I got poisoned with alcohol, what should I do? Prevention of alcohol poisoning

There are many reasons that can lead to the development alcohol poisoning. This condition is very dangerous for humans and can lead to severe disruptions in work internal organs and systems. In this article we looked at what to drink in case of alcohol poisoning, the main drugs for first aid first aid when this serious condition occurs.

Causes of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication can be caused by many factors. The main causes of alcohol poisoning:

  • drinking alcohol in large quantities, in which its concentration in the body increases sharply;
  • combining alcohol with medications or drugs. Particularly severe alcohol intoxication develops when alcohol is combined with antipsychotics, antidepressants, sleeping pills, and narcotic painkillers;
  • poisoning with alcohol substitutes. These substances are poisonous to humans. They are found in counterfeit alcohol. They are added to drinks to reduce the cost of the product;
  • a binge drinker, a person who drinks frequently is more prone to poisoning. His liver is unable to effectively neutralize alcohol.

Why is alcohol poisoning dangerous?

Alcohol in large doses is a potent poison for the body. Alcohol poisoning develops when the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases to 2.5-3 g/l. At this concentration, alcohol suppresses the work of the central nervous system, poisons all organs and systems of the body. It can lead to the following serious consequences:

  • development of acute renal failure. This pathology occurs when consuming alcohol substitutes;
  • bleeding from the vessels of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. People suffering from chronic gastritis are more prone to this pathology. peptic ulcer, liver cirrhosis;
  • acute pancreatitis, which develops due to high alcohol intoxication. This disease is treated surgically;
  • dehydration is a serious condition of the body that develops due to the loss of large amounts of fluid along with vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration leads to thickening of the blood, disruption of the heart, and increased blood pressure;
  • severe disruption of the central nervous system. With severe alcohol intoxication, a person falls into a deep coma;
  • irreversible blindness that develops from methyl alcohol poisoning;
  • development of alcoholic hepatitis (liver inflammation). This pathology often develops in drinking people, alcoholics who often fall into a state of binge drinking.

Remember that complications of alcohol intoxication can be avoided by promptly seeking medical help.

Where and by whom is alcohol poisoning treated?

Alcohol poisoning should be treated by a medical professional. It is prohibited to treat it yourself at home with drugs or folk remedies. When the first symptoms develop, you should call an ambulance. List the symptoms and give the exact home address to the dispatcher.

In case of alcohol poisoning at home, only first aid can be provided, thanks to which the patient’s condition will improve slightly.

Medicines for first aid

Before giving a patient pills for alcohol poisoning, you should cleanse him as quickly as possible. digestive system from the remains of alcohol. To do this, you need to perform a gastric lavage and a cleansing enema.

Gastric lavage is necessary to remove alcohol that has not yet been absorbed into the bloodstream. It helps with alcohol intoxication and is necessary for the health of the patient. In order to rinse your stomach yourself, you need to drink a liter of water in one gulp. room temperature and induce vomiting.

Please note what is folk remedy, like potassium permanganate, is not recommended for acute alcohol intoxication. A person in a state of severe intoxication has impaired swallowing reflexes. He may choke and inhale this solution. You can also be poisoned by potassium permanganate due to improper dilution.

A cleansing enema is done based on a simple boiled water room temperature. This procedure can be repeated several times until clean intestinal rinses are obtained. An enema speeds up the removal of alcohol intoxication.

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After you have cleared the stomach and intestines of alcohol toxins, you can give the patient some medications for alcohol poisoning. Only a few drugs are allowed to be taken at the pre-medical stage.

What tablets and medications can be given to the patient independently are described below.


Sorbents are drugs that can be taken independently. Due to their structure, they bind, neutralize and remove toxins and alcohol residues from the intestines. In case of alcohol intoxication, you can give the patient any sorbents that you find in your home medicine cabinet.

Remember that before taking them, you should carefully study the instructions and check the expiration date of the medication. The dosage of some sorbents is calculated by weight, while others are calculated by age.

Examples of drugs:


Regidron is a drug for regulating water and electrolyte balance in the body. It helps combat dehydration. This drug is a component of many home first aid kits. It is produced in portioned packaged form.

One sachet of rehydron is diluted with a liter of water and given to the patient. In order not to provoke repeated vomiting attacks, you should drink little and often.

Recently, many analogues of rehydron have appeared in pharmacies (hydrovit, trihydron, reosolan). The method of breeding them may vary. Read the instructions carefully before using them.

If you don't have these medications at home, don't worry. At the stage of providing first aid, they can be replaced with tableware or alkaline mineral water. The drink should not be carbonated, too cold or hot. It is best to drink drinks at room temperature.

First aid

More extensive first aid is provided by doctors who arrive on call. After collecting anamnesis, examining the patient, checking his pulse, blood pressure, respiration and saturation, they will begin treatment. Below are its components. Droppers with solutions that help reduce intoxication and establish water and electrolyte balance. The following drugs can be used:

  • trisol;
  • saline;
  • glucose with vitamin C;
  • disol;
  • rheopolyglucin;
  • rheosorbilact;
  • anti-nausea medications. Vomiting is controlled using metoclopramide, cerucal or sturgeon. These medications affect the vomiting center located in the brain. They are administered intramuscularly. The urge to vomit goes away within 10-15 minutes.
  • Head medications are necessary to eliminate severe headaches and dizziness. Doctors can administer analgin or ketanov intramuscularly.
  • antispasmodics (nosh-pa, drotaverine) - eliminate abdominal pain and relieve vascular spasms.

During transport to the hospital, the patient is put on an oxygen mask and the solutions continue to drip. Hospitalization is carried out in the intensive care unit, where treatment continues and examination is carried out.

Treatment in hospital

Treatment in the hospital begins within the first minutes after hospitalization. At the same time, the patient is examined. A general blood test is taken and the concentration of alcohol in the blood is determined.

The length of hospital stay depends on the severity of the patient's condition. Treatment may consist of the components described below.

  • Hemodialysis. This procedure is aimed at cleansing the blood of toxins. It is carried out in case of poisoning with alcohol substitutes (ethylene glycol, methyl alcohol).
  • Administration of an antidote (ethyl alcohol) for methyl intoxication. Thanks to this procedure, the development of total blindness can be prevented. Although in severe cases it is not possible to completely restore vision.
  • Massive intravenous administration of solutions to replenish water and electrolyte losses. Diuretics can be added to the droppers to provide forced diuresis.
  • Diet. In the first days of treatment, the patient is on a strict diet. During this period, he can only eat liquid congee or oatmeal. A decoction of flax seeds is also given; it protects and restores the gastric mucosa.
  • Enzymes are drugs that improve digestion.
  • Surgical intervention, which is indicated for development acute pancreatitis or internal bleeding.

Alcohol poisoning is treated in hospital. When its first symptoms develop, you must call an ambulance. Some medications can be given to the patient at home before doctors arrive. You can also perform gastric and intestinal lavage at home. The length of hospital stay depends on the severity of the patient’s condition and the timeliness of seeking medical help. Do not self-medicate this disease, it can lead to disability and fatal outcome.

If alcohol poisoning occurs, what to do at home? This is a question of concern great amount adults. Very often, after a stormy feast, the next morning many unpleasant symptoms appear that interfere not only with leading a normal lifestyle, but simply getting out of bed.

In case of alcohol poisoning, it is very important to remove toxins and breakdown products of ethyl alcohol from your body as quickly as possible. You can handle this difficult task yourself at home. To do this, you must strictly adhere to certain rules.

1 First aid

Alcohol poisoning can cause very serious consequences that only an experienced specialist can handle. If a person feels very unwell after abusing alcohol, they should urgently call a team of doctors. While the ambulance is traveling, the victim needs to be given first aid.

First of all, it is necessary to empty the stomach of its contents. To do this, make the person drink 2-3 glasses of warm water and press the root of his tongue with a spoon. This will cause you to gag. Ideally, at least 3 such procedures should be performed to make you feel better. But if after vomiting the patient feels even worse, then you need to take a short break and repeat all the manipulations after 10-15 minutes.

If the victim is unconscious, then he needs to be laid on his side and the pressing parts of clothing (collar, belt, belt) should be unfastened. Under no circumstances should someone who has been poisoned by alcohol be turned onto their back. This may cause him to choke on vomit.

Fresh air must be supplied to the room where the victim is located.

2 Treatment with pharmaceuticals

Alcohol poisoning can be treated independently with medications. Today there are quite a lot of such drugs on pharmacy shelves. First of all, it is necessary to empty the stomach of its contents. After a vomiting attack, you need to take enterosorbents. Such medications capture waste products and toxins in the intestines and remove them from the body. Thanks to this, a feeling of relief comes very soon. Enterosgel is very popular. In case of alcohol poisoning, you need to add 10 to 30 g of this product to a glass of water and rinse your stomach with this liquid. After this, you should take another 40 g of Enterosgel and wash it down with 1 glass of water. The next morning you need to drink another 20 g of this drug.

No less popular is Polysorb MP, which is available in powder form. 1 spoon of this medicine should be diluted in 400 ml of water and drunk twice a day (in the morning and before going to bed). In case of severe intoxication, Polysorb MP should be taken up to 5 times a day.

For alcohol poisoning, an enterosorbent such as Smecta will help. This medicinal product has an enveloping and sorbing effect. It can also be taken to prevent a hangover. To do this, take 2 sachets of Smecta in the evening and 1 more sachet in the morning.

Filtrum, which is available in tablet form, has proven itself well. This drug not only helps remove toxins from the body, but also restores the intestinal microflora. If you abuse alcohol, experts advise taking 1-2 Filtrum tablets up to 3 times a day.

The most famous enterosorbent is activated carbon. It has the lowest sorption capacity, but due to its low cost it has gained enormous popularity. Activated carbon comes in the form of round black tablets, which must be crushed to a powder before use. There should be 1 tablet of this medicine per 10 kg of weight.

Very important rule- between taking enterosorbents and other medications you should take a short break (at least 1 hour). If you take enterosorbents together with other medications, then the latter will lose their effectiveness.

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning if the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted? In the case when a large number of alcohol has a negative impact on the intestinal microflora, experts advise taking probiotics. Such drugs restore beneficial bacteria in the intestines. In case of poisoning, you can take Linex, Enterol, Bactisubtil and Bifiform.

If in the morning after a cheerful feast a strong headache, then to alleviate it you can take 1 tablet of Citramon or Paracetamol.

Today at the pharmacy you can buy tablets that were created specifically to eliminate the signs of alcohol poisoning. Limontar, Biotredin and Zorex are very popular.

3 Restoring water balance

Abuse of alcoholic beverages disrupts the body's water balance. To restore it, you should drink as much as possible more water. In addition, with such poisoning there is often severe vomiting, which also dehydrates the body. Severe dehydration can have very serious consequences.

What to drink if poisoned to restore water balance? After a fun party, doctors advise drinking a lot of mineral or acidified lemon juice water. At the pharmacy you can buy Regidron, which contains a balanced set of potassium, sodium, chlorides and carbohydrates. It helps the body cope with signs of intoxication. Rehydron is available in powder form. The contents of 1 sachet should be diluted in 1 liter of warm water and the liquid should be drunk in small sips.

If you buy this medicine there is no possibility, then no less healthy drink you can cook it yourself. For this purpose in 1 liter clean water you need to dissolve ½ teaspoon of soda, ½ spoon of salt and 4 tablespoons of sugar.

4 Herbal medicine

Treatment of alcohol poisoning can be carried out not only with medications, but also with folk recipes.

Traditional medicine has long proven its effectiveness in the fight against serious illnesses and painful conditions. Alcohol poisoning is no exception.

At home, you can independently prepare various decoctions, tinctures and teas, which include: medicinal herbs and plants. When choosing medicinal herbs you need to be very careful. The thing is that some plants contain poison that can harm the human body.

You can prepare the following at home effective remedy: several sprigs of fresh lemon balm should be kept in 1 liter of boiling water for about 120 minutes. The finished decoction should be drunk warm in small sips throughout the day.

Mint tea is no less popular. To prepare it, 100 g of raw material must be steamed in 800 ml of boiling water for 30 minutes. This tea will help stop severe vomiting.

Intoxication of the body is treated with dill seeds. Place 2 tablespoons of seeds in a bowl with 100 ml of boiling water, place the container on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. As soon as the drug has cooled, it must be divided into 2 equal parts and drunk throughout the day.

Ginger root is very useful for alcohol poisoning. Pour 100 g of finely chopped ginger root into 900 ml of boiling water and wait 20 minutes. A few spoons should be added to the medicinal potion natural honey and drink the resulting mixture 3-4 times a day, 1 glass.

If you have the problem described above, you can drink diuretic tea from horsetail. To prepare it, pour 2 spoons of raw materials into a bowl with 500 ml of boiling water and wait 60 minutes. Next, the drink must be heated, mixed with honey and drunk in equal parts several times a day.

You can get rid of vomiting, which often appears after poisoning, using saffron tincture. 1 spoon of powdered saffron should be poured into 2 cups hot water, close the lid and wait 20 minutes. The cooled drink should be drunk in small sips.

Tansy decoction helps get rid of intoxication of almost any kind. To prepare such a decoction, 50 g of plant flowers must be placed in warm oven for 10 minutes. After this, the flowers should be filled with half a liter of hot water. As soon as the decoction reaches room temperature, add 20 g of chamomile to it and keep it over low heat until it boils. The resulting decoction should be kept in a cool place for several days. It is necessary to drink the prepared drug during meals several times a day.

How to treat signs of radiola rosea poisoning? 100 g of raw material should be poured into 700 ml of hot water and wait 2-3 hours. The finished tincture should be strained and drunk several times a day, 50 ml.

5 Other popular folk remedies

You can treat body intoxication at home apple cider vinegar. 1 small spoon of vinegar should be diluted in 100 ml of clean water and drunk at a time. You should drink this liquid at least three times a day.

Helps fight hangover mint alcohol. A few drops of alcohol (3-5 drops) must be diluted in 1 glass of water. The resulting liquid should be drunk in one gulp. A feeling of relief usually appears after a fairly short period of time.

To alleviate the condition, you can prepare vitamin cocktail from equal amounts of orange juice and lemon juice. To the resulting liquid you should add 1 spoon of natural honey and 1 raw yolk. This drink will help improve your body tone.

Honey water is very useful for alcohol poisoning. To prepare it, you need to dissolve honey in water. The more honey there is, the better the effect will be. During the day you should drink at least 500 ml of honey water. Fructose, which is contained in honey, helps speed up recovery.

In case of alcohol poisoning, treatment can be carried out egg whites. Several proteins chicken eggs Shake well and drink in one gulp. This method of dealing with symptoms of intoxication, although not very pleasant, is positive effect after it appears very soon.

Alcohol poisoning can be treated with next recipe. Dissolve the juice of half a lemon and 1 small spoon of sugar in 1 glass of clean water. This drink will help stabilize blood sugar levels. You should drink this water in slow sips throughout the day.

To 1 glass of water you need to add 1 small spoon potato starch. This solution envelops the stomach and helps get rid of severe pain.

Only an experienced specialist can tell you how to treat intoxication of the body correctly. That is why, before starting self-medication, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This will help avoid many complications. If your health does not return to normal within several days, then this is a clear reason to go to the hospital.

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What to do if you are poisoned by alcohol?

Hello, dear readers! About harm and benefit alcoholic products A lot of words have been written, but do we know everything about the consequences of stormy feasts? And do you know the dangers of alcohol poisoning and what to do at home to preserve a person’s health and sometimes life?

I would like to note that this article is devoted specifically to severe poisoning, in which a person’s life is in real danger. If you just want to get rid of a hangover, then this will help you. Read about methyl alcohol poisoning.

Causes of poisoning

As usual, there are two causes of poisoning from alcoholic and alcohol-containing drinks: excessive dosage and consumption of low-quality, surrogate or counterfeit drinks. If you don’t plan to spend the next couple of weeks in a hospital bed in a drug treatment unit, you need to know the symptoms of alcohol intoxication and how to deal with them.

It must be emphasized that from a medical point of view, any drinking of alcoholic beverages is nothing more than poisoning of the body. By chemical processes intoxication occurs after consuming 100-150 ml. drink

If you stop in time, the poisoning will manifest itself as morning body aches, headaches, indigestion and other hangover factors, which are quite possible to survive. But often the brakes begin to fail even at the beginning of libations, which leads to dire consequences.

For ease of classification, doctors divided the signs of poisoning into: primary, secondary and severe. Let's look at each one separately.

Primary signs:

  • Emotional excitement;
  • Physical activity;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Pupil dilation.

Every consumer is familiar with this stage. low alcohol drinks and ethanol in small doses. Such symptoms give us courage, euphoria, and strength. If you stop at this stage, then in the morning the memories will be positive and rosy.

Secondary signs:

  • Psycho-emotional disinhibition;
  • Inconsistency of movements;
  • Intermittent breathing;
  • Uncontrolled speech;
  • Vomiting.

It’s definitely time to stop here, since in the second stage the central nervous system and brain are damaged by ethanol. It sounds scary, but the morning will be even more unpleasant. When confused fragments of memories will not allow you to restore the picture of the holiday, and the headache will tear your brain like a bell.

Severe symptoms:

  • Breathing disorders;
  • Unbalanced and chaotic movements;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Decreased body temperature;
  • Incoherent speech;
  • Lack of response to stimuli;
  • Partial or complete loss of consciousness.

These are alarming signs of a real, severe form of poisoning that urgently need to be dealt with. First aid can also come from the participants of the feast, but it won’t be superfluous to call an ambulance!

Everyone to the rescue!

The first and second stages of intoxication do not require medical intervention; it is enough to simply “not pour water” to the tipsy guest and try to bring him to his senses in humane ways. It is enough to give the victim a drink big amount water and induce gagging.

After cleansing his stomach, he will feel much better. Absorbents in any form will not be superfluous. At this stage, it is possible to put a person back on his feet with a pack of activated carbon or Enterosgel.

The third stage cannot be eliminated without medical help, as are its long-term consequences. While he is rushing to the victim of alcoholism Ambulance, you can lay it on its side to check:

  • is there any vomit or mucus left in the mouth (unpleasant, but if detected, they must be removed),
  • Is it difficult to breathe with your own tongue (try to fix your tongue or perform artificial respiration);
  • whether the victim has lost consciousness (if there is no reaction, you need to let him smell ammonia).

These measures will help the body tolerate the signs of intoxication and partially eliminate them on its own. Hospitalization in such a situation is inevitable and it would not be amiss if the accompanying person has information about how much and what kind of drinks the patient drank, and whether he has chronic or acute diseases.

Resuscitation measures are limited to the administration of atropine, ascorbic acid and glucose. In case of loss of consciousness, medications that excite the central nervous system, and in case of increased excitability, on the contrary, sedatives. Treatment in the clinic may be required in cases where resuscitation has had no effect, or the patient has fallen into an alcoholic coma.

Types of coma after ethanol poisoning

Like the symptoms of poisoning, there are three types of alcoholic coma:

  1. Superficial. Characterized by constriction of the pupils, preserved reaction to light, motor and facial reactions to ammonia. The prognosis in this condition is positive; it is enough to thoroughly rinse the stomach, possibly with the help of a tube.
  2. Average. It manifests itself as a lack of muscle tone, a weak reaction to ammonia, and an inability to recover after gastric lavage measures. Hospitalization and detoxification in a clinical setting are recommended.
  3. Deep. It is distinguished by the lack of reaction to light, dilation or constriction of the pupils, respiratory failure, convulsions, complete relaxation of tendon reflexes, loss of pain reflexes and sensitivity. Hospitalization to the intensive care unit of the toxicology department is required.

Since deaths due to alcohol poisoning are frequent guests of the “Crime” section, it is important to provide assistance and call medical professionals at the first symptoms. After all, during wild fun, it is not customary to count how many grams someone has in a glass, and meanwhile, the lethal dose of alcohol ranges from 5 to 13 grams of alcohol per kilogram of body weight.

Let's make a rough calculation: with a person weighing 80 kilograms, 1 liter of vodka may be enough for the holiday to be his last! The dosage varies greatly and depends on the general condition of the body, the presence of any stage of alcoholism or tolerance to alcohol.

P.S. - Video instruction

Video instructions for treatment at home

That's all I have for today. I hope you never need the knowledge from this article, but as they say, forewarned is forearmed.

Bye everyone.

Best regards, Pavel Dorofeev.

Alcohol poisoning is a dangerous condition during which most internal organs and the brain are damaged. It can lead to permanent disability and death. This article discusses in detail first aid for alcohol poisoning at home, the main signs of using alcohol substitutes.

What are the main causes of alcohol poisoning

The main causes of alcohol poisoning are discussed below.

  • One large intake of alcoholic beverages. Intoxication develops at a blood alcohol concentration of 2.5 g/l. It is worth noting that this concentration is individual for each person. It depends on his weight, age, liver and kidney performance.
  • Taking alcohol together with medications or narcotic substances. Some drugs enhance the effect of alcohol on the body. For example, antidepressants, barbiturates, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Binge drinking is a state of prolonged and continuous drinking of alcohol over several days or months. This condition occurs in alcoholism.
  • Taking alcohol substitutes (methyl, ethylene glycol). These liquids are used in industries. Unscrupulous alcohol producers sometimes dilute vodka with them. These drinks are deadly.

What are the symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

The first signs of alcohol poisoning appear within a few hours. Their severity depends on the quantity and quality of the drink.

Remember that with methyl poisoning, the first symptoms may appear only after 1-2 days.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning

Ethyl alcohol intoxication develops as a result of taking large doses of alcohol; the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases sharply. The development of poisoning indicates the body’s inability to neutralize alcohol molecules on its own. Alcohol poisoning affects the nervous, digestive, respiratory and endocrine systems.

We list the main symptoms of ethyl alcohol poisoning.

  • Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting is a defense mechanism. With its help, the stomach tries to get rid of excess drink.
  • Diarrhea develops due to disruption of the pancreas. It can be abundant and lead to severe dehydration.
  • Severe abdominal pain, which can be localized in the stomach or intestines. This pain is caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, flatulence and damage to the pancreas.
  • Nervous abnormalities. With alcohol poisoning, brain tissue does not receive enough oxygen and glucose. Due to dehydration and thickening of the blood, vasospasm develops. Symptoms of damage to brain cells by alcohol:

  1. hallucinations;
  2. cramps that spread to all muscle groups;
  3. increased agitation and aggressiveness;
  4. not a special act of defecation and urination;
  5. a disturbance of consciousness in which the victim gradually sinks into a stupor and then falls into a deep coma.
  • Shallow and rapid breathing. The patient gradually develops respiratory failure.

Methyl alcohol poisoning

The main symptom is blurred vision. A person complains of a weakening of the clarity of the picture he sees, a feeling of blurred vision. Methyl alcohol leads to complete and irreversible blindness.

The remaining symptoms are the same as for ethanol poisoning.

Ethylene glycol poisoning

How to help the victim

First aid for alcohol poisoning should begin immediately after signs of the disease appear. You should first call an emergency ambulance medical care home. Describe the patient's symptoms to the dispatcher. Self-medication at home for this condition is prohibited. First aid for alcohol poisoning at home is provided by relatives before the arrival of doctors. Exactly The prognosis of life depends on timely and correct pre-medical care.

Below we consider emergency care for alcohol intoxication, which must be provided to the victim before the arrival of emergency doctors.

Gastric lavage is necessary to cleanse the stomach cavity of alcohol or toxic substances. By cleaning the stomach, you can improve the patient's condition.

Please note that gastric lavage at home is performed only on conscious people. If the patient is comatose or severely intoxicated, this procedure may result in aspiration of water into the lungs and choking on vomit.

In order to cleanse your stomach at home, you need to drink 1 liter of plain table water in one gulp and then vomit it. This procedure can be done several times. There is no need to add medications or potassium permanganate to the rinsing water.


An enema is performed to cleanse the intestines of alcohol breakdown products and toxins. It helps reduce intoxication syndrome. An enema is mandatory component emergency care with alcohol intoxication.

To carry it out, use water at neutral (room) temperature. You cannot add medications or herbal solutions to it. An enema should be done until clean rinsing water is obtained.


Sorbents are drugs that remove toxins and poisons from the body. They accelerate the neutralization of alcohol and reduce intoxication syndrome.

Carefully read the rules for selecting the dosage of the sorbent. It may depend on the weight or age of the patient. Sorbents should be taken with plenty of liquid. Water enhances their ability to bind toxins.


  • Activated carbon;
  • white coal;
  • sorbex;
  • enterosgel;
  • smecta.

Drink plenty of fluids

The patient must be given water to drink. This should be done after washing the stomach and intestines. It is better to drink a little bit, in small sips. Drinking will reduce your level of dehydration and make you feel better.

What to do if a patient loses consciousness

In case of severe alcohol poisoning, the victim may be unconscious or in a coma. You should check his breathing, heartbeat and place him on a hard, flat surface on his side. If you can't turn him on his side, at least turn his head. This is necessary to prevent tongue retraction and choking on vomit.

The pulse is checked in the carotid artery. Breathing can be checked by placing your hand on the person's chest, feeling it move as you inhale and exhale. If breathing and heartbeat stop, indirect cardiac massage should be started.

Subsequent treatment

Having arrived at the call, doctors begin providing first aid for alcohol poisoning. First of all, they conduct a quick assessment of the patient’s condition. Close people need to tell in detail the symptoms, describe the help that they managed to provide on their own, name the approximate time the patient consumed alcohol and its amount.

What does first aid consist of:

  • cleaning the stomach through a tube is carried out for people in an unconscious state;
  • connecting an IV with medications to relieve alcohol intoxication;
  • connecting the patient to oxygen through a mask;
  • normalization of cardiac activity with the help of medications.

Doctors then hospitalize the patient in the toxicology or intensive care unit. At the hospital, his blood is taken to test for alcohol and toxins. The duration of hospitalization depends on the patient's condition.

Treatment in a hospital may consist of:

  • hemodialysis (blood purification). The patient is connected special apparatus"artificial kidney" that cleanses all the blood. Hemodialysis is performed to quickly remove toxins from the body. It is done for all poisonings with surrogate alcohol;
  • administration of an antidote. For methyl poisoning, the antidote used is ethanol. It is administered to the patient intravenously in low concentrations throughout the day. Only through the introduction of an antidote can total blindness be avoided;
  • intravenous drip administration of solutions to eliminate intoxication (trisol, disol, reopolyglucin, reosorbilact, glucose).

Alcohol poisoning is a particularly dangerous intoxication. It often causes disability, permanent disability, blindness, and death. Treatment of alcohol intoxication is carried out in the toxicology or intensive care department. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should call an emergency medical team. Before the doctors arrive, you can try to rinse the patient’s stomach and intestines, give him sorbents and drink.

It's hard to find a person who doesn't know about negative impact alcohol on the body. This knowledge does not stop many. The result of heavy drinking strong drinks becomes intoxicated. As a rule, only a few know what to do in case of alcohol poisoning at home. There are enough ways to cleanse the body and relieve hangover syndrome. Everything necessary for this can always be found in every home.

What is alcohol intoxication?

It doesn't matter how much alcohol a person drinks. In any case, his body will receive its dose of toxins. There are three stages of alcohol poisoning:

  • Light.
  • Average.
  • Heavy.

The liver fights the breakdown products of alcohol most desperately in the human body. She takes the brunt of the toxins. Serious doses of alcohol must be stopped using various means. First aid for alcohol poisoning comes down to cleansing the body of toxins.

Drinking large amounts of alcohol causes severe poisoning body. The poison enters the human blood and brain, which causes disruption of the nervous system. Alcohol poisoning is accompanied by such symptoms as clouding of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, impaired coordination of movement, dizziness and others.

With severe alcohol poisoning, a person loses sensitivity and deafness may occur.

Severe poisoning can lead to cardiac arrest, suffocation or coma. Such consequences can result from alcohol poisoning, the level of which in the blood exceeds 3%. The methods of how to get rid of alcohol poisoning are approximately the same for all stages of poisoning, but there are also nuances.

Poisoning with surrogate alcohol

This is the most severe stage of intoxication. In number alcohol surrogates includes:

  • Colognes, lotions and other cosmetic products containing alcohol.
  • Solvents, denatured alcohol, glass cleaners, etc.
  • Alcohol tinctures: hawthorn, corvalol, motherwort, etc.
  • "Singed" alcoholic drinks, made on the basis industrial alcohol. The consumption of these drinks very often leads to death. Treatment of such poisoning should take place exclusively in a hospital.

More than 90% of citizens poisoned by such drinks die before hospitalization.

The scary statistics should serve as a warning against consuming such drinks. Poisoning from improperly prepared wine can lead to equally serious consequences.

First aid for alcohol intoxication

What to do if a person is poisoned? First aid for alcohol poisoning should be provided to the patient immediately. People who are with the sick person should do this. Most of them know well what to do in case of alcohol poisoning. Even when there are no medications at hand, you can always come up with something. Excellent tool for detoxification of the body - water. With its help, the stomach and intestines are cleansed. To lavage the stomach, it is enough to drink only 2-3 glasses of lightly salted water and induce vomiting.

It is necessary to induce vomiting until the stomach is completely cleansed.

The intestines are cleansed with an enema. Helps relieve the effects of poisoning
warm soda bath. It should be taken within 20 minutes. Baking soda helps unclog skin pores and remove toxins from the body. After a bath, it is good to take weakly brewed tea with lemon or mint. You can replace it with a decoction of chamomile or motherwort. Drinking plenty of fluids and diuretics will cleanse the body in a very short time.

If a person loses consciousness due to alcohol poisoning, it is strictly forbidden to provide assistance on your own. It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Before the ambulance arrives, the person is placed on his side and strict care is taken to ensure that he does not choke on his vomit. It is necessary to loosen his clothes so that he can breathe easier. To bring a person to consciousness, you can give him a sniff of ammonia and rub his earlobes. You can detoxify on your own If poisoning does not pose a threat to human life.

Home detoxification

The main fighter against alcohol in the human body is the liver. This organ works more intensively than all others during alcohol poisoning. Exist various ways what to do in case of alcohol poisoning after first aid. After a person’s stomach has been rinsed and he has taken a warm soda bath, it is necessary to begin neutralizing the remaining toxins. To do this, it is good to take several tablets of white or black activated carbon. It is sold in all pharmacies and most citizens have it at home.

Very important element detoxification of the body is a complex intake of enterosorbents and agents that envelop the walls of the stomach. You can replace the latter regular products nutrition. Rich food is perfect for this. chicken bouillon or oatmeal with butter. The tasks that need to be solved in parallel with cleansing the body can be formulated as:

  • Restoration of water and salt balance in the human body. Along with toxins, salts and minerals are removed from it, and dehydration also occurs.
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora, which is inhibited not only by alcohol breakdown products, but also by antibiotics taken by a person to relieve pain.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to decide what to do in case of alcohol poisoning. Not everything that helps needs to be taken. You need to act consciously and consistently. Antibiotics are taken with extreme caution. The human body is individual and reacts differently to the same dosage of alcohol. He also reacts differently to medications.

Vomiting with a frequency of 2-3 times is a natural reaction of any body and should not cause panic. More frequent manifestations of the reaction require close attention.

You can stop vomiting by cooling your head cold water or applying a heating pad with ice to the back of your head. If the gag reflex does not stop, you should not eat or drink. A glass of water with Regidron diluted in it helps stop the process perfectly.

Vomiting with blood requires immediate hospitalization.

Medications to relieve alcohol poisoning should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Drug treatment

How to treat alcohol poisoning medicines can tell doctor. Everyone can have a general understanding of various drugs. Most of them cannot be combined with alcohol intake.


Used to absorb toxins. The most common drugs in this group are Enterosgel, Polisrb M and Smecta. They are available in the form of powders and tablets. It is best to use them in dissolved form.

A drug from this series such as “Filtrum” is capable of not only removing toxins, but also restoring the intestinal microflora. The most accessible drug in this group is activated carbon. The period of taking all these drugs should be at least 1 hour.

Water restorationand salinebalance

The easiest way to replenish your body with water, minerals and salts is to consume mineral water. Rehydrating drugs are used as medications. Their group includes such as “Regidron”, “Hydrovit”, “Citroglucosolan” and others. The drugs are taken in the form of solutions.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

To restore the balance of microflora in the intestines, eat fermented milk or fermented foods, and also take probiotics. These include: “Lactobacilli”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Linex” and others.

What you should absolutely not do:

  • Combine the intake of strong drinks and Furosemide. It belongs to the group of diuretics. This can lead to blockage of the kidneys and liver.
  • Take large amounts of aspirin. Especially for those who suffer from stomach ulcers. Internal bleeding may occur.
  • Abuse sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription. They can aggravate the depressed state of the nervous system.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse. High temperatures can lead to a stroke.

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Alcohol poisoning, what to do?: