German apple pie name. Delicious German apple pie

If we talk specifically about German apple pie, it sometimes comes with cream, and is often served just like that with powdered sugar or cinnamon - it all mainly depends on the mood of the hostess and her preferences. If you decide to use cream, then usually a milk sauce is prepared for this purpose, reminiscent in taste and consistency of custard, although pie cream is usually more liquid. There is also a difference in the type of dough used for apple pie. So, for example, classic sponge cake is prepared for charlotte, but unleavened dough or shortbread is used for Tarte Tatin. Apple pie according to the German recipe has its own recipe. Despite the fact that its consistency resembles a biscuit, and its ingredients are more shortbread, in fact it is neither one nor the other. That is why we hope you will be especially interested in working on this recipe with us. But before we learn how to make Apfelkuchen apple pie, we will traditionally talk a little about its history and find out whether the products used for its preparation are healthy.

History of German apple pie Apfelkuchen

So, what will culinary history tell us about this apple pie and its recipe? The first thing that cannot be kept silent about is the popularity of this dish in the homeland of Apfelkuchen. Pies are such an important part of national German culture that they have even become part of folk art. So, in order to express disappointment with a situation that has not worked out, Germans often say “der kuchen ist angebrannt”, which translated means “the pie is burnt”. Well, if we talk about the most popular German pies, then the palm unconditionally belongs to apple ones. In general, apples in Germany are an extremely popular product and loved by everyone. Desserts, sauces, pies are made from them, they are added to stewed cabbage and soups - a national product! All Germans, regardless of where they live, absorb the preparation of apple pie with their mother's milk and use this skill very successfully throughout their lives. In general, the tradition of baking homemade apple pie has not only practical value, but also a certain ritual value.

The thing is that apples are one of the latest fruits, ripening already in late autumn. That is why the apple picking season marked the end of the harvest, and apple pies became a symbol of a rich table and a well-fed winter. So the history of apple pie has always been directly related to the well-being of the people. The most delicious apple pie was always made in the years of the best harvest. Naturally, representatives of each nationality added their own touches to the pies, some made apple pie with caramel, like the French, some considered it necessary to add butter, like the Russians, and the Germans loved almond flakes and butter cream. It was thanks to these original touches that the pies acquired their own charm and flavor, as in the case of Apfelkuchen. One thing is certain - homemade apple pie is tastier than any of the most exquisite cakes, especially when it is juicy, soft and even piping hot. But we will return to how to bake an apple pie later, but for now let’s talk about the benefits of products.

The benefits of German apple pie Apfelkuchen

What are the benefits of apples?

Let's start, according to tradition, with the central ingredient. Apples have been known to the world for several millennia. Even before our era, there were at least 25 varieties of this crop. Regardless of the variety and type, every apple always contains carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and organic acids. The benefits of apples are undeniable, because they contain vitamins C, PP and A. There are no complaints about micronutrient deficiency. Apples contain quite a few of them, from magnesium to iron. In addition, apples contain pectin and phenolic compounds. Apples are one of the few other products that can restore a person’s metabolism, and they are also recommended to be consumed for atherosclerosis and constant stress. This is the fruit thanks to which you can become healthier, more beautiful and younger, and German apple pie will make the transformation process even tastier;

What are the benefits of almonds?

Almonds are medicine. In those days when no one had even heard of pharmaceuticals, ancient doctors treated many diseases with this nut. The composition of almonds is simply unique. It contains many vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements. It also contains nitrogenous compounds and valuable proteins: globulin and amadine. It contains glucose, fiber, nitrogenous substances, and fatty oils. Almonds and their oil have an amazing soothing and enveloping effect and are an excellent expectorant for respiratory diseases. The oil has an excellent effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, calms increased heartbeat, and helps in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers. All these facts speak about the benefits and importance of almonds in our diet, and if they come to your table along with Apfelkuchen, we will only be glad;

What are the benefits of butter?

First of all, oil is a healthy and, within reasonable limits, even necessary animal fat for the body. The oil contains many vitamins and beneficial macro- and microelements. It is butter that is very useful for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The vitamins it contains, for example, A, will help heal small ulcers and wounds - in general, it will often give the stomach much-needed “lubrication.” The fats contained in the oil promote energy production and accelerate the renewal of brain cells. But all these benefits are possible only with moderate consumption of this product; if you do not limit yourself to it, then instead of benefit you can cause irreparable harm to the body, in the form of atherosclerosis and excess weight;

What are the benefits of chicken eggs?

We have already spoken about this product countless times and you all know our extremely reverent attitude towards it. And all thanks to the unique chemical composition. It's no joke, they contain 12 vitamins and all macro- and microelements known to mankind - perhaps only eggs can boast of this. They also contain choline, without which cell renewal, including the brain, is impossible. We welcome this product in any dish. And if we bake an apple pie, then we can’t do it without eggs;

What are the benefits of flour?

Flour is useful, but not all flour. In particular, premium flour, which we are all so accustomed to using, is, unfortunately, just a “dummy”, because nothing useful remains in it during the grinding and preparation process: neither the germ nor the shell. There is a way out - use spelled flour (from wild wheat), whole grain flour (for the production of which the whole grain is taken) or from durum wheat. This way there will undoubtedly be much more benefit. But from premium flour you can at least get a boost of energy, although not for long, but guaranteed and quickly. So, if you are preparing apple pie at home and only have regular flour on hand, feel free to use it, pleasure is guaranteed.

So, we have clarified all the questions regarding the history of the dish and the products used for its preparation. Now, with a pure heart, we offer you our apple pie and its recipe with photos.

Ingredients for making Apple Pie Apfelkuchen

  • Apples - 700 gr
  • Butter - 200 gr
  • Flour - 200 gr
  • Sugar - 200 gr
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Almond flakes - 70 g
  • Baking powder for dough - 1 tsp.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

How to make Apple Pie Apfelkuchen

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the products;
  2. Place softened butter in a bowl;

  3. Pour the sugar required in the recipe into the butter;

  4. Using the dough hook of a mixer, stir together the butter and sugar;

  5. Now add the eggs to the oil and mix again with a mixer;

  6. As a result, we will get a mixture with the consistency as in the photo;

  7. Sift the flour into a bowl and add a pinch of salt to it;

  8. Now add baking powder for the dough;

  9. Combine the flour-based mixture with the pre-prepared dough of butter, sugar and eggs;

  10. We get the finished dough, which should look like in the photo;

  11. We prepare a baking sheet and for this we cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper;

  12. When the mold is ready, distribute the dough evenly on it;

  13. Now wash and cut the apples into slices;

  14. Place the apples on the dough in a tight cascade, so that each next row overlaps the previous one;

    Place the apples tightly on the dough

  15. Now let's prepare the caramel. To do this, put powdered sugar in a frying pan and wait until it melts into syrup;

  16. Now pour almond chips into the caramel and fry until golden brown, stirring constantly;

  17. As soon as the almonds are toasted, you should immediately pour them onto the apples, otherwise they will dry out and turn into caramel candy;

  18. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees and place the pie in it;

  19. The apple pie will remain in the oven for about 45 minutes until done;

  20. As a result, when everything is ready, you will have a very tasty apple pie that will go perfectly with tea, coffee or cocoa.

As you can see, preparing a delicious apple pie is not so difficult, especially since you have a detailed recipe for this with a photo from HozOboz. We hope that you will appreciate it and begin, at least occasionally, to pamper your family with this tasty, healthy and nutritious dish. If you have your own signature recipes, and apple pie with photo is no exception, we look forward to your advice and recipes. Don't forget that cooking with a group is much more interesting than cooking alone. And when you make a truly delicious apple pie, you can tell everyone the recipe and share a photo, and we will be happy to appreciate it. It's so nice to be recognized as a genius! We wish everyone a great mood, delicious dishes and bon appetit. Always your friend HozOboz.

Have you made German apple pie? 😀 No? But in vain! 😉 After all, it’s magnificent... A little more complicated than charlotte, but also more interesting! Very tender and airy dough combined with apples - it’s already delicious! And the finished hot pie is smeared with lemon fondant. These sour notes give baked goods a special taste!

There are many varieties of German apple pies. Like ours - yeast and shortbread, open and closed... There are those for which the dough is kneaded for rolling, and others with a more liquid consistency. Today we have the second option, despite the fact that it is also difficult to call it aspic. The consistency of the dough is oily and thicker than classic charlotte.

What apples should I use for this pie? I took the most sour ones that were available! I really like sour and sweet and sour varieties in baking - in, ...

If desired, you can add cinnamon, cardamom or vanilla to taste. But I did without them. Other options for additional ingredients are nuts, raisins or other dried fruits...

But... one way or another, this wonderful pie needs to be tasted, and not talked about! 😀 So let’s quickly go cook this delicious treat! 😉

Main ingredients:

  • apples - 800 g
  • butter - 180 g
  • sugar - 100 g (or increase to 200 g)
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • eggs - 4 pieces
  • premium wheat flour - 1 cup*
  • baking powder - 2 tsp.
  • * 1 cup = 200 ml liquid = 125 g flour

Fudge for the top of the pie:

  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • lemon (juice) - 2 slices

Stages of preparing a German pie:

I took the butter out of the refrigerator in advance and waited for it to soften. You should start cooking only when it has reached the appropriate consistency.
Beat the butter, sugar and salt using an electric whisk.

Then I introduced all 4 eggs one at a time.

Beat the mixture after each added egg.

Mixed flour with baking powder and sifted into the egg-butter mixture.

I whipped it at maximum speed, but very quickly! No longer than 20 seconds!

I washed the apples well, cut off the skin and removed the core. I cut the apples into cubes and sent them to the test.

Carefully but gently mixed everything with a spoon. Placed it in a greased form. The diameter of mine is 26 cm. But even if yours is 22-24 cm, it’s okay - the pie will just be a little higher. You may need to keep it in the oven longer - not 40, but 50 minutes.

I put it in the oven. And baked for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 "C. I watched the top and, when it browned, covered it with foil.

For the lemon fudge, I squeezed the juice from two lemon slices into the powdered sugar.

Grind with a spoon to a homogeneous consistency, similar to medium-fat sour cream.

The freshly taken out, still hot pie was smeared with lemon curd over the entire surface.

Let the cake cool slightly in the pan and transfer it to a serving platter.

Well, now you can cut it into portions. And be prepared for everyone to ask for more!!

A delicious, surprisingly tender pie with a wonderful apple aroma is ready! Danke Koche Deutschlands! ;)

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“Restaurants of New Kaliningrad.Ru” attended an evening dedicated to East Prussian dishes at the Altes Haus museum-apartment. Translator, culinary specialist and history buff of Königsberg, Elena Selezneva, talked about what they liked to cook here before the war, and showed two dishes - a classic potato salad and a pie made from apples and bread crumbs.

Elena Selezneva talks about the culinary traditions of the Königsbergers:

For a long time, things were like this: yesterday there was a war, and today we got the Kaliningrad region, and until the end of the 80s - early 90s, this entire period - how people lived here before the war, where they went to eat, what they cooked at home and why - was completely hidden from us. And naturally, we tried to fill this information gap by talking with people who lived here before and who began to come here in the 90s.

At that time, I had just graduated from university and met the first German tourists, with whom I still maintain good relations. I was interested in learning the history of the place where I live and which I love through cooking, and I asked my German friends to bring different cookbooks.

One of my favorite books on this topic is “Doennigs Kochbuch - Das ostpreußische Familien-Kochbuch” - the Doennigs cookbook - an East Prussian family cookbook. You could say that this book was the home economics bible of any East Prussian housewife, and it is written in such a way that you can absolutely trust it. The situation when you cook one thing according to a recipe, but it turns out completely different, is excluded in this case. It was through this book that I fell in love with East Prussian cooking.

The culinary traditions of this area were such that the maximum use was made of everything that this land and the farms located on it provided. Despite the fact that in Königsberg itself there were shops with colonial goods, where you could buy spices, interesting seasonings and many other interesting things, there were nogourmet dishes and complex sauces.

To a greater extent, the cuisine of East Prussia was homely and rustic: it used a lot of root vegetables in different variations. Sometimes, turning to my culinary sources, I think: why today is this tradition of processing and preparing our seasonal vegetables and root vegetables practically lost and unpopular?

One of the dishes we will prepare today is made from root vegetables - potato salad.

Potato salad

This was one of the favorite dishes of the residents of Königsberg, which was prepared and served at any family celebration. It is prepared quite simply, the only thing you need to take into account when preparing this salad is that some of the ingredients are prepared the day before: that is, tonight we boil the potatoes and prepare the dressing, and we will have the salad itself only tomorrow. This dish can be served separately, on its own, or can be served as a side dish: with meat, fish, game, stewed red cabbage, or sauerkraut with prunes, or homemade sausages.

So, we need potatoes, preferably, as they say, a “hard” variety, that is, not mealy. We select potatoes of approximately the same size and boil them in their jackets in the evening. Drain the water and peel the still hot potatoes. We cut hot peeled potatoes into “pucks” and fill them with broth - it can be vegetable (cooked, for example, with roots) or meat. There should be enough broth so that it gets under the bottom layer of potatoes: chopped vegetables should not float in the broth. You will make this salad once or twice, and you will understand in what proportion to use the ingredients. For example, for 3 kilograms of boiled potatoes one and a half liters of broth will be needed.

As a traditional dressing for potatoes, we use pickled cucumbers, cut into small cubes, and juicy onions, which we also chopped, scalded with boiling water to remove the bitterness, and marinated in good vinegar with the addition of a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar. Add this dressing to the potatoes and let the salad sit for about an hour. We've got the basic foundation.

The last thing I do is take a glass of good vegetable oil, add to it a third of a glass of vinegar, mustard to taste, salt and pepper, dried thyme and shake everything together well. This is what we will season our salad with just before serving. You can also add fresh parsley or dill. This is how potato salad was prepared in Königsberg, and this is how it is still prepared in Germany today.

Those Germans who like richer food also added a mixture of regular and sour cream to the salad as a sauce - I can’t say that this somehow changed the taste of the salad, but it definitely became fattier and higher in calories. That's the whole secret. The rest is a matter of taste. You can add herring fillets or smoked pork barrel to it, but you are already familiar with the basic base.

Apple beggar

No family meal is complete without sweets. At first I wanted to make a dish that, translated into Russian, is called “chalk” - these are short sticks of chopped dates mixed with powdered sugar, cloves, cinnamon, and candied ginger.

But the fact is that at the beginning of the twentieth century, not all middle-income families could afford such a dish, so I decided to prepare another very popular sweet dish at that time - it’s called “beggar’s apple.” Why it is called that, I don’t know, maybe because this pie is so delicious that everyone asks for it and asks for it, and maybe because the ingredients in it are, as they say, “poor.”

Let’s take yesterday’s or the day before yesterday’s very simple black bread, for example “Darnitsky”. We pass it through a meat grinder or cut it into small pieces, but an interesting consistency is obtained when we use both cutting options. Mix bread with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Grease a baking tray with good butter, place the first layer of bread on it, then a layer of apples blanched in sugar, then another layer of bread. Grease the top of the pie with sour cream or cream, sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar and place in the oven for ten minutes.

I have seen a lot of pies in my time - both apple and all sorts of others. But the recipe for this pie has entered my cookbook forever - very tasty, unusual and tender. Delicate cottage cheese and apple pie, with amazing taste, will not leave anyone indifferent!

And the ease of preparation and availability of ingredients will allow you to enjoy both the process and the result. The pie is a successful combination of crumbly shortcrust pastry, soft, delicate vanilla cottage cheese, sweet apples with a hint of cinnamon and a top layer of meringue.

For the dough (form diameter 30x18):

  • 1.5 tbsp. flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • 100 g margarine
  • 50 g sour cream
  • 1 yolk
  • ¼ tbsp. l. soda

For the curd layer

  • 250 g of soft, homogeneous cottage cheese (if the cottage cheese is grainy, rub through a sieve)
  • 1/3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 yolk
  • vanillin

For the apple layer

  • 4-5 medium apples
  • cinnamon

For the meringue (or soufflé)

  • 2 large egg whites

Preheat the oven to 180-190°. Combine the yolk, granulated sugar, melted creamy margarine, sour cream, baking powder; mix until smooth. Sift flour into the mixture and knead soft shortbread dough. We distribute the dough into the mold, make low sides, and pierce it with a fork.

To prepare the curd mass, grind the cottage cheese with granulated sugar, yolk, vanillin, condensed milk (optional). Distribute the curd mixture over the shortbread mixture.

Peel the apples (optional) and seeds, cut into thin slices. Place apple slices evenly on top of the curd layer and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the meringue: beat the whites, sprinkle with lemon juice, gradually add granulated sugar. For a soufflé, a couple of spoons of sugar is enough, but for a meringue, you need more sugar.

In any case, the whites must be beaten to stiff, stable peaks at low mixer speed. Spread the protein mixture on top of the finished pie and bake for another 10 or 15 minutes (reduce heat to 170°). Let the finished pie cool. Cut the cooled pie into portions. Eat healthy!

I would like to present to you a recipe for a very tasty, very juicy German apple shortcake - a delicate, aromatic dessert for tea. The recipe for apple pie is very simple: and it is prepared from available ingredients. This melt-in-your-mouth apple pie will please everyone: both children and adults. And the incredibly appetizing and delicate aroma will quickly gather the whole family at the table. So let's get started.


  • wheat flour - 1.5-2 cups;
  • sugar - 0.10 cups;
  • apple - 4 pieces;
  • soda - 0.25 tablespoon;
  • sour cream - 50 grams;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • cinnamon, lemon juice, vanillin, condensed milk - as you wish.

Interesting to know: German pie is a traditional German Christmas pastry. In particular, it is prepared with powdered sugar or cinnamon. But sometimes it can be with cream. Then a special milk sauce is prepared for it, which resembles custard in taste and appearance.

German apple shortcake. Step by step recipe

  1. We take a medium container. Add butter, soda, 1 yolk, sour cream and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Mix all this until smooth.
  2. Add flour to the resulting mass (it must be sifted before doing this). And we begin to knead until we get a soft, sandy dough.
  3. Place the prepared dough on a baking sheet for further baking. Then we make the sides and prick them with a knife.
  4. Next we take cottage cheese. Add sugar, condensed milk, 1 yolk and vanillin to it: grind everything well. We distribute the resulting mass over the finished shortcrust pastry.
  5. Prepare the filling: cut the apples into small slices, then place them on the curd mass. Finally, sprinkle with cinnamon.

As an option. My grandmother often coats any apple baked goods with chocolate glaze: it goes well with apples and complements the extraordinary taste of the pie.

  1. The pie is ready for baking. Place it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
  2. During this time, beat our lemon juice together with the egg whites. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar (without stopping whisking).
  3. When the pie is baked, take it out of the oven and spread the protein mixture on it. And put it in the oven again: for about 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 165-180 degrees.

A delicious German pie with apple filling that melts in your mouth. And with a cup of tea or a glass of milk, it will be even more appetizing. And, as always, your family and friends will be satisfied. And your cookbook will be replenished with another wonderful dessert. Cook with me and “I Love to Cook” - we know how to please and surprise you.