Marinade is universal for proper kebab. Pork kebab - Marinade on kefir

Late spring and summer - the time of picnics with kebabs and barbecue in nature, by the fire, with the aroma of fried meat, with a hiking romance and summer gatherings. How to choose the meat to pick up so that kebabs get juicy, appetizing and useful?

Why marinate meat

Marination softens even the toughest meat, making it gentle and juicy. In addition, pickled pork, chicken, beef and lamb are prepared faster due to the presence in the marinade of salts and acid - lemon juice, vinegar or alcohol. Thanks to a saturated bouquet of spices and seasonings, the meat becomes tastier and the fragrant, acquiring the original and unique taste.

However, the meat is marinated not only for grilled cooking and baked in the oven, but also for frying in a frying pan. The fact is that the marinade forms a film on the surface of meat, thanks to which it does not burn, and meat juice does not follow during frying. Also, nutritionists argue that the pickled meat is absorbed by the body much better, and this is especially important if we are preparing kebabs for children.

Preparing marinade

Cooking marinade for meat is a creative and spontaneous process, so you can use any spices that you like and seem suitable for this meat. For marinada, any spices and dried herbs are suitable, a variety of sauces, vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar, honey, syrups, alcoholic beverages, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, mayonnaise, tomato paste and fruit juices (mostly pomegranate, apple, tomato, grape, Lemon or orange). Here the main thing is to take into account that the bust with acids can lead to dryness of meat.

In the marinade you can also add greens, onions, garlic, ginger, tomatoes, sharp and sweet peppers and other vegetables. Pleasant taste Marinada gives acid berries and pieces of fruit - pineapple, kiwi, papaya and citrus. Before marinating, be sure to try your marinade - if it is pleasant to taste, meat will also get tasty!

How to pickle meat at home

Disubordinate meat, rinse it well, remove all unnecessary parts, such as films and tendons. You can pick up the meat entirely or cut it into pieces, just in the second case it will take less time to pickle. Pass the meat with a fork so that it is better soaked, put it in the dishes with the marinade, mix well and make sure that all pieces are impregnated with liquid and covered with spices. Cover the dishes with a lid and put in the refrigerator. The duration of marinization ranges from half an hour to 3 days, it all depends on the composition of the marinade, the quality of meat and sizes of a piece. Do not leave the dishes warm because the marinade can blame.

How to pick up meat for baking: secrets and subtleties

If an acid is present in the marinade - vinegar, dry wine or sour juice, you should not keep meat in it for more than 2 hours, otherwise it is overwhelmed. The pickled meat is ready for baking in the oven and grilled, it does not need pre-heat treatment, as a result of which the product will lose juice and become dry.

For marination, any dishes are suitable, in which there are no metals: they are oxidized under the influence of acids, so the kebab is obtained by tasteless. As for the composition of the marinade, this is a matter of taste preferences, however, it is believed that pork, chicken and duck are well combined with sweet marinades.

How to pick up pork for kebab

Cut the pork with small pieces and lubricate the Dijon mustard, then immerse her in Marinade. The classic marinade for pork is usually prepared from vegetable oil, vinegar and crushed herbs, the time of marination is 6-8 hours.

Pork, pickled with soy sauce, vegetable oil and zila, is very tasty, - in this case, it is enough to marine meat for 3-4 hours. If you want to cook pork in a special way, make a lemon marinade from juice and lemon zest, fresh mint, olive oil and oregano. You can pick up pork in a piquant grenade marinade. To do this, you will need 200 ml of pomegranate juice and red wine, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 5 tbsp. l. Lemon juice, 2 heads finely chopped onion, black pepper and hops-Sunnels. Mix all the ingredients, immerse the pork pieces in the marinade and hold a few hours in the refrigerator.

How to pick up beef for kebab

How to pickle lamb for kebab

For lamb, marinade from semi-sweet red wine is perfect, in which you can crumble fine garlic and leek. Young pine sprigs, blacks and anise will complement the taste of the marinade, but most importantly - do not add dry wine into the marinade, otherwise the meat fibers of lamb will be too loose. Leave pieces of meat in the marinade at night, but not more. When preparing the lamb to marinate, leave fat - it will have a positive effect on the taste of the kebab.

Since lamb is quite fatty meat, the marinade with ginger is perfect for it. To do this, mix 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. Salt and sugar, ΒΌ h. l. Black hammer pepper, 1 tbsp. l. Zira and chili pepper, half of the crushed bulbs and 2 pieces of grated ginger. The result will surely impress you.

How many owners, so many marinade recipes. If you have your secrets, how to pickle chicken, as well as pork, beef or lamb for kebabs, share recipes with us. Merry and tasty picnic!

Summer continues, and ahead is still a laden summer and warm September ... There are a lot of reasons to gather a lot with friends. And what kind of picnic without a kebab?! Earlier on Bambino Story, we told you about. Everything is important in this dish: both meat and cooking process, and sauces, and, of course, marinade. How to pick up correctly so that it is juicy and gentle? We will talk about it about this.

How to pickle pork

A couple of words about why I need marinade at all. Some connoisseurs claim that only hard meat of type of lamb or venison is needed, and soft trees can simply cut into pieces and fry. Of course, you can stick and this rule, but also many experts tend to believe that pickled meat is more juicy due to the fact that Marinade protects it from burning and does not give meat juice. In addition, in the piquant marinade, the meat becomes soft and is preparing much faster, and it is also easier to absorb the body, which, you see, it is important.
So, how to deliciously pick meat? On this question there are the same answers as people who at least once in their life marinated meat for kebabs. Everyone has their own recipe, and for gourmets marinade is generally a special pride!
Before moving to the recipes of marinades, let's mention several rules, sticking to which you can easily prepare a delightful marinade for your kebab:

  • Prepare the marinade only in glassware made of glass, plastic or ceramics, and in no case do not use metal bowls. Since the acid that is part of the marinade, the metal is engaging and give meat an unpleasant taste.
  • Bay of meat marinade, be sure to put it in the refrigerator, do not leave in the room, because Marinade can blame.
  • To quickly pick up meat for kebabs, cut it with small pieces, so it is in the faster.
  • In order for the meat is better soaked by marinade, reach it for a fork in several places.
  • If you pick up hard meat, put Pineapple in Marinade, Kiwi, Papaya - these fruits due to the fruit acid contained in them, soften the protein. Just do not hold meat in the marinade longer than 2 hours!
  • To avoid meat rigidity after marination, observe the proportions of acidic components in the marinade - they should not be very much. Add acid and vegetable oil equally.
  • If you marinate meat on the street, mix all the ingredients in the package, after having released air from it.

Now it's time to talk about marinades. In this article, we will write several ways to pick up pork, since it is this kind of meat that is most common among the kebabs of our country.

  • The classic recipe for marinade includes vegetable oil, vinegar, crushed herbs and Dijon mustard. Pork in this recipe is cut into small pieces and lubricated mustard. Then in a deep bowl mix the oil, vinegar and herbs. Lower in the resulting mixture, grated pieces of pieces and leave them for 6 to 8 hours in the refrigerator.
  • Universal for meat is considered marinade with soy sauce. To pickle pork for kebab in this way, take the soy sauce, sunflower oil, ziru and a mixture of spices for the grill. All ingredients Mix, put pork pieces in the marinade and leave for 3 to 4 hours in the cold.

These are classic recipes. But let's talk about how to pick up the pig meat in some special way. So that not like everyone else. To original and tasty. Prepare lemon, pomegranate or Russian marinades!
At the heart of lemon marinade - lemon juice, its zest, olive oil, fresh mint, oregano. Lemon juice on the action on meat is similar to vinegar, so if you are not a vinegar lover, boldly replace it with lemon juice: the meat will be soft, and his taste is unusual.
Russian Marinade is preparing on Kvass, Luke and Honey. But for a pomegranate marinade (per 1 kg of meat) you will need the following ingredients:

  • pomegranate juice - 200 ml
  • red dry wine - 200 ml
  • onions - 2 heads
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. Spoons
  • lemon juice - 5 tbsp. span
  • black ground pepper, hops-Sunnels - to taste

All ingredients blend and soaked in the resulting mixture of meat, leaving it for several hours in the refrigerator.
There are also recipes of marinades, which are based on fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt and prokobvash. Add garlic, turmeric, carnation, cardamon, cinnamon, Cayenne pepper, lime or lemon in them. And every time you will have new marinades!

How to quickly pick meat

It often happens that on kebabs we are going spontaneously, and then the question arises: "How to quickly pick up meat." After all, it is necessary that it is well soaked, and the kebab turned out to be soft. In this case, any recipes on the basis of mayonnaise and mustard are suitable, because mayonnaise due to the vinegar that is part of its composition well softens meat, vegetable oil does not give me the meat to dwell, and the mustard gives a special sharp taste.
For the preparation of spicy marinade for pork, take:

  • onions - 0.5 kg
  • any vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • mayonnaise - 400 g
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • spice

Skip onions through a meat grinder, mix with all the components and put meat into the cooked marinade for 2 hours. Juicy kebabs and pleasant appetite!

Skewer is not just a meat dish. This can be said, the ritual in which everyone takes part - the children collect branches (even if coal and firewood are harvested), women cover the "clearing" and stripped pieces on skewers, and men under beer discuss ways to produce proper kebabs (well, and fry His, of course). And it is very disappointing when the whole company receives in his hands as a result of all the efforts of tough small "soles". But the secrets are a bit: it is necessary to correctly choose the desired part of the carca, calculate the number of "consumers" and know how to marine kebab - from pork whether you will do it, from beef whether, from lamb or at all from fish or birds.

Meat should be properly chosen and competently prepare

The main condition - the meat should not be fat. The main component of this dish is meat, and not at all. So choose not fat (but not lean!) Slices. Otherwise, it will absolutely, how to marinate pork kebabs, it still will not work as juicy and gentle. The most suitable part of the carcas is considered the back, it is moderately saturated with fat layers, but does not expire with frying lard. There will be a shovel, although it is worth a larger. The error makes those who use for kebab chops. The result will be dry, unconsid.

On the eve of the picnic, before making the kebab from pork, it is worth estimating how many people will participate in the feast. Remember that meat in the process of frying "climbs", so from a kilogram of a raw product you will receive only grams of seven hundred ready. So the person is eight (especially if you are planning "on kebabs" to spend a lot of time) pork need to take a kilogram four.

Fundamental rules

Even knowing, it is necessary to prepare it and correctly. To make meat evenly and throughout the volume, cut it erupical. This is especially true of lamb and beef - this cattle has a rather tough meat. For pork, reluctance are allowed, slices can be quite large because swine meat actively absorbs actually any marinade.

The following subtlety: Before making a pork kebab, and onions, and any herbs that you are going to add to the marinade, you need to argue (better - with your hands, not a spoon or the more blender). All components will give juice, thanks to which the meat is fastened faster and better.

To prepare skewed meat, take dishes made of glass, ceramics or enameled. In extreme cases, the "stainless steel" is suitable, but it is no longer aluminum or zinc.

The most popular - kefir - method

Among all the ways, what can be prepared by pork kebab, the recipe for marinade, which is based on kefir, is most famous and used. His main advantage is the speed of marinations. The second advantage is mild and juicy meat, which is obtained as a result.

The ratio of products is as follows: Person-liter of the fermented milk product. However, we note: it all depends on the fat content of kefir and your personal preferences. If you do not like too "wet" meat, there will be enough so much fluid so that it only covers the pork. Luca take more, as the marine pork kebab with a bow - a tradition for any marinade recipes, whatever lay on them.

For a kefir recipe, the pepper pepper, kinza, bay leaf and salt will be required. Most of the cooks advise to lay out the layers of meat, cut onions and spices, but some recommend putting everything in a row, and then mix - they say, so more juice is stuck. In principle, in this way to marinate the pork enough and a quarter of an hour, but if there is patience at least for an hour, the meat will be much softer. Note: Some chefs advise to connect kefir with mayonnaise, since making pork kebab with mayonnaise and kefir faster. Meat will have a richer taste, and marinade can be used for watering. Some and kefir exclude from a similar recipe, but then the kebab will have a kind of taste that does not like everyone.

Lemon recipe

The method described above is not the only one, how can you prepare a kebab from pork. Marinade recipe, thanks to which a very gentle result is obtained, based on lemon. In addition to these citrus, it will take basil sin, traditional onions, salt and pepper. Layer layers of pork, bow, grass, lemon squeezes top. So lay the layers until the meat is over. It is not necessary to interfere with lemon juice - too, the bust will make meat very sour. Always when mastering a new kebab recipe, the question arises: "How much to marine a pork kebab?" It is for this method of cooking that has a clear answer: eight hours. It is clear that no one will exhibit the timer. However, consider: Give a pork in such a marinade for longer than 20 hours - you will get very "lemon", sour and bright smelling meat that does not like all.

Tomatoes for Marinada

No less good result gives a recipe, telling how to marinate pork kebab with tomatoes. Many use ready-made tomato juice to implement it. A good way, only you have to be sure that the juice is natural and without preservatives. And even better - make juice yourself. To do this, tomatoes are skipped through the juicer or rubbed on the usual grater and are wiping through the sieve. Cake will have to throw or put on winter blanks.

The chopped meat is shifted onions (abundantly), it will fall, salts, if desired, squeezed with spices. Then it is poured with ready-made juice - not at the very edges, but if only the meat was covered. The question remains the question of how much pork kebabs in tomato marinade. He is solved by each cook individually. However, the optimal time is 9-10 hours, that is, it is enough to leave meat overnight. It should be noted that when burning behind a kebab, it will be necessary to watch vigilantly, because marinated in tomato, it is easily burning.

Wine Classic

Many fans of this dish are fundamentally followed by it, even if they are preparing a pork kebab. The recipe for marinade is simple, and the result pleases. Marine meat in two ways.

First. For each kilogram of pork is taken on a glass of dry white wine. The onions are largely cut, the hands are stirred with meat, pepper and salt (if desired, add favorite seasonings). The cargo is located on top, and the whole design for four hours is sent to the cold.

The second option - the recipe requires much more time. Marine pork kebab he suggests in red wine. All other components are the same. Wines takes a little more than in the first case so that the meat is completely disappeared. Cargo is not required. And most importantly - to insist the pork need at least a day and a half (better than two). But the kebab will get soft, juicy, "gravy" is formed a lot, and it can be watering meat.

Unusually but tasty

You can marinate meat for kebabs (pork, in particular) in a completely special sauce. A glass of pomegranate juice will go on it (everything is designed for two kilograms of meat), 2 bulbs, on the bunch of basil and parsley, as spices - black pepper, sea salt, carnation and paprika. Juice, of course, it is better to take a natural, pressed independently, but the store will go, only without adding sugar.

Pork lays into an enameled bowl of layers. Each of them is covered with onion rings, chopped greens and paprika. The upper layer is satisted by clove, everything is poured with juice and removes the refrigerator for 4 hours. Every 60 minutes, the contents are diligently mixed. Under the end is located oppression, and the future kebab is left until the morning. The meat is obtained very gentle and spicy, quickly fried and has a thin grenade flavor.

Exotic: kiwi

As a decree during the preparation of meat, a variety of herbs and vegetables are used. We offer a method telling how to marine pork kebab with kiwi - unexpectedly and tasty. And for a couple of kilograms of meat, only one fruit will be required. In addition to him, black pepper will go to the marinade (this time by peas) along with laurel leaves, two bulbs and a glass of carbonated mineral water.

The main stages of cooking are standard: cut meat and onions, add seasonings to them. And then - kiwi cleans, finely rubs, connects with the other ingredients, and all components are mixed. Then the pan is filled with a mineral glass, everything interferes again - and at night in the refrigerator.


Many specialists do not recommend using marinade for pork with vinegar. They argue that this ingredient dries meat and makes it tasteless. Moreover, opponents of this recipe consider such a marinade overly and "wrong" acidic, insisting that lemons give greater naturalness. However, if you observe some nuances, in how to marinate pork kebab with vinegar, you can simply achieve stunning results.

So, the bow must not cut the large, but grate onto the grater or skip through a blender (meat grinder). No more than 4 tablespoons of vinegar are taken to the pork kilogram (if you have 9%; the volume is less concentrated to recalculate accordingly). Moreover, it is preferable to buy a wine or in extreme cases apple - they have a more pleasant smell and a less sharp effect on meat. Lovers of abundant marinade can breed vinegar with water. If you take into account these tips, the result will not disappoint you.

Beer fantasies

The foam drink as the basis for the marinade is also attractive because the meat in it softens very quickly - pretty and hour of marination. In principle, the "exposure time" is similar to kefir, but beer is more attractive to the fact that it gives meat special thin, but clearly pronounced taste notes. Basic condition: Beer should be dark and natural. If you find the so-called "alive", you can not doubt the kebab will come to the glory. In addition to beer, pepper, salt and a little sugar go to the marinade. Onions, as usual. The marination process in this recipe also implies laid out with layers: pork is sent to the dishes, covered with onions, poured with spices, poured marinade from beer, salt and sugar, then the same layer. It is not required to mix. Want to speed up the marinization process - do not remove the saucepan in the cold, leave in the room, only so that the sun does not fall on it.

Mineral water as the basis of marinade

She was already mentioned in a recipe with Kiwi fruits. However, you can do without this addition. Mineralka grins meat well, but it is necessary to take into account some subtleties. First of all, remember that it can be dining, alkaline and acidic. If you are just trying to marine kebabs on this recipe, for the first time you stop your choice on the dining room - it has the most neutral taste. Alkaline mineral wool should be avoided - it does not have the necessary acid for meat processing. And when using acidic soda, you can not calculate the number of other components and get a reacted kebab.

To diversify the taste of the final product, add certain spices and seasonings to water. Love sharp? Use the paprika and chile. Do you like spicy meat? Thyme, rosemary and basil will make kebabs fragrant.

Fast skewers

If you are quite unexpected, even for yourself, gathered in nature, you have to come up with how to marinate pork kebabs very quickly, without spending the night to achieve meat "necessary condition". From the recipes of the marinade it is worth choosing high-speed: based on beer, lemons, white wine or kefira. You can think about the mayonnaise marinade. If you know how to marine pork kebab with mayonnaise correctly, ready for it will be pretty soon. Tricks a little. The first and main thing is that the mayonnaise pork is not at all right away. The salted and the across the meat should be a quarter of an hour to stand without marinada, launching juices. The second, no less important point: mayonnaise should not be too much. In fact, they are deceived by pieces, and do not pour them. To accelerate the process, you can dilute mayonnaise with dry wine - even white, even red. This drink must be taken in an amount equal to about half the volume of mayonnaise.

At the same time, the impact of "fast" methods can still be accelerated. First of all, the choice of meat. Buy preferably fresh, which was not subject to freezing. Otherwise, a lot of time will leave for his thawing in natural conditions (you do not want to spoil the taste of the kebab, defrosting the pork under hot water or in the microwave?).

The next step of "acceleration" is to take a thermobacket, a vacuum tray, or at least ordinary polyethylene or holes without holes. In the latter case, the pickled meat together with the rest of the components is folded into the package, and all air is carefully squeezed out of it. Upon completion of the process, the cells are tightly covered and tied up. It was noted that in this form of the pork marked almost twice as fast. And if it is also well to press - the process will accelerate even more.

And last remark: no refrigerator! The reduced temperature slows down the marinency, even if it makes it more uniform.

It should be noted that the listed ways of marinations do not completely exhaust the entire list. Can be used for marinade juice of acidic apples, red currant or allychi. Of course, the fruit taste is peculiar and unusted, but the meat is carried out gentle and juicy. Do not take only cerebral berries - pork and so sweetish taste. Praise marinade on the basis of brine - it actually does not need seasonings. And you yourself come up with how to marinate pork kebab using other products.

It is impossible to present a vacation in nature without fragrant and hot kebabs. And from what to cook it? That's right, from pork! It is fatty beef tenderloin and turkey. And from what to make marinade so that the meat become spicy and gentle? You can use wine and vinegar, cream and natural yogurt. Experiment with herbs and spiced greenery, fruit juices and carbonated water.

Preparatory stage

Only newcomers make kebabs from frozen blanks. Professionals who presented not one kilogram of meat use fresh cutting. They choose the most tender and soft pieces. Pork neck is the perfect option, but the breast or the lumbar department is suitable. Frozen meat is useful for the preparation of a kitlet, a walk or dumplings. But the kebab from such a workpiece is obtained too hard, similar to roasted rubber pieces. Disappears a pleasant taste.

Do not have enough first piece of meat. No, the workpiece for perfect kebabs should be carefully examined. Small, touch. Make sure that she did not lay a month under the counter. There are no copies with a lot of sala. The fatty layer should be a thin, white or cream shade. Yellow color indicates the old and enjoyable meat, which cannot be eaten without long-term heat treatment.

Buy pork pink shade with a pleasant smell. If the workpiece is a saturated red color or a specific aroma, it is better to leave it on the counter. You need to ask the seller to push the piece like that. If the fossa is quickly leveling, it means that the pig has tried a pen really yesterday. But in the workpiece should not be drunk blood or mucus.

Professionals know that the choice of perfect meat is only the first step. Future kebab need to be correctly cleaned. Rinse under running water, remove the translucent film and excess fat hanging from the workpiece. Split fillet into square or round slices with a three-year-old fist. If parts are too small, they will turn into rigid coals, which are easier to score nails than chewing. Large kebab is poorly progress and remains raw inside.

So that the taste of dishes is not spoiled during pickling, you need to choose the right dishes. Plastic and aluminum containers are isolated toxic substances, due to which the dish acquires an unpleasant bitter flavor. Wooden bowls highlight tubyl components. They make pork tough. Capacities are suitable made of glass or ceramics. You can use enameled options.

Meat, sliced \u200b\u200bon portion pieces, knead hands. Thanks to the massage, it becomes more gentle, well absorbs spices. In the marinada, it is not recommended to add vegetable oils. Pork is fatty enough. If it is formed to mix it with such components, a film is formed on the surface of the fillet, which will delay the melted fat in the fibers. Skewers will be too calorie and harmful, with a high content of poor cholesterol.

Equal milk options

Kefir softens tough fibers and adds a dish hardly tangible sour flavor. The fat content of the marinade must be at least 3%. Dietary options are not suitable. In 1.5 liters of fermented drink, 20-30 g of white sugar are added, stirred carefully.

In ceramic or glass container, mix pork with grated onions, refuel with kefir sauce. Stir and kneading with hands 5-10 minutes so that the meat is well impregnated with marinade. Sprinkled with black pepper, you can add fragrant herbs, coriander or turmeric. From above on fillet put onions, sliced \u200b\u200bby large rings.

The second variant of kefir marinade is prepared from the dairy drink and serum. Products are taken in equal proportions, stirred to homogeneity. Fill 2-3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and the same amount of acute mustard. French is not suitable, it is too tender. Pickled kebab mixed with onion rings. The more spicy vegetable, the more tastier there will be a dish. Remove the bowl into the fridge or basement, cover the lid, and to put the cargo on top. After 40-50 minutes, the meat can be risen on SHAPUR and fry.

Meat retains a juiciness and becomes gentle thanks to natural yogurt. There should be no sugar, dyes and other additives in the drink. The product is whipped in equal proportions with carbonated mineral water. Per 1 kg of pork fillet takes 500 ml of each component. In Marinade, they put a pinch of black pepper, "Italian herbs" or coriander. The meat is poured with yoghurt sauce, on top of decorated with thick onion rings and satisfy. Pork can be frying on a grill or pan. Regardless of the preparation method, it turns out juicy and fragrant.

Machine fillet in whole milk. In a pot with a thick bottom, 500 ml of beverage is poured, 2 tbsp. L Sahara and 30 g of black pepper. The workpiece is adjusted to a boil and remove from the stove. While the milk is cooled, meat, sliced \u200b\u200bon the portion pieces, rub the paste of garlic and salt. Fillet is immersed in a warm marinade, leave for 9 hours. Skewers, clumsy in boiled milk, you need to fry with slices of sweet peppers, carrots and tomatoes circles. Vegetables are stripped on the skewer together with the pork. They give the dish rich fragrance and savory shade.

Alcoholic marinades

If there is little time left, literally 1-2 hours, the situation will save beer. It will take 1.5 liters of dark or light and 3-4 major bulbs. Meat is divided into large pieces, each graze a mixture of black or fragrant pepper and salt. Put in a saucepan, add paste from a grated bulb. Fillet with spicy vegetable to stretch with your hands, and then pour cold beer with a thin jet. Stir the spoon, cover the container and wrapped with a towel. Skewers will be ready for frying in 50-60 minutes. Lovers acute recommended mixing beer with mustard powder. On a bottle of alcohol from 30 to 50 g of spices. During the frying constantly spray the meat with salted water.

Want something piquant and unusual? Recommend to try wine marinades. Alcohol will save, if instead of a young and gentle piglery, the seller slipped hard and old boar. The sauce of white and red wine dissolves and softens muscle fibers, gives the dish a sweet-sourish flavor.

Do not do without spices and spices. Usually use barberries, bay leaf, pinch of cloves, and amateurs of acute add a mixture of red and fragrant peppers. The fillet is satisfied at the very end, before the appetizing pieces on the skewers begin to ride. Pork due to a combination of seasoning and alcohol can become a bit tough.

The composition of the marinade from white wine includes:

  1. barberry ground - 10-15 g;
  2. white wine vinegar - 120 ml;
  3. pepper fragrant - 1 tsp;
  4. wine white - 100 ml.

Products mix, fill the laurel sheet and pour the prepared meat with a mixture. Pork is kept in such a marinade from 12 to 24 hours.

You can make a red dry wine sauce. In a glass of alcohol, put a pinch of rosemary and the kashitz from 2-3 cloves of garlic. So that the meat is better wanted, spicy wine is introduced by a syringe in fillet. Pork rubbing paste from crushed garlic, salt and fragrant pepper. Soaked in alcohol residues per day. Skewers will be harsh, but sharp and fragrant.

With meat cut off excess fat, but do not throw out. Make fillets on portion pieces, mix with 2 lemons. Citrus cut with thin circles or slices. Salo adds in the pork, fill with onion rings and wine marinade. The load is put on the lid, leave for 7 hours. The semumbur is filled with fillet and pickled fat so that the kebabs turn out to be more gentle and juicy.

In Greece, too, love to relax in nature and pamper themselves with tasty meat cooked on the fire. The inhabitants of the solar country marinate pork in a spicy sauce of tart of red wine. 250 ml of alcoholic beverage will need:

  • french mustard, grains - 60 g;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • tomato sauce - 70 ml;
  • rosemary - 30 g

Wine is mixed with tomato paste or juice. Ketchup does not fit, there are many preservatives and taste amplifiers. Garlic is crushed in a step, pour into alcohol. The number of rosemary can be reduced, because the spice has a rather strong and specific aroma. In the marinade from red wine and tomato sauce, pork is held by a maximum of 60 minutes. On the skewers together with meat bind tomatoes or pieces of sweet pepper.

In the Armenian version of Marinade, wine is replaced by a vintage brandy. 100 ml of alcohol will be needed 2 tbsp. l. Wine vinegar, chopping hammer cloves, coriander seeds, fragrant and red pepper. The workpiece is diluted with 1 lemon juice and refill 1 tsp. Salt. Spices give a kebab slim fragrance, and cognac - spicy and unusual taste.

Dietary recipes

Pork is sufficiently heavy and fat, so they are trying to soak in light sauces. For example, in marinade from mineral water. This option is useful for vacationers who bought meat before the ride itself. The carbonated drink quickly softens and cleaves muscle fibers, prepare fillets to frying in 1-2 hours.

Pork, purified and sliced, mixed with onion rings and seasoning "Mediterranean herbs", as well as with cilantro, dried tomatoes and paprika. The workpiece is filled with freshly squeezed juice from 1 lemon, knead the fillet with their hands and smear, like the dough. It remains to fill a pork with mineral water and cover with a lid.

If you want to prepare a kebab with a vegetable garnish, you need to clean and fry 3 large carrot bulbs on sunflower or olive oil. Products rub on grater or cut with thick circles. In the pan with softened vegetables, 15 g of sugar are poured, 1.5 tbsp. l. French mustard, pinch of black ground pepper and as much salt. Fill 150 ml sour cream and pass 5 minutes. The warm marinade is poured 20 g of table vinegar. The cooled sauce is mixed with peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bmeat, the future kebabs insist 3-5 hours.

Hard meat will save the usual table vinegar. The product is connected to distilled water in a ratio of 1 to 2. refuel sugar and black pepper. The meat first smeared with onion rings and salt, and then poured marinade. Insist fillet under the press. Pork during frying watered the remaining sauce or beer so that it becomes soft and gentle.

Marine from vinegar is replaced with pomegranate juice. Fruit acids split muscle fibers, softening hard meat. And the red fruits give the kebab refined and savory fragrance. In addition to fresh pomegranate juice, you will need a bunch of basil and parsley. In the fruit drink, powder from 4-5 stars cloves are poured. Pork is cut by large pieces and separated into several parts. On the bottom of the bowl put the first portion of meat, they sprinkle onion rings and salt from above. The second layer of pork is seasoned with greens. Parsley alternate with onions. When fillet ends, pomegranate juice is added. There are future kebabs in the cold under the press, so that it is well soaked by marinade.

Dietary marinade is prepared from tomato paste with spices. It will take:

  • coriander;
  • paprika;
  • red pepper;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • dill;
  • black pepper.

Meat, split into pieces, mix in a glass bowl with greens and spices. Dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. Tomato paste distilled or mineral water. Pour the tomatory sauce in fillet, insist the workpiece of 7 hours.

You can quickly soften the hard meat using Kiwi. Green fruits are crushed by a blender. Pork pieces are stirred with onions, sliced \u200b\u200brings, paprika and dried tomatoes. Pasta from Kiwi is poured into a bowl, knead the fillet with their hands. Meat insist from 20 to 30 minutes, it is impossible for a longer, otherwise pork will become too soft, like porridge.

Instead of kiwi, lemons are used. On 2 kg fillets take 3 citrus and as much onion. Fruits and spicy vegetable cut into rings, mixed with flesh. You can add some crushed garlic, finely chopped basil or parsley. Pork is pressed by the press, insist 3-4 hours, mixing periodically. The meat in front of marination is slightly blanched with hammer or fists to soften.

An acidic taste is given tomatoes. Take 4 pieces of pork and 1 part of ripe tomatoes. The pulp is cut into cubes, and vegetables - circles. Tomatoes knead their hands so that they let the juice, then mix with the second component and slightly satisfy. If you want the kebab to be sharp, black, red and fragrant pepper, some paprika and ground ginger root.

Tasty and inexpensive

Marinada with kiwi, grenades and red wine will cost somehow. If you need a budget and savory sauce, it is recommended to try the option with cream. It is suitable home and store, fatness of any. First, the pork is rubbed with a mass of ground onions and garlic. Sleep into a deep bowl, refuel spicy vegetables and cream residues. Skewers are sent to the refrigerator for 6 hours.

Fans of Chinese cuisine will enjoy the Asian version of the marinade. It will take:

  • bundle of fresh cilantro;
  • soy sauce;
  • garlic;
  • rice vinegar;
  • kinse seeds;
  • a bit of vegetable oil.

In the blender grinding greens to homogeneity. Add clove of garlic, 60 ml of honey. Fill 2 tbsp. l. Rice vinegar, 4 pinch seed chips and 10 ml of vegetable oil. Beat the mass and divide into two parts. The first portion of the sauce rolls purified and sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of pork. The second pour kebab. During the night, the meat is imagined and acquired a spicy sour-sweet taste.

  • fresh ginger - 50 g;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • red bulbs;
  • chili pepper - 1 pod;
  • garlic - 6 teeth;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml.

Cut the root of ginger with thin plates, mix with lime slices. Fill products with crushed garlic cloths, finely chopped with red bulbs and rings of sharp peppers. Pour into the container with the components of soy sauce, you can add a pinch of sugar or a little honey for a more piquant taste. Billet stir, fill meat marinade and insist 2 hours.

Pork will acquire a golden shade if kefir and garnet juice will be replaced by ordinary tea. The packaged version is not suitable, only sheet welding. Prepare a sturdy drink without sugar. The invested liquid of a dark brown shade pour meat for 3-4 hours. After tea, you can use vegetable or yoghurt marinade to soften fillets.

To prepare a delicious kebab from old and hard meat, you need to take 0.5 liters of grapefruit juice and mix the liquid with 50 g of casister from the cilantro. The drink is pumped and sissing to taste, soaked in the billet pork for 4-6 hours. The pulp becomes gentle, acquires a light coat of citrus and sour flavor.

Pork, like lamb, as if created for cooking kebabs. Fat layers make meat soft and juicy and without marinada. And special sauces add piquancy and aroma.

Videos: Pork meat kebab picking recipe

Summer is not far off, and therefore, the time of picnics and rest in nature has come. The main acting face is still a kebab! No exit to nature passes without a traditional kebab. There are many recipes, how to choose and cook kebabs. We will tell about this in our article.

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Which to choose marinade for kebab And how much to keep meat in it is, it depends on individual taste preferences, as well as on the degree of rigidity of meat. You should not marine meat with the use of fermented milk products, for example, kefir, if you will take a long time to get to the heat, and do not have a refrigerator bag. It can be dangerous to health. The tougher meat, the longer the time it should marinate. In addition, there are some tricks and secrets cooking kebabs, for example, how to make meat softer with the help of marinade.

Top 15 Best Recipes Marinade Shash

Marinades are suitable for pork, chicken (see how to choose chicken), lambs, beef and turkey.

    Marinade with mayonnaise

    You will need 200 g of any mayonnaise per kilogram of meat, 4 bulbs, spices. Mayonnaise is mixed with all spices to taste. Then they are missing meat.

    Pink marinade (with ketchinosis)

    Preparing from exactly as well as the previous marinade with mayonnaise. Only a small amount of ketchup is added to the mayonnaise, which the entire marine is painted in pink color.

    Marinade with wine

    White wine is mixed with seasonings. Then the mixture was filled with a layer with a bow so that the layer of the bow turned out to be top above. Meat is covered with a plate with a cargo. So the meat is better womens. It is advisable to leave it in the refrigerator until the morning. You can use red dry wine for the preparation of this marinade.

    Marinade with beer

    Here you can experiment. At your request, pick meat in bright or dark beer, with spices.

    Marinade with port and prunes

    You can pick up meat in red porten with spices and sliced \u200b\u200bprunes. While the meat is marked, it is recommended to mix it several times. The taste of such meat is very unusual.

    Marinade with mineral water and lemon

    Excellent marinade is obtained from ordinary mineral water with gas. To the water should add juice of several lemons, spices and pour this meat. Bubbles make meat more loose and gentle.

    Marinade with tomato juice

    Tomato juice is mixed with spices to taste. Meat falls in marinade for 6 hours. Meat is very juicy and gentle. At the same time, it is possible to add pieces of fresh tomatoes to such a marinade, which you can then also ride on the SHAMPOR.

    Marinade with kvass

    To prepare the marinade you will need fresh (non-hatching) kvass. Add salt, pepper, coriander, basil, rosemary to it. Mix and fill it meat.

    Marinade with vinegar

    A teaspoon of vinegar add to 0.5 glasses of water. Add to marinada Crumpled onions on a blender, salt and pepper.

    Marinade with honey and pineapple juice

    For cooking you will need a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of pineapple juice, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste. All ingredients should be mixed and pour the kebab obtained by the mixture.

    Marinade with kiwi

    For marinade, it will take half of one kiwi (no more) approximately one and a half kilograms of meat. Kiwi should be hit on a blender or grate on the grater. You will also need a teaspoon of ground coriander, 0.5 teaspoon of sweet red pepper, 0.5 teaspoon zira, a little acute red pepper. Salt in this marinade do not add at all. All mix and soda the meat obtained.

    Marinade with pomegranate juice

    Pomegranate grains crush, strain the juice. Add to the grenade juice seasoning to taste.

    Marinade with honey and mustard

    Mix in the dishes 2 tablespoons of mustard, 1/4 cup of honey, 1/4 cup of red wine vinegar, 1/4 glasses of olive oil. Leave meat in such a marinade for 3 hours.

    Marinade with tea

    You will need black custard tea. 3 tablespoons of tea pour 300 ml boiling water and insist for 10 minutes. Then strain tea and add 1,5 teaspoons of salt, black pepper, dried dill, and a little soy sauce. In such a marinade, the meat can be kept for about an hour, and then begin the preparation of kebab.

    Marinade with Kefir

    Seasonings are added to the kefir of any fatty, salt. Then the meat falls into the marinade at least 3 hours. Such a marinade is not suitable if you have to go to the place of rest.

You will be useful for information about how to pick up kebabs, what spices are needed, how to fry already pickled kebabs.

How to marinate kebabs

Many do not know how to choose a kebab. It often turns out hard and tasteless, and if it is still to remember it on the fire, it will be impossible at all. Choose for kebabs fresh meat, but not pair. It should be meat of a young animal, without a large fat content. It may also be chilled meat from the store.

  • Try not to buy frozen meat for kebab, since his taste will be completely different.

In addition to meat, we need to be onions. The number of onions is regulated by the taste preferences of a person. There are people who generally tolerate can be onions in any form. In this case, it is better not to add it to the marinade at all or add in small quantities.

  • The onions should be cut into rings so that later it was possible to ride them on the skewer.
  • It should not be large rings, as some think. This testifies only to the illiteracy of the cook or his laziness.
  • Rings must be medium sized, not too thin so that they do not disintegrate, but not fat.
  • You will also need garlic.
  • Cut the cloves of garlic across thin plates, but do not skip it through the press for garlic.

Skewers should be left in the marinade for about 12 hours in the refrigerator. Then the meat will have time to miss, and become quite gentle. If you do not have time, then leave meat in the marinade at room temperature, at least for 3 hours.

Which spices are needed to marine kebab

For the preparation of marinades, you may need various spices: salt, black and red pepper, coriander ground and non-thin, chili, basil, dried garlic, bay leaf, greens fresh or dried, etc. Before cooking marinade, decide what you want meat. Choose one of the kebab recipes you like and prepare it. Do not mix ingredients from different recipes. It may turn out at all what you expect. The stores also sell universal seasonings, which already have the same name "for kebabs".

How to make meat less hard

So that the meat has become softer it can be grateful and chopped in freshly squeezed kiwi and pineapple juices. You can also cook the cashis from the same fruit, but it should be fresh fruits, and not canned. The exquisite taste of meat acquires under the influence of pomegranate juice. Pomegranate should be temporarily strain, strain the juice without seeds and graze meat. Then it will become unusually soft and will melt in the mouth. To soften the meat, it can be chopped in a rubber lemon along with the zest, or in lemon juice. A little soften meat such spices like black pepper and zira. Do not add too much vinegar to the marinade, it can completely drown out the taste of meat, and make it tougher.

How to fry a kebab

Cooking kebab is a very thin, requiring skillful hands. They say that the shies of female hands does not tolerate, but it is not quite so. Women can also prepare a wonderful kebab, although it turned out that it was a purely male.

  • Draw a kebab on the skewers in advance, while the bonfire did not do.
  • It is better to drive meat along the fibers, while the large pieces of meat leave closer to the middle, and smaller pieces - from the edges.
  • Try to pieces of meat did not come into contact too tight with each other. In these places, the meat remains poorly roasted.
  • Starting, alternate pieces of meat, onion rings and bell peppers, tomatoes, lemon.
  • Skewers should be prepared above the coals at a distance of no more than 15 cm.
  • This should not be an open fire by no means, since the meat is only twisted outside, and inside will remain raw.
  • It is also not to be almost cooled coals, since their heat is not enough to break in meat well.
  • If the fire flares up, it is better to push the kebabs or remove them from the fire, or slightly glue it with water.
  • Shampurists must be laid tight towards each other. Thus, there will be less fire, but more smoke that will make your kebab is even tastier.
  • Turn the skewers as meat roaring several times.
  • So that the kebab turned out to be juicy, water from time to time a mixture of water and lemon juice, or the remaining marinade, diluted with water.

How to understand whether meat is ready

  • In order to understand the ready meat or not, pour it with a fork.
  • If the juice is transparent, then meat is ready.
  • If the juice is pink, then the meat was not propheted.
  • If there is no juice, it means that the meat was too dry.

Good kebabs and pleasant stay in nature!