Very tasty, perfectly thick and aromatic strawberry jam. Strawberry jam “5 minutes”: recipe for the winter with photos

In the summer, when there is an abundance of berries and fruits, it’s time to start making jam. One of the most popular types of such delicacies is strawberry jam. The recipe for the winter is not complicated; even a novice housewife with little experience in cooking can handle it. Having mastered this dish, you can prepare other jams from various berries in a similar way. For example, from cherries, sweet cherries, raspberries, blueberries or currants. Prepared strawberry jam for the winter is great for various dishes. It can be served with pancakes, toast, thin pancakes, American pancakes or freshly baked waffles.

Having made strawberry jam for the winter, you can be sure that now there is always a possible filling for desserts. Confectioners are happy to put it in sweet pies, muffins and rolls. Quite often, jam is spread on sponges for cakes or small pastries before spreading buttercream or whipped cream.

On the Internet there are many recipes for strawberry jam for the winter with photos, but it is not always possible to get the desired delicacy to your taste as a result. After all, every housewife has her own preferences. Some people like jam with a characteristic sourness, while others prefer sweeter versions of this dish. Preferences for the consistency of jam are also similar.

Some people like jams that are similar to jelly, while others, on the contrary, try to make the jam less thick. All this must be taken into account in order to make a truly ideal jam for yourself.

To make strawberry jam tasty for the winter, you must first choose good strawberries. Of course, unripe green berries are not suitable for this purpose. It is best to give preference to aromatic juicy strawberries, sweet with barely noticeable sourness.

There is a classic recipe for strawberry jam for the winter. For this delicacy you should take 1 kg of fresh strawberries, 1.2 kg of regular white sugar and a little citric acid. Before preparing strawberry jam for the winter, you need to select a suitable container in which to cook the jam. An ordinary saucepan is not suitable here - the jam will simply burn. For jam, it is advisable to purchase a special saucepan made of stainless steel or modern ceramics.

First, the strawberries should be sorted, washed thoroughly, and the green tails removed. Then pour the berries into a container in which the jam will be cooked. The berries need to be covered with sugar and left for 8 hours. Before making strawberry jam for the winter, the berries must be steeped. That is why it is better to start preparing jam in the evening so that you can start cooking it in the morning.

You need to cook the jam in 3 batches. During cooking, you should constantly skim off the foam. You need to cook the jam quickly, no more than 15 minutes. After this, you just have to wait for the jam to cool. This takes 5-6 hours. Now you can grind the boiled berries using a blender, and then again you need to bring to a boil and boil the jam for 5 minutes. The hot mass must cool down, this may take 5 hours.

One of the simplest and most delicious berry preparations is strawberry jam, the recipe for the winter is so simple that you can start your procurement “career” with it without fear that the jars will explode or the berries will not cook, because, unlike jam, strawberry jam has homogeneous structure. Essentially it is berry puree boiled with sugar. Strawberries can be turned into a homogeneous mass with a blender, but it is not at all necessary to achieve a perfectly smooth puree structure; you can simply mash the berries with a masher or fork - then the jam will include small pieces. You need to cook strawberry jam at low heat to avoid intense boiling, otherwise the hot jam will splash. Adjust the heat until you achieve just a slight bubbling sound. In order for the jam to be guaranteed to last all winter, you need to cook it for half an hour, let it cool without pouring into jars, heat it again, and then boil for another five minutes, stirring so as not to burn. The jam will be thick, somewhat jelly-like, with a bright color and intense strawberry aroma.


  • 500 g fresh ripe strawberries
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. citric acid (or 2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice)

How to make strawberry jam for the winter

To make jam, strawberries will be crushed into puree, so unlike jam, you can take berries of any size, any shape; fruits even with minor defects are suitable. Of course, you should definitely cut off the spoiled fruits and remove the rotten areas (you can simply cut off the dubious part of the berry). At the beginning of cooking, the standard preparatory procedure is carried out - we remove the stalks of the strawberries, rinse the berries under running water and let the moisture drain.

Now you need to chop the berries in any convenient way. Using a blender will help you get a perfectly smooth puree. If you mash the strawberries with a fork or a potato masher, the structure of the finished jam will be slightly different - small pieces will give the jam a special charm.

Carefully transfer the resulting puree into a saucepan or ladle. Add granulated sugar and citric acid (acid can be replaced with two tablespoons of lemon juice). Over medium heat, stirring the jam occasionally with a wooden spatula, bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat. The jam should not boil too much. Boil it for half an hour over medium heat.

During cooking, it is necessary to remove actively appearing foam.

To ensure that the jam will last until spring, it is advisable to boil it in two steps (cool, then boil again for 5 minutes and roll up).

Place the finished jam while hot into sterile jars and seal with clean lids.

Strawberry jam can be made not only as a winter preparation, but also as a summer dessert. To preserve the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins, cook the jam for no more than 10 minutes. Leave to cool completely on the stove, transfer to clean jars and place in the refrigerator. In this case, the jam is not so thick, but if you leave it in the refrigerator for ten days, the jam will thicken noticeably and its texture will become delicious. Jam is not as cloying in taste as jam, and its viscosity allows you to spread jam onto your morning bun or toast more accurately than jam. Strawberry jam has an excellent color, its taste and aroma are simply amazing!

How to make jam for the winter

In addition to its unique taste and long shelf life, strawberry jam for the winter according to our recipe has one more advantage: it is extremely easy to prepare!

1 hour

200 kcal

5/5 (1)

Summer in my mind is inextricably linked with strawberries. We literally gorged ourselves on these juicy red berries every year. But even my brother and I’s joint efforts were not enough to destroy the rich harvest. Then the grandmother took out various jars from the basement and began making preparations for the winter. Thick and delicious strawberry jam I could eat her preparations with spoons. Strawberry jam reminded me of a carefree summer.

Now I make my own strawberry jam according to my grandmother’s recipe. Everyone in our family loves him. The children prefer to eat it with pancakes or buns, the husband prefers to eat it with white cheese and cottage cheese, and I still eat strawberry jam with spoons, washed down with unsweetened tea.

In addition to its unique taste and long shelf life, jam according to my grandmother’s recipe has another undoubted advantage: it is extremely easy to prepare. Thrifty housewives will rejoice at the opportunity to use all the berries that are available. Strawberries of any size are suitable for jam: small, medium, large. If the berry has a flaw, you can simply cut it off and put the rest into a common pan.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter

Preparatory stage

Sort through the berries. Remove the tails, wash and let the water drain thoroughly. Without any regret, get rid of greenish, overripe or rotten berries.


The proportions can easily be varied depending on how many strawberries are available.

From inventory You will need sterile glass jars, a wide enamel pan and lids for sealing.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter

  1. Place the prepared strawberries in a large bowl or saucepan and chop the berries. This can be done using an immersion blender or an ordinary wooden masher.
    The second option is even preferable - in the process of turning the berries into puree using a masher, much more juice is released.
  2. Pour the berry puree into an enamel pan with a thick, wide bottom and pour both packets of confiture into it.
  3. Place the pan on low heat and stir the puree constantly until the powder is completely dissolved. We wait until the puree boils, then gradually add sugar and citric acid. Without ceasing to stir, let the puree boil again and keep it on low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Hot confiture is immediately poured into prepared glass jars. The main part of the preparations intended for long-term storage is sealed with metal lids.

Strawberry jam can be made without jam. But then you will need more sugar and the berry puree will have to be kept on the fire for a long time. The option with confiture is preferable, as it allows you to reduce the cooking time. Thanks to this, the jam retains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. And the savings in time and effort are significant.

Storing strawberry jam

Jars of jam are stored in a cool, dry, dark place. The ideal temperature is below room temperature – 10-15 degrees. If the jars have been properly sterilized and sealed, then the jam can be left safely until next summer. True, in our family it is not stored for that long.

Jam differs from jam in that when preparing it it is not necessary to preserve the integrity of fruits and berries. How to make confiture depends only on you. I prefer jam that is not too homogeneous, so when preparing the berries I only lightly mash them with a wooden masher. If you want a more delicate texture, puree the berries using a blender or rub through a sieve.

Add sugar only after the confiture has dissolved.

About the quality of jam says its bright ruby ​​color and thick consistency. To check the degree of readiness, remove a spoon from the pan during cooking. If the jam flows from it in a thick continuous thread, then it is ready.

Strawberry jam goes well with any type of sweet pastry. It can be used as a filling in making pies and cookies. It is a great addition to pancakes and pancakes.

Strawberry jam is also good in combination with cottage cheese and various types of white cheeses.

In contact with

I suggest making strawberry jam - a recipe for the winter that can be prepared in just over half an hour. You will definitely like the taste and aroma. The thickness can be adjusted by cooking time or simply by replacing regular sugar with gelling sugar, which contains pectin.

The recipe for strawberry jam in front of you will be an excellent addition to pancakes, pancakes, or as a filling for pies and bagels. Or you can simply spread butter on a crust of fresh bread and add a little jam on top; it’s a very good combination with tea. Try it too!


Strawberries – 350 g

Sugar – 350 g

Lemon juice – 1 tsp

216 Kcal per 100 g

How to make strawberry jam

Before you make strawberry jam, you must first prepare the berries. To do this, I transfer them to a colander and rinse them under running water. It is important to do this quickly and carefully so as not to damage the berries. Next, I tear off the leaves and place the strawberries on a paper towel to remove any remaining water.

I transfer the strawberries into a blender bowl and grind them into a homogeneous puree. Then I pour it into a saucepan, add sugar, lemon juice and stir.

It is important to understand how to make strawberry jam correctly. To do this, put the saucepan on low heat, and when the mass starts to boil, cook for another 30 minutes. Remember to stir occasionally so that the jam does not burn. It should be cooked over low heat, but the mixture will boil. You also need to remove the resulting foam. The longer it cooks, the thicker it becomes.

While the jam is still cooking, I prepare a jar or jars, depending on how much you use. They can be sterilized using different methods, the most popular being in the microwave and over boiling water. For me, the second method is more familiar. I pour water into an empty pan and place a wire rack on top. When the water boils, I place the jar and lid upside down on the grill to sterilize the sides that the jam will come into contact with. It’s enough for them to stand over the steam for a couple of minutes, and then I take them off.

I pour the hot jam into jars and roll up the lids or just twist them tightly if you have this type of lid. Immediately after this, I turn them upside down, cover them with a towel and leave them like that until they cool. After which I take them to the balcony or to the cellar so that in winter they can enjoy it. This is how the strawberry jam turned out, the recipe is simple and, in my opinion, quite easy.

These products made almost 2 jars of jam, one of them was a little not full, so I decided not to roll it up, but to eat it right away. I can say that this strawberry jam recipe for the winter was a success, and the rest was eaten with pleasure and very quickly. The volume of my jar is 280 ml.

My advice to you is to cook without doubt, it turns out very tasty. Bon appetit!

Jam, preserves, confiture - you can get confused in these sweet wilds! The concepts are similar, but still different and each has its own application. Today I will prepare the most delicious strawberry confiture for cake or pastries, and also tell you how it differs from jam or preserves. The recipe is so simple that step-by-step photos may seem unnecessary. But what can you do, the force of habit takes over! And now I take pictures of everything I cook in my kitchen.

The simplest confiture recipe:

  • Fresh or frozen strawberries - 100 g
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Corn starch - 1 tsp.
  • Water for diluting starch - 2-3 tbsp. l.

How is confiture different from jam and preserves?

In berry jam, the berries are boiled into a thick, sweet mass and simmered over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Confiture is considered a type of jam; it should also be jelly-like, but it also includes pieces of berries and fruits (as opposed to jam).

What is the difference between confiture and jam? In jam, the berries must retain their shape, so the heat treatment is short.

Confiture is ideal for layering cakes and filling pies! It has a fresh taste, a uniform structure in which there are pieces of berries.

How to prepare strawberry confiture for cakes and pastries (step-by-step recipe with photos)

For the Queen Victoria sponge cake, I need a very small amount of jam in the layer, so I tell the recipe using a minimum amount of ingredients. You can increase them in proportion to the list, based on how much jam you need for dessert.

You can use any berries, including frozen ones. Place strawberries (100 g) in a saucepan, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and place over medium heat. If using fresh berries, add a little water to the bottom of the pan to prevent them from burning.

With every minute, the berries will release juice more and more intensely; after five minutes, many of them will break into several parts, this is a normal phenomenon. Some puree the berries with an immersion blender, but this is not necessary. Personally, I like it when there are halves of berries in the confiture.

Place a teaspoon of cornstarch in a glass. You can also use potato, but in this case take twice as much.

Pour 2-3 tbsp. l. cold water into the starch and stir until smooth.

Pour the starch mixture into the confiture, stirring and boiling for 1-2 minutes.

The confiture will thicken a little while hot, and after cooling it will become even thicker.