The cream does not churn. How to whip cream at home for cakes or desserts - step-by-step recipes with photos

Whipped cream is a cream or decoration for a cake, foam for coffee, and an ideal delicious dessert. But not every housewife will undertake to prepare this delicacy for one and only reason: the cream does not whip.

Is it really impossible to make whipped cream at home, and all that remains is to use the store-bought equivalent? It turns out that everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The most important thing is to adhere to certain rules, and you will be able to delight your household with a delicate, airy dessert almost every day.

How to whip cream

1. One of the main conditions is the “correct” fat content. It should be at least 30 - 40%; cream with less fat content simply will not whip

2. Temperature - the colder the better. This doesn't mean that the cream has to be with pieces of ice: just put it in the refrigerator and let it cool thoroughly

3. Utensils - a whisk or an ordinary mixer. If you decide to use a mixer, start with the lowest speed and gradually increase it. As soon as the cream begins to thicken, gradually switch to the minimum speed again. Place all utensils in the refrigerator briefly before use.

4. Beating time - from 1 - 3 minutes. If you overdo it, you risk getting oil and whey as a result.

5. For taste, add salt and powdered sugar to the cream. It is better not to add sugar for the simple reason that it will not have time to dissolve. For 500 ml of cream, gradually add 60 g of powdered sugar and a pinch of salt (you can add vanillin for flavor)

6. Additives:
Cocoa - you only need 1 tsp to give the whipped cream a chocolate flavor;
Vanilla and bourbon - 1 tsp each, suitable for nut cake;
Almonds - for berry cakes;
Lemon zest or lemon juice - will add a slight sourness (per 200 ml: ¼ lemon).

Why doesn't the cream whip?

1. Check the expiration date. Perhaps it has already ended.

2. It is better not to use ultra-pasteurized cream - it whips very poorly.

What to do if the cream does not whip?

1. If you do everything correctly, but the cream still does not whip, add lemon juice or a special thickener (add gradually as the cream whips)

2. Do not whip only purchased cream - put it in the refrigerator for several hours, or even better, overnight

3. You can dissolve 1.5 tbsp in 100 ml of water. gelatin. Cool to room temperature, but do not freeze, and add to the cream. It will thicken and stick well

We hope that now you know how to whip cream correctly, and you will get an airy and delicate dessert.


Greetings to all blog readers! The other day I encountered a culinary problem. I decided to bake a cake with cream and fruit, but my cream turned into butter and whey. After scouring the Internet, I realized that the question of how to whip cream correctly worries many housewives.

Let's figure out together what is needed to whip air cream. How to choose the right dairy product for dessert and what affects the final result.

Most often, housewives get a flaky mass instead of a delicate dessert. It also happens that the product simply remains liquid. Don't panic and think that the reason is your crookedness. Even experienced cooks are not immune to this. The main reasons why dessert may not work out are the following:

  • Low percentage of fat content of the product (the fattier, the better);
  • Temperature of the cream – it must be chilled;
  • The high speed with which they whip;
  • Using a standard blender attachment (it is better to use a whisk or mixer attachment for blending);
  • Sugar or powdered sugar was added too early.

Before we dive into creating the cream, let's talk about the starting material. Cream is fat enriched with a portion of the milk that is centrifuged into the top of the milk. The basis of milk is water, which contains small, insoluble particles: proteins, fat, salts and milk sugar. Small droplets of fat are distributed in the water base in the form of an emulsion.

In Russia, the indicator of “heavy cream” is determined according to GOST R 53435-2009. The fat content of cream made from cow's milk varies from 9 to 58%. Cream with a mass fraction of fat of 10, 20, 22, 33 and 35% arrives on the shelves. Unlike egg foam, which is stabilized by protein, whipped cream holds its shape using its own fat. Milk fat is a complex mixture of lipids.

I advise you to choose cream with a fat content of at least 30. Judging by numerous reviews from housewives, 33% Petmol has proven itself well. Now let's look at a step-by-step recipe for whipping cream.

How to get a delicate cream

We decided that the fat content should be at least 30%, optimally 30-35%. You can, of course, use a less fatty product, but it will be more difficult to beat and the taste will not be as delicate. The situation can be corrected with the help of gelatin. We'll talk about this too. And yet, if you don’t need “dancing with a tambourine,” take 33% Petmol or another product with a similar fat content. Now let's move on to the instructions:

  • Pour the cooled dairy product into a cool container and immediately begin cooking;
  • It is better to beat with a mixer or whisk, changing the speed;
  • Start with low speed, gradually reaching maximum;
  • When the mixture begins to thicken, switch from maximum speed to minimum;
  • The preparation time for the cream is up to 5 minutes, usually 3 is enough. If the product has 10, 20, 22% fat content, more time will be required;
  • Powdered sugar is not added immediately, but at the end. It is better to add it to the whipped cream, stirring with a spoon.

How do you know when dessert is ready? I think you've also whipped cream into butter at least once. I recently stepped on this rake myself. Indeed, it is very easy to miss the moment of complete readiness. The dessert is ready when pronounced grooves appear on the surface of the mixture from the mixer. Once this has happened, the process can be stopped. You shouldn't wait a little longer, it's fraught. A well-whipped product holds its shape and does not spread.

If you beat with a mixer, use no more than 500 ml at a time. Tilt the bowl slightly and try not to move the attachment. Let the mixture circulate on its own in the container. You should not make this dessert using a regular blender attachment. According to reviews, they get whey and oil, and not a homogeneous air mass. To prepare a delicate cream, you need a special whisk attachment.

Features of whipping cream

In order to obtain a thick foam from the above-mentioned dairy product, it must be well cooled. It is recommended to place cold cream in the freezer for 15 minutes before cooking. The dishes should also be cool. Some housewives recommend preparing dessert by placing a cup of it in ice. But it is important not to overcool the cream, otherwise it will separate during the cooking process!

Dairy products with 10 to 22% fat content thicken very poorly. It will be more troublesome to get a thick mixture from it that holds its shape. Because it doesn't have enough fat to form the necessary peaks. The situation can be corrected by dissolving 1.5 tbsp. gelatin in 100 ml of water. Dissolved gelatin at room temperature is added to the mixture to thicken.

As for me, cream with gelatin is not the best option. It’s better to immediately buy good 30-33% cream and enjoy the wonderful taste

You can use special thickeners. They usually save the situation when the dessert comes out liquid. Lemon juice also thickens the whipped mixture. The juice of ¼ of a lemon is dissolved in 200 ml of dairy product.

It’s also much easier to whip vegetable cream. According to many, the taste of this cream is inferior to a dairy dessert. If this moment does not bother you, you can safely try.

Which cream to choose

Cream is a biological product. And its structure may vary slightly from batch to batch. Once you get a luxurious creamy mass from ultra-pasteurized cream. But that doesn't mean it will be excellent in every case. Therefore, if you have followed all the details of preparation. It is quite possible that the stars have aligned so that pasteurization is slightly different. That's all. Therefore, go to the store and buy another batch.

You should also pay attention to the expiration date of the product. It must be fresh. Its proper storage is important. If the cream is purchased at the market, it can be frozen in winter. In summer, on the contrary, they are overheated. It’s better, of course, to buy such products in markets.

Many people like homemade milk, so they buy dessert products secondhand. If you are going to make buttercream from such milk, do not forget to dilute it with water. Otherwise you will get oil.

The next important point is the choice of sweetener. You can beat with sugar, but it is better to use powdered sugar. The cream whips quickly and the sugar simply does not have time to dissolve in it. But the powder combines almost immediately. By the way, powder can be easily made at home using a blender from sugar.

Classic recipe for air cream

Whipped cream is a problem for many new cooks. I will share a simple recipe on how to cook using a mixer.

  • 700 ml cream 30-33%.

Before whipping with a mixer, the cream should stand in the refrigerator for several hours. Remember not to mix different types of cream in a bowl to increase the fat percentage. For example, we want to whip 700 ml of cream, but the available package is 350 ml. This means you need to buy 2 packs of the same company with the same fat content. Otherwise, the cream may not work.

Start whipping the cream with a blender at low speed for about 10 minutes. You need to be careful not to allow the cream to separate.

Powdered sugar or coloring can be added both before and after whipping. If you are preparing a cream based on whipped cream, then add mascarpone cheese or melted chocolate to the already whipped cream.

Whipped cream can be stored in the refrigerator. Just cover the bowl with cling film so that the smell and taste of the product does not change.

How to make cream with cocoa

Did you know that cake buttercream is an antidepressant? So I didn’t know. This means that it is not only tasty, but also healthy. I prefer chocolate treats, so I’ll share the recipe for cocoa cream.

To prepare this delicate chocolate dessert we will need:

  • 500 ml cream Petmol 33%;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 30 g cocoa powder.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Powder and cocoa need to be sifted through a sieve. Then mix the dry ingredients with a whisk.
  2. Pour the cooled cream into the bowl of a mixer, beat until thick, changing the mixer speed from minimum to maximum. Petmol will begin to thicken 33% in about 1-2 minutes.
  3. Then add cocoa and powdered sugar. It is important to beat for about 30 seconds at low speed. Then go to max. After 1-2 minutes, you will see clear grooves on the surface of the cream. He's ready. During the process, make sure that there are no lumps on the walls of the bowl. If you see them, stop the mixer and remove them with a spatula.
  4. The delicate chocolate dessert is very tasty, holds its shape, and has a pleasant color. The taste of the cream is not cloying. If you like very sweet desserts, you can add more powder.

Dessert without adding cocoa can be tinted in almost any color. For a bright yellow cream, you will need a raw egg yolk. You can use a little carrot juice. Don't forget about the lemon zest, it gives a delicate yellow tint. To do this, grate it, wrap it in gauze and squeeze out the juice. Beets will help you achieve a shade from soft pink to rich red. Blueberry, blackberry and grape juice will give you purple and blue colors. Adding spinach juice will help produce a green tint.

How to whip vegetable cream Chantipak

The color of vegetable cream is creamy, and not snow-white like animal cream. Pleasant, slightly sweet taste, like an ice cream. Someone writes that it turns out tastier than with animal cream. Everyone has different tastes, it’s better to try making it yourself at home.

  • 300 ml Shantipak cream.

In 3 minutes you can easily whip up this amount of product. First, chill the cream in the refrigerator. Just do not freeze, otherwise the product will separate.

Beat at medium mixer speed. The product expands well in volume. Can be mixed with curd mass whipped in a blender. The cream is thick and holds its shape well. Easy to work with. It lasts longer, does not spread, and is resistant to shaking when transporting ready-made sweets.

If you cook with it the next day, be sure to refrigerate and cover with cling film. Even after a day, their appearance does not change in any way. You can fill eclairs, tubes, cakes, make a layer of cakes. Chantipak cream goes well with cottage cheese and mascarpone cream cheese. They make good tasty creams.

Remember that unwhipped vegetable cream should not be frozen in the freezer. Otherwise, after defrosting, the product will separate and will not whip.

Watch a video review of working with Shantipak vegetable cream.

How to make mascarpone and whipped cream

This is my favorite cream. It is ideal for pies, cakes, cupcakes. It's very quick to prepare. The only secret is that the ingredients must be really very cold.

  • 250-500 ml chilled cream 30-35%;
  • 250 g mascarpone cottage cheese;
  • 4 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Whip the cream to stiff peaks, adding powdered sugar at the end. The amount of powdered sugar in the recipe is an estimate and will depend on the dish you will be adding the whipped cream to. Add mascarpone and beat again until the ingredients are combined.

This amount of cream will create a denser texture that can be used to decorate the cake. If you need cream for pies or cupcakes, then take 500 ml of cream. Then the consistency will be fluffier and lighter.

You can cover the cake and grease the cake layers with this cream right away. If you work with a pastry bag, first cool the mixture in the refrigerator. The cream can be easily modified by adding chocolate, various flavors, fruits or food coloring.

This photo clearly shows how harsh this cream is. It doesn't even want to fall off the rim.

And it’s also funny about Galileo’s whipped cream :)

Now you know how to properly whip cream with sugar or powdered sugar. What percentage of fat content is better, as well as little cooking tricks. I really hope that my advice will be useful to you. Share them with friends and cook for health!

Greetings to all blog readers! The other day I encountered a culinary problem. I decided to bake a cake with cream and fruit, but my cream turned into butter and whey. After scouring the Internet, I realized that the question of how to whip cream correctly worries many housewives.

Let's figure out together what is needed to whip air cream. How to choose the right dairy product for dessert and what affects the final result.

Most often, housewives get a flaky mass instead of a delicate dessert. It also happens that the product simply remains liquid. Don't panic and think that the reason is your crookedness. Even experienced cooks are not immune to this. The main reasons why dessert may not work out are the following:

  • Low percentage of fat content of the product (the fattier, the better);
  • Temperature of the cream – it must be chilled;
  • The high speed with which they whip;
  • Using a standard blender attachment (it is better to use a whisk or mixer attachment for blending);
  • Sugar or powdered sugar was added too early.

Before we dive into creating the cream, let's talk about the starting material. Cream is fat enriched with a portion of the milk that is centrifuged into the top of the milk. The basis of milk is water, which contains small, insoluble particles: proteins, fat, salts and milk sugar. Small droplets of fat are distributed in the water base in the form of an emulsion.

In Russia, the indicator of “heavy cream” is determined according to GOST R 53435-2009. The fat content of cream made from cow's milk varies from 9 to 58%. Cream with a mass fraction of fat of 10, 20, 22, 33 and 35% arrives on the shelves. Unlike egg foam, which is stabilized by protein, whipped cream holds its shape using its own fat. Milk fat is a complex mixture of lipids.

I advise you to choose cream with a fat content of at least 30. Judging by numerous reviews from housewives, 33% Petmol has proven itself well. Now let's look at a step-by-step recipe for whipping cream.

How to get a delicate cream

We decided that the fat content should be at least 30%, optimally 30-35%. You can, of course, use a less fatty product, but it will be more difficult to beat and the taste will not be as delicate. The situation can be corrected with the help of gelatin. We'll talk about this too. And yet, if you don’t need “dancing with a tambourine,” take 33% Petmol or another product with a similar fat content. Now let's move on to the instructions:

  • Pour the cooled dairy product into a cool container and immediately begin cooking;
  • It is better to beat with a mixer or whisk, changing the speed;
  • Start with low speed, gradually reaching maximum;
  • When the mixture begins to thicken, switch from maximum speed to minimum;
  • The preparation time for the cream is up to 5 minutes, usually 3 is enough. If the product has 10, 20, 22% fat content, more time will be required;
  • Powdered sugar is not added immediately, but at the end. It is better to add it to the whipped cream, stirring with a spoon.

How do you know when dessert is ready? I think you've also whipped cream into butter at least once. I recently stepped on this rake myself. Indeed, it is very easy to miss the moment of complete readiness. The dessert is ready when pronounced grooves appear on the surface of the mixture from the mixer. Once this has happened, the process can be stopped. You shouldn't wait a little longer, it's fraught. A well-whipped product holds its shape and does not spread.

If you beat with a mixer, use no more than 500 ml at a time. Tilt the bowl slightly and try not to move the attachment. Let the mixture circulate on its own in the container. You should not make this dessert using a regular blender attachment. According to reviews, they get whey and oil, and not a homogeneous air mass. To prepare a delicate cream, you need a special whisk attachment.

Features of whipping cream

In order to obtain a thick foam from the above-mentioned dairy product, it must be well cooled. It is recommended to place cold cream in the freezer for 15 minutes before cooking. The dishes should also be cool. Some housewives recommend preparing dessert by placing a cup of it in ice. But it is important not to overcool the cream, otherwise it will separate during the cooking process!

Dairy products with 10 to 22% fat content thicken very poorly. It will be more troublesome to get a thick mixture from it that holds its shape. Because it doesn't have enough fat to form the necessary peaks. The situation can be corrected by dissolving 1.5 tbsp. gelatin in 100 ml of water. Dissolved gelatin at room temperature is added to the mixture to thicken.

As for me, cream with gelatin is not the best option. It’s better to immediately buy good 30-33% cream and enjoy the wonderful taste

You can use special thickeners. They usually save the situation when the dessert comes out liquid. Lemon juice also thickens the whipped mixture. The juice of ¼ of a lemon is dissolved in 200 ml of dairy product.

It’s also much easier to whip vegetable cream. According to many, the taste of this cream is inferior to a dairy dessert. If this moment does not bother you, you can safely try.

Which cream to choose

Cream is a biological product. And its structure may vary slightly from batch to batch. Once you get a luxurious creamy mass from ultra-pasteurized cream. But that doesn't mean it will be excellent in every case. Therefore, if you have followed all the details of preparation. It is quite possible that the stars have aligned so that pasteurization is slightly different. That's all. Therefore, go to the store and buy another batch.

You should also pay attention to the expiration date of the product. It must be fresh. Its proper storage is important. If the cream is purchased at the market, it can be frozen in winter. In summer, on the contrary, they are overheated. It’s better, of course, to buy such products in markets.

Many people like homemade milk, so they buy dessert products secondhand. If you are going to make buttercream from such milk, do not forget to dilute it with water. Otherwise you will get oil.

The next important point is the choice of sweetener. You can beat with sugar, but it is better to use powdered sugar. The cream whips quickly and the sugar simply does not have time to dissolve in it. But the powder combines almost immediately. By the way, powder can be easily made at home using a blender from sugar.

Classic recipe for air cream

Whipped cream is a problem for many new cooks. I will share a simple recipe on how to cook using a mixer.

  • 700 ml cream 30-33%.

Before whipping with a mixer, the cream should stand in the refrigerator for several hours. Remember not to mix different types of cream in a bowl to increase the fat percentage. For example, we want to whip 700 ml of cream, but the available package is 350 ml. This means you need to buy 2 packs of the same company with the same fat content. Otherwise, the cream may not work.

Start whipping the cream with a blender at low speed for about 10 minutes. You need to be careful not to allow the cream to separate.

Powdered sugar or coloring can be added both before and after whipping. If you are preparing a cream based on whipped cream, then add mascarpone cheese or melted chocolate to the already whipped cream.

Whipped cream can be stored in the refrigerator. Just cover the bowl with cling film so that the smell and taste of the product does not change.

How to make cream with cocoa

Did you know that cake buttercream is an antidepressant? So I didn’t know. This means that it is not only tasty, but also healthy. I prefer chocolate treats, so I’ll share the recipe for cocoa cream.

To prepare this delicate chocolate dessert we will need:

  • 500 ml cream Petmol 33%;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 30 g cocoa powder.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Powder and cocoa need to be sifted through a sieve. Then mix the dry ingredients with a whisk.
  2. Pour the cooled cream into the bowl of a mixer, beat until thick, changing the mixer speed from minimum to maximum. Petmol will begin to thicken 33% in about 1-2 minutes.
  3. Then add cocoa and powdered sugar. It is important to beat for about 30 seconds at low speed. Then go to max. After 1-2 minutes, you will see clear grooves on the surface of the cream. He's ready. During the process, make sure that there are no lumps on the walls of the bowl. If you see them, stop the mixer and remove them with a spatula.
  4. The delicate chocolate dessert is very tasty, holds its shape, and has a pleasant color. The taste of the cream is not cloying. If you like very sweet desserts, you can add more powder.

Dessert without adding cocoa can be tinted in almost any color. For a bright yellow cream, you will need a raw egg yolk. You can use a little carrot juice. Don't forget about the lemon zest, it gives a delicate yellow tint. To do this, grate it, wrap it in gauze and squeeze out the juice. Beets will help you achieve a shade from soft pink to rich red. Blueberry, blackberry and grape juice will give you purple and blue colors. Adding spinach juice will help produce a green tint.

How to whip vegetable cream Chantipak

The color of vegetable cream is creamy, and not snow-white like animal cream. Pleasant, slightly sweet taste, like an ice cream. Someone writes that it turns out tastier than with animal cream. Everyone has different tastes, it’s better to try making it yourself at home.

  • 300 ml Shantipak cream.

In 3 minutes you can easily whip up this amount of product. First, chill the cream in the refrigerator. Just do not freeze, otherwise the product will separate.

Beat at medium mixer speed. The product expands well in volume. Can be mixed with curd mass whipped in a blender. The cream is thick and holds its shape well. Easy to work with. It lasts longer, does not spread, and is resistant to shaking when transporting ready-made sweets.

If you cook with it the next day, be sure to refrigerate and cover with cling film. Even after a day, their appearance does not change in any way. You can fill eclairs, tubes, cakes, make a layer of cakes. Chantipak cream goes well with cottage cheese and mascarpone cream cheese. They make good tasty creams.

Remember that unwhipped vegetable cream should not be frozen in the freezer. Otherwise, after defrosting, the product will separate and will not whip.

Watch a video review of working with Shantipak vegetable cream.

How to make mascarpone and whipped cream

This is my favorite cream. It is ideal for pies, cakes, cupcakes. It's very quick to prepare. The only secret is that the ingredients must be really very cold.

  • 250-500 ml chilled cream 30-35%;
  • 250 g mascarpone cottage cheese;
  • 4 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Whip the cream to stiff peaks, adding powdered sugar at the end. The amount of powdered sugar in the recipe is an estimate and will depend on the dish you will be adding the whipped cream to. Add mascarpone and beat again until the ingredients are combined.

This amount of cream will create a denser texture that can be used to decorate the cake. If you need cream for pies or cupcakes, then take 500 ml of cream. Then the consistency will be fluffier and lighter.

You can cover the cake and grease the cake layers with this cream right away. If you work with a pastry bag, first cool the mixture in the refrigerator. The cream can be easily modified by adding chocolate, various flavors, fruits or food coloring.

This photo clearly shows how harsh this cream is. It doesn't even want to fall off the rim.

And it’s also funny about Galileo’s whipped cream :)

Now you know how to properly whip cream with sugar or powdered sugar. What percentage of fat content is better, as well as little cooking tricks. I really hope that my advice will be useful to you. Share them with friends and cook for health!

Whipped cream is an essential component of many homemade or factory-made desserts. The delicate, light taste of the milky delicacy adds airiness and sophistication to sweet dishes. And the calorie content of whipped cream will be approximately two times lower than the calorie content of butter cream. Eclairs, sponge and mousse cakes, profiteroles, fruit salads are prepared with whipped cream; they are served with ice cream and even added to coffee. To make the dessert as tasty as possible and minimally harmful, we will tell you how to make whipped cream yourself. After all, store-bought cream “from a can” often has a far from ideal composition. We will present some of the simplest and most popular recipes for this dessert at home. To prepare the delicacy, you don’t need complex equipment or culinary secrets.

How to whip cream correctly

Before moving directly to the recipes, we’ll tell you about important nuances, knowledge of which will allow us to get a high-quality dish without extra effort.

  • How long should you whip the cream? In total, you will have to work with the mixer for about 13 minutes. It will take longer to whip the milk mass by hand. But in both cases it is very important not to miss the moment and not to “over-beat”, otherwise you will end up with butter rather than dessert cream
  • To prepare a dairy delicacy for a future dessert, you will need cream with a fat content of 10 to 33%. But the classic recipe for making whipped cream involves using a full-fat dairy product, namely 33%. Then it will be ideal to whip the cream into a strong foam, without using additional products
  • Low-fat (10%) or medium-fat (20%) cream will have difficulty whipping and will not become as fluffy. In this case, egg whites or gelatin will help thicken the whipped cream. Then the product will acquire the desired consistency and “strength”
  • The calorie content of treats, on average, ranges from 170 to 340 units/100 g. This is directly related to the fat content of the cream itself. If you want to reduce the energy value of the dessert, you can add a little milk to the cream
  • Cream with a fat content of more than 33% is whipped in 4-7 minutes. The higher the fat content, the less time it takes to beat
  • How to whip cream? Be sure to be chilled. About 50 minutes before cooking, place the product in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer. If the product is warm, it will separate into oil and whey.
  • The dishes should also be as cold as possible. Half an hour before preparing the treat, place the whisks and whipping container in the freezer
  • The mixing bowl will become hot as the dessert is being prepared, so keep it in ice water
  • Do not prepare a large portion of the creamy treat at once, beat in small portions of 300 milliliters
  • How to whip cream into thick foam? First, beat at low mixer speed, gradually increasing it
  • The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than half a day.

How to make whipped cream at home

The simplest recipe is to beat heavy cream with powdered sugar with a mixer:

  • Pour 500 grams of cream into a deep metal bowl
  • Wrap the dish in cellophane film and place in the refrigerator for 50 minutes. We put the whisks with which we will beat the product into the freezer for the same amount.
  • Pass 50 grams of powdered sugar through a sieve (it can be easily obtained by grinding sugar in a coffee grinder)
  • Remove the film from the metal container and, with the mixer at minimum speed, begin to whip the cream, making circular movements.
  • Slowly begin to increase the speed of the beaters.
  • After 7 minutes, when the contents of the container begin to thicken, add powdered sugar in small portions. To whip the cream into a strong foam, powdered sugar is needed.
  • After about 5 minutes, the mass will receive the desired thickness and consistency and will form elastic peaks. This means it’s time to turn off the mixer. Do not exceed the specified time, otherwise you will end up with butter instead of whipped cream.
  • For an even thicker whipped cream, add lemon juice, egg or gelatin
  • We put the finished product in the refrigerator until serving, or before adding it to a cake, pastry or other dessert. At room temperature, the whipped cream will begin to melt quickly.

How to make whipped cream by hand

There is an opinion that the most delicious delicacy will be obtained if you beat the product not with a mixer, but with a hand whisk. Such a cream will be especially lush and elastic, since it is better saturated with oxygen.

  • Pour 350 grams of heavy cream into a metal container with a wide top (for convenient hand whipping) and place in the refrigerator, as in the previous recipe. We also put the whisk in the freezer.
  • Pour ice water into a large container and place the mixing bowl in it.
  • When whipping the product, hold the metal container at a slight angle
  • Start rotating the whisk slowly, gradually increasing the number of revolutions
  • When you get a strong foam, add 30 grams. powdered sugar and a bag of vanilla sugar (about 10 g)
  • Mix the sugar and cream mixture well with a whisk.
  • When stable grooves from the whisk remain on the surface, the product is almost ready. Stop whipping or the cream will settle.
  • Pour half a teaspoon of lemon juice into the mixture to “fix” the consistency

How to make whipped cream at home from dry cream

It happens that you want to pamper your family with an exquisite dessert, but convenience stores do not have the necessary cream. In this case, you can prepare cream from the dry product:

  • Pour 5 tablespoons of dry cream into a glass
  • Pour water and mix very well
  • Pour the contents of the glass into a metal container and add a glass of milk
  • Mix well until the mixture becomes homogeneous and place in the refrigerator for 50 minutes. Place the mixture in the freezer a couple of minutes before beating.
  • Beat with a mixer or hand whisk according to the instructions above. When the cream thickens, beat again at low speed.
  • Be sure to put the finished mixture in the refrigerator

How to make whipped cream without cream

As absurd as it may sound, you can make whipped cream without the cream itself. Of course, for this you will need other dairy products: milk, butter or sour cream.

How to make whipped cream from sour cream:

  • Pour a liter of milk into a three-liter jar
  • After some time, the cream will rise to the top and can be skimmed off with a spoon.
  • The fattier the milk, the more cream it will produce.

How to make whipped cream from milk and butter

  • Pour a liter of milk into a saucepan and add a stick of butter cut into cubes.
  • Place on low heat and heat, stirring constantly
  • You need to wait for the butter to melt, but there is no need to bring the milk to a boil
  • Using a blender, beat the mixture for about 7 minutes.
  • Transfer the mixture to a glass container and cool to room temperature.
  • After this, cover the dishes with gauze and put them in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Thus, we have prepared the cream, now we need to whip it according to one of the recipes

How to Make 10 or 20 Percent Whipped Cream

It is preferable to choose cream with a higher fat content - from 33%. But if you don’t have such a fatty product on hand, or your goal is to prepare a low-calorie dessert, you can experiment. You can make whipped cream for a cake or other sweet treat from a product with a fat content of up to 20% only using thickeners - egg white, gelatin, etc.

Cream 10 or 20% is too liquid, and without “helpers” it will not be possible to whip it. But even if using thickeners it was possible to achieve approximately the desired consistency, do not expect a similar taste from the dessert.

How to whip cream 20 percent:

  • Dissolve a teaspoon of gelatin in about 120 grams of cream. Heat and stir, but do not boil
  • Beat about another 280 grams of the dairy product until stiff, gradually adding a third of a glass of powdered sugar.
  • Add gelatin and mix gently
  • Place in the refrigerator to harden.

Is it possible to make a colored treat?

Desserts made from whipped cream leave room for the culinary imagination. After all, you can use various flavoring additives (nuts, cinnamon, cocoa, vanillin) and even food coloring. Many people are interested in the question of how to make colored whipped cream, for example, to decorate a cake. Dry egg dyes are poured into 20 grams of cream at the tip of a knife and stirred until completely dissolved. Then add to the total creamy mass. The same applies to gel dyes.

Oddly enough, not many housewives know how to make whipped cream at home. And I offer you a recipe on how to properly whip cream for cream. In general, our most traditional cakes are usually those with sour cream, so when it comes to new recipes, housewives begin to wonder how to make whipped cream for a cake. And I will give you some tips that will help you always succeed.

  1. Let me start by saying that some readers of my blog are interested in how to whip 20 percent cream into a thick foam. Some say that Parmalat 23% cream can be whipped. But I haven't tried it. So I strongly recommend using cream above 30 percent fat. Would country cream work? I don’t use them for custom-made cakes, because you never know, but for a homemade cake, why not. It makes almost no difference to me which brand to use - Parmalat, Horeca, Lake Peipsi. The main thing is that they are 33-35%. Previously, there was good French cream and ideal Valio 38%, but due to sanctions we don’t have them in our city.
  2. The cream must be well cooled, that is, it must stand in the refrigerator for at least several hours. The room should also be cool. If you are a beginner, you can also chill the mixer beaters and the bowl in which you will beat - put them in the freezer. And to begin with, you can try whipping by placing a bowl of cream in a bowl of ice water. I did that, it helped.
  3. Many people advise starting to beat at low speed and gradually increasing it. I beat it a little at the beginning on medium, and then on high. Although sometimes it’s immediately big, it doesn’t affect the result. It’s just that if you go straight to a big one, then there will be more splashes.
  4. The most important thing of all is not to beat the cream. Then they will turn into an unpleasant lumpy mass, as they will partially become oil. The working condition of cream is soft peaks, not hard peaks. That is, when they already hold their shape, but are still mobile, they change it (if you made a “peak” on the surface of the cream, then it is not motionless, but begins to fall). You can see the correct consistency in the video below. So beat until soft peaks form, add the powdered sugar and beat a little more, being careful not to overbeat.

Cream from cream 33 percent, preparing whipped cream

I want to immediately clarify that we are preparing exactly the cream for filling the cake. I don’t recommend decorating with natural whipped cream. It’s better to use wet meringue (I’ll write about it soon), or any butter cream.

If for some reason the whipped cream did not work out for you, or it turned out too soft and you are afraid whether the cake will hold its shape, you can always revive it - add 10 grams of gelatin (dissolve in a small amount of water and melt in the microwave. But such a cake must be assembled in a mold, it will be a soufflé)


Cream 33-35% – 500 ml

Powdered sugar - 50 g (about 3 tbsp.)

Whipped cream cream should not be cloying, because natural cream is a little sweet, so I add just a little powdered sugar. After all, the cake also contains a sweet biscuit and impregnation. You can make it to your taste. I do everything by eye and taste))

  1. Pour the cream into a bowl

2. Beat for a couple of minutes at medium low speed.