Cucumbers in tomato juice with garlic. Cucumbers and tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter

In cooking, tomatoes often accompany cucumbers. Salads are made from them, used as side dishes for various dishes, pickled and salted. But few people have tried to make a blank in this version.

We bring to your attention several recipes for cucumbers in tomato sauce for the winter with photos. Every housewife should try this pickling recipe!

It's very tasty and original canned snack. Thanks to the presence of tomatoes, it has spicy taste, and the cucumbers themselves turn out very crispy.

Recipe for cucumbers in tomato juice

You will fall in love with cucumbers prepared for the winter according to this awesome recipe from the first crunch. Cucumbers will surprise you with their sophistication and slight piquancy.

Advice: Be sure to try the marinade. It all depends on everyone's taste. Adjust it by slightly changing the amount granulated sugar or salt. In addition, the type of tomato can also affect the final result if you use homemade juice


Servings: – +

  • fresh cucumbers 2 kg
  • tomato juice 1 l
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.
  • granulated sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar 9% 1 tbsp. l.
  • fresh dill 2 branches
  • black currant leaves6 pcs.
  • garlic 4 cloves
  • hot capsicum1-2 pcs.

Per serving

Calories: 19 kcal

Proteins: 0.9 g

Fats: 3.5 g

Carbohydrates: 0.1 g

1 hour. 30 min. Video recipe Print

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Advice: You can prepare cucumbers for the winter with tomato paste. Even adding a spoon per liter of juice will make the tomato taste even more intense. If you use only paste in cooking, then it must be diluted in advance. On average, 1 liter of liquid will take 150 grams. tomato puree. The taste will remain the same, but you will spend much less energy.

Recipe for cucumbers in tomato sauce

The peculiarity of preparing cucumbers at home using this recipe is the consistency of the “marinade”. You can also use it in preparing other dishes. Due to additional components it will have onion notes and light spice. We are sure that enterprising housewives will find a use for this tomato sauce!


  • fresh cucumbers - 5 kg;
  • tomato sauce (it is preferable to use sweet and sour) - 200 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • rock salt - 60 g;
  • black and allspice - 10 peas each;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • dill with umbrellas - 9 pcs.;
  • onion - 250 g;
  • garlic - 10 cloves.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Cucumbers should be soaked. The more time they spend in liquid, the better.
  2. Boil 1.5 liters in an enamel saucepan clean water, pour oil, vinegar into it, put tomato sauce, sugar, salt, bay leaf and two types of peppers. Leave to cook for ¼ hour.
  3. Peel the remaining vegetables. Cut the onion into rings of medium thickness, and press the garlic with the back of a wide knife.
  4. Now fill the jars in this order: dill umbrellas, cucumbers, onions, garlic. Fill the top tomato marinade. Use a ladle for this to avoid getting burned.
  5. The last stage is sterilization for 10 minutes, after which the jars can be screwed. Workpieces are stored at room temperature until the end of spring next year.

Advice. Give preference to small jars, with a nominal value of no more than a liter. From the given amount of ingredients you will get no more than 8 jars.

Pickled cucumbers in tomato juice

In addition to pickling, there is a way to pickle cucumbers in tomato juice.


  • cucumbers - 1.5 kg;
  • tomato juice - 1.5 l;
  • dill - 6 umbrellas;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt - 3 tbsp;
  • tarragon - 10 g.

Cooking method

  1. The cooking process is almost no different from previous recipes. Soak the cucumbers, wash them and put them in jars.
  2. Prepare the filling. To do this, boil tomato juice for a short time, dissolve salt in it and add spices. When the tomato brine has cooled, pour it over the cucumbers.
  3. Close the jars with lids and place in the refrigerator.

As you can see, you can diversify your usual pickles quite simply by adding one new ingredient and changing the approach to familiar things. Don't be afraid to experiment.

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Cooking tomatoes and cucumbers in tomato juice:

Before preparing this preparation, keep the cucumbers in cold water approximately 3-6 hours. You can change the water once or twice - this will allow the cucumbers to remain elastic and crunchy.

Fresh small cucumbers need to be washed very well and the tails trimmed. After this, wash it well again and cut it into several pieces so that you get small cubes, two to three centimeters in size.

Ripe tomatoes small in size so that they fit into the neck of the jar, wash them and prick them at the stem with a fork.

We make tomato juice from selected tomatoes. You can use a juicer, you can grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder or grate them - whichever is more convenient for you.

Cook the resulting juice until it stops foaming. Do not add salt and sugar yet. Spices, sugar and salt can be added when you cook the juice a second time. Place the cucumbers and tomatoes in jars, during which time we cook the juice.

When the juice is cooked, pour the vegetables into the jars. Don’t forget to immediately cover the jars with the lids you will use to seal the canned food.

After the juice has cooled slightly, carefully pour it into the pan and bring to a boil again. At this time you can add salt and sugar according to your taste.

When the filling juice is ready, pour a spoonful into each jar table vinegar. Fill the jars with hot juice and roll them up immediately.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are ready for the winter. We turn the hot jars over, wrap them in something warm and set them aside to cool completely. Once the jars have cooled, they can be moved for storage.

Advice: try to try the prepared dish no earlier than two weeks later - let the vegetables absorb each other’s aromas and tastes.

Bon appetit!



Tomatoes and cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter– tasty and simple blank, which absolutely any housewife can prepare at home with her own hands. Everyone will like the unusual appearance and taste of the product. Young housewives will easily surprise their colleagues and girlfriends and will be able to present this preparation as their signature.

Preparing this pickling is very easy: without sterilization and other tedious heat treatments. The vegetables turn out dense and aromatic, and the tomato juice becomes sweet, acquiring the subtle aroma of dill seeds and the piquancy of garlic.

The taste of the product is excellent, you will lick your fingers, and the recipe for making pickles couldn’t be simpler! These criteria are important for many, including us, so trust and listen to the advice, and as a result you will receive a vitamin-rich and very healthy, low-calorie preparation on your table. Feed your household in a varied and interesting way.

Such an assortment will become great snack. Serve the vegetables whole, and pour the marinade into a carafe and serve it as a drink. You can use aromatic sweet tomato juice when stewing beef or cabbage. It will add a mysterious spicy flavor to these products: the cabbage will be aromatic, and the beef will become soft and juicy.

This preparation will help awaken your appetite and improve digestion. It will saturate you with vitamins and useful substances, will be a godsend during fasting days for people observing dietary restrictions and will be useful for those on a diet, because there are few calories in the assortment.

buy fresh domestic tomato paste and dissolve it in water with sugar, salt and spices. We will also talk about this option below - step by step and clearly.

Let's make some unusual crispy cucumbers!

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How to roll cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter

We need:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg (we weigh after preparation!)
  • Tomato juice - 1 liter (about 1.2-1.3 tomatoes)
  • Ingredients for marinade for 1 liter of juice:
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon (with/without slide to taste)
  • Sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoon (to taste for sweetness)
  • Table vinegar, 9% - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Dill - 1 sprig per jar

Optional ingredients to taste:

  • Pickling set of leaves - horseradish, cherry, oak, dill umbrellas. Based on 1 piece. each type for 1 jar.
  • Likewise garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc. 5-8 cm long per 1 liter jar.

Important details:

  1. Yield from 2 kg of vegetables - about 3.5 liters of blanks.
  2. We give the proportions of the marinade with a reserve. Rough calculation: you need 2 times less juice, than cucumbers. For example, if there are 1 kg of vegetables, that means 450-500 ml of tomato juice.
  3. Juice can be replaced with a mixture of water and tomato paste. For 1 liter of water - 150 g of paste, or 5-6 tablespoons. You will get cucumbers in tomato. Same awesome recipe, but as simple as possible to prepare.
  4. Shape of cucumbers - to taste. You can cut it into circles about 1 cm thick. You can leave it whole, especially if small vegetables that fit completely into selected containers will be used for rolling.
  5. It is convenient for us to seal cucumbers in tomatoes in jars up to 1 liter.
  6. If you are afraid of the preparations exploding, increase the amount of vinegar. For 1 liter of filling, add 1.5 tablespoons of vinegar (9%). In our experience, this should be done only in two cases. When you use very large cucumbers entirely. Or choose large containers (3 liter jars).

Let's prepare the main characters.

We wash, but do not clean, we cut off the ends. It is advisable to soak the cucumbers for at least 1 hour in cold water before marinating.

We wash the greens that we will use in running water and thoroughly shake off the moisture.

Let's fill the jars.

Place a leaf of the selected herb at the bottom of the jars. This can be just a sprig of dill, or 1 leaf from classic set herbs for pickling, where a horseradish leaf is required. Here we add washed small hot pepper- whole, do not cut or clean.

If using garlic, cut the cloves in half lengthwise and place them on the bottom as well.

Place the cucumbers tightly, regardless of the cut. The circles are neatly flat, filling the entire volume of the jar.

When we roll up the vegetables whole, we place the first row vertically, as tightly as possible. If there is room for a second level - how will it fit. You can cut the cucumbers in half, lengthwise or crosswise.

Let's prepare the marinade using tomato juice.

How to prepare juice using a meat grinder and a sieve. Wash the tomatoes, cut off the sandpaper and “substandard” elements from the skin and cut into 4 parts. Grind the tomatoes into a meat grinder.

Transfer the tomato mass into a saucepan, heat and let simmer over moderate heat for 5 minutes. We rub the hot tomato liquid through a fine sieve (up to 2 mm). Be careful! Use a cup or ladle to pour the liquid into a sieve, so you don't have to hold a heavy pot of boiling liquid in your hands. There will be little waste.

Return the lightened liquid to the pan. Let it boil and reduce the heat to medium. Add salt, sugar and stir well until completely dissolved. Cook the juice over moderate heat for up to 5 minutes. If a lot of foam forms, remove with a colander.

Consider 2 nuances.

  • For the most intense tomato taste It is beneficial to add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of juice. spoon of tomato paste. We do this with sugar and salt at the same time.
  • You can make tomato juice using any usual technology. For the marinade, the main thing is to let it boil, completely dissolve the additives and boil briefly just before pouring the vegetables.

Fill the seams with marinade, sterilize and close for the winter.

After boiling the salted juice for 5 minutes, pour vinegar into it and remove from heat. Hot tomato marinade fill jars filled with cucumbers.

Cover the jars with lids and set them to sterilize. large saucepan(on the bottom - a kitchen towel). Sterilization time:

  • 500-750 ml - 10-12 minutes.
  • From 800 ml to 1 liter - 15 minutes.

We take the jars out of the pan and roll them up to long-term storage. Turn it upside down and let it cool, covering it with a blanket.

After a day, put it in a dark cupboard or try lightly salted savory snack, pre-cooled in the refrigerator. Cucumbers in tomato juice are pleasing to the eye, crunchy and fragrant - an awesome recipe!

Answers to frequently asked questions

Which cucumbers are best for seaming?

The tastiest are the so-called “pickling varieties.” When purchasing, they can be easily identified by appearance. The average size(the cucumber fits in the hand of an adult) and the skin is covered in pimples.

How to sterilize jars and lids?

There are many ways. The most popular are steamed in a saucepan on the stove, steamed in a slow cooker (put it upside down on a wire rack and pour water into the bowl) and dry in the oven.

We love the latter. How to sterilize dishes in the oven? For washing we use baking soda and a new sponge. IN cold oven Place the well-washed jars upside down. We set the heat to 120-150 degrees Celsius. After reaching temperature, keep the jars warm for 15 minutes. Time is universal for all container volumes. It is important that the jars are completely dry.

Just fill the lids (any - twist off or regular iron) boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

How to roll cucumbers with tomato paste?

When preparing vegetables and sterilizing, we do everything exactly as described above. The only thing that will change is the preparation of the marinade.

  • For 1 liter of water we take 5-6 tablespoons of tomato paste and any spices. Ground black pepper (2 teaspoons) or black and white peas work well. allspice(4-5 pcs.), mustard seeds (2 teaspoons) and cloves (4 pcs.).
  • Our task is to heat the water, dissolve sugar, salt, tomato paste, and keep the marinade at a low simmer for up to 5 minutes. Add spices, boil for another 1 minute, pour in vinegar - turn off the heat. Pour the hot solution over the vegetables and proceed to sterilization as described above.

Is it possible to make the recipe without sterilization?

Yes, you can. We wash the vegetables as thoroughly as possible and sterilize containers and tools, including the ladle or cup with which we pour the juice.

Processing packaged vegetables into two pours of boiling water. Our actions: pour boiling water to the top, cover with a lid, wait 10-15 minutes, drain the water. And again poured boiling water for 10 minutes. After 2 fillings, fill the jars with hot tomato juice, roll them up and let them cool upside down.

This option without sterilization for 3 liter jar shown in the video below. Watch the actual preparation from 2:30. Pay attention to the curious minimalism in the composition of the fill. Only tomato juice, salt (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) and garlic to the bottom of the jar.

We will be glad if the recipe for cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter seems awesome and unforgettably tasty to you.

Check it out in the section Easy recipes / Homemade preparations. We are planning delicious updates!

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Vegetable salads for the winter are in great demand during periods of vitamin deficiency; they are often put on the table in holidays, are present in the daily diet. Today we will get acquainted with recipes for winter salads from cucumbers and tomatoes in own juice.

This preparation does not require much experience and a lot of effort, and is good because it allows you to rationally use even the most unsightly vegetables on the farm: overgrown, unripe, irregularly shaped. Naturally, all fruits must be without signs of spoilage or rotting.

Salad preparations can be made in two ways: without sterilization and with sterilization. Both methods give good results if the preparation conditions are met. glass containers and vegetables. Seaming of cans is done either with screw caps or with a seaming machine.

Sterilized cucumber-tomato salad for the winter

We will seal winter salads in small jars with a capacity of 0.5 and 0.75 liters, these are convenient portion sizes, because... are eaten quickly.

What should we take:

  • Cucumbers – 1 kg (you can take overgrown, twisted ones);
  • Tomatoes – 1 kg (it is better to take thick-walled, dense, not overripe ones);
  • Onions – 0.4 kg;
  • Salt and sugar - 2 tsp each;
  • Vinegar, vegetable oil - ½ cup each;
  • Spices – black peppercorns, allspice, Bay leaf.

Let's prepare glass jars, lids, deep bowl, saucepan, towel.

  1. Wash the cucumbers and tomatoes well, peel them if necessary, cut them into slices, peel the onions and cut them into rings.
  2. Place all the ingredients in a deep bowl, add salt and sugar, vinegar, oil and spices, mix gently.
  3. Let's leave vegetable mixture for an hour and a half, during which time it will give juice.
  4. Place peppercorns and bay leaves in the bottom of glass jars, pack the vegetable mixture tightly, and fill the jars up to the shoulders. Vegetable juice We will distribute it among all banks.
  5. Place a towel or napkin on the bottom of a wide saucepan, place the jars, fill with water up to the hangers and place on medium heat.
  6. As soon as the water boils, we will time it. We will sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters for 15 minutes, and those with a capacity of 0.75 liters for 20 minutes.
  7. Remove the jars from the pan and seal the lids, turn them upside down, and let cool.

This classic version winter salad with a minimum of ingredients, which can be varied with various additives.

In the collection of tips:

They will fit very organically into the “company” of vegetables for a winter salad. bell pepper, small squash, vegetable physalis, small heads of cabbage Brussels sprouts, carrot.

Spices will also help improve the taste. winter dish, for lovers pungent taste you can take a pod of hot pepper, clove buds, mustard seeds, for refined natures - a little cinnamon powder, nutmeg, for children it is better to make such salads without spices.

We will prepare a children's version of the winter salad from the smallest fruits, gherkin cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, small ovaries of bright yellow zucchini, squash, it will turn out both bright and a little “toy-like”.

Salad for the winter without sterilization

Preservation for the winter is quite possible without boiling jars of vegetables in a water bath. We will use another method - hot pouring. The recipe for this simple salad I'll be happy to share it with you.

What should we take:

  • Cucumbers – 1 kg (gherkin type);
  • Tomatoes – 1 kg (with dense pulp);
  • Bell pepper – 2 pcs. (the meatier, the tastier);
  • Small carrot for decoration;
  • Onions – 0.4 kg (take small onions);
  • Garlic – 5-6 cloves;
  • Salt, sugar, vinegar - 1 tsp each. per jar of 0.5 l;
  • Water – purified, for pouring (the amount is determined experimentally);
  • Spices and herbs according to preference.

We wash the vegetables very thoroughly, peel the onion and garlic, remove the seeds from the pepper, cut the cucumbers lengthwise into halves or quarters, cut the tomatoes into slices, onions and peppers into rings. It is better to pass the garlic through a crusher. Cut the carrots into stars.

  1. At the bottom of clean jars we will put spices, chopped herbs, we will lay vegetables in layers to make it look beautiful, we will place carrot stars not inside the vegetable mass, but to the walls of the jars so that they can be seen.
  2. Fill the jars up to the shoulders.
  3. Don't forget to put the lids on the jars to boil; they need to boil for at least 10 minutes.
  4. According to the recipe, fill it with cold boiled water all the jars with salad to the top, then pour the liquid from the jars into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, vinegar, spices and cook the marinade.
  5. Pour boiling marinade into jars with vegetables and seal with lids.
  6. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them well, and let them cool.

In the collection of tips:

Can be used as a filling for winter salad different juices– vegetable or fruit: tomato, cucumber or a mixture of them, apple, plum. Juice pouring will give the salad original taste, it is enough to bring it to a boil and immediately pack it into jars with vegetables.

For vegetable salads, it is advisable to choose the strongest, thickest-walled tomatoes; unripe fruits or even green ones are perfect.

Some garden plants It’s quite possible to add some spice to it vegetable salads: nasturtium buds, fruits garden quince, red currant berries. These additives are used in small quantities.

Culinary masters will share their recipes in canning master classes with interesting videos.

Recipes for winter salads made from cucumbers and tomatoes in their own juice and in filling can be endlessly modified, supplemented, and tried different marinades, create your own options.