Quickly marinate onions in vinegar and sugar. Pickled onions for barbecue: a classic of the genre

Not everyone loves fresh onions. And it needs to be added to soups, many salads, and main courses. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine a kebab or herring without onions. How to make it tasty and aromatic? How to neutralize bitterness? How to pickle onions tasty and correctly?

Onions marinated for barbecue

IN good barbecue there must be an onion. The main ingredients are salt, sugar, vinegar essence or vinegar. Water is used as a base. Do you know how to pickle watermelons in jars for the winter? Using the same ingredients.

To add a unique aroma, you can add chopped herbs. Onions prepared in this way are sour and crispy. It's easy and quick to do. So, how to pickle onions:

    Cut two heads of medium-sized onion vegetables into half rings.

    Chop dill and parsley and add to our onion. Fifty grams of greens is enough. If you like it more flavorful, take more.

    Boil a glass of water and let it cool. We don't need cold water for the marinade. It should be nicely hot. Approximately forty degrees. When you put your finger down, it's hot, but bearable.

    Dissolve 2 tsp in water. sugar and just half a teaspoon of salt without a slide. Pour in 2 tbsp. table vinegar.

    Pour the marinade over the half rings with herbs until everything is completely covered. The quantity given in the recipe is quite enough. Cover the dish with a lid and let it sit on the table for two hours.

    After the required time, drain the marinade and put the onions in the refrigerator.

If you like the onion sour, add more vinegar. Some people first pour boiling water over the vegetable to eliminate bitterness. It won't hurt, but it's completely unnecessary. The marinade will remove all the bitterness.

If for some reason you cannot use vinegar, replace it lemon juice. The volume should be equal to the volume of water and vinegar. Remove the water too.

To the herring

Seasoned with pickled onions, herring becomes more tender and tastier. It is imbued with a unique aroma and acquires spicy taste. Moreover, the onion neutralizes excessive saltiness.

The first recipe. simplest

The ingredients are based on two to three medium herrings.

    Peel and cut two or three medium-sized onions into rings. Pour them into a deep plate.

    Pour four tablespoons of water and half as much vinegar into another container. Dissolve 2 tsp. Sahara.

    Pour over the vegetable and leave to marinate for about twenty minutes.

Place the peeled and chopped herring on a beautiful plate and garnish with pickled onions. You can pour out the marinade. Bon appetit!

The second recipe. Herring for future use

For this recipe we take already ready-made herring and onion half rings.

    Place pieces of herring (2-3 pieces) tightly into a deep bowl. Place onions on top (as many as you eat).

    Add two to three tablespoons vegetable oil along with one or two teaspoons of table vinegar.

    Cover the herring and onion with boiled water and put it in the refrigerator. In order for the onions to pickle, the dish must stand at least overnight.

Ready! Why for future use? Such a herring can stand for two to three days. Moreover, the onions will only become tastier.

My son really likes onions marinated in this way. Moreover, he eats everything almost in one sitting. There is little left for the rest of the family.

Recipe three. Pickled onion with mustard

  1. We clean and cut the onion.
  2. Dissolve 2 tsp in water (4 tbsp.) sugar, 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tsp. dry mustard.
  3. Pour the marinade over the onions and leave for 15-20 minutes.

All! Decorate the herring as you like.

For the salad

    Cut the onion into pieces of the required shape and size (in different salads– different cuts).

    Dissolve a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water. Place this on the fire and bring to a boil.

    Remove the brine from the stove and pour in 2 tbsp. vinegar.

    Pour the marinade over the onions and cover with a lid. You're waiting. When the marinade has cooled, the onion can be used.

How to marinate in vinegar?

We invite you to try several recipes and choose the most suitable one for yourself and your loved ones.

The first recipe. Pickled onion with beets

  1. We peel a kilogram of onions. Pour boiling water over it.
  2. Remove the peel from the medium beets and cut them into cubes. Cut the onion into rings.
  3. Place vegetables in a glass container in layers.
  4. Combine in a separate bowl vinegar with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Add salt and black pepper (by eye).
  5. Pour the marinade over the vegetables and refrigerate for a day.

Marinated onions prepared in this way are perfect not only for barbecue, but also for any meat or fish.

The second recipe. Pickled onion in Georgian style

    Dilute table vinegar in boiled water (1:1). Add 2-3 bay leaves, a little cinnamon, a few clove flowers, salt, sugar, red pepper.

    Pour into a separate container cold water and add salt to it.

    We clean the small onions and place them in a deep plate. Pour boiling water over it. After three minutes, throw into a colander and cool.

    Place them in salted water for five minutes. Drain the liquid through a colander and place the onion in a jar.

    Fill with marinade (step 1). Place in the refrigerator for a day.

Recipe three. Accelerated marinating

  1. We dilute one part of table vinegar in three parts. boiled water. The total volume of liquid is 500 ml.
  2. Add Bay leaf, cloves, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  3. Place the onion cut into rings in a glass bowl, pour in the marinade and leave in the cold for an hour and a half.

Onions pickled for the winter

The first recipe. Classic pickled onions for the winter

    Keep small onions in boiling water for a few minutes. Cool quickly and clean.

    Place the onion in salted water for about five minutes. Then - into sterile jars.

    Prepare the marinade. Pour 4 tbsp into a liter of water. salt and 2 tbsp. sugar, and then pour in 500 g. table vinegar. Be sure to add spices: a pinch of hot red pepper, the same amount of cinnamon, four bay leaves, four cloves and two star anise.

    Pour boiling brine over it. Cork.

The second recipe. Pickled onion with bell pepper and dill

    Peel a kilogram of small onions and place in an enamel pan.

    Dissolve half a teaspoon citric acid in a liter of boiled water. Pour this liquid over the onion. Bring to a boil over low heat. Drain the water.

    Wash sweet pepper (1 pc.) and cut into thin rings. Peel two cloves of garlic. Place onions in sterile jars, alternating them with pepper and garlic. On top is a layer of chopped dill.

    Prepare the marinade in a separate bowl. Add 1 tbsp to a liter of water. salt, 4 tbsp. sugar, 6 dried black peppercorns, bay leaf. When it boils, remove from heat and pour in a tablespoon of vinegar.

    Pour hot marinade over vegetables. Seal the jars.

Use pickled onions to prepare salads and as a separate side dish. Feel free to add it to vegetable stew, pilaf.

Pickled onions are great snack to the barbecue. The bitter-sweet taste of this vegetable emphasizes and gives its zest to absolutely any meat dish, be it pork, chicken or lamb kebabs, grilled meat or steak. Pickled onions are good not only for meat; their characteristic, piquant taste will give any salad a special uniqueness. And of course, sandwiches with pickled onions are unusual.

Everyone can prepare pickled onions on their own, but everything here will depend on personal taste preferences. I offer several recipes on how to pickle onions, for different dishes and also with the ability to put it in jars for the winter.

Pickled onion. What you should pay attention to when pickling onions at home

  • Onions for barbecue or any other type of meat are marinated separately from the meat itself. You can serve the pickled vegetable with the kebab either on a separate plate or by sprinkling it on the main dish.
  • The thickness of the chopped onion ring should be about 0.5 cm -0.8 cm.
  • The recipe description is for a certain amount of product, if you take more onions, accordingly, do not forget to increase the proportion of other ingredients.
  • Keep in mind that if there is not enough vinegar or salt or sugar, the onions will not acquire the proper taste.
  • Shelf life of marinated tomato juice onions in containers for no more than five days, in rolled containers - one year.

Try making it at least once according to one of the presented recipes, and you will no longer be able to refuse this addition to meat, and you will only fill your salads with pickled onions.

Pickled onions for shish kebab with vinegar - a classic, very tasty recipe


  • Onion - 5-6 medium-sized heads, must be strong, you can take absolutely any variety of onion, for example, white;
  • Sugar – 5 tablespoons;
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • Vinegar essence (9%, classic is better, but can be replaced with wine or grape) – 150 ml;
  • Water – 300-350 ml.

Recipe step by step

Take a jar, a plastic container or any other container - a basin, a plate, the main thing is that they can be closed with a lid.

Peel the cooked onions, cut them into rings and place them in a prepared container.

Take a saucepan, pour water into it, boil it, remove from the stove, add salt and sugar according to the recipe. Thoroughly dilute the powder in this boiling water.

Put the brine on the fire again, and after boiling, pour vinegar into it, stir, remove from the stove.

Fill the onion with this solution directly from the heat, that is, hot, close the container with a lid, leave until it cools, and then put it in a cool place.

You need to take:

  • two - three large and strong onions;
  • two large spoons of mustard (you can use strong, classic, or take the French style - grain);
  • balsamic vinegar - two teaspoons;
  • a couple of pinches of salt;
  • a little - crushed black pepper (possibly allspice);
  • four tablespoons tbsp. sunflower oil.


Peel the onion from all the top husks, cut off the tails, and cut into half rings. If you take small heads, you can cut them into rings.

Place the half rings in a container prepared for marinating. This could be a deep plate, a jar, a saucepan, a food container, etc.

Add mustard to the onion, stir with a wooden spatula.

Add salt, pepper to the indicated products, season refined oil(you can use olive oil), stir again;

Pour vinegar in a thin stream, spreading throughout the onion. Again, mix everything well with a wooden spatula. Try to stir the onion, which is being cooked, carefully, without breaking it or turning it into porridge.

On a note! If you are making pickled onions in balsamic vinegar, I recommend, if possible, to take “balsamic” yellow color. In this case, our product will not darken, but will have its usual color.

Cover the container with onions cling film or a plate, place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. If time allows, keep the cooked vegetable in the cold longer, the richer its flavor will be.

Pickled onions in tomato juice, believe me, it’s very tasty. It combines the aroma and pungency of the onion itself, and takes away the sourness of tomatoes, which also go well with any type of meat. A special advantage of this marinade is that such onions can be rolled into jars for the winter. And if some kind of Sabantuy is planned, you don’t need to bother, but simply take out the already marinated product as needed and all that remains is to fry the meat.

What do you need:

  • Onions - 5 medium-sized pieces, only strong onions are taken;
  • Fresh greens - one small bunch of dill and parsley;
  • Tomato paste – 3 large spoons (can be replaced with 300 ml of tomato juice);
  • Refined oil (odorless) – 2-2.5 l.;
  • Vinegar (exclusively 9%) - a small spoon;
  • Tsukar and sil - at your discretion (about a teaspoon... in the Ukrainian manner).

How to make onions marinated in tomato juice - step by step

Remove the husks from the bulbs and immerse the whole heads in cold water for 60 minutes.

After an hour, take the onions out of the water and cut them into rings about half a centimeter thick.

Finely chop the greens with a knife and mix with chopped onions.

Let's take it high frying pan, add oil, heat until a characteristic sound appears. Add tomato paste, water, sugar and salt to the hot vegetable oil. Cover it all with a lid and simmer for about ten minutes.

Note! Instead of water and tomato paste can be used, in this case natural tomato juice. If this liquid is store-bought, check for salt and sugar; you may not need to add these ingredients to the dish as they will already be contained in the juice.

After removing the pan from the stove, open the lid, pour vinegar into the marinade mass, and cover for five minutes.

While the solution is being completed, place the onions in a bowl or in jars, if you plan to roll them up for the winter, fill them with hot solution and cover with lids.

On a note! If you want to store onions pickled in tomato juice for the winter, the jars will need to be sterilized for 10 minutes before laying out the onions and then rolled up. Screw options and lids are not suitable in this case.

When the onion has cooled completely, it can be served; if this is an option for storage, put it in the refrigerator.

Pickled onions with lemon are very appropriate to serve with hot meat - it’s simply gorgeous!

We take:

  • 2 large or 4 medium-sized onions;
  • lemon or small lime – 1 piece (you will need zest and juice);
  • sugar and salt (usually one spoon is enough);
  • Refined sunflower oil – a couple of spoons;
  • a pinch of white ground pepper or a mixture of peppers (to your taste);
  • water - 100 ml.


Peel the onions. Cut it.

Place the slices in a saucepan and add ground white pepper.

Rub the citrus peel onto fine grater, put the lemon itself aside. We need one teaspoon of zest.

Squeeze the juice from one half of the citrus into a separate bowl. In this process, it is important that the lemon seeds do not fall into the dish; be careful.

Add water to the citrus juice, heat it up, add salt and sugar, pour in the oil and add a level teaspoon of lemon zest.

Dissolve the bulk ingredients without bringing the water to a boil.

Pour the marinade into the onion and mix well with your hands or a spatula. Cover with a lid and leave for an hour.

When serving, pickled onions should be prepared - drained excess liquid. To do this, post onion rings into a colander, the marinade will drain, then squeeze the onion with your hands, being careful not to damage the contents.

That's all the wisdom of cooking. As always, there are no particular difficulties, and it’s not particularly costly.

Good luck and all the best!

Pickled onions - very simple, tasty dish, it can be added to salads, pilaf, and barbecue. It prepares quickly, the ingredients are the most affordable, and the result is gorgeous. After all, many dishes taste much better with such sharp onions, and the presentation looks more beautiful.

It’s not for nothing that they say, “pickled onions are good for barbecue.”

It seems to me that the smell of barbecue is, in many ways, the smell of pickled onions. Mom here cut a lot of onions in advance before the holiday and put them in a bag in the refrigerator, I opened it, and the refrigerator smelled strongly of barbecue!

If you want the pickled onions to be more tender, scald them with boiling water in advance. But if you want it to be crispier and more vigorous, then don’t do it.

This option is also good for salads. Some people do not like onions in salads, or are afraid to eat them before important meetings, so that there is no smell. And there is no smell left from the pickled one.

When serving herring, many housewives complement it with onion rings. This is where our recipe comes in handy.

Also, soaking removes the bitterness, in general, removes everything that we don’t like about this vegetable, and leaves a tasty, spicy snack, ideally complementing many dishes.

Italians believe that in order not to cry while cutting onions, you need to wash the knife under water from time to time. cold water. I do this - it helps.

Pickled onions with dill for barbecue - step-by-step recipe with photos

This is a recipe without cooking the marinade, it is very simple to make, and it turns out delicious.

You can pickle both white and red onions in this way.


  • Onions – 2 pcs.,
  • Salt – 1 tbsp,
  • Vinegar 9%,
  • Glass of water,
  • Greenery.

Greens can be frozen or dried. It is possible without it at all.

  1. First we make the marinade. Pour a glass of water into a bowl, add an incomplete tablespoon of salt (not a slide).

2. Add the same amount of sugar.

3. Stir until dissolved. Only when the salt and sugar have completely dissolved, add 4 tbsp. vinegar 9%.

4. Then cut the onion as convenient for you - either into rings or half rings.

5. Immediately place the onion in a bowl with the marinade.

6. Finely chop the greens and add to the onions. All that remains is to mix, cover with a plate and leave for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, drain the marinade and place on a plate. The onion is ready!

If the onion pickled in vinegar turns out sour, pour boiling water over it.

How to pickle onions in cucumber brine

Perhaps the easiest way to pickle onions is to simply pour cucumber brine over them. For any holiday, we usually do something with pickled cucumbers, leaving the brine. Why not use it for onions.

  1. Cut the onion into rings and place in the cucumber marinade.
  2. In 3-5 hours delicious onion ready. Waste-free production!

Instant pickled onions – microwave (10 minutes)

Be sure to try this option if you are very short on time. This method is even recommended professional chefs, the onion turns out tender and tasty.


  • Onions - three hundred g,
  • Water,
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp.,
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  1. Cut the onion into rings.

2. Place in a cup that can be used in microwave oven. Fill with water until the entire onion is covered.

3. Season with one teaspoon of salt. Pour in four tablespoons of nine percent vinegar.

4. Set the microwave to maximum. Warm the onions for ten minutes.

5. Then remove and drain the liquid using a colander. The snack is ready!

Quick recipe in vinegar (with cooking marinade)

Some people think that onions pickled in vinegar are too sour, so they pour boiling water over them. But still, making onions in a cooked marinade is tastier.

I offer you very delicious recipe marinade, proven over years and generations. Guests love the onion according to this recipe so much that they eat it almost as a main dish.

This marinade can be used to marinate cabbage and various chopped vegetables. It turns out very tasty!


  • Medium-sized bulbs – 4 pcs.,
  • Table vinegar 9% - 70 gr.,
  • Water – 1 tbsp.,
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. (without slide),
  • Salt – 0.5 tbsp.
  1. Cut the onion into rings or half rings.

2. Pour a glass of water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar. As soon as the water boils, pour in the vinegar.

3. Immediately pour this brine over the onions so that it completely covers the chopped onions.

4. Cover with a lid. Leave to marinate for 1.5-2 hours. After this, the onion can be used for salad or served with kebabs. Or you can pour it together with the marinade in a jar and store it in the refrigerator.

Caucasian style barbecue appetizer

Sometimes we don’t know what to do with the small onions that grew in the country. Try marinating it whole for a wonderful appetizer!

This onion with garlic and herbs is very tasty and goes well with various dishes. You can add it to soup, salad and, of course, to barbecue.

This is the best way to pickle onions. small size. A very small one can be marinated entirely. Then he must stand for five days.


  • Onion – 250 g (the smaller, the tastier),
  • Parsley – 1 medium bunch,
  • Garlic – 4-5 cloves
  • Sunflower unrefined oil– 2-3 tbsp.,
  • For the marinade:
  • Water 250 g,
  • Bay leaf,
  • Black pepper – 10 peas.,
  • Allspice – 4 peas,
  • Cardamom – 4 seeds,
  • Cloves or star anise - 1 star,
  • Vinegar 9% - 0.5 tbsp.,
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp,
  • Sugar – 0.5 tsp,
  • Thyme, basil - a couple of sprigs each (if available)
  1. Cut parsley leaves from stems.

2. Cut the onion as you like. Or you can marinate the whole thing.

3. Prepare the marinade. Pour two hundred and fifty grams of water into a pan, add bay leaf and all the spices mentioned above. Bring to a boil and pour in half a glass of 9% vinegar, put on low heat and let simmer for a couple of minutes.

4. Place parsley stems in a sterilized jar. You can add some aromatic herbs, for example, if you have thyme or basil (you can also sprinkle a little dry). Place the chopped onion in a jar, do not fill it completely, leave a little space. Chop the garlic cloves or simply crush them with a knife, and also put them in a jar.

5. Pour in vegetable oil. Add parsley leaves, salt to taste, add no more than half a teaspoon of sugar.

6. Remove the marinade from the stove and immediately pour it into the jar. Close the lid. Cool until room temperature and put it in the refrigerator. The onion will be ready in a day, but is most delicious after three days.

Pickled onions with beets

This appetizer will become a real decoration of the table, or the dish with which you serve it. Beets not only add vibrant color, but also an extra hint of flavor. And the marinade is easy to prepare.


  • Medium size onions: 5-6 pcs.,
  • Beetroot – 1 pc.,
  • Salt,
  • Black pepper,
  • Wine vinegar (if not, you can use regular vinegar)
  1. Cut the onion into half rings.

2. Beets - half a plastic.

3. To make the marinade, simply mix cold boiled water with wine vinegar in equal parts (for example, a glass of both).

4. Pour boiling water over the onion to soften it.

5. Place pieces of beetroot into the bottom of sterilized jars.

7. Place beet slices on top again.

8. Add salt and pepper to taste.

9. Pour in the marinade to fill two-thirds of the jar. Close it, put it upside down. Let it sit for three hours. Then you can put it in the refrigerator, let it marinate there for another six hours or overnight.

Red onion with lemon

Red onions are distinguished by the fact that they are not bitter and are considered almost sweet. Therefore, you can pickle it simply and easily, even without using vinegar. The desired effect is achieved simply with the help of lemon. It turns out very tasty and beautiful snack or an addition to shish kebab, pilaf, salad.


  • Red onion – 3 heads,
  • Lemon – 1 pc.,
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon,
  • Allspice - to taste.
  1. Cut the red onion into rings. Place in a container or plate with a lid.

2. Add sugar and a pinch of allspice.

3. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and add to the onion.

Stir everything. Close the lid and shake well.

Let marinate for a couple of hours. Excellent onions for barbecue are ready!

For the hamburger

Pickled hamburger onions can be made using any of the recipes here. But you can do it quickly in 20 minutes while preparing the hamburger. After all, it will be part of the filling, and it is not so important that it is very soft, it is enough to simply remove the bitterness and add the taste of the marinade.


  • Onion - one hundred and fifty grams,
  • Vinegar 6% - ten tablespoons,
  • Water - fifteen tablespoons,
  • Sugar - three tablespoons.
  1. Let's make the marinade. Pour vinegar, water, and sugar into a plate.
  2. Cut the onion into rings. Dip the onion into the marinade and leave in it for twenty minutes. Now ready to use for hamburger.

Onions for salad - how to pickle quickly, calculation per onion

How to quickly and easily pickle onions for salad. You can use both red and regular onion.


1 onion,

1 tbsp. Sahara,

1 tbsp. vinegar 6%,

1 tbsp. vegetable oil,

  1. Cut the onion into quarter rings.

2. Place in a deep bowl. Add 1 tbsp. Sahara. And 1 tablespoon of vinegar, you can use apple or wine vinegar, 6%.

3. Pour in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

4. Pour boiling water over it.

Let the onion sit for a couple of minutes, and then it’s ready. Drain in a colander and can be added to the salad.

Pickled onions with adjika and apple cider vinegar (video)


onions - 5 pcs.,

apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp,

adjika - 2 tbsp.,

sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.,

sugar - 1 tsp,

salt - 1 tsp.

  1. Let's make the marinade. 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar mix with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Add 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt.
  2. Stir everything until the salt and sugar dissolve.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. adzhiki. Stir until dissolved.
  4. Cut the onion into half rings. Place in a container with a lid.
  5. Pour marinade over onions. It may seem like there isn't enough marinade, but it's not. There is no need to mash the onion, just mix gently.
  6. Close the lid and shake. Let stand and shake some more. The onions will marinate for half an hour to several hours, shaking the container with the onions from time to time.

I hope that using my recipes you will be able to prepare delicious pickled onions. What is your favorite recipe for this dish?

How to pickle onions in vinegar

Today I will tell you how to pickle onions in vinegar. Pickled onions are quick and easy to prepare, and the taste is unique!

Hello my friends!

Spring is coming, but it’s still cold, and the body’s immune system already wants to recharge) And as an option, we can help our body using!

In this article, I suggest you get acquainted with an old, proven recipe for how to quickly pickle onions. This recipe (or rather, the onion) is perfect for any salad, barbecue, fried beef steak, or even just as independent dish for onion lovers =) I will tell you how to pickle onions in a bite, with almost no use additional ingredients, so you don’t even have to run to the store!

Not everyone likes raw onions because of the smell and bitterness. And pickled onions cook quickly and will become an excellent alternative ordinary. Personally, I never raw onion I don’t scald it with boiling water, as is advised in order to get rid of bitterness. It seems to me that after this a nasty smell of boiled onions appears in it and you can’t get rid of it at all.

I once learned from my grandmother a very simple way to quickly pickle onions for a salad (while guests were still on the way, for example), and now I use it very often. The family is delighted. My dad loves this onion fried potatoes and pork =)

Exist different varieties onions - sweet, hot and medium hot. What works best for me is marinating red onions in vinegar, since they don’t have that unpleasant onion bitterness and are just what you need for a salad! I also like to add some white onion for some color.

And now the recipe for pickled onions. First option I.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • Onions - 3 medium-sized pieces (about 250 g)
  • Cold water - 250 ml
  • Vinegar 9% - 70 g (7 tbsp.)
  • Sugar - 50 g (3 tbsp)
  • Salt - 10 - 15 g (0.5 tbsp.)
  • Greens to taste and optional :)

Everything is very simple!

1. Make the marinade: mix sugar, salt, vinegar with water. Please note that there is no need to boil the marinade. You can take the water for the marinade already boiled or just chilled drinking water.

2. Chop the onion that we will pickle the way you like. I usually chop it into half rings.

3. Place in a jar or other container convenient for you and fill with marinade. When you have marinated the onions in vinegar, put the container in the cold for 30 minutes. Our onions are quickly marinated there, and they can already be served! The onion is ready to eat =)

Dear readers! After you have learned how to pickle onions in vinegar, as a bonus I offer you a similar option for “improving” onions, namely, pickle onions in lemon juice! Well, let's start!

Option II.

So, in addition to vinegar, you can quickly pickle onions in lemon juice. For the marinade we will prepare:

  • juice of one lemon
  • 50 ml water (temperature approximately 50 degrees Celsius)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil
  • freshly ground pepper
  • greens to taste

Mix everything well and pour on the onion so that the marinade completely covers it. The pickled onions will be ready quickly - only about 30 minutes until they cool to room temperature.

Calorie content of onions pickled in vinegar per 100 g = 79 kcal

  • Proteins - 4.7 g
  • Fat - 1.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 7.6 g

Cooking time: 45 minutes

As you can see, pickled onions are quick and easy! You can use it in salads and in cooking! Bon appetit and happy culinary experiments! =)

Not everyone loves fresh onions. And it needs to be added to soups, many salads, and main courses. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine a kebab or herring without onions. How to make it tasty and aromatic? How to neutralize bitterness? How to pickle onions tasty and correctly?

Onions marinated for barbecue

A good kebab must have onions. The main ingredients are salt, sugar, vinegar essence or vinegar. Water is used as a base. Do you know how to pickle watermelons in jars for the winter? Using the same ingredients.

To add a unique aroma, you can add chopped herbs. Onions prepared in this way are sour and crispy. It's easy and quick to do. So, how to pickle onions:

    Cut two heads of medium-sized onion vegetables into half rings.

    Chop dill and parsley and add to our onion. Fifty grams of greens is enough. If you like it more flavorful, take more.

    Boil a glass of water and let it cool. We don't need cold water for the marinade. It should be nicely hot. Approximately forty degrees. When you put your finger down, it's hot, but bearable.

    Dissolve 2 tsp in water. sugar and just half a teaspoon of salt without a slide. Pour in 2 tbsp. table vinegar.

    Pour the marinade over the half rings with herbs until everything is completely covered. The quantity given in the recipe is quite enough. Cover the dish with a lid and let it sit on the table for two hours.

    After the required time, drain the marinade and put the onions in the refrigerator.

If you like the onion sour, add more vinegar. Some people first pour boiling water over the vegetable to eliminate bitterness. It won't hurt, but it's completely unnecessary. The marinade will remove all the bitterness.

If for some reason you cannot use vinegar, replace it with lemon juice. The volume should be equal to the volume of water and vinegar. Remove the water too.

To the herring

Seasoned with pickled onions, herring becomes more tender and tastier. It is imbued with a unique aroma and acquires a piquant taste. Moreover, the onion neutralizes excessive saltiness.

The first recipe. simplest

The ingredients are based on two to three medium herrings.

    Peel and cut two or three medium-sized onions into rings. Pour them into a deep plate.

    Pour four tablespoons of water and half as much vinegar into another container. Dissolve 2 tsp. Sahara.

    Pour over the vegetable and leave to marinate for about twenty minutes.

Place the peeled and chopped herring on a beautiful plate and garnish with pickled onions. You can pour out the marinade. Bon appetit!

The second recipe. Herring for future use

For this recipe, we take ready-made herring and onion half rings.

    Place pieces of herring (2-3 pieces) tightly into a deep bowl. Place onions on top (as many as you eat).

    Pour in two or three tablespoons of vegetable oil along with one or two teaspoons of table vinegar.

    Cover the herring and onion with boiled water and put it in the refrigerator. In order for the onions to pickle, the dish must stand at least overnight.

Ready! Why for future use? Such a herring can stand for two to three days. Moreover, the onions will only become tastier.

My son really likes onions marinated in this way. Moreover, he eats everything almost in one sitting. There is little left for the rest of the family.

Recipe three. Pickled onion with mustard

  1. We clean and cut the onion.
  2. Dissolve 2 tsp in water (4 tbsp.) sugar, 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tsp. dry mustard.
  3. Pour the marinade over the onions and leave for 15-20 minutes.

All! Decorate the herring as you like.

For the salad

    Cut the onion into pieces of the required shape and size (different cuts vary in different salads).

    Dissolve a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water. Place this on the fire and bring to a boil.

    Remove the brine from the stove and pour in 2 tbsp. vinegar.

    Pour the marinade over the onions and cover with a lid. You're waiting. When the marinade has cooled, the onion can be used.

How to marinate in vinegar?

We invite you to try several recipes and choose the most suitable one for yourself and your loved ones.

The first recipe. Pickled onion with beets

  1. We peel a kilogram of onions. Pour boiling water over it.
  2. Remove the peel from the medium beets and cut them into cubes. Cut the onion into rings.
  3. Place vegetables in a glass container in layers.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine wine vinegar with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Add salt and black pepper (by eye).
  5. Pour the marinade over the vegetables and refrigerate for a day.

Marinated onions prepared in this way are perfect not only for barbecue, but also for any meat or fish.

The second recipe. Pickled onion in Georgian style

    Dilute table vinegar in boiled water (1:1). Add 2-3 bay leaves, a little cinnamon, a few clove flowers, salt, sugar, red pepper.

    Pour cold water into a separate container and add some salt.

    We clean the small onions and place them in a deep plate. Pour boiling water over it. After three minutes, throw into a colander and cool.

    Place them in salted water for five minutes. Drain the liquid through a colander and place the onion in a jar.

    Fill with marinade (step 1). Place in the refrigerator for a day.

Recipe three. Accelerated marinating

  1. We dilute one part of table vinegar in three parts of boiled water. The total volume of liquid is 500 ml.
  2. Add bay leaf, cloves, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  3. Place the onion cut into rings in a glass bowl, pour in the marinade and leave in the cold for an hour and a half.

Onions pickled for the winter

The first recipe. Classic pickled onions for the winter

    Keep small onions in boiling water for a few minutes. Cool quickly and clean.

    Place the onion in salted water for about five minutes. Then - into sterile jars.

    Prepare the marinade. Pour 4 tbsp into a liter of water. salt and 2 tbsp. sugar, and then pour in 500 g. table vinegar. Be sure to add spices: a pinch of hot red pepper, the same amount of cinnamon, four bay leaves, four cloves and two star anise.

    Pour boiling brine over it. Cork.

The second recipe. Pickled onion with bell pepper and dill

    Peel a kilogram of small onions and place in an enamel pan.

    Dissolve half a teaspoon of citric acid in a liter of boiled water. Pour this liquid over the onions. Bring to a boil over low heat. Drain the water.

    Wash sweet pepper (1 pc.) and cut into thin rings. Peel two cloves of garlic. Place onions in sterile jars, alternating them with pepper and garlic. On top is a layer of chopped dill.

    Prepare the marinade in a separate bowl. Add 1 tbsp to a liter of water. salt, 4 tbsp. sugar, 6 dried black peppercorns, bay leaf. When it boils, remove from heat and pour in a tablespoon of vinegar.

    Pour hot marinade over vegetables. Seal the jars.

Use pickled onions to prepare salads and as a separate side dish. You can safely add it to vegetable stews and pilafs.