Mortadel - Italian sausage. Italian sausage (Mortadel) Bologna sausages from Paul Recipe

Acquaintance from Motherland Leonardo da Vinci and Christopher Columbus will be incomplete without tasting Italian sausages, the names of which have long become synonymous with exquisite taste and unsurpassed quality. What varieties should try in Italy - this will be discussed in this review.


The birthplace of this boiled sausage is Bologna, so in other regions italy is often called Bologna. Tourists who trigger it for the first time, Mortadel amazes not only a beautiful gentle taste, but also with its impressive sizes. The sausage has a cylindrical shape, and one loaf can weigh from 0.5 to 100 kilograms!

Mortadel is produced from pork mince with pieces of gentle sala, why the pattern on the cut resembles a mosaic. Other types of meat are often added to pork: veal, beef or horseback. Some varieties of sausages include cracker and gut. Garlic, pepper, pistachios, nutmeg, and dried berries of Mirta are used as spices.

The sausage is taken to cut into very thin slices and is with white bread, crackers or dry loaves. Also in Italy enjoy the popularity of Panini with MortaDelle.

The best in the country are Mortadella di Prato and Mortadella Bologna brands. The latter can be considered a peculiar culinary symbol of Bologna. It is worth Mortadel from 12 to 30 € per kg. Popular manufacturers - Salumeo, Golfera and Italia Alimentari S.P.A.


This Italian sausage with mold is most famous outside the country. It is prepared from pork with the addition of sala, black pepper, white wine and spicy herbs. Delicates has a rich taste and a special aroma that spices give it. And that is especially important - the real Italian salami has a characteristic marble pattern on a slice and a white "crust" of mold.

One of the best varieties is considered Salami Di Felino. It is produced in the city of the same name in the Italian province of Parma. The process of ripening this raw sausage is carried out with a special temperature mode and humidity, resulting in fermentation and mold occurs. Such conditions allow us to use the minimum amount of salt.

Felino is open to the Salami Museum, which is located on the territory of the medieval fortress. Excursions conduct English-speaking guides. Here you can get acquainted with the history of the famous sausage and local production traditions. The cost of the entrance ticket with tasting is 5 €.

Another type of salami is Pepperoni - an acute variety of sausages. It is also made from pork and is a popular ingredient for and sandwiches. In Italy, Salami can buy at a price of 10-11 € per kilogram. Famous manufacturers are Negroni Groupe and Salumeo.


This is a fairly popular sausage in Italy. Her homeland is the area of \u200b\u200bAbruzzo. Vintrine made of pork and pork salary with salt and spices. The spices use fennel, rosemary, pepper (sweet and sharp), sometimes garlic and orange zest. There are two main types - Vasto and Teramo.

Ventrine Vasto contains 20-30% sala. All ingredients are not grinding into the mince, but cut into cubes. Then the pieces of meat and the bass are collapsed in spices and fill the shell. Ripens sausage for 120 days. The finished product has a spicy, spicy aroma and uneven red.

Battitude sausage Ventrine teramo is much more - 50-60%. It also includes offal, and all the ingredients are passed through the meat grinder. Delicates eat, smearing on bread, and used for cooking meat sauces.

Both varieties of sausages received names by the name of settlements, where they are produced. Traditionally, a pork bladder pork bladder is used as a shell for Venričin, but modern manufacturers can use an artificial shell. Make Venterichina Portalupi, Villani Spa, Alto Concetto and other manufacturers. You can buy sausage in Italy at a price of 18 to 32 € per kg.


This Italian sausage includes pork neck, pieces of head, meat, fat, slices of leather and cracker. All ingredients are finely grinding and seasoned with salt, pepper and spices. The sausage goes on sale in cheese, slightly dried up. The demand for it increases on the eve of the New Year, since one of the traditional dishes on the New Year's tables of the inhabitants of Italy is Kotkino with lentils.

The sausage must be prepared before use. Basically, it is baked or boiled on a weak heat, pre-sticking the shell in several places. On the cut, the finished product has a pink, almost red color. Kotkino in Italy costs at a price of 16 to 30 € per kg. One of the most famous manufacturers of sausages - Antica Ardenga Srl.


These fat sausages make in many regions of Italy. And in each of the areas, production and recipes have features. In some districts, pork is used as the main ingredient - for this take a spinal or femoral part. In other areas, Salcicchu can do from turkey, lamb or beef, as well as with the addition of sub-products. The shell use genuine or artificial.

The ingredients are shred not too small. A mixture of spicy herbs, fennel seeds, salt and pepper (fragrant, bitter and paprika) add to the prepared mince. Spices may also differ depending on the region. In some Italian regions in these sausages, a coriander is added, in others - garlic, thirdly - a little fastened wine and even cheese. The sausage has a small diameter and shape of a ring.

Prepare Salcicchu also in different ways. Some varieties are knit for two months, like Salsiccia Stagionata (its price - from 16 to 29 € per kg). Others - sell in raw form as Salsiccia Fresca (it costs 13-15 €). Such sausages can bake or fry at home. Drier Salcicchu is added to chowers or used as a filling for pizza. Among manufacturers should be noted Salumeo and Casa Montorsi.

Where to try and buy sausage in Rome

The list of popular types of Italian sausages is not exhaustive. In the sunny country, there are many varieties, among which there are quite a few smoked, dried and smoked. Local manufacturers of honor traditions, so the taste of some products has changed little since the times of the Middle Ages, when they were served on the tables of Italian nobility.

You can buy the best grades of sausages in Italy in the Volpetti shop in Rome (Via Marmorata, 47). A fantastic assortment of this gastronomic shop is able to hit the most sophisticated gourmet. Each buyer here will help to make a choice, and tourists who acquire delicious souvenirs before returning home, pack sausages in vacuum packaging.

Another great place in Rome for the purchase of real Italian delicacies - Antica Salumeria (Piazza Della Rotonda 4/00186). The shop at the same time the restaurant presents several hundred varieties of sausages, cheeses, dried meat products and wines. Here you can buy and taste the products of local producers. A large plate with different types of delicacies will cost 15 €.


Bologna sausage is a real home delicacy, which can be enjoyed without stopping. It is necessary to prepare it on the basis of two types of meat: pork and beef. These ingredients are grouped into mince, from which sausage products are formed. The Bologna sausage must necessarily include fresh fat. It makes the product viscous, juicy and more delicious. Also in this delicacy is recommended to add red wine. This alcohol transforms the taste of sausages, and the wine makes the meat product at times fragrant. Of course, it is possible to prepare this dish without the use of alcoholic beverage, but then the sausage treats will not be so original and exquisite.
In addition to the main ingredients, ground dry mushrooms and such nuts as pistachios are used for the manufacture of Bologna sausage at home. Spices can be added to this original meat product, very different, starting from conventional black pepper and ending with various spices. Not only natural guts are suitable as a shell for sausages. They are allowed to replace with an artificial collagen shell, a conventional food film and even a sleeve for baking. It does not affect the taste of the meat product, so you can use the shell for cooking Bologna sausage that suits you more.
If you can't learn to learn how home Bologna sausage is preparing with your own hands, then we suggest pay attention to the above simple, but a detailed recipe with a photo. It is represented in the form of a step-by-step instruction, examining which, you prepare the sausage delicacy correctly from the first attempt!


Bologna Sausage - Cooking Recipe

First, rinse the pork and beef well, after which the meat will dry up the napkins and place in one common container. If necessary, remove unnecessary parts from meat ingredients.

Now prepare all the necessary spices and red wine. Add these ingredients to the resulting meat mixture, after which everyone thoroughly mix and be sure to taste so that, if necessary, minced it was possible to overlook or donate.

At this stage, get a blender or a food processor to grind dried mushrooms before getting a mushroom powder. When the ingredients are crushed, add them in a pig-bearing with spices.

Thoroughly knead the minced meat, and then add to it peeled with pistachio husks and chopped with small cubes fresh pork fat.

Mix the resulting mass once again and start forming sausages. To do this, prepare the shell by pulling it on a special meat grinder device. You do not need to stuff too tightly, since the sausage can burst in the process. Also, fill the shell with a mixture with a common culinary syringe, but this process takes several times and forces at times.

The edges of the formed Bologna sausages must surely tie the dense culinary thread, and the delicacy itself sound the needle in several places. The latter manipulation will also not allow the sausage shell to burst when baking. Put meat products on a dry baking sheet, pour everything with water as much as possible and enter into the oven. Cracked sausages should be from two to three hours at a temperature of ninety degrees. From time to time, delicacy must be turned over.

When the meat product is ready, lay it out into the appropriate dishes for cooling, and after cooling the sausages, place the refrigerator for cooling. The next day, home delicacy cut the circles, lay out on a plate and serve to the table. You can use mustard, ketchup and mayonnaise as a sauce for baked meat products. Exquisite Bologna sausage prepared from beef and pork at home, ready.

Mortadel - boiled Italian sausage with history. For which he loved, where he came from and what to cook - we understand.

Mortadel sausage grade traditionally prepared in the Italian Bologna. To do this, they take pork meat here, mixed with high-quality rigorous part, season with salt, white and black, and less often fragrant, pepper, anise, often pistachios and always wine. The whipped mousse of the ingredients is filled with natural shells and leave in a cool place to excerpt. As a result, it is expected dense by texture a sausage with evenly distributed fat pieces and pistachios, recognizable spicy taste.


Mortadeli's ancestor is considered to consider Farcimen Mirtatum Roman sausage. Pork was mixed with its own fat, triturated, and the berries of Mirta were used as a spree. Today, Mortadel in Italy became a source of a whole family of varieties, which differ only in the composition of the spices and the diameter of the sausages. The most frequent consumption in variations - cognac, garlic, olives.

In Mortadel, pork meat of the best variety is laid, exclusively from the replete Italian boars.

Stuffed sausages pass long thermal treatment in a focus folded from stones, at a temperature of 75-77c. Such sausage practically does not contain preservatives.

Christopher Messisburg gives the earliest recipe for Mordatella. At first, it describes the process of cleansing and emptying the pork bubble for a long time, then lists the stuffing ingredients, after that explains how to properly fill: "Cleaning from all films that may be inside, a fat alternation with lean, as you follow the mixture, then you should weigh it Every 25 pounds of meat rub 10 ounces of salt and one pepper. " Christor advises how to knead the mixture with a fist and add a glass of red wine. After that, a little bullures were added to the mince.

All Italian manufacturers necessarily indicate the packaging the terrain and the manufacturer region, but we recommend that you recommend the classic from Bologna. Sausages and ham from Emilia do not know their equal. Bologna classic chopped Mortadel from pork and beef minor is noble and intelligent in comparison with more rude modena. And in the one and the other Mortadel includes wine, pepper, nutmeg, coriander and garlic. Until now, Bologna love to add to the dry berries of Mirta. Baton sausages can weigh from a pollogram to two centners.


Mortadel is not stored for a very long time. Thin taste and fragrance quickly deteriorate.

Eat the cut piece of sausages is better in the next 3-4 days. Mortadel is perfectly combined with cheeses, walnuts, acidic berries, often cooked omelets and sandwich. Cut from sausage with thin slices or small pieces of cubes. It is cut as thin, almost translucent slices and eat cold - its taste and texture from this greatly won. Served with bread and wine.

Sandwich with tomatoes and Mortadella

  • 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
  • big handful of dried tomatoes
  • 1 Big Chiabata.
  • salad leaves
  • 150 grams of cheese (wire or your taste)
  • fresh rival
  • several slices Mortadella
  • olive oil

In a small bowl or cup, mix mustard and 4 tablespoons of olive oil, mix well until uniformity. Cut the chiabatu, lubricate the bread with refueling, put the leaf of lettuce, cheese, sausage, top of tomatoes and roluk, to give salt and pepper on the bottom layer. Cover the second layer of chiabat and press a bit.

Sandwich with MortaDelle and Cheese (step by step)

To prepare such a sandwich for a delicious breakfast, remember - we use the most delicious bread, and Mortadel is the best you can find, and your favorite cheese.

Pork and beef cut into arbitrary slices. Pork skip through a meat grinder (with 2-3 mm lattice holes), add 1 tbsp. l. Salts and all sugar, to wash, put in a bowl, cover tightly with a film and withstand 12 hours or slightly longer in the refrigerator at a temperature of 3-4 ° C.

Separately, in the same way, in a meat grinder with a lattice holes 2-3 mm, chop beef, add the remaining salt, to wash, put in a bowl, cover tightly with the film and withstand the same time as a pork in the refrigerator.

Thoroughly mix both types of stuff prepared and pass four times through the meat grinder, every time little (approximately 2 l) adding white wine into mince.

Seeds Zira put on a dry pan, heat on slow heat and cook, shook in a frying pan, 1-2 minutes, before the appearance of the aroma. Then wrapped the seeds in the mortar as much as possible and add it to the mince. Mix it thoroughly.

Pistachios to quiet hot water (but not boiling water!) To remove excess salt and dust from them and completely dry on a paper towel. Together with freshly ground white pepper add to the mince.

Ground nut rubbing on the small grater and add to meat minced meat. Add black peas pepper. Merge out again.

Swine lard to wrap in the film and put in the freezer for 20-30 minutes. So that the fat hardened and it is easy to cut. The sharp knife, dipped it in hot water, cut into fat cubes with a side of 10-12 mm.

Sliced \u200b\u200bfat quickly, while it is still cold, add to the mince and mix gently. This time, it is not necessary to carefully mix mince - it is enough that the slices of bass are quenched more or less evenly.

Food film fold 4 times. You have to get a rectangle with a size of 30x40 cm. Mince to put on the film in the form of "Baton" so that its short sides do not reach the edge of the film at least 5 cm, in close to you to the long edge - by 5 cm, on the distant - at 15 -20 cm.

To date, Mortadel can be found almost in any major supermarket, anywhere in the globe.

Even many manufacturers of sausage products, in the CIS countries, are trying to solve her formulation and make it mildly to the parody of Mortadel, the same can be said about other typical products of Italy. But any Italian without thinking will say that best Mortadel Made in her homeland in the region.

Mortadel production is carried out according to a strictly installed recipe. To do this, use chilled or frozen meat, which before mixing with other ingredients is thoroughly crushed. Then farm adds pieces of high quality swine bass (sliced \u200b\u200babout 1 cubic centimeter) and a mixture of spices (salt, white pepper, coriander, anise, pistachios and wine).

After that, the resulting mixture is packaged. Mortadel shells can be both natural and artificial. It does not particularly affect the quality.

After packaging, Mortadel is treated with special heaters at a temperature of 75 ° S.. The cooking time depends on the size (diameter) of sausages, and can last from one to several hours. Mortadel is considered ready when the temperature of its core reaches 70 ° S.. And only after that, the sausage is quickly cooled.

Mortadel sausage (Mortadella) can be perfect different sizesusually from 500 grams and up to 100 kilograms.

Ideally, the real Mortadel should not contain various fillers, flavors, artificial dyes, and preservatives.

But some manufacturers in a product, low or medium quality, sodium caseinate is added to improve taste.

How Mortadel eating

If you have already been to Italy, most likely you know that almost everything is very thin on a special car. Mortadel belongs to such sausages, which can be said about - the thinner is the tasty. Although it can be served in any form - sliced \u200b\u200bby ordinary knife, cubes, etc.

Since that perishable productThe Italians prefer to buy her little by little, well, let's say only for sandwicher or for cooking any dish (at once). In my practice (when I worked in an Italian shop) one lady asked to cut only 30 grams. In Italy, this is normal.

Mortadel is used to prepare many dishes, but in my opinion the most common is the usual fresh bun (Panino) inside which there are several pieces of sausages. Favorite food for people who do not have the opportunity to have lunch at home.

The average cost of good quality Mortadel (in specialized stores - "Salumeria") 12 €. Supermarkets can be found cheaper, but worse quality.