A natural delicacy made from pumpkin - candied fruits. works "isidri"

More and more people striving for a healthy lifestyle are trying to prepare food from natural products, even sweets that children adore.

They're replacing store-bought candy loaded with preservatives with simple, safe treats, like learning how to dry candied pumpkin with lemon. Sweetened pieces of fruit with sunny orange pulp make surprisingly tasty and healthy “sweets” that are loved by both children and adults.

Preparing pumpkin pulp for making candied fruits

The process of preparing candied pumpkin takes a lot of time, but the result is always pleasing: first, the pumpkin should be boiled in sweet syrup, and then dried in an electric dryer or oven.

Before drying the pumpkin and making candied fruits, let’s prepare the fruits themselves, knowing that from a kilogram of pumpkin pulp, 1.5 cups of granulated sugar and one large lemon with thin skin you will get no more than 300 grams of dried delicacy.

How to prepare pumpkin for drying

  • Wash the pumpkin and remove the peel.
  • We take out the seeds without throwing away the pulp they were in: it makes candied pumpkin much tastier and healthier.
  • We cut the fruit so that the pieces are not too small, thin or flat; it is better if they are elongated rectangles 0.7-0.8 cm thick. Thin and small cuts will turn into a product as hard as a sole.
  • Pour boiling water over the lemon and cut into thin slices: it will not be needed when drying.
  • Place a layer of pumpkin bars in an enamel pan and cover with a layer of lemon slices. Sprinkle evenly with sugar.
  • Repeat layering until the pumpkin pulp is gone.
  • Place the container over moderate heat and bring to a boil. During this time, the fruits will release juice to dissolve the sugar.
  • Boil the ingredients for 4 minutes and remove from the stove: longer cooking will result in pumpkin porridge. If the pieces turn out to be harsh, repeat the cooking procedure.

Drain the sugar syrup and place the future candied fruits in a colander, remove the remaining lemons and proceed to drying the product.

How to make candied pumpkin in drying (oven)

Some housewives choose an oven for drying, others choose an electric dryer. The main thing is that the candied fruits are truly dried, and not fried or baked, then they will retain more useful microelements.

It is good if the oven has a convection mode with a fan to facilitate quick drying. If you don’t have it, you’ll have to dry the pumpkin sticks with the door ajar.

Drying candied pumpkin

  • We line baking trays (pallets) with baking paper or foil.
  • We lay out the sticks, free of syrup, on them: they must be at a distance from each other, otherwise they will not dry out.
  • Turn on the oven (electric dryer) at 50 - 60 degrees and place the future candied pumpkin there. If you are using an oven without convection, keep the door slightly open to allow moisture to escape, and if with convection, start this mode.
  • We dry the delicacy for 8-12 hours: the finished product becomes reddish and softly dried.

Using the tip of a knife, transfer the candied fruits to a plate and leave to cool. If the unremoved part has managed to harden and stick to the paper, heat the baking sheet in the oven (dryer) and complete the process when the sugar has melted.

Now it’s clear how to dry candied pumpkin – a healthy treat for children and adults. All that remains is to quickly roll them in powdered sugar so that they no longer stick to your hands or to the plate. As for storage, it is unlikely that such sweetness will be preserved for a long time, but it is better to keep it in a cool place, otherwise it will melt again.

Step 1: prepare the pumpkin.

First of all, rinse the pumpkin under running water and then place it on a cutting board. Using a knife, peel the vegetable and then cut it into two halves. Now, using a tablespoon, we clean the inside of the pumpkin from the pulp and seeds, since we won’t need them. Cut it into small pieces, approximately in length and width 2.5-3 centimeters each. Transfer the pumpkin pieces into a deep bowl.

Step 2: prepare the orange.

Rinse the orange under running water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, cut the fruit into two halves and then squeeze out the juice from each part using a juicer.

Step 3: prepare sugar syrup.

Pour purified water into a medium saucepan and place over medium heat. As soon as the liquid boils, turn the heat to low and pour sugar into the pan. Stirring constantly with a tablespoon, cook the syrup until smooth and thick. After this, turn off the burner and proceed to the process of preparing candied fruit.

Step 4: prepare candied pumpkin.

Place the chopped pumpkin in a deep saucepan. Immediately after this, strain the sugar syrup into the same container through a sieve. For this process, you can help yourself with a tablespoon. Place the pan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Then turn the heat to low and continue cooking the dish for another 5 minutes.

Then turn off the burner and set the pumpkin pieces boiled in sugar syrup aside to cool to room temperature. And now the most important stage of preparing candied fruits begins. Add a couple of cinnamon sticks, clove buds and freshly squeezed orange juice to the pan with them. Mix everything well with a tablespoon and place the container back on medium heat. After the mass boils, turn the heat to low again and cook the candied fruits for 5 minutes. Then turn off the burner and cool the dish back to room temperature.

Important: repeat this procedure 6-7 times until the pumpkin pieces become translucent. After the last time, cool the candied fruits again to room temperature and transfer them to a colander. Leave the chopped pumpkin in this state over the pan so that all the syrup drains from the vegetable.

Now we cover the baking tray with baking paper and place the candied fruits on it. We dry the sweet dish either at room temperature (this is if it is still a warm season of the year) or in the oven. To do this, heat it to a temperature 50°C, put the baking sheet in the oven and dry the candied fruits with the door open until they wrinkle and become dry. Immediately after this, the dried pumpkin can be transferred to a glass jar or food bag and stored at room temperature for an unlimited amount of time. Attention: It is necessary to store candied fruits in a closed container so that the dish does not absorb moisture and does not become soggy.

Step 5: Serve the candied pumpkin.

Candied pumpkin fruits are very sweet, juicy and aromatic. A delicate orange note and a cinnamon aftertaste give this dried vegetable a refined and unique taste. The main thing is that such candied fruits can be easily given to children as a natural sweet.

Enjoy your meal!

In the process of cooking candied fruits at the first stage, in addition to orange juice, you can add chopped orange zest to the dish. Then the aroma and taste of the vegetable will intensify.

To prepare sugar syrup, you can use a little less sugar and water, since after boiling the pumpkin this syrup remains in any case.

Sugar syrup soaked in pumpkin juice after boiling candied fruits can not be poured out, but stored in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator. This natural liquid sugar is perfect as an additive for making all kinds of compotes and jelly.

To prepare candied fruits, you must use sweet, ripe pumpkin. Then the dish will turn out very aromatic, juicy and sweet.

Candied pumpkin can be added to various baked goods, as a filling, as well as to exotic salads.

The drying time for candied fruit depends on the room temperature, as well as the type of pumpkin. In any case, you need to check the degree of readiness of the dish from time to time. If the candied fruits inside are dense and without excess moisture, then the dish is ready.

Is it possible to dry pumpkin for the winter at home? Naturally, this is possible and carries a lot of benefits depending on the application of the finished product. Using home appliances and improvised means, you can make a dried product with high quality and relatively quickly, preserving most of the useful substances.

What is the benefit or harm to the body from dried pumpkin?

From positive properties One can highlight the richness of vitamins B, E and PP, the presence of fiber, pectin, sugars, carotene, ascorbic acid and minerals such as magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium and calcium.

Thanks to them, a person receives necessary micro and macroelements, improves memory, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (especially with colitis or enteritis), strengthens hair and rejuvenates the skin. Iron also improves mood and helps calm your nerves and cope with stress after a tiring day.

Pumpkin will be extremely useful for patients with insufficient blood sugar. It is potassium that is responsible for the density of vessel walls and optimal blood pressure. With regular consumption of pumpkin, excess bile, mucus and cholesterol are eliminated, and the body receives the necessary supply of energy for the whole day. If you are experiencing difficulty sleeping, try eating a little dried pumpkin every day.

Sufficient content fluoride together with iron can strengthen human muscle and bone tissue, and in some cases help speed up the healing of bones after fractures. Finally, it is an excellent immune system booster and protection against tooth decay.

Costs abstain from pumpkin in your diet if you have serious problems with acid-base balance or suffer from diabetes.

At low acidity stomach juice, pumpkin will only worsen the situation, depriving you of alkali and exacerbating ulcerative diseases such as gastritis. In this plan don't overeat pumpkin seeds, due to their high content of salicylic acid.

How many calories are in dried pumpkin? Due to evaporated moisture, the concentration of sugar in the vegetable increases along with its calorie content. The standard calorie content of fresh pumpkin is approximately 28 kcal per 100 grams of vegetable. As a result of drying we get 68 kcal for the same amount of product.

Variety selection

What varieties of pumpkin are best suited for drying for the winter?

Give priority first table and nutmeg, and not forage varieties.

The best option is considered hard-barked, late-ripening pumpkins. Winter squash varieties include Table Sweet, Winter Sweet, Spaghetti, Buttercup, and Butternut, as well as Blue Hubbard.

From decorative varieties that can be dried are varieties such as “Legendaria” and “Cucurbita”. Early ripening varieties like Acorn pumpkins are also suitable, but will take much longer to dry than other varieties.

Only ripe, whole fruits, without visible or hidden damage, suspicious plaque or stains, are suitable for drying. You can learn about this from our article.

Choose only those pumpkins that, after harvesting, the ponytail was preserved– this is a guarantee of maintaining moisture and protecting the pumpkin from harmful microbes entering the fruit.


How to dry pumpkin for food? First of all, carefully inspect the harvested crop, sort by size and degree of maturity. Unfit for food, spoiled or unripe pumpkins should be thrown away.

Then rinse each pumpkin in running water and leave to dry for a couple of hours on a paper towel. The peduncle, flowers and dark spots are cut out, provided that under the skin the pulp remained intact.

Then it was time pit removal– cut the fruit exactly in the middle and cut out the fibrous core along with the seeds. After this, all that remains is to cut the pumpkin into equal slices half or one and a half centimeters thick. In addition, it’s good and much faster You get dried pumpkin if you first cut it into small cubes.

Like most vegetables and fruits, pumpkin may need to maintain its bright orange hue as it can darken significantly after drying. For this purpose it is carried out blanching in boiling water (no longer than 2 minutes).

Another method of disinfecting future drying from harmful diseases and insects is processing in saline solution.

In some situations, the pumpkin should be thoroughly steamed before drying.

This stage is especially good for drying pumpkin in Russian stove– after this the product turns out dense, elastic, completely retaining all the taste qualities of fresh pumpkin.

Household appliances and their modes

How to dry pumpkin? Almost all Appliances for drying vegetables, it is equally perfect for drying pumpkin. This can be a gas or electric oven, an electric dryer, a convection oven, or a regular Russian oven.

Dry the pumpkin and outdoors, but in terms of time this is a very labor-intensive and lengthy process. Any type of drying requires periodic supervision.

At what temperature should you dry pumpkin? Temperature conditions can vary greatly depending on the cooking method, the condition of the pumpkin, the thickness of the pieces and the power of your units. It is generally recommended to dry the pumpkin at an average temperature of +50-85 °C.

How to determine readiness? Taste the pumpkin pieces to the touch - they should be a little soft and flexible, but not so much that they stick to your fingers. The pumpkin tastes sweet, and when chewed for a long time, it seems to melt in the mouth. Sometimes dried pumpkin is compared to dried candied fruits.

If the pieces are too wet and sticky, then not all the moisture has left the product and you will need to leave them dry out a couple more hours.

How to dry pumpkin in the oven? You can learn how to cook candied pumpkin in the oven from this video:


How to store dried pumpkins? The ideal storage location should be dry and cool(+9-12°C), with air humidity no more than 60%. You can store pumpkin in a tightly closed container, such as airtight containers. The bottom and the pumpkins themselves are covered with dry parchment paper.

Step by step instructions

How to dry pumpkin in the oven? Take advantage well sharpened knife to remove the thick skin and stem from the washed and dried pumpkin.

The seeds are also carefully removed. Then cut the vegetable into slices of exactly equal length and thickness no more than 1 cm.

Boil water in a saucepan of a suitable size, having previously salted it, and prepare a deep bowl of ice water nearby.

Within 1-2 minutes boil pumpkin pieces, then use a slotted spoon to catch them and lower them to cool for the same time cold water.

Prepare baking sheets for several or one batch of pumpkin, carefully preheat the oven to +55-65 °C. Then lay out all the pieces in one layer, leaving free space between the pieces.

Oven required leave it ajar to free up the outlet for evaporated moisture. For the first 4-5 hours, cook the pumpkin at the initial temperature, and in the final 2-3 hours, increase it to +70-85 °C.

How to dry pumpkin electric dryer? To dry pumpkin in a dryer, the vegetable is processed in the same way as for cooking in an electric or gas oven. First, it is washed and cut in a way convenient for you.

The optimal solution would be to cut into small cubes, which, when dried, do not fall through the dryer grate.

Once the finished pieces have been sterilized and dried on a towel or sieve, you can proceed to cooking. Place all the pieces on mesh trays for drying vegetables, leaving a small space between them.

Set the mode to moderate, leaving the lid ajar, and dry the product 3-4 hours, stirring the pieces occasionally to prevent them from sticking to the grate. As soon as all the pieces have decreased by about 1.5-2 times, this signals readiness.

You can learn how to dry pumpkin in an electric vegetable dryer from the video:

Features of whole drying

How to dry a whole pumpkin? It will be possible to dry mostly whole decorative varieties. They are small and easy to cut out the core with seeds. First, the pumpkins are washed, then dried for about a week in a dry, dark room until the peel is completely hardened.

Further almost six months The pumpkins should dry in a well-ventilated, dry place without touching each other or walls.

It is better to place a wooden pallet with a lattice of thin boards under the pumpkins so that air circulated freely.

Turn over and check the fruit every few days, removing any rotten specimens.


Some recipes indicate the need blanch pieces of pumpkin in not salted, but in sweetish water. This will help highlight the natural taste of the product. To do this, add 2-3 tablespoons to a small saucepan of boiled water. Sahara, after which the pumpkin is boiled in it for no longer than two minutes.

To get a sweeter pumpkin, dilute 3-4 tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of water and boil soak pumpkin slices or cubes in them for about 4-5 minutes before drying.

If you follow all the processing and drying steps correctly, you will definitely succeed. high quality and nutritious product, which will last about a year.

Choose the right variety that won’t take much time to cook, and don’t forget disinfect pumpkin from bacteria.

Pumpkin has many advantages when dried over fresh vegetables: it becomes more appetizing and sweeter, is stored much longer and saves space.

Dried pumpkin: recipe for chips with honey and lemon in this video:

Pumpkin chips - photo:

Wash the outside of the pumpkin well with water and cut it in half lengthwise with a sharp knife, after cutting off the pumpkin tail. Using a spoon, scoop out the contents of the pumpkin - seeds and fibers.

Never throw away pumpkin seeds or pumpkin tail. The seeds can be dried, fried and chewed at your leisure. And pumpkin tail infusion is an excellent remedy for toothache, tested on myself.

Peel the thick skin from the pumpkin. The skin of a ripe fruit is usually like wood, and peeling is not an easy process. To do this, place half of the pumpkin on a cutting board, cut side down, strengthen it so that it does not slide on the table. Using a vegetable peeler or sharp knife, peel, removing small pieces of skin. Cut the peeled pulp into about 5 millimeters thick.

Place the pumpkin slices in a thick-walled cup or cauldron, sprinkle with sugar, and leave for 5-6 hours. Sugar calculation: for 1 kilogram of peeled pumpkin – 300 grams of sugar.

While the pumpkin slices stand, the juice will release and the sugar will almost completely melt.

Place the cauldron with slices in its own juice on low heat, bring to a boil, and after boiling for 2 minutes, remove from heat and leave for at least 6 hours.

During this time, the pumpkin will cool, soak and become softer. Return the cup (or cauldron) with pumpkin pieces to the fire, add the required amount of citric acid, bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes and turn off.

Usually 2 boils are enough. Focus on the pumpkin: it should not turn into puree, remain soft and at the same time keep its shape. If the pumpkin remains hard, repeat the procedure a third time.

Drain the syrup. It’s convenient to do this by carefully throwing the future candied fruits into a colander so that the syrup drains well.

Never pour out the pumpkin syrup. It can be added to compote, used as an impregnation for pies and cakes, etc.

We place the boiled slices loosely on the rack of an electric dryer and dry for about 5 hours, preferably changing the racks in places, then the candied fruits will dry at the same time. The drying time depends on the type of pumpkin, its juiciness, the size of the candied fruit, the power of the electric dryer, etc.,

If you do not have an electric dryer, then you can dry candied pumpkin fruits naturally in a dry place: place the candied fruits on parchment (cloth), when they are dry on one side, turn them over. This will take several days. You can also dry candied fruits in the oven at the lowest temperature.

Remove the delicious coffee cakes from the electric dryer rack. They should remain elastic, soft inside, and still a little sticky and transparent on the outside. In no case should you overdry candied fruits.

Pumpkin has been known since ancient times, and every nation has legends associated with it. Perhaps no other fruit or vegetable has as many legends as the pumpkin. Many peoples consider it to be the repository of the sun and light. Cambodian legend says that several people were saved in a pumpkin from the oncoming Great Flood. And when it was over, they got out of the pumpkin and planted its seeds. But it was not plants that grew from the seeds, but new people who repopulated the Earth. Therefore, Cambodians revere the pumpkin as the ancestor.

The ancient Slavs believed that the gods hid the sun in a pumpkin with the onset of autumn. This is why the pumpkin turns so bright golden in the fall, and the sun appears less and less in the sky. In Ancient China, it is also believed that pumpkin helped repopulate the Earth. During the Great Flood, a little boy and girl hid in a gourd and escaped. It was they who became the progenitors of the entire new humanity. Therefore, all newborns were bathed in ancient China in a font made from a large pumpkin. And to this day, the Chinese consider pumpkin a powerful talisman that absorbs evil energy. It is hung over the door as a talisman and rattles are made to ward off evil spirits by placing dry beans in them.

A Nigerian legend tells about a certain ruler who, because of his greed, decided to collect all his smart thoughts in a huge pumpkin and become the wisest and richest man in the world. But when he began to hide the pumpkin so that it would not be stolen, it fell and broke. All wisdom scattered throughout the world.

Today it is quite difficult to say where the pumpkin originated. Some scientists believe that pumpkin comes from China, others suggest that the Indians of North America were the first to cultivate it. Many peoples have preserved myths and legends associated with pumpkins. This unpretentious, beautiful pumpkin, which produces large yields, is popular in many countries. It is grown in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, India, Australia, Canada and Mexico and in a number of other countries, which indicates the popularity of pumpkin.

Benefits of pumpkin

Both fresh and dried winter pumpkin are highly valued for their beneficial qualities. Moreover, if an Isidri dryer is used to dry pumpkin, then all the vitamins contained in the fresh product will be preserved in the dried product. There is a lot of carotene in pumpkin. The more cold-resistant the variety, the more of this provitamin. There are vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, PP, E, as well as a very rare vitamin T, which has a serious effect on metabolic processes in the body. Pumpkin contains pectins, magnesium, potassium, copper, cobalt, and calcium. Science has long confirmed that pumpkin is simply a storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for humans.

Pumpkin contains a lot of phosphorus and copper. And in terms of iron content, it is the leader among vegetables. These microelements have a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes, so pumpkin should be consumed for diseases of the heart muscle, kidneys, high blood pressure, cholelithiasis and obesity. Potassium strengthens the heart and blood vessels, removes swelling. Pumpkin is useful for patients with colitis and enterocolitis, chronic nephritis. It has a beneficial effect on vision and helps maintain youth. Helps improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Choosing the “right” pumpkin for drying

The drying process helps concentrate the natural sugars in the pumpkin, making it sweeter and extending the shelf life. Experts advise choosing pumpkin for drying exclusively of table varieties, with yellow flesh, not very large in size; such fruits have better taste and less fiber. The skin of the pumpkin should be firm, smooth, without blemishes or visible damage. The pumpkin tail should be dry, which is an indicator of ripeness.

How to properly dry pumpkin in an electric dryer: our practical experience

. For drying, we took twenty kilograms of pumpkin.

We cut each pumpkin into pieces, and then carefully peeled all the pieces, carefully cleared them of seeds and unnecessary fibers.

Cut the particles into smaller pieces. After cleaning the pumpkin, out of twenty kilograms of product, we were left with 13.5 kilograms of peeled pumpkin, which amounted to 68% of the total mass. The share of waste accounted for 6.5 kilograms, that is, 32%.

We carefully and evenly distributed approximately 450 grams of grated pumpkin onto each tray of the electric dryer. All of our grated product fit on 30 trays of an electric dryer.

We turned on the device and set the temperature to +55 degrees. She helped us dry the pumpkin properly. The pumpkin was dried in it for 24 hours at a set temperature. The temperature in the room where the device was working was +18 degrees.

After completing the drying process, we carefully removed the trays and shook off the resulting pumpkin shavings from the meshes. The result was 1.3 kg of dried product.

We placed the dried pumpkin in glass jars under vacuum lids.

Pumpkin dried in an Isidri electric dryer turns out much tastier than if it were dried outside or in the oven, and besides, it is much less hassle.

Many housewives store dried pumpkin in paper bags or fabric bags or plastic containers. We recommend vacuum lids, since using them significantly increases the shelf life, and the dried product will be reliably protected from mold.

Making Pumpkin Powder

Delicious pumpkin can retain all its beneficial properties in powder form. In this case, the horizons of its culinary use expand. Pumpkin powder is also perfectly used in cosmetology for various masks.

Before grinding dried pumpkin into powder, it is recommended to dry it further. To do this, pour dried pumpkin shavings out of the jars and carefully distribute them among the trays.

The Ezidri vegetable dryer dried the pumpkin for an additional 4 hours at a temperature of +65 degrees.

We grind the dried shavings using an electric meat grinder with a “mill” attachment and sift through a sieve in order to prevent the formation of lumps and large particles that are not ground into the powder.

Screened particles that did not pass through the sieve. we again passed through an electric meat grinder and sifted.

The resulting powder was packaged in hermetically sealed bags.

Using pumpkin and pumpkin powder in cooking

Dried pumpkin is used in soups; pumpkin “noodles” can be added as a decoration for salads and desserts. And if you grind pumpkin chips into powder, they are used as a breading for various meat and cereal products, such as meatballs, zraz, meatballs, semolina, buckwheat or meat cutlets.

Pumpkin powder is a necessary food product for people engaged in physical and mental labor. It contains a lot of zinc, choline, and amino acids, which increase brain activity, improve memory and eliminate fatigue and nervous tension. And arginine, calcium and phosphorus affect the frequency of muscle contraction, which helps increase muscle growth. Therefore, athletes should include pumpkin powder in their diet.

It can be added to dough and fermented milk products to give a beautiful color and delicate aroma. Pumpkin powder is also used as a thickening flavoring additive for cereals, soups, cocktails, sauces, and gravies. Baked goods with the addition of pumpkin powder are saturated with complete plant protein and at the same time do not go stale for a long time and are not exposed to mold much longer. Thanks to the versatility of using the powder, you can create your own pumpkin recipes. And to stimulate your imagination, we will present several dish options.

Appetizer with pumpkin

Boil dried pumpkin shavings in lightly salted water until soft. Then drain in a colander, cool and squeeze. Chop a little. Squeeze the garlic, crush the walnuts. Mix nuts, pumpkin, garlic, salt, add a little wine vinegar, cilantro and dill, and capsicum. It makes a very tasty snack.

Interesting “sea” salad

Boil pumpkin shavings a little in salted water until they become slightly soft, add dried kelp to it to your taste with a little vegetable oil (about half a teaspoon). You can add dried vegetables. Grind the mixture with your hands. The salad is ready. Its taste is sweet-salty, fishy, ​​and this salad looks like dried squid.

In a heated frying pan with broth, simmer the chopped leeks until soft. You can use vegetable, meat, or chicken broth. Add a finely chopped clove of garlic, dried pumpkin, thyme, pepper, pour in another liter of broth and bring everything to a boil. Cook until the pumpkin is soft. Add a few tablespoons of soy sauce, turn off the heat, let the soup brew, cool and blend with a blender until pureed. This soup is served with croutons or finely chopped young garlic.

Baked fish

Mackerel or cod is filleted, cut into pieces, placed on the bottom of the pan, sprinkled with dry pumpkin shavings so that it completely covers the fish, then with onion rings, and poured with dressing. It consists of a glass of kefir, three eggs and salt. The fish is placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour. Serve hot.

Quick salad

Soak dried pumpkin “noodles” for a few minutes until they become soft, then add grated apple, a spoonful of honey and sprinkle with lemon juice. Here's a quick salad.

Pumpkin is one of the best and most valuable gifts that gives us the sunny summer period. This is a huge storehouse of the most essential vitamins and microelements for our body. And if you are lucky enough to get a large pumpkin harvest, then you should definitely make preparations for the winter, and drying is an ideal option for high-quality preservation of such a sunny product. And in winter, during the period of vitamin deficiency and colds, it will be enough just to take out a jar of dried pumpkin, or a bag of pumpkin powder, prepare a vitamin dish, or simply add a sunny note by sprinkling the dessert with bright pumpkin powder.