Real ryemogon: Two simple recipes. How to make a tincture of grapes on vodka for making emphasis you need to prepare

In addition to wine and chaqa (grappa) from grapes, excellent tinctures on vodka or a friend of strong alcohol are obtained. These delicious and moderate quantities useful dessert drinks are prepared very simply, you just need to be patient. I will tell you how to make a tincture of grapes at home on two best technologies verified in practice.

For the preparation of grape dishes on the first recipe, any varieties of grapes (white and red), purchased in the store or assembled in the country, it does not have a fundamental importance. For example, excellent drinks are obtained from Isabella varieties, regent, friendship, steppe and others.

Pre-grapes are sorted using only ripe and juicy fruits without spots, mold or rot. Every berry should be separated from the clouds and wash well.

As an alcohol base, I advise you to use vodka, brandy (in the first recipe) or diluted up to 45 degrees alcohol. In extreme cases, a well-purified moonshine will suit.

Simple grape tincture


  • grapes - 1 three-liter bank;
  • vodka (alcohol, moonshine) - 1.5-2 liters;
  • sugar - 75 grams (3 tablespoons).


1. Berries of grapes to separate from the clouds, wash, dry and pour into a three-liter bank.

2. Add sugar.

3. Pour the remaining free space in the jar of vodka.

4. Tightly close the lid, shake well several times and put for 2-3 weeks in a dark place with room temperature. Once every 3-4 days shake the contents of the jar for better sugar dissolution.

5. Finished tincture to filtered through several layers of gauze and cotton, then pour into bottles and close the corks tightly. In a dark cool place, shelf life - up to 2 years. Fortress - 25-30 degrees.

Tincture "Drunk Grapes"

An exquisite recipe that requires a relatively large number of ingredients, but the result is worth the effort. Made on the basis of white grape varieties, preferably without bones.


  • white grapes - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400 grams;
  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • vanilla sugar - 30 grams;
  • lemon - 2 pieces;
  • cinnamon - 1 wand;
  • carnation - 8 pieces.


1. Mix into pans water with sugar (vanilla and usual), bring the mixture to a boil, then peel 3-5 minutes, removing the foam. The resulting sugar syrup is cooled to room temperature.

2. Remove the zest from lemons (upper yellow part of the peel) and grate it finely. It is very important not to hurt a white bitter flesh, otherwise the finished home tincture of grapes will be patterned.

3. Mix the zest, carnation and cinnamon. Pour the mixture with vodka, closed tightly with a lid and withstand at room temperature for 3-4 hours.

4. Fill the containers for insteading washed and dried grapes. From flavored vodka, remove cinnamon.

5. Pour vodka grapes, add sugar syrup and tightly close the lid.

6. Put the Bank for 2-3 months in a dark room with a temperature of 18-30 ° C.

7. Profiltrate the drink through the gauze and wool, then pour into bottles for storage and tightly close the plugs. In a dark cool place, the grape tincture can be kept for more than a year. Fortress - 20-25 degrees.

Grapes can be preserved in different ways, but I am addicted option for special cases. "Drunk grapes" I always canning for the winter. This recipe with vodka, although there is both wine.

The closing procedure of such a workpiece is very simple, so any hostess, even the most starting, it will master. When grapes in the season inexpensive, then buy it more and harm on original recipes.

To preserve grapes in vodka, any variety of berries will suit. I had grapes in color similar to the grade of "Isabella", and you use the one that you will get. There may be you relatives from the village bring a lot of blue grapes, and a wonderful billet will also come out of it. Such grapes I apply for hot drinks only for adults, and the children immediately warn you that this treat is not for them. For kids can be cooked.

Required products:

- 400 grams of grapes;
- 1 cinnamon stick;
- 3-5 pages of carnations;
- pinch of vanilla sugar;
- 150 grams of sugar sand;
- 200 grams of vodka.

In the bank, put the spice: carnation, cinnamon stick. These spices will be useful to you and make grapes fragrant and spicy.

Grapes separated from tassels and twigs.

I wash and fold into the bank.

Vodka pour out into a deep plate.

Sugar sand sugar, and then vanilla sugar and leave minutes to 30 so that the bulk was completely dissolved.

Then such a marinade fuel grapes in banks to the top.

Tightly clocked the jars and put in the basement until the winter.
Somewhere in 1-1.5 months, grapes in vodka will become truly "drunk." I have not tried better snacks and advise everyone! I often open jars with berries for New Year holidays, as guests come a lot and need to treat them something and amaze. For such special cases, I always have delicious drunk grapes!

Bon Appetite!
Also try to cook

Locating from grapes home - natural! Recipes of filling from grapes at home: with vodka, sugar or alcohol ...

Cooking liquor from grapes is much easier than wine. This drink will have to taste everything.

A large plus emphasis from grapes is that it is prepared without adding chemicals and yeast.

It turns out a natural drink, which also positively affects the cardiovascular system. Of course, if you use it moderately.

Locating from grapes at home - basic principles of cooking

For cooking, fragrant and sweet varieties are suitable for cooking from grapes, for example, Lydia or Isabella.

Rolled grapes are well washed, leave the glass all the moisture and remove the berries with the brushes, writing down the fallen. The berries of grapes are shifted into the prepared cylinder, fall asleep with sugar and closed with water shutter. The balloon is left warm about a month. The fermentation process must completely stop. Then the shutter is removed, and bottling is bottled, pre-filtered through the gauze. Tar with liquor tightly shapple and sends storage in cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe 1. Califer from grapes at home with vodka


  • two kilograms of grape berries;
  • sugar kilogram;
  • a little berry of ripe cherry;
  • liter of vodka.

Cooking method

1. Remove grape berries with a brush. Glass bottle are rinsed and dried. In the prepared container, lay out the layer of grapes, put several cherry berries and sprinkle sugar. Thus, lay the berries with layers until the capacity is filled. From above there must be a layer of sugar sand.

2. Pour the container with berries with vodka and close tightly with a lid. Leave a bottle warm. It is advisable to leave it on the windowsill, where the sun's rays fall. From time to time we shake the container so that the sugar completely dissolved. Inhapping liquor a month and a half. It is believed that the readiness of the liquid is determined by the color of the berries. If they are coarse - emphased.

3. After the allotted time, we try to pour on sugar. If the drink is acidic, add some sugar and leave for another three days. Then I filtered with a filter and pour on clean glass bottles. We tear up well and send it to storage in the cellar or another cool place.

Recipe 2. Califer from grape juice at home


  • liter of grape juice;
  • package of vanilla sugar;
  • liter of vodka;
  • three buds cloves;
  • three glasses of sugar;
  • chipping cinnamon.

Cooking method

1. Ripe grapes rinse, slightly dry and tear off the brush. Remove sheets and damaged fruits. We lay the berries in a deep bowl and slightly kneading them with your hands. Grind grapes using a blender in a puree. Put the grape mass in the gauze and squeeze the juice.

2. Pour grape juice into a clean, dry three-liter jar and mix it with a glass of sugar and vodka. We close the can with a lid, we are well scolding and leave in a dark cool place. Insist liquid over two weeks. After the allotted time, the liquor is filled with a layer of gauze.

3. Pour a glass of water into the sauceumer, we snatch the remaining sugar, mix until it is completely dissolved, and cook syrup. Enough to break three minutes from the moment of boiling. Constantly stirring so that it does not burn. Syrup remove from fire and completely cool.

4. In liquor, we add syrup from sugar, add spices and mix well. We prepare the bottles and pour liquor in them with the help of a funnel. Tar is tightly closed and leave in a cool place to final maturation. Inhabit a liquid at least ten days. After this time, it will be fully ready for use.

Recipe 3. Califer from grapes at home "Isabella" with spices


  • polikylogram of grapes of Isabella grapes;
  • third cinnamon sticks;
  • five art. l. Sugar with a slide;
  • four booton cloves;
  • 200 ml of boiled water;
  • one piece. cardamom;
  • half-liter vodka;
  • lemon.

Cooking method

1. We rinse and dry grapes. We break the berries with the brush.

2. The lemon is rinsed, rich and remove the zest from it with the help of the small grater.

3. Cook from sugar and water syrup and cool it to room temperature. We shift the prepared berries of grapes in container from the stack. We pour vodka and syrup, add spices. We close the capacitance of the caprochy lid, we scroll well and remove into the cool and dark place of the month for two.

3. After this time, you filter liquor and pour clean bottles in dry, clean bottles. Tightly clocked and send to the cellar. Drink is ready to eat.

Recipe 4. Califer from white grapes at home


  • white grape kilogram;
  • two lemon;
  • two chips of cumin, nutmeg and badyan;
  • eight clove buds;
  • boiled water - 50 ml;
  • cinnamon - two sticks;
  • vanillin - bag;
  • liter of vodka;
  • sugar - 400 g

Cooking method

1. We pour hot water into a thick-walled pan, sugar sugar and add vanillin. Cook, continuously stirring until the sugar sand crystals are completely dissolved. Do not allow caramelization!

2. Syrup cool to warm state and pour vodka into it. We rine lemons, wipe the napkin and remove the zest from them. We add it to the syrup with vodka. Here we put the chopped chopsticks, Badyan and other spices.

3. Capacity with syrup and spices Close the lid and leave. How much time to insist, depends on how much the bright taste of the spices you want to feel in the drink. Half an hour will be enough so that the spices in liquor felt only slightly. If you leave for a few hours, the spices will be felt better.

4. Filter spicy liquor. We rinse the grapes, remove the berries with the brushes and shift into the bottle. Pour grapes with spicy tincture under the throat. We insist the grape puffing about one and a half months.

5. After the allotted time, the liquor is filtered twice, try the drink to the fortress and sugar. If necessary, dilute with water or syrup. We leave for another two weeks. After that, we rinse again and pour into the prepared glass container.

Recipe 5. Locker from grapes at home "Isabella"


  • grapes Isabella - kilogram;
  • sugar sand is a glass.

Cooking method

1. Grape brushes well rinse. Separate berries from the twigs and put them in a deep bowl. Slightly pick them out with your hands and put it in a clean, dry three-liter jar. Capacity should be filled with berries by about two liters.

2. Pass sugar, shake well and close the throat of gauze. Leave the container in this form for a couple of days, and then close it with a water shutter. Wait until the fermentation process is completed. Pour the bottles in bottles and cover tightly.

3. Add sugar to the remaining grape mass. Its quantity must be at least 30% of the total mass. Fill boiled, cool water. The fluid should be as much as the emphasis came. Cover the water shutter and leave to wander at least a month.

Recipe 6. Locker from grapes at home on brandy


  • polkylogram of blue grapes;
  • 800 ml of filtered water;
  • half-liter brandy three stars;
  • four slices of apple drying;
  • vanilla stick;
  • glass of sugar sand;
  • four pepper peppers;
  • two twigs dried mint.

Cooking method

1. We rinse under the crane grape brushes and shift them into a saucepan, without removing the branches. We add here the vanilla wand, fragrant pepper, dried mint and apple drying. I fall asleep all with sugar and pour filtered water.

2. Put the saucepan on the stove and boil the syrup with grapes a quarter of an hour from the moment of boiling. We remove the saucepan from the fire, send it to the balcony and slightly cool. Glass jar of mine and dried. We transfix the warm syrup into the prepared container and completely cool. In the cold syrup we pour cognac. Close the lid.

3. We leave the pylon to appease for five days, periodically shacking it. Better if you insist it in the cellar or storage room. After the allotted time, fill with liquor through a sieve. We throw berries, they have already fulfilled their function. I spread the finished liquor on the bottles of glass, we sow and store in the cellar. We can treat guests with fragrant, delicious grape fuel.

Recipe 7. Locker from grapes at home without vodka


  • four kilograms of grapes;
  • liter of filtered water;
  • kilogram of sugar.

Cooking method

1. The sugar is poured into a thick-walled saucepan and poured it with filtered water. Send dishes on fire and boil five minutes from the moment of boiling. Constantly stirred and remove foam from the surface. Cool syrup to barely warm.

2. The grapes are washed under the crane, remove the berries with the brush, removing damaged and fractured fruit. Severed grape berries are shifted into a clean three-liter bottle and poured them with syrup. It should cover the berries for three centimeters.

3. Tied the throat of the tank of gauze and leave in the warm room on three days. As soon as the signs of fermentation appear, the gauze is removed, and the hydraulic was installed on the neck.

4. Paving is left in a warm place without access light for a month - one and a half. As soon as the fermentation process stops, filter liquor through the gauze and bottled on clean, dry glass bottles. Send to the container with a camp for storage in the cellar. The drink can be stored in such conditions up to three years.

Recipe 8. Locker from grapes at home on alcohol


  • kilogram of dark grapes;
  • carnation;
  • alcohol - half-liter;
  • drinking water - 100 ml;
  • polkilogram of sugar sand.

Cooking method

1. Brush grapes rinse under the crane. Slightly dry and remove the berries, removing dry and fractured fruit. Put the grapes in a bowl and break it with your hands. Place the prepared grapes in a three-liter bottle. Pull the berries with sugar and put the container into the place where the straight sunlight falls for several days. Shake the jar daily so that sugar is dissolved in grape juice.

2. Three or four days later, the mixture is filled with alcohol. Add two booton cloves into it. The jar is tightly close and place it in a warm, dark place for at least three weeks.

3. Pour a strain by gauze. Grape berries slightly disappear to extract juice from them completely. Well profile liquid and burst it into bottles. Berries of grapes do not throw out, you can cook jam or use for baking. Sealed bottles and store in a cool place, where the light does not come, at least six months.

Recipe 9. Locker from grapes at home with cinnamon


  • half-liter of food alcohol;
  • 300 ml of drinking water;
  • polkylogram of dark grapes;
  • three buds cloves;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick.

Cooking method

1. Ripe bunches of grapes rinse under the crane and dried. Berries separate from the ridges. Removed and damaged grapes delete. Lightly by grapes by grapes and put it in a clean glass jar. We fall asleep the berries with a part of sugar. Add spices and fill with alcohol.

2. Close the jar with a lid, we take carefully until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. We send the container to the cellar. We take a mixture every day.

3. A month later, the liquid from the cans is filtering and overflow into an enameled pan. We pour 300 ml of drinking water into the saucery, we fall asleep 300 g of sugar sand and cook syrup for five minutes after boiling. Completely cool it and pour into a saucepan with grape fluid. Mix well. Spill bottles on bottles, climb and take ten days in the cellar. Drink is ready to eat.

  • Before laying the grape berries in the container, they are recommended slightly foster to get more juice.
  • Do not open the container in the process of fermentation to eliminate the hitting of unwanted bacteria and oxygen.
  • If you add spices to liquor, do not insist it longer than three hours so that the spices do not interfere with the taste and fragrance of grapes.
  • Pouring liquor to store better in container from dark glass.
  • During insistence, be sure to periodically take the capacity so that the sediment is not formed at the bottom, and the sugar completely dissolved in grape juice.

Alcohol cooked from cereals, in terms of its qualities differs significantly from the product obtained from sugar-containing raw materials. Wheat or rye moonshine have a pleasant soft taste, light fragrance of fresh sprouts, some sweetness. And most importantly - they do not roll with their feet, as it happens with drinks made of sahane-containing ingredients.

Features of moonshine from rye raw materials

Rye is not a religious product as wheat or corn. However, it turns out an excellent whiskey. Why not try to cook it at home? For the manufacture of a good natural rye moonshine, you can use either natural grains or store flakes.

The rye contains from 55 to 70% starch, but it is extremely difficult to get it due to a certain protein-carbohydrate composition of raw materials. So, for the manufacture of moonshine, it will take carefully to recycle the grains - either to germinate, or grind on flour / fraction or carefully peel. It is this grain culture that lasts at least 3 hours. In order to get the same "single-beam whiskey", in the process of cooking, it is desirable to use not ready-made shopping drugs, and the malt is dried or green, obtained from germinated rye.

The factory manufacturer of alcohol from rye includes the following steps:

To get a decent result at home, you will need to repeat all these procedures.

Extraction of rye for malt milk

In germinating grains, substances are contained - enzymes that repeatedly speed up all processes that can be attributed to "digestion". That is, if we need to precipitate starch from the cereals, it can be done without enzymes, but everything will happen to them much faster.

To independently do malt, it will take 5-6 days and grain, collected at least 2 months ago (fresh not suitable). If the time does not expect, you can buy maltented or fresh malt. Also, ready-made enzymes "A" and "G". The recipe for germination is very simple:

  1. Machine grain in hot (+ 50 ° C) water.
  2. We lay it on a flat surface with a layer of no more than 2 grains.
  3. Cover the grains with a cloth impregnated with water.
  4. From time to time, we carry out and turn the grains, wet the cloth.
  5. On the 3rd day stop disturbing the grain, only irrigate the fabric (manual pulverizer, for example).

First you need to rinse grapes and cool in cold water. In the pan, pour sugar, pour 50 ml of hot water, also add vanilla sugar to prepare the fill. It is necessary to mix thoroughly to completely dissolve sugar in the solution. The resulting syrup is mixed with vodka, after complete cooling. To clean the lemons, you can use a special knife or grate the grater. Put in the bowl of the mined zest, carnation and cinnamon, pour vodka with syrup. After that, you need to launch at least fifteen minutes. After which you can remove cinnamon

To prepare for a selection, it is necessary to re-rinse grapes and cut off unnecessary twigs. The tail, which will remain should be about five millimeters long, can be less. After water procedures, berries thoroughly cut.

After the banks were prepared: sterilized, with a wide neck, in which the berries must be put before filling. After that, fill with flavored vodka jar to completely fill out and eventually close the lid until it stops. The duration of insistence is approximately two to three months. Drink can be used after readiness. Bon Appetit!

Secret from the chef

After you have eaten grapes, you can use flavored vodka for another recipe. For example, for the preparation of alcoholic beverages. The best option will be breeding its tonic. It is necessary to choose the correct proportions that will approach.