil faster.
  • After boiling, the heat is reduced to medium. The cooking time depends on how you want the product - hard-boiled, soft-boiled.
  • After cooking, soak the eggs in cold water for 3-5 minutes.

Cooking time for soft-boiled quail eggs

As always, before cooking, the product is washed under cold water. It is better to let the eggs sit at room temperature. Let the water in the pan pre-boil. During the boiling process, salt is added. Quail eggs are already immersed in the boiling liquid. This must be done using a spoon. After all, if the product cracks a little, it will completely break, and the white and yolk will leak out.

Hard-boiled quail eggs are often used to prepare various dishes. In particular, they are needed for salads and cream soups. In order for the product to turn out, you must go through all the stages described in the previous paragraph. The eggs are also placed in boiling water. How long does it take to hard-boil quail eggs? This period will take 5 minutes. If you put eggs in cold water, they should cook for another 2 minutes after boiling.

How and for how long are quail eggs hard-boiled?

Quail eggs can also be cooked in the microwave. To do this, the product is washed under water and placed in a special container that is used for the microwave. Next, cold liquid is poured in so as to completely cover the testicles. The microwave is set to a minimum power of 500 W. The time is set to 3 minutes. After this, the dish is ready.

How to boil quail eggs in a double boiler?

When using a double boiler to cook a product, the most difficult thing is to guess the cooking time. It all depends on the size of the eggs and the power of the steamer. As a rule, for this cooking method you will need:

  • 6 minutes for hard-boiled eggs;
  • 3 minutes for a soft-boiled dish.

Cooking the product in an egg cooker

Today, a kitchen device such as an egg boiler is gaining popularity. This device guarantees the cooking of eggs without cracking of the skin, blue yolk, and other problems when cooking this food. But not every device model has a net for small quail eggs. If there is one, go through the following steps:

  • Rinse the ingredient;
  • Pierce the wide part of the peel with a needle, which is one of the components of the kit;
  • Place the ingredients in the mesh so that the puncture is at the bottom;
  • Pour cold water to the indicated line;
  • Turn on the egg cooker.

Preparing eggs for a child

Due to their small size and interesting appearance, quail eggs are readily eaten by children. In addition, they are very useful for a young, growing body. But, to prepare a dish for a child, the eggs are placed only in cold water. This way the product is guaranteed to be cooked and will not cause harm to the body.

The cooking time is at least 5 minutes. Therefore, children can only be given hard-boiled eggs. It is better to give infants both the yolk and the white in a soft form. To do this, the purified product is kneaded on a plate with a spoon or fork. But, you can include them in complementary foods only with the permission of your pediatrician.

The usefulness of quail eggs is undeniable. That is why they are often included in children’s diets and are also recommended as a dietary product. But you should know, in addition to the fact that quail eggs are healthy, how long to cook them and how to do it correctly?

Quail eggs: how long to cook until ready

Quail eggs are distinguished by their fragility in relation to chicken and other eggs. Therefore, you should know some points in order to cook them correctly.

Before cooking, let them sit at room temperature for about half an hour. This is necessary in order to eliminate the possibility of cracking of quail eggs due to temperature changes.

If they crack during cooking, then almost the entire already small egg will leak out.

To distribute the egg evenly inside the shell, you can pierce it from the blunt side with a needle. On this side there is air, which determines how the liquid part of the egg is distributed.

In order to cook them correctly, you will need a convenient container in which to boil water. Drop the eggs one at a time using a spoon. But the cooking time will depend on the form in which you like your eggs best.

So, for soft-boiled eggs you should time it for two or three minutes, and for hard-boiled eggs - about four minutes. After the eggs are cooked, they need to be removed and placed in cold water for easier cleaning.

It is very easy to remove the shell after you have crushed it a little in your hand, after which it is removed with one movement and one strip.

Quail eggs can also be boiled without the shell. This is called a poached egg. To prepare them, boil water (about a liter), add ten grams of vinegar and a tablespoon of salt.

Now carefully break the egg and release it into the water. This egg should be boiled for about two minutes. After this, they should be removed with a slotted spoon.

Thus, quail eggs are cooked very quickly and easily.

What are the benefits of quail eggs?

There is probably no mother who does not know that quail eggs are better suited for feeding her baby, because they are hypoallergenic and have a lot of useful properties.

Eggs are rich in vitamins B, A, C, D and calcium. In addition to all this, quail eggs contain a lot of protein, 80% of which is absorbed by the body. Another advantage of eggs is that they are a low-calorie product.

Scientists have long proven the healing effects of quail eggs on the human body.
The vitamins and microelements they contain help remove radionuclides from the body and help strengthen the immune system.

Since quails are not susceptible to the vast majority of infections, there is therefore no need for antibiotic treatment compared to chickens. This is why poultry meat and eggs are considered truly environmentally friendly products.

Quail eggs treat ailments such as anemia, peptic ulcers, and gastritis. To overcome the disease, you need to drink two pieces of raw eggs every morning on an empty stomach.

After 2-3 weeks of such treatment, the heaviness in the stomach will go away, heartburn will disappear, the skin of the face will become fresher, nails and hair will take on a beautiful healthy look, and in general, you will feel a surge of vigor and strength.

And most importantly, eggs do not contain cholesterol, so they will always be appropriate for dietary nutrition; they can be eaten even by people with bronchial asthma.

Quail egg shells can also be eaten. It must be ground into a powdery consistency and eaten, adding to food.

What can you cook from quail eggs?

You can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy snack dishes from boiled quail eggs. We offer a couple of recipes for you too.

Quick appetizer of boiled quail eggs


  • 6 boiled quail eggs (hard-boiled);
  • Red caviar;
  • A bunch of greenery.

Boil the eggs, peel and cut lengthwise into 2 equal halves. Place a third of a teaspoon of red caviar on top of each half.

Finely chop the greens and decorate the resulting “boats with caviar”. All that remains is to place on a leaf of lettuce and you can serve.

Salad of boiled quail eggs and cod liver

You will need:

  • Jar of cod liver;
  • 10 pieces boiled quail eggs;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt and pepper to your taste.

Mash the cod liver with a fork, and crumble the boiled eggs, but not too finely. We put everything in a deep plate, add salt and pepper, and add finely chopped herbs. Mix everything. You can season it with olive oil. That's it, the salad is ready. Bon appetit.

Recently, the demand for quail eggs has been gradually increasing. This can be explained by the fact that they contain a low number of calories and are easily digestible. Plus, they are much healthier than chicken eggs. They are also a staple in the diet of people suffering from dysfunction of the digestive system and calcium deficiency. They are also quite suitable for children's diet food. Moreover, this product is protein, so it is also consumed by athletes who constantly engage in heavy physical labor.

Is it possible to eat raw quail eggs?

Indeed, quail eggs are suitable for consumption raw. There is a reasonable explanation for this: quails have a body temperature 10 degrees higher than chickens. Under the influence of this temperature, Salmonella microbes die. Therefore, when a person consumes raw quail eggs, he risks absolutely nothing. At the same time, he is engaged in the prevention of various diseases.

Options for preparing dishes from quail eggs:

  • Soft-boiled cooking takes no more than 2 minutes.
  • Hard boil – for 5 – 6 minutes.
  • Quail egg omelette in a frying pan.

This article will discuss how best to hard-boil quail eggs.

Hard boiling quail eggs

Preparing dishes from quail eggs is somewhat more difficult than from chicken eggs. After all, they have a rather fragile shell. Therefore, to ensure that eggs are not overcooked and their integrity is maintained, certain rules should be followed.

Before you start cooking eggs, you need to rinse them with tap water. This must be done extremely carefully. After this, you need to put a pan of water on the stove and salt it. When the water starts to boil, you need to start carefully immersing the eggs in it. You can do this with a spoon, one at a time. There should be enough water so that the surface of the quail eggs is covered with it.

When immersing the eggs, you need to make sure that they do not hit the bottom of the pan. Boiling hard-boiled eggs lasts 5–6 minutes after boiling. If the dish will be consumed by children, it should be cooked for exactly 5 minutes. After this time, drain the water and let the eggs cool.

There is another way to hard-boil quail eggs. You can immerse the eggs in a pan of cold water and put on fire. Remove them from the heat as soon as the water boils.

Cooking quail eggs in the microwave

This method is convenient because when cooking you do not need to constantly monitor the process. You just have to wait for the eggs to cook. To cook quail eggs in the microwave, you need to take a glass or ceramic container. Place pre-washed quail eggs there. Pour water so that it covers their surface completely. Next, you should put the container in the microwave. Set the power to medium and the timer for 3 minutes.

After cooking the quail eggs, you can place them under cold running water. This will help make peeling the eggs easier.

If you cook quail eggs for about 15 minutes, they will lose all their beneficial properties. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly know how long they are cooked.

The most useful option for consuming this product is in its raw form. But this method should be used only in case of prevention of some disease. If you just want to snack on quail eggs, it’s better to boil or fry them.

Quail eggs are not a very popular product. Therefore, you should always look closely at the manufacturing date of a given product before purchasing it. The shelf life of quail eggs is about 60 days.

When choosing quail eggs in a store, they should not have cracks and they should be fresh.

The weight of five quail eggs is equal to the weight of one chicken egg. However, quail eggs contain much more vitamins. Therefore, they are recommended for daily use by all people suffering from vitamin deficiencies.

Quail eggs can be used to decorate various salads and dishes. This will make them tastier, healthier, and sometimes just more attractive. You can also make mayonnaise from them.

Positive aspects of quail eggs

It is quail eggs that contain the most biologically active substances, compared to the eggs of other birds.

This is an excellent dietary product for everyone. Both for combating excess weight and for vegetarianism.

Any doctor will tell you that quail eggs have a beneficial effect on almost all body systems. For example, in Japan, a law was introduced requiring the daily consumption of 2 raw quail eggs.

Their price is not very expensive. Of course, quail eggs are a little more expensive than chicken eggs, but these are minor things.

They can be consumed from the age of two. This product does not harm children's health at all.

In what cases should it not be used?

This product should not be consumed by people who have difficulty digesting protein in their bodies.

Before you start eating quail eggs, it is advisable to consult a doctor with this question and find out if there are any contraindications.

Abuse in any business is bad. If you overeat quail eggs, you can get an upset digestive system. This sometimes affects weightlifters who, after training, eat 40 quail eggs in one sitting.

Quail eggs contain quite a lot of cholesterol. Four quail eggs contain the daily requirement. So people who have elevated levels should be wary of consuming this product.

If you have various liver diseases, you should also temporarily forget about eating quail eggs.


Quail eggs are an excellent food for people of any age and gender. After all, it is very healthy, and most importantly inexpensive and tasty. Having boiled quail eggs for breakfast or adding them to a salad can significantly improve your diet. Bon appetit!

How long to cook quails

Quail meat is a dietary product and a storehouse of vitamins, amino acids and mineral compounds. Such meat is practically devoid of fat and is healthy for everyone, especially children and the elderly. Quail meat cooks very quickly. It takes 20-30 minutes for it to cook.

Boiled quail meat is very tender and tasty in itself, and does not require additional spices when cooking. Boiled quail is served with broth, soup, and can also be served with couscous, rice, vegetables, and buckwheat.

It is very important not to overcook quail meat when cooking. Quail, which has been beautifully compacted before cooking, will also look beautiful when served. When cooking quails, consider some nuances:

Before cooking, rinse the bird well, secure the wings and legs nicely;

Boil the quails in lightly salted water without spices;

Cook the quails, covered, over low heat;

Keep an eye on the cooking time. It should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Overcooked meat becomes tasteless.

Quail eggs are gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the fact that they have a minimum amount of calories and are enriched with vitamins and various microelements. Compared to a chicken egg, a quail egg has much more beneficial properties.

Quail eggs have a good effect on the body during pregnancy, as well as for stomach diseases, various allergies and diabetes. Also recommended for consumption by children, starting from infancy.

Can it be eaten raw?

Theoretically, quail eggs, like chicken eggs, can be eaten either cooked or raw. However, at least heat treatment is necessary, otherwise there is a risk that they may be infected with harmful bacteria. In this case, instead of beneficial properties, the human body will be harmed.

The risk is minimized if the quail is domestic, with proven egg quality. In other cases, taking the raw product is not recommended, especially for children.

How to cook soft-boiled?

The cooking process, both soft-boiled and hard-boiled, is much more complex and accurate than that of chicken eggs. The fact is that quail eggs have a more fragile shell, and their weight is only about 15 grams. In order not to overcook and maintain integrity, they must be cooked in stages, maintaining the exact sequence.

Before use, all eggs must be thoroughly but gently washed, preferably each one separately. The pan is filled with enough water to cover all the eggs and placed on the stove. The water is pre-salted. As soon as it boils, you need to slowly lower the eggs into it. You need to immerse the eggs carefully, avoiding hitting the edges and bottom of the dish, otherwise they may burst instantly.

In order to soft-boil, 2 minutes from the moment of boiling is enough.

How to hard boil?

The sequence of hard-boiled cooking is exactly the same as for soft-boiled cooking. Exactly the same order and accuracy when immersed in water. The only thing that needs to change is time. You need to cook for 5 minutes.

Cooking features for children

Interesting appearance and tiny size are very attractive to children. Therefore, they use them with pleasure. But since children’s bodies are weaker and more finicky, it is necessary to cook quail eggs correctly.

  • Eggs must be washed with clean water.
  • The water in the pan should be cold and salty when the eggs are immersed in it.
  • The cooking time must be exactly 4-5 minutes.
  • Infants need to peel and thoroughly mash the egg on a plate.

In addition to eating eggs as usual, they are often used to make salads. They are also used to make cold appetizers. Here are some simple recipes that will be a great addition to your holiday table.

Salad with quail egg and cherry tomato

  • 10 hard-boiled eggs.
  • 5 Cherry tomatoes.
  • Greenery.
  • 1 teaspoon mustard.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.
  • A little vegetable oil.

Tomatoes and eggs are cut in half and all other ingredients are added to them. Mix the salad well and it is ready to serve.

Salad with quail egg and champignons

  • 4 eggs.
  • 1 small onion.
  • Champignons, 100 grams.
  • A bunch of lettuce leaves.
  • Olive oil.
  • Milk.
  • Salt.

An omelet is made from three eggs and milk. The remaining egg is immersed in cold water and placed on fire. After boiling on the switched off stove, leave for another 30 seconds and remove. Rinse with clean water.

Next, you need to finely chop the onion, along with the champignons. Fry both ingredients in a frying pan. The omelette, onions and mushrooms are mixed, salted, and chopped lettuce is added to them. All this is fueled with oil. The boiled egg is cut and placed on top of the salad.

Salad with quail egg and chicken fillet

  • Chicken fillet.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 2 medium tomatoes.
  • Bell pepper.
  • A few pieces of white bread.
  • Olive oil.
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar.
  • Greenery.
  • Salt and pepper.

Quail eggs are hard-boiled. Beat the fillet well with a kitchen hammer, add salt and pepper. Cut into pieces and fry over low heat until golden brown. Pieces of bread are cut into cubes, sprinkled with oil (vegetable) and placed in the oven. It is necessary to take them out when they are slightly dry, until they are crispy.

Boiled eggs are cut into two halves, tomatoes and peppers, like fillets, are cut into pieces. All ingredients are mixed, vinegar and olive oil are added. You need to add salt and pepper to your own taste. Greens and croutons are added at the last moment, without stirring, but simply on top.

Subtleties of microwave cooking

Modern microwave ovens offer not only heating, but also cooking functions. Many, having abandoned the stove, cook food in them, because they spend a little less time. This also applies to quail eggs. There are no difficulties in preparation, you just need to use certain rules and procedures:

  1. Just like for heating, for cooking in a microwave oven you need special utensils. The use of metal, flammable and shiny containers is prohibited. The volume should allow the egg to be completely covered with water.
  2. The microwave power must be set to about 500 watts, only then put eggs submerged in water.
  3. Set the cooking time. To boil quail eggs in the microwave, three minutes is enough.

After the time has passed, remove the eggs and place them in cold water for a while. This will make the process of peeling eggs much easier.

Video: how to determine the freshness of quail eggs