Lemon zest - description with photo; benefits of the product; a recipe on how to make it at home and a recommendation on what to replace if you don’t have it. Grated lemon zest - what is it? What are the beneficial properties of lemon zest for the body?

Experienced housewife will never throw the peel in the trash, because it contains an impressive amount nutrients and vitamins that can be used to promote health.

The benefits and harms of lemon zest lie in its composition, which is rich in fiber, potassium, carotene, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and beta-carotene. The peel of the fruit can be successfully used to prevent osteoporosis and relieve inflammatory process with polyarthritis. In addition, the benefits of lemon peel are known, as a product that can neutralize toxic compounds - carcinogens accumulated in the body.

Regular addition of the peel to food can slow down the development of malignant tumors, in addition, it has antimicrobial properties. IN folk recipes The benefits of lemon peel are widely used in the fight against bacterial and fungal infections, in the treatment of anemia, and in the prevention of thrombosis.

The peel contains vitamin C, which means it helps in treatment respiratory diseases. It contains vitamin P, which protects blood vessels from fragility and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart. And thanks to the presence of essential oils in its composition, it improves mood and has a tonic effect. It is recommended to chew it for sore throats, especially sore throats. In addition, the benefits of lemon zest include its ability to: cleanse the liver, improve blood circulation, neutralize ear infections, make capillaries elastic, and prevent varicose veins.

Due to the presence of citric acid in the product, lemon zest may be harmful for those who suffer from indigestion. It should not be used for ulcers, gastritis or enteritis. In addition, lemon zest is quite often harmful for allergy sufferers. It can trigger the appearance of hives.

If a person suffers increased acidity, he should refrain from eating the peel. In addition, if you overeat, there is harm to lemon zest, which is expressed in the appearance of heartburn or nausea.

Orange zest is the peel of a citrus fruit that has a bright Orange color And rich aroma. It is used mainly to add an original flavor to desserts or baked goods, as well as for the preparation of alcoholic beverages and meat.

Orange as an independent crop appeared in China two thousand years BC, after which the plant was brought to Europe. To grow oranges, special buildings were built, which were called greenhouses, and the trees bore best only in tropical and subtropical climates. These fruits have always been eaten, and the use of their peel was first thought of in France.

The orange peel contains small holes that contain essential oil, which provides the fruit with its characteristic aroma. The taste of the zest is bittersweet, sometimes even cloying.

On this moment you can easily find ready-made dried zest orange in the store. However, it will be much nicer and healthier to cook it yourself. To do this you will need to buy fresh fragrant oranges, and also take advantage of our recommendations that you will find in this article.

How to do it at home?

Making orange zest at home with your own efforts is very simple. Stock up required quantity oranges, wash the citrus fruits thoroughly in running water and dry with a clean cloth.

You can remove the zest with a special object for peeling vegetables, and if you don’t have one on hand, you can use a regular grater or knife. During cooking aromatic seasoning Consider the fact that the white layer under the peel has a very bitter taste. It is important that it does not remain on the zest, since the dish to which you add it will be bitter.

Carefully remove the zest and, if necessary, chop it additionally with a knife. Then it needs to be dried properly. This is done as follows:

  • After chopping the peel, take a wide tray and line it with parchment paper.
  • Place a thin layer of orange zest on the tray, distributing it evenly over the entire surface.
  • Leave the tray in a dry, well-ventilated area. If all drying rules are followed, the zest will be ready after two to three days.

If you select ripe and quality orange, then after the peel dries, its color will remain as bright, and the aroma will become even richer than in fresh.If you accidentally cut off the zest along with the white layer, it may become covered with brownish spots.

Use in cooking

Orange zest is used in cooking as a flavorful addition to baked goods or desserts. It is also added to meat or fish, and flavored dishes are made from it. alcoholic drinks, as well as jams and confitures.

The combination of orange zest with baked goods such as muffins, cookies, Easter cakes, pies, muffins, cakes, buns and puddings will be very successful. But this is far from the limit, since liqueurs, tinctures, as well as beer and moonshine are made from it. Ready-made drinks with citrus zest will have a pleasant orange aroma and subtle taste.

Orange zest is added to casseroles and biscuits, and it is also used to make cake filling by adding the crushed product to the cream.

If you like tea or coffee, orange zest added to these drinks will give them delicious aroma, and will also enhance their tonic properties.

Another dessert that can be prepared using dried citrus peel, is jam or jam. At the same time, you can also use lemon or grapefruit zest, creating a citrus mix that will only improve the taste of the treat. At the same time, do not forget that the taste of such a delicacy directly depends on how correctly you cut the peel, since the white layer under the zest can ruin the taste of the jam.

You can use orange zest to make more than just sweet treats. So, the additive is often added to meat. Chicken baked in the oven is especially tasty, sprinkled with orange zest and sometimes lemon zest. But you can not add the preparation directly to the meat, but make a sauce based on it, which will highlight the taste of the meat and give it a citrus aroma.

Finally, the use of zest is not limited to cooking! Often enterprising housewives prepare aromatic soaps from it, as well as body and face scrubs. Essential oils contained in orange peel help strengthen the skin, tone it and improve blood circulation.

Harm and beneficial properties of orange peel

Any product that is consumed by a person can bring benefit, as well as harm. The beneficial properties of orange peel are due to its high content of essential oils, as well as a large amount of vitamins and microelements. It is useful not only to consume it internally, but also to make all kinds of masks and scrubs for skin, hair and nails. Here is a partial list of the main beneficial properties of orange zest:

  • Hesperidin, contained in the peel, absorbs lipids contained in the blood, resulting in accelerated fat burning and removal from the body. An interesting fact is that the pulp of an orange contains much less of this substance than its peel, so by including citrus zest in your diet, you can easily control excess weight.
  • Orange peel also contains pectin. Thanks to it, you can avoid many problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dried orange peel added to dishes also helps maintain necessary for the body blood sugar level.
  • High content in the zest of vitamin C helps prevent arthritis and arthrosis, and also supplies the body with calcium, thereby increasing bone strength.
  • Orange peel contains a large number of antioxidants, which can prevent the occurrence and development of cancer cells.
  • The product has a choleretic effect, so it helps relieve the liver of excess stress and cleanse the body.

This is far from full list beneficial properties of orange zest. It can be ground to a powder to add to dishes as a seasoning, or you can simply cut it into small pieces to prepare various infusions and confitures.

Exists great recipe preparations useful infusion, which will help cleanse the body, restore strength and tone the body. To prepare it, you need to boil a glass of water, add two teaspoons of chopped zest to it and leave to boil for ten minutes. After this, remove the broth from the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for at least five minutes. When it cools down a little, you can take it orally before meals.

Orange zest is not only flavor additive for your baked goods and desserts, but also a delicious remedy that will help prevent and cure certain diseases. But the harm this product can also cause. This happens if a person is allergic to citrus fruits, or if the zest is abused. It is also not recommended to use it for people who are susceptible to frequent intestinal disorders or suffer from ulcers or gastritis.

Thus, if you use orange peel correctly, you will be able to feel it on yourself positive influence, and also make your dishes more tasty and aromatic.

Everyone knows how useful lemon zest is in cooking. But there are many more possible applications lemon peel. Today we will talk about how it can be useful in the household. It turns out that you can do a lot with lemon peel while avoiding the use of harmful chemicals.

In fact, lemon is most often of all citrus fruits is used in gastronomic, medicinal and for cosmetic purposes. The high content of vitamin C, antioxidants and essential oils in lemon helps us to be healthy and beautiful.

But here's the crust! This is the part of the lemon that we usually throw away... But the lemon peel contains 10 times more vitamins than the juice, and contains many minerals and fiber.

Lemon peel also contains essential oils, citric acid and other important compounds that we will learn to use to maintain our health and beauty, as well as cleanliness in the house.

1. Cleansing tea
Vitamin C and pectin, which are contained in lemon peel, are very useful for the proper functioning of the liver, intestines and kidneys.

Active compounds help eliminate toxins and create a protective barrier against negative impact free radicals.

+ peel of 2 lemons,
+ 1 liter of water.

How to cook:
+ pour water over the lemon peel, bring to a boil, reduce heat and leave for another 15 minutes,
+ cool the drink and drink it 3 times a day.

2. Flavored vegetable oil
To add extra flavor to your salads, soups and other dishes, prepare vegetable oil flavored with grated lemon zest.

+ peel of 2 lemons,
+ bottle of olive oil.

How to cook:
+ grate the lemon peel and add it to the bottle with olive oil,
+ let the oil sit for a couple of days and use it for cooking.

3. Air freshener
Strong citrus scent ideal for removing unpleasant odor V different corners dwellings.

+ peel of 2 lemons,
+ ½ liters of water,
+ rosemary - 3 sprigs fresh or dried, or 20 drops of rosemary essential oil,
+ 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (5 ml).

How to cook:
+ fill in lemon peels and rosemary with water and boil them for 10 minutes,
+ add vanilla and cook for another 5 minutes.

If you are using essential oil, boil only the lemon peels and add the oil after the infusion has cooled completely.

Pour the prepared infusion into the liquid with a spray bottle and spray it in the right places. The effect is very good!

4. Composition for softening the skin on elbows and heels
Elbows and heels are areas where the skin dries out very easily and quickly due to the lack of sebaceous glands there. The elbows may become dark and the heels may become yellow and cracked. To reduce dark spots on your elbows and get rid of dead skin, use lemon peels and baking soda.


+ 6 drops lemon juice,
+ 1 teaspoon baking soda(5 g).

How to prepare and use:
+ mix all ingredients thick paste and apply it to the desired areas of the skin,
+ do a light massage, keep the paste on the skin for another 5 minutes,
+ rinse with warm water,
+ after this procedure, avoid exposure to direct sunlight!

5. Microwave cleaner
Lemon's unique aromatic and sanitizing properties are great for removing dirt, odors, and grease in the microwave.

+ peel of 2 lemons,
+ 1 glass of water (200 ml).

+ cut the peel into small pieces, pour a glass of water and place in microwave oven,
+ heat for 30 seconds at maximum power,
+ remove dirt with a dry soft cloth,
+ repeat the procedure if necessary.

6. Nail bleach
If you notice that your nails have become yellowish and weak, then you can add some grated lemon zest to your clear polish or manicure base. Or you can rub fresh zest directly into the nail plate before painting.

+ zest of 1 lemon,
+ transparent varnish - 1 bottle.

How to use:
+ grate the lemon zest and add to the bottle of varnish,
+ apply nail polish as usual.

Alternative method: Rub the white side of the peel on your nail plates 2 times a day.

7. Acne treatment
The astringent properties of lemon peel and its antibacterial properties make it possible to perfectly clean pores, remove blackheads and get rid of oily shine.

+ 2 tablespoons grated lemon zest (20 g),
+ 1 teaspoon sugar (5 g),
+ 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice (20 ml).

How to use:
+ mix lemon zest, sugar and cucumber juice to a smooth paste,
+ apply to face and leave for 15 minutes,
+ Rub the skin lightly in a circular motion, then rinse with cold water.

As you can see, you definitely shouldn’t throw away lemon peels - they can actually come in handy!

Lemon peel is widely used in Western countries and Europe during cooking as a flavor and aroma enhancer for various cakes, cookies, pastries, pies and others. confectionery. It is also used to flavor various cocktails, in the preparation of jams and marmalade to give fresh aroma citrus fruits. When adding lemon peel to food, it is important to know what effect it has on our body and its beneficial properties. This outer covering of the lemon is best peeled off with a paring knife, as this will avoid cutting off the white pith of the peel, which has an unpleasant bitter taste and can ruin the taste of the food.

Beneficial properties of lemon peel

Despite wide application lemon peel, not many of us know about the many beneficial properties of this product, including:

Colon Cancer Protection

The peels of citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges are known for their powerful anti-cancer activity as they are rich in flavonoids, especially citrus polymethoxy flavones, which are effective in inhibiting tumor formation in the intestines. Lemon peel is rich in diosmin and hesperidin, which also prevent the formation of cancer in the colon.

Protection against prostate cancer

Research shows that a mixture containing lemon peel is effective in reducing the size of prostate tumors and preventing metastasis (the ability of cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body and develop there, affecting nearby organs and tissues), and also induces apoptosis (self-destruction of cells).

Skin Cancer Protection

Lemon peel is rich in a substance called limonene, a colorless substance present in the peel of citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, etc. Limonene is found in large quantities in the essential oil of lemon, which is precisely squeezed from its peel. It has been found that limonene is able to protect the human body from the development of skin cancer.

Lemon peel for weight loss

Although there are many Indian products promoting weight loss, lemon peel is known to be rich in polyphenols, which help in the fight against extra pounds. Lemon peel is also known to help curb the accumulation of fat in the body and prevent hyperlipidemia ( excess quantity fat in the liver).

May improve insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body's cells do not respond to the action of the hormone insulin, resulting in high blood sugar levels and a condition called prediabetes. diabetes mellitus). Lemon peel is rich in polyphenols, which help in improving this condition by inhibiting the accumulation of fat in the belly area.

Blood Sugar Control

Lemon peel is rich in flavonol glycosides such as naringin and hesperidin, both of which play an important role in preventing hyperglycemia. Its consumption helps to effectively control blood sugar levels by breaking down glucose in the liver, increasing the concentration of glycogen and reducing the formation of new glucose molecules in the liver. Along with lemon zest, there is another product with similar properties that effectively helps control blood sugar levels. It is called Amla or Indian gooseberry, which can also be used to keep diabetes under control.

Reduces the risk of developing heart disease

Lemon peel also contains high amounts of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C helps in eliminating free radicals from the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of damage to the artery walls and blood vessels caused by these highly reactive particles, thereby preventing the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease.

How to use lemon peel

Lemon peel - candied lemon peel in sugar
  • Lemon peel can be added as a flavor enhancing ingredient to cakes and pies. You can clean up a little lemon zest and add to the dough just before baking. You can also add lemon zest to cake frosting to give it a tangy flavor.
  • Lemon peel can be consumed candied, which will give you the opportunity to enjoy special taste and the aroma of it the most useful product. Just boil some lemon zest hot water to reduce bitterness and add it to another bowl with hot water and sugar. Simmer over low heat until the skin becomes soft. Sprinkle it a small amount sugar and let it dry for a day or two. You can eat these candied fruits from lemon peels whenever you have a need to chew something sweet or you can add them to cottage cheese, resulting in a delicious curd mass.
  • Add dry lemon zest powder to your spice mixture that you usually add to your food. Alternatively, you can use this dry powder as a seasoning for fish and meat. To make lemon peel powder, dry the zest for two days or so, then grind it into a fine powder and store it in a clean container.

Lemon peel is very beneficial for health and regular use you can prevent the development of some of the diseases described above. It is also known that consuming this product brings great benefit hair and skin. The high content of vitamin C in lemon and lemon peel can effectively combat many skin and hair problems, which you can learn about here –