“Walnut oil - beneficial properties and application in cosmetology.” All about the beneficial properties of walnut oil

This oil is made from high-quality kernels walnuts cold pressing method. The finished product has a beautiful amber color, and its taste is nutty, very pleasant. This is one of the rarest, most useful species vegetable oils. In terms of the benefits it brings to the body, it is not inferior, and in some cases, superior to olive and other oils.

Oil walnut quite expensive, but despite this, a small amount of it should be included in the menu of every person who monitors their own health. What beneficial properties does walnut oil have, the use of this product, to whom it is prohibited - we will talk about all this with you today.

What are the benefits of oil?

Let's say right away that this product is very useful. It contains a whole “natural storehouse” of various useful substances, macro- and microelements. For example, oil contains very healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic and linolenic acids, omega-3 and omega-6. There are retinol and carotenoids (vitamin A derivatives). There are vitamins E, C, almost the entire group B is represented. Among the mineral salts, we especially note the presence of iodine, iron, calcium, as well as magnesium, zinc and copper.

Walnut oil - application

Doctors usually recommend taking this product to their patients to strengthen the immune system, and also as an anti-inflammatory, tonic. It is useful for patients to take it little by little during the postoperative period or during colds.

It is useful to include it as an auxiliary health product in the treatment of tuberculosis, oncological diseases, chronic forms of arthritis. It is taken when inflammatory processes, chronic constipation and colitis, as well as for peptic ulcers, gastritis. The product's properties are known to slow down the aging process.

Regular use nut butter improves the patient's condition with atherosclerosis and heart disease. It is useful for hypertension and varicose veins. Consuming even a small amount of it improves vascular health and will reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. It is recommended for people with diabetes mellitus. Once in the body, the oil reduces sugar levels, which is important for their well-being.

Scientists have found that walnut oil is very beneficial for normal liver function. It is recommended to be taken in small quantities by pregnant women. Product contains a large number of vitamin E. This useful substance is necessary for the fetus to develop normally. Vitamin E reduces signs of toxicosis in expectant mother.

Besides internal use, the oil can also be used externally. For example, it promotes the healing of skin lesions and is effective for burns and skin inflammation. It is included in mixtures for lubricating the surface of the skin for varicose veins.

Dosage, intake

When taken orally, just 1 tsp is enough. three times a day half an hour before meals. There is no need to drink or eat anything. Babies over one year old are given 3-5 drops. Children 3-6 years old - from 5 to 10 drops. Children from 10 to 14 years old - half 1 tsp.

In the treatment of tuberculosis, hypertension, and in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis, walnut oil is mixed with the same amount of high-quality bee honey. Take once.

To cleanse the body, improve the health of the stomach, thyroid gland, as well as normalize their work, take 1-2 tsp. oils on an empty stomach, before bed.

Use in cooking

The product is often and with pleasure used by chefs of the most different countries. Recently, in our country they have begun to add more often healthy oil when preparing dishes. They season salads from fresh vegetables. It is added when preparing sauce for meat and poultry. Oil is added to the dough composition homemade baked goods. Lots of recipes oriental cuisine implies the use of only this type when preparing dishes vegetable oil.

Application in cosmetology

Cosmetology has been actively using the product for a long time, adding it to various cosmetic masks and care products. Thanks to high content antioxidants, vitamins A and E, valuable for skin youth, nut oil is used to restore elasticity. Masks and creams based on it perfectly moisturize and nourish skin covering, eliminate wrinkles.

Walnut oil is used as a sunscreen. Apply a thin layer to the skin before exposure to the sun. In addition to its protective properties, it will help you get a beautiful, even tan.

Benefits for hair

The product is very beneficial for hair. The oil is included in caring and nourishing masks. For example, to cure split ends and give your hair a healthy, well-groomed look, make a mask. To do this, stir in a cup chicken yolk, 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 2 tbsp. l. nut butter. Apply the mixture to your hair and rub thoroughly into the partings. Warm your head, wait 1 hour. Then wash with shampoo.

Who should not consume walnut oil? Contraindications

It should be warned that nut butter has contraindications. In particular, it cannot be used if the body is intolerant. There are contraindications for use when high temperature, food poisoning accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It is not recommended to take it during exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Before using walnut oil for treatment or disease prevention, be sure to obtain permission from your doctor. Be healthy!

One of the most aromatic and pleasant-tasting vegetable oils is walnut oil. Made by cold pressing, it retains all beneficial substances and vitamins. It is added to salads and used in preparing other dishes that do not require frying. Walnut oil is widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk cosmetology and medicine. This is due to the unique properties and content of a huge amount of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Facial care.

Walnut oil softens and cleanses the skin, has anti-aging properties, perfectly moisturizes the skin, eliminating fine wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones. These properties determine its action:

  • cares for mature skin, including aging skin;
  • tones dull, inelastic skin;
  • soothes sensitive skin;
  • treats acne, psoriasis and various types of eczema;
  • significantly improves complexion, lightening age spots.

Products based on the product are also used for oily skin, because it is very light, does not clog pores, and is quickly absorbed. Masks using walnut oil are especially popular.

For oily skin.

Perfectly cleanses the skin, getting rid of blackheads, tightens pores.


Ground oat flakes – 3 tsp.
Natural honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Whites of two eggs.

Beat the egg whites, add all the ingredients, mix and apply to the face. The composition is washed off after drying.

For dry skin.

Walnut oil – 2 tsp.
Yolk of one egg.

Cleanse the skin of the face, apply oil, apply the yolk on top in a circular motion, mixing them directly on the face. Leave for 20 minutes, remove the remaining amount with a cotton swab.

For combination skin.

Green clay – 20 gr.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice– 6 drops.

Mix cosmetic green clay with oil until mushy, add lemon and apply to face for half an hour. The composition is washed off with warm water.

For skin prone to inflammation.

Chamomile decoction – 40 ml.
Walnut oil – 10 drops.
Colorless henna – 1 sachet.

Mix henna with chamomile decoction until mushy, add oil. Apply the mask and rinse after 15 minutes.

To give elasticity.

Improving skin tone, moisturizing, smoothing out fine wrinkles.

Walnut oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Peach oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Almond oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Sea buckthorn oil – 1 tsp.

Pour all the ingredients into the bottle, close it and shake. Use at night several times a week.

Lip skin care.

Walnut oil is an excellent product for caring for delicate lip skin. Balms based on it relieve peeling and accelerate the healing process of cracks. Thanks to the content of vitamins A and E, such a balm will an excellent remedy in the treatment and prevention of so-called seizures, especially common in children. If you apply the product before going outside in winter, your lips will be reliably protected from chapping.

Healing lip balm.

Shea butter – 1 tsp.
Cocoa butter – 1 tbsp. l.
Walnut oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Vitamin E – 3 drops.

Combine the ingredients, heat for better mixing, and pour into a small container. Keep refrigerated.

Hand care.

You can lubricate your hands with the same composition. It helps well with dry skin on the hands; it is especially effective when used after working with water and soil, as it protects against chapping. Walnut oil has a strengthening effect on the nail plate.

Nail product.

Walnut oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon oil (essential) – 2 drops.

Mix all ingredients, apply to nails and allow to be completely absorbed. For brittle and peeling nails, repeat daily. For prevention, once a week is enough.

Body care.

The most popular use of walnut oil is in the manufacture of tanning products and after-sun products. Its application promotes a beautiful tan, softening the skin, protecting against redness and sunburn. Soothes, has a cooling and restorative effect, eliminating discomfort and tightness of burnt skin.

Tanning product.


Sesame oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Wheat germ oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Ylang-ylang oil (essential) – 6 drops.
Lavender oil (essential) – 6 drops.

Drain everything into one container, heat slightly for better stirring, apply to body and face before tanning (preferably 2 hours before). Blot off any remaining residue with a clean cloth.

After sun treatment.

Avocado oil – 3 tsp.
Walnut oil – 3 tsp.
Sesame oil – 3 tsp.
Oil hazelnut– 3 tsp.
Wheat germ oil – 3 tsp.
Calendula oil (essential) – 5 drops.
Patchouli essential oil (can be replaced with mint) – 3 drops.

Mix everything in a small sealable container and shake. Apply after sunbathing, especially on burned areas.

Cellulite wraps.

To increase skin elasticity and remove cells excess liquid Wraps using walnut oil help. Apply the product to problem areas, wrap in cellophane, and insulate. Leave for an hour, rinse using a contrast shower.

Hair care.

The use of walnut oil is popular for the treatment and restoration of hair, especially with increased hair loss. After application, you need to warm your head, this will help penetrate nutrients To hair follicles. Wash off after an hour using shampoo.

To strengthen hair.

Walnut oil – 2 tbsp. l.
Yolk chicken egg- 1 PC.
Honey – 1 tsp.

Combine all ingredients and mix. Rub the mixture into the roots, massage, apply the remainder along the length of the hair.

Mask for hair growth.

Yeast – ½ tsp.
Honey – 1 tsp.
Kefir – ½ cup.
Walnut oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Heat the kefir, dissolve honey and yeast in it, mix and leave in a warm place for 10-15 minutes until foam forms. Add oil, mix and distribute over scalp.

Video: Restoring mask using walnuts for weak, dry hair.

Medicinal properties

  1. Often used for recovery after illness, as it has a high nutritional value, lots of vitamins.
  2. Applicable in folk medicine as an additional remedy in the treatment of tuberculosis and diabetes.
  3. It has a local wound-healing effect and is successfully used in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, irritations, and acne.
  4. It is used to maintain the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, treats atherosclerosis, and cleanses the liver and kidneys.
  5. It increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is why it is quite popular among men.
  6. Regulates metabolic processes, preventing constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders.
  7. It has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, recommended for varicose veins and severe rosacea.
  8. The vitamin E content allows you to cope with early toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Recipes of traditional healers.

Walnut oil has a pronounced antiseptic effect. It is these properties that have found their application in the treatment of conjunctivitis, follicular tonsillitis, and otitis media.

Treatment of conjunctivitis.

Rub the upper and lower eyelids with undiluted walnut oil, lubricate the corners of the eyes and the conjunctiva, which becomes inflamed during illness. You should not put it in your eyes, as it may cause irritation.

Treatment of follicular or purulent tonsillitis.

Moisten a sterile bandage with walnut oil and treat the tonsils, carefully removing purulent plaque.

Treatment of otitis.

Walnut oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Oil tea tree(essential) – 1 drop.

Mix the ingredients, warming slightly in a water bath. Place 1 drop of warm mixture into each ear.

For the treatment of kidneys, liver and bile ducts.

You need to drink 30 grams at night for a month. walnut oil. After a month's break, repeat the course.

Video: Beneficial properties of walnut oil.

As you can see, walnut oil has found application in folk cosmetology and medicine due to its unique properties. However, we should not forget that nuts are an allergenic product, so they are not suitable for everyone. Even with topical use, an allergic reaction may occur. It should not be taken internally by those who have increased acidity, stomach ulcer or gastritis during an exacerbation. It is not recommended to consume large amounts of the product for obese people, as it is very high in calories.

The essence of a person is that he strives throughout his life to preserve his beauty, youth and health. We often spend a lot of time on this and carry out expensive procedures. But for some reason, many people forget that youth, beauty and health depend on the simplest things - proper nutrition, active image life and natural elixirs of longevity. One of these useful elixirs- This is walnut oil. Today we'll talk about it amazing oil, its composition, beneficial properties for different organs of the human body, and we will also tell you why it can be dangerous.

Walnut oil

Walnut is one of the richest foods in vitamins. If you eat several kernels every day, you can forget about vitamin deficiency, the body will receive daily dose many acids and trace elements. The nut contains more useful substances than meat, dairy products and eggs. Moreover, the walnut is considered a real king among other types of nuts, since it contains the most lysine, a special amino acid that is not produced in the body.

In his writings, Avicenna argued that walnut oil can make a person smart and strong if consumed every day. The most useful and valuable oil obtained by cold pressing. Walnuts contain a lot of oil, so separating the raw material is not a problem; you can even extract it yourself. The oil contains almost the entire range of vitamins, microelements, polyunsaturated acids, phospholipids and carotenoids. The oil is quite viscous and has golden color and expressed nutty taste and aroma.

Useful properties and uses of walnut oil

The oil has an excellent effect on various organs and systems of the body. Let's try to understand the beneficial properties of this product in more detail.

In addition, the composition perfectly warms, so pure walnut oil can be used in the fight against diseases of the ENT organs. Drop a couple of drops into your ear, cover with a cotton swab, and you can relieve inflammation from otitis media and get rid of painful lumbago in your ears. And if you hold the oil in a water bath, then pure composition can be used in the fight against conjunctivitis.

The oil has an incredibly soft and non-greasy texture. If you apply oil to your skin or hair, it does not remain on the surface as a thick, greasy layer, but is absorbed almost completely. That is why the oil is actively used for cosmetic purposes.

  1. Skin and lips. The oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes dry skin. Health-improving face masks are prepared on its basis. If your lips are peeling, use walnut oil to make the delicate skin of your lips sensitive and soft again.
  2. Hair. The oil regenerates damaged, limp and weakened hair, restoring its natural structure, vitality and radiance.
  3. Nails. Walnut oil perfectly strengthens the nail plate. Apply it to your nails every day, and they will stop peeling and breaking in just a couple of weeks.
  4. Eyebrows and eyelashes. If you apply a thin layer of oil to your eyelashes and eyebrows every day, they will become much more lush, voluminous and thick.
  5. Against rosacea and age spots. Walnut oil is often used to even out skin tone. The oil perfectly brightens the epidermis, eliminating age spots and freckles, and resolves rosacea stars.
  6. For a beautiful tan. Eat wonderful recipe with nut oil, which will help you get an even bronze tan. To do this, mix walnut oil with carrot juice and bergamot oil. Apply the mixture evenly over the skin and go sunbathing. After sunbathing, you just need to take a shower without soap and gel. You will get seductive dark skin.

Cosmetologists from all countries have walnut oil in their arsenal, as one of the most universal remedies for the beauty of skin, hair and nails.

Harm of walnut oil

Walnut oil is often taken as food, especially by raw foodists and vegetarians. After all, in this amazing product contained great amount vegetable protein. The oil has virtually no contraindications, but you should use it with caution, especially if you are doing it for the first time. The fact is that a person may have an individual intolerance to one or another component of the oil. Oil is useful during pregnancy, but you should not use it in excess, otherwise the child may develop an allergic reaction in the future. If you take the oil while breastfeeding, closely monitor your baby’s reaction. If he has stool disorders or the child begins to cry from pain in the tummy, it is better to stimulate lactation in other ways. Also, people with low stomach acidity should avoid consuming oil.

The benefits of walnut oil are simply invaluable. The oil is used for food, cosmetic masks are prepared from it, and most importantly, it is used for treatment. If you have health problems, do not rush to poison yourself with chemistry. All the most useful things grow on earth - take advantage of it. And then you will be able to find harmony with nature, and it will certainly heal you with such delicious, valuable and aromatic nut oil!

Video: about the benefits of walnut oil

In search unique means for health, youth and beauty, we often forget about simple products, surrounding us since childhood. Everyone is familiar with walnuts, but few people know about the beneficial properties of the oil made from them. This product is obtained by cold pressing. He has refined taste and is a valuable source of nutrients. So what exactly are the benefits of walnut oil and is there any harm from using it?

Oil composition

Rich chemical composition This product determines its positive effect on the human body. The most valuable components of the oil are:

  • Fats. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega-6, Omega-9, Omega-3, as well as saturated ones - palmitic and stearic.
  • Vitamins. There are a lot of them in walnut oil: A, B1, B2, B3 (vit. PP), B6, B9, C, E, K, (choline), P.
  • Macro- and microelements. In comparatively large quantities iron, calcium, iodine, copper, phosphorus, cobalt, magnesium, selenium, zinc are present.

In addition, nut oil contains beta-sitosterols, phytosterols, phospholipids, enthymyriase, carotenoids, sphingolipids, coenzyme Q 10. Taking into account also the excellent taste qualities This product, then it can undoubtedly be considered one of the most valuable in our diet.

Walnut oil is a healthy natural product

Benefits for the body

Regular consumption of walnut oil will not only help prevent certain diseases, but also cure existing ones. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, regenerating, immunostimulating, anthelmintic and even antitumor effects. The scope of its application is very wide:

  • For gastrointestinal diseases. Walnut oil cleanses the intestinal walls and slows down the absorption of cholesterol. It helps reduce the acidity of gastric juice during gastritis and relieves heartburn. This product is often recommended as part of complex treatment cholecystitis.
  • For cardiovascular diseases. The oil helps normalize the activity of the entire system, reduces cholesterol levels and makes blood vessels more elastic. It also lowers blood pressure, preventing strokes and heart attacks. Improves the condition of patients with varicose veins and stimulates blood renewal processes.
  • Endocrine system. Walnut oil helps normalize the activity of the thyroid gland and lowers blood glucose levels.
  • Nervous system. The vitamins contained in this oil help normalize sleep, relieve fatigue and increase performance.
  • Genitourinary system. This product helps to gently cleanse the kidneys, and also stimulates blood circulation in the genitals and spermatogenesis in men.
  • Respiratory system. Walnut oil can strengthen immune system, which means increasing resistance to acute respiratory infections.
  • Organs of hearing and vision. Rich vitamin composition This product helps improve vision. It is also often recommended for otitis media.
  • Skin diseases. This oil accelerates the healing of wounds, skin cracks and burns, can be used in the treatment of furunculosis, eczema and psoriasis.

Contraindications and harms of nut oil

Despite all the usefulness of this product, patients with stomach ulcers, increased blood clotting, obesity and intestinal diseases. It is also not recommended for gastritis with low acidity. A contraindication to walnut oil is also its intolerance.

For those who decide to take this product regularly, it is better to consult a doctor. Sometimes excessive use nut butter can harm even a healthy person.

Application in cosmetology

The rich composition of walnut oil makes it one of the most healthy products for our beauty. It suits almost any skin type, makes it elastic and smooth and helps prevent age-related changes. It also strengthens hair and nails well and is included in high-quality cosmetics.

Using hair oil

Your hair will noticeably improve, even if you just occasionally include this product in your diet. Also, to achieve good results, you can simply add a couple of drops of oil to your hair balm. If you are not too lazy to make masks regularly, then very soon your hair will become strong, thick, shiny and manageable.

Any girl can prepare such a miraculous remedy:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. walnut oils, 1 tbsp. l. honey and egg. Apply the resulting composition to the hair and massage the roots thoroughly. You need to keep it for half an hour under a towel, and then wash it off with your favorite shampoo.
  • Take 150 ml. kefir and add a packet of dry yeast. After the mixture has fermented for about an hour, add the yolk, 5 g of dry mustard and 2 tbsp. walnut oil. Ready mixture Apply to hair, cover with a cap or plastic bag and wrap with a towel. After half an hour you can wash it off.

Walnut oil can be applied to hair as a mask

Skin care

Walnut oil is suitable for any age, but it is better to use it when caring for dry and aging skin.

It nourishes, restores and softens. It is easy to use: apply it to your face and after a few minutes remove the residue with a paper napkin. A huge advantage is the very thin and even distribution of oil over the skin. It absorbs quickly, so there is virtually no need to collect any residue.

Walnut oil contains Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in an optimal ratio, which allows them to be absorbed better than any other source.

You can mix this product with other oils - for example, jojoba, almond or wheat germ in a 2:1 ratio. This will give it new properties and make it more useful. This composition is also used at night instead of cream. If there are rashes and irritations, inflammations and scratches on the skin, then you need to apply pure nut oil several times a day.

Those who want to have the perfect bronze tan do not necessarily have to spend money on expensive store-bought products. You can use oil made from walnuts. Simply apply it to your skin before visiting the beach, and it will not burn, but will acquire a beautiful, even shade.

If you have time, you can do it homemade cream for Tan. It contains 100 ml. walnut oil and 10 drops each of aromatic essential oils of neroli and mandarin (can be replaced with bergamot), as well as 20 drops of wild carrot oil. All ingredients should be mixed well and applied to the skin in the evening if you are going to the beach the next day.

Uses for nail health

Using oil will strengthen your nails and speed up their growth. To do this, you need to prepare special masks:

  • Take 10 ml. walnut and wheat germ oils, as well as 2 drops each of myrrh and frankincense. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed together and the resulting composition should be carefully lubricated on the nails, one at a time. Then you need to wait a little and remove the remaining mixture with a napkin. In summer, this procedure is carried out once a week, and in winter 2-3, since during this period the nails need nutrition more.
  • To prepare a nourishing product for hands and nails, you need to take 2 tsp. walnut oil and mix thoroughly with 0.5 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice. The resulting composition should be applied to the nails and hands and washed off after 20 minutes, and then lubricated with a nourishing cream. You can add a few drops to this product essential oil lemon

Treatment with walnut oil

As we have already said, walnut oil helps cure many diseases, but for this it must be used correctly. If you decide to start taking it at for preventive purposes, then you need to follow the optimal dosage:

  • Children from one to three years old can be given a teaspoon with porridge or fruit, but you need to start with a few drops. If there are no negative reactions, the dose can be increased.
  • From 3 to 12 years old, take a teaspoon twice a day with cereals.
  • At 12–18 years old, you can eat a dessert spoon 2 times a day with salads.
  • Adults are also recommended to consume no more than two dessert spoons daily.

Table of consumption rates as a prophylactic agent

If nut oil is used for treatment, the dosage and regimen will depend on the diagnosis. As a vitamin supplement, it can be added to salads. To cleanse the bile ducts take dessert spoon product before bedtime, no earlier than 2 hours after dinner. If you have low stomach acidity, you should use the oil with a few drops of lemon. For hypertension, tuberculosis and atherosclerosis, take it a teaspoon three times a day, eating the same amount of honey.

Walnut oil can improve uteroplacental blood circulation, so it will be useful for all pregnant women.

If you drink 15–20 grams of oil at night, it will help cleanse the liver and bile, restore the gastric mucosa and prevent the development of goiter.

Use in cooking

Using nut oil, you can make your dishes not only healthy, but also very tasty. But you should only add it to something that is served cold. Heat treatment negatively affects its taste.

Walnut oil is very high-calorie product, it contains approximately 884 kcal. If you do not use it in moderation, you can easily gain extra pounds.

A few drops of this oil can be added to any salad or cold sauce, it also won’t hurt in meat snacks. Almost all dishes Mediterranean cuisine will only benefit from the presence of nut oil. A spoonful of nut butter added to the dough will make it more decadent. And to emphasize the taste of meat or fish, a few drops of this product should be applied to the dish when it is almost ready.

You can just soak it aromatic oil pieces of bread or rolls. It will work out original sandwiches that go well with any meal.

Walnuts and a drop of their oil will improve the taste of any salad.

How to make walnut butter at home

You definitely won’t be able to buy this product at the nearest grocery store, since it is rare and costs a lot. Therefore, many housewives are wondering whether it is possible to make oil from ordinary walnuts at home. This is not easy to do, as it requires a heavy press. But it's worth a try.

At home, you need to take walnut kernels and chop them into pieces, and then chop them. Coffee grinders, meat grinders or blenders are often used for this. If the nuts are too dry and do not grind well, you can add a little vegetable oil. After grinding, you should get a fairly thick brownish paste. It must be thoroughly squeezed out through a clean cloth, and the resulting oil must be poured into glass containers, preferably dark. Store finished product in the refrigerator no more than 2-3 months.

Video: About the benefits of walnut oil

Walnut oil is a product with unique composition. It contains a lot of healthy fats in an optimal combination for absorption, so even simply adding a few drops to the diet will improve the condition of the skin and hair, as well as improve the health of all systems internal organs. This product can be used to treat many diseases and has almost no contraindications. But, unfortunately, making butter at home is not easy.

Walnut oil, the benefits and harms of which have now been well studied, is obtained from its kernels by cold pressing. The oil has original taste, amber color and specific aroma. These properties depend on the type of raw material. Valuable and nutritious product- oil and its harm are determined by its chemical composition.

It contains fatty unsaturated linolenic, stearic, linoleic, palm), tannins. It also contains a large set of microelements: copper, zinc, iodine, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt. Of course, the dominant quality that walnut oil has is its benefits, and the harm from it is minimal. It is a real storehouse of vitamins B, P, A, C, E. The oil also contains sucrose, glucose, proteins and a specific substance - juglone, which is considered a natural antibiotic.

The unique composition of this product makes it wide application in cooking, medicine (for the prevention and treatment of diseases), in cosmetology. Good for the skin, it has a moisturizing, toning, rejuvenating effect. It can be used to prevent wrinkles, improve complexion, as a tanning product and lip care. This material is often added to various creams, masks, balms, preparations for body hygiene.

Treatment with oil can improve cellular immunity, increase the body's resistance to acute respiratory infections, and stabilize metabolism. It is considered an excellent weight loss product. It can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The vitamins contained in the oil improve hematopoietic processes. When used externally, this product promotes the healing of cuts, wounds, burns, and inflammations.

The oil shows high effectiveness in the prevention of kidney diseases, endocrine system, liver. Helps with varicose veins. Oil has positive influence on cardiovascular system, has good anti-inflammatory properties. Using oil you can reduce Negative influence carcinogens, radiation exposure, reduce the likelihood of tumors. This product improves reproductive function in people of both sexes. In men, by increasing blood circulation in the genital area, walnut oil stimulates the formation of sperm.

In cooking it is added to cold appetizers, salads, oriental dishes. Sometimes oil is used for frying, giving a specific flavor to bread. It is considered one of essential elements diets aimed at burning fat and saturating the body with useful substances.

A controversial product is walnut oil. Benefits and harms can be observed when using it. There are, for example, a number of contraindications. It is not recommended for peptic ulcers, when It should not be used when elevated temperature, with low acidity of gastric fluid, with poisoning, vomiting. This oil is not recommended during pregnancy, chronic colitis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis.