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How sometimes everyone lacks peace of mind. How much easier it would be to endure adversity if you learned to approach everything less emotionally and demandingly. Someone who knows how to control himself and looks calm no matter what happens is much more protected from negative consequences in his life than someone who is used to reacting too violently to everything. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to learn to be more calm and restrained than usual, or rather, become calmer. And this can be done at any age.

All diseases are caused by nerves

You can increasingly hear the phrase that all diseases are caused by nerves. Whether this is true, or just a simplified view of existing problems, does not matter. After all, in fact, it is how balanced a person is that can protect him not just from possible problems with psychological health, but also with physical health. Judge for yourself whether constant irritation, anger, hatred or breakdowns that end in screaming and scandals can have a beneficial effect on the psyche or the body as a whole.

In some cases, shouting out is the only way to relieve accumulated tension. But what is it like to hear this for those who are nearby, and the state of health after something like this leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is much safer not to bring yourself to such a state. And this can be helped not only by discussing problems as soon as they arise on the horizon, but also by taking a calmer attitude towards them.

Learn to let go

Not everything that people worry about is as dangerous and should cause anger and indignation as it seems at first glance. Of course, most will immediately remember a lot of reasons why they cannot be calm. Lack of money, problems in your personal life, difficulties at work, nervous atmosphere on TV, and a lot of other small and big troubles that poison life.

Of course, they are difficult to avoid. To do this you need to be patient and put in some effort. But who said that the speed of their resolution depends on how much a person is nervous and worried. Quite the contrary, the more irritated and indignant he is, the more difficult it is to concentrate and deal with what is preventing him from living. And sometimes it makes it impossible. Because in anger, people do not notice clues, do not hear reasonable advice, are unable to ask for help, they only torment themselves and those around them, wasting their strength and energy.

Our energy is not limitless, it requires careful treatment and time for recovery, and such strong emotions spend it very quickly. And there is no longer any strength left to analyze the available information and take certain actions. Therefore, remember, being calm is not only necessary to protect your health, but also to make it easier to solve the most difficult issues. And this must be realized.

Change your attitude towards what is happening

But even if you have a ready-made plan in hand on what you should do to be more calm, but not understanding what benefits it will bring, very soon you will give up on everything and everything will return to normal. As you know, success can be achieved only by understanding why you need to endure all the difficulties that will have to be overcome on the way to your goal.

It is impossible to turn into a reasonable and calm person in a click. Everyone has their own character, attitude to life and mental characteristics. Some people are more excitable, while others have been endowed by nature with a strong nervous system and are difficult to anger. And no one can change this. We can only change our attitude towards what is happening in our lives and look at it from a different angle.

When you feel ready to achieve your goal, you realize that you really need it, then it’s time to change. Until that happens, don't waste your time. Otherwise, you will give up even more, and you will decide once and for all that nothing can be changed. Few people endure unsuccessful attempts. They give strength to only a few and force them to try again and again until the desired result is achieved. Everyone else is not used to giving their best and retreats immediately after the first failure, and no longer strives to change their lives.

Determine what type of people you are, and choose the moment when you can become calmer, and not receive another argument that this is impossible, and life will not let you relax for a minute.

Take time for yourself

When you realize that you are ready, start by setting aside time for yourself when no one can disturb you. Even if it’s only 15 minutes a day, it should belong exclusively to you. Don't let anyone invade your personal space and distract you. Given the existing workload, think about what you need to do to protect yourself from calls, requests or conversations, what you need to say to others or where to go so that no one disturbs you. And try to ensure that these 15 minutes are not only 2-3 times a week, but daily. And over time, it is advisable to increase this time. Take this time for yourself. It seems that this is unattainable, but you can be alone with yourself when you listen to music, read a book or watch TV. You just need to learn to disconnect from external stimuli.

In addition, this will allow you to be distracted even at a time when the boss decided to vent his anger, and a passenger in a crowded transport or a driver in a neighboring car showed his upbringing, but it turned out to be below the plinth. In general, you need to train yourself not to pay attention to those who mean nothing in your life.

Make comments

There is no point in overreacting to rude behavior. It is enough to make a remark so that they do not become even more impudent from impunity, but do this only if they cannot harm you and really did it on purpose, and not out of stupidity.

Get rid of irritants

It is better to get rid of those who are not intelligent at all as quickly as possible. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try to evoke a feeling of peace, you cannot resist nature. And if someone or something really annoys you, there is one way: stop communicating and seeing each other, and do not watch such programs, do not read materials or narrow-minded and offensive comments.

Be sure to identify a list of irritants and start eliminating them from your life. Those that cannot be removed will have to be turned into something that will no longer have a negative effect.

Your reaction is your health!

Remember, not everything can be changed, but you can always change your attitude towards it. When someone is really annoying, imagine him in a stupid position, remember a funny story involving him or naked. Our dissatisfaction is often caused by the fact that we take everyone and everything too seriously. Bring some humor into your life. Laughter prolongs life.

Compared to real tragedies, the stupid behavior of another does not deserve attention at all. The same applies to lack of money and problems in relationships. After all, you should look for a way to correct the situation, and not use them as a reason for worry.

Constant thoughts that “Everything is lost Senya” will not resolve on their own, but you will waste time and the situation will become even more complicated. So get used to reacting to difficulties in life as a challenge that you are able to overcome once they arise, and not as an irritant.

The main thing is to believe!

Believe that you can do anything. It is unlikely that you would have survived to this day if you were absolutely helpless and unable to deal with any difficulties. This means you have no reason to be nervous. Show everything you are capable of, prove to yourself that you know how to be calm and collected when necessary, and everything else is too small and insignificant for you to continue to worry about any reason.

Also, don't try to solve all the world's problems. And be sure to sleep as much as you need; it’s better to stop watching TV series than to spend an extra hour sleeping. A tired nervous system is much more difficult to cope with stress. And, of course, engage in sports that give you pleasure, not forgetting about proper rest, which improves your mood. Haste and excessive stress are catalysts for poor and nervous health. Without proper rest, no nervous system, no matter how strong it is, will be able to cope with external stimuli.

Whatever you want to correct in yourself, the main thing is to understand why it is necessary. And then no one can stop you from achieving what you want. And having become much calmer than before, you will be surprised to notice how life around you no longer seems so nervous and difficult. You will find many things in it that will delight you and fill you with hope.

All successful and strong-willed people are calm, but how to become calm man, not everyone knows. A calm person knows how to listen, which allows him not only to make friends, but also to draw new sources of information, which will be useful in the future for creating new ideas for a successful life. A person’s strength does not lie in excessive courage, but in the ability to yield to a person, but at the same time always be on the alert.

How to become calm

  1. Learn to listen.

The first thing you need to do to become calm is to learn to listen to the other person, and not just talk. When you talk and don’t know how to listen to your interlocutor, you lose his trust, love and knowledge, which he could give you for free. Therefore, to be wise means to be calm and reserved.

  1. Destroy selfishness.

Every person is to one degree or another an egoist and so be calm As a human being, you need to fight your selfish tendencies every day. This is necessary in order to learn, develop and achieve success in life. Because by showing your selfishness, you will not be able to direct your energy in the right direction and will live your whole life without understanding the meaning of life.

How to become balanced

  1. Take up spiritual practice.

There are no magic techniques to become a balanced and calm person. Only hard training will help you become what you want. Nothing is given for nothing. Happy is the one who is born a calm and balanced person. The main thing is not to destroy this gift under the influence of the wrong environment, which forces you to be bolder and more talkative. We see so many talkative and brave people around us, and for some reason they all do not achieve any success in life. Only calm people are able to learn and succeed because they do not inflate their self-esteem.

Spiritual practices can be any, the main thing is that you like them and bring results. This could be yoga, church rituals and traditions, communication with pure and bright people who have wisdom and life experience. Read books by successful people, their biographies and you will see for yourself how modest and calm they were and remained, being already successful and rich.

How to stay calm in any situation

  1. Count to 100.

To keep calm in desperate situations, you just need to count to 100. This works when you are angry, when you need to make a quick decision, or simply when anxiety arises. Remember all our fears are an illusion of our imagination. We create pictures for ourselves of things that actually don’t exist. There is no objective reality; it changes as our thoughts, emotions, opinions, statements and knowledge change.

  1. Turn on calm, classical music or do your favorite activity.

To become a calm person, there are many methods, the best of them are: listen to your favorite music, preferably calm, do work that brings joy, or go for a walk to your favorite places. It is also important to leave a job you don’t like and do something you like. Since work takes up most of our lives, we need to carefully approach the issue of choosing a profession, business or hobby. Those people who do what they love get sick less often and do not experience nervous tension and anxiety.

Don’t waste your energy, health and nerves, even if your previous job pays more than the one you like. Since in the future all the money earned will have to be given to the treatment of diseases associated with nervous feelings and depression. Doctors say that 99.9% of all diseases are associated with stress, anxiety and other psychological disorders.

On how to become calmer - we offer excellent ways that will help you remain calm like a boa constrictor in any critical situation.

So, imagine the situation...

Morning. The alarm clock shows 7 am. You can barely open your eyes and curse the neighbors whose dog howled on the balcony for a good half of the night...

On the way to work, some asshole stepped on your foot on the bus, and some little girl accidentally spilled her coffee on you.

At work, every second client blew your mind with their complaints and complaints, and on the way home, the saleswoman in the store shortchanged you.

And while sitting comfortably on a soft sofa in a cozy living room, your husband accidentally dropped a plate of sandwiches onto the newly vacuumed carpet.

This is where Ostap got into trouble...

You not only told your husband everything you think about him, but also recalled all his mistakes over the last 3-5-10 years of married life.

And this is not the first such case.

You constantly lash out at your loved ones, blaming them for all mortal sins just because a complete stranger ruined your mood and you don’t feel like it anymore.

In such cases, you should not blame everyone, but you should think about how to become calmer!

After all, you must agree, why spoil your relationship with your beloved husband when you can come into harmony with your inner world.

How to become calmer - we work on ourselves

    Let's start setting goals for ourselves

    When you firmly decide to become a calm person, start working on yourself with.

    Tell yourself that calm is the most important feeling that you need to develop in yourself.

    And don’t wait: don’t wait for the weather by the sea, don’t wait for the right sign, but do it.

    Decided become calm- so start working on yourself today!

    Let's stop and breathe

    Remember that peace will not come to you right away, and will not even come in a few weeks.

    Becoming a calm person requires months and even years of training.

    And we will start training with breathing.

    When you feel that your anger and rage is propping up and asking to come out, do not rush to release it.

    Instead, close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths.

    Believe me, after just five such breaths, the desire to be hysterical and nervous will disappear by itself.

    Helping yourself become calmer through sports

    I’ll tell you straight, you should never suppress your anger.

    Suppressed emotions gradually accumulate and can spill out in a variety of ways: you throw a huge scandal, get sick or become covered with acne (hives, etc.)

    You don't need this, right?

    To avoid composting your relatives’ brains, sign up for boxing, karate, aikido or dancing.

    All these activities will help you throw out negative emotions and become calmer.

    Well, if you don’t have money for the gym (or you’re just greedy), then buy a dartboard, stick a photo of the evil one on it and throw as many darts at the hated person as you like.

    If sports relieve stress, then yoga helps you find peace of mind

    By signing up for dancing or boxing, you remove only those emotions that overwhelm you here and now.

    To become a truly calm person and not fuss about various nonsense, you should dig much deeper, and yoga will help in this difficult task.

    Regular yoga practice will not only help you become calmer, and will also develop flexibility and bring soul and body into harmony.

    If you don’t believe me, I’ll give you an example of my friend, let’s call her Christina.

    Kristya has always been a cleanser. An incorrect step is taken to the left or to the right - that’s it... execution))...

    And recently, her husband gave her a cute Persian cat for her birthday... She didn’t admire him for long)…

    When no one was home, the “nice cat” managed to scratch her expensive corner wardrobe :)

    Returning from work and seeing what had been done, Christina tore up...

    I don’t know what happened to the cat that evening, but my husband fell under the hot hand 100%.

    As a result, she realized that she was lashing out over little things at people who, in principle, were not to blame for anything.

    And without thinking twice, she signed up for yoga, started reading Buddhist literature and turned into a super calm person in a tank.

    Now, no matter what happens in Christina’s life, she always remains calm and unshakable, she stopped screaming and began speaking so quietly that her opponents have to listen to her with their mouths closed and not interrupt.

    So learn from the mistakes of others and know that shouting won’t help matters!

This is how you need to remain calm in any situation!

Watch and learn!

To summarize all of the above...

However, these methods are the most effective and efficient.

Of course, you can search the Internet for a million and one more ways to how to become calmer.

But I’ll tell you a secret, until you learn to stop and breathe, not a single piece of advice will help you.

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Health Psychology

How to be balanced?

Redundant experiences lead the body to diseases, first of all, you seem to be in a stressed, depressed state.

Therefore, you need to control your emotions, negative manifestations of feelings must also be eliminated from your behavior.
You need to strive in your behavior to balance and tranquility.. This is one of the principles healthy lifestyle.
Positive emotions and joy create a healthy beginning in the body. We need to strive for this and teach our children be balanced, calmly communicate without raised voices, without splashing out negativity on others.

Of course, positive emotions in a person prevail only when a person has a feeling of satisfaction with his environment, his loved ones, etc.
Any dissatisfaction contributes to the emergence of psychological imbalance in the soul. And it follows you along the path of life.

What to do in cases of imbalance? How to be balanced?

Folk methods of restoring health, the experience of psychologists say that you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Namely, there must be a healthy psychological beginning in all relationships.

After all, you can make a mountain out of a mountain into an elephant. This is what often happens when you encounter unbalanced people. So what is better, to be constantly explosive or to somehow improve your character?

It helps me when I analyze the situation. Let me find out for myself what makes me feel dissatisfied?

You need to outline some actions to get away from this state.

Correct it through action, through talking in kind tones with your relatives, if they create any problems for you. Balance is a sign of human culture. Therefore, be aware of this, use your mind and solve the issues in a calmer state towards the problem.

Eradicate negative character traits from your character, such as envy, greed, hatred, laziness. The more you cultivate such manifestations of character, the worse it will be for you.

And laziness needs to be driven out of life altogether; the more order there is around you, in life, in everyday life, in business, the more satisfaction will come to you. Therefore, organization is needed in all matters.

For me, for example, the highest spiritual state, joy, is given by a state when everything is placed on all the shelves, everything is ideal, everything is thought out. In everyday life, in relationships with loved ones, with friends. Bring joy and goodness to people, and all this will come back to you a hundredfold.

That is, you need to constantly work on yourself, improve yourself physically and spiritually. As a child, your parents do this; as an adult, you yourself must work on improving yourself. It is very important.

Don’t live by chance, the day has passed, how you lived it - everything is important, everything should be directed towards satisfaction with life.

So if you decide To be balanced in all cases of your life you should:

Incorporate common sense into your behavior.

To stop being nervous and having elevated tones in relationships with your family is only an excessive expenditure of vital energy.

If you are unable to earn a living for objective reasons (I have a lot of friends, acquaintances, excellent workers, professionals, excellent people in communication, in relation to their responsibilities, but there is no work) you should not despair. Transfer the point of support to your family.. Clean up the apartment, repair everything. Perhaps take up gardening, because many of you live in rural areas. In cities, the job situation is somewhat better. Shift your focus to your health, perhaps you need to improve it. Physical education and a healthy lifestyle are a huge layer of restoring your health. Think, seek, knock and “it will be opened to you.”

Will, if you have a bad state of mind, show will. Change your inner attitude towards those factors that rock your emotions and that you cannot change. Develop philosophical attitudes towards many inevitable events in life.

Be even and calm about your achievements and your failures. Both in life are lessons. Analyze and move forward.

Be restrained in your internal assessments of politicians and other people. They came to Earth to solve their problems. It is possible that they are deeply wrong from your point of view, but you cannot re-educate everyone, and you cannot change them. Therefore, correct the situation in your family. And let others think for themselves what to do in different situations.
Watch your mood, do not rejoice and do not worry beyond measure.

Be critical of your TV viewing and watch what balances you out. And eliminate from your life what annoys you. Great works of art elevate the soul, and the aggressive television series that now fill the screens of 50 channels (I have a Tricolor TV dish), alas, do not add health, intelligence, knowledge, or anything.

Get yourself a pet, they really help create joy in your soul. They are smart, affectionate, loyal, grateful. Most importantly, they will never offend you. My Barsik, for example, loves me to no end. And she’s so clever, the likes of which the world has never seen. Even when I remember him, I begin to smile sweetly, and quiet joy returns to my soul. And most importantly, this is a psychologist not only in relation to you, but also to your entire family. Everyone loves him and everyone is happy.

If you are engaged in creativity, then this is what you need to bring your state of mind to a balanced or elevated state. So keep looking.

In the previous post, I cited which herbs will help you achieve peace of mind. That's why. If you cannot get out of this state with the help of your will and common sense, use herbal medicine.

Perhaps the tips given in the post will help you maintain balance and stay healthy.

You need to understand that success and luck contribute to a balanced person. He looks more confident and evokes positive emotions in those around him. So strive for peace, and many things will change for the better in your life.

An unbalanced person is a person whose emotions are excessive, harsh, too intense and unrestrained. But the label “unbalanced” is not a death sentence. How to become a balanced person?

A person who is quick-tempered, irritable, aggressive and easily wounded, too sensitive, prone to panic, and tearful will also be called unbalanced. A person who laughs uncontrollably and has too much fun is also likely to appear unstable.

Thus, imbalance– an emotional deviation from a certain central point of internal balance, harmony of feelings and emotions, calm and tranquility.

An unbalanced person is in a state of permanent anxiety, irritability, dissatisfaction with himself and the world. As a result, there are Problems:

  1. Psychosomatic in nature. Due to the fact that stress hormones are constantly released into the body, unbalanced people are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, migraines, baldness, allergies, and stomach problems.
  2. Constant quarrels and conflicts both at home and at work. As a result, trust disappears, the situation becomes uncomfortable and constantly tense.
  3. Reduced efficiency of any activity and quality of life in general. An unbalanced person cannot concentrate on tasks and goals, being at the mercy of emotions and experiences.

An unbalanced person does not control the situation and cannot cope with himself, he is controlled by emotions, but a balanced person himself controls his emotions, controls them through will and reason.

Besides, a balanced person is distinguished by the following features:

It is impossible to constantly remain in a calm and detached state; most often, both calm poise and explosive emotions are temporary and situational phenomena.

A person whose main character trait is balance, who manages to remain calm most of the time, seems cool-blooded to others. He really has everything smooth inside, so he doesn’t care what happens outside, he remains impartial in almost any situation.

You need to understand that the desire to constantly remain unperturbed, regardless of the situation, is fraught with the fact that along with negative experiences, positive emotions and feelings will disappear.

Thus, equilibrium- this is not a constant stay in a state of detachment and composure, it is the ability to find a “golden mean” between cold emotional impartiality and ardor, that is, the ability to control one’s emotions.

How to stay calm in a stressful situation

Staying balanced in a calm environment is not difficult, but situations where it is difficult to control yourself are another matter. To become a balanced person, you need to learn to react calmly, think soberly and act wisely in non-standard, exciting, stressful situations. So you need to learn self-control and awareness.

When a stressful situation has arisen, need to:

  1. Realize what exactly is happening, feel and name the emotions that arise. For example: “A quarrel is brewing, I’m angry.”
  2. Collect all will and restraint from impulsive action. Tell yourself: “I can handle anger. I control her, not she controls me.” You can also recall Carlson’s phrase “Calm! Just calm!”, which, among other things, will distract and add a positive note.
  3. Think how significant will be what is happening now in an hour, a day, a year. It is much easier to destroy than to build, and a word spoken or an action taken in the heat of the moment cannot be taken back or “replayed.”

The three steps described should help reduce the intensity of emotions, balance experiences in order to approach the problem intelligently and make the right decision.

There are also special technology, capable of balancing the psyche during an unpleasant situation:

Of course, there are no universal methods. The “Resource State” technique can be used in crowded transport, but when communicating with the boss, “flying in the clouds” is unacceptable; in this case, “Outside View” and “Transformation of Reality” are better suited.

How to achieve mental balance

In order for balance to become a habit and turn into a character trait, you will have to work on yourself.

A good place to start would be to introspection:

  1. Observe yourself for a week or two and note what irritates you.
  2. Make a list of irritating factors, starting from the corner of the chest of drawers (which you always hit with your foot), ending with your own negative character traits and people with whom you should not communicate.
  3. Think about how to eliminate these irritants or how to learn to remain balanced when in contact with them.
  4. Take proactive action.

Any work to improve life begins with internal transformations. So, to become a balanced person you need develop such qualities in yourself:

  • rational thinking,
  • determination,
  • responsibility,
  • organization,
  • punctuality,
  • self-control
  • self confidence,
  • reflection (it is better to retell a stressful situation not to friends, but to yourself).

The following will help you stay balanced throughout the day: actions and conditions:

  • keeping the daily routine,
  • alternation of mental and physical labor,
  • giving up bad habits (alcohol especially “shatters” the psyche),
  • limiting the flow of negative information,
  • use of anti-stress techniques,
  • communication with positive-minded people,
  • interior in calm colors (blue, green, light yellow, light brown colors balance the psyche),
  • the presence of living plants and animals in the room,
  • walks in the open air,
  • proper rest and sleep.

Of course, there are people who, due to their innate characteristics, are more balanced than others, but in general, the ability to remain calm is formed like any other skill.

It is important to accept your emotional reactions as given, because they are natural. Even the calmest and most reserved person can one day become seriously angry and flare up, but the hottest and most explosive person can learn to restrain himself and remain calm.