Is it possible to immediately remove the biscuit from the oven? How to bake a tall fluffy sponge cake

To prepare the sponge cake we need flour, sugar and eggs.

Mold for diameter – 20 cm (or square 18x18).

Note: in some recipes, instead of 120 g of flour, 100 g of flour and 20 g of starch are used. Biscuits with starch fall less when baking, but crumble more when cutting and are less plastic. This means they are not suitable for rolls.

Real biscuit dough does not require any additional leavening agents (such as soda, dough leavening agents, yeast, etc.).

The quality of the biscuit dough and the future biscuit depends on the freshness of the eggs. The fresher the eggs, the fluffier and better quality the biscuit will be. To determine whether they are fresh, you need to break and pour one egg onto a saucer. It is fresh if the yolk stands out like a high dome, and the white hugs it, and only a small amount of liquid spreads across the saucer from the main mass of the white.

For clarity, I photographed two eggs.

The one on the left was demolished by a chicken just a few hours ago. The one on the right was in the refrigerator for a week. Do you see the difference? In the first, the white is gathered around the yolk, and in the second, it spreads over the dish. The first egg is suitable for sponge cake, and the second is suitable only for scrambled eggs.

Separate the whites from the yolks. It is important to do this so that even small drops of yolks do not get into the whites, otherwise the whites will not beat well.

Beat the yolks with 2/3 of the sugar until a light, homogeneous mass is obtained.

You can stop when the grains of sugar disappear from the mixture and it becomes white and foamy. At my mixer speed it takes me 6 minutes.

Beat the whites.

The container for whipping egg whites must be completely clean, without traces of fat, otherwise the whites will not beat well. You need to beat the whites until a stable foam is obtained. If the dough contains too small bubbles, it will shrink during baking. If the whites are not whipped well, they need to be cooled, add a little salt, citric acid or a few drops of vinegar. It takes me 5 minutes to beat the egg whites.

Add the remaining sugar to the whites and beat until shiny (about 1 minute).

Mix the egg white and yolk mixtures together. This should be done quickly, not in a circular motion, but by lifting it layer by layer so that a sufficient number of air bubbles remain in the dough.

Add the sifted flour and mix gently but quickly from bottom to top.

Quickly pour the finished dough into prepared forms or onto a baking sheet and bake immediately, otherwise air bubbles will evaporate from it, and the sponge cake will lose its taste and tenderness.

It is convenient to bake the sponge cake in a springform pan, the bottom of which needs to be greased or lined with baking paper. You should not grease the side walls of a pan with a non-stick coating, otherwise the dough will rise only in the center of the pan when baking. If you are using a mold without a non-stick coating, then the walls of the mold can be greased with oil.

Bake the biscuit over even medium heat. The oven should be preheated 10 minutes before placing the dough items in it. You should not put the biscuit in a hot oven, as a hard crust may immediately form on the surface of the product, the biscuit will burn on the outside, but will not bake from the inside. For baking, the optimal temperature is 200 degrees and a time of 20-25 minutes.

During baking, especially in the first 15-20 minutes, the sponge cake should not be shaken, as it may settle and not bake.

Readiness is determined using a wooden skewer or toothpick.

The baked biscuit should be left in the open oven for a while so that it does not fall off. If you immediately take it out into the cold, it may settle.

The average height of the finished sponge cake should be approximately 4.5 cm.

The finished sponge cake is easily separated from the walls of the mold; when pressed with a finger, the dimple quickly levels out, the top crust of the sponge cake is golden in color. If you place the finished sponge cake on a damp, cold towel, it will be easier to remove it from the mold.

Tip: a freshly baked sponge cake does not cut well and is poorly soaked in syrup, so it is recommended to let it sit for about a day after baking, or at least for at least 8 hours. To prevent it from drying out, you need to wait until the biscuit has cooled completely and wrap it in film.

Tip: the finished biscuit can be frozen. To minimize labor costs when preparing for major holidays (Birthdays, New Year, etc.), it is best to prepare the sponge cake in advance and store it in the freezer. After defrosting at room temperature, it tastes no different from freshly prepared.

Bon appetit!

Biscuit is a capricious pastry. But biscuit dough can be “tamed” if you understand the main principles of its preparation:

  • beat the eggs and sugar well - this is it,
  • carefully add flour - two,
  • set the correct temperature - three.

In this article we will analyze the main mistakes due to which the sponge cake does not turn out fluffy and beautiful. If you have already encountered any of them, do not despair! Even experienced confectioners have misfires. The main photo shows the recipe, one of the most successful and simplest (follow the link to see the step-by-step guide). And if it’s more convenient to watch, welcome to my YouTube channel

Why does the biscuit settle in the oven?

So, you look into the oven through the glass and your soul sings: the sponge cake is fluffy, rosy, the pleasant smell intoxicates you and makes you quickly get the desired baked goods. Do not hurry! Start checking the readiness of the biscuit after at least 20-25 minutes have passed. If you open the door ahead of time, the dough will settle and will not rise again.

What happens in the oven? As soon as the airy dough enters the hot air, its walls begin to bake/fix and thus retain air inside. According to the laws of physics, air molecules expand during heating. We clearly see this when we look inside the oven through the glass. But if you sharply lower the temperature in the oven, according to the same laws of physics, the air in the dough will “compress”, and the dough will settle after it. In this case, the walls of the dough molecules will break due to sudden air movements, lose their shape, and even after the temperature in the oven is restored, they will not be able to return to their former volumes.

On the picture: . One of the site’s popular recipes (a step-by-step cooking guide can be found at the link)

The next reason for the biscuit dough to settle in the oven is that the proportions of the products are incorrect (not enough flour). To avoid this mistake, weigh everything on a kitchen scale. They are inexpensive, but believe me, they will save a lot of nerves, time and products in your kitchen!

One last tip: prepare your cake pan properly. I grease it with a piece of butter, then dust it with flour, shaking off the excess: I get a thin flour layer on the entire inner surface. What does this do during the baking process? The dough rises evenly in the oven, “clinging” to the walls of the mold. If the walls are too slippery, it will slide down. Therefore, I do not recommend greasing only with oil; be sure to dust the mold on top of the oil with flour.

why the sponge cake is not baked inside: it turns out sticky and not airy

The main reason for this failure is poorly beaten eggs, so the biscuit dough is of the wrong consistency. Beat the eggs with sugar into a fluffy white foam until the mass increases 2-3 times. A powerful mixer will help you do this correctly.

Mix the flour in small portions, using a spatula (not a mixer). Make sure the dough is homogeneous so that there are no lumps in the dough. Using a mixer will ruin the whole thing: the air will dissipate from the dough, and the structure of the sponge cake will turn out incorrect: sticky, too dense.

Another reason for a sponge cake to become sticky is too high a temperature in the oven. If the top is golden brown and delicious, but the inside of the dough is sticky and raw, then you have set the temperature too high.

Bake the dough at 180 C.

Why does the biscuit turn out too dense and rubbery?

The cakes will be too dense if the proportions of the ingredients in the dough are incorrect (too much flour has been added). Follow the recipe strictly!

In some cases, housewives deliberately want to bake dense sponge cakes; for this, additional starch is added to the flour.

why does biscuit smell like eggs?

So, your sponge cake was a success: airy, fluffy... in a word, gorgeous! But after taking a sample, you are upset by the obsessive smell of eggs. Personally, I never feel this taste/smell, but some, especially sensitive individuals, get so upset that they cannot even bite off a piece.

Note: you can prepare it using sponge cakes (recipe at the link).

Yes, you can’t bake a sponge cake without eggs; the recipe requires a large amount of them, so all that remains is to flavor the dough with lemon zest or vanilla extract. As a rule, this works; the finished baked goods are aromatic and without unnecessary aftertaste.

In addition, removing the top film on the egg yolks also helps. If this kind of jewelry work doesn’t scare you, go for it! Remove the film and knead the biscuit dough!

There is an opinion that eggs from village hens are much more “fragrant” than store-bought ones. But, again, I often use these eggs for recipes and don’t notice any aftertaste.

Baking soda in the dough can enhance the smell of eggs. Therefore, replace it with baking powder. Although the classic sponge cake does not require the addition of soda or baking powder. If you have prepared the dough correctly, the sponge cake will rise in the oven due to well-beaten eggs and sugar.

Why doesn't the biscuit rise in the oven?

Biscuit dough is 50% air. This airy structure is achieved by vigorously beating eggs and sugar. It doesn’t matter what you use to beat: with a hand mixer, in a planetary mixer, in a stationary or some other device - achieve an increase in mass by 2-3 times. Eggs with sugar should increase in volume and become lighter. Some recipes call for beating the egg whites and yolks separately to help make the process easier. If you have a powerful mixer, it is absolutely not necessary to separate the whites from the yolks.

In the photo you can see how light and airy the mixture of eggs and sugar is.

So, we added air to the dough by whisking. Now you need to carefully add the flour without losing the accumulated air in the dough. Therefore, mix the flour in small parts, carefully, using a spoon (no mixer). Make “pick-up” movements from bottom to top, not clockwise.

If you add flour to the dough using a mixer, the foamy mass will settle and the result will disappoint you.

The biscuit dough should not sit for long before baking. Otherwise, the air will partially evaporate, and this will affect the result. Therefore, preheat the oven in advance and place the pan with the dough in the hot oven immediately after kneading.

When baking: do not slam the door back and forth; sudden changes in temperature will cause the dough to collapse.

Why does the biscuit turn out dry?

Some housewives leave the freshly baked cake inside the oven to cool (while opening the door). This is motivated by the fact that this way the biscuit is spared from sudden temperature changes and it definitely will not settle after baking. In reality, you can't do that. To protect the cake from sudden changes in temperature, just keep it in the oven for 10-15 minutes, and then you must take it out and continue to cool on a wire rack at room temperature.

If the cake is left in the oven until it cools completely, it will lose a lot of moisture and become dry and hard.

why is the biscuit hard?

The reason is the same as in the previous paragraph (you cannot leave it in the oven until it cools completely).

Why does it settle after baking?

This happens if you don't bake a sponge cake. The dough did not have enough time for the walls holding the air inside to harden. Being not yet strong enough, with a sharp drop in temperature, the air in the dough is compressed, and the partitions immediately break. The cake goes from tall and fluffy to flat and ugly.

Baking in the photo. You can view the detailed recipe by following the link. The peculiarity of this cake is that it does not require impregnation.

Another reason for the sudden collapse of a sponge cake after baking is a sudden temperature change. Some recipes suggest keeping the cake inside with the door open for a few minutes (6-10) after turning off the oven, and only then take it out completely and then cool it at room temperature. I don’t use this advice in my recipes, because I’m fine with the fact that the sponge cake settles a little after being removed from the oven (as a rule, if the cake is finished baking, the settling is insignificant).

Why does the biscuit turn out mounded in the middle?

This happens if the temperature in the oven is too high. The top of the cake looks beautiful, but inside the dough is raw: it boils, seethes and “asks” to come out. Therefore, it turns out that the dough, which has already had time to bake, breaks and sometimes even flows out of the center of the biscuit. The cake looks cracked, with a volcano in the middle. To avoid mistakes, do not set the temperature above 180 C. In addition, be sure to test your oven to ensure that the actual temperature matches the sensor readings. To do this, it is convenient to use a special oven thermometer. If there are no such devices, experimentally select the appropriate temperature for baking biscuits.

Some soda biscuits always have a raised surface (for example, “Chocolate one-two-three”), regardless of the temperature. Therefore, housewives cut off this top with a knife.

Don't be discouraged if the biscuit doesn't turn out right the first time! Dough requires certain skills that will definitely develop with experience. Wish you luck!

If you have any questions, be sure to ask, I welcome feedback!

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Biscuit dough is one of the most common and easiest to prepare. It would seem that even a child can do it, all you need to do is mix flour, sugar and eggs, put it in the oven, and here it is, fluffy and fragrant. If you want to assemble a cake, you want to roll rolls. In fact, everything is approximately like this. But incidents often happen to it - it rises poorly, falls off after baking, or crumbles too much. To avoid all this, check out some rules and tricks of sponge dough.

  1. The biscuit is made from sugar, flour and eggs in a ratio of 1:1:2
  2. Use large eggs at room temperature. The biscuit does not use soda; the fluffy porous structure is achieved by whipping the whites into a strong foam. Logically, large eggs have more protein.
  3. Bake the sponge cake only in an oven preheated to 180°.
  4. The baking dish must be greased with butter, but not all of it. Only the bottom and walls no more than 1 cm in height are greased, otherwise the walls of the biscuit will not be able to rise, but the middle will rise, the biscuit will not be even and may crack. After the mold is greased, you need to make a “French shirt” - dust the mold with a thin layer of flour, turn the mold over and shake out the excess flour.
  5. Up to 25% of flour can be replaced with potato starch. Starch will retain moisture, the biscuit will not dry out and will crumble less.
  6. During the first 10-15 minutes of baking, do not open the oven or move the pans. Baking time depends on the thickness of the dough. If you are preparing cake layers with a height of 3-4 cm, the baking time will be 40-50 minutes. If you are preparing a roll (about 1 cm thick) - 10-15 minutes.
  7. To prevent the biscuit from falling off, it is cooled in the molds. Then turn it over onto a wire rack so that the biscuit cools evenly on all sides.
  8. After the finished biscuit has cooled, it can be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator overnight. This way the moisture inside the biscuit will be evenly distributed, the biscuit will not crumble, it can be cut into several cake layers, and its taste will become much better.
  9. There are 2 ways to prepare sponge cake - cold and hot. When it is cold, it is necessary to separate the whites from the yolks; when it is hot, this is not necessary. If you suddenly decide to prepare a sponge cake using a cold method, but when separating the whites from the yolks, a drop of yolk gets into the whites, do not rush to throw it away. Prepare the sponge cake hot.
  10. When preparing sponge cake, we use a mixer only to beat the whites and yolks. Then the mixer must be removed. You need to stir the flour into the yolk mixture and add the whites with a wooden or silicone spatula, stirring not in a circle, but from top to bottom. This way we will mix all the ingredients and maintain the porous structure of the dough.

How to make a sponge cake hot and cold


  • 6 fresh large eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 180 grams of sugar.

Cold way

Step 1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with half the sugar for 5-8 minutes. The mass should increase 3 times, become almost white and hold its shape for 10 seconds.

Step 2. In a clean, dry, fat-free bowl, beat the egg whites with clean, dry whisks until the mass increases 3-5 times. Add the remaining sugar in a thin stream and beat until sharp peaks form.

Step 3. Mix the beaten yolks and a third of the whipped whites with a silicone spatula from bottom to top; there is no need to stir for long.

Step 4. Add flour in a thin stream and continue stirring from top to bottom until the flour is combined with the mixture. Not longer.

Step 5. Add the remaining whites and mix gently from bottom to top again, literally for a few seconds.

Step 6. Fill the greased molds 2/3 full and place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. We check readiness with a wooden skewer; it should be dry.

Hot way

Step 1. In a water bath, beat the eggs (both whites and yolks) until they warm up to 40-50 degrees.

Step 2. Continuing to beat with a mixer, remove the eggs from the bath, add sugar in a thin stream, beat until the mixture cools to room temperature and increases 2-3 times.

Step 3. Pour flour into the mixture and use a wooden spatula to knead the mixture from bottom to top.

Step 4. Pour into molds to fill 2/3 of the volume and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Housewives often encounter such a nuisance as a sponge cake settling after baking. You can find out why this happens from the article. Let's look at the common causes of settling and how to bake a fluffy sponge cake.

Possible causes of subsidence

To get a lush dessert, you need to know not only the tricks of its preparation, but also possible mistakes in the process of preparing the sponge cake.

Poorly beaten egg whites

This error is considered the most common and main reason for the biscuit to settle. It is quite simple to explain such a mistake. The dough is almost half air. Protein molecules are able to hold it, because when whipped, they combine with oxygen, due to which they coagulate with it. This structure is maintained for a long time.

If you add poorly beaten egg whites to the dough, the sponge cake will become active and rise when heated. But the protein does not have a strong enough structure to retain air after a sharp drop in temperature. Therefore, a sponge cake containing insufficiently beaten whites inside will quickly collapse when removed from the oven.

Mixing ingredients too intensively

Whipped yolks and whites must be mixed very carefully and portionwise with the dry ingredients (flour, starch, baking powder, sugar). If you do this very quickly, the air will escape from the dough, which will lead to falling even before immersion in the oven.

Incorrect temperature

It is forbidden to place the dough in a very hot oven. Even with proper beating and mixing of the ingredients, it will not be possible to save the sponge cake from settling if you bake it at a temperature of more than 180 degrees. An incorrect setting may result in protein molecules not being able to connect with air and retain it when moving the sponge cake out of the oven.

Work breaks

When preparing a biscuit, it is strictly forbidden to be distracted by anything or take breaks, because every minute counts. You should not be distracted by telephone conversations, watching TV, leaving already beaten egg whites, prepared dough or a preheated oven. Such pauses can cause the dough to settle.

Wrong recipe

You can often come across recipes online that were invented on the fly. It would seem that you strictly follow the instructions, but the product still settles. In this case, it is better to seek help from friends or housewives on the forums - they will suggest a recipe that has been tested through personal experience more than once.

Oven door opened at the wrong time

Such a seemingly harmless action can instantly reduce all efforts to a minimum. Due to the temperature failure, the sponge cake will not take a fluffy, but a lowered shape, becoming like a flat pancake.

Wet dishes

Utensils are important when preparing biscuits. Thus, it is undesirable to use wet dishes when beating eggs and preparing dough - water affects the quality of the dough, which can cause it to settle. The dishes must be dry. It is better to first cover the pan with parchment paper for baking, then there will be no problems with separating the finished cake from the walls of the dish.

Spoiled biscuit: problems and their solutions

It is not always possible to save a spoiled biscuit, but with some mistakes there are ways to solve them. Therefore, you should focus on possible problems - this will help eliminate them in the future:

  1. Egg whites don't whip well. This may be due to the fact that the yolk got into them, then you will have to start again. Perhaps the hostess added the sugar too early. It is recommended to beat the product in a water bath.
  2. The biscuit does not rise. Most likely, the ingredients were poorly mixed or the finished dough was mixed for a very long time. Often the reason is that there is a lot of flour in the dough or it was sprinkled by eye, the dough was sent to an unheated oven. You cannot knead the dough for a long time, leave it, or put it in a cold oven.
  3. The biscuit is not baked. This happens most often due to too high or low temperature. At high temperatures, the biscuit turns out raw inside, and the crust becomes crispy; at low temperatures - the cake is low and light.
  4. The biscuit is difficult to remove from the mold. The reason for this problem lies in the fact that a lot of sugar was added to the dough, the mold has an uneven surface, or it was not previously sprinkled with flour, but only greased with butter.
  5. The biscuit has sagged after baking. He just didn't have time to bake.
  6. The biscuit has settled in the oven. A common reason, common when working with the test for the first time. This happens due to the fact that the temperature in the oven is incorrect, or rather, the temperature is high.
  7. When cutting, the biscuit crumbles. This problem occurs due to a dull knife or too much starch in the dough.

Making a fluffy sponge cake

There are several secrets to making a fluffy sponge cake after taking it out of the oven. It is necessary to follow some rules, and the baked goods will turn out not only beautiful, but also tasty:

  1. Prepare the baking dish correctly. The procedure is performed as follows:
  • grease the bottom of the mold with butter;
  • cover with parchment paper;
  • grease the paper with a thin layer of oil;
  • put the mold in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes;
  • pour the prepared dough into the cooled pan;
  • Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  1. Preserve the splendor of the dessert shape. Starch is used at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 cup flour. Mix it with all dry ingredients.
  2. Beat the whites correctly. They should transform into a strong and stable foam. In order for the process to work, it is necessary:
  • make sure the eggs are fresh;
  • choose a large product - it contains more protein;
  • use only dry dishes for whipping;
  • Cool the whites before beating;
  • beat the product for 5-10 minutes.
  1. Add whites gradually. This is a very responsible process. Whipped whites need to be introduced into the dough gradually - a few spoons at a time. Gently mix them into the flour using a wooden or silicone spatula.
  2. Mix ingredients correctly. It is advisable to mix products not in a circle, but from top to bottom. This will keep the air bubbles inside the dough and prevent the finished biscuit from settling.
  3. Maintain temperature conditions. Bake the biscuit at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, then turn up to 150 degrees.
  4. Do not open the oven door. The biscuit is baked for 20-30 minutes. During this time the oven must not be opened.
  5. Check product readiness. In order to avoid problems at the very last moment, it is advisable to check the readiness of the biscuit. To do this, use a spatula: lightly press on the surface of the biscuit. If it springs, the product is ready. But using a toothpick is extremely undesirable, because through even a small hole left by it, all the air will escape from the biscuit, which will lead to its settling.

  1. Don't let the biscuit lose its shape. After removing the product from the oven, place the pan on a damp towel for 3-5 minutes. This is necessary for further removal of the biscuit without sticking to the walls. You cannot wait for the product to cool completely. To ensure that the biscuit remains fluffy, it is transferred to a dish while hot.
  2. Use dry flour. To prepare the biscuit, dry flour is used, which is checked as follows:
  • pour a little product into your palm and make a fist;
  • open your palm.

If the flour remains loose, it is dry. When lumps appear on your hand, this indicates that the flour is wet and is not suitable for sponge cake.

  1. No distractions. While preparing the biscuit, you should not be distracted by extraneous things. The work must be organized: preheat the oven on time, do not leave the dough, do not shake it, do not forget to grease the mold with butter, etc.

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to preparing the biscuit, try to avoid mistakes, and carefully follow all the rules so that the product turns out fluffy and does not settle. Making a sponge cake is a responsible process, and even if it didn’t work out the first time, next time you will be able to make a delicious cake from the prepared dough.

Why do baked goods sag after baking? This question is always relevant for housewives. Those few who have all kinds of biscuit cupcakes remain safe and sound and delight with both taste and appearance, in the culinary world most people associate with magicians - since sometimes even the most “secret ingredients” and “tricks” do not help.

Despite everything, the situation is not as hopeless as it may seem. This is not the time to despair! And the question of why baked goods settle after baking also has its own answer. In this article we will look at why this can happen and how to avoid it.

There was an error in the calculations

In fact, it is very important to consider where exactly the mistake was made, why the baked goods sag after baking: perhaps you are sinning in the oven, but the gap was made even before the raw dough, preparing to become fluffy and with a crispy crust, was there placed.

Be careful with the dough!

Reason number one: the dough was accidentally shaken. Under no circumstances should you slam the door sharply when preparing delicate dishes such as sponge cakes, cakes or pies. You need to carry the dough extremely carefully and carefully - only thanks to this attitude it eventually “rises” and pleases the hostess and her loved ones with taste, aroma and texture.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

Reason number two: the oven was opened too early. Any baked goods should stand for at least ten to twenty minutes. Some - even more (follow the recipe). But in any case, in order not to ask once again why the cake settles after baking, for the love of God, you don’t need to immediately look into the oven as soon as you put it there. No, not even to watch “how he rises.” After all, it is precisely because of this rash act that a miracle will not happen.

Piping hot

Reason number three: the oven was not warmed up enough. It is recommended to preheat the oven in advance so that after the baked goods are taken out of it, they will be piping hot. Insufficient temperature may well be the reason why the cake sag after baking. If the problem manifests itself systematically, maybe it’s worth checking the equipment?

Will diligence and labor grind everything down?

Reason number four: whipping too long with a mixer. Housewives who do not have this important attribute in the kitchen envy those who own it with not white envy. After all, you have to beat it manually: with a whisk, or even with a fork. But perhaps they were luckier in some ways? After all, a mixer can also be the reason why a sponge cake settles after baking? Or not a sponge cake, but a birthday cake, which everyone was so hoping for, and for which it is so offensive. The secret is that everything needs to be in moderation: beat enough so that the dough is airy, but not so long that it “falls” from shock.

Mathematical proportionality - time to brainstorm

Reason number five: the proportions of the test components were violated. If too much flour or, on the contrary, liquid was initially added to the dough, it will not rise as the hostess wants. Beginners are advised to make the mixture exclusively according to the recipe, while more advanced ones should act almost intuitively, on a whim, selecting the amount of certain elements of the composition. In any case, this reason is a very clear example of how baked goods can be spoiled long before they are put into the oven.

Cooking correctly

Below are listed and described in detail the reasons why bread sag after baking and pies fall:

What to do?

It is worth saying that sometimes preventing the mistakes described above does not help. And women clutch their heads, not knowing how to impress guests, family and friends with their cooking. Fortunately, all the secrets are freely available and are presented just below:

  • Don't forget to sift the flour before adding it to the dough. It's a simple thing, but very useful. Airiness is guaranteed;
  • optimality - in everything! Including the temperature of the water for breeding yeast in it. It should be exactly like that of a person bursting with health - thirty-six. Too cold a liquid will make you wait a long time until the dough deigns to “rise”, and a hot liquid will not only spoil the whole miracle of “rising”, but can even lead to spoilage of the product;
  • Dishes - dry only! This is especially true for the one in which the whites will be beaten. One more note about this painstaking process: it is important to accurately separate the yolks from the whites. There are several ways to do this, including separating by hand, using a paper funnel, or using a knife or needles;
  • intuition is intuition, and clear instructions are drawn up for a reason. If the recipe specifies an exact baking time, time it! Fortunately, stopwatches are not uncommon now. Otherwise, don’t ask why the cake sag after baking, but “enjoy” what has fallen. By the way, this also applies to temperature regulation: sometimes it is necessary during the baking process. Well, setting the required value at the beginning of cooking is a sacred task for servants of the culinary art;
  • follow the sequence of actions. Remember how in "Harry Potter"? In order for the potion to turn out correctly, it is necessary not only to add all the ingredients, but in the correct order, and also to stir the exact number of times in a strictly indicated direction. Likewise, baking has its own secrets. For example, that soda cannot be extinguished separately from the dough, and even more so in advance. This is done directly together with the other ingredients, and is explained by the fact that the fluffiness should be achieved through gases, and if the product is not quenched in the dough, some of them (most of them) will simply evaporate.

Is it the cottage cheese?

Why does cottage cheese casserole settle after baking? What prevents it from remaining airy and light, melting in your mouth?

The point, of course, is not the cottage cheese. And for such a dessert, loved by both gourmets and ladies on a diet who care primarily about their figure, there are several ways to avoid settling. They are all based on cooking techniques.


Firstly, you should remember this rule once and for all: do not remove the baked goods immediately! Yes, this reason has already been indicated, but even experienced housewives “get caught” so often that it’s not a sin to remind you again. Temperature changes are a serious matter. When asked why the charlotte settles after baking, a cupcake or the same casserole - most likely, this was the problem. Sometimes it’s not even that the baked goods were taken out - the dough most likely fell out the moment the oven door was opened. So you can’t even peek or even “look”!


If the cottage cheese casserole falls every now and then and there is no sweetness with it, you can experiment with the composition. There are many means to add fluffiness to culinary products: from soda slaked with vinegar/citric acid, etc., which was used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, to baking powder, helpfully supplied to the market by many manufacturers and sold at every kiosk. Essentially, of course, it will most likely contain the same soda and the same citric acid. But if the housewife is used to trusting purchased products, why not? After all, they also work. In addition, there is definitely less hassle with them. There is no need to think about at what point to add and how to “extinguish” the baking powder. He will do everything himself.

Both baking soda and baking powder are an option for the most persistent, but it is very important to remember that it is important not to overdo it with these products. After all, in the end, the baked goods will not only fall, but will not rise, and will also smell of soda and ammonia (this is sometimes found in baking powder).

Cold and hot

There are two ways to prepare a sponge cake. More precisely, the dough is for him. Depending on which one the hostess chooses, she will receive one or another result.

It cannot be said that one is guaranteed to be better and the other worse. But cold is suitable for ethereal-light rolls, the crumbliness of which is unbecoming.

A hot one gives a dense result, and after it you don’t have to wonder why the sponge cake settles after baking - after all, this usually doesn’t happen.

With this method, the dough is prepared in a water bath. It should be noted that many cooks prefer the cold method - as it is lighter, simpler and more understandable. But if the main thing is the result, it would be good not to be lazy and work hard to get the perfect sponge cake that will not fall.

Bread question

What to do to prevent the bread from falling off? Are there any subtleties in preparing this product, without which not a single meal is complete, and which, as you know, is “the head of everything”? Definitely yes.

The first reason why bread sag after baking is because the dough is too old. Then it becomes more and more sensitive, and accuracy no longer helps. If this happens, mix the dough again and place it again.

The second reason why bread can “fall” unevenly, with tubercles and be completely ugly is an excess of flour or liquid. We return to the rule of cooking exactly according to the recipe and not improvising.

That's all the secrets why baked goods sag after baking.

Cook with pleasure!