Emergency assistance to a person with alcohol poisoning. Folk remedies for alcohol poisoning

Alcohol– flavored alcoholic drinks based on purified ethyl alcohol (wine, cognac, water, champagne, whiskey, liqueurs, etc.). Alcohol substitutes– inferior ethanol substitutes, which are used as alcoholic beverages, can be true (hydrolytic and technical alcohols, cologne, etc.) and false (methanol, ethylene glycol).

Poisoning with alcohol and its surrogates is the most common household poisoning, the lethal dose of 96° ethanol ranges from 4 to 12 g/kg body weight, alcoholic coma occurs when the blood alcohol concentration is 3 g/l and above, death - at 5 - 6 g/l and higher.

Ethanol Poisoning Clinic:

Intoxication of varying degrees, turning into depression of consciousness up to coma

Initially, euphoria, emotional lability, violations of social norms of decency in behavior, aggressiveness are characteristic, followed by deep deafness and indifference.

Movement disorders: from an unsteady gait to the inability to stand upright independently

The characteristic smell of alcohol coming from the patient

Hyperemia of cold, damp skin faces, scleral injection, constricted pupils, horizontal nystagmus

Hypersalivation, sweating, vomiting with possible aspiration-obstructive breathing disorders or mechanical asphyxia (during aspiration of vomit or retraction of the tongue)

Involuntary urination and defecation

Frequent, weak pulse, collapsed state

High level ethanol in the blood (the diagnosis of alcohol intoxication is valid when the blood alcohol concentration is above 0.5 ppm)

Alcoholic coma should be differentiated from head injury, poisoning with alcohol substitutes or sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and from diabetic coma; because these conditions can be combined, it is necessary to examine the patient’s blood for the content of glucose, barbiturates and other sedative drugs, and take an x-ray of the skull in two projections.

Emergency care for alcohol poisoning:

1. All patients with severe intoxication and poisoning with alcohol or its substitutes must be hospitalized (transported in a lateral position with the head of the head lowered to prevent aspiration)

2. Gastric lavage through a tube to clean lavage water (in case of deep coma - only after tracheal intubation), followed by the introduction of enterosorbents (activated carbon, polyphepane, etc.) and saline laxatives in the form of an aqueous suspension through a tube or orally

3. Forced diuresis: IV infusion of crystalloid solutions (isotonic sodium chloride solution, 5% glucose) + furosemide / Lasix 40 mg IV

4. Oral toilet, taking the tongue onto a tongue holder, suctioning mucus from the pharyngeal cavity, in the absence of pharyngeal reflexes, breathing disorders of central origin - intubation and transfer to mechanical ventilation.

5. Infusion of 40% glucose solution 40 ml with 15 units of insulin IV bolus

6. Vitamins B 1 5 ml IM and B 6 2 ml IM (antidotes for ethanol), nicotinic acid 5% solution 1 ml s.c.

7. Alkalinization of urine, correction of metabolic acidosis of the blood: 4% sodium bicarbonate solution up to 1000 ml IV drip

8. Symptomatic therapy depending on the complications that arise (relief of seizures with sodium hydroxybutyrate, piracetam, etc.)

180. Acute adrenal insufficiency: etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, principles of treatment– see question 75 (adrenal crisis).

181. Emergency measures for acute paroxysmal cardiac arrhythmias– see question 32.

Anyone can be poisoned by alcohol. Most often this occurs with alcohol abuse, but recently an increasing number of healthy people Those who drink alcohol in moderate doses end up in hospital beds. Such situations are the result of negligence in the production of many alcoholic beverages. Cases of individual intolerance have also become more frequent. Regardless of the cause of this condition, everyone should know how to help themselves or their loved ones with alcohol poisoning.

Signs of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication is a pathology that requires immediate medical intervention. Therefore, if any signs of it appear, you must call an ambulance to get medical help. You can distinguish alcohol poisoning from a regular hangover by the following signs:

  • Severe redness of the skin.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Slow pulse and heavy breathing.
  • Incoherent and unconscious speech.
  • Strong thirst, dry oral mucosa.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Vomiting, constant nausea.
  • Fainting and pre-fainting state.

If measures are not taken in time, the above symptoms may intensify and even develop into an alcoholic coma, which often ends in death. That is why it is so necessary to be able to provide first aid at home in case of alcohol poisoning. Such actions can significantly improve a person’s condition and possibly save his life.

Home remedies for poisoning

Having completed a series simple actions, you can reduce the level of intoxication and ease the well-being of those who have suffered from alcohol. If the person is conscious, it is necessary to provide next poisoning:

  • Induce vomiting. To do this, you need to open the victim’s mouth and place a tablespoon on the root of the tongue. You can also ask him to induce vomiting on his own by placing two fingers in his mouth.
  • Perform gastric lavage. After most of the toxins have been eliminated by vomiting, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the stomach. To do this, prepare 2-3 glasses of warm salted water. After a person drinks several glasses of water one after another, he should again induce vomiting. Lavage should be done until the stomach is cleared of decay products.
  • Drink warm tea or milk. The tea should be weak and preferably green. The poisoned person must drink at least 1 liter of warm liquid.
  • Use sorbents to make you feel better. Most often in the home medicine cabinet you can find activated carbon, Smecta or Enterosgel. Exactly these medications best cope with the removal of toxic substances from the body. Surely many are wondering whether Smecta helps with alcohol poisoning. After all, it is most often taken to eliminate indigestion. However, in case of alcohol poisoning, this powder will be more than appropriate.
  • Provide the victim with comfort. To do this, he must be put to bed and covered with a blanket. You should also ensure that the person lies with his head on a high pillow. Otherwise, during an attack of vomiting, he may choke.

The above recommendations should be applied only when the person is conscious. But no less important is knowing how to help with alcohol poisoning if the victim faints or is in a coma. If the person poisoned by alcohol is unconscious, other first aid methods will need to be used. Given its condition, you need to do the following:

  • Bring it to your nose ammonia and rub the tips of your ears. These manipulations can bring a person to consciousness.
  • Provide fresh air. To do this, you need to open the windows in the room and loosen the collar or tie around the victim’s neck.
  • Turn it on its side to prevent it from choking.

When figuring out how to help a person with alcohol poisoning, we must not forget that first of all it is necessary to call an ambulance. Only after this should you rush to make the victim feel better. The brigade may take too long to travel. Therefore, the sooner you call the doctors, the better it will be for a loved one or friend who has been poisoned by alcohol. If the patient is unconscious, he should not rinse his stomach or try to induce vomiting.

Emergency assistance in case of poisoning

When thinking about how to quickly help with alcohol poisoning at home, you should use the emergency method. However, you need to know that its use will result in a severe headache the next day. Therefore, it should be used only in extreme cases when rapid restoration of a sane state is necessary. The folk recipe is prepared as follows: dilute 10 drops of ammonia in a glass of warm water. Drink the solution in small sips every 10-15 minutes. Intoxication will begin to disappear literally before our eyes. When considering how to help a person with alcohol poisoning in such an emergency way, we must not forget that it will provoke unpleasant consequences.

What to eat if you have alcohol poisoning

At mild intoxication or after arriving from the hospital you need to remove toxins and waste with food. The following foods will help relieve symptoms of poisoning:

  • Sauerkraut, salted tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Beet.
  • Strawberry.
  • Cereal porridge.

To remove alcohol from your body, you need to eat fruits, vegetables and grains. They contain a large number of pectins and fiber, which are natural sorbents. Eating apricots, strawberries, raspberries and apples can quickly improve your well-being. It is not recommended to aggravate the condition of the stomach and intestines with meat, products with increased content fats and cholesterol, baked goods, smoked meats and sweets. Such food will only aggravate the condition and slow down the withdrawal of alcohol.

When figuring out how to help with severe alcohol poisoning, keep in mind that a cold shower will not help relieve the symptoms of intoxication. Although many believe that it is precisely this that is necessary for people who are intoxicated. The whole point is that from cold water the vessels narrow. And they are already greatly narrowed at the time of drinking alcohol. Therefore, it is better to take a contrast shower. It normalizes the condition of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, relieves heaviness in the body and tones it up.

Treatment with folk remedies

Everyone should know how to help at home with alcohol poisoning. If there are no medications in your medicine cabinet that have an absorbent effect, you can use traditional methods. They will make you feel better and reduce the level of intoxicating effects of alcohol. Of the most effective and popular recipes Let's highlight the following:

  • Tea. If a person suffers from constant vomiting, it is necessary to brew black or green tea. You can add a little sugar and a slice of lemon to it. Herbal infusions can also improve the condition of alcohol poisoning. Even the victim himself can remember how to help in such a case. Surely everyone has ordinary tea or a bag of dry mint in their kitchen for brewing.
  • Rose hip. The fruits of this plant contain great amount vitamin C, which will increase the body's ability to recuperate. Can be brewed dried rose hips in a thermos and drink one mug every hour. This natural diuretic will help get rid of toxins in a natural way.
  • Ginger and lemon. To prepare the drink, you need to cut the lemon into thin and small pieces, and grate the ginger root or grind it in a blender. Then you should pour 1 teaspoon of grated ginger, a few slices of lemon into a mug and pour boiling water over it. The drink, cooled to a comfortable temperature, should be drunk as often as possible. You can brew it in a teapot and use it as tea, without sweetening it. big amount honey
  • Milk. This product cleanses the stomach well of waste and toxins. Therefore, you can try drinking it if you have alcohol poisoning. It is advisable to warm the milk a little and add 1 teaspoon of honey to the mug.
  • Tansy decoction. For cooking healing drink you will need at least five tablespoons of dried inflorescences and two tablespoons of chamomile flowers. The dry mixture must be poured with 500 ml of boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave to infuse. The medicine should be taken according to a certain dosage: one spoon of decoction for every 10 kg of the poisoned person’s weight.
  • Brine. What works well for alcohol poisoning? Exactly this product. There is hardly a person who has not heard about the benefits of this product. However, not everyone knows that you should consume brine not the next morning after a stormy feast, but as early as possible. You can drink the brine of absolutely any pickles: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, etc. It is very important to take at least 0.5 l healing potion in the first 1-3 hours after alcohol poisoning.

Every loved one of the victim will wonder about the situation at home. If you are vomiting and have a constant urge to vomit, it will be difficult to prepare your own medicine. Therefore, you should use folk recipes to alleviate the patient’s condition.

The above traditional methods will be effective if alcohol poisoning was mild. Severe forms of intoxication simply need to be treated with medications and sorbents, and also consult a doctor as quickly as possible.

What affects alcohol poisoning

Ethanol is a well-known depressant that has a pronounced toxic effect. Nevertheless, the level and form of intoxication with alcohol, as well as its counterfeits, depends on many factors. Among them are:

Stages of alcohol poisoning

In addition to the factors influencing the human condition, it is necessary to distinguish three stages of poisoning:

Treatment of drug poisoning

With severe alcohol intoxication, the victim may begin to vomit. On the one hand, this is good, since a certain part of toxins and waste will be eliminated from the body naturally. But if vomiting is constant, and a person is constantly tormented by the urge even from one sip of water, dehydration may occur. In case of alcohol poisoning, this condition is extremely undesirable. Therefore, it is necessary to call an ambulance, and while it is on its way, find any of the following medications in your home medicine cabinet:

  • "Regidron". The prepared solution should be given to the patient to drink in small sips, as its taste may cause gagging.
  • Smecta powder. Everyone should know whether Smecta helps with alcohol poisoning. After all, this medicine is one of the most effective means aimed at combating alcohol poisoning. In addition, you can drink it with a normal hangover. “Smecta” envelops the stomach and relieves poor health.
  • Activated carbon. Black and white coal are natural sorbents that effectively rid the body of the toxic effects of alcoholic beverages. It should be drunk only after gastric lavage.
  • Magnesium sulfate. Not everyone knows whether magnesium sulfate helps against alcohol poisoning. Everyone is only aware of the laxative and choleretic effect of this powder. But in case of severe alcohol poisoning, this is exactly what the body needs. Therefore, you should dilute the contents of one sachet in 100 ml of water and drink in small sips.
  • "Polysorb". In case of alcohol poisoning, it will be useful to drink this effective sorbent. It will quickly remove all toxic substances from the body. You need to drink the powder diluted 3-4 times a day.

When using medications, as well as when providing first aid to a loved one, you must comply with the conditions prescribed in the instructions. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the dosage, as well as possible contraindications. Medicines will not help against severe intoxication. Therefore, you should reasonably assess your own condition or the well-being of a loved one. In any case, it is important to call an ambulance. Only doctors can prevent death, which is quite possible after alcohol poisoning.

How to prevent poisoning

In order not to suffer from alcohol intoxication and not to wonder how to help with alcohol poisoning at home quickly and effectively, you should carefully monitor what you drink, and also know when to stop. You can avoid going to the hospital if you take your own health seriously. Basically, alcohol poisoning occurs in cases where an impressive amount of alcohol has been drunk or if a low-quality drink has been consumed. The latter include:

  • Too cheap and fake alcoholic drinks.
  • Alcohol-based medicine tinctures.
  • Cosmetic or perfume liquids.
  • Moonshine.
  • Alcohol-containing household chemicals.

The most serious danger is posed by those surrogates that contain methanol rather than ethanol. They have a high content of toxic substances and can also cause damage internal organs. If you drink a liquid containing methanol, severe cramps may occur. The optic nerve is also instantly damaged and blindness develops. In case of poisoning with large doses of methanol, help at home may not give the desired result, since this substance is extremely quickly absorbed into the blood and spreads throughout the body.

Which doctors can help?

When thinking about how to help a loved one with alcohol poisoning, it is worth remembering that all necessary help Only doctors will help him. Only qualified specialists can relieve the symptoms of poisoning and return the victim to a normal state. Of course, providing first aid is a necessary and vital process. However, further treatment should only be carried out by doctors. First, all manipulations are done by the ambulance crew on duty. Already in the hospital, they transfer the patient to other specialists, namely a toxicologist and a narcologist. If a person is in a severe form of intoxication, which has led to an alcoholic coma, convulsions or respiratory arrest, he is taken to the intensive care unit, where a resuscitator does his work.

Treatment of patients with alcohol poisoning can be continued by psychiatrists and neurologists. The desire to drink large doses of alcohol is often accompanied by mental problems. Therefore, a person is recommended to visit these doctors, as well as consult with a psychiatrist. However, this is done only after the necessary assistance has been provided.

Download the emergency medical aid standard for alcohol poisoning:

Alcohol intoxication (or poisoning) is a condition characterized by a critical concentration of ethanol in the blood - more than 3 g/l. Usually caused by the abuse of alcoholic beverages. In some cases, when consuming surrogate drinks, poisoning may be caused not by ethanol, but by other toxic substances. For example: methanol poisoning. (See) In addition to poisoning, alcohol consumption can provoke an exacerbation and complication of an existing disease, which in turn can lead to serious consequences.<.h5>

Lethal dose of alcohol for each person is individual and depends on a number of factors: genotype, age, body weight, resistance to alcohol consumption, individual metabolic characteristics, concomitant diseases, method and duration of use, etc. Therefore, the lethal concentration is 5 ppm (5 ml of alcohol per 1 liter blood) can be achieved with different quantities alcohol consumed. For an adult lethal dose there may be consumption of more than 700 ml of 40% alcohol-containing drinks.

Signs (symptoms) of alcohol poisoning:

  • relaxed behavior
  • disorder of consciousness
  • dizziness and disorientation
  • vomit
  • pale skin or redness of the face
  • hypothermia
  • rare pulse
  • respiratory dysfunction: the interval between breaths is 10 seconds.
  • IN SEVERE CASES: loss of consciousness, constriction of the pupils, foamy discharge from the mouth, disturbances in cardiac and respiratory activity.

Providing first aid for alcohol poisoning. Basic measures

  1. Call an ambulance
  2. The victim should take a safe sitting position: chair, sofa, bed.
  3. Try to “bring them to their senses” and keep the victim conscious.
  4. If the victim is in a horizontal position, he should be placed on his side to avoid choking on vomit.
  5. If there is no breathing or pulse, resuscitation measures should be started immediately. For more details see:
  6. You should try to induce vomiting in the victim by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue. To speed up the process, you should take several glasses of boiled salted water.
  7. Detoxification therapy is indicated: drinking plenty of fluids, taking activated carbon (1 TB per 10 kg of body weight), + Medichronal (2 packets per dose), Zorex (3-4 capsules per day)
  8. After stabilizing the general condition, to restore the water-salt balance on the first day, you should take Regidron (1 packet per 1 liter of water) 200 ml every 1-2 hours. To reduce toxic effects, it is recommended to take Glutargin - 750 mg - 2 times a day, course 20 days.

What not to do when alcohol intoxication:

  • The victim should not be left unattended
  • Drinking coffee is contraindicated due to water-electrolyte imbalance
  • the use of anti-hangover drugs Alka-Seltzer and Alka-Prim will not have any positive effect on alcohol poisoning. Basics active substance in these drugs - acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever and can be useful the next day only for headaches
  • in case of alcohol intoxication, the use of drugs for the treatment of alcoholism is contraindicated: disulfiram (Teturam, Esperal). The use of these drugs in case of poisoning will only aggravate the victim’s condition and can lead to severe disorders of the cardiovascular and hepato-biliary systems
  • Hypothermia is contraindicated: ice showers, wiping with snow.

When alcohol poisoning occurs, home treatment becomes the main method of care. This type of intoxication must be taken very seriously. The principle: if you sleep through it, it will become easier doesn’t always work to its fullest extent. Strong impacts on various life systems can cause serious disorders, even alcoholic coma. If pronounced signs of poisoning appear, first aid measures should be taken.

The essence of the problem

Alcohol, at its core, is a poison for humans due to the presence of its main component - ethanol (ethyl alcohol). When consuming a small amount and taking it irregularly, the liver can easily cope with this toxic substance. The picture changes dramatically when consuming alcohol, the amount of which exceeds the liver’s ability to detoxify the body. As a result, metabolic and decomposition products accumulate: acetaldehyde, acetic and lactic acid, which, in turn, leads to acidosis - an acid-base imbalance. In addition, excess toxins are sent to the brain, which is accompanied by damage to the central nervous system.

In addition to the quantitative excess of ethyl alcohol consumption, cases of poisoning from low-quality drinks are recorded. The most severe consequences are caused by surrogates: methanol; butyl, hydrolysis, sulfite, methyl alcohol; denatured alcohols; components of paint and varnish products; ethylene glycol, which are dangerous in any quantity. Serious complications are observed when drinking moonshine with poor purification due to the presence of various harmful impurities.

At the everyday level, the concept of “alcohol poisoning” usually refers to any painful and unpleasant sensations that arise after drinking alcohol. This is also the name for deterioration in health immediately after drinking (vomiting, problems with breathing and heart), and a severe morning hangover. In medicine, a more specific term is used - alcohol intoxication. It is caused by an excess of ethyl alcohol derivatives in the blood, which causes symptoms of general intoxication of the body and damage nervous system.

Alcohol poisoning of varying severity is considered very common. Naturally, the question arises of how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, because most people are unlikely to see a doctor with such a diagnosis. Exist different means what is it in folk recipes, and in ready-made pharmaceutical form, which will provide effective assistance with alcohol poisoning. However, recognizing the priority of household methods, it should be remembered that in case of severe poisoning it is necessary to call an ambulance medical care, because sometimes the lack of adequate measures leads to tragedies (especially when using surrogates).

Manifestation of poisoning

From a medical point of view, there are 3 degrees of alcohol poisoning:

  1. Easy stage. The concentration of ethyl alcohol does not exceed 1.4%, which causes minor disturbances mental functions. At this stage, euphoria appears, redness of the skin on the face, and dilation of the pupils.
  2. Middle stage. The alcohol level reaches 1.5-2.4%, which leads to minor manifestations of neurological symptoms. Characteristic sign: vomiting as a protective reaction of the body. Motor coordination is impaired. Breathing becomes uneven.
  3. The severe stage occurs when the ethanol content exceeds 2.5%. In this case, dysfunctions of various organs and systems are noted, and a serious threat to human life may arise.

In the first 2 stages, medical intervention is usually not required, and the question is what to do in case of alcohol poisoning in mild degree, solved on your own. All unpleasant sensations can be relieved at home with simple pharmacy tablets (intended for these purposes) or “old-fashioned” methods.

Severe intoxication is manifested by quite alarming symptoms:

  • intense nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • slow breathing and heart rate;
  • decrease in body temperature below 36ºС;
  • pallor and bluish tint of the skin;
  • mental disorders;
  • excessive sweating.

In especially severe cases, a person may lose consciousness and an alcoholic coma may occur. In such circumstances, treating alcohol poisoning at home is dangerous: only professional measures can really help with severe alcohol poisoning.

Possible complications

Why is it necessary to detoxify the body as quickly as possible? Severe poisoning can lead to tragic consequences. One of the most dangerous manifestations is alcoholic coma, when it seems that a person has fallen asleep, although in fact the brain is affected. You can check a person’s condition by pointing a light beam at the eye. If the pupil reacts to light, then the drunk is simply sleeping. During a coma, such a reaction is not observed.

Another possible complication is respiratory problems. The following manifestations should be considered very alarming symptoms: wheezing, intermittent breathing, skin pallor with a bluish tint. If help is not provided, breathing may stop altogether as a result of damage to the central nervous system, vomit entering the respiratory tract, and tongue retraction. The effects of alcohol on the functioning of the heart have serious consequences.

Any poisoning, especially alcoholic poisoning, leads to disruption of the water-mineral balance of the body. As a result of intoxication, the kidneys and urinary system work with great overload. The liver, which does most of the work of neutralizing toxins, finds itself in particularly difficult conditions. Alcohol poisoning can cause significant dysfunction of these organs.

Emergency help

There are cases when providing timely first aid saves a person’s life during severe alcohol intoxication. What to do at home if such circumstances arise? First of all, you need to call an ambulance, and before the team arrives, you need to take the following measures:

  1. If the victim is in a conscious state, then it is necessary to clear the stomach of the drink as much as possible. The best way- artificial vomiting. After this, you should rinse your stomach by drinking 0.5-1 liters of water with added salt.
  2. In cases where the victim is unconscious, inducing vomiting is unacceptable. It should be placed on its side and all measures should be taken to facilitate breathing. It is necessary to check for the presence of vomit in the upper respiratory tract and prevent tongue retraction. An attempt to restore consciousness can be made with the help of ammonia brought to the nose.

Removing alcohol intoxication in fast mode possible in the following ways:

  1. Intramuscular injection of vitamin B6. Significant relief should occur within 6-8 minutes.
  2. A solution of phenamine, corazole or nicotinic acid in warm water. Drink 100-150 ml, and relief should occur within 20-25 minutes.
  3. The level of ethanol in the blood decreases when taking a 40% glucose solution (20 ml); 5% solution of ascorbic acid (15 ml); 1% Nicotinamide (1 ml).

When trying to eliminate alcohol intoxication at home, the following actions are strictly contraindicated:

  • drinking alcohol in any form;
  • try to cure with active physical exercise or walking;
  • dousing with cold water;
  • taking sleeping pills and sedatives;
  • drinking drinks with a tonic effect (coffee, strong tea);
  • attempts to take the victim outside;
  • leaving him unattended.

Principles of treatment of poisoning

The question of how to treat alcohol problems at home depends on the severity of the phenomenon, age, and health status of the victim. In general, the following problems are solved in case of alcohol poisoning at home:

  • cleaning the gastrointestinal tract from ethanol and metabolic products;
  • normalization of water and mineral balance;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • neutralization of the effects of ethanol breakdown products on the body;
  • elimination of unpleasant and painful symptoms.

It has long been common practice to treat alcohol poisoning by artificial or natural vomiting. This process effectively cleanses the stomach of toxins and alcohol residues. At the same time, it should be remembered that indomitable constant vomiting, which continues even after complete emptying of the stomach (especially with an admixture of bile or blood), becomes dangerous - it leads to dehydration and weakening of the body. This phenomenon must be dealt with in a timely manner. As a rule, antiemetic drugs are taken. At home, applying an ice compress to the temples and drinking a restorative product, such as Regidron, helps.

Therapeutic effect

The question of how to treat alcohol poisoning at home is solved mainly by taking ready-made pharmaceutical drugs or folk natural remedies. Therapy allows you to relieve intoxication when using the following drugs:

  1. Enterosorbents. Their action is based on the sorption of toxin residues and metabolic products remaining in gastrointestinal system, after which everything is excreted during bowel movements. The following sorbents are recognized as the most effective: Enterosgel, Polysorb MP, Smecta, Filtrum, Lignosorb, Polyphepan, Entegnin, Karbolen. Activated carbon does not have the effectiveness of these drugs, but is the most common due to its availability and safety. It is taken at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight. Modern pharmacology offers a specific sorbent - Rekitsen-RD.
  2. Normalization water balance. To restore water, salt and mineral balance in the body, rehydrating preparations are used, which contain sodium, potassium, chlorides, and various carbohydrates. The most commonly used solutions are Regidron, Hydrovit, Citraglucosolan. Severe poisoning is treated with intravenous drip injection. The following agents are used: Disol, Hemodez, saline solution, glucose solution (5-10%), ascorbic acid solution (5%). If necessary, the doctor may prescribe nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, magnesia, potassium chloride, Panangin.
  3. Normalization of microflora. Alcohol significantly disrupts the balance of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, which leads to its dysfunction. The task of restoring microflora is solved by taking the following drugs: products with lactobacilli; Bifidumbacterin; Linux; Bifiform; Enterol; Baktisubtil.
  4. Homeopathic remedies. They relieve many symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Among the most effective are the following drugs: Anti-E and PROPROTENE-100.
  5. Help for alcohol poisoning - severe hangover. For this purpose, specialized drugs are recommended: Biotredin; Zorex; Limontar; Metadoxyl; Alka-Seltzer.

Possibilities of traditional medicine

At home, the fight against alcohol poisoning is often carried out using folk remedies that have been proven in practice over centuries. The following methods can be recommended:

  • hot tea with lemon;
  • decoction of rose hips;
  • mixture tomato juice, raw chicken egg And table vinegar(8-10 drops);
  • as an antiemetic: green tea with the addition of lemon balm or peppermint;
  • vitamin cocktail: lemon or Orange juice, honey and egg yolk;
  • tea with the addition of ginger and honey.

Alcohol poisoning can lead to serious consequences if timely measures are not taken. In case of severe intoxication, it is necessary to seek medical help. Most often, poisoning is moderate in nature, and such intoxication can be effectively treated at home.

The cause of alcohol poisoning is most often an overdose caused by excessive consumption strong alcoholic drinks or their low-quality analogues.

Alcohol intoxication is probably more common than any other condition, since you can encounter such a situation anywhere and at any time. Therefore, every person needs to know the algorithm for providing first aid for alcohol poisoning.

Alcohol, entering the body through the bloodstream, reaches the blood-brain barrier, where it begins to break down or break down into toxic metabolites.

The most dangerous neurotoxic metabolite is acetaldehyde, it disrupts water-salt balance, retaining water in the intercellular space. This causes the development of edema and dehydration, reduces the total blood volume, which leads to the development of weakness, lethargy and hypoxic phenomena in the tissues of the body.

Poisoning with alcohol substitutes can be so strong that it leads to the formation of such a threatening condition as an alcoholic coma.

Acetaldehyde also has a dyspeptic effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract - a person experiences a feeling of severe nausea and vomiting, and pain appears in the epigastric region. The first signs of poisoning and symptoms may develop within the first hours after drinking an alcoholic drink.

Degrees and clinical picture

Alcohol poisoning is a condition in which the functional activity of most organs and systems is disrupted, disorganization occurs in their work, which causes the formation of symptoms such as clouding or complete impairment of consciousness, changes in the rheological properties of blood, hemodynamic disturbances, and dyspepsia in gastrointestinal tract.

Alcoholic coma is a complication of alcohol poisoning in which severe disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system are formed, which leads to depression of consciousness and the respiratory center, and loss of a number of reflexes to external factors. The clinical picture of alcoholic coma in case of poisoning with alcohol surrogates is formed from the following stages and symptoms.

Toxicologists, psychiatrists, narcologists and neurologists in clinical practice distinguish several successive degrees of development of poisoning and alcoholic coma.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Superficial coma of the first degree (resorption stage) lasts approximately 6-7 hours. At this time, ethyl alcohol penetrates the systemic bloodstream, reaching the liver it breaks down into active metabolites, the most toxic of which is acetoaldehyde. Symptoms such as constriction of the pupils, changes in facial expressions, and preserved reaction to light and painful stimuli are observed. After gastric lavage, the victim comes to his senses.
  • Superficial coma of the second degree (elimination phase) lasts for 12 hours. Alcohol undergoes breakdown in the body. However, its concentration in the blood decreases, which leads to relaxation of muscle tissue, lack of reaction to ammonia and gastric lavage.
  • Deep coma is characterized by a lack of response to external stimuli: constriction of the pupils and lack of reaction to light, does not respond to ammonia, tendon-muscle reflexes are not evoked, pain receptors are intact. Convulsive seizures and breathing problems may occur. Body temperature can drop to 35 degrees, blood pressure is low, and the pulse is thready. The victim requires emergency hospitalization in a detoxification department or intensive care unit.

An unconscious person in an alcoholic coma urgently needs qualified medical care.

It is important to note that at the first stage of poisoning ethyl alcohol can be managed without the use of specialized medical care, and the second and third stages require a qualified therapeutic approach and special equipment.

Emergency care for alcohol poisoning algorithm

To avoid the development of fatal complications from an alcoholic coma, the victim must be provided with emergency first aid. Let's consider what is the sequence of first aid for severe alcohol intoxication of the body and the beginning of a toxic coma.

The victim is unconscious.

Clinical picture of alcoholic coma in case of poisoning with alcohol surrogates.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the reaction to external stimuli (painful, tactile, auditory):

  • call out loud
  • pat on the shoulder or hand

If there are no reactions to external stimuli, immediately call an ambulance and carry out any of the possible actions described below.

Remember, if you cannot restore consciousness to a person, then the first thing you need to do is urgently call Ambulance. Until the arrival of specialists, monitor the vital signs of the poisoned person: pulse in the radial and carotid arteries, respiratory activity, reflex activity of the pupil.

The victim is conscious.

Turn the victim on their side or stomach to reduce the risk of lung aspiration from vomit.
Give the victim a sniff of ammonia.
Regardless of the ambient temperature, thermoregulation is disrupted.
To prevent a person from hypothermia, it is necessary to cover him with warm clothes.
It is necessary to give the victim plenty of warm water to drink, after which a gag reflex should be induced to cleanse the upper gastrointestinal tract of alcohol and other contents.
The procedure should be repeated several times.
If the vomit contains bright scarlet blood, this is a sign of gastric bleeding.
It is necessary to immediately transport the victim to a medical facility.
To combat edema syndrome and dehydration, the victim should be given a special drug, Regidron*, to drink.

Regidron is a drug that is a powder that must be diluted in 1 liter of water. The drug contains Sodium and Chlorine ions, which restore the osmotic pressure of fluid in the gastrointestinal tract and blood plasma.

Recipe for making "Regidron" at home.

The necessary medications may not always be in the first aid kit or at hand. Knowing this recipe will save time and money. Even if you are not at home, you can get everything you need in any cafe.

It is worth remembering that large portions can provoke a repeated attack of vomiting and, consequently, even greater dehydration.

Remember that correctly provided first aid for poisoning at home can save a person’s life. It may turn out that these measures will be sufficient to stabilize the condition of the victim. alcohol intoxication. Severe intoxication can cause, and this condition requires immediate resuscitation. Don't be afraid to call an ambulance. The call can be cancelled, but the precious minutes cannot be returned.